How to treat white snot in a rabbit. What to do if rabbits have snot, runny nose and sneezing? Causes of runny nose in rabbits


What is the danger of infectious rhinitis or contagious runny nose in rabbits?

Signs of rhinitis.

Rhinitis is a very dangerous and insidious disease. You will recognize a rabbit with rhinitis by its sneezing, by the way it rubs its nose with its paws, trying to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and clear the nasal openings of dried serous secretions. If the disease has progressed relatively far, a mucous secretion is released from the nose. At the initial stage of the disease, the rabbit breeder is not always able to ascertain the fact that rhinitis carriers are already parasitizing in the animal’s body. Nasal discharge is not so abundant and may appear only periodically. Be sure to check the paws. First of all, mucus accumulates on them, which causes hairs to stick together (combing). When the disease becomes obvious, rabbits begin to instinctively breathe through their mouths, trying to eliminate the lack of air entering their lungs. In many cases, the lesion spreads to the eyes, which begin to water profusely and redness of the eyelids occurs.

  • If rabbits are left untreated for a long time, the disease can become chronic or severe. In the first option, the disease affects only the nasopharynx and can be mild, but remember that the animal still continues to be a source of spread of microbes and can cause disease in still healthy individuals. In addition, the commercial quality of rabbits is noticeably reduced.
  • In severe cases of the disease, rabbits die. Some earlier, others later, on average after a month and a half. Before this, their body temperature rises, they begin to wheeze (the lungs are affected), become inactive, lose appetite and become exhausted.

Causes of the disease.

Rabbits are most often susceptible to this disease due to damage to the nasal mucosa, for example during a fight. In this case, seemingly harmless bacteria (there are several types: Pasteurella multocida, Bordetella bronchiseptica and Staphylococcus aureus), constantly present in the nasal cavity, begin their harmful effects, penetrating deep into the animal’s body through microcracks and scratches of the inflamed mucous membrane. Having sensed their prey, the microbes become even more active and begin to multiply in the body of the sick rabbit at high speed, which causes a rapid illness in the pet.

How does rhinitis progress?

If the rabbit is not treated, then the further development of the disease depends on the immunity of each individual animal. Some rabbits can get sick without any visible consequences. In other animals, the disease can develop into a sluggish form and become chronic. Their general condition can be mistakenly considered normal, since their appetite is completely restored, their activity and behavior do not indicate a latent illness. And finally, in a third of rabbits the disease progresses, spreading deeper and deeper, right down to the pleura and lower parts of the lungs. Vital functions are disrupted, primarily breathing. Wheezing becomes audible, and body temperature rises greatly. Rabbits lose their appetite, which leads to refusal of food and further exhaustion. Such an animal is no longer able to resist the disease and will face death.

How the disease is transmitted.

Sick rabbits, their remains and even droppings are a source of infection throughout the farm. If they are not isolated in time, the result can be disastrous. There are also known cases of infection with rhinitis during mating of rabbits belonging to different farms. The disease is also easily transmitted through the hands of the rabbit breeder, feed, and cleaning equipment. Sometimes a pregnant rabbit starts to get sick with infectious rhinitis, but she doesn’t raise her hand to kill her. Practice shows that born rabbits do not necessarily inherit the mother’s disease. Some or even all of them are separated immediately after birth and placed with another female, they develop and grow safely. Although unsuccessful options for the development of such scenarios are also known. If there is no other pregnant rabbit at the moment, you can wean her after five days and switch to artificial feeding from a pipette. After breastfeeding, be sure to quarantine for a month.

Precautions when buying rabbits.

