Living room in gold tones - elegant living room design in gold color (60 photos). Golden interior: rules for use in the design of the living room, bedroom and kitchen (115 photos) Interior of the hall in golden tones

It's easy to add royal chic to your room. Gold wallpaper will help bring an atmosphere of luxury, prosperity and prosperity into the interior.


The golden color is associated with sunlight, warmth, joy. In the interior, it also evokes the luxury of gold, wealth and prosperity.

The noble metallic shade stimulates activity and determination, inspires confidence and calm. The design of a room with such wallpaper makes an impression elite, expensive and unique.

The golden palette is complex and multifaceted - it includes muted light yellow, rich amber, and dark bronze shades. The characteristic shine of the surface attracts attention and fascinates. Wallpaper changes depending on the lighting appearance- from light shimmer to radiant shimmer.

Shiny canvases reflect light, which visually enlarges the room, making it brighter and more comfortable. The feeling of spaciousness allows the golden hue to look equally beautiful in both large living rooms and miniature bedrooms.

Golden wallpaper fits especially effectively into a classic setting. However, the variety of design options allows you to decorate rooms of almost any style with such canvases.


The appearance of golden wallpaper may vary depending on the interior:

  • The classic style involves elegant gold ornaments (medallions and damasks) on a white, beige, blue, burgundy or green background.
  • Wallpaper in the Art Deco style can have similar patterns, but in this case the contrast is much more pronounced. Black and brown colors are usually used as the main background here.

  • Modern welcomes plain wallpaper with embossing. Modern gold prints on a white background and options with a 3D optical effect are also acceptable. Geometric shapes, stripes, floral patterns - the choice of models is very wide.
  • Minimalism and hi-tech styles are characterized by smooth textures.

Rules for using a golden hue

Gilding in the interior is good only in moderation. The predominance of golden tones weighs down the decor and makes it tasteless. The optimal amount of shiny shade, on the contrary, gives the interior elegance and fills the room with light. The best ratio is 1/3.

This can be achieved by choosing wallpaper with a discreet gold pattern or asymmetrical wall design (placing accents on individual areas).

Don't get carried away with gold accessories. Even in a Baroque interior, you should not combine such wallpaper with gilded furniture parts, chandeliers and other decorative elements (or do this extremely carefully, observing the measure).

Also, do not forget about the unity of style, the combination of wallpaper design with furniture, curtains and other components of a harmonious environment.

Golden color in different rooms


This room is intended for relaxation. Shimmering gold wallpaper will help turn your bedroom into a fabulous, sophisticated apartment. In such an environment, you can enjoy your sleep, feeling like a royal person.

Here, light colors and prints with a subtle shine are preferred. Bright lights are not suitable here, as they will interfere with relaxation. The same goes for contrasting tones, which are inappropriate here.

Typically one of two finishing options is used. The first is to highlight the wall above the head of the bed in gold. The other walls of the room are decorated with plain white, beige or cream wallpaper. The second design option allows covering all walls light wallpaper with golden print.

Living room

In the living room, luxurious wallpaper with a golden sheen would be very appropriate. They will create a festive atmosphere for receiving guests and will speak about the aristocratic taste of the owners of the house.

Here you can focus on elegance and even a little pomp. Effective contrasts are acceptable. Solid wood furniture in dark colors is perfect for this.

Wallpaper can be either completely gold or have a base color with a gold print. The background can be either neutral light tones or dark shades. The choice depends only on the size of the room and personal taste. In a spacious room, the color of the wallpaper can be any. If the room is not large in size, it is better to opt for a light color scheme.

In the living room, gold can be present not only on the walls, but also in other elements. These could be vases, furniture fittings, lamps, and so on. The main thing is to remember balance and maintain moderation.


Golden gloss in the kitchen - not quite good decision. After all, many shiny details are already used in the design of this room. However, if you really want to add a little glamor to your interior, you can choose golden matte wallpaper with a discreet pattern. This will give the space depth and a special mood.


The entrance area is the first thing that guests of your home see. It sees off and greets the owners themselves every day. Gold wallpaper will captivate you at first sight, enchant you with its brilliance, and make you want to come back.

Here it is only important to take into account the size of the room. IN small corridor It is better to choose wallpaper that is not too shiny and does not have a pronounced pattern. A large print would also be appropriate in a spacious hallway.

Also, do not forget about practicality. In the hallway, as in the kitchen, washable wallpaper is the best choice. They are easy to keep clean, because a flawless appearance in a golden interior is especially important.

