Mini pies with meat made from puff pastry. Meat pies made from puff pastry in the oven. Fried puff pastry pies with meat and sausage

I looked on the Internet at how others cooked, called my mother to find out how she cooked... then I took something from there, something from here and it turned out to be such delicious cabbage rolls...
You will need:
  • medium-sized white cabbage - 1 pc.
  • minced meat - 800 g
  • rice - 1-1.5 tbsp
  • salt, pepper
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp.
  • suzmi (or sour cream) - 2 tbsp.
  • flour - 1 tbsp.
To make the leaves softer and not break, you need to keep the cabbage in boiling water for a while.
But first we’ll cut out the stalk so that it’s easy to remove the leaves.

As soon as the water boils, lower the cabbage. I held it for 3 minutes on one side, then turned it over and held it for another 3 minutes, because... It didn’t fit completely into my pan.
At first it will float, but then it will fill with water and sink.

Place the cabbage on a tray and let cool

Then we begin to carefully remove the leaves so as not to tear them. It can be from the side of the stump, or it can be from the side reverse side, whatever is more convenient for you.

In principle, now you can make cabbage rolls from them. But I wanted to ferment the leaves, I love sour cabbage rolls...

IN hot water in which the cabbage was cooked, added salt (1 tbsp per liter) and sugar (spoon)

I folded the leaves into piles and placed them in a saucepan.

And poured it with pickle

I left it like this until it fermented (my mother said it should ferment in three days)

I kept it for 5 days, but they didn’t ferment! I don't know what's wrong. M.b. because it's cold at home. Or you shouldn’t have taken the water in which the cabbage was boiled, but taken regular water clean water. I’ll ask my mother later. (They told me... It turns out I had to ferment RAW cabbage, not blanched!)
But they still got a little salty...

I cut off all the thickenings on the leaves

Prepared the filling:
The minced meat I had was 500 g beef and 500 g chicken. I ground onions (2 pcs.) in a blender, the rice was pre-soaked in boiling water (2 tbsp.), but you can cook it until half cooked. I added salt and pepper. You can add herbs if you like and some other spices. I didn't add it.

Place 1 large spoonful of filling on the edge of the leaf (I like big cabbage rolls)

Bend the top

Then one side

Then another

We twist

We tuck the tip of the leaf under the other leaves

This is in case the cabbage roll does not turn around

But you don’t have to tuck the edge in, just roll it up and that’s it

I got 20 pieces

There are a few leaves and filling left. But I put it (the filling) in a bag and in the freezer, then I’ll make meatball soup... That’s why I indicated 800 g of minced meat in the recipe, and not 1 kg, as I had. And accordingly, less rice

Place a few leaves on the bottom of the pan to prevent the cabbage rolls from burning (this sometimes happens, but not always)

Pack the cabbage rolls tightly. I got a row like this

And one more row

Then I filled them with water

But not to the top

And put it on fire...
While the water was boiling, I prepared the sauce.
Mixed water, tomato paste, syuzme and flour in a glass.

And poured it into the pan

In fact, there is enough liquid in the pan, the cabbage rolls just floated a little

Cooked until done. I checked the readiness like this: I’ll take the cabbage roll out onto a plate, cut it, try it... At the end I still added a little salt, seasoning and 1 clove of garlic... for the smell...

Serve with sauce and sour cream (I used syuzme, Dost from BIM)
You can squeeze garlic into sour cream, it will be even tastier!

Bon appetit!

I will surprise few people - this dish is well-known and very popular. And if we talk about cabbage rolls in the oven in sour cream sauce? Have you tried cooking cabbage rolls in the oven? They turn out somewhat different than traditional ones: for my subjective taste, they are much more interesting.

Stuffed cabbage rolls baked in the oven are initially prepared in the same way as those stewed on the stove: minced meat, cabbage leaves - there will be nothing new for you here. The whole secret is in the baking itself: the dish turns out very aromatic and beautiful. Since the cabbage rolls are cooked in the oven in tomato sauce with sour cream, they are soaked in this filling and become tender and soft, surprisingly tasty!

