Fortune telling with playing cards

Grand Cross

There are many variations of this fortune telling. I will give one of the most popular. We take a deck of 36 cards, carefully shuffle, remove, guess the face we are guessing for, and take a card from the deck that represents the guessed face: a blond man - a diamond or hearts card, a dark-haired man - a spades or clubs card, a single man - a diamonds or clubs card, married - hearts or spades card. The card that was pulled out is called a “portrait” and we place it in the center of the table. On the “portrait”, face down, we place a “fortune” - this is the card chosen by the person for whom we are telling fortunes. After this, we lay out the cards around the “portrait” and “fortune” according to the picture below. The numbers show the sequence of laying out the cards.

The 10 cards that remain determine the effectiveness of fortune telling. The person for whom the fortune is told must name a number from one to ten. We count this card from the deck, remember it and shuffle these 10 cards and lay them out in the shape of a pyramid in 4 rows. The first row is one card, the second row is two cards, the third row is 3 cards, the fourth row is 4 cards. Next, we look at the effectiveness of fortune telling by the row in which this card is located.

In the 1st row- there is no point in guessing.
In the 2nd row- there is little chance of finding out the truth.
In the 3rd row- Your chances are 50*50.
In the 4th row- fortune telling will reveal the whole truth.

After this, we read the layout of the cards according to the interpreter. 9 cards from the “portrait” will mean: on the left - the past; below - the recent past; above - nearest; on the right is the distant future. “Fortune” means what is on the fortuneteller’s heart.


General card meanings

Ace- the highest degree of the event.
King, queen- a close person.
Jack- an outsider.
10 - big idea, big expectations, dreams.
9 - money, profit or loss.
8 - vanity, troubles, worries.
7 - talk, chatter, conversations, gossip.
6 - road, way.

Card meanings by value and suit

Peaks- grief, misfortune, big troubles, serious illness, death.
King, Queen, Jack- people are elderly, influential, serious.
10 - illness, illness.
9 - obstacle, barrier.
8 - hit.
7 - anger, resentment, hatred, quarrel.
6 - humiliation, difficulties.

Clubs- small caliber troubles.
King, Queen, Jack- poor middle-aged people.
10 - changes in life.
9 - mistake, incident.
8 - tears, crying.
7 - business proposal, cooperation.
6 - an unpleasant road, most likely in the evening.

Diamonds- exciting joy.
King, Queen, Jack- young and already rich.
10 - money, valuables.
9 - success, good luck in money matters.
8 - a nice addition.
7 - a pleasant surprise, a miracle.
6 - early road.

Hearts- well-being, successful business, everything is just fine.
King, Queen, Jack- very close people, if there are 10 nearby, then they are elderly, if there are 6, then they are young.
10 - great joy.
9 - nice company.
8 - a fun and pleasant meeting.
7 - unexpected joy.
6 - a fun road.

The meaning of how the card fell

♠ Spades
Ace sharp end- the sharp end downwards means death, upwards - a big nuisance from the government house.
- down means dismissal, up means other troubles.

♣ Clubs
Ace sharp end- down is a false rumor or bad news, up is a deception or mistake.
9 tail- down is an unpleasant encounter, up is a change for the worse.

Ace in normal position- big money or inheritance.
Ace in reverse position- wedding.

Ace sharp end- down is unexpected love, up is great joy.
9 sharp end of the middle sign- down is the arrival of a loved one, up is a love meeting.

Fortune telling on crosses, as well as the next method of fortune telling, is given according to the best on this topic - the brochure by Irena Baryshevskaya “What was, what will be.” Unfortunately, Irena does not provide any historical information about these fortune-telling. However, the annotation states that “the book was written by the author based on personal experience and rich family traditions."

Preparing for layout

For fortune telling, you need a deck of 36 cards.
The layout is done no more than once per evening.
Before starting the layout, determine the card corresponding to the portrait.
If they tell fortunes to a fair-haired person, then the suit of the portrait is hearts or diamonds. If dark-haired - spades and clubs.
Diamonds and clubs are used for fortune telling for single people, spades and hearts for married people.
For widows and widowers, the suit of spades is chosen.
Let's say the object of fortune telling is a young, never-married, fair-haired girl. This means the portrait is the queen of diamonds.


The portrait is removed from the deck and placed face up on the table.
The client draws a card from the deck and places it face down on the portrait, that is, face down. This is luck.
The remaining cards are laid out around the first two in accordance with the picture.

