How to clean an electric kettle. How to descale a kettle with citric acid

The water in the taps leaves much to be desired, so lime deposits remain on the walls of all devices in contact with it.

Even expensive water filters cannot prevent plaque. Sooner or later it will appear on the surfaces of the appliance and the question will arise of how to clean the kettle from scale.

Traditional methods

Limescale deposits can be removed quickly using special chemicals. But since they are not safe for health, many prefer traditional methods that are time-tested.


Vinegar is not suitable for removing lime deposits from an electric kettle. This product is too aggressive and manufacturers do not recommend its use for such equipment.

You can clean the electric kettle with vinegar only as a last resort, when a large layer of deposits has accumulated.

During the procedure, you will feel it in the kitchen. Therefore, manipulation should be carried out in a room with good ventilation. All windows and vents are opened.

When working with vinegar, wear a protective mask to avoid inhaling harmful fumes.

How to descale a kettle:

  1. For metal devices prepare the following solution: 150 ml of 9% table acid is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. essences. ⅔ of the total volume of water is poured into the container, then the prepared composition is added. The mixture is heated and boiled for half an hour. After turning off the stove, you need to leave the kettle for 5 minutes so that the water cools down a little and repeat the procedure again. This must be done up to 3 times. If there is a strong limescale deposit, the solution is left overnight. After this you need to do well.
  2. How to clean electric kettle from scale: devices made of a plastic case can be damaged if acid is used in pure form, so preparing the solution is a little different. Water is poured into the device to be cleaned with 5 tbsp. l. citric acid and acetic acid. The device is turned on, left until it boils, then turned off. After 15 minutes the process can be repeated. The process is repeated 3-4 times until all plaque is removed. Then wash with detergent.

Descaling a kettle with vinegar is quick and easy. Only such a remedy leaves behind bad smell, even after using detergent.

Boiling will save you from the stench clean water which is carried out at least 3 times.

Citric acid

Cleaning the kettle from scale is gentle on it and safe for humans. Citric acid is an excellent remedy for getting rid of plaque from any thermal elements.

The advantage of this product is the absence of an unpleasant aroma, which is good if there are small children in the house.

How to clean a kettle citric acid from scale:

  1. For conventional appliances: take 2 packs of product, fill the equipment with water, but not completely. Add citric acid to the liquid and boil. The solution should cool, leave it for 10 minutes. Then cleanse and remove plaque. The procedure can be repeated if the plaque has left the walls unevenly.
  2. How to descale a kettle with citric acid if it is electric: pour a solution of 1-2 tsp into the bowl. products and 1 liter of water. After the liquid boils, drain it and add another one. Needs to be boiled clean water several times.
  3. If the deposits are small, you can descale the kettle with citric acid even easier. It is dissolved in warm water, pour into the device and leave for 6 hours. Then you need to wipe off the plaque with a sponge.

Descaling your kettle at home is easy and cheap. You can purchase the product at any grocery store.

Sodium bicarbonate

Not only Coca-Cola will do, but also Fanta, Sprite, Lemonade, and Schweppes.

How to remove scale from an electric kettle:

  1. First you need to release the gas from the drink.
  2. Pour 500 ml of Sprite into the container, close it and let it boil.
  3. After boiling, turn off the device and allow the liquid to cool.
  4. Wash away any remaining plaque with a soft sponge and rinse the kitchen appliance several times with clean water.

Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks contain phosphoric acid. Thanks to it, it is possible to remove lime deposits.

This method is ancient - our great-grandmothers successfully used it. The method is suitable for all types of devices and is accessible to everyone.

The only drawback is that it will not cope with old growths.

How to descale an enamel kettle:

  1. Pour water into the device and place washed apple or potato peelings.
  2. The liquid is brought to a boil and left for 1.5 hours.
  3. Then they go over the walls with a sponge.

You can descale an electric kettle using this method if you carry out the procedure several times a week.

If the device has not been washed for a long time, do not waste your time. Apple peels and potato peelings will not help in this case.


