A curse on the castle. An effective love spell on the moon. Ritual with a new castle

It happens that after performing a ritual nothing happens. It seems that all the conditions have been met, and the conspiracies have been read correctly, but in response... silence.

It’s clear that a beginner could have messed something up and the plot simply didn’t work, but if this happens to a person who already has some practice, it makes you think. Maybe someone just doesn’t want you to succeed and put a magic lock on your witchcraft work.

After all, magic, especially ritual magic, is a work in which you hope to get results. Moreover, you are sure that the result will definitely come. And here is such a curiosity. They did it once, twice, three times... and nothing.
Your witchcraft work is locked. What to do?

The lock needs to be removed. It's not that difficult to do.

For this you need

During the waning moon phase, buy a new locked padlock. It should be noted that the attributes for all magical rituals are bought first that you like, and without haggling. The lock must be closed.

The lock must be placed on a clean sheet of paper. Naturally, you first need to prepare the room by cleaning it. Wash the floors, light the candles.

Standing in front of the castle, you need to say the following spell:

“As I open this castle, so I remove the castle from the witchcraft, the cursed one!


After this, the lock opens. He and the keys are thrown away in different places.

It may also happen that you cannot open the lock. It will jam. This means that you are being influenced by a person stronger than you. In this case, all that remains is to look for a strong magician and ask him to perform the opening ritual.

If a person comes to you and asks you to open the road for him, then the lock is placed not on a piece of paper, but on a photograph of this person. You can also conduct it with a living person by sitting him on a chair and opening the lock above his head.

To open the road

There is another effective ritual for opening a lock. It can also be carried out if some new business is starting, and you want the road to be open, without obstacles. You can do it for yourself, or for a person who has turned to you for help. It is best to perform the ritual on a full moon.

Buy a closed lock. Prepare the room. Open the lock above your head or above the photo of the person you need to help.

The plot reads:

King Solomon has the key.

Apostle Peter has the key.

The Lord Jesus Christ has the key.

With the third key I (my name) open the locks.

(If the ritual is performed for someone, then it is said: “I open the locks for the Servant of God (name”).

I destroy all barriers.

Truly so!

After this, the keys and lock must be thrown into the river at different places. You have to be careful that it doesn't snap. This is very important!

You need to thank the water by throwing a coin or a loaf of bread into the river.

You can also perform a ritual with a lock when you want to block someone’s way. For example, if you feel that a magical effect is being exerted on you.
Road closing ritual

It is best to read this conspiracy during the full moon, then it increases its power. You need to buy an open padlock without haggling. Prepare the room, and close the lock above the photograph of the person whose road you want to block with the following words:

“I’m closing!

I close the case of the Servant of God (name)!”

The castle should be buried in a damp place, saying:

“As you, castle, lie closed in the ground, as you rust, so the work of the Servant of God (name) rusts and does not advance.

Don't promote, don't open!

“Until the key is found and the lock is opened, until then the case of the Servant of God (name) will be closed!

And this is the truth.

Perform rituals with strong faith in the success of your magical work, and you will definitely succeed.

The phrase “lock and key” is often used in magic spells. This means the completion of some process. In parallel with this, magicians literally use in rituals a lock with a key that they lock.

This is especially often used in various love spells, so that the victim does not have the opportunity to escape from the magic circle. A key and lock spell is a very effective magical practice.

Features of the key and lock principle

There are a number of other reasons why this particular principle is used:

  • The key-lock principle helps to hide from the victim who performed the magic ritual on him.
  • With the help of this principle, the subject on which the conspiracy was carried out remains secret.
  • Thus, all these nuances are hidden from the other magician, due to which the effectiveness of the ritual increases.

This practice is usually used in black magic, since in white spells there is no point in hiding anything from anyone.

The key-lock principle works the same way as tying knots in magical practice. Literally, in magical rituals, objects such as a key and a lock have also been used for a long time. Small locks with keys on which the spell was applied were also used as a talisman. Thus, people tuned themselves not to think about the bad, focusing their thoughts only on the good.

Castle plot

Here love plot with a ritual where a lock and key are used.

To perform this ritual you will need:

  1. Small lock.
  2. Metal chain, its length should be such that it can cover the tree trunk.
  3. Hair of the person you want to cast a love spell on.
  4. Ribbons of two different colors.
  5. A strip of pancake paper 10-15 cm long.

Prepare all these elements in advance. Wait until the day there is a full moon. Seclude yourself in a room. Lay a scarf or tablecloth on the floor. Place all the elements for the plot on the scarf.

