Rakite bush: description. Broom: description and cultivation in the garden Paniculata broom

The ornamental broom shrub averages 2-3 m in height, but there are species of other sizes. Of the lowest types of broom, we note Creeping broom, whose height is no more than 10 cm, and the height of the tallest broom, Moroccan broom, is 5 m. Russian or twig-shaped broom is popular. The height of these varieties is no more than 2 m, and the flowering is very lush. Such ornamental shrub widely used in landscape design personal plot.

Broom is planted singly, as a hedge, or in group plantings with juniper, or behind. Tall species are planted in rock gardens and combine beautifully with the green carpet of the lawn. Low-growing brooms are ideal for. And deciduous shrubs help strengthen the soil against landslides.

Place and soil

Broom grows well in loose, light, well-drained soil, but such requirements are only important for growing hybrid varieties broom In most cases it is sufficient garden soil add lime and sand. For landing in difficult clay soil prepare a drainage layer of broken brick with a layer of 15-20 cm. The site prefers sunny, open.


Buy a broom seedling at the age of 2-4 years with already lignified shoots in the lower part, this will be the key to successful rooting and wintering. Dig it up in the spring landing hole twice the size of the earthen ball on the roots, lay a drainage layer on the bottom, carefully place the seedling so that the root collar is at ground level and fill it with a soil mixture of turf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 2 mixed with the mineral fertilizer Kemira -station wagon (120 g per 1 sq.m.). Tamp down a little and water well. Then mulch the tree trunk circle with peat with a layer of 5 cm.

When planting densely, keep the distance between plants within 30-50 cm.

Broom blooms from May to mid-summer, but in cool climatic conditions maybe more. Flower color ranges from white to purple and red. The smell can range from sharp to soft, barely perceptible.


Broom is a picky plant that can tolerate long-term drought, so if there is sufficient precipitation, additional watering is not required at all. In spring, fertilize with urea solution (20-30 g per bucket of water). In summer, weeds are removed. In case of poor slow growth, superphosphate in granules (60 g per 1 sq.m.) is added before flowering.

After flowering, it is better to cut the broom by ½ length, leaving only strong shoots intact. This serves to stimulate the growth and formation of new young shoots. It makes no sense to do rejuvenating pruning, since old branches eventually stop producing new shoots, and pruning lignified shoots absolutely has a bad effect on the condition of the bush, so the “outdated” broom is replaced with a young one.

Most varieties of broom are frost-resistant. For the winter, it is enough to cover only young seedlings and hybrids, however, there are also heat-loving specimens that are grown in containers and brought into a cold room (5-7°C) for the winter. Adult frost-resistant species are mulched with sand or peat. If the branches of the bush are flexible enough and can break off under the weight of snow, then before frost, tie them with twine, bend them to the ground, secure them with staples and cover them with spruce branches or dry leaves.

Broom propagation

Broom is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering.

Seed propagation of broom It is convenient to carry out in the fall so that the seeds go through the stage of stratification under natural conditions. If you sow in the spring, then anyway after 2 months of keeping the seeds in the cold.

In the spring, pour the soil mixture into the seedling box (turf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:1:0.5), deepen the seeds 0.5 cm and cover transparent film. Place the plantings in partial shade, keeping the temperature within 20°C. Until the seedlings appear, water and ventilate. Shoots dive into individual pots. After transplantation to permanent place in open ground, the top is pinched to stop upward growth.

Cuttings carried out with semi-lignified shoots, which have 3-4 medium-sized leaves. After planting in a box for rooting, cover with a transparent jar, ventilate and spray regularly for 2 months. Then transplant into separate pots.

For propagation of broom by layering the lower branches are pinned to the ground with special staples and sprinkled with earth. In spring, rooted shoots are separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

Broom - what kind of shrub is this?

