Vacuum receiver purpose. Design of a vacuum system with a two-rotor roots pump. Vacuum food dehydration system

A vacuum station is a very large installation that contains a huge number of important components, each of which somehow affects the operation of the entire mechanism.


If you look at these installations purely from the production side, then they are the main source for the formation of vacuum. Without the operation of such equipment, a vacuum simply cannot form in various industries, which in any case will lead to dire consequences that will simply be impossible to avoid.

Vacuum stations have currently been able to find their strong application in such industries as:

  • Medical institutions
  • Operating rooms or intensive care rooms
  • Large enterprises

There, vacuum stations serve as the main source of vacuum, which allows all equipment to function simply. If we touch on the topic of technical characteristics of vacuum stations, then in this regard there is also diversity and among the entire number of vacuum equipment, you can find the one that will be most suitable for the implementation certain tasks.

Such stations will be able to fully ensure the operation of a huge enterprise, or some large hospital where a reliable vacuum is required.

We should also not forget about such a category of stations as compressor stations, which also play big role in the medical and manufacturing industries.

Compressor stations:

The source of compressed air in this device is formed in the internal part of compressor stations, where the process of creating necessary conditions vacuum is done in a matter of seconds. But it is worth noting that it is best to buy such equipment from trusted companies that can provide all the necessary quality guarantees.

By choosing a reliable company, you can also get complete package services that looks like this:

  • Selection the necessary equipment, which is suitable for fulfilling your target tasks.
  • Delivery of all equipment to the desired location
  • High-quality system installation
  • Quick piping installation to ensure targeted gas flow into the system
  • All the necessary guarantees under which you can carry out free maintenance

After looking at this entire package of services, it becomes clear that purchasing vacuum stations from trusted companies is a smart idea, since in this case you will be able to get all the possible privileges that you can dream of.

Medical vacuum stations

It was already mentioned earlier that such equipment is in great demand in the medical industry, which needs high-precision and high-quality equipment that is capable of delivering consistently high performance indicators. Judging purely by technical specifications medical stations, then in this regard you can also see a huge variety, among which you can find installations for a variety of purposes.

The productivity of the vacuum station varies from 300 to 4000 l/min, which is more than enough to perform large volumes of tasks.

Most often, vacuum stations are supplied in the following configurations:

Vacuum pumps

Such installations are most often equipped with several oil pumps of the UVL series. Pumps of this type are as simple as possible in terms of operation and operate without any noise, which is their significant advantage.

Special blocks for controlling a vacuum station

This type of equipment allows the device to operate automatically, without any human assistance. It is this fact that makes us lean towards this option. But it is worth mentioning manual versions of similar stations, which are no less functional, but a person can independently control the entire work process.

Both options are designed to perform certain tasks, in which they demonstrate themselves with purely positive side. If we consider medical vacuum stations as a whole, then we can see a huge number of obvious advantages in them, in comparison with some other installations.

As for the installation of medical vacuum stations, this issue is not a problem, since such a process is easily carried out by specially trained people who, for a small amount of money, can put the system in order and enable it to function fully, producing consistently high performance productivity.

Vacuum systems with receiver

Vacuum systems with a receiver are compact, and most importantly, productive systems of the CPV series. This series of devices is designed for pumping out various liquids using a rotary vacuum pump, which copes with its task quite well.

Installations of this type demonstrate themselves most effectively when creating a vacuum in the most different installations, be it a mobile device or an entire industrial system. One of the main areas of application for such stations is vacuum devices with gripping capabilities, which work with elements within the system such as: safety valve and receiver. These elements help ensure the fastest possible capture and stable maintenance of energy levels within the system.

In fact, vacuum systems of the CPV series are almost ready-made stations that can pump out various gases without any problems. Such installations operate exclusively on the principle of an oil vane rotary vacuum pump, since its performance is sufficient to solve most labor-intensive tasks.

