Children pronounce letters. We train the correct pronunciation of the letter “Ш”. Reasons for incorrect pronunciation

How to teach a child to say letters

How to teach a child to say letters without “swallowing” and to pronounce the letters R and L correctly? If it is difficult for your child to pronounce R or L, then a special a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, exercises for the correct pronunciation of letters in syllables and syllables , and also - useful children's tongue twisters to improve diction will help solve this problem.

One of the most common problems that parents of a preschooler face is how to teach their child to pronounce letters correctly. . Usually children don’t succeed for a very long time correctly pronounce the tricky letters R and L. And in this article we will teach you step by step conduct classes with the baby to improve diction and correct pronunciation of letters. After you carefully familiarize yourself with the methods that will help you teach your child to pronounce the letters r and l, help from a children's speech therapist The child may not need it at all.

The “difficult” letter P remains intractable for most children takes longer to master than all other letters . As a rule, problems with the correct pronunciation of the letter P appear at a time when The baby's speech is just beginning to develop , at the stage of basic formation. You can't waste this time and put it off teaching the correct pronunciation of letters on the back burner so that the child develops the skills to express his thoughts well delivered speech and so that the burr does not take hold.

Teaching a baby Pronounce the letters R and L correctly, it is important to organize classes correctly: Do not overtire the child, study with him no more than 15 minutes daily;
Teaching the skills of correct pronunciation of letters should be organized in a playful way ;
The tone in the process of teaching a child should not be intrusive and must be friendly.

So, with the help of the 6 steps below, you can teach your child to pronounce the letter r correctly:


Preparation for classes: facial massage

Before teaching your child to say letters correctly Let's give him a massage to warm up his facial muscles. The baby is facing you, his eyes are directly opposite yours.
Let's do
massage and voice all the actions: Slowly and gently stroke the superciliary area of ​​the baby’s forehead with warm fingertips and say: “This is how much we love ourselves, this is how reverently we cherish ourselves...” Then We begin to gently massage the wings of the nose and move our fingers in the direction of the maxillary sinuses, while saying: “Oh, what a nice little nose we have, what a cute snub nose we have...” After this, using massaging movements, smooth the baby’s skin around the cheekbones, lips, cheeks and up to the ears, and then in reverse side. At the same time say: “Sponges, our lips, break into a smile! Our mouth is a mouth, it is not silent at all! Our ears are our ears, you are always on top!”


Warm-up exercises

We have already given the baby a warming massage for the facial muscles. Let's start with the first exercises.

The child is still facing you, his posture is straight and his eyes are at the level of yours.

These exercises will help strengthen your muscles the baby's tongue and will contribute to the development of forced vibration of the very tip of the tongue.

Ask your baby to alternately reach the lower teeth with the tip of his tongue. , then the upper ones (30-40 times).

Then the baby sharply slaps his tongue across the area of ​​the palate, where the upper row of teeth is located. , while pronouncing the letter D. Be sure to demonstrate all actions so that the baby performed the exercises accurately.

Next. Ask your baby to stick out his tongue a little while keeping his lips closed. The child strongly pushes air out of his mouth, and by inertia the tip of the tongue should vibrate. In subsequent exercises, the baby will independently learn to reproduce this sound without pushing air out of his mouth.


Basic exercises to improve tongue mobility and strengthen the skills of correctly pronouncing the letter r

* Now let’s bring more game elements into training . Ask the child to show his tongue - let him relax it a little and wag it with a sound coming out between his teeth, as if teasing. Then arrange a competition with your baby to see which of you can stick out his tongue further.

* An excellent activity that will help your baby quickly learn to pronounce the letter P is to imitate the clatter of horse hooves, characteristically clicking your tongue. Teach your child to click his tongue and ask him to repeat these sounds fifteen times.

* How to learn to pronounce the letter r in a playful way using a proven method? Great exercise - the baby moves his thumb in different directions , placing it under your tongue. At the same time, the child tries to pronounce the letter P (growl like a running car engine).

* Another good exercise that can be used in a playful way You can master the correct pronunciation of the letter P and strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Ask your baby to show a smile by spreading his lips wider and using the tip of his tongue“clean” your teeth first from the outside and then from the inside . It is advisable to repeat the exercise 20-25 times. The lower jaw should not move.


How to teach a child to pronounce all letters, including R? We continue to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop its mobility.

- Ask your child to open his mouth wider and show his teeth . The sides of the molars are located tongue, and the tip- on the surface of the front teeth. Ask your child to make the tongue “strong” for ten seconds, and then relax for a while. Repeat the exercise with your baby (6-7 times).

This exercise to strengthen the tongue muscles will be a little more difficult for the baby. But having mastered it, the child will quickly learn to pronounce the letters r and l correctly.
The exercise is as follows - the baby seems to “suck” the surface of the tongue to the palate, and then “tears” it away from the palate with a characteristic click. We do this exercise ten times at a slow pace, then speed up and slow down again (a total of 30-35 repetitions at different paces).

Now ask the child to slightly open his lips and lightly bite the tip of the tongue (15-20 repetitions)

The final exercise to strengthen the muscles of the tongue - the baby blows air with force, while the tongue is between the lips. It is advisable to ensure that the tongue vibrates.