Under this name, about 60 species of plants (shrubs and small trees). All of them, as a rule, grow in Europe, Africa, and some in Western Siberia. Basically, representatives of the broom genus are small in height (0.5-3 m), most often deciduous shrubs. Broom, planting and caring for which is not particularly difficult, is very often used in landscape design and for landscaping streets, parks, and public gardens. They add special charm and interest to the plant. fragrant flowers that cover it in the spring. Most often they are yellow, but they can also be white, purple or a combination. As a representative, broom has beautiful butterfly flowers collected in panicle inflorescences.

Types of broom

The exact number of broom species has not been established; according to different classifications, there are from 30 to 70. Let us dwell on the most famous and those that can grow in our climate. After all, broom is a shrub, planting and caring for which is quite simple, but you need to know some of the nuances of each species.

  1. Russian broom. It grows mainly in the European part of the country, Western Siberia and the North Caucasus. It can form entire thickets in steppes and forest-steppes, and pine forests. It is a deciduous shrub, growing up to 1.5-2 meters in height. Forms a spherical bush with straight branches and dense green leaves. It blooms in May-July for a month and sometimes again in the fall.
  2. Coronal broom (twig-shaped). A tall shrub (up to 2 m) with small leaves and large flowers (it can be seen in the sixth photo). This is a fairly heat-loving broom. Planting and care middle lane similar to other species, except that winter shelter may be required. Many hybrids of this species have been bred, differing in flower color. It takes root best on sandy light soils or limestone.
  3. Broom oblong. Small (up to 1.5 m) spreading shrub, flowering begins early spring. Used in landscape gardening.
  4. Emeritus broom. (70 cm) with slightly drooping shoots. Due to its compactness, it can be used for blooming in May-June with bright yellow moth flowers.
  5. Broom is crowded, blackening and sessile-leaved. Low-growing shrubs, reaching about half a meter in height. They do not bloom as profusely as previous varieties.
  6. Purple broom (its photo is presented below). Low (up to 1 m), but very spreading, creeping shrub. As you can see, they have a purple-pink color and are located along the entire length of the branches. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. This is a drought- and cold-resistant plant.
  7. Kyus broom. A low-growing (up to 50 cm in height) deciduous shrub, grown like dwarf. The leaves are decorative, light green or with a gray tint. Flowers cream color appear in early May. This is a broom resistant to gas pollution and city air. Planting and care in the Moscow region will not require special care, just like in the middle zone, since it is frost-resistant and tolerant of heat and drought.
  8. Creeping broom. The smallest representative of the genus, its height barely reaches 20-30 cm. It forms real green carpets in gardens, each bush spreading up to one meter in diameter.

A large number of broom varieties have been developed. This allows it to be used, firstly, for different purposes ( green carpet, group and single plantings), and secondly, in different climatic conditions.

Broom: planting and care in winter at home

In a room or winter garden You can also grow this plant. One species is used for this - broom racemose. whose homeland is the Canary Islands and Madeira. Sometimes you may come across the name "golden shower", thanks to the bright yellow fragrant flowers that appear on the plant from February to May. In nature it grows up to one meter in height, room conditions a little smaller (60-70 cm).

Planting depends on the propagation method (seeds, cuttings, layering). For hybrid varieties, only the vegetative method is suitable. It is best to plant seeds in spring. They must first be soaked in water for 2-3 days until they swell. Use a soil mixture of peat and perlite. Planting depth is 1-1.5 cm. Then the container must be covered with polyethylene and put in a warm but bright place. To make the seeds germinate better and faster, you can lightly rub them sandpaper. Propagation by cuttings is carried out in summer period. Young, not completely lignified shoots (about 10 cm) are cut off. They take root quite well and quickly - 1.5-2 months.

When choosing a raceme broom for your home, planting and caring for it in winter is quite simple, you should remember several nuances. The plant prefers cool indoor temperatures all year round: in winter +10-18 °C, and during flowering no more than +16 °C. Also during this period he needs good lighting, but without direct sunlight. In summer, the plant can be taken out onto the balcony or terrace.

