Autumn chores on the strawberry plantation: preparing the plants for winter. Rules for caring for strawberries in the fall for a good harvest. Do you need to water strawberries in the fall?

So that everyone next year The strawberry harvest has increased, it is important to take care of the berries not only during the flowering and fruiting period, but also after harvesting. Experienced gardeners They understand how important it is in what condition they “go” for the winter.

Caring for strawberries in August

August is a very important month for gardeners involved in growing strawberries. It is during this period that an audit of strawberries needs to be carried out. If it was planted 4 years ago, then it is enough to weed the berry, removing dry and rotten leaves. Fertilizers are no longer applied to 4-year-old bushes, since the fifth year is the last for strawberries. Whichever good harvest she gave nothing last summer, side shoots unable to replace the outdated root system. Even if the owners decide to leave the plot with strawberries in the same place, fertilizing is not required.

When strawberries are supposed to be planted in a new place, the rosettes that have already taken root by August are transferred to their permanent “place of residence.” Under digging should be made for each square meter 3–4 kg. humus, 40 gr. superphosphate and 0.5 l. ash. Each “freshly planted” bush is mulched with peat. Berry bushes that are 2-3 years old are loosened and carefully hilled up so as not to cover the growing point. You can start preparing berries for winter as early as early August, without waiting for the autumn cold.

Since strawberry roots become exposed over time, they need to be hilled up. Hilling has a beneficial effect on the development of lateral root appendages. Bushes no older than 4 years of age should be fertilized and conditions for snow retention should be created for them. Although strawberries are a cold-resistant crop, by autumn it is better to mulch each bush with sawdust, spruce branches, fallen leaves or straw in a 5 cm layer, and remove all this in the spring. Frost that comes to the ground that is not covered with snow is dangerous for strawberries.

What to feed strawberries after fruiting

You can feed strawberries after fruiting as follows: mineral fertilizers, and organic, but preference should be given to the latter. This can be an infusion of mullein or chicken droppings. Mullein is diluted with water 8 times, and chicken manure 10 times. Wood ash is added in August at the rate of 150 grams. for every square meter. It can be scattered dry on strawberry bushes or cooked aqueous solution and pour 0.5 liters into each well. Other fertilizers are also applied directly into each hole or into furrows 8–10 cm deep made in the middle of the bed.

After applying fertilizer, the berries need to be watered well. So that the ground gets wet to a depth of 30 cm. It is at this depth that the strawberry roots are located. If you feed strawberries with urea in August (30 g per 10 liters of water), this will help increase the number of flower buds, and, therefore, the harvest. Some gardeners successfully use nettle infusion for autumn feeding of strawberries. To prepare it, pour a bucket of nettles warm water and insist for a week. Then a liter of infusion is diluted 10 times before watering. Practice shows that strawberries respond to such fertilizer by increasing the yield for the next year and enlarging the berries.

Caring for strawberries in August and September:

Caring for strawberries in summer should be carried out systematically. It depends a lot on this future harvest strawberries You need to pay attention to spots on strawberries, also mites on strawberries can do a lot of harm and you also need to constantly fight them.

Caring for strawberries in August

Without knowing how to care for strawberries in August, you risk losing your harvest next year. The last month of summer is often dry and hot. Therefore, it is important to water at least 2 times a week. The plants themselves “signal” the need for watering - the bushes droop and the foliage dries out.

You can water strawberries either by sprinkling or at the root - the sun is no longer so aggressive, and there will be no burn on the leaves

If the leaves continue to dry out, become stained, or weaken, they should be carefully cut off and only 3-4 healthy leaves should be left to improve the health of the “green mass.” The same goes for mustaches, which can be removed if they are still growing or if you forgot to do so in July.

Plants can be fed with a weak solution of mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:20) and loosen the soil. One 10 liter bucket should be enough for 10-12 bushes. You can form earthen “sides” up to 15 cm high around the beds and fill them with water to the top.

And it is also recommended in August plant new strawberry bushes on the site. It is best to do this in the evening or on a cloudy day. The seedlings must have three true leaves and a developed root system. It is planted in a previously prepared wet hole.

Caring for strawberries in September

Autumn strawberry care differs slightly from summer activities. However, they should not be neglected either.

