Open Library - an open library of educational information. Project on the topic: Project What a school library can tell

MCOU Kucheryaevskaya secondary school

Project “What can a school library tell you about?”

(literary reading)

2nd grade

2014-2015 academic year

Project goal:

Participate in the collective project “What a school library can tell you about.”

Find the necessary information about the library in various sources.

Find the right and interesting book from the thematic catalog in the library

Find information about ancient books from a textbook.

Project work plan:

    Find out what a library is and what the first libraries were.

    Collecting information about ancient books.

    Visiting school and village libraries.

    Exchange opinions about the school library.

    Prepare a speech about what you learned in the library.

    Design and present the project.

First libraryoriginated 8,000 (eight thousand) years ago! The people of Ancient Mesopotamia wrote on clay tablets using a thin stick called a “wedge,” and their writing method was called cuneiform. The tablets were fired, and the most valuable ones were placed in special clay envelopes so that they would not spoil. Archaeologists have found thousands of such tablets, which were kept in palaces and were sorted according to their themes.

The libraries of Ancient Egypt were located in temples: they were guarded by priests. The Egyptians wrote on papyrus, which was then rolled up around a tipped stick and stored in chests or on shelves.

The most famous was the library in Alexandria. More than 700,000 (seven hundred thousand) papyrus scrolls were stored there.

The ancient Romans were the first to think of building public libraries.

At the beginning of our era, libraries became an integral part of churches and monasteries. The monks read and copied books: many libraries were maintained thanks to their efforts.

When the majestic cathedrals were built, people began to build small libraries at the cathedrals. Universities also stockpiled books. Some were famous for their collections of “chained” books. Why "chained"? Books were so difficult to make that they were chained to the walls with large chains to avoid trouble.

Public libraries, as we know them today, have existed for only 100 years. In total, today there are approximately 130 million book titles in libraries (according to Google).

Antique books

What can a school library tell you about?

You can find interesting books in the library.Shchurov Kirill, Gatsev Igor and Polyanskikh Ksenia review the book.

"Knizhkina Hospital"

Schoolchildren together with librarian Elena Mitrofanovna Kryachko repair books

The guys are looking for the books they need.

Elena Mitrofanovna explains to Ksenia Polyanskikh where you can find textbooks for grade 2.

Polyanskikh Ksenia gets acquainted with dictionaries.

Yaroslav Shalnev often comes to the library to buy books.

In the village library.

The children often visit the village library.

Example Project 1

Target: Getting to know the library. Generating interest in the book.

Problems and solution:

Determine what encyclopedias, reference books and periodicals are in the library.

In our school library there are many children's encyclopedias about everything in the world: “Encyclopedia of Smart People”, “Encyclopedia of the Connoisseur”, “Your First Encyclopedia”, “Encyclopedia of Pets”, “Encyclopedia of Cars” and so on.

Find out in which book you can find information about the history of storage of books.

The history of book storage can be found in Nikolai Pavlovich Smirny-Sokolsky’s two-volume book “My Library”

Find out how the books are arranged (alphabetically or by topic).

In our school library, books are arranged in thematic sections: "mathematics", "Russian literature", " foreign literature", "fairy tales", "magazines" and so on.

How can I find the book I need?

In the thematic section, all book titles are arranged alphabetically from "A" to "Z", with the exception of the sections "Russian literature" and "foreign literature".

In it, the books are arranged alphabetically from “A” to “Z”, but not by the titles of the works, but by the names of the authors of the works. This makes it easier to find your favorite authors.

Where can I get information about the contents of the book?

Brief information about the contents of the book is most often located at the beginning of the book, sometimes at the end. It's called an annotation.

What thematic exhibitions were in the library?

“Hurry to do good”, “Fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin”, “Green Planet”, “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”, “Nature is our home”, “Blossom the earth” and others.

Write a text for a library tour

At summer camp, our whole class went on an excursion to the city library.

The excursion was conducted by librarian Lyudmila Ivanovna.

She showed us the reading room and where books are stored in the library.

She also told us how to find the book we need and how to sign up for a subscription to take a book home to read.

I really enjoyed the library tour; I learned a lot of useful information from it.


1. The library is very important place for children.

2. There is a special “book atmosphere” here.

4. Find a lot of educational books on any topic.

5. Learn to choose books yourself.

6. Get acquainted with literary heroes.

7. Take part in the creation of exhibitions.

8. Just chat with friends.

Sample Project 2

What is a library?

A library is a place where books are stored. A separate room is allocated for the library, where books are placed on shelves and racks.

To make it convenient to find a book in the library, they are all listed in an alphabetical catalogue. In accordance with this catalog, each book is located in its place in the library.

Who is a librarian?

A librarian is a person who works in a library. This is an educated person who loves to read and knows a lot of books.