Removing plaque is possible using cucumber or tomato brine. This is an effective folk method.

How to descale an electric kettle:

  1. Pour brine into the device.
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Cool, pour out the brine and wash thoroughly to remove plaque.

This tool is not independent. Thanks to the vinegar and salt in its composition, the cleansing process occurs.

Oxalic acid

Of all the cleansers folk remedies oxalic acid is considered the most aggressive. It removes heavy deposits limescale.

How to remove scale from a kettle?

Housewives' advice - algorithm of actions:

  1. I pour a small amount of the product into the device and fill it with water.
  2. The solution must be boiled and left for 5 minutes.
  3. I remove any remaining product and clean it with a soft sponge.

Oxalic acid good remedy and many housewives recommend using it. To descale, you can also use fresh sorrel, but it contains a little acid and may require several manipulations.

Household chemicals

Assortment household chemicals great The products on store shelves effectively remove scale from the kettle.

Before using any products, you should wear gloves and a protective mask.

Antiscale and Major Domus can be used as cleaning agents. These descaling chemical products are effective on all types of stains.

How to remove limescale:

  1. Antiscale. First, water is poured into the container to be treated, then the contents of the bag are poured at the rate of 100 g per 2–2.5 liters of water. The solution is brought to a boil and boiled for 20 minutes. After switching off, the liquid is left for 2-3 hours so that Antiscale can work better. To clean the kettle, take a sponge and remove any remaining plaque.
  2. Major Domus. The product is poured into a container and left for 20 minutes. No need to boil. After which the device is washed with plenty of water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  3. Cillit Another good industrial product that can quickly remove plaque from the surfaces of the inner walls of coffee makers and teapots. It is necessary to fill the container with clean water, dissolve Cillit in water in a ratio of 100 ml for every 500 ml of water. The product is left for half an hour. After which the container must be rinsed. Cillit should be used no more than once a month.

Household chemicals can cause serious irritation of mucous membranes. When using such products, you must wear glasses or avoid touching your eyes with your hands during manipulation.

Removal of limescale must be carried out in a timely manner so as not to resort to the use of household chemicals.

Due to the large amount of accumulated plaque, an electrical appliance is not only a source of certain diseases, but the functionality of the device suffers because of it. Before changing the device to a new device, you should try one of traditional methods cleaning.

Daily complex relationships with the kettle become a real problem for many housewives, but all this stems from ignorance. Now we will formulate the most simple rules Effective descaling of electric kettles, air humidifiers, pots and pressure cookers.

For starters, it’s better to sum up scientific basis for advice. After all, in the current technological age there is no way without this, otherwise you will be afraid for an expensive double boiler or, as well as an ultra-sensitive and expensive electric kettle.

What is scale and how is it formed?

Scale is metal salts that settle on the walls, heating coils or heating elements of electrical appliances. These salts are formed as a result of the fusion of carbon dioxide with calcium or magnesium (there are other options). In fact, this is where we can finish explaining the nature of the appearance of scale inside an electric kettle, and move on to fighting it.

Instructions for descaling an electric kettle

Immediately forget about sponges, metal graters, sandpaper and other sharp objects, as any excessive friction can cause scratches that are detrimental to your skin. metal surfaces. Of course, if your electric kettle has plastic walls, then you will not see rust on them, but you may damage heating element.

In addition, metal exposure requires a lot of time and strong hands, but the effectiveness of such “manipulations” in any case leaves much to be desired.

One way or another, you can overcome the hated plaque quite easily, and you practically won’t need money or time.

There are two methods for descaling an electric kettle:

  • a solution of water with acetic acid;
  • a solution of water with citric acid.
Do not underestimate the availability and simplicity of these ingredients, because such recipes have been successfully used for several decades. Even specialists from Philips and Tefal recommend using these acids for cleaning.

