Moving to a new house in March. The most favorable days for moving to a new home. Signs. What days are favorable for moving according to folk signs?

Today, when faith in omens has firmly entered our lives, when many of us determine a favorable date, a favorable day/days for moving lunar calendar or guided by the rules of Feng Shui, it is worth approaching the study of this issue thoroughly, once and for all, as they say, dot the i’s. Who knows, maybe a favorable day according to the lunar calendar will allow your move to go without a hitch, if you fully believe in omens. But, I must say, you can’t do it without the help of professionals. So if you are about to move to new apartment or in new home, we will help you plan everything down to the smallest detail.

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Moving is an important matter, so you need to start it on favorable dates on the calendar. If you decide to change your location, plan this event in advance. Don't move in the summer (if possible, postpone the move until the fall). Please note that it is better not to move on dates that are not on the list, as this is not the most good period for this event.

The influence of the Moon on the life of the planet has long been established by scientists. Being in Earth's orbit, it controls all the ebb and flow of water bodies, and there is also a certain dependence of plant growth on its movement around our planet.

Paying attention to all these facts, it should be taken into account that people’s lives are also influenced by the satellite. Even in ancient times, there were beliefs that described the lunar influence on events in human life.

Even if you throw away all prejudices, you can catch some connection yourself. The phases of the Moon affect both a person’s physiological well-being and emotional state, not to mention the mystical side. Therefore, when planning important events, you should take this factor into account.

Astrologers have long deduced a certain pattern of power of influence, thanks to which there are a large number of lunar calendars that affect all spheres of human life. These tables highlight specific days on which it has either a positive or negative impact on significant events.

The influence of stars on determining common features character of a person at birth, but we should also not forget about the further impact they have. Combined with the mysticism of the Moon, one should pay tribute to their power. It all depends on the movement of the satellite and its location in the constellations of the Zodiac signs.

When planning an event such as moving, which in itself influences one’s future fate, it is necessary to take into account the factor of cosmic influence. To do this, you don’t need to do the calculations yourself. lunar phases and its passage in a certain house of the zodiac, because there are already ready-made tables.

Moving is usually not planned in one day, and this event is associated only with positive emotions. To maintain the mood and to avoid negative influence extraneous factors, you should check the day of this event with the lunar calendar developed for such an occasion.

Astrologers have specifically studied the influence of lunar phases on this event so that you can attract the positive charge that the mystical influence of the Moon gives. The dates indicated in the table will affect your luck when moving.


Aries love change, so a change of residence always ends well for them. In the year of the Rooster, astrologers recommend that purposeful representatives of this sign move. For Taurus, 2017 is not the best period for home changes, so it is better to focus on arranging the old “nest”.

Cancers can move only when they were unlucky in their old place. It is better for Leos to move towards the northwest. New housing will bring improved health to Virgos, move to the south. Libra needs to move towards the east for changes in his personal life.

Absence financial well-being- a reason to pack things for Scorpio; moving abroad this year is especially lucky. Capricorns are associated with stability, so moving is not a good idea. Pisces and Aquarius can change housing if they want to make truly significant life changes.


Let’s figure it out together and study together what folk wisdom dictates to us in this regard, which days of the week are more suitable for organizing a move, and which are less suitable and why.

  • Monday. I would like to immediately add – “it’s a hard day.” This day is popularly considered not particularly favorable for planning new things and settling in a new place. Popular wisdom advises to wait. But you won't have to wait long.
  • Tuesday. It has long been called the day of travel and new discoveries. People believe that on this day you will be lucky.
  • Wednesday. Unfavorable for moving to a new house or a new apartment. People say that if you move on Wednesday, you won’t stay long in the new place, and if necessary, you won’t even get guests.
  • Thursday. Promises a fair wind. The day is neutral in all respects. To move is to move.
  • Friday. Almost Monday's sister. On this day of the week it is better not to start new things and not to go on the road. Put off new beginnings until the next day, for example.
  • Saturday. This is just Tuesday's sister. The day when things get going, work goes well, and all undertakings are accompanied by success. Are we moving?
  • Sunday. A day that definitely needs to be devoted to rest. You rest. And we'll take all the most difficult work on yourself.