Take the hair with ribbons in your hands and weave a braid out of them, while saying the following words:

“Earth with Sky, Water with Grass, Leaves with Tree, so you and I, servant of God (name of the man), with servant of God (own name) will be together forever. As a single whole, as if fate connected us at birth.”


Spell a love spell on the key yourself. Home love spell on a castle. The spell on the key alone.

How to make a good luck talisman with your own hands? Ritual for good luck with the key to the apartment. Everything according to Feng Shui

Set the braided braid aside for now. Take a piece of paper and write down a clearly formulated desire regarding love. Then place a “love braid” on top of the piece of paper, and after that the plot is read again.

All these elements need to be placed under your bed, along with a chain and a small lock. Don't do anything else for three days.

After three days, be alone again and get all the ingredients for the love spell. At this stage, they read the plot again and at the same time try to carefully tuck the tip of the braid into the hole in the lock. After this, they read the text again and insert the wish written on a piece of paper into the hole in the lock. Do this all carefully so that the lock does not close while you perform these manipulations.

After this, you need to go outside and find a tree. The wood also had to be chosen when you were choosing the length of the metal chain. Hang a metal chain on the tree and secure it with a lock. When they do this, they also read the conspiracy.

After that, return home without looking back. Don’t talk to passers-by, don’t eat or drink that evening, go straight to bed.

You can throw away the key to the lock, or you can keep it for yourself. The conspiracy comes into force when you have already woven a braid of hair and ribbons. In the following days, you may have interesting dreams:

  • If in the next three days you dreamed of your lover, then very soon you will be together with him.
  • If your loved one comes to you every night, then he is already in love with you.
  • If your chosen one comes to you, but you are not yet together in a dream, then do not despair, wait until the conspiracy takes effect.

This love spell can be used by a wife to warm up her husband's feelings for herself. It can be used for the happiness of newlyweds. A love spell is used if you are promised separation from your loved one.

Conspiracy for successful transactions

Spells with this principle are often used before transactions to make them more successful. This is a free and easy way to attract clients if you have a house for sale, for example.

To carry out the ceremony, purchase a small lock with a key and lock it on something inside the house. It could be a table leg, a door handle, or something else.

“I put the best for sale, I lock out the worst in the house, the buyer comes, sees everything he wants, everything he needs catches his eye, and what is worthless does not catch his eye.”

This way, you will help the future buyer see the best of your home, so you can ask good money for the house and it will sell faster.

Conspiracy from addictions

The principle of a key and a lock is good to use in conspiracies that help rid a person of addictions. For example, you can read a conspiracy against drunkenness.

To do this, a white clean towel is placed on the head of a person suffering from such addiction, and a small lock must be clicked over his head all the time, and at the same time the following spell is read:

“Just as this lock easily locks and unlocks, we can just as easily unlock the servant of God (Name of the sufferer) from bad wine. It will no longer have any power over him. Let's break the vicious circle. For ourselves and our families, we will bring him back, we will bring him to mind. Key. Lock".

The towel must be burned after this ritual. And the castle will become a talisman against addiction for a person.

From enemies

In some situations you need to protect yourself from ill-wishers, from enemies. This is especially important to do when everything is very good in your life. At such a moment, unkind people like to cause damage.

Carry out protective spell the lock is very easy. Walk around the house with him and read the following plot:

“I protect myself from the evil eye, from the eternal evil eye, for my entire family. My enemies only hear how this lock clicks, but they do not hear about my victories, they are not interested in it. Their eyes closed on me, their tongues fell silent on me. I keep everything good in the house away from prying eyes. Key. Lock".

On the last words, the lock must be closed. This way you will divert the attention of your neighbors. Keep the locked lock in a secret place in your home. Don't tell anyone about this. The consequences of the ritual will please you. You will notice that people around you have become less interested in your life.

Here is another powerful conspiracy from ill-wishers, which uses the principle of lock and key in verbal form.

Stand by the window and read your plot:

“Through my window I can’t see or hear anything, a new day is coming, but my neighbors don’t hear the news. My home is like a closed castle for unkind people. Just as I don’t hear or see anything from the enemy, so he won’t profit from my news. Key. Lock".

After this, you need to close the window and not open it for 24 hours.

A love spell on a castle is considered the most reliable. Experienced magicians use it in combination with other additives. Let's study in more detail several love magic rituals with locks and keys, which you can carry out yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

In many magic spells the phrase “Key-lock” appears. This means the process is complete. Most often, these objects are used to dry a loved one so that the object cannot escape from the magic circle. They act like tied knots, that is, they lock a person’s defenses to make it easier to subjugate him to your will. Reviews from people who have already done such a love spell indicate that it has great power.