Broom indoors: soil and watering

You can use store-bought soil, for example, intended for palm trees or ficus trees. If you want to prepare the soil yourself, remember that it should be light but fertile. It is recommended to use the following mixture: turf soil - humus - sand or perlite in a ratio of 2:1:1. Do not forget about good drainage; it is best to add a layer of expanded clay.

If you want to get a fragrant flowering bush right at home in the spring, then choose racemose broom. Planting and care (a photo of the plant is presented in our article), which is extremely simple.

Young plants are transplanted annually into a pot slightly larger (2-3 cm) than the previous one. This should be done after the broom has finished flowering.

Watering broom grown indoors depends on the time of year and air temperature. In summer it is more intense, 2-3 times a week, and in winter it is reduced to once. During the period when the plant begins to bud and bloom, it is necessary to apply liquid mineral fertilizer containing potassium once a month.

Broom: planting and care

Almost all types of shrubs are very light-loving and drought-resistant. They can grow even in the poorest soils. However, it is worth knowing two nuances. Broom does not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water, as well as heavy loamy soils. And secondly, you should not replant the shrub in its adult state, it reacts very poorly to this.

If you are going to plant broom on your site, then choose for it open spaces, for example, gentle slopes, without close groundwater passage.

The soil should be loose and breathable. If you are not sure of its suitability for broom, then prepare the soil for young plant on one's own. First you need to dig a hole for the bush. Mix separately sod land, humus and coarse river sand in a ratio of 1:2:5. The depth, length and width of the pit should be approximately 60 cm; crushed stone or broken brick, and then you need to fill it with prepared soil.

Basic broom care is: proper watering, regular feeding with fertilizers and decorative pruning.

Watering broom

One of the most drought-resistant shrubs in our climate is, of course, broom. Planting and caring for it is extremely simple. The only thing that can happen is the freezing of shoots in the most heat-loving species in severe winter conditions. Long-term resistance high temperatures without precipitation is due to the structure of the root system. The broom is powerful and deep, but without a clearly defined main stem. This property, by the way, is used to prevent soil shedding. Dig mature plant without damaging the roots it is unrealistic, therefore the survival rate is very low. Therefore, it is better to buy broom in containers or propagate by cuttings. Thus, watering the plant is not necessary, but is still advisable in the driest years.

Feeding broom with fertilizers

This procedure is recommended by all gardening experts. Application of fertilizers strengthens the plant, promotes abundant and long flowering. Remember that broom does not like fresh organic matter (manure). It is best to make an infusion from it or ordinary herbs, let it ferment for 2-3 weeks and only then water the bushes at the root (consumption - 1 bucket per adult plant). The frequency should be 2-3 times during the spring-summer season.

Bulk and granular fertilizers are best applied to the soil in circles around the trunk. Of the most accessible, we can recommend wood ash, from mineral fertilizers in granules - potassium chloride and superphosphate (20-30 g per 1 square meter).

Pruning broom

Trimming shrubs is necessary, but it needs to be done correctly, depending on what goals you are pursuing. If it is necessary to enhance flowering and renew the plant, then pruning is carried out until mid-June. Such a haircut will in no way interfere with the formation of flower buds. Old branches should not be touched; cut new shoots to mid-length.

If your goal is to give the bush some silhouette or shape, this is especially true for single plants, then you can trim the bush in summer or autumn. Bloom on next year it won’t, but the foliage will become more decorative.

Using broom in landscape design

Fashion trends exist not only in the world of clothing, but also in landscape design. Broom, which is surprisingly simple to plant and care for, has been undeservedly forgotten. Its popularity has returned quite recently, thanks to the development of new varieties. Broom is used in group plantings, so it looks as impressive as possible. This approach is implemented in large areas (parks, streets, courtyards, highway junctions, etc.). In a small area you can use broom in combination with other woody plants, most good combination with conifers ( mountain pine, juniper, dwarf cedar), as well as with gorse, lavender, lilies of the valley, and heather. The shrub lends itself well to decorative pruning, which allows you to create various figures and hedges.