If you haven’t found the answer to the question of when is the best time to move, either in the lunar calendar or in folk wisdom, all that remains is to turn to Eastern philosophy and, thus, make luck work for you. According to Feng Shui, when you choose a home, you choose your destiny. By changing your place of residence, you can confidently try to change your destiny. Why not?

  • The rules of Feng Shui moving teach us to choose a day (this can be done using the Feng Shui calendar, which is now available for free sale). Always and in any case, the date of birth of the owner of the house will be favorable for moving.
  • Feng Shui rules for moving also warn us to move to a new apartment in the evening and at night. It would be nice if your apartment moving passed in 1 day. We can easily arrange this.
  • You cannot enter a new house with empty handed. It is believed that every family member should bring something with them. It is better to contribute the most valuable things first, as this contributes to prosperity and family well-being.

Moving to a new apartment or house is a very important matter: it is, in fact, the beginning of a new stage in your life. Therefore, this event should be taken seriously. And in order to avoid unnecessary worries during the move and subsequently enjoy life in a new place, listen to the advice of astrologers.

According to astrologers, favorable days for moving to a new apartment or house there are periods when the Moon is in its growing phase or on lunar day: 5, 8, 10, 21 and 25. This is the time that is considered the most successful for new achievements of a different nature.

In addition, you need to consider where exactly you are moving: to temporary or permanent housing.
Experts say that in permanent home or apartment It is better to enter on days when the Moon is in the constellation Taurus.

And for temporary home Plan your move for the period when the celestial body is in the signs:

  • Gemini
  • Streltsov

Don’t rush to pack your things and plan a housewarming party if the Moon moves into the following signs:

  • Scorpion
  • Capricorn

Also, avoid periods:

  • eclipses
  • Mercury in retrograde

However, before you find out which days are the best to move, first find out which days you should and when

Moving on the Moon in 2018

Month Best days to move Days on which it is not recommended to move It is allowed to transport things and furniture to a temporary place of residence
June No 6, 7, 13-17, 23, 24 1-5, 8-12, 18-22, 25-30
July No 3, 4, 12, 13, 20-22, 30, 31 1, 2, 5-11
August No 1, 8-11, 16-18, 26-28 19-23
September 20-22 5-8, 13, 14, 23, 24 1-4, 9-12, 15-19, 25-30
October 17-19 2-5, 10-12, 20, 21, 29-31 1, 6-9, 13-16, 22-28
November 14, 15 1, 7, 8, from 17 to the end of the month 2-6, 9-13
December 11-13, 19, 20 4, 5, 14, 15, 23-26, 31 8-10, 16-18, 21, 22, 27-30

Now about signs and rituals , which, if you believe, must be followed when moving to a new apartment.

Superstitions associated with moving to a new apartment are related to the fact that for a good life in a new house, it is necessary to create harmonious relationships both with relatives who live nearby and with new neighbors. Here are some of them.

Thus, it has been customary since ancient times that the first person to cross the threshold of a new home is cat. It is the cat that is the creature that will be able to establish contact between the residents and the new home.

It is known that a brownie lives in every house.

If at the old place of residence there was always order and cleanliness, things were not often lost, and at night no one knocked or rustled, scaring the inhabitants of the house, then you should definitely take this well-mannered brownie with you.

Our ancestors greatly respected this private and powerful neighbor. It was he who protected the home from uninvited guests, fires and accidents, especially with infants.

In order to take the brownie to a new apartment, put a small box, a basket, lay a small towel in it and invite the brownie with you to the new home. You can speak in your own words, the main thing is from the heart. At night, be sure to leave a cup of milk and baked goods on the windowsill for the brownie.

It is also believed that brownies live in brooms, so you should definitely take all the brooms with you.

On the eve of moving, do not wash your hair, do not knit or sew - this is considered bad omen. How this is explained is not clear, but it is better to listen to this advice.

You cannot take chipped and cracked dishes, clothes that have become unusable and all rubbish with you to a new apartment, otherwise there will be no wealth in the new place.

