DIY Knauf loose floors video. Superfloor Knauf: do-it-yourself installation technology How to lay Knauf floor elements

The floor is an integral part of the room and affects not only the interior of the room, but also such indicators as temperature and humidity, and the level of thermal protection. Therefore, the international company Knauf, working in the field of production of building materials, has developed the Knauf-superfloor technology, which allows for high-quality installation of the subfloor in a short time for further installation of the finishing coating.

Knauf-superpol - what is it?

Knauf-superpol is a team design or a system that allows you to avoid “wet work” on the concrete screed and, accordingly, reduce technological interruptions associated with its drying.

Elements This system consists of glued gypsum fiber sheets, offset by 50 mm relative to each other, due to which folds are formed along the perimeter. The Knauf superfloor element has a total thickness of 20 mm and overall dimensions 1.2×0.6 m. With such a thickness, the floor element weighs little, but the resistance to loads of its surface reaches 20 MPa.

Dry soil serves as a leveling base for the elements of this system. backfill made of expanded clay (with a fraction size of 0−5 mm), ideally filling the space and having excellent thermal and sound insulation, as well as fire protection characteristics. If the expanded clay granules are larger, a slight characteristic crunching sound can be heard when walking in silence.

System floating Knauf flooring, as it is also called, has compared to traditional floor leveling concrete screed row benefits:

  • reduction deadlines installation The Knauf-superfloor system allows you to complete all the work in just a few days and not have to take a technological break for the screed to dry - you can start laying the finished floor covering immediately. However, according to the recommendations of experts, you should not touch the dry screed for several weeks if the thickness of the backfill layer is more than 5 cm, since with such a thickness the backfill material will shrink by approximately 15 mm;
  • The main advantage of this system is absence wet work. Laying dry screed can be carried out without fear in a room where the renovation has already been completed;
  • sound and heat insulation. Expanded clay backfill prevents noise penetration and heat loss;
  • floating floor technology creates base which is ready for further coverage and does not require additional leveling of small differences and unevenness inherent in sand-cement screed. This means it saves both time and money. Since the base, assembled from Knauf-superfloor elements, is smooth and even, any type of flooring can be laid on it, be it linoleum, laminate, tiles, and so on;
  • unlike cement-sand screed, dry screed is lightweight and does not load the floors;
  • It is possible to lay pipes or wiring directly in the dry screed.

Knauf-superfloor is laid on wooden and concrete floors in rooms with a non-aggressive environment. When laying a waterproofing layer, this system can also be used in showers and bathrooms. This system is especially relevant in conditions of reduced loads on floors or when “wet” work is excluded.

When is the Knauf system relevant?

Such floors have wide range opportunities and allow, in some cases, to get by at low costs. Use dry the screed is convenient:

  • to eliminate differences in the floor base over 40 mm. This applies to apartments of old buildings, where a serious difference in elevation is the norm;
  • when installing electrical wiring and water supply systems after completion of repairs;
  • for limited periods repair work;
  • Possibility to install a floating floor low temperatures air;
  • when the logs become dilapidated.

Construction of a dry screed

Dry screed installation work Knauf begin with measurements of the covered floor area and its horizontal level. This can be done using a building level, making notches on the wall indicating the deviation of the base from the horizon. The notches are then connected using a ruler and thus the required layer of expanded clay backfill is determined. The expanded clay layer should not exceed 100 mm. The required volume of backfill is determined based on 50 kg (1 bag) of backfill to cover 1 m². But this relation is true in the case when the previous one is completely dismantled flooring.

For installation floating floor you will need:

  • Super PVA glue;
  • Knauf-superpol elements;
  • self-tapping screws for gypsum fiber sheets;
  • expanded clay backfill;
  • vapor barrier;
  • construction tape;
  • edge tape or polyurethane foam sealant.

It is more advisable to use edge tape when the wall curvature is up to 2 mm/m.p. If this indicator is higher, it is better to fill the gap between the wall and the floor base with sealant, the excess of which, after hardening, is removed with a sharp knife.