In the library, he will always come to the aid of the reader to find the right book, since he knows all the books in the library.

Why do schoolchildren need libraries?

Schoolchildren need school libraries so that they can read the book they need or write an essay or project on a chosen topic.

Also, the school library was created so that schoolchildren read as much as possible, because books contain a lot of knowledge. The more a student reads, the easier it is for him to learn.

What rules must a student follow when using the reading room?

1) You cannot make noise or speak loudly in reading room, as it distracts other people who came to read books.

2) You cannot put a read book in any place, because it may not be found later. You need to contact a librarian.

3) You cannot dirty the book, wrinkle or bend the pages, because another person will read it after you. You cannot bring drinks or food into the library.

4) If you took a book home, you need to take care of it and not lose it, since in exchange for the lost book you will need to buy the same one and return it to the library.

What is a reader form?

A library reader's form is a document that is issued to a schoolchild if the student takes books home.

In addition to the student's information, the form indicates the date when the book needs to be returned to the library.

By returning a book to the library on the designated date, you help other students get a book to read on time.

What is an alphabetical directory?

This is a catalog of books, where the names of books and their authors located in the library are indicated alphabetically.

Thanks to the alphabetical catalogue, it is very easy to find a book in the library.

What interesting events happen in libraries?

Libraries host literary evenings dedicated to book authors, as well as meetings between book authors and their readers.

It is also a venue for exhibitions of new books, as well as meetings and discussions of various literature.

How to develop a school library?

The school library is developed by the school leadership.

The development of the library consists of purchasing new books and allocating funds for the repair of books, as well as for the repair of library equipment.

Also, school or library management invites authors of books or textbooks to talk with schoolchildren.

Answers to questions pp. 8 - 11:

Look at the pictures with a friend. What do modern and ancient books look like? What do they have in common, how do they differ? Compare.

The pictures depict ancient books from different material and shapes.

A parchment book is drawn in the shape of a scroll and a wooden book in the shape of tablets.

Also depicted is the folding book of the East, which looks like a folding ribbon.

Below in the picture is a more modern book, which is fastened with a lock.

What these books have in common is that they contain thoughts different people and they can be read.

And ancient and modern books differ in the material from which they are made, as well as in the tools for writing text.

Discuss with a friend why a book is called an interlocutor.

A book is called an interlocutor because every book was written by someone.

By agreeing or denying the writer’s opinion, the reader seems to be conducting a dialogue with him.

If there is a dialogue, then there is an interlocutor.

Write down in your workbook the statement that you liked the most. Explain why.

I like Leo Tolstoy's expression about a good conversation, like a conversation with smart person, because a really good book develops the mind and helps you learn the right things.

After reading good book, the reader seemed to have received an answer to his question from an intelligent person.

MBOU Blagodarnovskaya high school


“What a school library can tell you about”

teacher primary classes

Shchetinina Tatyana Nikolaevna

S. Blagodnoe, 2016

Subject: We're going to the library

Target settings (planned results):

Subject: know what a library is, what its purpose is, what types of libraries there are, know what an alphabetical catalog is and how to use it; know what books looked like in the old days and what the value of books and reading is; have an idea about new types of electronic books - readers.


regulatory: formulate the educational task of the lesson based on the analysis of the textbook material in joint activities, understand and accept it, plan together with the teacher activities to study the topic of the lesson; choose a rating scale in a joint discussion and propose criteria for assessing the performance of certain types of work in the lesson;

educational: analyze the sayings of the sages and famous writers about the value of books and reading, find a general value meaning in them, compare illustrations with images of old books, record the stages of book development (in terms of manufacturing technology, design, ease of use); classify the sayings of the sages about books and reading;

communicative: answer textbook questions based on a scientific educational article, read necessary information about the history of the origin of the book from textbook illustrations, discuss in pairs the answers to the textbook’s questions, share powers in the group when planning the project “What a school library can tell you about.”

Personal: realize the benefits of books and reading for themselves, for their personal growth, justify their motives for visiting the library and choosing books based on their interest.

Equipment: textbook “Literary reading” (grade 2), manual “ Workbook", multimedia projector, multi-colored chips for evaluating performance results, alphabetical catalogue.

Goal setting. Work on the formulation of educational objectives and on the targets given on the title.

Open with. 3 textbooks. How should we turn the pages of a textbook so that it serves us for a long time?

    What is written on this page? (Topic and goals.)

    Consider the lesson material that we will study today on p. 6-12. Think about what will be discussed in the lesson.

    Let's go back to the topic study plan that we made in the last lesson. Look what else we have to do today.

    Select among the objectives for studying the topic those that most fully reflect the objectives of today's lesson.

    Try to formulate the objectives of the lesson using the algorithm written on the board:

1. Let's find out:...

2. Let's learn:...

3. Let's learn:...

Working on new material.

