Do-it-yourself drip tip: creating and setting up at home. Making a drip with your own hands How to make the required resistance

As electronic cigarettes develop, users are increasingly trying to improve their models with their own hands. For what?

1. Saving money.
2. Aesthetic pleasure from creativity.
3. Customization “To suit you”.

One of the most common “upgrade” methods is to repair the evaporator, replace the coil (winding) and change the cotton wool (wick). Many stores are full of related materials for all types of repairs, and forums are full of admiring comments from owners of homemade atomizers.

Let's start with a few of the most popular questions that beginner vapers ask.

1. Which wire (material for the spiral) should I choose?
We will make the choice according to the following criteria: diameter and type (nichrome, kanthal).

You need to choose the type of spiral based on where you are going to install it; if it is a tank where a stainless mesh is used as a wick, then strictly choose Kanthal. If we notice a silica cord, super thread or bamboo yarn in the atomizer, then we can use both kanthal and nichrome.

Before winding the spiral, be sure to burn the wire with a torch, because... after burning, the spiral will lose its “springiness” and it will be easier to wind it up.

The differences between wire types are the alloy composition:

Nichrome - common name groups of alloys that consist of Nickel and Chrome, depending on the brand, may contain other metals to improve certain characteristics.

Kanthal is a registered trademark that produces an alloy consisting of iron, chromium and aluminum; other manufacturers call wire made from the same alloy Fechral (FeCrAl).

Both alloys are used as heating elements in all sorts of electrical appliances - irons, hair dryers, electric ovens for firing and drying, and so on, kanthal and nichrome have several different properties. So, the parameters:

Cantal– heats up evenly and has virtually no spring effect during winding.

Nichrome– does not turn black so quickly, is soft, bends easier.

2. How to make the required resistance?

What are we talking about? To ensure that repairs are repairs and not creations atomic bomb, at the output the atomizer must have the required resistance (depending on the type of battery), therefore, when we create a winding, it is important to monitor the resistance indicators. (using a multimeter).

Let's remember main principle : the thicker the wire, the less resistance it has. For example, by making five turns of nichrome with a wire with a diameter of 0.10 mm, you will get a spiral with a resistance of 2.2 Ohms, and by making five turns on a wire with a diameter of 0.20 mm, you will get 1.2 Ohms.

Ready means that you have in your hand a piece of wire with five (or more) turns, having two poles (ends of the wire). They must be installed (depending on the design of the evaporator housing) so that they are isolated from each other and held tightly in position.

Next we install the wick. It can be made from different materials, including surgical cotton wool. Before installing the wick, wash and dry your hands thoroughly. Roll up the material for the wick and carefully thread it into the spiral turns using turning movements. The wick should fit tightly in the spiral.

READY! Before first use, be sure to “drip” the wick with liquid.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Follow the rules for compatibility of battery power with evaporator resistance. If you have a “varivolt” that can accelerate to 6V, the optimal resistance of the spiral for this voltage should be from 3 to 3.5 Ohms. For homemade atomizers, we recommend purchasing batteries with the Variwatt function, since your device will automatically select the required voltage for the evaporator. Below is a table of compatibility and optimal operation of evaporators with batteries (resistance - power).

We hope this article will help you understand the structure of an electronic cigarette. Take care of your health!

Self-winding is an interesting and exciting process, but not mandatory. Today, you can order dozens of ready-made vaping devices through online markets. Therefore, the drip with your own hands will do mainly for those who prefer to experiment and have their own unique device.

You will need a serviceable evaporator with a base for winding coils. The best option subtank Working with such a database is convenient and, most importantly for a beginner, simple.

Why is it worth spending time winding drip tape?

A homemade drip has a number of advantages:

Selection of materials

The drip tip consists of a wire and a filter. Cotton wool is easy to find in any specialty store.

By the way, it is better to make a choice in favor of branded vape cotton rather than saving money and buying a pharmacy one. This radically changes the taste.

The following types of materials are available for spirals:

Why is it important to consider resistance?

This is the key parameter. If the voltage is too high and the resistance of the spirals is low, the device will fail, and the winding will simply burn out or last a short time.

The higher the frequency of the battery, the greater the resistance of the materials.

What types of windings are there?

Before you make a drip yourself, it’s worth studying coils - a type of winding on a spiral. The classification includes the following:

  • Standard coil. This is a lot of space between the turns, which allows the liquid to be better absorbed into the cotton. Therefore, a small amount of steam is produced.
  • Nanocoil. Helps achieve thick and voluminous vaping. There is a minimum distance between the turns.
  • Pigtail. Complex option, created from two windings. If everything is done correctly, the flavor transfer will significantly improve, and the steam will acquire a characteristic thickness.

Winding instructions

The first step is to prepare and clean the atomizer from the old winding. At the same time, the canthal is cleaned, which is easy to do with a regular damp cloth.

The diameter is selected. A screwdriver is selected according to the value. The smaller the diameter, the less resistance. To start with, a 2.5 mm wire will do.