The cleaning itself is performed as follows:
  • Fill the electric kettle approximately 75% with water, turn it on and wait for the water to boil;
  • The remaining quarter of the container should be supplemented with a 6-9% vinegar solution, then leave the kettle overnight (about 8 hours);
  • In the morning, you need to pour the solution out of the electric kettle and rinse the tank several times;
  • After this, you need to boil a full kettle of plain water several times, pouring out the boiling water each time. This way, the remaining vinegar and its odors will go away;
  • If the scale has become thoroughly ingrained, it is necessary to repeat the cycle.
Exactly the same manipulations must be done with citric acid, but the electric kettle must be immediately filled to capacity with water. Instead of 25% vinegar, you need to add a few tablespoons of citric acid to the water, and then perform the cycle described above. To speed up the process, you can boil the acid solution several times. Undesirable means for cleaning teapots include household chemicals designed to get rid of scale (this is expensive and dangerous), Coca-Cola, Sprite, potato peelings, brine and other “delicacies”. Naturally, you can try yourself in the role of some kind of “myth buster”, but when doing such things, be prepared to buy a new kettle.

Now you know how to remove scale from an electric kettle. Good luck!

For reference, all the limescale from the kettle gets into your coffee and tea, further interfering normal operation heating element. It also causes it to increase your energy bills. But now, knowing how to descale an electric kettle, it will be much easier for you to deal with this unpleasant problem.

Scale is formed due to the content of metal salts in tap water, which settle on the bottom and inner walls of ordinary kettles or electric heating elements.

Drinking tea or coffee generously seasoned with mineral deposits risks kidney, joint and bone diseases.

A dense layer of scale leads to long-term heating of water, and in electric kettles - to breakdowns of the heating coil.

The rate of plaque formation depends on the hardness of the water, but even filtration will not eliminate the need to periodically remove scale from the kettle.

How to descale a kettle: necessary tools

To rid the kettle of scale and extend its service life, you can use both special preparations from a household chemical store and home remedies:

  • citric acid or lemons;

    sweet soda;

    pickle from canned cucumbers or tomatoes;

    peel of apples, pears or potatoes.

Soda softens limescale, and other products contain acids that scale is afraid of. For cleaning you will also need a soft brush, sponge or brush. Do not use metal scourers to speed up the process, as they damage the dishes.

How to descale a kettle: method 1 - traditional

The easiest way to remove scale from a kettle is with the help of improvised means that are found in every kitchen: lemon or acetic acid, soda or combinations thereof.

Cleaning with vinegar

Manufacturers do not recommend cleaning electric, enameled and aluminum kettles with vinegar; the product is suitable for stainless steel dishes with old deposits.

With a small layer of lime, fill 2/3 of the kettle with water, and the remaining 1/3 with 9% vinegar. Bring the solution to a boil over low heat, remove the kettle from the heat and set it aside for 1-3 hours to loosen the scale. If the bottom and walls of the dish are covered with a thick and dense crust of deposits, prepare a solution at the rate of ½ cup of vinegar per 1 liter of water, pour it into a kettle, put on low heat, wait until it boils and boil for another 10-30 minutes - depending on the volume of the vessel.

After cooling, rinse the kettle thoroughly with a soft sponge, removing any remaining scale, boil it with clean water 1-2 times and rinse the container to get rid of traces of vinegar.

Cleaning with citric acid

A gentle product will help get rid of scale on any kettle. To remove dense deposits of lime, boil a kettle with an acid solution (10-15 g 1 liter of water), turn it off immediately after boiling and cool it for 30-60 minutes - during this time the scale will dissolve or soften. Then drain the liquid, remove any remaining deposits with a sponge, boil a container with clean water and rinse thoroughly. If you were unable to remove old scale on the first try, repeat the procedure.

In order not to subject the kettle to boiling with acid, it is enough to clean it monthly without heating: dilute the acid with water, pour it into a container and drain the solution after a few hours - a small deposit will disappear without a trace.

Cleaning with soda

Regular baking soda or soda ash will help restore the original cleanliness of any kettles, including electric ones.