Statement of a problematic question.

    Have you ever been to a library?

    Do you know what a library is, when libraries appeared and what path books have traveled from ancient times to the present day? Want to know? Then let's begin.

    Open with. 6 textbooks, here you will learn everything about libraries.

Reading an article about libraries.

Student's message about Ptolemy (5-6 sentences).

A teacher's story about the world's libraries with a slide show.

(On the slides it is better to show the largest and most famous libraries in the world, talk about in which states and countries they are located, which ones are popular, why people visit them. You should also pay attention that there are scientific, public, specialized, school, etc. It would be nice to talk a little about each of them or invite the children to prepare short messages of 5-6 sentences in advance.)

A story from a teacher or librarian about an alphabetical catalogue.

    Imagine a situation where you come to the library and there is no librarian there. You need to find a book, what will you do?

    For this, guys, there is an alphabetical catalog (show on presentation slide). It contains cards arranged in alphabetical order. Each card bears the author's last name and initials. And then the title of the book is written. If you know the author of a work, you can quickly find it in the alphabetical catalog. Also, on each card there is a code (several numbers and letters), which indicates where, in what place and on what shelf in the library the required book is located. Using this code you can quickly find a book on the desired shelf. Try this when you visit the library. If something doesn’t work out for you, be sure to contact a librarian.

Rereading the article paragraph by paragraph.

Conversation to consolidate knowledge about libraries.

    Why were libraries created?

    What words does the word “library” come from?

    Where did the first libraries appear?

    Which libraries are considered first?

    Who created the library in the 3rd century? BC e.?

    Who is Ptolemy, what did he become famous for?

    Raise your hands if you have a library at home. Tell us who in your family likes to collect books. What books are most often included in your home library? Does your library have space for children's books?

    Draw a conclusion about what a library is and what it means in the life of every person.

Project “What a school library can tell you about” Read on p. 7 of the textbook is the name of a section already familiar to you.

    What is a project, what projects have you already completed in 1st grade?

    What have you learned from completing projects?

    What rules do you need to know for the project to be successful?

    Break into groups and determine which project topic is closer to you.

    Read your action plan, determine who will be responsible for what during the project, write down the project task in your diary. The project will be completed within a month, therefore, you need to properly allocate your time and energy.

Working with textbook assignments.

Working with illustrations in the textbook.

    What else should you learn about in class today? Refer to the plan written on the board. (Must learn about how books were created.)

    Open with. 8 textbook and read the text about the first books at the top of the page.

    Now look at the illustrations, determine which books were the very first and which appeared later. (The teacher can record the stages of development of the book on the board. In addition, you need to pay attention to the meaning of unfamiliar words: parchment, scroll, folding book, Ancient East.)

    This is the journey the book has taken! It has changed both in manufacturing technology and design. What can you tell us about modern books, what are they?

    Who has heard of e-books? What is their other name? (Readers. You can show the image on a slide.)

    Unite in groups and write a story about the e-book according to plan.


    Reader is the most modern book.

    Appearance of the reader.

    User functions.

    Advantages of e-readers over other types of books.

Speeches by groups of students telling stories about e-books.

Evaluation of performances.

 Evaluate the performances of your comrades. But first you need to determine what form of assessment you will use. I suggest you use the “Ladder of Achievement”. You also need to think through the evaluation criteria, I will help you with this.

Criteria are written on the board (or slide) that can be used in various cases; select those that will help you evaluate the performances of your classmates: the story is complete/incomplete (all points of the plan are revealed), the story is interesting/uninteresting (there was a lot of surprising things), the story is understandable/ incomprehensible, the story is real/fantastic. (Students jointly select 2-3 characteristics and evaluate each group on the selected scale.)

Work on understanding statements about books in the textbook.

    Read the statements about books and reading in the textbook (p. 11). How do you understand each statement? What do these people have in common?

    Are you familiar with the names of K. Ushinsky, M. Gorky, L. Tolstoy? Why are they called sages?

Reading of R. Sefa's poem "To the Reader".

(The teacher reads the poem expressively, so that the students are imbued with the idea of ​​reading.)

    What is the main idea of ​​the poem?

    Is this idea close to the statements about books and reading that we have just met?

    Try to conclude: what is the value of books and reading? Why, according to the author, is it so important to learn to read throughout your life?

Summing up, reflection and evaluation of results.

    What new did you learn in the lesson?

    What have you confirmed, what important thoughts would you like to take note of and remember?

    Raise your hands if you have a desire to “read all your life,” go to the library or download many, many interesting books into your e-book.

    I suggest that in the “Portfolio of Achievements” each month you mark the number of books you read and share the most interesting moments works.

    Did you find it interesting in class today? Show this with colorful chips.


    Completing textbook assignments (p. 6, task 3, p. 11, tasks 2 and 3).