In order to live prosperously in a new place, each family member needs to throw a coin at the entrance. You only need to enter in a good mood, think about good things, smile, then well-being will not bypass you.

In a new home, you need to immediately open all the windows, open all the water taps, thereby releasing the energy of the old residents. Then take water into a bucket, dissolve a few spoons table salt and wash the floor. In this way, you neutralize all the bad things that happened before you in another family.
Stock up on St. John's wort in advance, place it in the four corners of your new home, this will scare away evil spirits. Sprinkle holy water in all corners of the house.

It will be very useful in advance, before moving, to prepare small bunches of wormwood, tying them with red thread. This plant has magical power and is capable of expelling dark spirits and entities. You can even light a sprig of mugwort and let it smolder, spreading protective smoke throughout your new home.

Sprinkling the corners of a new house with coarse salt is an old sign. Salt has always been considered a special substance, which was often used by sorcerers to create amulets and protective spells. Leave the salt in the corners for an hour or two, and then wash the floors throughout the house. Salt will take away everything bad and unclean.

It’s better not to enter your home empty-handed for the first time. You can bring it with you flowering plant. A flower brought on the day of moving will attract the energy of the sun and rebirth.

Hang a horseshoe with its horns facing up above the entrance, this will attract good luck to your home. And to protect against theft, draw a small cross over front door. For prosperity, you need to put a coin under the threshold and preferably it should be shiny. Coins can also be left in the old home, this will be like a wish for the new owners to live in abundance, which in turn will have a positive effect on two families.

Of course, the most important thing when moving to a new apartment will be the ritual of reading a prayer. This must be done calmly, without fuss. Go into an apartment with an icon, place it in the central corner, and then thoughtfully read the words of the prayer. It is advisable to leave the icon in this place forever. Then cross all the corners and windows, moving clockwise.

It is imperative to celebrate a housewarming, and the guests who come should not give money, these can be any gifts, but at the entrance they, just like the owners themselves, entering for the first time, must throw a coin for prosperity. You need to invite only those people you trust; if you doubt someone, it’s better not to invite such guests to your housewarming party.

It would be correct to serve pies that were already prepared in the new apartment. This will consolidate a positive acquaintance with new energy and tune the vibrations to a major mood.

The connection between human life and planetary cycles is a rather controversial issue. However, many people try to adjust their plans according to the Lunar calendar, choosing for the most significant events favorable days. On what day can and should you move to a new home?

The history of the appearance of the Lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is rightfully considered the most popular and oldest chronology system. It was used both in the East and in the West, both nomads and farmers consulted it, rulers and priests followed it. The connection of the earth's cycles to the lunar cycles is connected, first of all, with the fact that the satellite of our planet is an excellent object for observation. It is clearly visible anywhere on the globe, and its phases are distinct and easily recognizable to the naked eye.

Existing long before the advent of modern civilizations, the Lunar calendar was actively used to determine the beginning of the sowing season and harvest season; hunters and fishermen relied on it. Even moving to a new house according to the Lunar calendar was chosen without error. Later, science was able to confirm the influence of lunar cycles on the growth and development of plants, the ebb and flow of tides, and even the well-being of people. It is believed that the Siberian Yakuts were the first to use the lunar calendar half a million years ago. True, at that time the homeland of the Yakuts was the territory of modern Malaysia. Also, evidence of the spread of popular chronology was found in caves in Germany and France. All of them are at least 26 thousand years old. The ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia also used the lunar calendar...

In general, it is not so important how long ago a calendar that is still popular today appeared. It is important that by comparing their plans with the phases of the moon, people could avoid unpleasant consequences for themselves. They knew how to find good moments to make important deals and even plan the birth of brilliant children.

Change of housing and lunar phases

The construction of permanent houses with the acquisition of a sedentary lifestyle by a person became perhaps the most important thing for the head of the clan. It was necessary to build for centuries, so that descendants and descendants of descendants could live under a reliable roof. Due to the fact that at the dawn of civilization seismic activity, flooding and other natural phenomena could cause significant damage to any settlement, everything had to be coordinated construction work with the main “leader” of terrestrial weather - the Moon. Of course, days were selected when the risk of destruction was minimal. As soon as the construction was completed and the house was strengthened, it was possible to move in.