I would especially like to dwell on the transmission of the disease during the purchase and sale of animals in markets. Recently, there has been a sharp increase in cases where unscrupulous sellers are trying to get rid of sick rabbits that are already in an advanced stage. They are first treated, brought into decent shape and taken to the market. There were also facts of sale of “rhinitis” rabbits brought from Europe and even from “native” nurseries. Since the rabbit is not yet dying, it is burdensome to treat it, and it is a pity to slaughter it (especially when it is purebred), it can wander from one owner to another for quite a long time. This may be due to a general sharp increase in the spread of the disease. The statistics are such that over the past six months the number of requests to my website regarding rhinitis has increased several times. Their number even exceeded requests regarding the traditionally “popular” myxomatosis, VGBK and coccidiosis.

When buying a rabbit, grab it by the ears and withers at the same time and turn it over on its back. As a rule, this will not cause a negative reaction from the animal and it will lie calmly. Close your nostrils one at a time and carefully check for at least a minute for any deposits or snot. Breathing should be free, without tension. There should be no wheezing. Don't listen to the seller's soothing comments. If you have the slightest suspicion, apply your ear and listen to the rabbit's lungs. I am writing in such detail because of the increasing number of cases of sick eared animals being sold.

Pathological changes.

Many rabbit breeders use a necropsy of a deceased animal to determine the cause of its death. Therefore, I will give the main signs of infectious rhinitis.

  • An accumulation of nasal secretions is usually found in the nasal cavity; its mucous membrane is thickened and reddened.
  • If you cut into the trachea, you will almost certainly find small blood vessels heavily engorged with blood. Often the walls are covered with mucous and purulent discharge.
  • In the lungs, swelling of the organ, individual small or larger compactions of a darker color (mosaic), and their general marbling are visible. In other cases, abscesses are observed. They can be individual or cluster-shaped, surrounded by dense capsules. There is pus inside the abscess.

When the disease is advanced, the abscess covers a large area of ​​the lung, opens itself, and pus fills the surrounding space. When opening it is felt bad smell. In severely advanced cases, the lungs (sometimes only one) are almost completely decomposed.

Prevention of rhinitis.

What can you do to protect your household as much as possible from a contagious runny nose? First of all, regularly examine your pets, pay attention to their paws, even if the rabbit is apparently healthy and active. At the slightest comb, sound the alarm. I advise you to do the control as often as possible, but at least once a week. Check and eliminate the causes of colds in rabbits. These are, first of all, drafts, dirty air, saturated with dust, hypothermia in winter. Try to avoid direct contact between your rabbits and rabbits from other farms; wash your hands thoroughly before feeding your pets. Keep all newly acquired animals in quarantine for at least a month. Maintain high immunity of rabbits, do not expose them to stress, observe daily caloric intake when feeding, do not allow even temporary starvation or lack of vitamins. Observe sanitary standards for the size and volume of cages (enclosures), remove sharp objects from them, and do not allow your rabbits to fight. Regularly disinfect cells, equipment and queen cells according to the schedule, always during epidemics, after illnesses or deaths, and also before the next replenishment of the farm. Boil the corpses of dead animals for at least an hour before feeding them to dogs, or better yet, burn them and bury them. The bacteria are quite tenacious and can remain viable in the ground for up to 3 months. Remove manure away from cages.

A rabbit cannot become infected from a person who has a viral infection, such as influenza (and vice versa), since it has a different gene code, and therefore its own specific viruses. But bacteria don’t care who they attack. Therefore, if your illness is associated with them, assign your assistant to care for the rabbits for a while or use a gauze bandage (respirator)

As for the vaccine and preventive vaccinations, they are still under development for rabbits (Streptoblastolysin). I have already indicated above that there are several types of rhinitis pathogens and this greatly complicates the work of biologists. Vaccination would be justified if purchasing an expensive purebred individual. Although other animals (pigs, chickens) in large farms are necessarily given them. There are vaccines against infectious rhinitis for cats. Please respond to those who have already encountered this issue.

Use of slaughtered rabbits for rhinitis.

I have already indicated above that rabbit rhinitis does not pose a danger to people. Medical reference books indicate that human susceptibility to this type of bacteria is extremely low. There are, however, unconfirmed cases of infection from cats when they scratch. The meat of a slaughtered rabbit can be used for food after boiling or frying. The exceptions are the lungs and chest.

