The best amulets tattoos. The power and meaning of amulets tattoos for men. Body tattoo amulets of the Slavs

The custom of drawing pictures on the body has been known since ancient times. Presumably, the first tattoos appeared already in primitive society. The oldest examples known to science were found on the skin of mummies dating back to the fourth millennium BC. The art of tattooing was practiced by peoples on all continents. In those distant times, tattooing was not just a way to decorate the body or express one’s individuality, as it is today. Each drawing had a sacred meaning, denoting social status owner, belonging to a clan, or protected from evil spirits and evil spirits. Now tattoos have become more of an art than a ritual. But the ancient symbols have not lost their magical power, and there are certain tattoo amulets for girls, photos and meanings of which can be found in this article.

One of the most powerful amulets is the “Eye of Horus” sign, which came from the mysterious Ancient Egypt. The symbolic image of the deity's eye preserves health and good luck. The female version of the tattoo is the left eye, which is associated with the Moon, the celestial patron of the feminine principle.

The Egyptians also borrowed the sign of the scarab, which imparts wisdom and insight and helps to establish peace and tranquility in the soul. The All-Seeing Eye has the same origins - the savior from bad influences, the evil eye, and misfortunes. The ancients were sure that the owner of such a sign was under the protection of the gods.

From American Indians modern people inherited the “Dream Catcher” symbol - a powerful amulet that protects against nightmares, evil spirits, and guards the peaceful sleep of its owner. The combination of this pattern and the image of a spider is an excellent amulet against the evil eye and damage. From North America Another custom came - to make tattoos in the form of totem animals.

Celtic patterns are of divine origin and symbolize human life, his destiny. The lines help the owner find his path and walk it with honor, develop his spirituality and good qualities.

A powerful amulet for strong ladies is a cross, which is recommended to be worn on the back of those who have power and have ill-wishers.

Drawings reflecting Buddhist symbolism are also becoming popular - the “OM” sign, lotus, mandala, Buddha, Bodhisattva. Each of them has its own meaning, but the common distinguishing feature of all these signs is the protection of spiritual integrity and harmony.

Slavic symbols

The ancient Slavs used runes, solar signs and amulets associated with the gods as the basis for amulets on the body.

In Slavic culture, a woman is a protector, a healer, and a continuator of the family. Women's talismans helped fulfill their main purpose - to reproduce healthy offspring and protect them from adversity, to heal, to be wise and feminine. Truly feminine are:

Truly female symbol Our ancestors believed that a tree symbolized the continuation of life.

The signs of some male gods are also suitable for women. For example, Veles, who is responsible for prosperity and well-being, or Dazhdbog, a male symbol that women could make for themselves in order to give birth to many children.

The black sun is one of the most powerful amulets, a protector from the influence of evil forces. It is believed that the image of the black sun awakens the power of the clan and helps to summon the spirits of ancestors as allies. As the guardian of the clan, a woman can use this amulet, but we must remember that the black sun protects only people with pure thoughts and deeds. For those who do not live according to their conscience, the power of this amulet will have the opposite effect, which will result in great misfortune.

After several centuries, when tattoos lost their sacred meaning and began to be associated with the lower strata of society, the fashion for “body” designs has returned. People remembered the protective role of tattoos, brought ancient knowledge back to life and came up with new symbols.

In modern times, they began to use the power of words as protection - excerpts from religious texts, mantras, hieroglyphs. Even one's own name written on the body can work as a powerful talisman if it is written in code. The symbol of the zodiac constellation under whose protection a person was born can also be a talisman.

Protection from evil is a mask that misleads the evil spirits and takes on all the negativity, diverting it from the person.

In order to attract good luck and wealth, a four-leaf clover or a laurel branch is depicted.

The function of a talisman can be performed by an animal that will convey to its owner its inherent qualities:

Tattoos in the form of guardian angels, Phoenix birds, images of Hindu gods, Chinese and Japanese hieroglyphs are popular, but unlike ancient sacred symbols, in these cases it is not so much the image itself that serves as a talisman, but rather the belief of its owner in miraculous properties.

Those who want to get a protective tattoo need to give up the idea of ​​impressing others with their originality. Tattoo mascots should be hidden from prying eyes, so they should be applied to areas of the body that are usually not visible or covered by clothing.

The Slavs often made tattoos in the most vulnerable places to protect them from dark forces - the back and wrists, sometimes the forearms. If a woman wanted to conceive a child, she applied a suitable image to her stomach.

In ancient times, only priests and shamans, that is, dedicated people to whom magical knowledge was revealed, could make tattoos. They created a special amulet for each person, which had individual strength and “worked” only for its owner. Combinations of different symbols in one tattoo are of great importance. They can either enhance each other’s effects or turn out to be completely incompatible.

