Is it possible to change the lock? How to change a lock on a metal door: an overview of replacing the main types of locks. How to change the lock cylinder

Even the most reliable lock may require repair or replacement over time, since its mechanism is used several times every day. Loss of keys, presence of foreign objects and moisture, attempted burglary - you never know the reasons that can disrupt the operation of the lock.

In some situations, it is enough to disassemble it, clean and lubricate it, in others you will need to replace the seal, in others you will have to buy new castle. Carry out these operations with the mechanism installed on the input metal door more difficult than on a wooden one, but in most cases, a quick replacement of the lock on a metal door can be carried out by Youlock-MSK specialists.

Mortise locks are installed on a metal door, and among them the following types can be distinguished:

  • cylinder: with a code cylinder (cylinder); the work involves levers and pins, which, when the key is turned, move into the corresponding grooves;
  • levers: they are constructed of metal plates (levels), and the more of them, the higher the degree of protection against burglary;
  • disk: their secretion has the shape of a cylinder, inside of which there are disks. The cross-sectional shape of the keys is semicircular.

What points should be considered when replacing a lock?

It is difficult to cut anything in a metal door, unlike a wooden one, so many parameters of the old lock must be taken into account when selecting a new product. First of all, what are the thickness and height values ​​of the lock body, the depth of the cutout for the lock, the number and thickness of the bolts, where the response bracket is located under the bolt and the location of the keyhole. If you ignore this, the lock will not fit into the canvas or will dangle in it.

Complex mechanisms: with vertical crossbars or especially protected from burglary, can only be repaired by a professional, since the door often has to be dismantled and disassembled.

Procedure for replacing a cylinder lock

A significant advantage of cylinder mechanisms is the ability to replace only the core cylinder. WITH inside you need to insert the key, unlock the lock and, unscrewing the locking screw at the door end, pull out the core, tightening it with the key. If the blocking flag located in the center of the cylinder interferes with this, it should be recessed into the body.

It is better to take the removed cylinder with you to the store - this will make it much easier to select a similar mechanism. Installation is carried out in the reverse order, and here it is important that the fixing screw fits into the hole intended for it on the cylinder body. All that remains is to make sure that the lock closes easily and finally tighten the screw.

When replacing the entire lock, the bolts are pushed into it, that is, they open it, remove the core one by one from door handle, unscrew the screws and remove the protective cover. Then, unscrewing the fixing screws, pry up and remove the lock body. Insert a new one in reverse order.

Features of replacing a lever lock

Typically, imported devices provide for replacing the code part and recoding the secret, but if the lock is made by domestic manufacturers, it will have to be changed completely.

Having opened the lock, you need to pull out the key and then remove the handle, latches and, if present, the armor plate. Decorative elements can be left in place. After unscrewing 2 or 4 fixing screws, pry up the end plate and remove the lock. All that remains is to insert the new lock and secure it. This will not be difficult to do if you try and find a lock whose parameters are similar to the old one.

Video: How to replace the lock on the front door

Most often the question is how to change the lock to front door occurs when it breaks or the keys are lost. Sometimes they replace the old system with a new, more reliable one. But to do everything efficiently, knowledge of shift technology is required door locks for metal doors or parts thereof, lock cylinder or latch.
Of course, you can contact a master who will come and do all the work in a short time. But, having understood the system, self-replacement will not be a problem, and will allow you to save money by doing the entire installation yourself

Situations that require replacing one locking mechanism with another can be different, and changing the entire lock or part of the mechanism sometimes needs to be done very quickly.

Replacement process door lock

In what situations may it be necessary to change the lock?

So, if the above situations arise, you need to go choose a new, more advanced lock. What nuances and rules should you follow when choosing a mechanism?

Selecting a locking mechanism

There are a lot of locking systems today, they have various schemes, and mechanisms. It is worth understanding the devices of various locks. They can be classified according to the type of installation: mounted, overhead and internal (mortise).

Diagram of a mortise lock

Let's look at each type:

After purchasing a suitable type of lock, you can begin installing or replacing it. However, if you are not sure that you can self-installation, then it’s better to turn to specialists.