It is best to separate them and dispose of them. But if you give up this pleasure, it will probably be even better. Personally, I do not eat rhinitis rabbits. As for skins and fluff, after removal and drying, they can be used without restrictions. Only dry in separate isolated rooms. I recommend placing dried skins in the sun for 10–15 minutes. During this time, all bacteria will die. I advise adherents of salting skins in barrels not to risk it. It is known that medical saline solution (NaCl) is not an antiseptic.

Treatment of infectious rhinitis.

The specificity of this disease is that it, as a rule, quickly spreads throughout the entire farm. Often isolation and quarantine do not have the desired effect. While you are treating some rabbits, others manage to become infected from them. Therefore, many rabbit breeders, having spent a lot of time, effort and incurring financial expenses, are left broke. There is an opinion that it is not advisable to treat the farm. It is much easier to slaughter the entire herd, carry out a thorough disinfection and start all over again. However, this is not entirely true, especially when it comes to the early stage of the disease. If it is not possible to go to a veterinary hospital, you can independently treat rabbits with a saline solution of ecmonovocillin (one percent), instilling five drops into the rabbit’s nostril. This medicine can be replaced with furatsilin and diluted in the same proportion. Recently, another effective medicine has appeared - Hemomycin. A quarter of the tablet is crushed in two ml of water and the resulting suspension is given orally once a day for 3-5 days. Even rabbits with an advanced form of the disease can be treated.

Chlorine-turpentine inhalation can prevent the spread of infection. You need to mix 2 grams of dry bleach with 0.5 milliliters of turpentine per 1 square meter of room in a metal bowl. All doors and windows of the room must be closed and ventilation turned off. After the air is saturated with chlorine-turpentine vapor, it is kept in this state for 25 minutes, then the rabbitry is ventilated.

In the next article read about effective method treatment of infectious rhinitis. A professional shares his experience with you veterinarian Irina Tylik. I wish everyone good luck.

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Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by a severe runny nose and sneezing. Rhinitis in rabbits is one of the most common diseases caused by viruses, infections or an allergic reaction to food. Untimely treatment of infectious rhinitis can lead to the death of your pet. Therefore, it is very important to know how to help your rabbit cope with the disease.

There are only three types of rhinitis:

  • infectious,
  • catarrhal,
  • allergic.

Infectious rhinitis the most dangerous and is characterized by the appearance of copious purulent mucous discharge from the nose and periodic sneezing. This type of runny nose is contagious and is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Allergic form illnesses can be caused by food or dust. The most dangerous allergen is considered to be ordinary hay. Most often, it is this that provokes a runny nose and sneezing in a rabbit. In addition, poor ventilation contributes to the appearance of rhinitis, for example, failure to sanitary standards content, plastic cages, poor diet, stress, low indoor humidity.

Cold runny nose not contagious and occurs when non-compliance temperature regime, hypothermia, keeping in damp, drafty rooms. Often, the cause is a decrease in immunity due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet. Such rhinitis is observed only in autumn winter period.

How the disease develops

The owner may notice the first symptoms of a runny nose already on the third day after infection.

If allergic and catarrhal rhinitis are easy to treat and do not pose a threat to the health of the animal, then infectious rhinitis should be taken seriously. You can become infected with it either directly from a sick rabbit or through equipment, dishes, and even the owner’s hands.

The incubation period of the disease lasts about a week, although the first signs are noticeable within 2-3 days after infection. Rhinitis occurs in acute and chronic forms:

  • Acute rhinitis develops very quickly, and if treatment is not started in time, it ends in death within 1.5-2 months.
  • Chronic rhinitis is dangerous because it does not have pronounced symptoms and can last even up to 1-1.5 years. Although, often, it develops into severe infectious pneumonia and leads to the death of the animal.

Symptoms of rhinitis

Rhinitis in rabbits is often accompanied by conjunctivitis.