In order for the amulet to “turn on” its protective functions, it must be absolutely accurately reproduced on the body. Also, the ancient Slavs practiced tattooing only after reaching the age of 33, since they believed that it was at this age that the soul and body were ready to perceive the energy flows that a person reveals through the image on the skin.

In our age, such knowledge has been lost; in any case, it is not easy to find a master who understands esotericism and occult sciences and has the art of composing sacred tattoo amulets. All that remains is to understand the topic and trust your intuition. To check, you can apply the selected drawing with pen or ink and wear it for several days, carefully observing your feelings, current events and relationships with other people.

When deciding to get a tattoo, you should seriously consider the question of what image will be permanently inscribed on the body, because the energy of symbols really exists and has a huge impact on a person’s life and destiny. This is especially important for women, who are much more sensitive to the effects of delicate materials. Therefore, before going to a tattoo parlor, you need to carefully study the drawings and choose the right tattoo amulet for girls - photos and the meaning of the symbols can be found on the Internet and specialized literature.


Since ancient times, people have applied various symbols and signs to their bodies. Modern man perceives these drawings on the skin as decoration or a way of self-expression, not suspecting what sacred meaning protective tattoos carry.

The tradition of applying designs to skin goes back thousands of years. Our ancestors covered their bodies with special symbols and patterns that had great power. They helped protect against the machinations of evil spirits, the evil eye and damage, and also helped attract money, good luck and health. Nowadays, a tattoo is more fashion trend than a sacred ritual. But ancient drawings and signs have not lost their magical power. Modern man has the opportunity to combine art and magic in a tattoo amulet.

Since ancient times, tattoos have had sacred meaning

Experts do not recommend getting more than 2-3 protective tattoos. It’s even better to limit yourself to one picture, but a correctly chosen one. Otherwise, the talismans may conflict with each other, which will lead to neutralization of the protective effect.

In 1991, a well-preserved mummy of a man was discovered in the Alps by a group of climbers, who was named Ötzi. On his body, experts recorded more than 60 tattoos in the form of lines, dots and crosses. The analysis showed that the age of the found person is at least 5 thousand years, and today this is the oldest find proving the existence of tattoos among our ancestors.

Photo gallery: Ötzi's tattoos

There is something like a bracelet stamped on Ötzi's wrist. In total, more than 60 tattoos were discovered on the mummy Tattoos in the form of a cross were tattooed in the pre-Christian era. Ötzi's mummy has the most tattoos in the form of lines and dots.

The difference between male and female tattoos

Male energy is significantly different from female energy, and this should be taken into account when choosing images for a tattoo. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity can become stronger and more courageous with the help of body art. Certain Slavic magical symbols endow their bearer with courage and honor, protect against enemies, and also help those who engage in hard physical labor. The most commonly used images and signs are:

  • Perun;
  • Svarog;
  • Dazhdbog;
  • Veles;
  • Yarily.

Embodied in a tattoo, such symbols will help a man become stronger, find peace of mind, choose the true path and curb his emotions.

Perun's ax gives a man strength and courage, and also helps to win victory in battle

Girls, when choosing a protective tattoo, often choose the symbols of Slavic goddesses:

  • Makosh;
  • Lada;
  • Lelya.

These signs, applied to the skin, endow their owner with femininity, protect against damage and even promote childbearing.

Women are much more susceptible to the influence of subtle energies than men. Representatives of the fair sex are highly discouraged from painting designs with sharp objects or weapons on their bodies. These male “symbols of war” are capable of suppressing feminine.

Luna imparts femininity and protects from the evil eye

Place for tattoo

Special attention should be paid to choosing a place to apply the protective pattern. Tattoos with Slavic symbols are placed on the most vulnerable parts of the body associated with a particular activity:

  • for warriors - chest and back;
  • for people engaged in physical labor - wrists and shoulders.

Body amulets can also be “secret”. They are applied to areas hidden from prying eyes: the area behind the ear, lower back, soles of the feet.

Photo gallery: the most popular places for applying tattoo amulets with Slavic symbols

The symbol of Yarila protects the owner from the back, reflecting negativity and preventing troubles Kolovrat on the shoulder helps with physical work and daily activities The Svarog square on the wrist protects and helps in work Perun on the chest gives strength and provides powerful protection

The Ancient Egyptian symbol of the Eye of Horus is usually located on the upper part of the body so that it is visible to others. It is better to choose places associated with blood flow:

A tattoo applied on the left side of the body protects against the evil eye, damage and witchcraft. Placing a tattoo amulet on the right will help improve your financial situation.