Technology for replacing various types of locks

The technology for installing a locking mechanism is determined by two factors: the type of lock and the type of door leaf. If everything is clear with the design of the locking system (mortise/overlay), then you should figure out how to mount it on a wooden or armored sheet.
So, how can you change the locks on metal entrance doors and other types of entrance doors?

Installation of the cylinder mechanism

Installation of an English lock is simple; the only simpler option is the overhead disc mechanism. The positive quality of the system is that it is not necessary to replace the entire mechanism, but only to change its core. The second good news is that cylinder lock cylinders are almost universal, and you can purchase a core for your lock from any manufacturer. It is more difficult to change the entire system, but you can figure it out with this technology.
So, how to install such a system, or replace such a lock on metal doors?

When completely changing all the mechanisms, the cylinder lock is disassembled, removing the core. Then, unscrew the fasteners at the end, pry it with a screwdriver and remove it from the socket. The mounted structure is installed in the same way by inserting the body of the mechanism, fixing it with screws, and mounting the core using the specified technology.

Installation of a lever lock

How more reliable system, the more complex the lock installation technology. This rule is observed for safety reasons, because no one will interfere with disassembling simple design thieves Lever mechanisms are not easy to replace, and without experience, it will most likely not be possible to make a replacement; recoding would be the best option.
Some foreign manufacturers offer designs in which you can simply recode the mechanism, that is, change the lock cores in a metal door. In this case, one part with a new set of keys is purchased. However, it is best to buy a cylinder from the same manufacturer as the lock.
How to replace such a device with your own hands? In technological order, the replacement steps are as follows.

Despite the complexity, the main thing is to understand the order of each stage and not lose any parts or fasteners. Once you figure it out, you can make a replacement yourself.

Installation of overhead disc locks

Replacing or inserting a disc locking mechanism is probably the simplest. All fasteners are located on top at accessible points. How is such a system installed and disassembled? It is necessary to completely disassemble, or rather remove the mechanism.

In case of initial installation of the mechanism, you need to prepare a hole for the lock disk. To do this, it is best to use an electric drill with a drill bit or a wood bit of the appropriate diameter. Next, install the loop, which is located on the jamb.
Disc locks can be automatic (can be closed without a key), and semi-automatic, which one to choose depends on preferences, but automation can play a cruel joke by slamming the door behind the owner without keys.

Mechanisms with sliding crossbars

These systems began to be installed in modern systems, for example, such as Torex doors.
Locking crossbars in such structures are available not only on the side (or top and bottom in the end part), but also at the top and bottom; after they are pulled out, the door leaf is much more securely fixed in the doorway.
To replace or repair such a lock, leave the door in the opening so that it will not be possible to disassemble the locking system. The door needs to be removed, and this is not always possible to do alone, because its weight can reach 150 kg. The best option will contact the system installer.

You can make repairs or replacements yourself using a similar technology to lever structures, but first use wrench, you need to install the opening rods.
In any case, if you have no experience working with locks, then it is best to turn to specialists who will do everything quickly and efficiently, unlike an amateur. This is especially true for complex locking structures, the operating principles of which are difficult to understand when disassembling them yourself.

We use the lock on the door every day; it is subject to intensive use and more often than other hardware components it breaks down. Trying to protect their apartment, the owners are faced with the need to replace the old lock on the iron door.

One of the most important reasons why an apartment owner is going to change the lock is the loss of the key. If there is no duplicate or it is suspected that the keys have been stolen, everyone wants to secure their home and replace the lock on the front door as quickly as possible.

It can also be caused by the lock jamming, breaking, or finding a foreign object inside. Before you run to the store for a new lock, make sure there is no other way to solve your problem.

Most often it turns out that you can get and replace the lock cylinder and the need to buy a new one will disappear by itself.

You can buy and replace the lock cylinder yourself or invite a door repairman.