The first signs of an infectious runny nose are easy to notice already on the third day after infection:

  • The rabbit develops white or yellowish-green mucous discharge from the nose,
  • he begins to sneeze and rub his nose vigorously with his paws.
  • The mucous membranes are injured, the nasopharynx swells, and the hair around the nose falls out.

If you do not start the correct treatment, then in the future the rabbit will:

  • a cough appears,
  • eyes swell and fester,
  • nasal septums are bent,
  • the temperature rises.
  • The animal stops eating, becomes lethargic and apathetic, and quickly loses weight. In 70% of cases, this condition can no longer be treated.

With colds, the nasal discharge is clear and watery, the rabbit sneezes and shakes its head, but severe consequences, in the form of fever, cough and loss of appetite, does not occur. Treating such a runny nose is very simple. In case of allergies, rhinitis goes away on its own if the cause that caused such a negative reaction is removed in time.

How to treat infectious rhinitis in rabbits

In the treatment of rhinitis in rabbits they combine medicines and folk remedies.

At the first suspicion of a disease, you must contact a veterinarian and quarantine the rabbit. The cage where he was kept is thoroughly disinfected. Based on a blood test and a nasal swab, a specialist will determine the nature of the origin and explain how to treat rhinitis. To make breathing easier, you can clear accumulated secretions from your nasal passages several times a day. This can be done more easily with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of boric acid.

A runny nose during a cold is treated by instilling a solution of furatsilin into the nose. Two tablets are dissolved in a small amount of boiled water and 8-10 drops are instilled into each nostril using a pipette. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Be sure to give your rabbit vitamin supplements.

For infectious rhinitis, intramuscular injections of Ribotan (0.25 ml/kg body weight) or Fosprenil (0.5 ml/kg) can be used. If the veterinarian has not prescribed an individual regimen, then the drug is administered once every 5 days, and after a 10-day break, the injection is repeated.

If a viral nature of rhinitis is suspected, Fosprenil is used.

In severe cases, as in other cases, antibiotic treatment may be used: metronidazole, penicillin, enrofloxacin or tetracycline for a week. Such therapy must be accompanied by the use of prebiotics to improve intestinal microflora. In parallel, the eyes and nose can be treated with 0.9% saline solution or Naphthyzine.

Attention! If the disease has not yet progressed to running form, then it is enough to purchase Derinat drops at the pharmacy and instill 1 drop into each nostril at least 6 times a day.

Many experts recommend additional treatment with folk remedies. The most effective of them include inhalations based on decoctions of thyme, sage and peppermint, with the addition of eucalyptus or lavender essential oil. This procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day, for 5-10 days. To do this, the rabbit is placed in a separate, small, well-ventilated cage, and the container with the hot broth is placed so that the rabbit cannot reach it. After which, the cage is covered so that the rabbit can freely breathe hot steam. After inhalation, nasal discharge will become even more abundant for a while. This is normal, but you will need to wipe them regularly with tissues or a paper towel.

After inhalation, the rabbit needs to wipe its face frequently so that the copious secretions do not stick the fur together.

Sometimes, if there is a large accumulation of purulent discharge in the sinuses, minor surgical intervention may be required. This operation is quite unpleasant and dangerous, but with its help, all purulent material is removed, which makes the course of the disease easier. However, drug treatment cannot be canceled under any circumstances. During illness, you can include the homeopathic drug Biomycin (1 mg per day) in your diet.

Diet during illness

There is no need to limit the diet of a sick rabbit. It is imperative to ensure that drinking water was always clean and fresh.

It is important that your diet contains as many greens as possible: spinach, basil, cilantro, parsley, lettuce and dandelion.

To strengthen the immune system, you can give your rabbit decoctions of chamomile and mint. During the period of illness, hay is removed from the menu and group B, as well as vegetables and fruits, are added. A sick animal should only be kept in a very warm room, without dampness or drafts.