Combination with other shades

To visually expand the room and add light to it, you need to pay attention to light colors. White, cream, milky, peach, and beige colors go well with gold. This combination makes the interior light and elegant. This applies to the wallpaper itself (for example, a golden print on a white or beige background) and to interior items.

Snow-white furniture, as well as natural light shades of wood (“ bleached oak"and others), sofas, armchairs, poufs with light upholstery.

The luxurious duo creates a combination of gold and brown colors. Can be matched to gold wallpaper beautiful furniture V brown shades, or you can decorate the walls with wallpaper chocolate color with golden print.

The first option is ideal for small rooms. It allows you to visually increase the area of ​​the room and effectively place accents. The second option will make the room shockingly luxurious. Typically this technique is used in the art deco style.

Another equally spectacular option is a combination of gold and black. This interior looks stylish and expensive, but it is important to maintain a balance here. Colors should either be used in equal proportions, or there should be less black than gold.

The combination of a golden hue with deep blue is suitable for decorating living rooms in a classic style. This combination looks elegant and noble, emphasizing the luxury of gold details. The combination of gilding and pale blue is suitable for furnishings in the Provence style.

Burgundy is another classic shade. It makes the room respectable and creates a mood of solemnity. However, due to the richness of the color, it is recommended to use it in moderation, diluting the interior with other colors.

Golden color is rarely combined with green. For classic interiors in this case, calm, dim shades are suitable. Dark green creates a solid interior, pistachio looks gentle and romantic.

Gold and turquoise – bright option for modern styles. You can also use gray color. This will add severity to the atmosphere and balance the brightness of the gilding.

How to choose curtains?

When choosing a curtain design, you need to focus on the style of the room. As for the material, it must be dense. Light translucent curtains will conflict with the design theme and look out of place.

Tulle is acceptable here, but only in combination with night curtains. At the same time, it must be white, plain and not too lush.

To avoid such mistakes, but to create an effective and stylish interior, attracting attention, see photos of golden wallpaper in the interior of different rooms. Examples of ready-made design options will help you see how unusual this shade can be perceived.

In this article you will learn about many features of creating luxury design using gold-plated wall coverings, and you can also find out what color of curtains will go with golden wallpaper.

Features of using shade

To understand all the intricacies of using golden wallpaper in design, you should delve into the features of this shade. Golden tone refers to a warm color scheme: thanks to the mixture of yellow, sand and other soft shades, this type of wallpaper emphasized home warmth and comfort.

Thanks to the iridescence on the surface of the wallpaper, you can achieve the reflection of sunlight, and your room will always be filled with bright light.

With the help of golden wallpaper for walls, you can achieve many interesting effects in the interior: highlight accents, emphasize an unusual layout, divide a room into zones, or hide imperfections and unevenness of the walls.

But the positive effect of using such wallpaper is only possible if you do not overdo it with golden shades and choose the right color scheme other interior details.

Remember! Experts advise using gold tones in the interior in a ratio of 1:3. Choose a harmonious shade that will not mask the advantages of gilding - and make it the background in the space.

The following rules will help you create a harmonious and homely cozy design your room:

Although this shade does not have many incarnations, wallpaper of this type can be different. Plain glossy wallpaper is best used on only one wall: it will form an accent and lengthen the room.

Wallpaper with gold glitter is suitable as separate inserts on the walls, and will also fit harmoniously into niches, ledges, fireplace or balcony areas.

Advice: You can emphasize the sophistication and lightness of your bedroom design by using gold wallpaper in shade. These tones can be present not only on the walls, but also in pieces of furniture, so that the interior is perceived as holistic and harmonious.

If you plan to use a golden hue on other walls, choose wallpaper without a flashy pattern. For example, opposite the bed you can hang wallpaper with a relief texture, made in warm colors with gilded elements.

Golden wallpaper in the bedroom will not disturb the dimensions of the space: at making the right choice colors and themes they will suit interiors of any size.

With the help of golden accents, you can distinguish several zones in a room: this principle is often used in children's bedrooms to distinguish between a play area and a relaxation area.

For girls, choose wallpapers with soft and delicate background shades (pink, beige, lavender), and for boys - with brighter and richer tones (green, blue, etc.).

Living room design options

A living room with golden wallpaper always looks solemn and interesting. In such an interior, golden accents will emphasize the aristocracy and richness of the design.