A love spell with a lock is done at night on the waxing moon. All attributes must be prepared in advance. Before you start working, you need to clearly define what result you want to get. Thanks to this, you will create an image of a future happy life and fill it with mystical energy.

Choice of time and place

Love spells to return your wife and other similar rituals are best done at home, away from prying eyes and ears. The love ritual will be effective if you do it at midnight on the waxing moon. But there are also rituals that are performed early in the morning or during the day.

What you will need

For the ceremony, take a lock that has never been used. It is advisable that he have simple form and was not painted. In addition, you will need candles, threads, photographs - yours and your chosen one. Other items may be required. It all depends on what ritual you will perform.

Learn the spells by heart so as not to get lost at a crucial moment. The most important thing is to believe in your strength and that you will succeed.

The difference between a love spell on a woman and a ritual on a man

A love spell on a man takes more strength and energy, because representatives of the stronger sex are complex objects. They are dominated by hot, impulsive energy. Managing it is not that easy. This will require strength and special experience. But, at the same time, a ritual performed for the love of a man shows brighter and faster results.

In women, the impact zones are not so pronounced. They are protected by their own sexual energy. It distracts a woman’s attention from her goal. Working with girls is easier, but it is not always possible to achieve a positive result.

Love spell options

There are many love spell options that use a lock. This item has great power. He can return his wife and husband to the family, dry up his beloved man, force a guy to pay attention to the girl who suffers for him. But they all have one result - inciting passion and love feelings.

To return the ex-wife

The wife's love spell on the lock is different in that it works regardless of what kind of relationship you had with your wife before she left the family. With this love bond, the husband is given back his soul mate. To perform the ritual, prepare:

  • 3 church candles;
  • lock;
  • key.

When midnight comes, light the candles, take left hand lock, and the key on the right, and say the words:

“Just as the key closes the lock, so the wife will return home and stay forever.”

Say the spell three times, then close the lock. Hide it in a secret place in the house, and at dawn throw the key into the river or bury it in the ground. This powerful ritual will help you quickly return ex-wife and establish a relationship with her.

Love spell with lock and photos

This ritual is performed on the waxing moon on Fridays, in the morning at 5-6 o'clock or in the afternoon at 12-13 o'clock. For the ritual you will need:

  • medium size padlock;
  • photograph of a loved one;
  • own photo.

Place the photographs face to face, open the lock and pin the photographs onto its bow in the place where the hearts are located, as if fastening them to each other. If you want to bewitch your wife in this way, take a wedding photo or any photo of you together, bend it so that you are face to face, and thread the bow through the hearts, as described above. Close the lock and read the plot:

“Connected hearts and lives forever. Between the servants of God (your name) and (the name of your beloved) love will be strong and indestructible, because they have the same destiny. Just as it is difficult to find a key at the bottom of a river, it is also difficult to remove this love spell. Amen".

Throw the key into the river or any other body of water. Bury the castle and photographs, folded with their front sides, near the road along which the chosen one often walks. It is advisable that it leads to his house and the loved one passes next to the lining. All actions are performed in one day. During this you should not talk to anyone.

Love spell with padlock

This is a love spell on a lock that cannot be removed on your own, so before performing the ceremony, think carefully about whether it is worth changing your destiny or whether it is better to leave everything as it is. If you decide to perform the ritual, prepare:

Please note that the lock is opened with a key and not by entering digital code. Also, grab some permanent red paint and a brush.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon, late in the evening. Seclude yourself in a room, light candles and say the words:

“I light candles, I awaken the power of witchcraft.”

Open the lock and write your name and your lover's name on it with paint. After this, you need to close the lock and say the spell:

“I’ll close the castle, let feelings into your soul. Until the lock is opened, your heart will burn like fire with love.”

Wait until the candles burn out and the paint dries. Hide the magic item under your pillow and keep it there for 3 days. Every evening before going to bed, remember your loved one, say his name tenderly. After the specified period, wrap the lock and candle stubs in a napkin and bury them under fruit tree. Hide the key in a hiding place so that no one will find it.

Love spell at a wedding

This ritual is performed when young people are forced into marriage without their consent. Preparations for this wedding ceremony were carried out in advance. My parents ordered a lock without a key. They hid it under the rug near front door. When the newlyweds returned from church after the wedding, entering the house, they crossed the castle. After that, the parents quietly took it out from under the rug, slammed it and said the words:

“I close the castle, long and happy life I promise to the newlyweds. Amen".