Systems of this type are capable of maintaining a certain level of energy even in an emergency situation, when this process becomes as unpredictable as possible. Do not forget that the vacuum system in any case also includes a vacuum pump with check valve. It is the pump, when working together with the valve, that makes it possible to achieve such high performance indicators, which are much more difficult to achieve in other installations.

Vacuum systems based on liquid ring pumps

Systems operating on the basis of a liquid ring pump are a real breakthrough in the field of vacuum technology. The main reason for this is the simplicity of the design, which, although it does not have complex elements, but at the same time the device is capable of delivering the highest possible performance indicators, which even more expensive installations cannot match.

So simple design, allows the device to operate with the greatest efficiency. An economical control method, which is based on the principle of selecting the rotational speed of the pump shaft, which in turn is capable of delivering high performance indicators, also plays a significant role in this.

Systems operating on the basis of a liquid ring pump have now already found their application in a huge number of industries that require reliable and productive products. The main reason This type of pump is a liquid ring pump, the operating principle of which is the speed of rotation of the blades, which, under enormous pressure, accelerate the device to enormous speeds, giving it the ability to produce the highest possible efficiency indicators.

Roots Vacuum Pumps

Roots vacuum pumps are devices that operate on the basis of a rotating rotor, inside of which there are several blades. They all move evenly inside the system, creating a certain level of vacuum. Then these blades push all the liquid into the next compartments, in which several more work processes take place.

It is worth noting that the blades inside the rotor operate without touching each other, and this was done so that the internal parts of the system are not subject to wear, which can lead to serious damage, which will be quite difficult to cope with.

So when purchasing such equipment, be sure to take into account all these aspects, so as not to end up in a losing position.

The station consists of
- actually pump, in this case it is Value VI-120SV, single-stage, 51 liters per minute, residual pressure 20 Pa;
- vacuum receiver made from a 24-liter hydraulic accumulator;
- automation unit;
- strapping, that is, plumbing and special fittings, crosses, gas taps, hoses;
- vacuum bag.

The pump was selected from the series Value iPump for the reason that this series is already equipped with an electromagnetic (solenoid) shut-off valve, which makes further automation a little easier. For other pumps, you will need to purchase and install an additional shut-off valve, which, in principle, will not add much complexity.

Low power? Partly. The pumping speed is quite sufficient for working with flat veneering in bags up to 140x200 cm in size.
Single stage? Yes! Why for vacuum veneering the residual pressure is not 20Pa, but 2Pa? The difference in film pressure will be as much as 0.00018 kg/cm2!

Receiver. Gilex was removed from a 24-liter hydraulic accumulator rubber membrane, the flange part was cut out and returned to its place to seal the flange. The air injection nipple was plugged and screwed on using additional gaskets and washers.

Harness can be assembled from water fittings, which is the most affordable, but ball valves It’s better to take gas ones, they have a different rod seal, more suitable for vacuum than in water ones.
Or you can assemble it on special fittings with SAE threads, which are used for vacuuming and filling air conditioning and refrigeration systems. But the price...

You can take pneumatic hoses (they say oxygen is better), in which case you will need to connect them to the fittings using clamps. I have often come across the statement that quick-release couplings for pneumatics are not suitable for vacuum. I didn’t check the statement, I took his word for it.
You can also use special hoses with SAE threads, which are also used in commissioning and repair of air conditioning and refrigeration systems.

In this case, I used a mixed system: a piping of water fittings, gas ball valves, adapters with inch thread on SAE threads, hoses with SAE union nuts.
Why is this so? I don't like clamps :)
By the way, here is an adapter from inch thread to SAE thread

I found it only in one place in Moscow and at a completely unreasonable price of 900 rubles!
An order from a turner at the Moskvoretsky market cost 500, which is also not cheap, and a sample is needed.

All water connections were assembled using Tangit thread and coated with special silicone vacuum grease. The flange connection of the receiver was also coated with this lubricant, as were the balls of the ball valves.
The remaining connections hold the vacuum perfectly without additional sealing.