Disease prevention

A dry room and a nutritious diet are the basis for the prevention of rhinitis.

To prevent a rabbit from developing a runny nose, it is necessary to strictly observe the conditions of detention. The room where animals live should always be clean and warm. An important factor The health of pets is the absence of dampness and drafts, a varied and nutritious diet, the inclusion of a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the diet, timely vaccination and regular, weekly examination.

Precautions when purchasing rabbits

Very often, unscrupulous breeders seek to sell an animal that is known to be sick. He is treated a little, brought into proper shape and taken to the market. How to avoid mistakes when buying a rabbit?

  • Firstly, you need to take the rabbit that comes to your attention by the ears and withers and turn it with its paws up onto its back. In a healthy pet, this procedure will not cause resistance; he will lie calmly on his back, without showing concern.
  • Next, alternately, for 1-1.5 minutes, close the animal’s nostrils. This way you can easily check for the presence of purulent discharge or sinusitis. A healthy rabbit breathes calmly and silently. Whistling and snoring when breathing is a signal that the pet is seriously ill.

Do not forget that even completely cured rhinitis can recur. Therefore, it is important to strictly observe the right conditions maintenance and feeding.

The video shows methods of treating rhinitis in rabbits:

Diseases in rabbits are as common as in humans, and for the same reasons. One of the most common pathologies is a runny nose in rabbits. There may be several reasons for its appearance. To treat a runny nose, the main thing is to notice the disease in time, clarify the diagnosis and begin treatment.

Causes of a runny nose in a rabbit

The main reason A runny nose is caused by uncomfortable living conditions and non-compliance with sanitary standards.

Main reasons:

  • poor ventilation of the room, stale bedding;
  • draft and hypothermia;
  • failure to comply with sanitary standards and hygiene rules, as well as excessive disinfection of habitats.

Types and symptoms

Types of runny nose:

  • allergies to food or dust (hay);
  • cold;
  • infectious runny nose (rhinitis).
External symptoms of a runny nose are the following characteristics of a rabbit:
  • rubs nose with paws;
  • sneezing, coughing;
  • redness of the mucous membranes of the nose;
  • swelling of the nose;
  • the presence of discharge from the nasopharynx;
  • the discharge may be purulent.

The nose becomes clogged with mucus, which thickens and hardens. This prevents the animal from breathing. So he rubs his nose with his paws and sneezes, trying to get rid of them.

How and with what to treat rhinitis in a rabbit

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis based on a blood test. Before treatment begins, the sick pet is isolated from the rest. All equipment and everything that came into contact with the animal is disinfected. Treatment is prescribed with medication.


Drug treatment will be determined by the doctor based on test results. Treatment consists of compulsory course antibiotics and accompanying drugs.

The most common treatment regimen:

  • prescribing antibiotics for a course of 5–7 days (the course can be repeated);
  • because antibiotics negatively affect the intestines, then additionally use agents that support the microflora while taking the antibiotic;
  • prescribing antimicrobial drugs for nasal treatment;
  • the use of inhalations as an adjuvant.

Drugs used:
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotic - Ceftriaxone. It inhibits the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, thereby destroying it. The drug is prescribed in a dosage of 0.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight once a day for 5 days.
  • The antibiotic "Baytril-10%" is an anti-infective drug. The drug is added to drinks at the rate of 1 ml per 10 kg of weight for a week.
  • The antimicrobial drug "Furacilin" is an excellent antiseptic that is used for nasal instillation. To prepare the solution, 1 g of the drug must be crushed in a mortar and diluted in 100 mg of water. Dosage: 8 drops 2 times a day for 10–15 days.
  • The antiviral drug "Fosprenil" has wide range antiviral effects and is used for treatment viral infections. Dosage - 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight intramuscularly 2 times a day for 3–5 days.
  • The immunomodulator "Ribotan" is used to increase the body's resistance to infections. The drug has a wide range of biological activity. 1–2 mg is administered subcutaneously once a day for 2–3 days. After 3 days the course is repeated.
  • The immunomodulator "Maksidin" is also prescribed subcutaneously or intramuscularly 1 ml per 10 kg of animal weight 2 times a day for 2-5 days.
  • Inhalations are carried out with decoctions of mint, sage, sea buckthorn and others. Inhalation regimen - 2 times a day for 7 days. The decoction is prepared at the rate of 1.5 teaspoons of herbs per 1 liter of water. To carry it out, the cage is covered with thick fabric. A rabbit, a container with a hot solution and something tasty are placed inside the cage to keep the pet occupied. If the cage is small and there is a possibility that the pet will knock over the container with the broth, then the broth can be placed outside the cage and covered. Time: 20 minutes.