After cleaning the base of the floor is covered with a vapor barrier from small debris and dust ( polyethylene film) with an overlap of about 200 mm on the walls. On top of this film, using a thick gypsum mortar, beacons are installed at the marked level, for example, aluminum slats for laying plasterboard slabs, with a pitch of 900 mm. When laying elements wood systems load-bearing base Instead of plastic film, corrugated, waxed paper or glassine is used.

The space between the beacons is filled with expanded clay the fraction that is being leveled building rule. When forming a layer over 5 cm, the backfill must be thoroughly compacted.

Process styling Knauf-superfloor elements start from the corner. The edge adjacent to the walls is trimmed. All elements are mounted using the tongue-and-groove type, with the seams coated with glue and then connected self-tapping screws in increments of 100 mm. Experts emphasize that when screwing in the screws, you must be on the sheet that is being screwed.

The first row of elements is carefully levels out at the intended level, since the installation of other parts of the system will depend on this. The regulated gap between the wall and the gypsum fiber sheets - 1 cm - is subsequently filled with polyurethane foam sealant. After all the sheets are mounted, the finished base must be vacuumed.


This design of the floor base allows the result to be durable coating capable of supporting the weight of a loaded passenger car. However, in order to avoid unpleasant “surprises” when using the assembled floor covering, professionals recommend sticking to a few rules:

  • Before installation, the elements of the Knauf-superfloor system must be adapted to the room where they will be installed.
  • GVL sheets should be stored on a flat surface strictly horizontally.
  • The base layer of expanded clay should not deviate too much from the horizontal level.
  • when constructing a base from Knauf sheets in wet areas in addition to the mandatory installation waterproofing tapes along the walls, the surface of the mounted elements is covered with a layer of waterproofing. By the way, the manufacturer Knauf also produces them.
  • When finishing coated with a thin elastic material, the base is covered with a layer of no more than 2 mm of self-leveling putty.

As you can see, the process of constructing the Knauf superfloor uncomplicated, saves not only time, but also money, allows you to reduce loads on floors, increase the level of noise and heat protection, and also level floor coverings of complex configurations. The only disadvantage of this foundation is its vulnerability to moisture in case the neighbors above flood it. However, for the neighbors below, after installing the Knauf superfloor, additional sound insulation will be a gift.

It's no secret that the floor base must meet all modern building regulations: strength, reliability, no differences in height. Factors such as installation speed, time before laying the finishing coating, and how soon it will be possible to walk on the new floor are also important.

Advantages and benefits of KNAUF-superfloor

No wet processes

Does not require drying. Laying of finishing coatings - 2U hours after installation of the system.

Easy to assemble

Quick and high-quality installation with your own hands.

Light weight

Does not overload load-bearing structures.


It will protect against noise and save your neighbors’ nerves.

Thermal insulation

Warm material that allows you to feel the beauty of comfort.

Strength and durability Reliability, proven over more than 10 years of operation in various premises.

Environmental friendliness

Meets the highest requirements of eco-standards.

Knauf superfloor design

To the question, is it possible to combine all this in one design, without using a great variety various materials, the KNAUF company answers yes. This is possible if you use lightweight floor structures consisting of KNAUF-superfloor floor elements (EP) and KNAUF dry backfill.

What makes KNAUF-superfloor unique?

The KNAUF-superfloor structure is a prefabricated system consisting of gypsum fiber sheets (floor elements) and KNAUF dry expanded clay backfill.

It is used on both wooden and concrete bases and allows you to level out large differences in height - up to 10 centimeters.

The lower part of the system is a special dry backfill made of fine expanded clay, which is laid on a vapor barrier film. Floor elements are laid on top, which have production dimensions of 1,200-600 * 20 mm.

In 8 hours, 1 person can install up to 30 square meters floor - perfectly flat, ready for any finishing coat, be it laminate, tile, parquet board, carpet or linoleum.

There are no wet processes in this technology, so no time is wasted waiting for the surface to dry.

Among the advantages of the KNAUF-superfloor system is also the low weight of the structure, which allows it to be used when renovating dilapidated premises.

KNAUF superfloor - do-it-yourself installation and installation

1. With laser level or other means, determine the level of the base, lay plastic film on it.

2. Install a special edge strip along the perimeter of the enclosing structures adjacent to the prefabricated floor base.

3. Level the dry backfill using a set of slats or other devices.

4. Before laying the sheets adjacent to the wall, use a special knife, hacksaw or jigsaw to remove the fold.

5. Evenly distribute special dry KNAUF backfill over the surface at the rate of 10 liters per m2 with a layer thickness of 1 cm.

6. Start laying floor elements from the wall with doorway from right to left. The cut side of the element should face the wall, and the protruding ridge should face to the side.

7. Apply one or two strips of adhesive mastic to the ridge of the laid floor element. Place the next element and secure it with special self-tapping screws for GVLV.

8. The screed is ready! If necessary, seal joints and screw fastening points with putty.

Installation of KNAUF superfloor – photo

Laying Knauf superfloor - video


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  • The appearance of Knauf flooring on the market was a real breakthrough in the field of construction. Knauf loose floors, easy to install, have already been loved by hundreds of users. And although it is impossible to call the material cheap, reviews from professionals say that with such a base you will save a lot of effort and time.

    Features of bulk floor

    Dry screed is a kind of cocktail created using panel-type elements made of gypsum fiber. GVL is laid on a special waterproofing film, covered with an overlap with the ends of at least 20 cm. Also, the protection comes out on the walls by about 6-7 cm. Installation of a dry screed saves time, allowing you to do without a wet cement-sand mixture and all the manipulations associated with it. And the main advantage of Knauf is the high strength and quality of the material. The name Knauf bulk floor means that after leveling the surface, gypsum fiber board slabs are laid on it, fastening them using assembly adhesive or self-tapping screws.

    Where and when to use loose dry floors?

    Whether or not to use a super-floor is up to the user, but there are cases when Knauf slabs 1200x600x22 mm are the best alternative any choice:

    1. When reconstructing an old floor covering without replacing the old base. The advantages of the stove are its low weight, which significantly lightens the load on everything. load-bearing elements and quick installation, allowing you to cope with the work without using additional force.
    2. If you plan to install a heated electronic floor in a building with wooden floors.
    3. In cases where installation is necessary in record time, GVL slabs and Knauf loose flooring are the best solution.
    4. Prefabricated slabs are ideal for arranging floors in the cold season, when installing a traditional screed is not possible.

    View material characteristics and select best prices on the product, as well as get acquainted with the nuances of the work, the video will help.

    Technological process of laying bulk floor

    It is important to pay attention to the implementation of the stages of work so that the elements are in their place and you do not have to redo the whole work again:

    1. Backfilling with dry screed. The material purchased in the store must be poured along the perimeter of the floor area, focusing on the level of pre-installed beacons. Afterwards, you should level the surface using a lath and under no circumstances subject the even floor to deformation. Knauf will show you how to pour out and level dry screed in a video tutorial. Although reviews from professionals say that no difficulties are expected in the process. But in order to walk on the screed, it is better to lay sheets of gypsum fiber board (trimmings are also possible), and then the actual installation of the gypsum board will begin.
    2. Installation of Knauf bulk floor. Laying of gypsum fiber board elements begins from the place furthest from the entrance to the room. As soon as the first sheet is laid, the second and third are immediately laid. This is done as tightly as possible, the gaps between the elements should not be more than 1mm.
    3. After installation, all small joints must be sealed with glue.

    Important! The screed must not be damaged under any circumstances. To make the installation as strong as possible, you should use self-tapping screws.

    1. After the first row of slabs has been laid, begin laying the second row. To start building a row, you can use a piece of slab (in the case of cutting an element), but only if the size of the slab is not less than a quarter of a whole one;
    2. At smooth walls installation is carried out without serious gaps, but in case of unevenness, the remaining gaps are foamed with polyurethane foam.
    3. The direction of laying out elements is determined individually. After completion of the work, the joints must be sanded and straightened with putty.

    Advice! It is better to do the work in pairs; the weight of one gypsum slab is approximately 17 kg, and it is difficult to hold it with outstretched arms. When working with the material, the joints shift, as when laying brick.

    Dry screed thickness - stage three

    The minimum thickness of the Knauf bulk floor, as recommended by reviews from professionals, should be at least 4-5 cm. It turns out that the thickness of the backfill is added to the thickness of the sheet (2 cm), also 2-3 cm. Parameters should be taken into account in the case of work with my own hands. The final floor covering (laminate, tiles) also needs to be taken into account.

    Knauf floors require slight shrinkage, approximately 1.5-2 cm, so when installing dry screed in several rooms, you need to take into account the interroom transitions.

    Waterproofing, sound insulation

    All bulk floors are afraid of moisture: swelling, deformation and then uneven subsidence - all this can be avoided by installing a waterproofing layer of ordinary polyethylene of good thickness. A layer is laid under a dry screed. It is especially important to comply with the condition if the building’s floors are wooden. Sealing cracks and holes with alabaster, pressing wires to the base are the initial work, after which you can lay waterproofing. All the nuances preparatory work you can watch it on the video.

    It’s a good idea to take care of a soundproofing layer to prevent floor deformation. To do this, you need to leave a small gap between the gypsum board and the wall, where any soundproofing material (mineral wool or self-adhesive foam tape) will fit.

    What can a superfloor be installed under?

    Knauf bulk material assumes any final finish:

    • Linoleum;
    • Laminate;
    • Ceramic tiles;
    • Parquet;
    • Carpet;
    • Solid wood, veneer.

    Super-floor Knauf is not cheap, but such a dry screed is much easier to install and is not much inferior in characteristics to a cement-sand screed. As a result, the user receives high performance characteristics elements and speed and ease of installation.

    Advantages of modular slabs:

    • Evenness of the base which can withstand a distributed load of 500 kg/m2, a point load of 200 kg/m2;
    • High fire-resistant qualities. Floating floors are ideal for residential, domestic and industrial premises;
    • Hypoallergenic. Thanks to the fact that GVL sheets and dry screed are made from natural material, the elements are recommended for installation in kindergartens, hospitals and other premises where high standards for the quality of floors are required;
    • Not susceptible to deformation. Such characteristics make it possible to avoid squeaks and broken elements during operation. The super-floor will remain intact even under everyday intense loads;
    • Thermal and sound insulating properties. Laying Knauf flooring requires only waterproofing, without layers of heat and sound insulating material on the base. Sound insulation, as indicated above, is only required on wall panels;
    • Extremely short work time. The construction of the floors is so simple that you can handle them yourself, without spending a single extra day on drying or maturing the composition. At the same time, a Knauf floating or modular floor is ready for use immediately after laying out and filling the joints;
    • Easy to install. Thanks to the small format of the elements, floor installation can be carried out in different rooms without loss of quality and level;
    • No “wet” work. This quality is especially important if the superfloor is laid in apartments with old supports, where the installation of a wet screed is impossible due to the dilapidation of the joists and floors.


    1. Superfloor has reduced moisture resistance. The installation of a dry screed is impossible without a layer of waterproofing. The Knauf device is also not recommended in rooms with a constant aggressive humid environment. Ingress of moisture will require opening the slab, long-term drying of the filler, or complete replacement elements.
    2. Dust when working with expanded clay fractions. This can be easily avoided by performing installation and filling in respirators;
    3. High cost compared to other materials.

    The disadvantages that super sex has are minimal. The final price of the work, according to professionals, is not much higher than laying a wet screed. But the time it takes for the floor to be ready (immediately after the elements are laid) makes us consider Knauf products ideal solution for practical owners.

    A method based on screed made from mortar (cement-sand) and bulk screed using prefabricated structures. The second method is used less frequently, but is more economical in production. Let's consider a method for installing a bulk floor using products from the leader in this market - the German company Knauf.

    Products of the company "Knauf"

    This German company is widely known in the market and has been distinguished for many years by the excellent quality of its building materials. The list of its products includes plasterboard and hypo-fiber sheets, liquid construction mixtures. Especially widespread Our country received Knauf loose floors.