Automation block.
The heart of the block is the electrical contact vacuum gauge Rosma TV-510.05 in the standard version 05, which means that the device has two contacts, the right one is open, the left one is closed. For automation you need one contact, the left one.

There was a problem with the domestic producer (if this is also not Chinese production with our nameplate), on the LRPZ nameplate (the left contact is open, the right one is closed), but in fact it is PRLZ.
The scale on the vacuum gauge is not very convenient; each division would need to be multiplied by 10, but you can get used to it.

The electrical part consists of a two-pole circuit breaker, a turn-on delay relay, a contactor that starts the pump, all of this is placed on a DIN rail in a box for 4 IP-65 modules. Nearby there is an outlet for connecting the pump.

Glued from PVC film 400 microns thick. Based on the results of glue experiments, “Moment Crystal” glue was chosen for gluing, which does not thicken the gluing area, does not reduce elasticity and holds tightly.

The fitting was assembled from plumbing fittings and one “golden” adapter and cut into the bag. The insertion site is additionally reinforced with two layers of the same PVC film.

A 12-gauge punch was ideal for punching a hole :)
To close the bag I use two bars and three clamps.

And yet, it could not be done without clamps :) for inserting the fuel filter as an air filter into the line for pumping air out of the bag. But then I gave up and didn’t look for a suitable filter with the required thread. But I didn’t give up completely! Maybe something similar comes along, then I’ll adapt it :) By the way, when vacuuming, the filter flattens slightly, I’m not sure it will last long.

Well, I had to make a saddle for the pump, because the purchased HA did not have a platform, but just a bracket for attaching to the wall.
At the same time I added space for installing a box and an outlet.

How it all works:

The vacuum in the receiver can (and should) be prepared in advance, before connecting the bag.

The bag is connected, both taps are opened, the pressure in the combined system decreases, the pump pumps out more air from the combined “station + bag” system and then serves to level out possible leaks;

The bag is connected, both valves are opened, the pressure in the combined system decreases, the receiver valve is closed, cutting off the receiver from the system, and then the pump operates only with the volume of the bag.

The receiver valve is closed, the bag is attached, the bag valve is opened, the air is pumped out of the bag, the receiver valve is opened, then the receiver works to level out possible leaks.

Or simply close the receiver and work only with the bag; the automation will handle leaks.

UPD. With a bag, the tightness is not so perfect, this is where the automation comes in handy! :)

Today, there are many types of vacuum pumps, which differ from each other in the specifics of their operation, although they have general principle actions. They are used both for domestic needs and in large enterprises for very serious work.

There are devices for milking cows (vacuum pump UVD 10), laboratory units, an electric vacuum apparatus, etc. The scope of application of these types is clear and to the common man, but the principle of operation of a vacuum pump, unfortunately, is much more complicated.

1 Application area

The invention of such devices makes it possible to cope with a variety of tasks that require human intervention.

The vacuum pump and container are used in the industrial field and with their help they solve many problems:

  • nature protection (cleaning containers);
  • printing (preparation and copying of drawings using the 2NVR device);
  • food production (meat processing, milking cows UVD 10,000 with a vacuum pump, apparatus 461M, a set of vacuum containers with a pump for packaging, lids with a pump for cans, etc.);
  • medicine (medical vacuum device for breathing apparatus, mini-tubes in dentistry that use the HVM 5 device);
  • production of glass and ceramic products, where containers 2NVR and 5DM are most often used;
  • woodworking industry, where 2NVR and vacuum containers are popular, and for drying wood, installing a vacuum pump VVN 1 075 would be excellent.

1.1 Features of the devices

Each vacuum system has its own advantages due to its operating principle and some features.

For example, a vacuum pump for water is durable and can be used at maximum high temperatures. It is mainly used for pumping steam, gas and air. highly in demand in industrial work. There are three types of water unit for creating a vacuum:

  • single-stage with one chamber;
  • single-stage with two chambers;
  • two-stage with two chambers.