Modern technologies make it possible not to take into account the various vagaries of nature, but the tradition of choosing the most favorable days for moving to a new apartment remains. Astrologers even develop an annual Lunar calendar, where they prescribe when it is possible and when it is not worth changing your place of residence.

The best time of year to move

Astrology helps not only to predict favorable days for moving, but also to determine the most suitable time of year to change place of residence.

  • Thus, according to astrologers’ calculations for 2019, the best months for buying a home and, accordingly, moving into it are August and September.
  • The beginning of summer carries certain risks, so in June and July it is unsafe to move to a new apartment.
  • The most suitable day for moving in 2019 can be called September 14, that is, Semenov day. You just need to plan your expenses more carefully so that you have something to celebrate your housewarming with.
  • In winter, it is best to avoid significant expenses, since the options offered may disappoint, and hidden costs can significantly increase the seemingly profitable cost of the apartment.
  • As for the spring months, here the risk of thoughtless and wasteful spending of money is not so great, but the very exit from a protracted streak of failures can affect the rationality of decisions.

Moving and horoscope

Coming 2019 Eastern calendar will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. The year that completes the twelve-year cycle can safely be called the year of receiving a reward for your work. So those who have long been looking to buy a new home should be lucky. The kind and fair patron of the year will make sure that no one is left out. Especially if the person deserves encouragement. Feel free to plan and dream, because a year of positive changes is coming, among which changing your place of residence is far from the least important! And now about the “recommendations” for the zodiac signs.

  • Fate has prepared a pleasant surprise for Aries who are prone to adventures and changes - feel free to change old apartment there will be much more positive aspects in the new one.
  • Taurus and Capricorn will be able to focus on “rebooting” the housing that is at their disposal. Making a “nest”, creating comfort and harmony, is not so bad. And you can move later.
  • Cancers have good luck in changing the roof over their heads. But you should decide to move only if the previous home could not provide peace and tranquility.
  • It is better for Leos to look for new housing northwest of the old one. This direction will be the first step towards finding happiness, astrologers say.
  • Virgos can handle moving quite well alone. After all, a change of scenery will have a positive effect on their well-being, raising their morale, which was slightly depleted by the end of the Year of the Dog.
  • It is best for inquisitive Libra to move to the East. You already love this destination, so why put off the inevitable?
  • Scorpios are perhaps the only ones who have every chance of moving abroad, even if they only went to the neighboring store to buy bread. Keep your passport with you and do not refuse tempting prospects.
  • The stars advise Pisces and Aquarius to decide to move only when changes for the better are beyond doubt. And don't forget to look at the moving calendar!

Best days of the week to move

The day of the week also plays an important role. The success of the entire enterprise depends on when you plan to move to a new apartment. Experts in folk omens say:

  • You shouldn't even start such an important event on Monday. Despite the fact that traditionally many of us plan to start new life It was from Monday that our ancestors perceived this day of the week as a test. Why magnify the difficulties?
  • Tuesday has always been considered a day of travel and great time for a new start. It is on Tuesday that those moving will experience success, and the change of place of residence will go smoothly and without incidents.
  • Wednesday has the reputation of being the most unreliable day of the week. By moving on this day, you risk quickly parting with your new home, and guests will bypass your new home.
  • Good luck awaits new residents on Thursday. This is a day of fair winds and hopes for a cloudless future.
  • Friday is the eve of the weekend. You should not plan anything serious on this day.
  • But on Saturday, work will pick up and the move will be easy and simple.
  • Sunday is a day of rest. And this applies to any serious matter! Leave the thought of moving until next Tuesday and relax.

The most favorable dates for changing housing

It is believed that the most favorable days for moving are those falling during the waxing moon. You should not plan to change your home during the full moon or the waning moon.

You can radically change your residential address when the Earth's satellite is in Taurus and Aquarius. For a temporary change of residence, days are suitable when the Moon is in Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces. The rest of the time, it is better to postpone the idea of ​​moving.

In 2019, the following favorable days for housewarming are relevant:

  • spring: March 31, April 7, May 24 and 25;
  • summer: August 22;
  • autumn: September 14 and 19, October 8.