A tattoo depicting the Eye of Horus is best placed on the upper body

It is customary to place single hieroglyphs on the neck, meaning:

  • spiritual wealth;
  • health;
  • cleanliness;
  • divine protection.

It is better to place the symbols on your hand:

  • love;
  • harmony;
  • wisdom;
  • money.

Signs can be combined, and the resulting phrase can be applied to the area from the hand to the elbow or along the entire length of the forearm.

The hieroglyphs you like can be combined and applied to the forearm

A dream catcher tattoo should traditionally be placed near the head. The shoulders, neck and area near the ear are ideal for this.

A tattoo in the form of a dream catcher should be placed closer to the head.

Any protective symbols and drawings are prohibited from being applied to areas of the body below the waist. It is believed that a tattoo in these places will not only be of no benefit, but can also cause harm to its owner.

Variants of tattoo amulets in different cultures

A modern person can wear tattoo amulets with symbols from different cultures:

  • Slavic runes and signs;
  • Celtic patterns;
  • Chinese characters;
  • Buddhist images;
  • Khmer (Thai) magical tattoos;
  • ancient Egyptian amulets;
  • Indian mascots.
  • The meaning of the runes and symbols of the ancient Slavs

    Slavic symbols and signs are widely used as amulets. Their energy power is associated with the mental field and effectively affects the human aura. Currently, the application of such signs on the body in the form of tattoos has become no less popular.

    Video: tattoos with Slavic symbols

    Tattoos in the form of Slavic runes

    Drawings in the form of runes should be applied to the body with extreme caution, because incorrectly typed symbols can cause irreparable harm to their wearer. For a protective tattoo to “work” for the benefit of a person, you need to choose suitable sign, and for this it is important to know the meaning of each:

  • The world is destiny and inner world person;
  • There is vital force, its movement in the right direction;
  • Chernobog is death, which, among other things, symbolizes a new stage in something;
  • The source is the beginning of everything, an expression of the continuity of life;
  • Alatyr - the beginning of beginnings (both spiritual and earthly);
  • Perun is a powerful force that can protect from any negativity;
  • Rainbow - joy, success and victory, balance between chaos and order;
  • Dazhdbog - happiness, prosperity and fertility;
  • Krada - purification, grace and knowledge;
  • Rock - life cycle and hope;
  • Need is the fate of a person, a ban on anything;
  • Support is the foundation of the Universe and the essence of being;
  • Treba - steadfastness of spirit;
  • Wind is an air element, a symbol of freedom, variability, speed and purification;
  • Strength - integrity existing world;
  • Lelya is a symbol of the water element, youth and beauty;
  • Bereginya reflects a person’s ability to influence his destiny, means receiving help and protection;
  • Oud is a sign of the fire element, personifying passion and love.
  • Each rune has several meanings, so they cannot be interpreted unambiguously. The characteristics of these symbols only suggest the direction in which they can work, and the person himself chooses which aspects of life need to be influenced. You can choose several runes and combine them into a tattoo, as long as they do not contradict each other.

    It is better to fill Slavic runes one by one; combinations should be selected by the master

    Slavic gods and symbols

    Our ancestors believed that sacred signs applied to the skin would protect from any misfortune, because each of the gods to whom these symbols belong is endowed with its own special power.

    Veles is considered the patron saint of livestock breeders, scientists and artisans. A tattoo-amulet with his image can reveal the secrets of healing and agriculture, and will give business people good luck in business.

    Livestock breeders, scientists and artisans find themselves under the patronage of Veles

    Anyone who worships the god Veles can decorate his body with a tattoo depicting one of his symbols - the Seal. A drawing in the form of a bear paw print can be considered a talisman of good luck, because troubles will bypass the owner of the tattoo. In addition, the sign can become a shield from any negativity.

    Veles's seal brings good luck

    Perun is the patron saint of warriors. Its symbol is the Thunder Sign, the image of which on the skin will help its wearer gain courage and strength. A person under the influence of such a sign gains confidence and learns to overcome difficulties.

    Thunder sign tattoo gives self-confidence and helps to overcome difficulties

    Valkyrie is another sign related to the art of war. The symbol applied to the skin will help you win and gain courage. In addition, the amulet is able to suppress excessive aggression.

    Valkyrie suppresses unnecessary aggression and helps to win

    Goddess Lada is considered an intercessor family relations, she patronizes orphans and widows, is responsible for aesthetic side life. The Star of Lada amulet is more focused on wives, mothers and girls who are ready to become guardians of the hearth. This symbol will help its bearer gain femininity, become calmer, balanced and wise.

    The Lada Star is a symbol of femininity

    The image and symbol of Yarila, the sun god, is considered a powerful amulet. A tattoo with his image will help its owner:

    • unlock potential;
    • achieve everything he deserves;
    • cope with any challenges and emerge victorious from any situation.