Broom (Cytisus scoparius) is widely cultivated as ornamental plant, which is a real decoration of the spring-summer garden.
In nature, the shrub grows in Europe, Asia and North Africa, its genus includes more than 40 species of deciduous or evergreen perennial plants from the legume family.

The culture is unpretentious, so caring for broom in open ground even beginner gardeners can do it. Many types of shrubs are characterized by bright green, upright growing shoots, giving the bush a broom shape, which is why in many Western countries The plant is called “broom”.

The broom received its high decorative value thanks to abundant flowering from May to June, when thin young branches bend under the weight of numerous flowers. In some early-flowering varietal forms, flowers appear before foliage. Depending on the variety and variety, their palette can be golden yellow, red, pink, purple or white. During the flowering period, the bush looks like a magnificent bright fountain.

Types and varieties of broom

In the garden you can most often find varieties of these types

Creeping broom – rocky ground cover plant with shoots creeping along the ground, sensitive to severe frosts. Perfect for decoration and rock gardens.

Corona broom is a tall bush that has good winter hardiness; the shoots are slightly pubescent.

Early broom blooms with fragrant flowers in early spring.

Popular varieties

'Moonlight' with bright yellow flowers, dark orange 'Firefly', lemon yellow 'Royal Gold'. A charming compact cultivar 'Hollandia' with red-cream flowers. Dwarf yellow-flowering variety of broom "Phebus" with pineapple aroma. Snow-white and unpretentious “Albus”. Luxury grade early broom'Boskoop Ruby', flowers with outside crimson or dark red, lilac in the middle. The variety "Zeelandia" is strewn with numerous pink-cream flowers. The varietal form "Lena" is a lush compact bush with golden-yellow flowers.

Features of care and planting

Broom is very hardy and easy to grow. A warm and sunny place is best for planting. Prefers moderately fertile, air- and water-permeable soil from the mixture river sand, leaf soil, peat or compost. It only needs watering in hot weather.

The plant tolerates short-term drought and short-term flooding well. From mid-spring to autumn, feed with organic fertilizer (compost or rotted manure diluted in water) 2-3 times per season.

When planting young broom, make sure that the root collar remains above the soil surface. The crop has a very sensitive root system, so it is better not to replant the shrub to a new location until it is three years old, since the slightest damage or drying out of the roots can lead to the death of the perennial.

Young specimens can freeze slightly, so it is better to insulate the root collar with mulch from sawdust or leaves. Broom care includes pruning. And although the procedure is optional, nevertheless, it contributes to the rejuvenation of the bush and allows the formation of a compact crown in spreading species. Pruning is done after flowering.


Broom propagates by seeds, layering and wood cuttings. The last two methods are more productive and preserve the characteristics of the mother plant. Cuttings are carried out after flowering. Cuttings 10-15 cm long are cut from semi-lignified shoots, buried in a moist peat-sand substrate and covered with a jar or plastic bottle. Optimal temperature for rooting it is 18-21 ̊С.

With constant moderate soil moisture, rooting takes one and a half months. After the roots appear, the cover is removed. The pots are placed in a place with bright, diffused light. Grown plants are planted in open ground in late spring of the next season.

Landing: Special requirements No. The plant responds well to fertilization. All plants purchased from the PROXIMA nursery are provided with long-acting fertilizers with the latest formulas from the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden center without additional fertilizing throughout the year. But the greatest advantage of buying plants in a container is that they can be planted without additional fertilizer from March to December - even in the heat of summer.

Care: An important part of broom care early varieties Albus involves annual pruning, weeding, loosening and watering.

Trimming: After the first flowering, in June, Albus Broom is recommended to be pruned and fed at the same time. Tall branches are pruned by about 1/3, without affecting the old wood, but the young root shoots lightly pinch to encourage branching. They also remove several old stems at the root. This provides room for new shoots to grow at the roots.