A screw vacuum pump has its advantages: it does not consume oil during operation and can do without installing a capacitor. This oil-free device significantly saves energy consumption.

1.2 Operating principle of the vacuum pump

The operating principle of this device is based on the following tasks: it must create a decrease in pressure in a closed working space and do this in a certain time.

To prevent gas leaks through the gaps of parts, they are used for vacuum pumps. Using this oil, the gaps are sealed, which allows them to be completely closed. From this it turns out that pumping systems, in which vacuum oil is used, are called oil-based. And devices where such oil is not used are called dry. If you have to choose between these devices, then the most the best option there will be a choice of a dry apparatus, because it does not need to be maintained.

1.3 How does a vacuum pump work? (video)

1.4 Types and differences

Depending on the pressure range within which the maximum performance of the vacuum pump can be achieved, devices are divided into three types:

  • fore-vacuum pump;
  • high vacuum;
  • booster (intermediate vacuum).

1.5 Forevacuum apparatus

Forevacuum pumps are devices for preliminary vacuum. They are used to ensure operation under high vacuum conditions. Forevacuum pumps save excellent energy, which is an excellent advantage over their counterparts . Rotary-plate devices are used as such a unit.(one of the cheapest 2NVR 5DM), as well as a steam-oil apparatus, turbomolecular vacuum pumps, etc.

1.6 High vacuum pumps

These devices are not connected directly to the system, but through communications. It is recommended to install dampers between the device and the system itself, as they allow you to disconnect the device from the system. Together with the dampers, traps are installed to cool and capture the vapor of the working medium that enters the system from the apparatus.

2 Hand vacuum pump

You can make such a device yourself using a regular one. The syringe is an excellent pump that is quite cheap and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

3 Common models

3.1 Becker

Becker vacuum devices have proven themselves to be excellent in pumping gases, air, production emissions, as well as industrial sectors. For example, an oil-free rotary vane is designed to create a clean, dry vacuum and pump air that is free of foreign particles.

3.2 Bosch

Vacuum pump Bosch is installed in passenger diesel and light commercial vehicles. It creates a vacuum in the brake system and in the turbocharger system.

3.3 Rietschle

German plant Elmo Rietschle offers wide range Rietschle vacuum pumps:

  • centrifugal pump production;
  • vortex;
  • water ring;
  • vane-rotor;
  • cam;
  • screw.

The products of the German company are different high quality production, which has been proven over decades of impeccable work.

3.4 AVZ 180

Manufacturer of the vacuum pump AVZ 180 – Ukraine. It works with non-flammable gas without moisture and abrasive. I use this device for medical purposes, agriculture, in metal production, etc. Sometimes this device is installed as a fore-vacuum device for a Roots pump.

3.5 AVZ 20D

The AVZ 20D spool valve is used for pumping out air and a vapor-gas mixture, previously cleared of small particles. The temperature of the working environment AVZ 20D is 10-35˚С. The device is not used for pumping a working medium from one container to another. The AVZ 20D device is not suitable for working with aggressive media that react with ferrous metal and lubricating oil. The AVZ 20D device must not be overheated; the operation of this device must be cooled.

3.6 Devices for the sewer truck

3.7 Graphite blades

Graphite blades are used as components for rotary vane and dry vacuum pumps. Graphite blades are popular because they have a number of advantages:

  • resistance to adverse conditions, for example, the temperature increases when the blade rubs inside the device;
  • the blades are inert and do not respond to chemical reactions;
  • graphite blades are self-lubricating, which is possible thanks to particles that lubricate between the device chamber and the blade.

Due to their structure, graphite blades are not noisy in operation, which is the main advantage.

3.8 Receiver for vacuum device

A receiver for a vacuum pump is called an equalizing cylinder, which is used with vacuum pumps and installations. For chemical and food production receivers with a volume of 500 and 900 l are made of stainless steel. Economical models of receivers are made on the basis of compressor devices.