    The image of Yarila printed on the body helps to achieve goals

    The Slavs considered Svarog the creator of the world and represented him in the image of a blacksmith with a hammer in his hand. It was this deity who taught people the craft, separating man from animal. The Svarog Square tattoo is suitable for those who do heavy lifting. physical work.

    The Svarog square is suitable for those who are engaged in heavy physical labor

    Women who fear the evil eye can be protected by the Lunnitsa tattoo amulet. This symbol will also help you cope with infertility and not succumb to the spell of a love spell.

    Lunnitsa tattoo will protect a woman from the evil eye

    The Black Sun is one of the strongest symbols of the ancient Slavs. Protecting from evil entities, such a talisman is capable of awakening the power of the family and calling on the spirits of ancestors for help. You should know that this symbol helps only those who have a clear conscience and bright thoughts. Otherwise, the action of the sign will turn against the wearer and bring him misfortune.

    Black Sun tattoo gives protection of ancestors

    Kolovrat is considered a universal symbol that grants its owner the protection of the gods and ancestors. This sign represents the sun, life and endless movement.

    Kolovrat tattoo represents the sun and life

    Celtic patterns on leather

    Intricate Celtic patterns amaze with their deep meaning. At first glance, such tattoos consist of several elements intertwined with each other, but if you take a closer look, it becomes clear that each ornament is a line, the end of which is connected to the beginning. It symbolizes infinity, connection with the Universe and the constant cycle of life.

    Video: Celtic tattoos

    Types of Celtic patterns:

    • the medallion is a powerful amulet, capable of attracting love and friendship, and its power only grows over the years;
    • the talisman takes care of the health of its wearer, brings good luck and material well-being;
    • the knot means infinity, personifies the unity of the spiritual and material world, reflects the harmony of soul, body and mind;
    • the tree of life has become a symbol of the unification of good and evil; branches intertwined with roots form the circle of the Sun and mean wisdom and knowledge of truth;
    • the bracelet symbolizes a love knot and spiritual intimacy, helps to experience bright feelings and find friendship;
    • the cross unites the four elements, helps expand consciousness and increases vitality, helping to cope with any difficulties;
    • the snake helps to maintain health.

    Photo gallery: Celtic tattoos

    Celtic medallion attracts love and friendship Celtic talisman brings good luck The Celtic knot symbolizes the unity of soul, body and mind Tree of life means wisdom Celtic bracelet helps you find love Celtic cross increases vitality A snake tattoo will help fight illnesses

    Tattoos in the form of hieroglyphs

    Subtle and mysterious marks on the skin, the meaning of which is clear only to the owner, always attract attention. Hidden in these seemingly simple symbols is deep meaning. It is important that the hieroglyph has a positive meaning, because only in this case the drawing will become a talisman for life. An image that is carelessly filled, not fully drawn, or contains errors can bring nothing but problems to its bearer.

    Meaning of hieroglyphs:

    • “Angel” will become a patron in any situation; helps you make the right decisions and not go astray;
    • a symbol meaning wealth can give not only material, but also spiritual well-being;
    • "Love" means the flame that burns in the heart forever;
    • “Harmony” is suitable for those who want to find harmony with themselves and the people around them;
    • “Strength” will help you gain and maintain both physical and spiritual strength;
    • "Tiger" is considered male sign, personifying power, courage and nobility.

    Tattoos in the form of hieroglyphs are popular only in Western countries. The Chinese themselves never put these symbols on their bodies, preferring to write inscriptions on English.

    Photo gallery: tattoos in the form of hieroglyphs

    Angel is a universal patron Tattoo "Love" ignites the flame in the heart The “Harmony” tattoo will be useful for those who want to live in harmony with themselves and others The hieroglyph “Strength” gives a person strength, both spiritual and physical. The Tiger tattoo will make its owner brave and noble The hieroglyph “Wealth” helps to gain material and spiritual well-being The “Happiness” tattoo will give a person good luck, success and prosperity

    Buddhist tattoo amulets

    The image of Buddha on a person’s body protects him from all kinds of danger, including from the influence of dark forces. Tattoos like this promote cleansing life path, finding peace and tranquility.

    Buddha helps you find peace

    The symbol depicting a lion symbolizes power, constancy and royal strength. It is believed that this mighty beast is one of the incarnations of the great Buddha. A drawing of a lion applied to the skin means, first of all, control over oneself.

    A lion tattoo helps you stay in control of yourself.

    The Buddhist knot is a sign of eternity. He talks about the interconnection of all events in the world, and also reminds of the inexhaustible wisdom of the Buddha.