By combining existing calendars and signs, you can easily determine the most favorable days for moving next year. The main thing is to remember that housewarming is a holiday at any time!

The lunar calendar is based on the movements of the moon; it is one of the most ancient calendars, which our ancestors relied on. The moon revolves around the Earth and creates a rhythm - lunar month, the basis of the calendar.

Why does the Moon influence a person? It affects all liquids that are on Earth, and therefore also affects us, because we are 80% “water”. Moreover, the impact is felt not only and not so much on a physiological level, but on a psychological one.

- a complex and stressful process, it takes a lot of effort, time, and nerves. It is better to start moving when you are cheerful, confident and calm. And the lunar calendar will tell you about favorable days for moving.

Let's figure out which days are favorable for moving in 2018.

Astrologers' opinion: when is the best time to move?

Astrologers say that the best time to move is the waxing Moon, and a couple of days in its third and fourth phases. If you are moving into temporary housing, such as a hostel or hotel, choose days when the Moon is in Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra or Gemini. And if you are moving permanently, then the Moon in Scorpio, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn will suit you.

What days are unfavorable for moving? Eclipses, Mercury retrograde when the Moon is out of course, as well as the so-called "Satanic" days, days of deception - 9, 19, 23 and 29. Astrologers generally recommend being skeptical of everything you are told on a "Satanic" day, and do not plan any serious decisions for it.

Mercury retrograde in 2018 falls on:

  • from 23.03 to 15.04;
  • from 26.07 to 19.08;
  • from 11/17 to 12/6.

Eclipses in 2018:

  • Full moon: January 31st.
  • Partial sunny: February 16th.
  • Partially sunny: July 13th.
  • Full moon: July 28th.
  • Partially sunny: August 11th.

Calendar: which days are favorable for moving in 2018

And now - a table with all the favorable and unfavorable days a year ahead. You can immediately plan trips and moves - both temporary and permanent.

When is the best time to move:

January 2 5 7 8 14 21 22 24 25 26
February 1 5 8 10 14 15 16 17 18 21 27
March 1 2 5 8 11 12 13 14 21 22 26
April 2 4 8 12 13 14 20 21 28
May 3 6 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 28 30
June 3 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 21
July 3 7 10 11 12 13 21 22 26
August 5 13 16 21 22 23 24 25 30
September 3 6 13 14 17 18 26
October 1 5 12 13 14 21 23 30
November 3 5 12 13 14 15 18 22 23 28
December 6 10 11 12 17 18 19 23 24 30

Pay attention to eclipse days and Mercury retrograde!

What days are favorable for moving according to folk signs?

What about folk signs? Our ancestors believed that moving on Tuesday would be the happiest - on this day nothing will interfere with you, and any undertakings related to changes in life will succeed.

And logically this is reasonable: during the day on weekdays there are fewer traffic jams and fewer orders from moving companies. Taking time off from work and moving on Tuesday is a well-informed decision.

Our ancestors considered Semenov’s day, September 14, to be especially favorable for moving. As you can see, according to the lunar calendar it is also considered successful. Therefore, if you are not in a hurry and can start planning much in advance, schedule your move for September 14, 2018.

And don’t forget to let the cat into the house first!

Today, when belief in omens has firmly entered our lives, when many of us determine a favorable date, a favorable day/days for moving according to the lunar calendar or guided by the rules of Feng Shui, it is worth approaching the study of this issue thoroughly, once and for all, as they say, to place all the i's are dotted. Who knows, maybe a favorable day according to the lunar calendar will allow your move to go without a hitch, if you fully believe in omens. But, I must say, you can’t do it without the help of professionals. So if you are about to move to a new apartment or a new house, we will help you plan for everything down to the smallest detail.

Let us help you plan your move correctly

Just leave an online request, consultation is free


Moving is an important matter, so you need to start it on favorable dates on the calendar. If you decide to change your location, plan this event in advance. Don't move in the summer (if possible, postpone the move until the fall). Please note that it is better not to move on dates that are not on the list, as this is not the best period for this event.

