How to open a stock store of European clothing. What is stock clothing? High technologies in everyday life

Encyclopedic reference: stock (from the English stock - ‘reserve’) is a trading format that allows customers to save money by purchasing branded items, and retail chains to increase volume working capital. The idea of ​​stocks is based on economy. The basis of the stock assortment is inventory that is unsold by large retail chains during the season. It is unprofitable to store illiquid stock, so brand stores offer leftovers to stock stores at reduced prices. A certain share of goods in stocks is confiscated - things seized by banks to repay loans.

Almost everyone wants to save money by buying high-quality branded items. This means that it makes sense to think about how to open your own stock. Moreover, experts assess the barrier to entry into the market as low.

Step by step to making money from thrifty shoppers

Step one: preparing the legal and material base

To register for tax purposes, you can register an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The first option is convenient if you plan to create a network of stock stores. If your goals include only one retail outlet, and you want to simplify tax accounting as much as possible, choose an individual entrepreneur.

For stock trading you will need at least 30–50 m?. Can be rented warehouse or a hangar - the store format allows for minimalism in the interior and equipment. Unlike boutiques, which must be located in prestigious areas, stock stores are better located near markets or close to major transport interchanges. A good choice is sleeping areas.

Step two: forming an assortment

The main thing that stocks attract customers is the opportunity to buy branded items at a big discount (depending on the season, discounts can reach 90%). When forming an assortment, make sure that there are products for sale for women, men and children. This way you will allow your customers to save not only money, but also time - they will be able to buy new things for the whole family without running around to different stores.

Remember that the main source of profit for the correct stock is turnover, and not the trading margin. Make sure that the assortment is regularly updated. Experts recommend changing the assortment at least once every month and a half, and every 2-3 weeks marking down goods that are in the least demand and risk becoming illiquid.

Step three: organize the retail space and work

When asked how much it costs to open a stock, most market participants answer: “A little.” And all because when you open, you can save on everything. Moreover, emphasized efficiency, in this case, will only emphasize the style of the store and its compliance with the format.

You will need the minimum commercial equipment- hang clothes by category (skirts, trousers, jackets), distributing them by size. A large staff is not needed - 1-2 salespeople and a cleaner. You can take on the role of supplier and administrator. And even advertising for a stock store can be economical - simple flyers and a catchy sign will be enough.

The optimal work schedule is from 9:00 to 21:00 without weekends and holidays. This way you will ensure your point of sale maximum attendance.

Where can I get money?

At first glance, the idea of ​​a stock store may not seem very profitable. Indeed, how much can you earn by selling cheap goods? However, the answer to the question of whether stock is beneficial is not simply yes. Experts assure that stock trading is very profitable. On average, the profitability of this business ranges from 50–70%. Some successful entrepreneurs brought this figure to 100% and opened 2-3 retail outlets during the first year of operation.


The main risk of stock trading is associated with the possibility of the formation of illiquid stock - goods that cannot be sold have to be liquidated. Since deliveries for sale are not practiced in this area, the entrepreneur assumes all risks associated with the inability to sell the goods. In this regard, you should be especially careful when forming an assortment, and also carefully check batches of goods for defects or counterfeits.

Let's sum it up

Stock is a promising trading format. Currently, the threshold for entry into this market segment is quite low, but profitability, on the contrary, is high. Combined with a short payback period, this makes stock trading an attractive business activity.

How to provide yourself with a regular income from own business without having a lot of capital to invest? Open a stock store and sell branded clothing and shoes at a discount. Even with a 70% discount on a product, your markup can be up to 200%. Stock is an opportunity to realize yourself in trading and make decent money. Moreover, you will have to invest a little in starting a business – from $4 thousand.

Stock stores differ from consignment stores and regular brand stores in that they sell new clothes at discounted prices. Products are purchased from the manufacturer, in wholesale warehouses, and unsold remains from collections are also purchased in clothing and shoe stores. Naturally, the largest suppliers of goods are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. You can also get the biggest discounts on clothes and shoes from them. Therefore, it is often cheaper to purchase goods in the capital and spend money on delivering them to your region than to look for a closer supplier.

In Russia, as in other countries of the world, stock stores are extremely popular, because you can buy fashionable and high-quality items there at 30-70% cheaper than in brand stores. But even with such discounts, the stock owner actually sets a 150-700% markup. Therefore, such a business is quite profitable.

Today, many brand stores are willing to cooperate with stockists, since due to high competition they have to increasingly update their assortment (for many stores it is unacceptable to display goods from last year’s collection, so they all go on sale and in stock). This benefits both stock stores and consumers. This is why the stock market is developing so actively.