The recipe for cabbage rolls in the oven is quite simple, it is difficult to spoil them - after all, the oven does everything for you, you just need to keep the cabbage rolls in it for the prescribed time. And in the end you will get a wonderful lunch or a hearty dinner for the whole family. Well, let's cook delicious cabbage rolls in the oven?


  • 1 head of cabbage, approximately 1 kg;
  • 400 g minced pork;
  • 2 tablespoons rice;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 g fat sour cream;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

How to cook cabbage rolls in the oven:

We remove the outer coarse leaves from the head of cabbage (if any) and cut out the stalk - not all of it, only part of it to a depth of 3-4 cm. We select a pan of a suitable size so that the head of cabbage can be 2/3 immersed in water. pour in enough water so that when the head of cabbage is immersed in it, it does not spill out of the pan.

Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Add a little water. Place the head of cabbage in boiling water, stalk side down, and let stand for about 2-3 minutes. The time depends on the type of cabbage, so decide for yourself - the cabbage should already be soft, but not completely cooked and not fall apart.

Then carefully turn the head of cabbage over with the stalk facing up and let stand for about 1 more minute. We stick a fork into the remains of the stalk and carefully remove the head of cabbage from the pan. We remove 3-5 leaves, which have become soft and easily come away from the head of cabbage. We repeat the procedure several times until all the leaves are removed from the head of cabbage. The inner, smallest leaves are usually not used - they are difficult to fill with minced meat.

Boil the rice until half cooked, 7-10 minutes. let cool. Peel the onions and carrots and wash them thoroughly. Grate the onion on a fine grater (or grind it with a blender).

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Add onions, carrots and rice to the minced meat.

Add salt, ground black pepper and mix thoroughly.

Cut off the thick part of the cabbage leaves. Place prepared minced meat on the edge of each leaf (the amount of minced meat depends on the size of the cabbage leaf). And wrap it in an envelope.

Grease the bottom of the baking dish vegetable oil, line with the remaining leaves (pieces of leaves).

And spread the cabbage rolls tightly.

To fill, mix sour cream with water and tomato sauce. Add salt to taste and pour over the cabbage rolls.

Cover the pan with foil (or a lid) and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees C. Bake cabbage rolls in sour cream in the oven for 1 hour.

Then remove the foil (lid) and keep the cabbage rolls in the oven with the sauce for another 10 minutes.

Serve the cabbage rolls hot.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with sour cream sauce is a favorite dish for many.

But for some reason, not every housewife cooks it.

Some are intimidated by processing cabbage, others by forming cabbage rolls, and others do not want to waste time kneading minced meat.

But in fact, there is nothing complicated about all this.

Homemade cabbage rolls can be made simply and quickly, but only if you know the technology and a few cooking secrets.

Stuffed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce - general principles of preparation

Cooking cabbage rolls includes 3 main stages: preparing the leaves, minced meat and forming the cabbage roll itself. Then the semi-finished products are boiled, stewed or baked in sour cream sauce. It takes the least amount of time to prepare. Basically, sour cream is mixed with spices, liquid and simply poured into a dish. Fried vegetables, flour, and other ingredients are added less often.

Cooking delicious minced meat

You can use any kind of cabbage rolls meat; it turns out just as tasty with poultry. Onions, garlic, spices and boiled rice are added to the minced meat. The cereal is boiled until cooked, without allowing the grains to be overcooked. Then the liquid is drained, the product is cooled and sent to total weight. The amount of rice should not exceed 15% in dry form.

How to prepare cabbage leaves

For cabbage rolls, it is advisable to use a large head of cabbage. First deleted upper leaves, then the stalk is cut out with a sharp knife. The cabbage is placed with the resulting hole in boiling water and boiled for several minutes. The time depends on the variety and juiciness of the vegetable. It is important not to overcook the leaves, but to make them soft. A large vein is removed from each leaf before forming the cabbage roll.

How to wrap cabbage rolls

The cabbage leaf is placed in front of you with the concave side inward. Place the filling in the hole and place the edge closest to you on top. Then the sides are folded in and rolled into a roll. The technique is the same as when stuffing pancakes. Place the cabbage rolls seam side down to maintain the shape of the rolls.