Some varieties of strawberries continue to form flowers even in September. The berries on them will not ripen before the onset of cold weather, so such “idle” inflorescences should be picked off. The same goes for strawberry mustaches.

Even if the forecasts promise mild winter, feed the bushes. Ammophos is perfect for this (the contents are added at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq.m.). For “warming”, rotted chicken manure, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:15, is also added. 1-1.5 liters of the composition are poured under each bush. Sometimes cow manure is also used, diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 with the addition of 1 cup of ash. Strawberries are watered generously with the resulting mixture at the rate of 1.5-2 liters per bush.

IN last time Before winter, inspect the strawberry bushes and discard diseased and affected specimens, as well as remove excess tendrils and withered leaves. Don't throw away "bad" plants, but put them in the compost pile.

Caring for strawberries after trimming the leaves

Caring for strawberries open ground involves not only the removal of tendrils and inflorescences, but also leaves. However, there is no need to “expose” the plant completely, since by tearing off healthy leaves, you reduce the likelihood of the formation of peduncles and fruits, reduce the yield and doom the strawberry to difficulties during the wintering period. First of all, remove dry and withered leaves affected by strawberry mites. If the fruit-bearing plant is almost entirely affected, then it is easier to cut it off with pruners just above the growth point and burn the remains.

If you need seedlings for propagation, then you should not remove the whiskers, you need to give them the opportunity to take root and grow a strong rosette

After pruning, loosen the soil and water it. Treat the bushes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle with ash. To provide good growth kidneys, feed the strawberries universal fertilizer at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of water. Ammonium nitrate and nitrogen fertilizers are also suitable (use according to instructions).

Towards the end of September, strawberry bushes can be covered with straw to protect them from upcoming frosts. Place freshly cut grass between the rows - it will become the first spring fertilizer.

Fertilizing strawberries in autumn

After the above work on autumn strawberry care, dig up the rows, hill up and feed the bushes with fertilizer. You can use manure (2-4 kg per 1 sq.m.), chicken droppings (1 kg per 10 liters of water) or wood ash (100 g per 1 sq.m.). In this case, manure is applied so that the fertilizer does not touch the strawberry leaves: to avoid burns to the plant. On the contrary, ash is sprayed not only under the roots, but also on the leaves.

As mineral fertilizing Complex fertilizer is suitable (2 tablespoons of nitroammophoska per 10 liters of water).

Caring for remontant strawberries

From mid-September, start caring for fruit-bearing bushes. Loosen the soil to hide the root system and protect it from the cold. As a rule, at this time the plants are covered with a “blanket” of cut green manure or the soil is mulched with straw, hay, fallen leaves and mowed weeds. Remove remaining flower stalks so that they do not weaken the plants, and cut off any withered leaves after the first frost.

Covering strawberries for the winter

Final stage autumn care for garden strawberries - this is insulation. 2 days after treatment and feeding, cover the bushes with straw, spruce paws or fallen leaves. This will not only protect your strawberries from winter frosts, but will also serve additional source organic substances.

Strawberry yields next year directly depend on whether the strawberries were transplanted in August, whether strawberry fertilizer was applied in the fall when planting seedlings (or during transplanting bushes), and whether other necessary procedures were completed. The basic rule is that you should begin the final work of this season after the bushes have fully bear fruit.

Caring for garden strawberries after harvest

How to care for strawberries after harvest? In principle, there are no particular difficulties here. There are several mandatory stages for caring for strawberries in August-September, which are not recommended to be ignored:

  • Removing tendrils and old/diseased leaves;
  • Spraying against pests and diseases;
  • Fertilizing strawberries in the fall (when planting) and in the summer (after pruning);
  • Caring for strawberries for the winter - providing shelter during frosts.

For information, strawberry is the popular name or pineapple, belonging to the Strawberry genus, Rosaceae family.

What to do with strawberries in August

Mustache trimming

Caring for garden strawberries in August begins with trimming the mustaches along with the rosettes formed on them. To increase crop productivity, it is better to perform the procedure in three steps:

  1. immediately after the completion of fruiting of the bushes;
  2. 20 days after the first procedure;
  3. in another 20 days.

The tendrils are cut at a distance of 10 cm from the base of the plant. As cutting tool You can use a knife, pruning shears or garden shears. You should carefully hold the mustache with your other hand so as not to accidentally cut off the excess part of the bush.