When the spiral is ready, the product is inserted into the hole in the base. The spiral is inserted at the ends, cut with wire cutters and pressed against the screws. The remaining wire is cut off - the winding is almost ready.

Fans of vaping—smoking electronic cigarettes—appreciate the intensity of vapor production. A do-it-yourself drip tip designed for a certain power allows you to satisfy the individual taste of the smoker and create a unique device. You can remake an old atomizer by winding a new spiral, or create a new heating unit from scrap material. At the same time, this will save money: the wire for the spiral costs several times less than ready-made wound heating elements.

Remodeling and repairing an old dripper

Atomizer repair begins with removing the old coil and cleaning the body and stands from soot and dirt. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws and remove the burnt parts. The remaining nodes are wiped with a damp cloth.

Making a spiral

Kanthal and nichrome are used for spirals more often than other materials. These types of wire can be purchased at the store; they are easy to wind and can withstand high temperatures.

Before coiling, the wire must be calcined over a fire: after this procedure it will become plastic and pliable.

The internal diameter of the spiral should be within 2.5–3 mm, as in the photo. For winding, you can take a drill with a cylindrical shank and wind the wire onto the smooth part. From available materials, a knitting needle and a nail are suitable.

Some rules should be followed:

  • both spirals must be identical;
  • adjustment should begin with 5 turns;
  • Even sections of wire should be directed in one direction and not touch each other.

The excess ends are cut off after the final installation of the spiral into the drip.


The ends of the new spirals are inserted into the sockets and clamped with screws. After this, the degree of incandescence is checked.

The optimal glow for vaping is dark yellow and evenly distributed. If the last turns are darker, you need to tighten the screws.

If you have a multimeter at home, you can use it to adjust the resistance.

The intensity of evaporation is regulated by the number of turns. If the spiral is red, it needs to be shortened by one turn. The brighter the wire glows, the faster it will burn out. The body of the cigarette and the mouthpiece will become very hot and burn your lips. When the wire is heated in a drip tip until it turns light yellow and white 1-2 turns should be added.

Atomizer assembly

After adjustment, the drip tip is assembled and refilled:

  1. 1. The free ends of the wire are cut off.
  2. 2. Cotton wool twisted into a bundle is inserted inside. It should fit tightly into the spiral and touch it only inside the turns.
  3. 3. The wick is soaked in liquid.
  4. 4. When blowing from the side, the wick is placed opposite the holes.

The degree of evaporation of the liquid depends on the distance between the turns of the wire: the smaller it is, the weaker the steam is released.

Creating an evaporator from improvised materials

Any vaper can assemble an electronic cigarette from scrap materials. Electrical diagram Connecting to the battery and button is quite simple. Most of the time is spent creating the drip. To make it, you can use ready-made drawings with calculations.

Some parts do not need to be machined, but rather use plumbing fittings of suitable sizes: lock nut, nipple and coupling.

Electronic cigarettes are becoming more and more popular. And this suggests that people are starting to pursue uniqueness in their electronic steam generators.

And if a year ago the creation electronic cigarette with their own hands was due either to the design interest of clever people, or to the lack of finances of the potential vaper, but now it is already a handmade industry for creating unique masterpieces. Today we will look at how to create a drip with your own hands.

Before we create our drip, we need to decide whether our base will be store-bought or home-made. Today we have a homemade page, so we will create the base ourselves. To start the process we will need to take a metal plate from which we will cut a circle.

Best suited for this stainless steel, no more than 1.5 millimeters thick. We take a coin with a face value of 10 rubles and circle it on a metal plate. We mark 2 holes on the drawn coin that will be intended for the racks. We cut out the part and drill holes in it.

For the assembly process we will need the following parts:

  • 4 nuts;
  • 2 bolts;
  • 4 metal washers;
  • 2 dielectric washers;
  • 2 terminals;

If you don’t know where to get the terminals, you can get them out of the body of a regular AA battery. The materials of such a housing are often malleable and a terminal can be easily cut from them.

Schemes, drawings and drawings for making drips.

Let's start assembling

We need to put a dielectric washer, a terminal and a metal washer on the bolt. Next, we need to wrap a regular thread around the leg of the bolt so as to isolate the bolt from the base. We thread the bolt into our improvised washer so that the bolt does not touch the washer with its thread. WITH reverse side We put a dielectric washer, a metal washer and fix it all with a nut.

After the first assembly phase, we need to check the quality. Do we have any contact between the bolt and the base of our base? A multimeter will help us with this. By placing 1 multimeter probe against the base and the second against the bolt, no changes should occur on the digital display. There is no contact, which means everything is assembled with high quality.

The second phase of assembly will be with the second bolt. Only its installation will be carried out without dielectric washers. We need to make cuts in the bolts on the output side. The depth should be approximately 1.5-2 millimeters. Now you need to insert a spiral into these slots. It is important to note that the slots in the spirals are made in such a way that if a wire is inserted into them, it would pass through both bolts without bending, and pass through the conditional center of the base base.