Vacuum has long ceased to be an exotic thing, used only in research laboratories and industry. Air can be pumped out for drying, packaging, and also for solving many production problems, including in everyday life.

For example, to repair a car or check the tightness of mechanisms. Similar equipment is available for free sale in various price categories and for various tasks.

For regular use, you can spend a certain amount and enjoy modern device. However, a homemade vacuum pump works no worse, and the savings will be significant.

Let’s make a reservation right away: you can’t simply make a vacuum pump from scratch with your own hands. An electric motor, a piston group, and valves will have to be found somewhere. In any case, the cost of the product will be an order of magnitude lower than that of a purchased analogue.

Working principle of a vacuum pump

By and large, the technology is no different from a pressure pump. If we think primitively, it is enough to turn the valves in reverse side, and instead of pressure we get vacuum.

However, there are some peculiarities. The vacuum pump for pumping air requires more careful sealing, otherwise performance will drop sharply. In addition, if you use the unit to pump out liquids, or there is a lot of debris in the air, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the intake tract.

General rules for the mechanism:

  • The piston (rotor, membrane) in suction mode creates a vacuum in the chamber. At this moment, the inlet valve is open and the outlet valve is sealed. The volume of the chamber at this moment reaches its maximum;
  • When the reverse stroke occurs, the intake valve closes (keeping the pressure in the intake tract low), and air is forced out through the exhaust valve. The chamber volume reaches its minimum value.

A similar cycle is typical for piston or membrane systems. Rotary pumps move the suction chamber in a circle with blades, alternately connecting the volume with the inlet or outlet valve.

Medical vacuum systems are designed for major surgical operations that require removal of excess blood and other fluids, as well as drainage of the abdominal and pleural cavities. All operating rooms and wards where intensive care is carried out must be professionally equipped with equipment to maintain the patient’s vitality at the proper level. That is why a system, properly installed and tailored to the needs of the hospital, can optimize the healing process of patients. Medical vacuum stations and systems come in the most various types and scale.


Vacuum systems VVN

Used for cleaning in medical institutions. Vacuum pumps are used to pump out excess air, non-aggressive gases, vapors and vapor-gas mixtures, previously cleaned of drip moisture and mechanical impurities, from sealed closed volumes in stationary installations located indoors at temperatures from 10 to 30 degrees Celsius. The vacuum pump is designed to maintain a vacuum and ensure a given process. Its choice is determined by its maximum pressure and scope of application.

Vacuum medical systems

Vacuum systems can have one, two or three pumps - it all depends on the feasibility of use in a particular area. Vacuums based on a single pump are used where it is necessary to constantly maintain a vacuum during the process. The installed vacuum pump provides 100% of the required performance. The pump turns on automatically, depending on changes in the level in the vacuum. As a rule, medical vacuum systems are compact and easier to operate than industrial vacuum systems, but they are also reliable and durable. correct use. They can be made in a standard design or have a more mobile appearance - with a handle for ease of movement by medical staff and wheels.

Vacuum systems based on three rotary vane type vacuum pumps are used in NPO testing centers or provide central vacuum to a large plant. The main purpose of these devices is to provide consumers with the necessary level of vacuum, regardless of conditions. Without these pumps, hospitals would not be considered modern, and the existence of enterprises and factories is unthinkable, since failure in production or contamination is undesirable in any area and can negatively affect work.

When purchasing, you should also focus on the brand; the German manufacturer Dräger has proven itself very well on the market. This company produces high-quality medical vacuum systems. They all adapt to any needs of a medical facility and are made of high quality parts. The control panel of these systems provides multiple monitoring methods and has alarms.