    Prepare a story about how the book developed and what it has become in modern life (optional task).

Make a plan for preparing a project assignment on the chosen topic, indicate in the plan the deadlines for completing the work.



Developers educational project - 2nd grade students under the guidance of primary school teacher Victoria Aleksandrovna Kravchuk.

Name educational institution – MBOU “Koltsovskaya Secondary School” of the Saki district of the Republic of Crimea.

Target– To form and consolidate primary self-service skills in a school library. To instill the ability to navigate independently in the world of books - ask them to choose a book for themselves. For educational purposes, familiarize children with the “Rules of Conduct in the Library”

Fstudent organization form– group, individual.

Leading activity– search and cognitive.

Scope of application of the results– social, technological.

Technologies used- demonstrative.

Types of project - creative, long-term, in-class.

Class or age children: 2nd grade, 7 -8 years old.

Number of participants- 19 people.

Subject area-literary reading.

Participants- one-class.

Topics of the subject curriculum- subject “Literary reading”

Opening hours- lesson, extracurricular.

Operating mode(organizational form): literary reading lessons, extracurricular activities.

Technical equipment– books, Internet, camera, computer, DVD player, MP 3 player.

Staffing– assistants – parents, librarian Marina Anatolyevna Ferenets, teacher-organizer Lyubov Aleksandrovna Mokhina

Libraries are one of the integral elements cultures of people since time immemorial. In ancient times, libraries were simply repositories of records. In late antiquity, libraries became places of work for scientists. In New and Modern times libraries have become a place where a person can be helped to find a book or other publication he needs for study, work or entertainment.

The book is a source of knowledge , which nothing can replace, despite global progress and the emergence of many new sources from which a person can draw information. At all times, libraries have been the largest repositories of books. This tradition has remained to this day.

These are large collections of books that are structured in different areas and topics: fiction, scientific, medical, technical literature, as well as specialized literature in many fields of knowledge and much more. A person cannot always afford to buy the book he needs, primarily for financial reasons, as well as for reasons of expediency. After all, sometimes you need to get acquainted with just one chapter, and buying a whole publication for this is simply pointless. This is where libraries come to the rescue.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

WHAT A SCHOOL LIBRARY CAN TELL ABOUT Completed by primary school teacher Svetlana Nikolaevna Sturova MBOU “Secondary School No. 4”

2 slide

Slide description:

What is a library? This is the place where books are kept. For this purpose, there is a separate room in which there are racks and shelves, where books are lined up in even rows. Moreover, each book must occupy strictly its place so that it can be easily found. The library has a special alphabetical catalog in which each student quickly and easily finds the literature he needs, the main thing is to know the author and title of the book.

3 slide

Slide description:

Project goal: to develop the need for regular visits to the library, systematic reading, and compliance with the rules for using the library. To form the moral qualities of friendship, mutual assistance, responsibility, honesty, willpower. Develop expressive reading skills; Cultivate an interest in reading, a love for a good book Project objectives: · provide practical assistance to the school library; improving the condition of the book fund; · training of students primary school To project activities in middle management

4 slide

Slide description:

Who is a school librarian and what are his functions? A librarian is a person who knows a lot; knows the names of all books, new literature; smart, creative, educated person; interesting, will always come to the aid of the reader - a standard set found in most questionnaires. And the librarian will help if suddenly difficulties arise in finding the necessary book.

5 slide

Slide description:

Why do schoolchildren need libraries? When you read books, you can learn a lot of interesting and educational things. At the same time, the level of culture increases, horizons broaden, and it is interesting to communicate with a well-read person. In a quiet, calm environment, you have the opportunity to prepare a report or essay on a given topic.

6 slide

Slide description:

What rules should a student follow when using the library? There are very rare books in one copy, they are not given out. In this case, such a book can be used in a specially designated place called a reading room. It is very important to maintain silence, since those present are busy with their own affairs, and noise is distracting and interferes with concentration, so we must respect each other. Books must be loved and protected, because they are intended for mass use. Therefore, you cannot outline them, bend or wrinkle the pages. You should not enter the library with food or drinks; there may be residue on the books. greasy spots. You must remember that someone else will use this book after you. If you take a book home, you must not lose it or forget it in transport or anywhere else. Then you will have to buy the same one, but most often it is very difficult to find such a book, so you will have to return its cost. While in the reading room, you can approach bookshelves and look for the necessary literature. But it is necessary to remember in which place this or that book stood in order to return it there, since the next reader or librarian will look for the book where it stood.

7 slide

Slide description:

What is a reader form? Some books can be taken home for a certain period of time; for this, it is recorded in the reader’s form, which was created for the student. But at the same time, you need to know that the book must be returned no later than the specified date, otherwise other children will not have time to read it.

8 slide