To avoid breakdowns in the future, you need to follow these tips:

  • Correctly insert the key into the lock and do not use force if you cannot insert it into the hole;
  • Turn the key only the number of times necessary to open and close;
  • Do not insert foreign objects or keys from other locks into the lock;
  • Do not insert keys from both sides at the same time;
  • Lubricate the lock periodically;
  • Do not pull out the key until it reaches the stop.

Sticking to these simple rules, you may never encounter the need to replace the lock on a steel front door in your own apartment.

Replacing locks on a metal door: types of door locks

In order to understand how to change a lock, you first need to figure out what type it is.

Most often, cylinder and lever locks are used on metal doors. Less common are rack, disk, crossbar and cruciform.

You can determine which lock it is by taking a closer look at the keys.

How to determine the type of lock based on the shape of the key:

  • Cylinder locks have a flat key with notches on it. These locks have a cylinder that can be removed for replacement.
  • Lever locks have more complex system. The keys for such locks have a long shaft with plates and slots at the end.
  • Rack and pinion locks with flat keys with channel recesses in it.
  • Disc locks are opened with short semicircular keys, they have serifs on one side.
  • Deadbolt locks have long, straight keys with oblique slots on them.
  • Cross-shaped locks are so named because the keys to them look like a Phillips-head screwdriver.

It is also worth mentioning that locks differ in the type of their attachment to the door.

Types of locks:

  • Padlocks do not attach to the door. There will be no problems replacing such a lock. They are mainly used to protect a garage, shed or barn.
  • Overhead locks do not violate the integrity of the door. They are fastened from the inside with bolts or self-tapping screws.
  • Mortise locks are located inside the door. The fasteners are located at the end.

Before you run to the store to buy a new lock, try lubricating it first.

Is it possible to change the lock on a metal door yourself?

Replacing a lock on an iron door yourself is more difficult than on a regular wooden one. Modern market entrance doors are teeming with low-quality Chinese fakes, which are made of thin metal. You can change the lock on such a Chinese door, but sometimes it’s easier to buy a more quality door rather than go through the hassle of dismantling and installing a new lock.

It is easier to remove the lever lock a little due to the fact that the cylinder does not interfere with removing the lock itself from the door.

Work progress:

  1. Unscrew the bolt on one of the handles with a hex key;
  2. Remove the side trims along with the handles;
  3. IN end strip Unscrew the outermost bottom and top bolts.

Before you begin removing the old lever lock, make sure the door is open and the lock is in the open position.

It is advisable to buy a new lock from the door manufacturer. Locks purchased at the market or in a store, although they have a guarantee, may not be suitable for your type of entrance door.

When removing the lock, the key to the lock should not be inside, it should be removed.

The lock installation procedure is reversed. First, install the new lock, secure it with bolts and put on the covers with handles.

Replacing the lock core in a metal door with your own hands

If your door has a cylinder lock, you may not have to replace the entire lock. You can limit yourself to replacing the lock core.

To remove the lock cylinder, you need to:

  1. Take measurements of the door (its thickness) and the dimensions of the lock cylinder - width;
  2. Unscrew the bolt that secures the lock at the end of the door;
  3. Turn the key to the “Open” position and squeeze the core out;
  4. With this part, you can choose a suitable cylinder in a hardware store, or you can take the dimensions of the cylinder - diameter, length, width;
  5. Insert the new cylinder into the lock and tighten the required bolt at the end of the door.

If the key is stuck in the door, just use a drill and drill out the inside from the opposite side.

When purchasing a new core, not only its size is important, but also its color and type. The cylinder may have two holes for a key or a connector on one side and a locking pin on the other.

It doesn’t matter which larva you choose, the main thing is don’t try to save money on your purchase. Cheap Chinese parts for entrance doors do not provide a complete guarantee of protection against burglary.

Replace the lock on a metal door: how to open a jammed door

There are situations in life when the owner himself is faced with the need to enter his apartment without a key, that is, to break into it. You can call a specialist, but it will take some time.

Loss or theft of keys, jamming of the lock from the outside - no one is immune from such problems and in such a situation you need to act quickly.

The lock can be broken using simple items that you can easily borrow from your neighbors.