Organizational aspects

In order for your stock store to bring a decent profit and not close after a few months of operation, you need to take into account the main nuances of such a business when planning and in the process of managing the store. In particular, before opening a stock, monitor the market - find out if there are similar stores in the area where you are planning to open. Pay attention to the residents of this area: it is most profitable to open a drain near campuses, in densely populated areas, in new areas of the city, preferably in residential areas than in the center (rent will be cheaper and competition will be lower). Naturally, you shouldn’t open a stock store next to a regular brand store, since competitors’ sales and seasonal discounts will negatively affect the number of your customers. Thus, you need to be especially careful when choosing the location where you set up your store.

The minimum drainage area should be at least 35 sq.m., and preferably closer to 100 sq.m. It is important that the room is bright, clean, spacious (unlike a “thrift store”, you cannot save on this). Take care of the design trading floor and facade, it can be decorated in some interesting, unusual style- this will attract buyers. The main thing for you is that people want to come in, even just for fun, someday they will still buy something. The stores that suffer the most are not those stores where little people buy, but those where no one goes.

Don't forget to use different marketing methods when distributing goods on the floor. Try to keep clothes hanging on hangers, and the most popular goods on mannequins - this way they look more presentable than when they just lie on tables and counters. Clearly separate products from different categories: sportswear, women's, men's, underwear, shoes, accessories, etc. The range of goods should be wide enough so that the buyer can compare several acceptable options and choose one of them. For example, if there are only one style of trousers in stock, then there are unlikely to be many people who want to buy them. Usually visitors, especially women, like to try on and compare different options- give them this opportunity.

In general, there are some basic tips regarding assortment. First of all, the assortment should be based on seasonal clothing, since most customers come to the store for specific clothes or shoes that are needed today. Few people buy things for the next season, unless something interesting comes along at a low price. In addition to seasonal clothing, the stock store should constantly stock jeans, knitwear, men's T-shirts and similar products that find buyers all year round. If you are working with sporting goods, then try to always have thermal underwear, socks, swimsuits/swimming trunks, pool caps, etc. in stock. useful little things. Moreover, the price of the latter may not be stock at all.

The main thing in stock stores is the frequent change of assortment. On average, a product needs to be updated 4 times a month. At the same time, customers will never get tired of your store, because there will always be something new to see. At the same time, constant updating of the assortment does not really put a dent in your pocket, since stock goods are sold out quickly.

If we talk about markups on goods, then it is better that the markup is 100-150%, and the remainder can already be sold at a lower price. Of course, you can set the markup at 30%, but this will significantly reduce the store’s profitability. By the way, there is one more nuance here, characteristic specifically for stocks: different markups are set for different products, some things can be sold at cost or even more expensive, for other products the markup can reach 700%. Calculate your profit not by one product or one day, but by the end of the month. Don’t be afraid to play with prices, reduce the cost of some goods and increase others.

Price issue

Now let's calculate the investment in opening a stock store and the income from its operation. This is the first and most important thing that needs to be considered before opening any business.

Basic costs for opening a drain:

  • rental of premises - depending on the city, can range from $500 to $5 thousand (renting premises for a store is no longer profitable);
  • sometimes the cost of repairs or re-equipment of the premises is also added to the rental cost, which is individual for each store and can amount to up to $2 thousand;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - you will have to spend around $1-1.5 thousand;
  • purchase of an initial assortment of goods - $2-5 thousand. For this amount you can purchase about 300-400 copies, which is enough to open a full-fledged stock;
  • wages sellers – can range from $150 (in the regions) to $400 (in Moscow and other major cities).

Thus, you need to invest $3.5-14 thousand in opening a stock store.

But the income from a stock store can be very, very “appetizing”, since such stores are extremely popular in Russia. A stock store can bring in monthly income from $1.5 thousand to $5 thousand. Thus, investments in opening will pay off in 3-4 months, and for the Russian Federation this is a fairly good payback period.

A stock store brings in $18-60 thousand a year.

A stock business is suitable for entrepreneurs who want to provide themselves with a regular income without attracting large start-up capital.

Stocks differ from branded ones in that they sell branded clothing and shoes with fairly large discounts. In fact, opening a stock is a great opportunity to realize yourself in the trading field. It is worth noting that even with a discount of more than 70%, the markup of the stock owner can reach 150-200%. It is noteworthy that just a few years ago many people were mistaken about stock stores, classifying them as second-hand stores. In fact, what ends up in stock is mostly clothes from past collections that were not sold. In fact, stocks allow you to buy clothes from world brands at fairly reasonable prices. Such stores gained particular popularity during the crisis period, when there was a significant decrease in people’s solvency. The counters of such stores began to be besieged by numerous fashionistas, and the crisis was over, but the habit of dressing inexpensively remained with most of them.