At the end of the ceremony, the spoken item was hidden away from prying eyes.

For key and lock

To cast a love spell you will need a lock. It must be bought at the market without change, without haggling. When you get home, read the spell on the purchased item 7 times:

“The sunflower reaches out to the sun, and the servant of God (name of the chosen one) towards (your name). Petals - to the rays, rays - to the petals. In the womb the seed will germinate, blossom and bear fruit. Hands to hands, heart to heart, they will not be separated, they will not be separated. I will disperse the black clouds, close the lock, turn the key 7 times and hide it under 7 stones. So be it.”

Before performing the ritual, you need to find a double tree. Most often they grow together with birch trunks. Place the lock on the thickest, strongest branch and, without closing it, cast the spell:

“I will bring the two under one lock, the rain will remove the coal into the ground, and the servant of God (name of the chosen one) will come to (your name) and stay with her. Amen".

After this, they close the lock, throw the key into a river or lake, and at the same time read the plot:

“Love is locked, and the key was eaten by a fish.”

Love spell on a man's keys

A husband's love spell on a castle can be strengthened by holding magical ritual with keys. The ritual is also suitable for drying a girl, but in this case you need to slightly change the words of the plot.

Take 3 woolen threads of the same length, weave them into a braid and say it with the words:

“Come along three roads, three thresholds (name of your beloved). Just as a thread is twisted and twisted, so your life will be united with the servant of God (your name). Amen".

Tie your own photo and the photo of your loved one with the right sides inward using a charmed thread. Put connected by thread photos in a box that is locked with a key. At sunset, go to a pond, draw a circle around you, turn your face to the west, bow 3 times and say the spell three times:

“I will get up, without blessing, I will go into the field, without crossing myself, to the far distance, to the expanse. There is an iron horse standing there, and Satan is on it. Become a helper, dry (name of the chosen one) like a dry tree. So that he grieves, suffers, and keeps (your name) in mind. So that his heart would rejoice and know no peace. I’ll throw the key to the castle into the sea-ocean, a pike, golden scales, copper nose will grab it. No one can catch her, no one can drive her away. Lips are the lock, tongue is the key. Amen".

Throw the key into the water and hide the box in a safe place. This ritual can be repeated if you notice that the love influence has weakened.

When to expect results and how long will it last?

During the week after the love spell, you should not borrow or give anything from home to strangers. Also, you should not see a bewitched person for 2 weeks. You can make contact with him only if your lover wants it himself. When the term expires, you must definitely meet with your chosen one, at least by chance.

Despite the simplicity of execution, in comparison with other love rituals, locking love spells are strong and effective. The binding works as long as the lock is in its hiding place and the key to it is in a safe place or thrown into the water. If someone finds the lock and tries to open it, your loved one will immediately leave you and never return.


A white love spell does not bring big problems. The worst that can happen is that the magical influence will not work. The performer will feel a loss of strength because he will lose a lot of energy, but within 2 days the person will fully recover. The object of the love spell may also feel weak because magical powers affect his biofield.

If menstrual blood was used for the ritual to enhance the effect, there is a very high risk of negative consequences. This is a black love spell. It may entail:

  • health problems;
  • difficulties in personal life;
  • financial failures:
  • problems conceiving a child;
  • nervous breakdowns.

How to determine such a love spell

A bewitched person becomes aggressive. He starts using alcohol or drugs. Often victims commit inappropriate actions, knowing in advance that they will bring them harm.

The object of the love spell becomes conflicted and gets irritated over every little thing. A person gradually loses interest in everything he did before. He gets sick, becomes depressed or begins to suffer from mental disorders. The victim of a love spell hates the performer with all his soul, but at the same time cannot leave him. If you notice such signs in one of your loved ones, urgently seek help from an experienced magician.

The video shows a method of protection using 3 locks:

How to remove a love spell on a lock

In almost all love rituals, the key is thrown away, so removing such a magical effect is not so easy. If you realize that with the help of the ritual it was not possible to awaken natural feelings in your chosen one, try to remove the remnants of the divination. To do this, go to the place where the key was thrown away and say the words:

“If it hasn’t grown together, let it open.”

Most likely, you will not be able to do this on your own, so you will have to seek help from a magician who specializes in locking love spells.

It happens that after performing a ritual nothing happens. It seems that all the conditions have been met, and the conspiracies have been read correctly, but in response... silence.