Option 1. Fill the bowl with water, add 1 tbsp. soda, boil and hold for half an hour over low heat. Cool, drain the solution and wash the kettle, then fill it again with water and boil, removing any remaining soda. After this, rinse the container again.

Option 2. Pour 1-2 tbsp into boiling water in a kettle. soda and immediately turn off the heat. After 1-2 hours, remove softened mineral deposits from the dishes, boil them with clean water and rinse again.

Cleaning old scale

Option 1. Moisten a sponge with vinegar, dip it in soda and rub the resulting slurry into the scale-covered surfaces. When vinegar and soda are combined, a reaction will occur that destroys the deposits; all that remains is to rinse and rinse the kettle. If the deposits are dense, cleaning will need to be repeated.

Option 2. Suitable for the most neglected kettles with a thick layer of scale, but not suitable for electric ones due to excessive aggressiveness. Cleansing is carried out in three steps:

1. Pour water into a container, add 1 tbsp. l. soda, boil, set aside for 10-20 minutes, drain the solution.

2. Refill with water, add 1-2 tbsp. citric acid, boil the solution over low heat for half an hour, drain.

3. Pour water into the kettle again, add 1/2 cup of vinegar, boil for another half hour, drain the liquid.

Most of the scale will come off on its own after such a powerful attack; loose residues can be easily removed with a simple sponge. Then be sure to rinse the kettle, boil clean water in it 3-4 times and rinse the dishes.

How to descale a kettle: method 2 – “delicious”

Followers of safe natural remedies will appreciate the method of descaling by peeling potatoes, pears or apples containing organic acids. The peelings need to be rinsed, placed in a kettle, filled with water and the liquid boiled. After boiling, set the kettle with the peel aside for 1-2 hours, and then rinse the dishes well. The product is suitable for removing light scale deposits.

Cucumber or tomato brine is an excellent way to get rid of lime “deposits” due to the content of citric acid or vinegar. The brine needs to be poured into the kettle, boiled, cooled, rinsed and thoroughly rinsed the container to remove the smell of preserved food. An additional bonus of the method is removing rust from inner surface vessel.

Lemon fights scale well. The sour fruit needs to be cut into quarters, put them in a kettle, add water, place the dishes on low heat and boil the solution for 10-15 minutes after boiling. If the scale is not softened enough, repeat the procedure, and then rinse the kettle and rinse with plenty of water.

For effective removal To remove limescale in the kettle, you can also use sweet soda.

Open the bottle of drink to release the gases, then pour 0.5-1 liters of liquid into the kettle, boil, let cool and rinse the container thoroughly. If there is a small layer of deposits, you can do without boiling - just fill the kettle with soda to dissolve the deposits, and wash it after a few hours. The cleaning effect is based on the content of citric and phosphoric acid in the drink. Choose a clear soda, for example, 7UP, otherwise you will later have to remove colored stains from Coca-Cola or Fanta from the surface of the dishes.

How to descale a kettle: method 3 – chemical

The destruction of scale by household chemicals is achieved by containing citric, adipic or sulfamic acid. Special products are available in the form of liquids, powders or tablets and are used according to the instructions. General scheme use - the solution with the cleaning agent is boiled in a kettle for 30-40 minutes, then drained. Softened scale can be easily removed, and after cleaning the kettle, you should boil clean water 2-3 more times to remove chemicals.

The effectiveness of using store-bought anti-scale products is comparable to the effect of vinegar and citric acid, but the latter are much more economical.

How to descale a kettle without ruining it

Even if the kettle is covered with a thick layer of plaque, do not scrape it with sharp objects, do not use hard brushes or steel wool for cleaning - such a cruel method will greatly damage the dishes.

To remove scale carefully and effectively, wash the inside of the kettle well, and then use home remedies or chemicals to dissolve or loosen the limescale “coat.” After cleaning, be sure to wash the kettle with a sponge or soft brush, boil water in it a couple of times and rinse the dishes again to avoid poisoning.