    The Sri Yantra symbol is used in meditation. A tattoo with this image helps develop intuition and opens up a person’s creative potential.

    Sri Yantra develops intuition

    The Wheel of Dharma promotes enlightenment. The picture carries eight meanings:

    • right view;
    • contemplation;
    • healthy lifestyle;
    • effort;
    • memory development;
    • proper behavior;
    • reflection;
    • speech.

    The Wheel of Dharma Promotes Enlightenment

    The mandala embodies the Universe. This image protects from earthly vanity and helps strengthen the integrity of the soul.

    Mandala tattoo helps you live in harmony with your soul

    A tattoo in the form of a footprint of Buddha reminds of his constant presence in the world. This drawing gives you the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of a great teacher.

    The lotus flower is a symbol of purity, rich spirituality and awakening. A tattoo with such an image helps to comprehend beauty.

    Video: the meaning of the Lotus tattoo

    Khmer magical symbols

    Sak Yant is the name of the sacred Khmer symbols applied to the body. Such tattoos contain certain symbols, words of prayer and magic formulas, which, closely intertwined, give their bearer strength and protection:

    • Amnai gives its owner spiritual and physical strength; suitable for those who need respect from others;
    • Mattha Makhanyom allows a person to receive compassion, people feel the need to help, they strive to support the tattoo wearer;
    • Kong Grapan Chatri works like a shield, protecting its owner from bladed weapons and gunshot wounds;
    • with the help of Maha Sanae, a person is able to arouse interest in the opposite sex and even attract attention from a particular person; a tattoo adds attractiveness and charisma;
    • Clave Treasure allows you to avoid mortal danger and protect yourself from accidents;
    • Sath Himapant is applied to acquire the features of a particular animal; a tattoo connects a person with the spirit of the beast and allows him to adopt some of its qualities;
    • Chok Laap means happiness and good fortune; the image helps you win the lottery or get a good position.

    Photo gallery: Khmer tattoos

    Amnai helps you gain respect With the help of the Mattha Makhanyom tattoo, a person can benefit from the compassion of others Tattoo Kong Grapan Chatri protects its owner from physical danger The image of Maha Sanae adds to the attractiveness of a person Sath Himapant tattoo allows you to get the qualities of any animal Chok Laap will bring good luck

    Ancient Egyptian tattoo amulets

    The scarab beetle enjoyed the status of a sacred animal among the ancient Egyptians, symbolizing the sun and the strength of the heart. The insect also represents the god Khepri, who can stop the enemy. A tattoo with the image of a scarab helps to overcome difficulties and teaches you to deal with your own shortcomings.

    The scarab beetle teaches you how to deal with your own shortcomings

    The Ankh cross amulet is multifaceted. By depicting this symbol on the body, a person receives protection from any dangers. An ancient drawing can also preserve the relationship of lovers. In addition, the tattoo fills the owner with vitality.

    The Ankh Cross protects against any dangers

    The eye of the supreme Egyptian god Horus is a symbol of good luck and an assistant in any matter. It is not recommended to get such a tattoo for those people who have bad plans and seek to harm others. In such cases, the amulet will be a hindrance. The effect of the amulet will increase if the Eye of Horus is placed in the pyramid.

    The Eye of Horus protects against evil forces

    Indian mascots

    The life of ancient Indian tribes was inextricably linked with nature. Therefore, their tattoos often intertwine sacred symbols with images of animals and birds. Thus, the image of an eagle feather means eternal rebirth and immortality of the soul. For a long time Only leaders, outstanding warriors, shamans and healers had the right to wear such body designs. A tattoo helps to establish a connection with the gods, as well as gain important masculine qualities: the strength, courage and swiftness of an eagle.

    Kokopelli is one of the main gods among the Indians. According to legends, in the guise of a man with a flute, he travels from one settlement to another, foreshadowing the change of seasons. This good-natured character brings joy and positivity to people, and in the form of a tattoo provides material well-being, promotes the conception of children, awakens creative and sexual energy, and also instills in a person fun, a spirit of mischief and adventurism.

    Kokopelli is a positive amulet. giving joy and fun

    Perhaps the most famous Indian amulet is the dream catcher. By depicting this amulet on his body, a person seeks to ward off evil spirits, stop the flow of negative energy and prevent bad dreams from entering the mind. Such a tattoo should be located as close to the head as possible. Ideal place for the dream catcher drawing the shoulder is considered, upper part back, neck and area near the ear.