IN THE PHOTO: The mustaches with new rosettes formed, which have had time to form full-fledged roots, can be left after pruning for propagation of strawberries.

Also, caring for strawberries after picking the berries involves removing old and diseased leaves from the bush, leaving only the hearts and young leaves. The “heart” of a strawberry is the apical bud of the main shoot (horn), which contains the rudiments of a peduncle with flowers. The hearts should always be above the soil surface, otherwise they may dry out under the soil (or leaf litter).

IN THE PHOTO: All old strawberry leaves and leaves with spots must be ruthlessly removed.

Do you want to harvest a bountiful harvest of berries? Remove strawberry tendrils both during flowering and when fruiting. And when caring for strawberries (garden strawberries) after harvesting, do not cut off the thickest tendril. It will grow into a beautiful young bush to renew an old plant. This operation is recommended to be carried out every three years.

Spraying against pests and diseases

It should be remembered that garden strawberries After harvesting, it needs care and protection from all kinds of diseases no less than in spring. Preventive and therapeutic spraying of strawberries is an important component of care in August, designed to protect the berries from various fungi (gray and black rot), stains, and a number of pests.

IN THE PHOTO: Strawberries affected by powdery mildew are unsuitable for consumption.

What should you spray strawberries with after harvesting? Depending on the nature of the lesion, the following drugs can be used:

  • " ", " " will destroy the strawberry mite and weevil;
  • " ", "Azotsen" will save you from powdery mildew;
  • 1 percent solution Bordeaux mixture used for spotting and rot.

How to feed strawberries in August

Fertilizing strawberries for the winter provides the plant with increased frost resistance and promotes the formation of new flower buds.

How to fertilize strawberries in August? The use of fertilizers containing nitrogen is strictly prohibited, with the exception of a strong urea solution. The purpose of urea is to destroy in the bud fungal diseases, and have a minimal stimulating effect on strawberries. For feeding purposes, it is permissible to use:

  1. mineral complex fertilizers NPK in proportions 1:1.5:2 or 1:2:4 (that is, always only one part of nitrogen, one and a half to two parts of phosphorus and two to four parts of potassium). Among the ready-made fertilizers, the following are quite suitable: fertilizer "Autumn" from "Fasco" with an NPK ratio of 5:15:35 (similar in composition, but under a different TerraSol brand). Very good reviews has fertilizer "Autumn" from "Buyskiye Fertilizers" in a plastic bag 3 kg, which does not have nitrogen (which is a definite plus), but contains calcium, boron and magnesium for healthy growth seedlings in spring;
  2. organic fertilizers: humus, peat, granulated horse manure, bone meal. You cannot use bird droppings, even rotted ones, because it contains too much nitrogen.

How to care for strawberries in August: nuances of fertilizing

Fertilizers should be applied along the rows, not forgetting to first grind their components well and mix the substrate. Any summer or autumn feeding of strawberries in winter, in case of dry weather, requires subsequent watering. For every square meter of land, up to two buckets of water are needed.

Should organic fertilizers be mixed with mineral ones? For example, complex NPK fertilizer with humus? This should not be done, unless you have a whole strawberry plantation. Ordinary complex fertilizer quite enough to enrich the soil with macroelements. However, if you are growing strawberries in heavy loam or clay soils(and also if the soil is close to depletion, has become gray and turns to dust when it dries), it is worth adding both organic matter and mineral water. The first will improve the soil structure, make the soil lighter and more “digestible” for the roots. And fertilizers will enrich it with nutrients.

How to care for strawberries in the fall for a good harvest

The main work on caring for strawberries for the winter should be completed in August. So what to do with strawberries in the fall? Before providing her with reliable shelter for the winter, there is practically nothing. Caring for strawberries in the fall involves keeping the soil loose in the rows and between rows and removing emerging weeds.

If you didn’t have time to feed your strawberries in August, you can do it in September. How to feed strawberries in the fall? Yes, in general, the same as in the last summer month.