Furniture for a living room with golden walls is selected depending on your own preferences: if you want to emphasize the lightness and sophistication of the room, use light colors of furniture, and to maintain rigor and dimension, choose dark options.

Among the styles in such a living room, the most common are classic and modern. If in vintage designs such wallpaper can be present around the entire perimeter of the room, then in modern living rooms it is better to highlight separate walls, for example, by designing an area near the sofa or TV.

Kitchen wall decoration

Wallpaper is rarely used in the kitchen, and coatings with gilded elements are even more so. The choice in favor of such wallpaper is made only if if the interior is created with notes of solemnity and aristocracy.

A characteristic feature of golden coatings in the kitchen is their versatility: depending on the layout and style, both plain coverings and golden wallpaper with a pattern will fit here.

To delimit space, you can combine several patterned compositions that are combined with each other.

The furniture and fittings in such a kitchen can be both antique and modern, and have any shape and design.

Hallway in gold color

Gold color is suitable for decorating a hallway, but only if there is enough lighting in the room. By reflecting light, wallpaper will help expand a small space..

To prevent such a room from looking too gloomy, use wallpaper in light shades or choose furniture in matching colors.

Since the entrance hall and corridor are the first rooms that catch your eye when entering an apartment, the style of such interiors should match the design of the remaining rooms.

Golden wallpaper in the hallway will emphasize the antique and sophisticated style.

Criteria for choosing curtains

What curtains will go with golden wallpaper? Because the the main role Wallpaper of this type is to attract attention; curtains should not pull it over. Therefore, it is better to focus on light shades: beige, white, soft gray or yellow.

Curtains for golden wallpaper can be dark. It is advisable to choose heavy and dense textiles, since airy fabrics may conflict with the design theme.

Interesting combinations in a golden interior can be created using curtains in olive, brown, and chocolate tones.

Advice. If you cannot find a harmonious color of curtains to match the golden wallpaper, repeat the shade used in the patterns.

Wallpaper with gilded elements personifies prosperity, luxury and sophistication, so interiors decorated in this style will always be perceived as solemn and cheerful. If you don’t know how to fill a room with light, such wallpaper will be the best option, and in combination with other shades it will help create a truly cozy environment.

Visitors to the Design Museum resource in this article will be invited to consider several works with color combinations of black and yellow, taken to create an elegant style and for the purpose of strong visual impact. Here the classic color duo is taken to the next level new level when replaced various shades yellow to the dazzling charm of gold.

Black and gold is a combination that dates back to Ancient Egypt, Constantinople and Rome. Of course, the pharaohs and Roman emperors used natural gold, and in order to save money, we use paint, wallpaper, and decorated tiles in interior decoration, which will give an equally impressive effect.

The black and gold blend combines sophistication with timeless beauty, elevating the opulence of the setting. This duet can be used in different styles, ranging from modern to vintage and Victorian. Today's 15 captivating designs will try to teach you how to use a glamorous pair of colors to create an unbeatable atmosphere.

Sophisticated living and dining area

It's tempting to stay away from using very light and very dark colors in the living room, using a neutral background that allows you to switch between fashionable accents with the change of seasons. But let's look at those who have chosen a bold path to create a stunning, stylish living space, revealing deep black, taking gold as a shade.

Modern living and dining rooms in black look great with gold accents such as lamps and furniture. Lighting plays a very important role, you can use environment and directional lighting to transform the room into a trendy indoor salon.

Zebra print rug, black background with gold accents

Stunning dining room in black with hints of gold

Gold colored ceiling adds luxury to the living room

Black and gold combined with beige

Luxury gold wall sconces on black wall background

Return to glamour

Are you bored in bedrooms that seem boring? How about adding black and lots of gold to achieve that glam effect? The transition to a completely black background is not always the best choice, as most homeowners want a more relaxed and fun atmosphere.

Instead, you can use dark shades of gray or even purple in the space, where black throws and pillows can become a bold accent.

Another smart approach is to choose a golden shade of paint that will dry matte, giving your bedroom a nice and inviting look. As always, they will be here lighting, bedside tables, curtains and bed linen, with which you can change the appearance of the bedroom.

Walls with gold wallpaper and black decor

Asian style bedroom

Subtle use of black, gold and gray

Matte gold color is back in trend

Modern black

Although gold and black may not be the main combination in the living room or bedroom, but a design using these colors in a modern bathroom can turn anyone's head. A dark bathroom evokes images of affluence, with gold being the icing on the cake.