And now we move on from “physical education” exercises for the language to mastering the skills of correctly pronouncing the letter P in different syllables and short combinations.

First, rehearse with your child the skill of correctly pronouncing R in an open syllable - ro, ra.
Then try pronouncing R with hard consonants - dr, tr.
When your child consolidates these skills, move on
to learning to pronounce words correctly (short, known to the child) with these syllables. These exercises are good hone the technique of correct speech and help teach the child to pronounce the letter r.


Children's tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in a child.

If your child already knows how to pronounce the letter P quite well, but sometimes (during a conversation) he “chews” it or pronounces it incorrectly, then it’s time to introduce your child to tongue twisters.

Popular tongue twisters are great for eliminating speech impediments , relieve the child from tongue-tiedness, contribute to the development of skills in correct pronunciation of letters and words and are considered the most effective method“honing” the articulation of different sounds.

If your baby can already memorize short nursery rhymes , then you can start getting to know tongue twisters . But you need to learn tongue twisters by heart step by step - first the baby repeats the tongue twister (following you) very slowly. In this case, the child must understand the meaning of the text being memorized. We gradually increase the pace of pronouncing the tongue twister, but you must correct articulation and diction. Below you will find the most suitable tongue twisters , with the help of which you can teach your child to pronounce letters, including the “complex” letter P:

Children's tongue twisters to improve diction, correct pronunciation of the letter P and speech development


Before you teach your child to say letters, do not forget that A preschooler learns material more easily in a playful form of learning. Sometimes the baby does not pronounce the letter L correctly for quite a long time. There are effective exercises to solve this problem. The method is in many ways similar to practicing the skills of correct pronunciation of the letter P

It is advisable to perform each exercise for ten seconds 5-7 times. The whole complex - 3 times from start to finish step by step. (daily 2 times)

Exercise 1

We practice the skill of lifting the tongue up and strengthen the muscles of the tongue.
Ask your child to show you his teeth with a wide smile. The child's tongue touches the palate and clicks, like a horse hooves on the asphalt.

Exercise 2

We “sharpen” the baby’s skill of making his tongue wide, developing the ability to quickly tense and relax the muscles of the tongue.
Ask the child to open his mouth a little and stick his tongue out far, and then place it on the lower lip with a wide edge. Ask your baby to hold his tongue in this position for 5 seconds.

Exercise 3

Now we teach the child to exhale air in thin streams along the edges of the tongue.
Opening his mouth slightly, the child lightly bites the tip of his tongue with his front teeth and begins to blow, increasing the pace and strength. Control the strength and direction of the air stream using a light feather (don’t forget about the play element in teaching a small child)

Exercise 4

We practice the baby’s skill of quickly changing the position of the tongue. This exercise is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the tongue so that the baby can easily and quickly connect the letter L with different vowels - U, A, O, Y

the child opens his mouth slightly, presses the tip of his tongue firmly against the base of the upper teeth with inside,A then quickly changes the position of the tongue, resting its tip against the base of the lower teeth. At first the exercise is performed slowly, then we speed up the pace.

Exercise 5

Now we move on to learning the correct pronunciation of the letter L in words and syllables. Words and syllables ( lu-lu-lu-lu, la-la-la-la, lo-lo-lo-lo, la-lo-lu-la-lo-lu) it’s even better to sing rather than pronounce.
After this, open a children's book with pictures, the objects in which contain the letter in their title L in different combinations with other letters. Let the child try to tell something about each object so that its name appears in every sentence.

Now you know how to correctly and quickly teach your child to pronounce “difficult” letters , including the letters P and L. Let’s highlight 3 key points that form the foundation for developing a child’s pronunciation skills different letters: exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and its mobility, teaching the child correct pronunciation of a particular letter in different syllables, memorizing tongue twisters and repeating them frequently (slow-fast). If something doesn’t work out for your child, don’t move on to the next one. stage of learning, and Continue practicing the skills in the exercises you left off on.

Burr and lisp in children often cause sleepless nights for their parents. How to teach a child to say the letters r and l? Is it normal that he doesn’t pronounce them? What if it's something serious?

First, make it clear to yourself: up to the age of six, speech defects are normal. A child may not pronounce certain letters of the alphabet (as a rule, these are the notorious r and l), distort words, or use them incorrectly. This is normal, the baby is learning.

But after six this is definitely a problem. If your child is already approaching school, and speech sounds are still difficult, it’s time to take him to the doctor. You cannot do without medical consultations, even if you think that you are able to solve children’s problems on your own. The doctor will first determine what is causing the speech defects and prescribe treatment.

Problems with the correct pronunciation of sounds in children can be of a psychological and biological nature.

The first is when a baby cannot pronounce a particular sound due to his own psyche. For example (and this is the most common case), parents spent their entire childhood lisping and cooing with their child, swallowing and distorting words. As a result, the child believes that this pronunciation is correct, which as a result is reflected in his speech. The problem may also be due to the fact that the child either does not know the mechanism that produces the sound, or simply does not want to pronounce it.