How to care for strawberries after harvest: cover for the winter

What to do if you found information about how to fertilize strawberries in the fall during planting or a recipe for summer fertilizers too late, and the berries did not receive the necessary nutrition? Such weakened bushes need additional shelter, for example, spruce branches, leaves or potato tops. To ensure that the layer of covering material remains loose and does not cake, it must be added in dry weather and light frost - about –2–3°C. This is especially important if straw is used, which attracts diseases and pests at elevated temperatures.

IN THE PHOTO: The covering material, in this case straw, is waiting in the wings. If you wrap strawberries earlier than expected for the winter, root rot may develop.

IN THE PHOTO:The layer of mulch that can protect strawberry bushes from frost should be 7–15 cm.

It is at the end of summer and autumn that the crop for the next year is formed, so it is necessary to take care of the plants. Root system This moisture-loving crop is located at a shallow depth, in the surface layer of soil. It cannot extract moisture from deeper layers and depends on its supply from the outside. Therefore, it simply needs periodic watering. And it needs to be produced almost all year round starting in spring, when the leaves grow, and ending in late autumn, if there is no rain. Of course, the seasonal frequency of irrigation varies, and the most frequent watering is done in the summer.

Watering in autumn is no different from spring.

Naturally, the numbers may fluctuate depending on the place where the strawberries grow and the climatic features of the current year. autumn season. In dry and warm weather, the frequency of watering increases; in heavy rains, strawberries not only do not need additional moisture, but also suffer from excess moisture. Therefore, during heavy rains it is covered with a light film.

There are several rules regarding watering strawberries:

  1. It is better to do it in the morning so that the plants can dry out by evening.
  2. It is recommended to water rarely, but abundantly, so that the soil is well saturated with moisture. If you moisten the soil often and little by little, strawberries may be affected fungal disease: gray rot, powdery mildew and others. The recommended rate is 10-12 liters per square meter.
  3. The amount of water directly depends on the type of soil in which the berry grows. If the soil is loamy, the plant requires more moisture than growing in light soils. There are developed and time-tested standards that provide for loamy soils 120 m³ of water per 1 ha, for soils with a light mechanical composition - 80 m³ per 1 ha. In autumn, these numbers are reduced by 10%.

Types of watering strawberries

At small area Strawberry plants are irrigated using a regular watering can. It is better to take warm water. Its optimal temperature for the plant is 18-20°C. The water from a well or well is too cold, so you need to make sure there is a tank or old bath, into which water intended for irrigation is poured. The water will be heated in the sun and then used. Of course, manual watering takes a lot of time and effort, so it is used for small plantings of strawberries.

When watering with a hose, physical costs are reduced, but water consumption becomes maximum, because it gets not only onto the plants, but also into the rows and spills to the sides.

You can also purchase modern watering systems, which are divided into:

  • drip;
  • sprinkling.

Drip systems are the most effective during flowering and fruiting. Such systems are divided into internal and end, adjustable and not. The water in them is supplied to the very root of the plant. This is very economical systems, allowing to reduce water consumption by 2-3 times compared to a sprinkler system. The soil under the plants is always kept moist, and the row spacing remains dry.

Sprinkling is carried out stationary or with a movable sprinkler, which can be moved around the site. A variety of sprinklers: circular, fan, rotary, swinging and others - allow you to water both small areas and large plantations. You can make automatic water supply using timers and sensors. The disadvantage of sprinkler systems is high consumption water.

Autumn work on caring for young and adult plants

It is known that autumn is a favorable time for planting young strawberry bushes. And their watering differs significantly from irrigating adult plants. When planting, use ½ liter of water for each plant. Next, for 2 weeks they are watered several times a day with a small amount warm water. Then the frequency of watering is reduced to 1 time every 1 - 2 days. When the bushes have completely taken root and become stronger, they are watered according to the pattern of adult plants.

Another technique for caring for berries is mulching, which is necessary to retain moisture near the roots. To do this, use straw, sawdust, pine branches or cardboard, and film residues. Mulch also protects plants from weeds and dirt.

Autumn feeding consists of applying phosphate fertilizers(per bucket of water - 50-60 g of superphosphate) and wood ash (per 1 bucket - 1 - 2 cups). The plant responds well to feeding with boron and manganese.

When growing strawberries on your plot, caring for them will be exactly the same as for strawberries.

We hope that the above material has dotted all the i’s and answered the question of whether strawberries need to be watered during the fall.