Sinks, faucets and other sanitary accessories with a golden hue are quite easy to find, they look appropriate even in the most modern conditions. Retro cabinets and art deco style furniture are becoming a trend in 2015. Now is the time to transform an old white and blue bathroom into a dark, glamorous sitting area.

Glittery onyx bathroom lighting adds chic to a dark space

Red marble on the walls combined with gold adds an element of luxury

Classic design

Gold color is the color of luxury, wealth, power and greatness, a symbol of ancient gold. For the Egyptians, the golden color was associated with the main sun god Ra, the Greeks saw it as a sign of immortality, in India the golden color meant truth, and for the Chinese it symbolized intelligence and enlightenment.

Many owners of houses and apartments prefer not to use gold color to decorate their interiors; they avoid accessories and interior items in gold color, furniture in gold tones and shades, because they believe that gold color is a relic of the past that has long gone out of fashion.

However, today the team Stylingroom will try to convince you that the correct, competent use of gold color in the interior of a house or apartment, in compliance with the basic rules and advice of designers, will make any room, almost any style unusual, elegant, fashionable and stylish.

Let's look at the main design rules the use of shades and tones of golden color in the interior of a house or apartment.

Moderation in the use of gold color

The most important rule is moderation, since excessive use of gold color, gilded objects and accessories will make your room too pompous, pretentious, tasteless and boastful. So know when to stop and don’t overdo it!

It is best to use gold color in the smallest details and accessories, even one small gilded piece of furniture will change the atmosphere of the room beyond recognition.

In order not to turn an apartment or house into a palace, the golden color must be used in appropriate proportions - no more than one to three.

In the photo below we see the Christmas decoration of the house with festive accessories and decorative elements: gilded pillows, golden balls on an artificial Christmas tree, a gilded lamp and a wreath can create a cheerful, upbeat, festive mood in any room.

Gold color is a combination of two other sunny, warm colors: yellow and orange. However, through the prism of these two primary colors, the shade of gold is very rarely noticeable. Moderate use in the interior of the living room, dining room,, bedroom, home office, library and other rooms of a house or apartment, gold color and matte gilded surfaces will give the rooms, as well as accessories and furnishings, an exquisite touch of wealth and aristocratic nobility.

In the next photo we see another one clear example competent and moderate use of gold in the interior: the white cabinet in the retro-style living room is complemented by gilded handles, and bottom surface The cabinet is painted matte gold.

A fashionable, stylish gilded wardrobe is perfect to complement a room in a retro, classic or eclectic styles. The spacious, deep drawers will accommodate books, CDs and other items and accessories.

The designers of the DIY company complemented the abstract picture in the following photo with moderate accents of gold color, for which the designers used ordinary gold-plated foil!

Multi-colored abstraction with gold accents has become a real decoration of the spacious living room country house, the golden elements of the picture go perfectly with the matte golden figurine Eiffel Tower, and glass vase with gilding.

Combination of gold with other colors

Golden color is warm color, which is best combined with other warm shades and tones:

  • Chocolate.
  • Green.
  • Blue.
  • Persikov.
  • Turquoise.
  • Purple.
  • Red.
  • Pink.

Gold also goes well with black, as well as light, neutral tones and shades such as white, beige, gray, and ivory.

So, in the photo below we see an example of a successful combination of gold color with warm pink and peach flowers. Stylish, soft pillows with gold leaf from Caitlin Wilson Textiles look good in combination with pink sofa and peach fabric chairs in the living room, in addition to the golden shades of the pillows, the designers used matte gilded picture frames and gilded wall decorations dark shades of gold.

Here's another example good combination golden color with another warm color - green. Designers painted an old retro-style desk bright green color, the designers painted the legs and handles of the drawer gold.

The table turned out to be very stylish and unusual! A stylish green table with gilded legs and drawer handles is perfect for arranging a small home office for the owner of the house.

Stylish and fashionable accessories, and decorative items to decorate your home can be quickly and easily made with your own hands!

Thus, the designers of the Caitlin Wilson Textiles company, using ordinary acorns and gold paint, created unusual and original jewelry, which can be placed in a vase or simply laid out on dining table, desktop, cabinets and bedside tables. If desired, you can tie gold threads to the stem of the acorns and hang them on your Christmas tree.

Excellent and unusual design solution, which will not leave your guests indifferent!

In the next photo, the designers used not only gold paint to paint the acorns, but also red and brown, since warm shades of red and brown go well with golden tones and shades.