How to open a steel door lock:

  1. Hairpin. Very effective way opening a door lock, often shown in films. However, not all types of locks can be picked using a hairpin. The hairpin needs to be broken into two parts or two pieces of wire taken. Insert one part inside the lock. Second, push the inner pins apart and turn the lock with the first part.
  2. If there is a door lever lock, you need to pull the door as far as possible and push the pins apart with the wire inserted inside. This lock is very difficult to pick, so don't be surprised if it doesn't work.
  3. The cross-shaped lock can be opened using a regular screwdriver. To do this, you need to drill an inlet hole above the keyhole, insert a screwdriver and try to turn the mechanism.

Of course, these methods do not guarantee 100% opening of the door. It is better to seek help from specialists or try to pick up the key to the lock from memory at a hardware store.

How to remove a lock from a metal door (video)

To protect your apartment, you need to choose a good, high-quality lock. After installing a new lock on a steel door, be sure to check its functionality. First you need to turn the lock open door, then - with it closed. The new mechanism should work clearly and easily.

Situations where keys are lost, the mechanism does not work correctly, and the like occur quite often. Therefore, many are faced with the need to replace the lock on a metal front door. Knowing design features locking device and the specifics of its installation, everything can be done independently, without wasting time looking for a professional.

Where to start

Going straight to the store, as they say now, is counterproductive. First of all, you need to figure out what is really necessary - to change the lock on the iron door or its cylinder. In the latter case, everything will come down to small costs, both in money and time.

IN steel doors Typically, lever or cylinder locks are installed. The keys to the first ones are a rod, at the end of which there is a plate with cutouts. Here you will have to think about how to replace the lock on a metal door, since it does not have the usual security insert.

If the model is cylinder, then in most cases it is enough to install a new cylinder. Locking devices of this type are supplied with a flat key with teeth along the entire length of the working part. This is a simpler repair option.


Cylinder mechanism

As already noted, there is no need to remove this lock from the door. Only a few simple manipulations are performed:

  • Removing the armor plate (not always installed).
  • Turn the key until it stops (the tongue must be completely recessed).
  • Removing the protective trim (attached to the end of the door leaf).
  • Unscrewing the locking screw.
  • Removing the larva. If it does not pull out, you should turn it slightly with the key so that the tongue coincides with the slot of the well.
  • After installation new larva all actions are performed in reverse order.

Level mechanism

Here we are no longer talking about partial renovation constipation, but about its complete replacement. Although there are options. If the product is imported, then it is quite possible to change the core with recoding of the levers (internal pins that ensure the level of secrecy). Some manufacturers supply the market with spare parts with a set of keys “for them”.

The algorithm of actions is the same, but there are some differences:

  • the locking mechanism will have to be removed completely. The procedure for disassembling it is indicated in the attached instructions;
  • In order to remove the lock, you must first remove the handles.

Crossbar mechanisms

In this case, knowledge of how to change the lock on a metal door of a simpler design is clearly not enough. Depending on the model, there are several stops, and they can come out of the canvas in different places- both on the side and below, above. It is their presence that significantly complicates the work; if possible, it is better to remove the sash.

  • The canvas is laid on the floor.
  • It is partially disassembled to provide access to the internal mechanisms. By the way, in Chinese doors It is not always possible to do this on your own, so you will have to contact a specialist.
  • The thrust of the crossbars is weakened.
  • They are disconnected from the locking device.

Attention! It is necessary to work with crossbars with extreme caution. The slightest deformation (bending) of the rod will lead to the fact that it will not stop the door at its “responsible” point due to the mismatch of the socket with the end part of the stop.

Replacing a lock on a metal entrance door is not particularly difficult if you are careful and careful. The latter requires compliance with a number of rules:

  • It is advisable to write down the procedure; what was dismantled (unscrewed) and after what. It happens that for some reason there is a break in the repair. And relying on memory, especially when faced with replacing a lock for the first time, is not the best solution;
  • all the removed parts are not thrown into one pile, but are laid out on the floor (on a cloth) in a certain sequence, from left to right. This guarantees that after repair there will be no “extra” spare parts (and this often happens).