The spiral is installed as follows: a spiral is inserted into the slot and another nut is put on top, which, going down along the thread, tightly presses the spiral to the bolt slot. We do this on both sides.

After this, we solder the wires to the terminals and check our product. If, when voltage is applied, the coil begins to heat up, then everything is done correctly and the base of our drip tip is ready. Now you can install the base into the drip device itself

Finishing the creation

How to make a drip? With the case the situation is a little more simple. Anything that our base can accommodate can be a potential body for a drip device. Today we will use what we found on the balcony - pipe benders, that is, create a device from scrap materials.

An example of a made drip.

We will need:

  1. Lock-nut.
  2. coupling
  3. Nipple.

We will install the base into the locknut so that the wires come out from the side of the small thread, and attach the base itself to the nut cold welding. We will need this to avoid unnecessary mobility of the nodes.

After this, you need to mark 2 holes on the coupling at the bottom and 2 at the top for airflow. We drill and mount it on the nut. We attach the nipple on top. Your drip is ready.

A homemade drip device may not be the pinnacle of engineering, but it will undeniably set you apart from the crowd of vapers. The device of the drip device will always be the same, but in appearance– this could become your strong point. Pour liquid into the drip and show how it works.

Tell me, have you been interested in how to make a drip before? Have you tried to create drips yourself and what has been your experience in creating such devices?

The electronic cigarette has gained its popularity due to its convenient use. It is believed that vaping is less harmful to health than smoking a regular cigarette. An alternative to the clearomizer in this device is a drip tip. There is no separate container for placing liquid, which ensures that it gets directly onto the wick. Thanks to the wide mouthpiece, it is convenient to pour liquid into the drip tip.

How to decide on a drip tip for an electronic cigarette?

Electronic cigarettes come in a wide variety. Modern drips have a number of features that need to be taken into account:

  1. Number of racks. The number of spirals depends on this parameter. The number of racks affects the amount of steam. But there is also a drawback. If there are many compartments, the case will heat up more.

  1. Airflow. How much a smoker can vape depends on the activity of the stream. It also affects the perception of taste. If the drip device has little resistance to the coils, then they need more airflow.

  1. Baths. There is no need to frequently bury the wick. Provides a long smoking period. If the liquid is not completely evaporated, it may leak out in a horizontal position.

  1. Pin. This element provides throughput, which affects the performance of the electronic cigarette. Best material- silver.

Dripper components

The vape does not stink of nicotine, but on the contrary, it emits a pleasant aroma, usually fruity. The main difference between the drip device is the absence of a special reservoir for filling with liquid. Such advantages suggest how to make a drip yourself. Main components of the device:

  1. Chompcap. Acts as a mouthpiece.
  2. Frame(side skirt).
  3. Base drains. Must have minus and plus stands. Spirals responsible for evaporation are attached to them.
  4. Connector. The element secures the device with the battery pack.

DIY dripka

Many vapers have recently begun to come up with options for improving their devices.
How is drip made and what should you pay more attention to? Many stores provide wide range suitable materials.

  • Spiral. The right choice.

The choice of coil type is based on where it will be installed. If a mesh made of stainless material is used for the wick, then it is imperative to use Kanthal. If the device has silica lace, bamboo yarn or superthread, then it is possible to choose kanthal or nichrome.

Before winding the spiral, you should turn to the torch and use it to burn the wire. This method will lead to a loss of springiness and the wire will be much easier to wind.

Wires are divided into different types, the main difference of which is the composition of the alloy. The components of nichrome are nickel and chromium. Kanthal consists of aluminum alloy, chromium, iron. The main purpose of both alloys is to provide the heating capacity of the elements.

  • Resistance. We calculate correctly.

The electronic cigarette will be made with high quality and safety, thanks to the provision of the necessary resistance. Using a multimeter, it is easy to monitor the readings.

The resistance depends on the thickness of the wire used. The thicker it is, the less resistance there will be. For example, if five turns are made with a 0.10 mm wire, then the spiral will be provided with a resistance of 2.2 Ohms. If you draw five turns of 0.20mm wire, you get a resistance of 1.2 Ohms.

  • Wick.

When the spiral is ready, you can begin installing the wick. You should end up with a wire (five turns, more if possible) with two poles (wire ends). Both ends must be insulated and securely fixed in the specified position. This point will depend on the characteristics of the case itself.

Now you can begin making the wick and installing it. The materials can be any; generally, specialized cotton wool is chosen. When working, hands must be completely dry. Slowly thread the selected material through the spiral turns using turning movements. The main thing is that the wick is firmly fixed in the spiral. The last rule is that the wick must be dipped in liquid before using the device for the first time! This simple instruction can bring a lot of pleasure as a result.

For homemade device It’s better to buy a battery with a Variwatt function. Then the required voltage for the evaporator will be selected automatically.