    Video: creating a dream catcher tattoo

    A special place In the beliefs of the Indians, totem animals were important. By stamping an image of an animal or bird on the skin, a person strives to adopt their main qualities:

    • a tattoo in the form of a wolf symbolizes fidelity, helps develop intuition, and also makes its owner fearless and persistent;
    • a drawing of a bull or bison imbues its owner with desperation and allows him to cope with many difficulties;
    • a tattoo depicting a bear is suitable for brave people, since the courage and ferocity of this animal is reflected in the desire to always win;
    • the turtle symbolizes wisdom and good health;
    • an eagle stuffed on the body can bestow insight, omniscience and power.

    Photo gallery: tattoos with Indian totem animals

    Preparation before applying a protective tattoo

    Before making a tattoo amulet, you need to make sure that the chosen image will really help and not harm its wearer. To make sure that your choice is correct, the symbol you like can be applied to the skin with regular ink or even a felt-tip pen. The drawn picture will also have an impact on energy, albeit with less force than a permanent drawing. A tattoo can only be tattooed if some time later the person has felt the beneficial effects of the temporary protective image.

    Energy purification

    Before going to a tattoo artist, you need to carefully prepare by clearing your own energy. For this you will need half a kilogram sea ​​salt without any impurities. In a bath filled with warm or tolerable hot water, it is necessary to dissolve all the salt. Next, the person lies down in the bath and asks for salt water for cleansing. It is known that salt is capable of absorbing any negativity, therefore negative energy will drain from the body as easily as ordinary water. For those who do not have the opportunity to take a bath, a shower is suitable. To do this, damp skin is generously sprinkled with salt. Then you should mentally turn to her with a request to take away all the bad things. After a while the body is washed away running water.

    Rules for applying a tattoo

    Even large salons, not to mention inexperienced self-taught people, should not entrust the work of applying protective tattoos to the body. The master who prints protective symbols on the skin must not only be a highly qualified professional, he must understand the occult and know the meaning of magical signs. In addition, the specialist must have good energy, because the mark he leaves on the skin will influence the person throughout his life.

    Work on a tattoo amulet can only be entrusted to professionals

    Stages of work

    The process of applying protective symbols to the skin is no different from working with a regular tattoo:

  • Rough drawing. The master performs a rough drawing on three-layer paper without taking into account small parts and shadows. The image should be mirrored. Then the sheet with the picture is placed on tracing paper, and carbon paper is placed between them. Thus, the drawing is transferred to tracing paper, which is subsequently applied to the skin. More experienced craftsmen can apply the outline of a future tattoo directly to the body using a gel pen
  • Preparation. Before work, the skin is degreased with green soap or alcohol and treated with an antiseptic. Then the gel is applied to the selected area. You need to take very little of it so that the drawing transferred from tracing paper does not blur or smear.
  • Tracing paper with a sketch is glued to the skin (the body area is first shaved) and removed, leaving the outline of the image. Next, the specialist injects dye along the resulting contours using a tattoo machine.
  • A special film is glued. After 5 days it is removed. No additional care required.
  • Video: working on a tattoo amulet

    How to charge a tattoo amulet

    In order for a tattoo to help and protect its owner, it needs to be charged from time to time. Sometimes a person can feel how his body pattern has become saturated with negativity or has lost its protective properties. This means that the sacred symbol has wasted its energy and needs to be recharged. First of all, you need to choose a place and time when no one and nothing will distract you from performing the ritual. Then, placing your hand on the image, you should feel the tattoo and imagine how all the negativity slowly flows away from this place. It will be better if you can visualize the negative energy as a dark fog gradually dissipating in the air. When the tattoo is cleaned, it is filled with light and goodness with the power of thought in order to imbue it with positive qualities. Thus, the tattoo will again acquire protective properties and will continue to work for the benefit of the owner.

    Video: how to charge a tattoo amulet

    Tattoos that have a sacred meaning are powerful. Some symbols allow you to gain valuable qualities, others help you overcome life's obstacles, and others bring good luck and give you happiness. A person who decides to apply magical drawings to his body receives strong amulet, who will protect him every day and help him throughout his life.

    The function of the amulet is to protect against negative influences. Security items block energy flows emanating from people and nature. Therefore, the connection between the amulet and the owner should be at the energy level.

    Therefore, esotericists and magicians note, the main thing is to believe in the amulet and feel personal sympathy for it. Not only a well-known symbol, be it a horseshoe or a crucifix, can become a protector.

    Thus, the creator of the Linux operating system chose penguins as his mascots. Linus Torvalds met them in one of the Australian zoos. The man immediately felt a special connection with the birds and even made a corresponding tattoo amulet. Let's talk about tattoos like these.

    Tattoo amulets and their meaning

    Systematizing individual amulets, like Linus Torvalds' penguins, is difficult. People choose non-standard symbols in connection with personal memories, experiences and associations. Otherwise, talismans are divided into groups.

    Religious amulets are in the lead. These are crosses, icons, lines from scriptures, images of Gods. The paintings bestow heavenly protection and strengthen faith.

    Religious tattoo amulets refer to both monotheistic and polytheistic beliefs. The latter flourished in the ancient world. For example, the Egyptians believed in dozens of gods at the same time.

    Horus, the ruler of the sky and the Sun, was considered supreme. They depicted a spirit in the body of a man with the head of a falcon. But, usually, only the eye of Horus is used as a talisman.

    They only take a feather from his daughter. It adorns the head of Maat, the goddess of justice and truth. Tattoo talismans, amulets with the pen of the daughter of Horus - an attempt to avoid deception in your life, learn to recognize dangers.

    Mascots are also divided according to nationality. Runes, bereginya dolls, and some swastika signs are recognized as protective symbols of the Slavs. The latter are associated with the continuity of existence, the Sun.

    Slavic amulets - tattoo, meaning connection with ancestors and respect for their culture. Particular interpretations depend on the patterns used.

    So, the sign is alive - a symbol of the goddess Lada. She gives protection to women, improving health and promoting personal happiness. But the orepius is the common Slavic emblem of the land and clan.

    The Indians have different amulets. The most famous is the dream catcher. It drives away nightmares, capturing them in a web of threads stretched over a hoop base. The Chinese are asking for images of mirrors with a concave surface.

    Seeing their reflection in them, the demons become frightened and take flight. Africans prefer amulets in the form of bracelets. Residents of the continent believe that the soul can leave the human body.

    Belts, necklaces and bracelets bind the spirit to the flesh. This is the reason for the large amount of traditional and painted jewelry on the bodies of black people.

    The third category of talismans is associated with mythological creatures. IN protective tattoos included, for example, the firebird. She personifies the Sun and brings warmth and comfort to life. Phoenix is ​​a talisman of longevity and rebirth. The dragon is a sign of wisdom and harmony.

    Included in protective tattoos And photo real animals, as well as plants. This is the fourth category. The four-leaf clover is an exception to nature.

    Typically, the leaves of a flower have three petals. Therefore, the picture promises happiness, an extraordinary and rich life. The stork is a family amulet.

    The interpretation is associated with the legend that the bird brings babies and predicts prosperity in the house. Cricket - talisman creative people, gives inspiration and charges with love of life.

    Tattoo amulets for girls

    Women's tattoo amulets and talismans – photos, which often contain bells. Our great-grandmothers attached them to cassocks - ribbons tied on the head.

    Bells were also attached to clothes, carts, and house doors. It was believed that ringing was not to the liking of evil spirits and drove them away. The painted bells do not jingle. Therefore, esotericists doubt the power of such amulets.

    IN tattoo amulets, photo which are offered to girls also include multi-colored threads on the wrists. The talisman comes from Tibet. There should be five threads. They are located like a bracelet and help to conceive a child and survive childbirth safely.

    In Neighboring China, egg shells, pomegranate trees and their fruits, and elephants are recognized as women's amulets. These symbols on the body will help you have a successful pregnancy and find feminine happiness.

    It is recommended to attract men with paired symbols. Selected tattoo sketches “Amulets” with two ducks, swans, trees whose branches are intertwined. Pictures can also become companions for guys looking for love and a serious relationship.

    Tattoo amulets for men

    The elk is also considered a universal amulet for guys. It protects fortitude, prevents depression, and improves health. Improve spiritual development the men are helped by sketches of pelicans. These are high flying birds. With them you will achieve your goals and become resilient.

    Guys are more likely than women to choose a military career. Therefore, gentlemen are recommended amulets that ward off danger and prevent bloodshed. One of the symbols of peace is the dove. But there are also more specific mascots, for example, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

    One of the breed lived in the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry. It operated in the USA during civil war. Sally's bull terrier participated in all exercises, formations, and some battles. A monument was erected in honor of the dog and dozens were filled.

    The desire to protect themselves from evil eyes and damage arose among people several thousand years ago. The ancient Egyptians had the first memories of drawings on the body. Around the same period, many of them were interpreted. It wasn't easy beautiful picture, which was applied to oneself in order to stand out from the crowd or to show one’s perfection, and was a protection system and a powerful amulet against the evil eye.

    Features of the tattoo design

    Some tribes could use tattoos to convey information about a person’s belonging to a certain caste. For example, one sign, the meaning of which was read as “part of the tribe,” was applied to a certain number of people; another symbol was intended for the highest caste, and so on. Most often, the location of the tattoo indicated the status. If the primitive sign is stamped in a visible place in red ink, then this is a simple poor person, one of the slaves of the tribe or in captivity. If the pattern was more complex and was hidden under parts of clothing or on the face, then this is someone from a higher caste.