The number on each card indicates the order in which they are drawn from the deck:

After laying out, ten cards remain. With their help you can determine the correctness of the layout.
The client calls any number from one to ten. From the top of the remaining deck, the number of cards corresponding to the named number is counted. The drawn card is remembered. Ten cards are carefully shuffled and laid out in a pyramid:

one card on top, then two, below three and finally four:
If the selected card is in the first row, you will not know anything - the cards will not tell the truth. If in the second, it is unlikely that the cards will tell the truth. The appearance of this card in the third row means that the chances of finding out the truth are about fifty percent. The appearance of the selected card in the fourth row means that fate favors you: everything learned from the layout is the pure truth.

Reading layout

The nine cards to the left of the portrait (cards 3, 5, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 21, 23) define the past.
The nine cards under the portrait (8, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26) are the recent past.
Nine cards above the portrait (7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 25) - the near future.
Nine cards to the right of the portrait (4, 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24) are the distant future.
Fortune (card 2) will tell you what lies in the fortuneteller’s heart.

Suit values

The suit can have two interpretations depending on what exactly is being revealed - the circumstances of a person’s life or inclinations.

When interpreting life circumstances, the suit is interpreted as follows:

peak- serious illness, news of death, great grief, major troubles;
club- illness, grief, troubles;
tambourine- joy is not without worries, success is not without mistakes, losses and troubles;
heart- complete luck and prosperity.

When characterizing faces, suits have the following meanings:

peak- bad inclinations (anger, bile, deceit, etc.), bad news, sad outcome, etc.;
club- lie, deception, mistake, mistake, ruin, poverty, ill will, etc.;
tambourine- coquetry, wealth, arrogance, pride, inaccessibility, winning, etc.;
heart- joy, cordiality, affection, ardent love, sincerity, honesty, directness, etc.

Values ​​of merits

To interpret the layout, a general table of card ranks is used:

ace- the highest degree of any event (for example, great joy, great grief, etc.) or surprise;
king, queen- a person close to the object;
jack- outsider;
ten- large enterprise, great expectations, grandiose plans;
nine- money matters (spending or receiving money);
eight- vanity, troubles;
seven- conversations, reprimand or praise, recommendation, gossip;
six- road.

Card meanings

Except general values suits and values, each card has its own meaning:

Poor middle-aged people.

Rich young people.

Relatives of the client.

Age is determined by the subsequent card.


Major change.

Big money.

Great joy.






A successful purchase.

Pleasure, pleasant company.

Hatred, anger, resentment, challenge, scolding, resignation, lawsuit, unpleasant news, gossip.


A pleasant surprise, reward or receiving money.

An unexpected display of attention from someone.

A difficult path or humiliation.

Evening or unpleasant path, dissatisfaction.

A troublesome but profitable assignment or an early journey.

A cheerful, pleasant way; love date or promotion.

Meanings of oriented cards

Asymmetrical cards are interpreted according to their orientation. To understand the orientation of the card, you need to know the top and bottom of the suit sign.

The lance is directed with the sharp end up ♠.
The club has a similar direction - three leaves look up ♣
Diamond is a non-oriented sign of the suit ♦.
The worm looks point downwards.

If the number of points on a card is odd, then the top of the card is determined by the unpaired sign of the suit.
If there is no picture on the diamond card that allows you to determine its orientation, put a sign - an arrow, a mark at the top, etc., which will allow you to determine the top and bottom of the card.

State house, place of duty, major work-related trouble.

News of death or blow, serious illness, death.

Major deception, forgery or theft.

False rumor or fear, refusal.

Huge money or unexpected inheritance.


Unexpected happiness.

Great joy.

Major trouble, loss or fight.

Removal from office, investigation or trial.

A little money, a change in life.

An unpleasant meeting or a difficult explanation.

Arrival of a loved one or relative.

A declaration of love or a date.


Illness, worries or lack of money.

Big win or reconciliation.

Insult or reprimand.


Cheerful company.


Let's say we're guessing married woman. Accordingly, the portrait is the queen of spades.
Let's lay out the cards and check the truth of the layout. Let's say the client said the number "six". Let's count six cards from the top of the remaining pile and see the ten of diamonds.

Let's lay out a pyramid of cards on the table:
Since there are ten diamonds in the fourth row, we believe that the fortune teller will predict correctly.
Let's move on to the layout itself. The cards fell out as follows.

The card “on the heart” - jack of spades - lies separately below in the figure:

The client has a man “in her heart”. This is a respected, authoritative person.
Let's consider the past. The money card that came closest to the client was the ace of diamonds. We can say that the main thing in the past for the client was the struggle with financial difficulties, which she successfully resolved, including with the help of the males around our lady. This is the king of diamonds and the jack of diamonds.