Such forethought will allow you to install a new (or repaired) lock quickly and efficiently.

  • Initially, focusing on the lever lock as the most complex, it is better to buy one of the imported products. Their repair is somewhat simpler, since almost all the parts necessary for replacement can be purchased at retail. In addition, it is possible to “reconfigure” the levers. But most domestic samples cannot be recoded.
  • In order to be less likely to encounter the problem of how to change a door lock, it needs to be lubricated periodically. Moreover, it is not necessary to dismantle and disassemble the mechanism. A syringe is enough, the needle of which fits freely into the well. After injecting engine oil, you only need to turn the key to the sides a few times, to the limit.

A lock may need to be replaced for various reasons. Most often this, of course, is its breakdown. Locks are also changed when they no longer satisfy the owner. For example, old system unreliable and easy to hack. If the keys are lost, installation is also carried out new design(although it’s easier to order a duplicate). In the article we will talk about how to change the door lock in an apartment yourself, how to change the tongue and cylinder.

Types of locks

There are locks:

  • mounted;
  • mortise;
  • invoices.

Mortise locks are often installed in wooden doors. However, today they are also installed in steel structures.

Mortise locks do not provide the proper level of security.

Padlocks and rim locks are the most common. They are easy to remove and replace.

Locks differ not only in the installation method, but also in design. Before you change the door lock, you need to choose one that will completely suit the owner.

  1. Cylinder lock. A lock of this type does not need to be completely changed if it satisfies the owner with its quality. Usually, in the event of a breakdown, it is enough to replace the core of the structure, the so-called larva. It is this that contains the entire mechanism. The cylinder is the weak point of the cylinder lock. If you drill it out, the door will give way without difficulty.
  2. Level locks. Such systems are installed only in one way - by insertion. For a non-professional, inserting such a unit is problematic. To do this, you will have to figure out how to fit the lock into the door without damaging the door. If the blade is steel, then the lever lock can be removed and replaced with a similar one. Some companies produce locks of this type that require recoding. There is no need to change the lock itself, only the key to it will be changed.
  3. Disc lock. These systems are divided into automatic and semi-automatic locks. They also contain a larva. Most often, such locks are replaced when they break, although if the system is quite expensive, then you can get by with replacing the core.

How to embed

Before you install a door lock, you need to select it. The easiest way to work is with a cylindrical one.

  1. In order to embed the lock into door leaf, first you need to set a comfortable well height.
  2. Now you need to attach a new lock to the canvas and make markings. A groove will be drilled at the marking site. The tools you will need are a drill, a chisel and a chisel.
  3. First, the work of drilling the groove is done with a drill with a drill bit having a slightly smaller diameter than the width of the groove.
  4. Next, the groove is refined with a chisel and chisel.
  5. Then you need to mark the hole where the well will be drilled.
  6. The holes for the screws are drilled last.
  7. For the “secret” you also need to drill a groove. It is necessary to establish its dimensions and make markings.
  8. To determine how far the latch fits into the groove, you need to lubricate it with a dye and close the lock.

Before installation, you need to lubricate the moving elements of the lock. However, it is better not to touch the internal mechanism of the larva. If necessary, it is better to treat it with graphite. All other parts are treated with grease.

After installation, only decorative and cosmetic work remains.

How to choose

When choosing a door lock, you need to consider where it will be placed. If we are talking about the entrance door to multi-storey building, then a cylinder lock will also work here. Of course, it can be drilled out, but few robbers will make noise and attract attention. Modern iron doors are usually equipped with lever locks.

You need to put something more durable in your cottage or country house. It is better if there is not one castle, but at least two.

The most durable today are the so-called smartlocks - " smart locks"Such systems operate on batteries. Depending on the cost, they can be equipped with buttons for entering a password, fingerprint or retina scanners. When the battery power runs out completely, they operate with a regular key.

The cost of these systems is quite high. They are used in the most extreme cases. Based on the principle of operation, they can be compared with intercoms, which are found in almost every entrance today.


IN general outline Replacing the door lock is shown in the following video: