Unexplored places. Unexplored places on our planet

Today, many scientists are trying to unravel all the secrets of our world, but there are a huge number of places formed for an unknown reason, as well as mythical and mysterious territories that defy any logic, much less scientific facts.

To begin with, let's look at several little-known cities that keep a centuries-old and interesting history.

  • In the center Pacific Ocean there is a certain island-city of Nan Mazol, formed from volcanic rocks.

Nobody knows how this city appeared and it seems strange. This abandoned stone city is a huge structure without windows or doors, as tall as the famous Pyramid of Cheops. By appearance the city resembles a large volcano. Many people think that this place was previously inhabited by giants, who built this structure.

  • In the Chelyabinsk region there is a certain mystical city of Arkaim, which changes the lives of people who find themselves in this unique place.

This ancient city must receive his visitor. There are legends that once visiting this mystical part of Russia, people understand their lives differently and begin to change it. Also, all the diseases that a person had before this moment disappear after visiting this city in a completely inexplicable way.

  • There are also anomalous zones in our world, where people hear and see various objects, sounds, and unthinkable phenomena occur.

Among such places are the city of Kyzylkum in Central Asia, the Moleb Triangle in Russia, the famous Loch Ness in Scotland, the Mexican town of Chawinda, the Czech Catacombs and many other territories unknown to science.

In addition, in the world you can see so much beautiful places, which cannot be compared with anything, but tourists simply do not know about the existence of these amazing natural beauties.

  • Beautiful sand dunes that were nicknamed the Wave due to their appearance.

This natural wonder is located in the United States, between the states of Utah and Arizona. You will never forget such a desert.

  • Another beautiful place is a small pond in Brazil. Its name corresponds to the sensations - Enchanted Well. It is located in a cave in the state of Bahia. The reservoir is filled with the purest clear water, through which the sun's rays penetrate, piercing this well to the very bottom with a blue glow.

  • The Fly geothermal geyser is of indescribable beauty, covered with multi-colored rocks.

This source is located in Nevada, USA. This formation reaches 1.5 meters in height, but every year the geyser grows, accumulating more and more iridescent layers.

  • Another equally interesting and charming place is the great blue spot in the Atlantic Ocean.

This amazing place is nicknamed the Great Blue Hole, formed inside the Lighthouse Reef, owned by the state of Belize. In fact, this is a deep sinkhole that divers from all over the world love to explore.

  • One of the most little-known places on Earth is the island of Socotra, located in the Indian Ocean.

The territory of this island is full of completely unique nature. You will not be able to find trees that grow in Socotra anywhere else. The tourist flow to this area is so small that the nature remains almost untouched, which is very rare these days. It’s as if you find yourself in another world that needs to be explored from the very beginning. Its name translates as Island of Happiness. It reigns here cleanest ecology, no hotels, highways and expensive restaurants.

  • In Canada, there is a unique Spotted Lake that enchants the eye.

This is the healing lake Kliluk, which has captivated the world with its beauty and is famous for its high concentration of various minerals, which create peculiar circles on the surface a certain color. During the summer, some minerals crystallize, forming hard formations around the spots that you can walk on.

  • The dry valleys of Antarctica are also considered an amazing place.

This place is the only dry area among the Antarctic glaciers. There is no precipitation here, and the climate, according to scientists, is as close as possible to the climate of Mars. A frozen salt lake was discovered in the valleys, in which previously unknown organisms and bacteria were found, which theoretically confirms the possibility of life on Mars.

Of course, one can list such beauties almost endlessly, since humanity does not even know half of all possible natural phenomena, which cannot be explained using existing technologies at the moment. All corners of the world deserve special attention, but this cannot be limited to just one article. Do not stop only at the most proposed options popular places, because you will be able to skip many unique zones where no one has set foot before!

Many people think that since modern technologies allowed us to begin exploring the Moon and Mars, launching spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn and other planets, then there are no longer any secret and unexplored corners on Earth. In fact, this is completely true.

But even today there are quite a lot of areas on the globe that remain, for one reason or another, little studied, where a person’s foot has only stepped a couple of times. We have collected 10 of the most unexplored corners and places on our planet.

1. Northern Columbia Mountains

Multi-tiered mountain ranges with cave systems, scenic areas and dense vegetation are unlikely to be suitable for your solitude, since they serve for the solitude of other people - namely Colombian drug dealers. Having captured this completely unexplored territory, they keep it in complete submission, thanks to the fact that the mountains are very difficult to storm, and the lush year-round green vegetation provides excellent cover.

However, dedicated scientists, who conduct scientific expeditions there at their own risk, talk about new unique discoveries in animals and flora, especially in intermountain isolated valleys.

2. Angel Falls

Also known as Kerepakupai vena, meaning "Waterfall" deepest place" This is the tallest continuous waterfall in the world. It is located in the tropical forests of Venezuela, in the Canaima National Park. Water cascades from the top of Auyantepui, the largest of the Venezuelan tepuis - its name means “mountain of the devil” in Russian.

The water falls from a staggering height of 979 m. The waterfall was named after Jimmy Angel, the US pilot who was the first to fly over this waterfall. This place remains one of the most inaccessible on Earth due to dense jungle and lack of means of transportation.

3. Papua New Guinea

Open but unexplored land, which amazes with its landscapes, diversity of fauna and other natural beauties, also delights researchers with discoveries in the human world. The whole point is that more and more new tribes and cultures are found there, most often cannibalistic, which, by the way, interfere with the exploration of this territory.

If you still decide to admire the pristine beauty of nature without smoking chimneys, admire the rivers without waste flowing into it, and still go to Papua New Guinea, then remember that you will have to be extremely careful in this little-explored area - the population is unfriendly, and If help comes, it will be extremely untimely.

4. Greenland Ice Sheet

Greenland has the second largest ice sheet in the world (after Antarctica), and the island is used as a testing ground for fundamental research on glaciers: glaciologists here study glacier dynamics, microbiologists study ancient life trapped in ice. However, the most significant aspect remains the study of the paleoclimatic aspects of the research, since the ice has air inclusions that can provide information about the atmosphere of the past. A total of six have been drilled in Greenland deep wells, and the most little-studied place is the Northern edge of Greenland, the Lincoln Sea and other arctic waters surrounding it. Throughout their history, only a few ships have visited here, among them were ours nuclear icebreakers. But this entire icy desert is gradually melting, and at current rates the shield will disappear in 2,000 years.

5. Tristan da Cunha

Temperate warm climate, rich fauna and flora, south Atlantic Ocean– what could be better than solitude and quiet old age? In addition, it is extremely difficult to get here, there is no way by air - only by sea, and only on certain days when the sea is calm and there is no danger of running into a rocky ridge.

However, there is Internet on the island, there is radio communication, so everything you need for happiness to modern man can be found there. Disadvantages - about 300 more people have chosen such a heavenly place; you will have to put up with this company, as well as the fact that you will have to produce food yourself - catch fish with homemade nets or plow on plantations like those same 300 people.

6. Amazon Rainforests

7. Tibetan plateau

To travel 20 days on foot, travel 81 days and not see a single person, do you think this is only possible on the surface of the Moon? No, this Tibetan plateau is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. With the exception of a handful of monks in certain areas, you risk running into no one here at all, even if you permanently move to a small village.

Cartographers still do not have a general map of the area, and if we talk about blank spots somewhere, then only about Tibet. The championship is held by the border mountains of Gankar Punsum; having chosen these heights, you will have to get to the nearest settlement about a month and a half without the possibility of using any transport.

8. Mariana Trench

Almost the entire bottom of the World Ocean can be called the least explored space on our planet. However, the most mysterious known point is the oceanic deep sea trench in the western Pacific Ocean. The depression was named after the nearby Mariana Islands, and its deep point The Challenger Deep is located in the southwestern part. According to measurements in 2011, its depth is 10,994 ± 40 m below sea level. Only 3 people have visited this place: Jacques Picard and Donald Walsh on the bathyscaphe Trieste in 1960, and James Cameron on the bathyscaphe Deepsea Challenger in 2012. The pressure at this depth is 1,106 times the pressure at sea level, but 20 thousand microorganisms were discovered at the bottom of the Challenger Deep. Fauna collected included isopods and six species of shrimp-like amphipods. Further study of the depression, according to scientists, can tell us more about the adaptation of organisms to high blood pressure and perhaps even unlock the mystery of the origin of life.

9. Cape York Peninsula

The natural reserve on the northern peninsula of Australia is also famous for the fact that it is extremely difficult to reach, only by air. Large flat areas, where absolutely no one lives, are interspersed with small settlements of aborigines, who are extremely unfriendly to tourists trying to penetrate their protected area.

It is not called a reserve for nothing - only there you can meet up to 150 various types animals and plants that are found on Earth only in Cape York and nowhere else. Beautiful hilly landscapes and ocean bays still attract extreme tourists, according to whom, traveling to Cape York is very expensive due to the absolutely undeveloped infrastructure of this part of the mainland.

10. Naica Crystal Cave

This is a giant cave of natural crystals, including some of the largest ever found. It is located adjacent to the city of Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico. The cave was discovered by miners during excavations of a new tunnel in 2000. It has the shape of a horseshoe. Temperatures reach up to 58 °C (136 °F) and humidity ranges from 90 to 99 percent. Without proper protective equipment people are only able to stay inside for about ten minutes due to high temperature. It is noteworthy that access to the cave is provided through the pumping activities of the mining company. If it stops, the cave will again plunge under water.

Unexplored Russia with a territory of more than 17 million square meters. km. - Indeed, it will take several lifetimes to see all its beauties with your own eyes. Or at least understand the scale sung by poets and writers: “My native country is wide, / There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.” “How wide and how much…” we know from school, but is this “dry knowledge” enough?

Russia - great country, and today there are no people in the world who are indifferent to it. She is either idolized or hated.

Often we want to believe that we know everything about our homeland. But this is far from true. This is especially true for attractions about which we know little. Surprisingly, as mysterious as Russia is for foreigners, it is so unknown to its native inhabitants. And there are a lot of such unexplored places in our country.

Let's try together to take a short trip to the little-known places of our homeland. Whether they are interesting is up to you to judge. So, 5 little-known places in Russia that are definitely worth seeing:

Lake Darashkol

Photo: National Geographic Russia

The Altai country is generous with miracles and beauty. Here you can see a fairy tale at every step.

There is in this amazing land the most beautiful place, which is impossible not to fall in love with. Lake Darashkol. From Altai “Dyarash Kol” is translated as “ Beautiful lake" As they say, it is what it is. In fact, it’s not enough to say beautiful, it’s bewitching, charming, unearthly.

The lake is located in the upper reaches of the Ioldo-Ayra valley. A cape crashes into the very middle of the lake from the south, reminiscent of Italy in miniature, that very “boot”. There are low-growing and accessible cedars growing around, and there are a lot of lingonberries and blueberries. The constant change of lighting, almost every minute, gives the lake a special magnetism. The color of the lake can change from bright aquamarine to light green, and all this is literally before your eyes. The waters of the lake are so clean and transparent that all the beauty around is reflected in them, as in a mirror.

Weathering pillars

Photo: pictoday.ru

This happened a very, very long time ago. In the forests adjacent to the Ural Mountains lived a very brave Mansi tribe. The men from this tribe had the strength of a bear and the speed of a deer. The leader of the tribe was the wise Kuuschai. And the leader had a daughter - the beautiful Aim.

Rumors about her beauty spread over long distances, and the giant Torev (the bear) also learned about this, and he desired Aim. But the girl did not want to connect her life with the giant monster. And then Torev, together with his 6 giant brothers, went to war against Kuushchai. But, as always, good defeated evil, and brother Aim, the brave and strong Pygrychum, repelled the attack. Using a shiny shield, he directed rays at each of the giants, and one by one they turned into stones.

We, modern children of the Earth, no longer believe in fairy tales about giants. But such a place exists. Tourists simply call these stone sculptures “Pupas”. And the energy here is incredible. Everyone who has ever been to these places repeats this. The Mansi still consider this place holy and do not approach it. By the way, to get to Stolby, you need to go through an equally legendary place - the Dyatlov Pass.


In fact, these former giants arose from ordinary mountains. For many millennia, these mountains were subjected to natural attack in the form of rain, snow, and wind, which led to the destruction of weak rocks and the emergence of bizarre forms of idols. The pillars are truly majestic, reaching a height of 34 meters. Depending on the viewing angle, they can take on the appearance of a person or an animal.

This place is located in the Komi Republic.

In 2008, the Weathering Pillars were ranked among the 7 wonders of Russia.

Lake Elton

Photo: fg-studio.ru

Lake Elton is a unique natural object located in the Volgograd region. This body of water is one of the most interesting salt lakes not only in Russia, but throughout Europe, and about its healing properties and its unique origin are legendary.

Elton local residents called the pearl of the Volga steppes. Its depth reaches only 15 centimeters, and only in spring in places of large accumulation melt water the depth can increase to 70 centimeters.

Lake Elton attracts with its healing salt waters and mineral mud. People who visited this healing town say that even nature heals and soothes there.

Here, in the middle of the steppe massifs, you can see sand dunes of natural origin and eye-catching salt mountains.

Curonian Spit

Photo: moya-planeta.ru
Photo: moya-planeta.ru

In the Kaliningrad region there is a unique place called the Curonian Spit. This one is small narrow area The land is separated by the Baltic Sea from the Curonian Lagoon. The length of the spit is about 98 km, but, unfortunately, not all of it belongs to Russia. Part of the spit passes through the territory of Lithuania.

The migratory route of birds passes through the Curonian Spit, which is why there is a terrible hubbub here in spring and autumn. One of the first ornithological stations in the world was built here.

Photo: Nina Karenina

There is a legend about the origin of the Curonian Spit that has been passed down from generation to generation.

A long time ago, when there was no trace of the Curonian Spit, commander Karvait and his beloved wife lived on the seashore in their beautiful castle. They lived in perfect harmony, but they did not have a child for complete happiness.

And then one day, while hunting, Karvait managed to catch a large elk. And he and his wife decided to make a donation good fairy Laima so that she could fulfill their cherished dream of having a child. Laima took pity on the couple and gave them a beautiful child. They named the child Neringa.

When the girl grew up and was about to get married, a storm suddenly came and lasted for 13 long years. The waves poured blocks of sand onto the shore, and Neringa saved her land by collecting this sand in her hem. She poured it back into the sea, which is why the Curonian Spit appeared.

Volcano Maly Semyachik

Maly Semyachik Volcano, Photo:

Getting to any of the places on this list will be extremely difficult, even with modern development technology will have to go through a rather difficult path. Are you really ready to conquer Mother Nature? We present to your attention a selection of 10 least explored places on Earth, where nature has been preserved in in its original form, and all processes go on as usual, without human intervention.

Greenland ice sheet

First discovered by Eric the Red, this land is covered with 80% ice. The ice sheet, which is 600 square miles in size, is thought to melt in about 2,000 years at current rates, so you still have a few millennia left to visit it. You can admire the beauty of these places in the article about the ice canyons of Greenland, or in other articles on LifeGlobe.

Northern Mountains of Colombia

The Northern Mountains of Colombia were largely explored only by guerrilla fighters and outlaws. Because of this, it is difficult to say exactly how many mountains have actually been discovered and explored. Most of the local tribes here are peaceful, and scientists discover new representatives of flora and fauna with each new expedition.

Rainforests Amazons

With a population of 2.1 million spread over 300,000 square miles, it is no surprise that Namibia is known as the least populated country in Africa. For animals such as Cheetah and Rhinoceros, Namibia is an ideal haven from poachers. This is due to the program for protecting the natural world, spelled out in the Namibian government constitution. This is the only country in the world that has done this.

Tristan da Cunha

Located near the mainland South Africa, Tristan da Cunha is one of the most isolated islands in the world at just 7 miles long. This island has a temperate climate, which makes it ideal for becoming a sanctuary for giant elephant seals, shorebirds and waterfowl. The Tristan hotspot is an area of ​​volcanic activity that forms archipelago islands in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Northeastern Siberia

Siberia is one of the most parts of Russia, which covers approximately 70% of the Country's territory. However, only 30% of its population lives here. In fact, most of the population in Siberia is somehow connected with oil production.

Gankar Punsum

The Gangkar Punsum Mountains are at the top of the list of the tallest mountains in the world. On the borders of Tibet, China and Bhutan, these high altitudes are little explored due to both the distance and the political, social, and spiritual issues between the three countries.


Antarctica is often noted as the world's largest body of ice, difficult for scientists to access. Recently, Antarctic research has become more intensive, as global warming it became possible to stay here for longer periods.

Mariana Trench

This area is the most unexplored in the world. A deep sea trench, the Mariana Trench is located near Guam and the Mariana Islands. It wasn't until 2011 that the US Navy imaged the topography of the Mariana Trench from a survey ship using a multibeam echo sounder.

Not many people manage to travel through most countries, visit most peaks, and see different seas and oceans in their lifetime. But even those who are lucky enough to devote their lives to travel cannot get to such mysterious corners. Even for scientists, these mysterious places on the planet remain mostly a mystery!

Mulu, Borneo

This place is known for the world's largest cave system, of which only 10% has been explored by humans. They are easy to reach and you can easily take the train to Mulu. But it’s difficult not to get lost at the beginning of the journey. The caves located in the jungle are shrouded in secrets, and therefore even the bravest travelers do not want to risk their lives.

This shield covers 80% of Greenland's territory and is about 3 kilometers thick. It is because of this that 80% of the country remains a complete mystery to all humanity. In 2014, scientists managed to make a little progress and find out that there is something under the ice: the irregularities hidden under the shield indicate that there is something to study there, and the secrets that are hidden under the glacier may surprise us.

They are accessible to human study and expeditions of scientists are constantly carried out in these forests, but still this is one of the most uncharted territories due to its enormous size. The Amazon tropics is the largest forest in the world. And the studied part of it is only the tip of the iceberg, and more than one unexpected discovery may await in the depths!

This area for a long time they studied partisans and bandit groups that were hiding here from the authorities, so it’s hard to say what they managed to see there. Robbers do not keep logbooks with records of surrounding nature. Why did they choose the Northern Andes? The reasons are mountainous terrain, dense forests and fogs, routes unknown to other people.

Nevertheless, expeditions of scientists also began to go to the Andes. But not in order to find out the secrets of the bandits, but to study the nature of this area. Over the past 12 years, it has been possible to identify at least several previously unknown species of animals, birds and plants.

The Mariana Trench remains the most mysterious and unexplored place in the underwater world of our planet. Its deepest place is called the Challenger Deep. Its depth is more than 11 thousand meters! It is in this depression that the monkfish lives, as well as a lot of other amazing creatures that are accustomed to enormous pressure and temperature changes. This is the most unexplored place on Earth, because absolutely no one knows what and who is at the very bottom.

Would you like to know the secrets of these unexplored places?

Victoria Demidyuk