The frequency of descaling the kettle depends on the hardness of the water used, but try not to start the process - with each boiling the scale crust becomes stronger and thicker. Minimizing her education will help preventative care:

    rinsing after each boiling and washing the kettle daily with a sponge;

    using filtered water, fresh each time - repeated boiling increases the precipitation of salts;

    draining the water from the kettle at night or during long periods of inactivity.

The choice of methods for descaling a kettle is quite large, and home remedies are as effective as store-bought ones. The main thing is not to forget to repeat the procedure regularly.

The water in our taps leaves much to be desired, and the question of how to descale a kettle does not lose its urgency. For electric kettles, sediment on the walls is not just a terrible internal thing, but a deterioration in the thermal conductivity of the metal in proportion to the thickening of the layer, which provokes a decrease in the power of the heater and its service life (nothing has been made better by wear and tear). Boiling water requires increased time and energy costs. Scale has a similar effect on regular kettles - the burner also takes much longer. Result: cost overruns, premature wear of household appliances.

Scale deposited on the heating elements of heating boilers often leads to rupture of pipes. Whether it can break the heating element of the kettle is unknown. Apparently, because housewives are accustomed to descaling teapots - let’s figure out how they do it.

How to descale a kettle at home

There are plenty of ways to clean a kettle at home. In stores they offer wide range special means. Some of them work instantly, while others don’t work at all. It depends on the manufacturer and his honesty. The vast majority of descaling tablets/liquids/gels are based on acetic and citric acids.

Regular kettle

At home, add vinegar and citric acid:

  • brine;
  • baking soda;
  • Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola;
  • potato and apple peelings.

Not all products suitable for cleaning conventional kettles are suitable for cleaning electric ones. The point is the duration of exposure and the proper temperature: if you need to boil for a long time over low heat, you won’t be able to descale a regular electric kettle this way, but you can descale a thermos kettle.

How to clean a kettle with vinegar


This descaling method is suitable for regular kettles and thermos kettles with temperature control. Vinegar should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 (100 ml of vinegar per liter of water), fill the kettle with the solution and place on the stove (turn on). As soon as the water boils, you need to see if the scale has come off. If the walls of the dish have not yet been cleared of sediment, leave it to simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes (an electric boiler will not simmer gently, so this method is not suitable).

Important! After the procedure, the dishes must be thoroughly washed, boil several portions of water in them, and ventilate the room well.

How to clean a kettle with citric acid

Cleaning a kettle from scale with citric acid is a universal method, equally effective for conventional and electric (metal and even plastic) models. Citric acid should be dissolved in water at the rate of 2 teaspoons per liter. Pour the solution into a kettle and boil.

Tip: Don’t let your dishes get to the point where getting rid of scale requires harsh cleaning. Use citric acid as a preventive measure: pour the solution into the kettle as soon as plaque appears on its walls, and leave for several hours.

How to remove scale with soda

With soda, proceed in the same way as with vinegar, but boil longer. You need to pour soda with water at the rate of 1 liter per tablespoon, put it on the stove, let it boil, reduce the heat to low and leave for half an hour so that the solution barely boils.

After boiling for half an hour, the liquid must be poured out, the kettle must be thoroughly washed and clean water boiled in it, after which it must also be poured out.

Non-format: soda, brine, cleaning

The obvious vinegar and citric acid can be replaced with non-standard, even unexpected, means. The foods and drinks you eat do a great job of removing scale from the kettle.


Excellent product - “Sprite”

Soda is so “safe” that it does an excellent job of descaling teapots. What about the dishes - sweet water is used to successfully wash carburetors. "Sprite", "Coca-Cola" and "Fanta" do the same job, but it is better to use "Sprite" - "Coca-Cola" and "Fanta" may well leave colorful stains on metal walls instead of scale.