The second ones are biological features oral cavity baby. Sometimes, in order for a child to pronounce letters, it is enough to “cut” the frenulum of the tongue.

If the problem is psychological, it is better to seek treatment from a speech therapist. He will not only conduct training sessions with the baby, but will also tell parents how to teach their child to say the letters r and l at home.

Most often, speech therapists, answering the question of how to teach a child to say the letters r and l, recommend: “Say tongue twisters, rhymes and do mouth exercises.”

Tongue twisters

A set of small speeches, rhymes and tongue twisters is one of the main elements of the technique.
As tongue twisters, you can use the well-known “The Greek rode across the river...” or “Karl stole coral from Clara.” Or learn with your child and recite poems out loud to practice the letter “r”:

“Fish, saffron milk cap, lynx, fisherman,

Rainbow, rocket, cancer.
No, not cancer.
Then chamomile
Fisherman, gun, shirt,
Maybe a frame or a handle?
No. Are you giving up? It's Zhuchka!
She sits under the table and growls."

or "l":

“The milk ran away, ran away, ran away.

I had a hard time catching it
Being a housewife is not easy!”


“Grandfather planted onions, grew an onion,

The grandson saw the bow and tore off the top of the bow.
Amazing thing:
Tears are falling from my grandson!”

Fun exercises

One of the elements of training is for children to perform simple exercises to practice the sounds r and l.
"Lion cub." Ask your child to vocalize how the lion roars. Let it be loud and long.
"Chanting". Let the child imagine that he is singing before the performance and sing loudly “La-le-lo-li-le-la-lu.” Repeat approximately 5-7 times.


Sometimes children simply do not know what the position of the lips and tongue should be in order to make the sounds r and l. Gymnastics helps to understand this and also trains the muscles of the tongue.

Here are some exercises:

"Snake". Place your tongue between your teeth, open your mouth slightly and exhale air through it.

"Nibbler." Open your mouth slightly and run your tongue across back wall upper row of teeth left and right.

"Tease." Open your mouth slightly, stick out your tongue and move it up and down and side to side.

The lower jaw and head should not move during exercises.

And most importantly: in any method related to teaching a child to say the letters r and l, systematic lessons are important. Only constant efforts can be crowned with success.

When a child begins to speak, parents have to make a lot of effort to ensure that the baby pronounces sounds correctly. The sound R is rightfully considered one of the most difficult. Sometimes it is difficult for the crumbs. The task of parents at this time is not to laugh at their burry child, but to help him. How to teach a child to say the letter R? Now we'll tell you.

General rules

Usually parents do not pay attention for the time being special attention to the “French” pronunciation of the child. The alarm begins to sound closer to the school. Meanwhile, the sooner they take care of the child, the easier and faster the insidious letter will enter the lexicon.

Some sources require that the first step is to explain to the baby the difference between sounds and letters. They say that in first grade it will be easier for the child later.

Let's face it: not every adult knows the difference these days. Therefore, do not bother your child. By the way, in first grade the teacher will explain to your child everything about letters and sounds without you. This means leave your child a little childhood; he will still have time to get bored with school. In general, do the letter R, and nothing else.

What to do if your child can’t seem to get the letter R? Contact a speech therapist. No, it is not at all necessary to attend classes regularly. You can save a lot family budget, if you are ready to work with your baby yourself. But it’s worth visiting a specialist at least once. He will identify the problem and tell you in which direction to move.

Advice. You definitely need to see a speech therapist. Often, parents, in pursuit of the letter P, do not notice that their offspring distorts other letters.

Immediately turn around and leave if the specialist begins to intimidate you. Allegedly, dysplasia, pathologies and terrible brain diseases develop from burring. This “speech therapist” just wants to get more money out of you. Remember, no one has ever died from rhotacism (the official name for burr). Look, the residents of France and Germany are all burping. And what? Do they all just fall in stacks and die from pathologies? How many people speak English? After all, there is no clear letter R. So, a pathetic semblance. Would you say that absolutely everyone suffers from brain diseases? Nonsense.

Look for a good specialist who will give you valuable recommendations on how to teach your child to say the letter R, and not tell fairy tales.

By the way, burring may be due to underdevelopment of the frenulum. And, if previously you had to cut it surgically, now you can avoid such drastic measures. There are many exercises that allow you to stretch and develop the frenulum painlessly.

Did you know? It turns out that the most severe form of rhotacism is the laryngeal variant (or glottal). In this case, it can be very difficult for parents to teach their child to say the letter P correctly. This definitely cannot be done without the help of a speech therapist. Because this is no longer speech correction, but retraining.

Do not force your offspring to perform speech therapy exercises. Choose a time when your baby:

  • got enough sleep
  • fed
  • healthy
  • rested
  • in a good mood

Be sure to use game elements to interest your child. Dry official language keep it for yourself. You can fool around with your child, but only on the basis of recommended activities. And don't overexert your child. A couple of times a day for 20-25 minutes is more than enough to prevent your baby from developing an aversion to learning.

And one more thing. In addition to special exercises for the letter P, do not discount other lessons on training the entire speech apparatus. After all, only an integrated approach will help you overcome a difficult letter.