The number of stock stores increases every year, however, they rarely compete with each other, since different stores often purchase clothes and shoes from different brands, and they do not always have everything size range. Therefore, a buyer, if he does not find a suitable item in one store, will be able to find it in a second, and vice versa.

Possible risks

Naturally, the presence of foreign items in the assortment significantly increases the popularity of the store. However, it is almost never possible to get such a product ‘for sale’, that is, you have to purchase it, taking on the risk of illiquid stock. It is worth noting that the weak liquidity of the product is biggest problem stock stores, since their profit is based on the turnover of goods. The illiquid stock accumulated in warehouses, in fact, slows down development and reduces overall profits. Actually, to get rid of such things, stockists are forced to periodically hold total sales, during which goods can be sold at a discount of up to 90%.


The modern trend is that the store should be located near a large crowd of people, that is, the times when people could drive halfway across the city to buy a new shirt are gone, and irrevocably. Thus, the best places to open the drain there will be points near supermarkets or transport interchanges. The option of locating a store near college towns would be quite interesting, since the level of well-being of young people does not always allow them to purchase clothes in a brand store. However, it is not recommended to open a stock store on the main streets of the city, since branded boutiques with their own stocks are usually already located there.

The area of ​​the premises for a stock store must be no less than 50 square meters. m.


In a stock store with an area of ​​50 sq. m. can be represented up to 400 units. various clothes. To purchase such inventory you will need to spend about 150-180 thousand rubles. As a rule, about 80% of the assortment of stock stores consists of youth and women's clothing, the remaining quarter is divided between children's and men's clothing. It is worth noting that, as a rule, a large volume of children's clothing is rarely presented in stocks, since its cost in Europe is quite high and it is not practical to bring it to Russia at a significant discount.


The main rule when organizing a stock business is maximum savings, so often the owners of such stores themselves stand behind the counter. However, it is necessary to hire another salesperson, otherwise problems may arise over time. In addition to salespeople, you need to hire a full-time accountant.


To open a stock store you need 270-300 thousand rubles:

  • Repair of premises - 50-70 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of a cash register - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of the first batch of goods - 180 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Monthly costs will include:

  • Rent of premises - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Staff salary - 120 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising - 5-10 thousand rubles.
  • Total: about 180 thousand rubles.

    The initial profitability of a stock store can be about 5-10 thousand rubles monthly. from one square meter. The approximate payback period for this type of business is about six to twelve months, depending on the success of the fight against illiquid goods and timely updating of the assortment.

    Nowadays, everyone can open their own business. A discount store is the choice of many entrepreneurs. Such a center has many advantages. Discount is stale goods from previous collections or seasons that are sold at a reduced price. These are high-quality products that are sold due to their obsolescence, in contrast, for example, to a stock center, which mainly stocks goods with certain defects.

    An example is the Adidas company. Its products are famous for their quality and convenience, but not everyone can afford to purchase them at the price of a regular store. At the same time, such a large chain must constantly maintain its image, which means that on the shelves there must be clothes that correspond to the latest fashion trends.

    However, often a huge number of models from the previous collection remain at a time when a new one has already appeared. In this case, this product goes on sale at a discount center at a much lower price. This type of trading is profitable because the chain maintains its image while at the same time getting rid of excess product. Adidas discount centers are very popular among customers, because they offer high-quality clothing at affordable prices. attractive price. If you decide to open such a store, you must follow the following scheme.

    Cooperation with the company

    First of all, you need to contact the copyright holders of this trademark and agree on cooperation.

    All contacts can be found on the company's official website. If you have more starting capital, then you can become an exclusive distributor of Adidas in Russia. If you are a novice entrepreneur, you can. This is very convenient, because... This company has already developed terms of cooperation with stores.

    Its representatives will provide you with everything necessary documents and certificates necessary for the sale of goods. However, in order to use their business method, you will have to give them a portion of the profits. The down payment will be 10% of the cost of the required investment in your business. You will also regularly pay 7% of all sales and 1.5% for advertising and marketing.

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    Preparing for the opening

    The next step should be to find a place to rent. Such a large chain as Adidas may present its requirements for a future store. As a rule, it should be located in a passageway of a large shopping center. It is imperative to study the agreement with landlords as carefully as possible for pitfalls.