Proper nutrition

The animal should receive a solution of chamomile or mint as a drink. Give once a day for 2 weeks. The proportion of green food during illness should be increased. Dill, mint, chamomile, and basil are added to the diet. Additionally, vitamin complexes containing vitamins A, B, C, D, E can be prescribed, which will improve the quality of the feed.

Surgical intervention

With a prolonged runny nose, pus accumulates in the nasal sinuses. The animal cannot reject it on its own. In this case, purulent discharge is removed surgically, in parallel with the treatment process.

Helper Methods

Supporting measures include:

  • washing the paws and nose with a solution of chamomile and saline;
  • keeping the rabbit warm during illness;
  • disinfection of cages and equipment;
  • maintaining humidity at 55–65% and air temperature within +15–20 °C;
  • no drafts.

Disinfection of rabbit cages

Is it possible to eat meat from sick animals?

Rabbit rhinitis is not contagious to humans. An animal that has had rhinitis and has been treated with antibiotics can be slaughtered for meat no earlier than 20 days after the end of the course.

At the same time internal organs and the paws are disposed of, and the meat itself is consumed after heat treatment. The meat cutting area and equipment are disinfected. Dried skins are dried in bright sun for 10–15 minutes to disinfect.

Due to a decrease in the body's protective functions, the rabbit may develop a runny nose. The pet sneezes, his eyes water, and mucus begins to discharge from his nose. A breeder has a logical question: how to treat a runny nose in rabbits? Treatment should be started as soon as symptoms are noted.

Rhinitis in rabbits

The infectious disease overtakes pets in the spring or autumn, when the weather is damp: either the snow melts and evaporates, or heavy rainfall occurs. It may develop as a result of:

  • improper care;
  • reduced immunity;
  • as a symptom of another, more serious disease.

A runny nose is classified as infectious, allergic and catarrhal. A common cold can easily turn into infectious rhinitis if your pet is not treated on time.

How to treat

The disease can be identified by the following signs:

  • My eyes are watering.
  • The animal sneezes.
  • White mucus flows from the nose.
  • A rabbit's wet nose.

A pre-sick animal must be separated from others so that it does not have time to infect others. In the cage where he was, disinfect and treat all things: the breeder definitely does not need a mass epidemic. It is best to have your pet thoroughly examined to understand what exactly caused the runny nose. A blood test will be required.

If you find out that the cause is an allergy, you should quickly eliminate the allergen from the animal’s habitat! You can understand that this is the reason by observing the rabbit in isolation for some time: when improvements are observed after the transplant, most likely it is an allergy.

Cold runny nose

Colds and runny nose are treated with furatsilin solution. You will need boiled water and a couple of medicine tablets. Furacilin must be completely dissolved in water, and then, after cooling, draw it into a pipette. The solution is instilled into each pet's nostril, approximately 8-10 drops at a time for two weeks. It is also recommended to give your rabbit vitamins to boost its immunity.

Infectious disease

IN infectious disease A cold may develop if it is not treated in time. When the lining of the animal's nose turns red and the discharge becomes too abundant, this is it. If treatment is not started, death may occur.