Exercises for the letter P

Most are designed to develop the tip of the baby's tongue. It is he who is responsible for the correct pronunciation of the letter R. At the same time, other participants in speech should be trained: lips, surface of the tongue, cheeks.

Here are the most common and effective exercises:

  1. Drummer. We open our mouth wide, the tip of the tongue leans against the base of the upper incisors. We pronounce the letter D quickly and often. At the same time, the tip of the tongue vibrates and almost the letter R is formed.
  2. Cab. Open your mouth wide, raise the tip of your tongue to the upper palate. We exhale the air sharply through the tip of the tongue. It should sound like a dull TRRR.
  3. Artist. We open our mouth wide, raising the tip of the tongue again to the upper palate. With force we begin to draw various doodles on the sky with our tongue. It is best to drive back and forth and left and right.
  4. Horse. The most ordinary clicking sound. Or clicking your tongue. Remember how you did this as a child and show your child.

Be sure to ensure that your child does not move his lower jaw during training. This is the most common mistake. At first, your baby may not be able to do the exercise. Don't despair, after a while everything will work out perfectly. And the ill-fated letter R is not far off.

Advice. Be sure to show your child by example how to position your tongue and lips, and how to blow air. In words, sometimes it is not very clear what needs to be done. And don’t forget about the gaming component of the classes.

Exhalation exercises

Such activities are an indispensable attribute of articulatory gymnastics. Because without a strong exhalation the sound R cannot be pronounced (you need vibration of the tip of the tongue). By the way, instead of training, you can inflate soap bubbles. Or roll a light ping pong ball across the table. Or even try to hold on balloon in the air with one breath without hands. Have a competition to see who can blow the piece of paper across the table the furthest. In a word, develop your child’s imagination and exhalation power.

Here are some exercises for this:

  1. Naughty. We stick out our tongue and quickly grab it with our lips several times. At the same time, we exhale deeply.
  2. Pendulum. We smile and open our mouth a little. We stick out the tip of our tongue and move it from one corner of the lips to the other. At the same time we exhale.
  3. Mosquito. Open your mouth slightly and stick out the tip of your tongue. We pronounce the letter Z, exhaling forcefully. Now we hide the tongue inside. We say the long letter Z again and exhale again.

Speech therapists recommend that parents purchase a special spatula for practicing. It's very easy to use. During classes, you need to carefully slip the instrument under the child’s tongue and move it left and right. This way creates additional vibration at the tip of the tongue. And sometimes the letter R becomes clearly audible.

Advice. Buy speech therapy spatulas designed for children, not teenagers or adults. They have a neater shape. They also smell delicious of fruit, candy or chocolate.

Sometimes this happens: parents come to their senses and begin to pester the child without any preparation or gymnastics of the speech apparatus. They require you to pronounce entire poems or even tongue twisters. The child gets scared and withdraws into himself.

What can be achieved with such exercises, besides offending the baby? Nothing. To begin with, before training, warm up your speech muscles with additional exercises. And only then try to master a difficult letter.

By the way, speech therapists advise first learning how to correctly pronounce the sound R separately. Then you need to learn to growl for a long time. And only after that you can move on to whole words and sentences. Well, if your child begins to confidently say the letter P in everyday speech ahead of time, then you shouldn’t stop him. After all, your baby turned out to be smarter than you thought. Let him growl to his heart's content.

Some grandparents remember very well how they bullied their peers with speech impediments. They may begin to intimidate their grandson, promising all heavenly punishments and boycott from other children. Stop such conversations in the bud so that they forget to even think about talking nonsense. Don't understand well? Explain in more crude terms. Nowadays there are so many children with incorrect pronunciation that most peers simply do not pay attention to speech defects. And no one has laughed at a classmate with a burr or a lisp for a long time.

Pay close attention to your child's pronunciation. Sometimes it happens that the baby successfully overcomes soft letter R, but the hard one just doesn’t come easy. Use your own example to show your offspring the correct sound. Let him look into your mouth, let him see how to hold the tip of his tongue and lips. After all, everyone knows that children love to repeat after adults. Use it for good.

It is very convenient to do this in front of a mirror. For example, tell your child that today you are monkeys. Therefore, they must make faces. But for a reason. The speech therapist will tell you exactly how. You can also find many exercises on the Internet.

Don't bore your child with activities. Tired or fed up? Stop and return to training a little later. Alternate exercises so that your baby doesn't get bored. Come up with stories and stories, invite him to create his own fairy tale.

Engage with your child every day. At any convenient time. You can even cook food in the kitchen, but don’t stare at the TV, but play with words with your baby. Use words with the letter R in your speech more often. And not only during exercises. You can even imagine yourself and your child as a family of lions, roaring at an imaginary enemy, or at each other. How many opportunities do loving and caring parents have?

Don’t forget to praise your child for any, even the smallest, victory over the insidious letter R. Never compare your child with other children. He is your only and most beloved.

How to teach a child to say the letter R? Remember - this is not a matter of one day. Be persistent and patient. Engage with your child regularly, but not intrusively. Follow the recommendations of speech therapists. And everything will work out for you. Soon the offspring will begin to growl no worse than a tiger cub.