Gold wallpaper with an unusual pattern is perfect for the walls of the living room, dining room, home office, library and other rooms in a house or apartment. Black and gold wallpaper looks very stylish, elegant and original.

Stylish and unusual gold accessories and interior items

If you like furniture, interior items, and accessories with gilding, then opt not for bright, golden and shiny tones and shades of gold, which can look too pretentious and tasteless, but for “aged,” matte, dark gold. Accessories with gold plating - picture frames, figurines, flower pots, stands, vases will make the rooms of your home luxurious and elegant.

In the next photo we see stylish designer stands for cocktail glasses with gold elements, which are perfect for decorating a cocktail party or get-togethers with friends.

You can quickly and easily make painted coasters for glasses with your own hands, for which you will need black and gold paint, brushes and, of course, ordinary wooden coasters. You can not only make stripes on the stands, but also decorate them with any interesting drawings, patterns and ornaments that will make them truly unique and unusual.

In the next photo we see a stylish living room with luxurious wallpaper from the design company Flavor Paper. Stylish blue and gold wallpaper does not look pretentious, tasteless or pompous at all. The decoration of the room is golden pineapples and oranges, which you can also make yourself, you only need a few unnecessary fruits and a can of gold paint.

The following photo is provided unusual pots for flowers from a DIY company, which you can also make yourself. Gold color goes well with green, rich colors of plants and flowers, as well as with black, white and purple pots.

Gilded flower pots are great for decorating any room in your home or apartment.

And here’s another idea that you can also implement yourself: stylish glasses and vases with gilding. When decorating glasses with gold, be careful and paint only the outer surface!

In vases with gilding you can put fresh or artificial flowers, put forks, spoons, stationery, use them as soon as you please!

As mentioned earlier, golden pillows are great idea to give the living room of your home or apartment a luxurious, sophisticated appearance.

The golden color goes well with materials such as natural wood, it is best to use dark shades of wood in the interior.

Even the simplest interior can be enlivened. The best option- competent use of gold decoration. This color is always associated with well-being, prosperity and luxury. Even a slight use of this shade will transform the room into a royal apartment that will delight guests. What should you pay attention to? What colors does it go with? Find out further from our article.

What colors does gold go with?

Golden color goes well with warm tones - chocolate, brown, red and its tones. Modern styles High-tech, modern, fusion use bright golden accents, so a bolder combination is acceptable for them. Silver, yellow, orange, green, turquoise, coral and pink tones are especially popular. Gold and black are a beautiful, catchy and aristocratic combination.

Gold is the color of wealth and beauty

The most optimal solution- reliance on a classical base. In combination with such a bright sunny color, a shade should be used that takes up about 50% of the space in the interior. These are white beige tones, endowed with the ability to highlight the extravagance of the golden color.

Combination of shades Peculiarities
Gold + red, burgundy, marsala, purple It is better to choose muted tones of red rather than “poisonous” ones to avoid the heaviness and gloom of the room. It would also look good to introduce white and beige colour
Gold + brown and its shades An excellent combination with both light shades (beige, cream) and dark shades (coffee, chocolate). The room will be cozy and warm
Gold + green, mint, turquoise Cool turquoise and gold are wonderful partners. Will give harmony to such a tandem White color(you can use cream)
Gold - black This tandem is especially popular among modern designers. Unexpected decision will help change the interior beyond recognition. You can dilute it with an abundance of white or minor splashes of it - in any case it will look elegant

By choosing the right combination of shades, you will be able to achieve an amazing result and create an inimitable style.

What should you pay attention to?

Wall decoration with gold can be done in different ways.

A simple finishing solution - wallpapering

But it is not necessary to cover the walls in the room with wallpaper. There are other options, for example, plasterboard tiles with pollination, tiles with a “stone” finish.

You don’t have to cover the entire room with golden wallpaper, but rather focus on a specific detail. This will give the room rigor and proportionality.

Whatever the design of the room, gold should occupy no more than 1/3 of the space. Otherwise the room will look pretentious.

When decorating walls with gold, you need to remember some features:

  • When planning to decorate a large room, it is best to do bright accent using paintings, mirrors in gold frames on the walls.
  • If the walls of the room are made in golden shades, then all other details should be neutral tones.
  • It is better to choose furniture for such a room in white or gray, curtains are plain and have a minimum number of details.
  • Warm gold can visually make a room smaller, so this shade should not be used in small rooms.
  • When deciding on the choice of “golden” wallpaper, it is better to focus on options with strict geometric patterns or vertical lines. Monograms will look pompous, and hieroglyphs are more from a series of oriental motifs.
  • A combination of glossy and matte textures of gold tones should be avoided.