To the left of the ace of diamonds lies the six of clubs, which shows a difficult path or humiliation in the past, and enhances the meaning of the six of clubs - that is, “tears”.

The Ace of Hearts, located under the Six of Spades, most likely refers to the Jack of Diamonds and shows that the lady was very attached to this man and loved him dearly. We value the jack of clubs as additional information about the person indicated by the jack of diamonds, this is a poor middle-aged man.

Finally, considering that the eight of diamonds and seven of hearts are information about the king of diamonds, we can say that the man unexpectedly showed attention (7) and this is good luck (♦ 8) for the client.

Let us now consider the more recent past.

Recently, a client received some money, and the same jack of diamonds helped her with this. A major change in life was somehow connected with the queen of diamonds. Below we see a married couple (♣B, D), between whom there is an illness (♠10), which ended with a certain blow (♠8) for the client. Having examined the past, let's turn to the near future. Main role a certain man is playing here (♠K). This is still the same king of diamonds, but he has become the client’s husband or life partner. To his right is great joy (10) and a certain person close to the client. Above the king of spades lies the king of clubs. Three cards between the kings show that the king of clubs will suddenly (7) begin to counteract (♠9) the king of spades. But it will end in reconciliation (♣7).

Finally, in the very distant future, the main thing that awaits the client is some troublesome but profitable assignment (♦ 6), which will bring her great joy (10), a big win (♣7) and will be a major change (♣10) in her life. At the same time, these changes will also bring certain troubles (we interpret ♣D in this case by suit).

The client should be wary of two women (D and ♦ D) who will try to commit major deception, forgery or theft (♣T), which will cause significant damage to the client’s financial situation (♠7 in an inverted position).

There are many different layouts for playing cards. But not many of them can accurately predict the future and answer exciting questions. We bring to your attention several that will tell you the whole truth about your destiny.

Fortune telling with playing cards for the future

In order to find out upcoming events, you need to take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle it well, mentally ask about what awaits you in the future and remove the top with the little finger of your left hand.

After this, you can begin the layout. Start laying out cards one by one, in three crosses. Place the first card in the center, the second above it, the third below it, the fourth on the left, the fifth on the right. The result was a cross. Next, using the same principle, you need to lay out the next cross, next to the first one. There should be three of them in total.

When the cards are laid out in three crosses, you can proceed to the interpretation of fortune telling. This layout is interpreted as follows:

First Cross Cards will indicate the fortuneteller’s thoughts, his aspirations, desires and goals. The card in the center of the cross is what the fortuneteller can achieve in the end if he continues to live the way he lives.

Second cross- these are the actions that a fortuneteller needs to perform in order to achieve what he wants. Central map in this cross will mean something that will interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Third cross- this is the result of what will happen in the end. The last cross is worth paying attention to special attention. He will talk about events that will happen in the future. The central card of the third cross will indicate the consequences of final events.

The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling in this scenario it is standard.

Fortune telling with playing cards for love

In order to, take a deck of cards, shuffle them, remove the top with the little finger of your left hand and ask what you want to know. Start laying out the cards in a row. If there are cards of the same suit through one card, then they need to be removed. At the end of the fortune telling, four cards of different suits should remain. If not all the cards came out in the first layout, then you should reassemble the remaining deck, mix it, put it in a row and collect cards of the same suit that come across one another.

In order to end up with four cards left, as a rule, you need to make four or five layouts. If after the fifth layout the cards do not come out, then it is better not to guess on that day, since the cards in this case do not want to tell you the truth.

When four cards remain, you can begin the interpretation. To do this, use the standard meaning of playing cards for fortune telling.

Fortune telling with playing cards for a loved one

Using a playing deck of cards, you can find out how your relationship with your loved one will develop. To do this, you need to take the king of hearts, place it in the center of the table, then shuffle the deck and place the first four cards side by side. Place the first card on top of the king, the second on the bottom, the third on the left, and the fourth on the right.

Interpretation of this fortune telling on playing cards the following: the king is the person you are telling fortunes about. The card on top is his thoughts about you. The card below shows his actions towards you that can be expected in the future. The card on the left is his attitude towards you. The map on the right is the near future next to it. The meaning of the cards in this method of fortune telling with playing cards will be the same as in all other layouts.

Many people are skeptical about fortune telling with playing cards, believing that such a deck will not be able to make a true prediction, but this is not so. If you use your cards only for fortune telling purposes, you can get at least accurate prediction than predictions on Tarot cards or Lenormand. May all your predictions always be accurate, do not forget to press the buttons and

30.01.2014 14:33

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