To cure a rabbit, you will need to use a penicillin solution: it is instilled into the nostrils for five to seven days, after which improvements should be observed. Before you start treating your pet yourself, you should take it to a veterinarian and get a consultation. The specialist may prescribe other antibiotics that will more quickly cure the animal from an infectious disease.

A runny nose in rabbits poses a danger both to the sick animal and to those who are in the room with it. It is important for every farmer to know why rhinitis occurs, how it is transmitted, and how to treat a runny nose in pets, because in advanced cases it can lead to the death of animals.

Causes of a runny nose and how it is transmitted

Rabbit snot occurs for various reasons. The disease can be either infectious or caused by an allergy to external irritants. Often a runny nose develops due to hypothermia of the pet. Let's look at the most common causes of rhinitis:

  1. Draft, low temperature indoors.
  2. High humidity.
  3. The air is too dry, for example if the heating system is running.
  4. Heavy dust, dirt in the cage, poor hygiene.
  5. An injury to a rabbit's nose resulting from a fight with a fellow rabbit.
  6. The presence of mold in the room, in the feed.
  7. The presence of irritating factors - cigarette smoke, cologne, the use of chemical aerosols near pets.
  8. Severe stress.
  9. Infectious disease.

Important! A runny nose most often bothers individuals with weakened immune systems. Poor living conditions, poor quality of nutrition, stress are factors that reduce the body's resistance.

Rhinitis is transmitted to healthy individuals by airborne droplets. A sick rabbit sneezes, possibly coughs, and produces mucus from the nose containing viruses or bacteria. Healthy individuals become infected through a drinking bowl or feeder, bedding, or equipment. A person can also become a source of infection if he takes care of rabbits when he is sick with a sore throat - many pathogenic bacteria - streptococci - are concentrated in the throat. These pathogens are dangerous for long-eared rodents.

Types of runny nose

A runny nose has various origins. Let's consider its types:

  1. Catarrhal. It occurs against the background of hypothermia, due to the pet’s prolonged exposure to a draft, in a damp room, in the cold or in the wind.
  2. Allergic rhinitis - develops due to irritation of the nasal mucosa by chemicals, dust, allergens, for example, those emitted by the plastic from which the cells are made.
  3. Contagious or infectious. This type of runny nose is the most dangerous because it is caused by dangerous viruses or bacteria. It is easily transmitted from one individual to another.

Attention! Infectious rhinitis often leads to pneumonia and death of pets.


At first, the disease may be mild. But it is important to detect the first symptoms in time, because a successful outcome of treatment directly depends on the timely start of therapy. Symptoms of rhinitis in rabbits:

  1. Sneezing.
  2. Redness of the eyes and nose.
  3. The rabbit rubs its nose with its paws.
  4. Clear mucus or purulent secretion is released from the nasal passages.
  5. White snot on a rabbit.
  6. Tearing.
  7. Sometimes a runny nose is accompanied by a cough.

Attention! With infectious rhinitis, the pet's condition is depressed, it loses its appetite, its coat loses its shine, breathing becomes difficult, and a rise in temperature is often observed.

Treatment methods

Before starting treatment, you need to show your sick pet to a veterinarian. Cases vary, it is important to make the correct diagnosis for therapy to be effective.

If necessary, the veterinary service worker will take samples of nasal discharge for analysis, this will allow him to identify the causative agent of the disease. Infectious rhinitis caused by pathogenic bacteria is treated with antibiotics. Good effect achieved using homeopathic remedies and inhalations.

Reference. Treatment of a runny nose decorative rabbits carried out in the same way.


Antibiotics must be used if a rabbit's runny nose is caused by an infection. Even if the disease is caused by viruses and not bacteria. These medications will help prevent attachment bacterial infection. Here is a list of drugs:

  1. Chloramphenicol.
  2. Marbocil.
  3. Baytril.
  4. Veracin-comp.

Treatment will be more effective if antibiotics are used in the form of intramuscular injections. For example, Marbocil is administered at a dosage of 0.1 ml/kg of animal weight, and Baytril is administered at a dosage of 0.3 ml/kg of weight.