An excess of gold can ruin the interior, so you need to use this shade for walls carefully.


Golden-colored curtains can harmoniously fit into any interior style: classic, baroque, empire, art deco, modern, fusion, oriental styles. They look especially organic in monochrome decorations.

The gold color is very capricious. To avoid its oversaturation, you can choose curtains of other shades with gilded patterns, monograms or threads.

Home textiles will be an excellent complement to golden curtains. These can be pillowcases, bedspreads, tablecloths, napkins with similar images or elements.


Plain gold canvases do not require any additions, since they themselves absorb space.

A great addition - home textiles

To create a single, complete ensemble, picture and mirror frames, candlesticks, figurines, and gilded carvings on pieces of furniture are suitable.

Gold curtains can be used in any room, but they will look especially good in the living room. An additional effect can be achieved due to the “flowing” light fabric against a background of peach and chocolate tones.

Essential elements

Using small details decorated with gold, it is possible to focus attention on the true value of this noble metal. A sense of restraint is especially important here. There are many nuances in creating such an interior. They cannot be ignored:

  • modern gold wallpaper with floral patterns is an indicator of style and fashion. Possessing lightness and weightlessness, they will not look pretentious;
  • textiles with gold splashes will look organic in any interior. You can choose furniture upholstery with golden shades, pillows, bedspreads, figurines, lamps, etc.;
  • usage wooden furniture with gilding fits harmoniously into the classics of the modern design world. The peak of popularity is considered to be a shiny metal of a muted shade, close to dark;
  • Chandeliers decorated with golden glass beads hanging in the form of threads have not lost their relevance either. Gold-plated lamps will make any room warmer and brighter. The main thing is that they match the color scheme;
  • a mirror is the most interesting and multifunctional design element, and if it is also framed in gold, then it can be used to successfully complement the interior. Goes well with any furniture;
  • Photos and paintings framed in gold will look impressive and beautiful. A yellow, orange, green, turquoise, coral and pink background will help to emphasize their effectiveness;
  • an interesting find - various art objects, for example, large paintings painted in gold, or a gilded sculpture that will attract attention;
  • a bathroom with golden shimmers is refined and elegant. You can use a gold washbasin as an element. Perfect solution- a golden bathroom, which will look especially chic against the background of walls made of natural stone;
  • in the kitchen, the role of a golden fragment can be played by a small chandelier, a mosaic apron, or cabinet handles. Such elements will be appropriate in any style.

Gold accents are a sophisticated addition to any interior. Armed with a spray can and paint, you can turn any object, even the most unattractive, into a luxurious decorative find.

Interiors of rooms in “golden”

Interior design of each room is a special process. IN different rooms the same color scheme will look different.


Mostly the bedroom is decorated in light colors, among which white, milky, peach, and pearl predominate. Gold elements will perfectly complement the color scheme. Thanks to them, it will be possible to fill the room with even greater comfort and warmth.

Solemnity and coziness can be achieved through golden wallpaper with a print.

Stucco molding in the color of precious metal, elaborate figurines, gold lampshades and gilded mirror frames will emphasize the elegance of the Baroque style.

Elegant textiles decorated with gold ornaments will ideally fit into the canons of classicism.


You can safely use accessories in golden shades in the bathroom. They will serve as decor and peculiar highlights, which will become the basis of the design concept.

Plumbing parts trimmed with gold will look very beautiful and harmonious, for example, handles and taps, a heated towel rail, a soap dispenser, a hanger for bath accessories.

Bathroom in gold - beautiful and rich

The shine and shine of the gold elements can be emphasized due to the light tone of the wall covering. Looks good in the bathroom golden frames mirrors, lamps and even decor on tiles of a similar tone.

But you need to remember that if a room is selected for the bathroom small sizes with insufficient lighting, then such a sophistication of the interior will only aggravate the situation, visually reducing the already cramped space.

In kitchen design

White and gold - a classic combination

The feeling of the kitchen being filled with bright light can be achieved thanks to golden wallpaper pasted onto the right wall or plaster of the same color.

You can also use gold to draw attention to the apron - special place in the kitchen. The best option is to use mosaic. Painted tiles and photo wallpaper can also be used.