Video: how to learn to pronounce the sound R

R and L are the most difficult sounds, so children usually learn to pronounce them last. Experts believe that a child normally copes with them by the age of 5-6 years. By the age of 4, the baby should be able to pronounce all other sounds. How to teach a child to say the letter P: staging the sound P, how to learn to pronounce the letter P, articulatory gymnastics - let's look at all this in more detail.

Why is it necessary to teach a child to pronounce sounds correctly?

Many adults continue to pronounce R incorrectly and burr. Is it really important for a child to be able to pronounce all sounds correctly? Incorrect pronunciation can lead to complexes, self-doubt, problems at school - both with reading and writing, and with relationships with classmates, and in the future - to the inability to master those professions where it is necessary beautiful speech and clear diction.

If a child already says R incorrectly, it won’t go away on its own, because the right way The formation of this sound is quite difficult for the articulatory apparatus. This is the only sound in the Russian language in which the tip of the tongue vibrates when pronounced. If a child has found a more “economical” way of pronunciation, then he is unlikely to give it up.

Mispronunciation options

You can not pronounce R in different ways:

  • A common option is when the sound is simply thrown out, for example, the baby says “yba” instead of “fish”.
  • P can be replaced with sounds that are easier to pronounce: L, Y, V, Y, G.
  • A child may pronounce P in a way that is uncharacteristic for the Russian language, for example, by grazing (in a throaty way) or as in English. This happens especially often in bilinguals who have spoken two languages ​​since childhood, in one of which the sound R is pronounced “not in Russian.”
  • Sometimes children pronounce this sound alone normally, but have difficulty pronouncing words or syllables.

Possible causes of the problem

  1. The main reason is the weakness of the articulatory apparatus. This problem is “treated” with various articulation exercises, movements of the lips, tongue, and not only with special exercises for pronouncing a particular sound, but also with simple grimacing. If the child actively grimaces and makes faces, in the process of such a game the tongue, lips, and facial muscles will be trained.
  2. Individual characteristics of the frenulum of the tongue (hyoid ligament), for example, when it is too short, can also interfere with the correct formation of sounds. Only a doctor can determine how long the frenulum corresponds to the norm. If it is short, in most cases it can be stretched with special exercises. Now speech therapists are inclined towards this option, gradually abandoning cutting the frenulum, with the exception of certain cases.
  3. Another reason is undeveloped phonemic hearing: the ability to distinguish sounds (phonemes) of any language. This has nothing to do with physiological hearing, that is, with the very ability to hear sounds: the child cannot correctly determine what sound another person is pronouncing, and, therefore, then makes mistakes when pronouncing words.
  4. Phonemic hearing develops gradually; communication with parents, reading aloud to the child, and memorizing poetry especially help this. But sometimes phonemic hearing is impaired, so the child has difficulty distinguishing the sounds of the speech he hears. In particular, lisping when parents imitate children's speech is harmful for the proper development of phonemic hearing. Children can confuse voiced and unvoiced sounds, hard and soft, R and L can also be confused with some others. The exercises that we will discuss below will also help here.
  5. Improper speech breathing can also lead to the child not pronouncing R. It can be caused by both habit and various pathologies, for example, chronic runny nose, enlarged adenoids, cardiovascular diseases, and immune system disorders. Accordingly, if there are such health problems, they need to be solved.

Do I need to see a speech therapist?

You need to consult a specialist if a child by the age of 5 has not yet learned to pronounce some sounds, including R. A speech therapist will determine the cause of incorrect pronunciation and rule out serious pathologies.

At the age of 5, it is generally better to take the child to a speech therapist, even if you think that everything is fine - you need to evaluate speech development baby. Before the child goes to school, he also needs to be shown to a specialist.

Consultation with a speech therapist is also necessary if there are other speech problems:

  • at 2 years old the baby communicates only with gestures;
  • at 3 years old speaks so slurredly that other people cannot understand his speech;
  • at 5 years old speaks slurred, too quickly or slowly;
  • rearranges syllables, throws them out or adds extra ones;
  • speaks nasally (in the nose);
  • if at 4-5 years old he pronounces all sounds in speech softly.

Burr may be a consequence of some kind of brain disorder or disease. nervous system, although such cases, of course, are rarer than simple immaturity of the articulatory apparatus. It is in order to promptly detect symptoms of serious disorders and take action that a consultation with a speech therapist is needed.

Even if you want to cope with incorrect pronunciation on your own and are already armed with a list of recommendations and articulation exercises, it is better to go to a good speech therapist at least once. He will determine how serious the problem is, whether there are any pathologies in the oral cavity that prevent the baby from pronouncing sounds correctly, and will give qualified advice depending on the individual characteristics your child.

General principles

R and L are complex sounds, so you can teach them to a child only after he learns to pronounce all the others (hissing, whistling, V, F and others). Until this time, complex exercises will be useless: the child learns gradually, be patient. Particular difficulties arise with the sound R - in the Russian language it is difficult to form, almost the entire articulatory apparatus is involved in this process, and its formation requires precise movements of the tongue.