It’s clear that a beginner could have messed something up and the plot simply didn’t work, but if this happens to a person who already has some practice, it makes you think. Maybe someone just doesn’t want you to succeed and put a magic lock on your witchcraft work.

After all, magic, especially ritual magic, is a work in which you hope to get results. Moreover, you are sure that the result will definitely come. And here is such a curiosity. They did it once, twice, three times... and nothing.
Your witchcraft work is locked. What to do?

The lock needs to be removed. It's not that difficult to do.

For this you need

During the waning moon phase, buy a new locked padlock. It should be noted that the attributes for all magical rituals are bought first that you like, and without haggling. The lock must be closed.

The lock must be placed on a clean sheet of paper. Naturally, you first need to prepare the room by cleaning it. Wash the floors, light the candles.

Standing in front of the castle, you need to say the following spell:

“As I open this castle, so I remove the castle from the witchcraft, the cursed one!


After this, the lock opens. He and the keys are thrown away in different places.

It may also happen that you cannot open the lock. It will jam. This means that you are being influenced by a person stronger than you. In this case, all that remains is to look for a strong magician and ask him to perform the opening ritual.

If a person comes to you and asks you to open the road for him, then the lock is placed not on a piece of paper, but on a photograph of this person. You can also conduct it with a living person by sitting him on a chair and opening the lock above his head.

To open the road

There is another effective ritual for opening a lock. It can also be carried out if some new business is starting, and you want the road to be open, without obstacles. You can do it for yourself, or for a person who has turned to you for help. It is best to perform the ritual on a full moon.

Buy a closed lock. Prepare the room. Open the lock above your head or above the photo of the person you need to help.

The plot reads:

King Solomon has the key.

Apostle Peter has the key.

The Lord Jesus Christ has the key.

With the third key I (my name) open the locks.

(If the ritual is performed for someone, then it is said: “I open the locks for the Servant of God (name”).

I destroy all barriers.

Truly so!

After this, the keys and lock must be thrown into the river in different places. You have to be careful that it doesn't snap. This is very important!

You need to thank the water by throwing a coin or a loaf of bread into the river.

You can also perform a ritual with a lock when you want to block someone’s way. For example, if you feel that a magical effect is being exerted on you.
Road closing ritual

It is best to read this conspiracy during the full moon, then it increases its power. You need to buy an open padlock without haggling. Prepare the room, and close the lock above the photograph of the person whose road you want to block with the following words:

“I’m closing!

I close the case of the Servant of God (name)!”

The castle should be buried in a damp place, saying:

“As you, castle, lie closed in the ground, as you rust, so the work of the Servant of God (name) rusts and does not advance.

Don't promote, don't open!

“Until the key is found and the lock is opened, until then the case of the Servant of God (name) will be closed!

And this is the truth.

Perform rituals with strong faith in the success of your magical work, and you will definitely succeed.

The castle is quite often used in magical rituals, which can be used for various purposes. Such a magical symbol has come to us since quite ancient times. Their name has been in effect for a long time. Specialized magicians believe that it can be used to consolidate magical actions. The lock is often used in love spells. It is often used in conspiracies for financial assistance or good luck in life’s affairs. A lock spell does not require any special knowledge or effort in the field of magic.

You just need to follow all the instructions that will be indicated in the description. Such conspiracies are read clearly and efficiently. It is necessary to feel every word spoken and believe that the goal will be achieved in the shortest possible time. In most conspiracies, no matter what the focus, you can hear the word “castle”. This word symbolizes that in this way you consolidate and seal the ritual.

What is the word "castle" used for?

If we consider this case from the point of view of white magic, then it symbolizes the protection of the ritual and its effective result. If you look at it from the point of view of black magic, you can come to the conclusion that the following functions are performed in this way:

  • to hide the person performing the ceremony: in such cases, even the most powerful magician will not be able to identify the performer;
  • to hide an item used in magical ritual– just like in the first case, it will be impossible to determine the object;
  • to hide the influence of magic.

As for white magic, such manipulations are not required, because there is no point in hiding things that are done for a good purpose from others. And black magic is aimed at sinister deeds that simply need to be hidden from prying eyes. Otherwise, it can lead to completely unpleasant consequences.

Castle in the realm of magic

Even in ancient times, when our ancestors used spells and rituals every day, the castle was an integral part of such rituals. Often, they were used exclusively for good purposes. Most often, they were necessary for conspiracies for health, to identify enemy forces, to protect against thieves, and to cleanse the family from negative influences.