Mineral fertilizers: Near tree trunk circles sprinkle 3 g per 1 kg of an imaginary lump with balanced NPK + Me (with microelements) in the spring - nitrogen, in the summer - phosphorus, August - September - potassium. We recommend regular foliar treatments with mineral and organic fertilizers with an adhesive with acidified water, for example Valagro (Plantafol, Megafol), etc.

Diseases and pests: Broom is practically not susceptible to attacks from pests and diseases. Untreated plants can be damaged by fungal diseases ( powdery mildew, black spot) or pests (moth moth, moth). The main thing is to identify the pest or make a diagnosis in order to choose the right plant protection product. To protect the plant from diseases and fungal infections, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides (Skor, Switch, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Quadris, Radomil Gold, etc.). In the spring and again in the summer, preventive spraying is carried out with insecticides (Aktara, Enzhio, Aktellik, Match). A modern gardener, using the Internet, can independently identify the enemy and select drugs that will help protect the plant. It is better to carry out preventive treatments once a month than to treat when the pest multiplies and “eats” the plant. An example is the war between Ukrainian gardeners and Colorado potato beetles, who, like their human “cotton” namesakes - the Kremlin occupiers of “Colorado”, are gluttonous, and climb into other people’s gardens. The first and second must be destroyed before they spread over large areas.

Soil pests: An untreated plant may be damaged by cutworms. Compared to the voracious larva of the May beetle, other pests are rare on a well-groomed plant. Over the past 10 years, Khrushchev, especially on humus-rich, weed-free soils, has become the most dangerous pest garden plants Ukraine. One beetle larva can gnaw off in 1 day root system a young 10-30cm seedling, completely destroying it. From mid-April, upon seeing the first flying beetle, we URGENTLY treat the crown with any of the numerous preparations based on imidacloprid, for example Prestige (Bayer), Antikhrushch, while part of the solution must get onto the trunk (10 cm above the ground) and the root collar and not spill to the side . We repeat similar treatments every 40-50 days of the growing season. We pour it into the ground according to the instructions; Aktara is also effective. Treatment along the crown and topping up the root collar into the soil from late April to September once every 40-60 days.

Among the countless varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, there are those, such as the Ramiro pepper, whose popularity is literally worldwide. And if most vegetables on supermarket shelves are nameless, and it is almost impossible to find out about their variety, then the name of this pepper “Ramiro” will certainly be on the packaging. And, as my experience has shown, this pepper is worth letting other gardeners know about it. In connection with which this article was written.

Autumn is the most mushroom time. It is no longer hot, and heavy dew falls in the mornings. Since the earth is still warm, and foliage has already attacked from above, creating a completely special microclimate in the ground layer, the mushrooms are very comfortable. Mushroom pickers are also comfortable at this time, especially in the mornings when it is cooler. It's time for both to meet. And, if you haven’t introduced yourself to each other, get to know each other. In this article I will introduce you to exotic, little-known and not always edible mushrooms, similar to corals.

If you are a busy person, but at the same time not devoid of romance, if you have your own plot and are endowed with aesthetic taste, then explore the opportunity to purchase this wonderful ornamental shrub - karyopteris, or Nutwing. He is also “wing-hazel”, “blue fog” and “blue beard”. It truly fully combines unpretentiousness and beauty. Karyopteris reaches its peak of decorativeness in late summer and autumn. It is at this time that it blooms.

Pepper ajvar - vegetable caviar or thick vegetable sauce from bell pepper with eggplants. The peppers for this recipe are baked for quite a long time, then they are also stewed. Add to ajvar onions, tomatoes, eggplants. To store eggs for the winter, they are sterilized. This Balkan recipe is not for those who like to make preparations quickly, undercooked and underbaked - not about ajvar. In general, we approach the matter in detail. For the sauce, we choose the ripest and meatiest vegetables on the market.

Despite simple names(“sticky” or “indoor maple”) and the status of a modern substitute indoor hibiscus, abutilons are far from the simplest plants. They grow well, bloom profusely and delight with a healthy look of greenery only in optimal conditions. On thin leaves Any deviations from comfortable lighting or temperatures and disturbances in care quickly become apparent. To reveal the beauty of abutilons in rooms, it is worth finding the ideal place for them.