The influence of the Moon on the life of the planet has long been established by scientists. Being in Earth's orbit, it controls all the ebb and flow of water bodies, and there is also a certain dependence of plant growth on its movement around our planet.

Paying attention to all these facts, it should be taken into account that people’s lives are also influenced by the satellite. Even in ancient times, there were beliefs that described the lunar influence on events in human life.

Even if you throw away all prejudices, you can catch some connection yourself. The phases of the Moon affect both a person’s physiological well-being and emotional state, not to mention the mystical side. Therefore, when planning important events, you should take this factor into account.

Astrologers have long deduced a certain pattern of power of influence, thanks to which there are a large number of lunar calendars that affect all spheres of human life. These tables highlight specific days on which it has either a positive or negative impact on significant events.

The influence of stars on determining the general character traits of a person at birth has long been known, but we should also not forget about the further influence they have. Combined with the mysticism of the Moon, one should pay tribute to their power. It all depends on the movement of the satellite and its location in the constellations of the Zodiac signs.

When planning an event such as moving, which in itself influences one’s future fate, it is necessary to take into account the factor of cosmic influence. To do this, you don’t need to independently calculate the lunar phases and its passage in a certain house of the zodiac, because there are ready-made tables.

Moving is usually not planned in one day, and this event is associated only with positive emotions. To maintain the mood, and in order to avoid the negative influence of extraneous factors, you should check the day of this event with the lunar calendar developed for such an occasion.

Astrologers have specifically studied the influence of lunar phases on this event so that you can attract the positive charge that the mystical influence of the Moon gives. The dates indicated in the table will affect your luck when moving.


Aries love change, so a change of residence always ends well for them. In the year of the Rooster, astrologers recommend that purposeful representatives of this sign move. For Taurus, 2017 is not the best period for home changes, so it is better to focus on arranging the old “nest”.

Cancers can move only when they were unlucky in their old place. It is better for Leos to move towards the northwest. New housing will bring improved health to Virgos, move to the south. Libra needs to move towards the east for changes in his personal life.

Lack of financial well-being is a reason to pack things for Scorpio; moving abroad this year is especially lucky. Capricorns are associated with stability, so moving is not a good idea. Pisces and Aquarius can change housing if they want to make truly significant life changes.


Let’s figure it out together and study together what folk wisdom dictates to us in this regard, which days of the week are more suitable for organizing a move, and which are less suitable and why.

  • Monday. I would like to immediately add – “it’s a hard day.” This day is popularly considered not particularly favorable for planning new things and settling in a new place. Popular wisdom advises to wait. But you won't have to wait long.
  • Tuesday. It has long been called the day of travel and new discoveries. People believe that on this day you will be lucky.
  • Wednesday. Unfavorable for moving to a new house or a new apartment. People say that if you move on Wednesday, you won’t stay long in the new place, and if necessary, you won’t even get guests.
  • Thursday. Promises a fair wind. The day is neutral in all respects. To move is to move.
  • Friday. Almost Monday's sister. On this day of the week it is better not to start new things and not to go on the road. Put off new beginnings until the next day, for example.
  • Saturday. This is just Tuesday's sister. The day when things get going, work goes well, and all undertakings are accompanied by success. Are we moving?
  • Sunday. A day that definitely needs to be devoted to rest. You rest. And we will take on all the most difficult work ourselves.


If you haven’t found the answer to the question of when is the best time to move, either in the lunar calendar or in folk wisdom, all that remains is to turn to Eastern philosophy and, thus, make luck work for you. According to Feng Shui, when you choose a home, you choose your destiny. By changing your place of residence, you can confidently try to change your destiny. Why not?

  • The rules of Feng Shui moving teach us to choose a day (this can be done using the Feng Shui calendar, which is now available for free sale). Always and in any case, the date of birth of the owner of the house will be favorable for moving.
  • Feng Shui rules for moving also warn us to move to a new apartment in the evening and at night. It would be nice if your apartment move was completed in 1 day. We can easily arrange this.
  • You cannot enter a new home empty-handed. It is believed that every family member should bring something with them. It is better to contribute the most valuable things first, as this contributes to prosperity and family well-being.