Recipe 1: Stuffed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce with turkey

To prepare cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce you will need ground turkey. You can buy it already finished product or twist the meat yourself.


400 grams of minced meat;

1 onion;

50 grams of rice;

1 kg cabbage;

4 cloves of garlic;

1 spoon of flour;

250 grams of sour cream;


1. Prepare cabbage leaves as described above. Let cool.

2. Chop the onion and 2 cloves of garlic, send to minced meat.

3. Boil the rice until cooked, drain the water and send the cereal to the turkey.

4. Add spices to the minced meat and mix.

5. Place the filling on each cabbage leaf and roll up the cabbage rolls. How to do this is described in detail above. Place the bundles in a pan, placing the seams at the bottom to prevent the leaves from unraveling.

6. Mix sour cream and flour, put in a frying pan or any saucepan, and heat.

7. Add the remaining garlic cloves, previously chopped. Add pepper and salt.

8. As soon as the sour cream becomes thinner, add 800-900 grams of water and let the sauce boil.

9. Add the sour cream filling to the cabbage rolls, cover with a lid and cook the dish for 30 minutes.

10. Add a bay leaf and chopped herbs, cover and turn off. Let the dish inhale the aromas and you are ready to serve!

Recipe 2: Baked cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce

To prepare these cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce, we will use minced beef. We will bake it in the oven, the cabbage will turn out rosy and very aromatic.


700 grams of beef;

4 onions;

1 head of cabbage;

100 grams of rice;

400 grams of sour cream;

2 tablespoons of oil;

150 grams of water or any broth.


1. Boil the rice and drain the water.

2. Pass the minced meat with two peeled onions through a meat grinder. If desired, you can add a clove of garlic.

3. Add cooked rice to the minced meat, salt and pepper and mix well.

4. Prepare cabbage leaves. How to do this, see above.

5. Wrap the cabbage rolls.

6. Chop the remaining onions and fry in two tablespoons of oil.

7. Place the onion on the bottom of the pan; no need to grease anything.

8. Next, lay out the cabbage rolls in one layer, the seams should be on the bottom or side, but not on the top.

9. Mix sour cream with water, add salt to the sauce and pour into the form with cabbage rolls.

10. Bake for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees. If necessary, the time can be extended.

Recipe 3: Stewed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce

Braising involves adding a small amount of liquid or sauce, and cooking occurs by evaporation of moisture. For these cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce, you can use any minced meat. If you mix several types of meat, it will taste better. The dish is being prepared on the stove.


700 grams of meat;

2 onions;

200 grams of sour cream;

70 grams of rice;

1 head of cabbage;

4 tablespoons vegetable oil;

70 grams of butter;

1 carrot.


1. Peel the onion and carrots, finely chop and fry until golden brown with the addition of vegetable oil specified in the recipe.

2. Boil the rice until cooked.

3. Add vegetables, rice, salt and any spices to the minced meat and mix.

4. Form cabbage rolls from prepared cabbage leaves and minced meat.

5. Melt a piece in a frying pan butter and fry the cabbage rolls on both sides. Transfer to a thick-bottomed saucepan or deep frying pan or saucepan.

6. We dilute sour cream with a glass of water, you can take broth. Add spices and pour into cabbage rolls.

7. Cover, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and simmer the dish for an hour. Do not let it boil intensely, lower the temperature to a minimum.

Recipe 4: Lazy cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce in the oven

Can't wrap cabbage rolls or don't have a whole head of cabbage? Oh well! There is a simple and easy way preparing cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce, which any housewife can handle. The recipe is without rice, but if you have a great desire to add cereal, then why not?


500 grams of any minced meat;

500 grams of cabbage;

2 onions;

200 grams of sour cream in the sauce;

150 grams of sour cream for lubrication;

150 grams of water;

2 spoons of semolina.


1. Chop the onion and mix with minced meat.

2. Cabbage should be finely chopped, as for a salad. If you have a meat grinder with a large mesh, you can pass it through it. A fine mesh will not work; the mass, and therefore the minced meat, will be liquid.

3. Combine cabbage with meat, add spices, semolina, eggs and mix well.

4. From the resulting mass we form cabbage rolls, or rather cutlets. The size and type can be any. You can give it an oblong, round, flat shape.