Zucchini fritters with Parmesan and mushrooms - a delicious recipe with photos of available products. Ordinary zucchini pancakes can be easily turned into a non-boring dish by adding a few savory ingredients to the dough. During squash season, treat your family to vegetable pancakes with forest mushrooms, it is not only very tasty, but also satisfying. Zucchini - versatile vegetable, it is suitable for stuffing, for preparations, for main courses, and even for sweets delicious recipes- compotes and jam are made from zucchini.

The idea of ​​growing vegetables on the grass, under the grass and in the grass is scary at first, until you become imbued with the naturalness of the process: in nature, this is exactly how everything happens. With the obligatory participation of all soil living creatures: from bacteria and fungi to moles and toads. Each of them contributes. Traditional tillage with digging, loosening, fertilizing, and fighting all those we consider pests destroys the biocenoses that have been created over centuries. In addition, it requires a lot of labor and resources.

What to do instead of a lawn? So that all this beauty does not turn yellow, does not get sick and at the same time looks like a lawn... I hope that the smart and quick-witted reader is already smiling. After all, the answer suggests itself - if you do nothing, nothing will happen. Of course, there are several solutions that can be used, and with their help, you can reduce the area of ​​​​the lawn, and therefore reduce the labor intensity of caring for it. I suggest you consider alternative options and discuss their pros and cons.

Tomato sauce with onions and sweet peppers - thick, aromatic, with pieces of vegetables. The sauce cooks quickly and is thick because this recipe contains pectin. Make such preparations at the end of summer or autumn, when the vegetables have ripened in the sun in the garden beds. Bright, red tomatoes will produce just as bright homemade ketchup. This sauce is a ready-made dressing for spaghetti, and you can also simply spread it on bread - very tasty. For better preservation, you can add a little vinegar.

This year I often observed a picture: among the luxurious green crown of trees and shrubs, here and there, like candles, the bleached tops of shoots “burn.” This is chlorosis. Most of us know about chlorosis from school biology lessons. I remember that this is a lack of iron... But chlorosis is an ambiguous concept. And lightening of foliage does not always mean a lack of iron. We will tell you in the article what chlorosis is, what our plants lack during chlorosis, and how to help them.

Korean vegetables for the winter - delicious korean salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. The salad is sweet and sour, spicy and slightly spicy, because it is prepared with seasoning for... Korean carrots. Be sure to prepare several jars for the winter, cold winter This healthy and flavorful snack will come in handy. You can use overripe cucumbers for the recipe; it is better to prepare vegetables late summer or early autumn, when they ripen in the open ground under the sun.

Autumn for me means dahlias. Mine begin to bloom as early as June, and all summer the neighbors peek at me over the fence, reminding them that I promised them a few tubers or seeds by the fall. In September, a tart note appears in the aroma of these flowers, hinting at the approaching cold. This means it’s time to start preparing the plants for the long, cold winter. In this article I will share my secrets autumn care for perennial dahlias and preparing them for winter storage.

To date, through the efforts of breeders, according to various sources, from seven to ten thousand (!) varieties of cultivated apple trees have been bred. But despite their enormous diversity, in private gardens, as a rule, only a couple of popular and beloved varieties grow. Apple trees are large trees with a spreading crown, and you cannot grow many of them in one area. What if you try to grow columnar varieties of this crop? In this article I will tell you exactly about these varieties of apple trees.

Pinjur - Balkan-style eggplant caviar with sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. Distinctive feature dishes - eggplants and peppers are first baked, then peeled and simmered for a long time in a roasting pan or in a thick-bottomed pan, adding the rest of the vegetables specified in the recipe. The caviar turns out to be very thick, with a bright, rich taste. In my opinion, this cooking method is the best known. Although it is more troublesome, the result compensates for the labor costs.