The method is suitable for any teapots - you don’t even have to hold it for a long time (this is a “thermonuclear” composition): you need to fill the teapot halfway with the miracle drink and bring it to a boil. It is first necessary to rid the water of gas (it is not the gas that cleans - the caustic substance is contained in the water itself). The method is beautiful in its clarity. It can serve as a help and evidence base in educating children about the dangers of store-bought soda.


Same good way descaling electric kettles - no need to simmer for a long time. How the active substance works is the same vinegar - brine is not independent means. To clean the kettle, just fill it with brine, boil it, cool it, empty it and wash it thoroughly. Cucumber pickle is especially effective.

Anti-scale cleaning

This method is ancient - it was successfully used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Potato and apple peelings are used as a cleaning agent (it is not starch that works, but acids). Removing scale is simple: you need to load the peel into the kettle, add water and put it on fire.

After the water boils, you need to remove the dishes from the stove, leave for a couple of hours, then rinse thoroughly, draining the solution. Before the procedure, the peelings, if they are potato, are also thoroughly washed.

How to descale a particularly neglected kettle

Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for an electric one, but an ordinary kettle, even if it is in very poor condition, can be cleaned. The success of the method is ensured by complex processing. You need to act in three stages:

  1. Fill with water, add a tablespoon of soda, boil and drain the solution.
  2. Fill with water, add a tablespoon of citric acid, bring to a boil and leave for half an hour over low heat; drain the solution.
  3. Fill again, add half a glass of vinegar, let it boil, leave for half an hour over low heat; drain the solution.

Metal kettle that can withstand tough cleaning

After the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash the dishes and boil several portions of water in it “idle”.

It happens that sediment remains on the walls, but after such shock treatment it can be easily removed with a dish sponge.

Important! Do not use hard brushes, especially those with metal teeth, or abrasive sponges.

Tip: buy a glass electric kettle with a heating bottom. It is impossible to start it: the transparent walls will not allow it; scale does not settle on the walls, but floats in flakes; A special cleaning agent for dishes, glass, and ceramics (Cillit, for example) can easily get rid of plaque.

Model with heating bottom and glass walls

At home, descaling a kettle is not so difficult, but it will take time. Sediment appears due to excessive mineralization of water, but this can be avoided by using purchased water. It is inexpensive (especially when it comes to health: the body is not happy when salts and minerals are introduced into it excessively), and you don’t have to periodically remove the scale.

I think now you won’t meet a family that doesn’t have a kettle in the kitchen. Some people prefer to heat water the old fashioned way, using metal utensils. Those who count every minute buy modern ones electric models. They have both their advantages and disadvantages. The water begins to boil within a couple of minutes, but scale forms several times faster. This problem is especially relevant for glass electric kettles. Their glass begins to fade due to the deposits that have formed, and the heating element becomes covered with unpleasant-looking layers of scale. Because of clear glass This is all clearly visible; such a kettle has to be cleaned several times more often. Newfangled filters will not save you from this misfortune; they will only delay its “maintenance.” If you do not clean the heating element in time, sooner or later it will fail. In this article we will show and tell you how to properly and quickly descale a glass electric kettle at home, using folk remedies.

How to descale a glass electric kettle with vinegar.

Vinegar is an effective and cheap remedy with many beneficial properties in household. Used to remove fungi, stains, unpleasant odors, all types of bacteria, in cleaning floors, carpets, etc. Today we will use it to descale a glass teapot.

1. Buy transparent white vinegar (wine or apple cider vinegar will not work for us).
2. Mix it in equal parts with water.
3. Pour into a glass electric kettle and boil our solution several times.
4. Do not pour out immediately, let sit for 1 hour until the liquid has cooled completely.
5. Pour it out and thoroughly wipe everything with a sponge; if the deposits were small, this will be enough, if not, then you can go over it with an old toothbrush.
6. Rinse thoroughly with water, and after the first boil, drain it, as a characteristic taste may remain.

The only drawback of this method is the unpleasant odor that comes from it during cleaning. But rest assured, it does not eat into things and quickly disappears.

How to clean a glass electric kettle with citric acid.