    Knauf floors, floor elements

    Products in this segment include “Knauf”-supersheet (regular and moisture-resistant) and Gypsum-fiber “Knauf”-supersheet - this is a high-quality, environmentally friendly and fireproof material. Has good sound and heat insulating properties. Sheet dimensions 250x120, thickness 1 or 1.25 cm. Used as a compensating layer for backfill thickness less than 15 cm, if Knauf floors are made.

    Floor elements are made from moisture-resistant Knauf supersheets. In this case, two sheets with dimensions of 120x60x1 cm are glued together. The result is a floor element 1200x600x20mm "Knauf" - a sheet with folds along the entire perimeter 5 cm wide.
    The Knauf floor structure consists of a layer of film, a layer of expanded clay and the actual floor elements. Carrying out floor installation work has the following advantages:

    Short terms;
    . exclusion of “dirty” work;
    . the resulting perfectly level floor base with convenient placement all communications.

    For laying Knauf flooring, not only a flat surface is suitable, but also an uneven base with defects covered with a layer of filling.

    Advantages of Knauf floors

    Ideal levelness of the floor base.
    . Hypoallergenic materials.
    . No creaks or breaks during the entire period of its operation.
    . The floor is ready for use immediately after installation.
    . Excellent sound insulation (compared to cement screed or self-leveling floors);
    . It is impossible to flood the neighbors, since no water is used during operation.
    . Low thermal conductivity of Knauf floors.
    . High speed performance of work.
    . Possibility of alternate installation of floors in different rooms on the same level.
    . Possibility of installing any floor covering (for example, parquet).
    . Possibility of installing electrical heated floors(you cannot install water heated floors).

    DIY floor installation

    There is no problem in installing Knauf floors yourself. Floor elements, necessary materials and tools need to be purchased and simple instructions step by step:

    Prepare the surface;
    . lay a vapor and moisture insulation layer and a sound insulation layer;
    . fill in expanded clay;
    . lay the Knauf floor elements, their installation is quite simple, just secure with self-tapping screws and glue;
    . complete the finishing

    Laying Knauf floor elements

    When preparing the surface, if repairs are being made, the old coating, dust and construction debris should be removed, sealed with alabaster or gypsum mortar all the cracks and holes in the base. If there are wires, they must be placed in a corrugation and pressed to the floor (the layer of expanded clay above the corrugation must exceed 2 cm).

    When installing a vapor and moisture insulation layer, using a level, you need to mark the top level of expanded clay backfill on the walls (from two to six centimeters, depending on the unevenness of the base) plus 2 cm for the thickness of the floor elements. A film (with an overlap of more than 20 cm) is laid on the base of the floor, extending above the specified level, and secured with construction tape. For concrete base It is better to use (you can use 200 micron polyethylene film), for wood - bitumen paper or glassine.

    When installing sound insulation around the perimeter of the entire room, sound-heat-insulating material 1 cm thick and 10 cm wide, self-adhesive or simple, secured with ordinary tape, is attached along the walls.

    When filling in expanded clay, the main thing is to properly level the surface of the layer and avoid the formation of voids. To do this, profiles are first arranged parallel to each other with a pitch of no more than 150 cm at the previously noted height according to the marks on the walls. The required height is obtained by placing planks or remnants of slabs under them. To ensure the stability of the profiles, their support points must be located at least 70 cm apart. If the expanded clay layer is more than 6 cm, then an additional layer of slabs must be laid. After leveling the layer as a rule, the profile is removed along with the supports, and the remaining voids are filled with expanded clay, leveled, and the entire layer is compacted. You should move along the laid layer by placing squares of plywood sheets under your feet.

    If the base surface is flat, use sheets of extruded polystyrene foam or other materials instead. thermal insulation materials with laying edge strip along the walls.

    We are finishing installing Knauf floors. It is better to lay floor elements away from the door. When laying the first row, the folds of the sheets adjacent to the walls are cut off. Subsequent rows are laid with offset joints. In this case, the folds are glued and secured with self-tapping screws 15 cm from each other.