Please note that saying “pronounce the letter R” is incorrect. What we pronounce are sounds, letters - signs when writing. Even if you just say this out of habit, you need to explain to your child how a letter differs from a sound; this will be useful at school.

  1. Classes with a preschooler must be interesting and playful, even if they last only 10-15 minutes. If a child enjoys studying, he will remember it easier and quickly learn the correct pronunciation.
  2. First you need to teach your child to pronounce the sound R separately. And only when he can “growl” well, you can move on to exercises on syllables and words with difficult sounds. When the child speaks R clearly in words and syllables, you can train R in speech and learn tongue twisters.
  3. Classes will take about half an hour a day, but the training itself can be quite long, from several months to a year. Be sure to praise your child for his successes! And the usual “Well done!” It’s not enough - say specifically what new things the baby learned today: “Today you learned to click like a horse” or “You’re already able to make a wide tongue.”

Before offering an exercise to your child, learn how to do it correctly by monitoring yourself using a mirror. By repeating after you, your baby will quickly remember the necessary actions.


Each workout should begin with a warm-up. It includes simple exercises for the lips and tongue.

  • "Brush". The exercise begins by smiling and opening your mouth. Then the child should run his tongue across the palate from the upper teeth back (as far as possible to the throat) and back, like a brush. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.
  • "Pendulum". Again you need to smile and open your mouth. Then stick out your tongue slightly and swing it from side to side, like a pendulum. Also repeat 10-12 times.
  • "Harmonic". The child should press his tongue to the palate, as if he wants to pronounce the sound “NH”. Without releasing your tongue, open and close your mouth.
  • “We clean our teeth with our tongue.” Again you need to smile and open your mouth. Let the child swipe inner surface upper teeth from side to side, as if sweeping them. Then let him “clean” each tooth separately with his tongue. It is important that the lower jaw remains motionless.
  • "Mosquito". Kids love this fun exercise. You need to say “z-z-z” and stick out your tongue slightly. Then say “z-z-z” again and place your tongue immediately behind upper teeth. Repeat 10-12 times.

Articulation exercises

They include exercises to develop the muscles of the tongue, facial muscles, throat muscles, and lips. The exercises are listed in order of increasing difficulty.

  1. Before this exercise, you need to wash your hands. The way the child will place thumb under the tongue and moves it left and right. This exercise will help stretch the frenulum.
  2. "Horse". Invite your baby to click like a horse. To do this, you need to suck your tongue to the hard palate and tear it off. Compete to see who clucks faster and louder - the competitive element will make the lessons more interesting for the child.
  3. "Topsy-turvy." Ask your child to stick out his tongue and try to say something.
  4. "Turkey". What does the turkey say? Show this to your child - quickly flick your tongue between your lips to make a “bl-bl-bl” sound. Let the child repeat several times. If you can’t do it quickly right away, let him try at a slow pace.
  5. Any grimace with active movements of the mouth is useful: let the child roll his tongue into a tube, stick it out, try to reach his nose or chin, bare his teeth, and so on. Children really like these games.
  6. "Coachman". How to stop a horse? You need to tell her “Prrr.” At the same time, the lips vibrate, producing a labial, dull R sound.
  7. "Pancake." The exercise is necessary for correct form the tip of the tongue when pronouncing the sound R - it should be wide, not sharp. Therefore, you need to learn to make your language broad. Have your child place his wide, flat tongue on his lower lip like a saucer.
  8. "Curious tongue." It is better to do the exercise immediately after the previous one, so that the child does not forget how to make a wide tongue. You need to smile and put a wide tongue on your lower lip - let the curious tongue see what is happening around. Then put the wide tongue into the mouth - into the house - and place it on the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth. After the tongue has rested in the house, you can take it out for a walk again. You need to move your tongue out and retract it smoothly.
  9. "Drummer". Let the child tap his tongue on the tubercles - the sound should be “d-d-d”. The tongue is wide, the lips are in a smile, the lower jaw does not move.
  10. "Magpie". In this exercise, the child can already produce a sound close to the correct R. How does a magpie crack? Let's try to show you! The tongue should be wide, you need to raise it to the alveoli and direct the stream of air as you exhale to the tip of the tongue. First, the child should try to pronounce the sound in a whisper, then louder.
  11. "Motor". The exercise already approaches the correct sound R. The child should say the sound “dd-dd-d”, as in the “drummer” exercise. Now we take the child’s index finger (right - for right-handers, left - for left-handers, hands should be clean) and place it under the tip of the tongue, making frequent vibrating movements. The sound should be “dr-r-r”. The motor has started, soon the baby will learn to make the tip of his tongue vibrate without the help of a finger!
  12. Ask your child to roar like a tiger: “Rrr!” At first, you can “wind up” your tongue with your finger, gradually moving on to pronouncing the sound yourself.

Of course, not all of these exercises are done in one session. First you need to master the first five, then the rest. Be sure to praise your child for his successes, let him show them to the whole family!

Phonemic awareness exercises

Phonemic hearing disorders are determined by a speech therapist. The ability to correctly identify sounds in speech develops by about 5 years; errors before this age are normal. Of course, these terms depend on the degree of development of a particular child.