I think everyone knows the beneficial properties of citric acid in getting rid of scale. It is not expensive, you can get it at any grocery store. Unlike vinegar, there is no unpleasant odor when working with lemon juice.


1. Pour water into the kettle to the maximum possible level, add citric acid at the rate of 3-5 tablespoons per liter.
2. Boil our composition several times.
3. Wait for the water with lemon to cool down.
4. Drain and rinse under running water to remove all the scale deposits. Then wipe with a sponge or, in case of heavy deposits, clean with an old toothbrush.

Worth knowing! It is not necessary to use citric acid in sachets or powder form. You can squeeze one whole fresh lemon into the teapot or add its juice, which is sold in bottles.

Solution baking soda.

Usually, every self-respecting housewife has baking soda in her kitchen. In essence, this is an alkali that is not harmful to humans, which crushes deposited salts well; they are present in scale and are clearly visible, especially in glass electric kettles.

1. Dissolve baking soda in water, 3 tablespoons will be enough, but the more, the better. Stir thoroughly and pour our solution into a glass teapot.
2. Boil several times.
3. Wait until the water has cooled completely.
4. Drain and clean with a soft sponge; if there are large deposits, use a kitchen brush.
5. Rinse thoroughly.

Soda + vinegar.

Using these two products will be much more effective than cleaning with each of them separately.

  1. Add 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 5 soda to the water.
  2. We fill in our composition and carry out boiling.
  3. We wait until the water has cooled completely, then drain it.
  4. We use a sponge or brush to completely remove all deposits.

Lemon + vinegar.

Also a very effective combination of products to combat scale.

  1. For 1 liter of water we add 3 large tablespoons of citric acid or squeezed lemon juice + 3 tablespoons of vinegar.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a glass teapot.
  3. We set the boiling mode, it is advisable to do this at least a couple of times.
  4. Drain the solution and clean the surface with a kitchen sponge or an old toothbrush.

Lemon + soda.

In a similar way, you can mix citric acid and soda, this composition will give a double descaling effect. Fill our device with water, add lemon juice or citric acid powder (3 large spoons and 5 spoons of baking soda), boil several times, then rinse and go over the surface with a sponge.


Many people know useful property carbonated drinks that contain phosphoric acid. With their help, in addition to limescale and scale, you can also remove rust from the surface. Make sure your lemonade contains E338. For our purposes, Sprite is ideal, since it is transparent and will not leave marks, this is especially true for electric glass kettles.

Pour lemonade into the device, you can mix it with water in proportions of one to three. Boil several times, then rinse and remove any remaining scale with a kitchen brush.

If there is heavy scale in the kettle, do not dilute the soda with water.

Alternative methods.

Well-known old-fashioned method. You can use lemon, orange, apple peels and potato peelings. Place them in a kettle, fill with water and boil several times. Then rinse and brush with a stiff-bristled kitchen brush to completely remove the limescale.

Special products from the store.

Antiscale. This product contains simple organic acids that are not harmful to the human body. Quite an effective remedy for those who don’t want to bother with citric acid, soda and vinegar. It’s cheap; in chain stores I’ve seen small bags for 5 rubles.

Other similar means. Be careful when choosing them, read the composition. If you want to use it to clean a glass electric kettle, make sure it doesn't contain Trilon. There have been cases where it has corroded the nickel coating of the heating element.

Preventing scale formation in a glass electric kettle.

Scale will appear sooner or later, but you can delay its appearance for a significant period of time by simply following simple tips.

  • Pass the water through a filter (for example, a Barrier) before pouring it into the kettle.
  • Small and fresh scale deposits can be easily removed even by the most by simple means. Carry out preventive cleaning at least once a month.
  • Do not allow water to stagnate in the appliance for for a long time, it is recommended to empty the water after each use.
  • When preparing tea, you can pour a small amount lemon juice straight into boiling water. This will prevent the formation of plaque, and then you won’t have to cut lemon into the tea at the end.

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