    Preface. Many people want to make a KNAUF superfloor with their own hands. There are many reasons for this - the floors are light, unlike concrete floors, make their family a strength to many; in addition, they are warm, environmentally friendly and reliable. During installation, less dirt is generated than during pouring. In this article we will analyze the design of floor elements, the technology of laying dry Knauf screed with our own hands and show video installation instructions.

    The floor in the house should be warm, environmentally friendly and durable, perfectly flat, capable of withstanding high mechanical loads. Almost everything finishing materials meet the requirements if laid on a well-prepared subfloor. Knauf superpol – innovative technology to create solid foundation on which any floor covering can be laid, including wooden floor.

    What is Knauf Superfloor dry screed?

    Laying Knauf superfloor video instructions

    The floor element is a KNAUF-superfloor product made of gypsum-fiber moisture-resistant sheets (GVLV), for installing a “dry” screed with your own hands - a prefabricated floor base.

    Installing a Knauf superfloor is a cleaner method of leveling the floor by laying gypsum fiber sheets on a layer of expanded clay, which has thermal insulating properties.

    Due to small fractions of expanded clay, not only high-quality floor insulation is achieved, but also floor leveling, and flat surface The subfloor is made with a durable platform - Knauf floor elements fastened with glue and self-tapping screws. As a result, you can do the floor screed yourself without unnecessary dirt and wet work.

    Required set of materials and tools:

    – polyethylene film;
    – floor element KNAUF-superfloor;
    – edge tape;
    – expanded clay;
    – screwdriver;
    – jigsaw;
    – PVA glue;
    – self-tapping screws for gypsum plasterboard;
    measuring instruments: tape measure, pencil.

    Do-it-yourself Knauf superfloor installation

    Laying Knauf superfloor on polystyrene foam

    1. Spread the film on the base

    To perform a vapor barrier, a regular film of 50 microns is used. The film is laid with an overlap of 10-15 cm on the walls and an overlap of at least 20 cm. Along the perimeter of the room, between the film and the gypsum fiber sheets, an edge strip of porous material is laid to the height of the expanded clay backfill.

    2. Place beacons in the room

    The manufacturer's instructions do not use beacons, but without sufficient experience you can make mistakes when leveling the mixture yourself. An inverted profile is used as beacons. The profile lies flat on the floor, and expanded clay is poured between its edges. The contact of the metal with the elements of the Knauf floor is minimal, so the floor will be warm, regardless of whether the dry Knauf floor is laid on polystyrene foam or on a wooden floor.

    3. Scatter and level the expanded clay

    Don't cover the entire floor; there is enough surface area to lay several sheets so you can walk around the room without problems. At the same time, expanded clay crumbs will not fall on the joints of the sheets when they are laid. It is worth noting that Knauf superfloor can be mounted on a wooden floor or on a concrete one.

    4. Laying the floor elements

    The basic rule during installation is not to move the sheet along the surface of the backfill. Just carefully place the sheet on top and secure. Although this is not easy, since the sheet weighs 17 kg. Working together, the sheets are stacked much easier. Before laying, the seam on the sheets along the walls is removed so that the gypsum plasterboard layer is the same.

    5. We fasten the sheets with screws and glue

    The sheets are laid offset, similar to brick laying. The super-sex element consists of two gypsum fiber sheet glued with an offset, which is why there is a field for fastening with self-tapping screws. Each sheet is fastened with self-tapping screws every 10-15 cm. For strength, the manufacturer recommends gluing the seams with PVA glue.

    Features of Knauf-super technology

    Laying Knauf superfloor on a wooden floor

    Dry screed is much faster to complete than concrete screed. This is a prefabricated floor system that reduces labor intensity and avoids wet processes. Knauf floors reduce the load on the ceiling and increase the heat and sound insulation of rooms. Usually the superfloor is assembled on top of an expanded clay screed with a fraction of up to 5 mm.

    Despite its simplicity, laying floor elements is not primitive, but requires skill. The technology has many subtleties, compliance with which will give good result. To install a Knauf superfloor with your own hands, you should not rush, watch the video and study the process thoroughly in order to carry out all the work yourself.