Phonemic hearing disorders require the constant attention of parents and a speech therapist; they must be corrected, otherwise in the future the child will have difficulties learning to read and write, and he will lag behind in his studies. It often takes quite a long time to correct such errors. The following exercises will help you cope with such disorders.

  • "Catch the sound." You ask the baby to clap his hands when he hears a certain sound, for example, R, and then pronounce a series of sounds, for example, this one: A R T L B V G R Z, and so on with other sounds. When the child successfully “catch” individual sounds, try a complicated version of the same exercise, but pronounce words, for example: MOUTH HORSE SCHOOL BRAND COW SPOON. Please note that the sound and the letter are different things; in the word “KNIFE”, for example, there is a sound Ш, not Ж.
  • "Correct the word." You name the words correctly and incorrectly, and the child must clap his hands when the word is pronounced correctly. For example: FISH LYBA GIBA YBA.
  • “Say the words.” In this exercise, you ask the child to name words with a given sound at the beginning, middle, and end: P at the beginning - mouth, hand, fish; P in the middle - cow, ship, carousel, P at the end - yard, axe.

Automation of sound R

Exercises for proper breathing

Correct speech breathing is an important component of the correct formation of sounds. Breathing exercises are aimed at increasing breathing volume and establishing the correct rhythm.

  1. A game that is useful for developing breathing is when air is blown into a glass of water through a straw to create bubbles.
  2. Exercise "Storm". You will need a small piece of cotton wool, which should be placed on the table. The child should place the tip of his tongue on the alveoli (tubercles) and blow strongly on the cotton wool, like the wind. The harder he blows, the farther the fleece will fly. The goal is to make the tongue vibrate at the alveoli.
  3. Exercise "Focus". It develops not only breathing, but also the tongue. To do this, you need to place a cotton swab on the tip of the child’s nose. Let him blow it away by sticking out his tongue and bending its tip up.

Should the bridle be trimmed?

A tongue tie can indeed be a problem:

  • in newborns it causes problems with sucking;
  • secondly, during speech development it interferes with correct articulation;
  • a short frenulum may interfere proper development lower jaw, shift the center of the tongue.

In most cases, a shortened frenulum is noticed in the maternity hospital and is immediately trimmed so that there are no problems with feeding the baby. If the length of the hyoid frenulum is not greatly reduced, you can increase it with the help of exercises. It is this option that most speech therapists are now leaning toward.
Whether the child really has a short frenulum, how much it affects the pronunciation of sounds and whether surgery is needed is decided by a speech therapist. The frenulum is trimmed under local anesthesia using special scissors or a laser. You should know that after surgery, diction disorders will not disappear on their own, which is why doctors often refuse to cut the frenulum for children over 4 years old.

It is important to regularly practice with your child the exercises presented in this article; this will help teach your child to pronounce the letter P without a speech therapist in the shortest possible time!


Games for speech development in children from 1 to 2 years old

Speech therapist for fidgets: 5 games to start speech

Do you need to worry if a child of 2.5 - 3 years old does not speak? What to do?

One of the most common reasons When visiting a speech therapist, the letter R becomes “difficult.” In fact, quite a lot of children from an early age cannot cope with pronunciation.

If at first the words incorrectly pronounced by the child cause emotion in the parents, then after a while this situation most often begins to bother them.

So, how to teach a child to say the letter R if he can’t cope with its pronunciation? In what cases can burr be attributed to the baby’s age, and in what cases does he urgently need the help of a speech therapist?

In order to solve a problem, it is important to understand why it arose.

Why can't my child pronounce the letter R?

If a child cannot pronounce some letters, including the letter P, in the language of speech therapists this is called dyslalia. Dyslalia is distinguished by the absence of any sounds in the child’s speech with complete preservation of hearing and normal operation the speech apparatus itself.

Why might this happen?

  1. The child may have the wrong role model. For example, someone close to him says the letter R incorrectly.
  2. When a family speaks two languages ​​at once, the child may simply get confused, which complicates the practice of pronunciation of sounds.
  3. This could be the child accidentally choosing the wrong articulation.
  4. The family simply does not pay attention to the absence of the R sound in the child’s speech and does not correct him.
  5. The child may be weakened as a result of frequent physiological or neurological diseases.
  6. Phonemic hearing is underdeveloped, that is, it does not clearly identify the sound in the speech of other people.

Let's agree that all these completely removable reasons arise against the background of absolutely correct operation physiological component, that is, the child does not have hearing or articulatory impairments.

So, difficulties await the baby from all sides. However, there are children who successfully overcome this problem and pronounce the letter P clearly and cleanly. What to do if this letter is not given?

Until what age is burring considered normal?

Speech therapists themselves admit that one should “sound the alarm” only when a child reaches 5 years of age. Until the age of 5, he has every legal right not to pronounce some letters.

This is explained by the fact that the speech apparatus is still developing before this age and it takes time to cope with all the difficulties.

However, this does not mean that parents should sit idly by. At home, you can work with your child to strengthen the muscles of the tongue by doing exercises and preparing the speech apparatus to pronounce this difficult letter.