    At the same time, it is worth taking into account all the factors that influence store traffic, because your profit depends on it. Remember that already discounted goods will go on sale and making discounts to attract buyers will not work, otherwise the costs simply will not be recouped.

    Next, you should buy everything in the store necessary equipment. This cash register, frame for detecting the removal of goods, barcode scanners, printer for printing barcode labels, mannequins, racks, hangers, mirrors. The Adidas discount center should look expensive. It's also worth investing in quality lighting store.

    Select service personnel. Young men and girls of pleasant appearance are perfect for the role of sales consultants. With competent speech and without bad habits. It must be remembered that the Adidas discount center is a high-class store, therefore the service must be appropriate.

    Next, you need to draw up a business plan and calculate the main costs. This includes the purchase of goods at a discount center, customs duties, rent, advertising, taxes, and wages of store employees.

    The stock clothing store is aimed at people whose financial income is below average. The peculiarity of STOCK stores is the frequent updating of products.

    The principle of stock business is very simple. Stock store owners benefit from quick refunds and frequent product changes. They buy discounted lines at special stock bases abroad and sell them at a markup, which they gradually reduce. For the buyer, this looks very tempting: not only is the branded item initially discounted, there are also additional discounts on it.

    Buying from stocks is like an auction, only prices are lowered, not raised. If a person likes a thing, the desire to buy it right away is triggered, because you are unlikely to wait until you can save 95%; someone else can buy the thing. So usually stores don’t have to reduce the price by more than 50%.

    The main point of a profitable stock business is frequent updating of the assortment. Four times a month is the minimum. The markup on stock goods is on average 150%, and sometimes higher. The markup percentage will depend on how quickly you want to sell the item.

    Products can be purchased from wholesale suppliers, V retail stores, from the manufacturers themselves. The main wholesalers are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The goods can be either purchased or taken for sale. It is advisable to work with well-known suppliers or independently select the product you need individually.

    The first batch of goods should be no less than 300-400 units, the assortment should correspond to the season. The amount of the first purchase is approximately 70 - 100 thousand rubles. At the initial stage of the business, it is better to take a mixed assortment of clothing to find out the needs of your customers. Then you can also purchase shoes and accessories.

    In large cities, this business idea is already appreciated. Recently, stock stores have begun to actively appear and operate successfully. However, this market segment still remains unfilled and relatively free in our country. The main category of buyers of stock clothing are students, large families, newlyweds, the “middle class”, elderly people, etc.

    On initial stage It is better to work with a mixed assortment of goods. This will allow you to best understand the needs and requirements of customers. You can organize the sale of not only clothes, but also shoes and accessories. Products must be purchased in accordance with the season and constantly updated (at least four times a month).
    As a rule, goods from previous collections, things with various types defects, slow-moving dimensions, etc.

    Novice stock store owners often start with so-called “stock packages” - ready-made batches of goods from the Quelle, Otto, Appart catalogs. They are sold in the same way as second-hand goods - by weight.

    Since it is not possible to find out exactly what is included in the package in advance, newcomers often “get caught” - the goods turn out to be stale, and sometimes with a defect.

    Therefore, before purchasing goods from unfamiliar wholesalers, make inquiries. The same applies to numerous “confiscation” databases. Often these are low-quality goods, which are sewn on the knee, and then passed off as confiscated lots.

    The initial costs of opening a stock store will range from 150 to 200 thousand rubles. The average markup on stock goods is set at 150%. Monthly income from the business is from 50 thousand rubles.

    Stock children's clothing store.

    A specialized children's stock store has the following advantages:

  • its area can be very small, on 10 meters it is quite possible to place a solid assortment of goods, and on 20 meters you can create an absolutely wonderful exhibition
  • when purchasing children's clothing, the same attention is usually not required as when purchasing adult clothing; it can even be ordered remotely, focusing only on the brand (in children's clothing, the main thing is quality and convenience, not the “fashionability” of the item)
  • Along with children's clothing, a stock store can successfully sell related products: stock children's shoes, stock children's jewelry, etc.
  • On the other hand, the opening of a specialized stock children's store clothing is accompanied by some difficulties:

    • Difficulties with choosing a rental location (more on this later)
    • Lower turnover and profit compared to a regular stock store
    • It is possible that inspection bodies will pay closer attention to clothing certificates

    If you organize a separate corner or stand for a children's drain in a regular stock store, then, on the one hand, this can serve as a source of additional profit, on the other hand, if implemented incorrectly, it can significantly spoil the appearance of the store and thereby scare off certain categories of customers.

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