In total, about 20 parameters are stored in the control unit’s memory, which are responsible for the system’s operating algorithm. Everything is uploaded to the block by default and ready to connect. Many parameters, at will or in accordance with company standards, can be configured by the operator using buttons on the front panel of the control unit. Medical vacuum systems include antibacterial filters with a bypass line that replaces filters without interrupting technological process. Powerful vacuum systems – industrial vacuum cleaners for removing dirt and dust at the source of their formation.

All devices in the system are equipped with individual frequency converters, operating, on average, with a performance of about 65%, and as a result, saving energy compared to individual units or installations without speed control.

How the medical vacuum system is used:

  • gas supply for ventilator systems and anesthesia machines;
  • drainage of wounds, cavities, including the chest cavity;
  • cleaning endotracheal tubes;
  • collection of excess blood and fluids, as well as the contents of the stomach and intestines.

Basic parameters for choosing a medical vacuum system:

  • gas consumption must correspond to the volume of the receiver and productivity;
  • power and number of pumps are interconnected;
  • ultimate and residual pressure - the minimum pressure created by a pump operating without pumping;
  • lowest operating pressure - the lowest pressure level at which the device operates in normal mode, i.e. pressure in economy mode.

The most well-known CPA systems on the market are the vacuum units from the Italian manufacturer DV, known throughout the world for their reliability. They operate on rotary vane pumps and meet all medical standards for medical equipment.

Pumping units are used as central vacuum systems, that is, they provide vacuum to several consumers or one consumer at a high required pumping speed.

Central vacuum systems

The centralized system simplifies the work of personnel, reduces energy costs and increases the service life of vacuum pumps, and reduces equipment supply costs.

Centralized vacuum systems are used in cases where there is a multitasking mode and it is necessary to apply vacuum within the same building. Such systems are equipped with centralized controllers and other devices that control the vacuum.

They include the pump and piping. Before being used in medical facilities, they must have ABFG antibacterial filters installed. Strong particle filtration prevents the formation and large accumulation of trace elements in the vacuum receiver. Some of the best medical systems are DVP TRIPLEX, they work smoothly and have proven themselves all over the world. They have a triple pumping system and a double control system and also have a security system program.

What does a vacuum station consist of?

The standard assembly includes three pumps, a vacuum collector, cleaning filters, a receiver and a control unit for access control and operating configuration. This is a convenient and easy-to-use unit; it is easy for medical staff to switch compressors and monitor the performance of the device.

A vacuum station is primarily needed for resuscitation and surgery. The main objectives are:

  • ensuring round-the-clock operation of medical equipment: anesthesia machines, ventilator systems, aspirators;
  • stations help to carry out the operation in a timely manner;
  • sterility and safety;
  • antibacterial effect.

A vacuum station is essentially an auxiliary device attached to a medical vacuum. It distributes the flow in a medical vacuum.

The polluted air that the pump emits passes through a network of antibacterial filters. In a piston compressor, air is compressed when the pistons move, and its injection is provided by a screw. Exactly screw compressors prepare clean air and smooth it out with the receiver. The air flow should be gentle. The receiver consists of one or more motors.

Its volume can vary, it all depends on the output pressure and the compressor. applied to him. Air treatment and how the cleaning process proceeds are important factors When choosing equipment, both antibacterial filters and dehumidifiers must meet quality standards and have all certificates. To be more precise, pumps decompose gases and various substances and remove them. At the same time, the chambers of the systems are completely sealed, which helps to isolate bacteria. As foreign substances are removed, the volume of the device cavities changes, as a result of which the substances pumped by the pump are distributed in the required direction. But it is worth remembering that the operating principle of vacuum systems also directly depends on the purpose of the vacuum system.

A vacuum system tester is used to test various vacuums. It is also worth mentioning that the tester measures the degree of rarefaction in vacuums, helps identify valve malfunctions and the installation of vacuum protection devices, measures the performance of vacuum-controlled devices, and checks pressure sensors and brake bleeding. Such diagnostic equipment is mandatory requirements when purchasing medical equipment, since its safety and performance must be checked regularly and systematically.