5. Fold lazy cabbage rolls into a baking container.

6. Mix sour cream with water, salt, pepper and pour. We add a little salt, as during the process almost everything will be absorbed, and the dish may become over-salted.

7. Place in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Then take it out, brush the cabbage rolls with the remaining sour cream, cover with a lid and let stand for 15 minutes. Ready!

Recipe 5: Stuffed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce with tomato

The recipe uses tomato paste, but you can also successfully add ketchup or any sauce, and everything will work out.


Cabbage leaves;

8 spoons of sour cream;

700 grams of minced pork and beef;

0.5 cups rice;

4 tablespoons of tomato paste;

2 onions;

50 grams of butter;

2 carrots;

Garlic, spices.


1. Boil the rice. Drain the water.

2. Fry chopped carrots and onions in oil. There is no need to stew vegetables, we do it big fire and bring until golden brown.

3. Add half the vegetables to the minced meat, add rice there, and you can add chopped garlic. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Add tomato paste to the second half of the vegetables and fry for a minute. Add sour cream. As soon as it melts, add 700 grams of water. Salt the sauce.

5. Place the cabbage rolls in a pan, pour in the sauce from the pan, cover and cook for 50 minutes. Tomato paste inhibits the softening of the fibers and if the cabbage is winter, then this time may not be enough and more can be added.

Recipe 6: Stuffed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce in a slow cooker

If you have a multicooker in the kitchen, then cooking cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce becomes even easier! Bell peppers will add a light and fresh aroma to this dish.


600 grams of minced meat (any);

100 grams of rice;

Cabbage leaves;

150 grams of sour cream;

1 bell pepper;

2 onions;

50 grams of butter.


1. Grind one onion and combine with minced meat, add rice previously boiled in water.

2. Salt, pepper and mix the minced meat.

3. Wrap the cabbage rolls.

4. Melt a piece of butter in a slow cooker, add the chopped onion and fry for 10 minutes. Then add the chopped bell pepper.

5. Place the cabbage rolls.

6. Make a filling of sour cream and 350 grams of water, add salt and pour into the multicooker container.

7. Set the stewing program for small cabbage rolls for 40 minutes. If the products are large, then extend it for another 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 7: Stuffed cabbage rolls in sour cream sauce with buckwheat

Who said that only rice is put into minced meat? He hasn’t tried cabbage rolls with buckwheat! Fragrant, healthy and very delicious dish can become a leader on your table, especially since there is nothing complicated in preparation.


500 grams of minced meat;

120 grams of buckwheat;

2 onions;

2 cloves of garlic;

400 grams of sour cream;

2 tablespoons flour;

Cabbage leaves;

2 spoons tomato ketchup.


1. Cook buckwheat. It is important to prepare crumbly porridge, so pour in water 1:1, preferably the cereal will be a little hard.

2. Fry the onion cut into small cubes and add it to the minced meat, add garlic, buckwheat porridge, season with spices and mix.

3. Form cabbage rolls and place in a pan.

4. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan. Half a minute is enough for it to acquire a creamy tint.

5. Add sour cream to the flour and mix vigorously so that no lumps form. We warm up the mass.

6. Now you need to add 700 grams of water to the sauce. We pour boiling water to save time. If everything doesn’t fit in the pan, then add half. Add the rest to the pan.

7. Boil the sauce for a minute, add salt and pepper and pour over the cabbage rolls. Cook until fully cooked, approximately 35-40 minutes.

Stuffed cabbage rolls will be more aromatic and tastier if you fry them on both sides in a frying pan before stewing or boiling. You can use any oil: vegetable or butter.

The most delicious cabbage rolls are made from mixed fatty minced meat. The most dietary and low-calorie ones are made from turkey and chicken. In this case, the bird is used without skin.

No sour cream for sauce? You can use cream and even milk. But in the latter option you will have to eliminate the addition of liquid.

If you add fried vegetables to the stuffing for cabbage rolls, it will be much tastier.

The sauce can be used with cabbage rolls, like soup. But in this case, do not make it too fatty, dilute the sour cream with at least two parts of water (broth) and do not forget to add vegetables and herbs.