How can you study at home to learn how to pronounce the letter R?

Parents need to understand that the insidious letter is not pronounced because the muscles of the tongue are still weak and cannot behave correctly. However, it would be a mistake to force the child to persistently repeat tongue twisters and rhymes starting with the letter P until they are simply unable to pronounce it.

When studying without a speech therapist, home classes should be structured as follows:

  1. First, prepare the tongue with special exercises.
  2. Then learn to say the letter P clearly in syllables and by itself.
  3. And only then consolidate it by memorizing tongue twisters.

Tongue exercises: articulation exercises

When doing exercises with your child, do not forget that they should all be done in a playful way. And the point is not only that all the activities of a child at this age take place in play.

What seems very easy to you will be very difficult for your baby at first. The muscles of the tongue are not yet ready to move so quickly. Some exercises will be difficult and tiring for him. Therefore, only with the help of games and rewards can you achieve regular exercise.


The tongue needs to be “glued” to the upper palate, as when clicking a “horse”. Hold in this position for about 10 seconds, rest. Repeat 3-5 times.

Cleaning your teeth from the inside

The tip of the tongue sweeps forcefully along the teeth from the inside - from the gums to the top of the tooth. Repeat 5-8 times.


In a smile, open your mouth slightly, lift your tongue up and carefully “strokes” the palate from the teeth to the neck and back. Repeat 8 times.


“Glue” your tongue to the upper palate, as in the “Mushroom” exercise, and lower your jaw down as much as possible. Close your mouth and open it again. The tongue remains glued. Repeat 5-8 times.


The hard tip of the tongue rests on one cheek, then on the other. The adult offers resistance with his finger, pressing on the “ball” that appears on his cheek.

Combing the tongue

Lightly bite the tip of your tongue and move it back and forth through your teeth. We repeat several times.

All these exercises gradually train the tongue, preparing it to pronounce the letter R.

Having mastered them, you can start training your growl. There are also special exercises for this.

Let's start the engine

Smiling widely, open your mouth slightly, raise your tongue upward and hit the alveoli with force, pronouncing “dyn-dyn-dyn.” At first the engine runs slowly, then speeds up. We train for 5-10 seconds.

Another option is to start the engine while saying “d-d-d.” After a couple of seconds, ask your child to blow hard. That is, the sound “d” should be pronounced with a strong exhalation.

At the same time, the baby will be able to feel the very vibration that is still not enough to pronounce the sound R.


You will need a regular medical spatula or a teaspoon. There is also a special speech therapy spatula; you can purchase it at a pharmacy or online store. However, many people successfully replace the spatula with a child’s finger.

The child should say the sound “zhzh”, opening his mouth slightly, and you gradually move the tip of the tongue higher to the palate with a spatula. Ask your child to talk and blow strongly, as in the exercise above, while trying to move the spatula to the right and left, creating vibration.

Listen to R hard

Everything is the same as in the previous exercise, only the child pronounces the sound “zzza”. Here both you and the baby should hear clearly solid sound R. The following video will tell you more about the work on this sound:

P soft

To hear soft sound R as in the words “rice”, “rhythm”, the child should say “zzzy” while exhaling. Your task is to again create vibration with the spatula.

Having become familiar with these tasks, you can ask the child to repeat syllables and individual words that contain our “important” letter. You can come up with them yourself or purchase speech therapy aids.

And only when the sound R has already begun to appear in speech, you need to move on to learning tongue twisters. This stage is called consolidation. Let us remind you that you should still start each lesson with exercises for the tongue.

Tongue twisters to reinforce pronunciation

Children love funny tongue twisters and nursery rhymes. You can again turn to manuals, or you can compose them together. Remember that only your support and good mood will help your child cope with such a difficult task.

Examples of tongue twisters for pronunciation of the letter P:

  • “Three trumpeters blow their trumpets”;
  • “The ships tacked, tacked, but didn’t tack”;
  • “Kondrat’s jacket is a little short.”

Well, the classics - about the grass in the yard and firewood on the grass, or the story about Greku, who was driving across the river.

More complex tongue twisters for pronouncing the letter P are presented below (click on the picture to enlarge):

By the way, these tongue twisters are not always easy even for adults. You can play to see who can pronounce them faster and more clearly.

When should you seek help from a speech therapist?

Unfortunately, it also happens that you put in a lot of effort, but the result is unattainable. In that case the right decision will contact a specialist.

The speech therapist will examine the child, talk with him and you, and find out what is the cause of problems with pronunciation of letters. We said above that it is important to exclude physiological disorders that do not allow the child to speak correctly.

You may be referred to other specialists - a neurologist, an orthodontist or a dentist who will help your child overcome burr. Or maybe the baby will need a speech therapy massage.

In addition, the speech therapist will be able to show how to do the exercises and monitor their implementation.

It is better not to leave the situation unresolved, because in the future it may affect the child’s performance at school. However, don't panic. Show your child that you are ready to help him and teach him to overcome difficulties.

Your support and efforts will later give him much more than clear diction. Self-confidence and the ability to learn and work are what you will teach your child.