    Depending on the complexity of the pattern, the social level person. The deities of Egypt were divided into several groups, but their main division was good and evil, and each had its own symbolism and ornaments. The ancients believed that having one of these signs on the body would help bring it closer to God and fill it with the same traits and qualities.

    Tattoos were even given to infants in order to introduce them to their culture and thus protect them.

    In shamanic techniques, amulets on the body should not only protect the owner, but also endow him with supernatural powers and special power. The body here serves as a conductor between the world of the living and otherworldly vast expanses, from which various body symbols help to draw energy.

    Today the tattoo has lost its primitive meaning and that’s it more people they use the drawing as an ordinary tattoo simply for beauty and to stand out from the crowd. It may not have any significance; it is done in order to attract the attention of others.

    Choosing a protective symbol for men

    Made up from the evil eye and evil the whole system amulets tattoo for men. Their meaning is written down to the smallest line. Drawing a tattoo is not enough; you need to choose a sketch that is as similar as possible to the type of person.

    Suitable for a young guy what amulets:

    Mature and already established men often choose among tattoos symbols that help in stability and reliability. These can be beacons, elements of stairs (an expression of life’s start and ascent), a rune (each symbol means a specific benefit). Often, masters recommend combining these signs into entire phrases to enhance the effect of the amulet. If you need stability in terms of marital life or the moment of strengthening relationships is important, then for this they make a talisman for the couple: a heart, wings, two birds, plexuses and knots, mappings and dualization, that is, an even number on the tattoo.

    Protective signs for girls

    In ancient times, only witches had amulets applied to the body, which was supposed to double their strength and allow them to connect to the secrets of the world. Other girls or women did not wear tattoos. There were times in history when this considered vulgar and in bad taste. Even today, not everyone can calmly or with approval look at the bizarre patterns applied to the skin, considering it savagery or barbarism.

    Nevertheless, tattoo parlors also give tattoos to girls. The symbolism is slightly different from the male one, as it should emphasize and liberate feminine energy , enhance attractiveness. Here the amulets also act on desires:

    • From an evil look, damage, protection tattoos for girls include patterns of ivy or climbing flowers. This flexibility and smoothness should remove damage from the body. The optimal tone for security symbols is black and dark blue. Multi-colored amulets tattoos do not have strong energy and serve as a simple picture.
    • Makosh signs are drawn for a happy married life and to attract love. These symbols have been hiding a very powerful charge and force since ancient times. They are also used for embroidering wedding towels to life together was a full cup of love and prosperity.
    • Luck and profit in business women get a peacock eye or fish tattoo. The second symbol in some folk mythologies signifies a happy pregnancy and continuation of life (the fish itself attracts good luck and profit).
    • To unleash their creativity or demonstrate their talent to the world, girls often get butterfly tattoos. This is an expression of lightness and high beautiful flight.

    Prohibited drawings

    Many symbols carry hidden meaning and this is not always useful for the tattoo owner. For example, putting a cross on your skin is a bad choice, because it is a symbol of difficulties, endings, otherworldly influences and detachment from life. Even in subcultures, this sign has recently been used less and less, so as not to intensify and attract heavy energy into life. Blurry or unfinished patterns with drips may indicate approaching danger, even if it is so fashionable or the master recommended such a trend - there is no need to take risks and play with fate.

    Knives, axes or images of sharp objects also can attract danger and dark energy. The sign increases a person’s aggressiveness, can negatively affect his well-being and increase irritability. This is a destructive symbol.

    It is strictly forbidden to paint portraits on your body. dead people, even if they are idols or relatives. The anxiety of a deceased soul can affect living energy and begin to drag it into the other world. With such a tattoo, a person can quickly slide down the social ladder, lose the meaning of existence, and even commit suicide, because this literally means releasing a dead spirit into one’s body.

    You cannot combine shamanic and Buddhist symbols in one tattoo, like signs of other types. Different meanings can devour each other, a person will experience discomfort, which leads him to moral instability and even mental disorders. Each sign or symbol ties you to a specific image or goal, but if you paint yourself completely, it turns out that no main task and, accordingly, there will be no necessary protection and amulet from evil.

    The part of the body where the tattoo is applied plays an important role in multiplying the effect of the amulet. The back, forearm, hands, neck, stomach, lower back are the most powerful energy places in a person. The symbols depicted there will not only protect, but will also help bring your plans to life.

    If a tattoo is not an intricate, beautiful design, but a talisman with meaning, then no one outside should know about its presence on the body. It is wrong to show your protection to others so as not to reduce the power of energy and stop protecting the body.

    It is better to make a talisman on the waxing moon. Full month or waning moon - no best time to display characters. During this period, powerful forces weaken and an unkind spirit can join the flow of protection.