In principle, a lock or key could be used not only for magical purposes. Sometimes the attributes in question could be worn as amulets or amulets. It was believed that in this way one could protect a person from enemies or witches.

Castle for treatment

For quite a long time, magicians have been using the castle to stop:

  • severe bleeding;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • amnesia;
  • urinary incontinence or seizures.

For such rituals, it is necessary to have the patient’s personal belongings. Conspiracies are read about this thing, which save you from a certain disease. Afterwards, the ritual must be completed using a lock.

Using a lock in love relationships

With a lock you can tie a person to yourself, or make him love you. The variety of such rituals is amazing. In principle, the main provisions for carrying out are identical. They can differ only in details. But the meaning, in the end, will be the same.

So, if you, for example, have been dreaming about a certain man for a long time, or want to meet sincere and pure love, it will be enough to carry out an effective ritual using strong conspiracy, “close” which will need to be locked.

Love spell with a lock for love

In order to perform this ritual, you will need a small padlock, a metal chain, hair from each side of the ritual, ribbons, and a strip of paper. The chain should be of such a diameter that it can wrap around the tree of your choice. It’s better to choose ribbons different sizes, and the strip should be thin. You can cut it out from a regular notebook.

Take lunar calendar, and choose the day when the full moon is coming. A few days before, place the handkerchief on the table. It is better to choose scarves with a bright red pattern, and be sure to have a black background. Place the lock, key, ribbons and hair on the scarf. Now you need to tie a braid from the ingredients. It is better to fix its tip with a red wool thread. When you fulfill all the conditions, do not forget to think about your chosen one.

“Heaven is always connected with earth. Rain always interacts with grass. I ask that I, the servant of God (name), be forever associated with the servant of God (name of my beloved). I love myself less. He is my only joy. My rivals are no longer scary to me. I am confident in my feelings and in my strength. Amen".

Use ribbons to tie the braid you created, which you place on the edge of the scarf. You need to write your deepest desire on a strip of paper. If it is quite long, then it is worth reducing the size of the handwriting a little. Abbreviating words is prohibited. Everything must be stated clearly and understandably. Place the written wish on the lock. Place a pigtail on top and read the plot again.

What to do next?

Place the created amulet under your pillow. It is prohibited to shift, turn over or correct it. You will have to sleep on it until the full moon. Place the chain under the bed and do not touch it all these days. When the full moon comes, take out all your amulets and mark them on a scarf. You can unravel the ribbons by writing your name and the name of your loved one on them. When you read the plot, tuck your braid into the lock. Ideally, it should fit completely inside it. Don't forget to check the condition of the castle. It should not be in the closed position.

Now go to where the selected tree is located. Put a chain on it and secure it with a lock. When you turn the key, read the plot (listed above) again. Now you can head into the house. But, remember that you cannot talk to anyone and turn around. You should not eat or wash before morning. Some love spells imply that you should not throw away the key. But this is not a clear rule. If the ritual does not indicate otherwise, then you don’t have to throw it away.

You will begin to notice the result from the day you place the amulets under your pillow. Now it’s worth carefully analyzing your dreams. If during all these days you have not dreamed of your betrothed, then there will be no quick reunion. You will need to be patient and wait a little. If you have been dreaming about your loved one all this time, then a love spell is not needed. You are already dear to a man’s heart. If a man came into your dreams only once, then the result will soon overtake you.

Removing such a love spell will be a rather difficult process, so you must understand for yourself that it is likely that the conspiracy will last a long time.

Conspiracy for well-being

This conspiracy is carried out on new castle. Thanks to this ritual, you can bring prosperity into your home. The effectiveness of this ritual is amazing. It is so strong that you will surprise yourself. The only thing is that you need to really believe in what you will say. The lock will need to be opened and certain words spoken.

“The famous and successful, the rich and powerful, have their piggy banks overflowing with precious metals and jewelry. All their hands are full of rings, their necks are full of chains, and their wallets are bursting with a lot of money. It is quite possible for them to spend money without even thinking about what. They are not used to counting this money, and they do not have such a habit. Every day their wealth only increases and multiplies. So I want the same opportunities. I'll head towards the white stones. I will bring with me amazingly beautiful ancient books. May my angel help me make my dreams come true. Let only money in large quantities, only inexhaustible gold, be present in my life from now on. I wish that what I spend on my needs will be doubled, or even tripled. I ask you to make me the richest in the whole world. Amen".

Now you can close the lock. When a new day comes, throw the castle into a deep pond. It is better if the castle is as far from land as possible.