Attention! In each case, the dosage regimen prescribed by the veterinarian should be followed.

The course of antibiotic treatment is continued for at least 5 days. In some cases, it makes sense to continue it for up to 7 days. Even if the pet feels better, it is forbidden to interrupt treatment, otherwise the infection may fade and after a while make itself felt again. Then a repeated course will not give results.

Taking antibacterial agents is always accompanied by a detrimental effect on the beneficial intestinal microflora, so rabbits need to be given probiotics. It is advisable to introduce a complex of vitamins into your pet’s diet to maintain a weakened immune system. Sometimes veterinarians prescribe immunomodulatory drugs in parallel with antibiotic injections.


Homeopathic remedies are also used to treat rhinitis. They are aimed at strengthening the immune system of animals. For example, the injection drug Membrana nasalium compositum. This medicine is used once a day subcutaneously or intramuscularly for 5 days. Dosage for rabbits – 1 ml/kg.


Inhalation is an additional method of treating a runny nose. Inhaling the vapors of herbal decoctions or ethers helps relieve inflammation and drain mucus from the animal’s nose. A sick pet should be inhaled 1 or 2 times every day. The duration of the course of treatment procedures is no more than 7 days. Otherwise, inhalation will cause the mucous membrane of the nose to dry out.

To prepare the solution you will need essential oils plants:

  • sage;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mint.

The solution for inhalation should not be concentrated. For 2 liters hot water add only 1 drop of oil. You can also use decoctions of these herbs. They are prepared according to the instructions - 1 tablespoon of raw materials per liter of boiling water. The drug is boiled in a water bath and filtered. When hot, it is used for inhalation. Before starting the procedure, it is important to make sure that the prepared solution does not have an irritating effect. Just try to breathe in the vapors - if you don’t feel any discomfort, then everything is fine.

Rules for performing the procedure:

  1. Place your rabbit in a carrier with some hay and a bowl of water inside.
  2. Place a container with hot liquid near the cage (so that the pet cannot turn it over).
  3. Cover the carrier and the pot with the broth with a towel, leave a gap for air access.
  4. The duration of each procedure is 5-10 minutes.

Attention! After inhalation, the animal will increase the outflow of mucus from the nose. You need to wipe his nose with a clean sponge. Be careful not to form crusts of dried secretions under your nose.

Care during treatment

Since your pet's body is weakened by illness, it is important to provide him good care. The cage must be clean. It is important to regularly update the water bowl, because a sick animal needs plenty of fluids.

Particular attention should be paid to its nutrition. Now your pet needs to get more vitamins, which means it’s worth including fresh ones in his diet. medicinal herbs– mint, dill and chamomile. Of course, they should be given in a dried state and in small quantities, so as not to provoke other health problems. It is recommended to include vegetables and root vegetables in the diet of a rabbit suffering from a runny nose, following the feeding rules.

Attention! If you notice that your pet's condition is worsening, contact your veterinarian again. Perhaps rhinitis is complicated by pneumonia, and the doctor’s prescription needs to be corrected.


Rabbits have very weak immunity, so it is important to observe preventive measures to prevent the development of infectious and colds. These include:

  1. Regular examination of pets.
  2. Keep them in acceptable conditions - warm, without drafts, with normal air humidity in the room.
  3. Maintaining cleanliness in cages.
  4. Timely vaccination of animals.
  5. High-quality varied food.

If your rabbit is prone to allergies, you should not smoke in the room where it is kept, or use chemical sprays or perfumes in its presence.

Reference. The fungus is a strong allergen, it contributes to the suppression of the immune system. If mold is found in the room, it must be eliminated. It is important to properly prepare and store hay so that fungus does not multiply in it.

Having noticed snot in a rabbit, the sick individual is immediately separated from the rest of the animals. In order for the treatment to bring results, you need to contact a veterinarian, and then strictly follow all his instructions.