Succinic acid for orchids - what are the benefits of tablets, how to dilute them correctly and use them to feed plants, watering rules. Succinic acid for orchids: benefits and harms Is it possible to burn orchid leaves with succinic acid

All indoor plants need proper care, one of the stages of which is the use of fertilizers. To strengthen the immune system, stimulate root formation and lush flowering flower growers successfully use succinic acid for orchids.

This tool is not only simple, but also accessible to everyone who wants to make their favorite indoor plants healthy, strong and beautiful. Chemical name succinic acid is a dicarboxylic acid. It is obtained from amber - the drug is translucent crystals soluble in water, alcohol or ether.

The benefits of using succinic acid for orchids include the development of common immunity, protection and increased formation of roots, and an increase in the amount of chlorophyll in the foliage structure, which promotes its growth.
Also, when using the drug, high-quality ovaries are formed, the number of flowers and flowering period increases, they develop faster, and diseased plants can better recover from diseases. The use of acid has a beneficial effect on the health of transplanted orchids, and also prevents substances harmful to their health from accumulating in the soil.

Video “Succinic acid for orchids”

Video about how and why to use succinic acid in orchid care.

Preparation of solution and proportions

Succinic acid Available in the form of powder and tablets, which will need to be ground first. The tablets become active after dissolving in 500 ml of water. To prepare a solution for orchids, you need to dilute 1 g of the drug in 5 liters of liquid. First, it is better to crush 1 tablet and add it to 1 liter of water. It is recommended to first combine the product with 200 ml of liquid, and then increase the volume to the required amount.

If powder is used, the solution can be prepared in several ways. Take a little substance on the tip of a knife and place it in 0.5 liters of water or add 1 g of powder to 1 liter of warm liquid. It is important to follow the dosage so as not to harm the plants, and treat flowers only with freshly prepared solution.

Application options

Since succinic acid is a powerful biostimulator for orchids, treatment with a ready-made aqueous solution is allowed for all parts. The gardener will be able to notice an improvement in the general condition of his pet after the first use of the drug. The solution can be used in different ways, but the frequency of use should not exceed 1 time every 20–30 days.

Wiping leaves

To wipe the foliage, a cotton pad or cotton cloth is soaked in an acid solution. You can also use a piece of gauze for these purposes. Next, wiping is carried out, during which it is important to prevent the product from getting into the base of the leaf plates. Otherwise, excess moisture can provoke subsequent death of foliage.

You cannot leave the acid on the leaves for more than 2 days, since during this period it loses its qualities. After wiping the surface with the solution, which should be done no more than once a week (preferably in the morning), the solution should be removed with napkins soaked in warm water.

Use for watering

Another option for using an acid solution is watering orchids, which allows you to saturate the roots of the plant with nutrients important for their development. It is recommended to water in spring or summer period when flowers are actively growing. Because in other periods they rest, and additional stimulation will be unnecessary.

For irrigation, a solution prepared from 1 g of acid diluted in 1 liter of water is used. If there is a lot of liquid in the pot after the procedure, you need to wait until it drains into the pan, then be sure to drain it. If this is not done, the roots of the plant may begin to rot.

Root treatment

Known and widely used by amateur gardeners various ways treatment of the root system of orchids. You can soak the roots of the plant in an acid solution before replanting. The duration of the procedure varies from a couple of minutes to several hours. If root system is severely damaged, it is better to leave the flower in the solution for 2–2.5 hours.

In order for the orchid to grow roots well in the future, after soaking it is placed in a dry and sterile substrate. It is advised to purchase a new ready-made earth mixture. If the treatment was carried out correctly, the rapidly occurring processes of formation of new tissue will allow the flower to begin active growth within 1 week after treatment with a solution of succinic acid and transplantation.


In order not to cause irreparable harm to the indoor beauty, you need to not only observe the proportions when preparing the solution and properly process the various parts of the crop, but also remember the periods when using a bioadditive is unacceptable. This is the time of pollination, flowering, ovary formation, and dormancy.

When working with succinic acid, it is better to use protective clothing and gloves. Although the product is as safe as possible, in some cases its contact with the skin can lead to irritation or an allergic reaction. It is also worth protecting your respiratory organs with a mask to prevent irritation of the respiratory tract, which, although rare, does occur.

Do not rub wounds and mucous membranes with hands contaminated with acid. If the product accidentally gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of water. In some cases, you will need to see a dermatologist. If a pet suddenly eats an acid tablet, there is no reason to worry - the drug will not cause harm to health.

Without special care, homemade orchids grow poorly and, of course, do not bloom. Succinic acid allows plants to absorb all the beneficial components contained in the soil much better, and also helps to adapt to climate change or after transplantation. In other words, the drug helps orchids tolerate stress faster and easier. Succinic acid has long gained popularity among gardeners of indoor plants. It is safe and effective.

Succinic acid (butanedioic acid) is a dicarboxylic acid that naturally found in the tissues of plants and animals. The chemical is also known as "Spirit of Amber". When it was first discovered, it was extracted from amber by crushing it and distilling it using sand bath. The substance was mainly used for rheumatic pain.

Nowadays succinic acid is produced chemically. Esters extracted by combining an acid with an alcohol and removing a water molecule. They are used as aromatic base materials, plasticizers, solvents and binders. Higher chain compounds are used as constituents in metalworking fluids, surfactants, lubricants, detergents. Succinic acid is used in the manufacture of many medicines and used in pure form as a food additive for mono and complex therapy. The dietary supplement is also popular in cosmetology.

Succinic acid is a colorless crystalline solid with a melting point of 185-187°C. It is soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol, ether, acetone and glycerin.

Pharmaceutical preparations with succinic acid are used as antioxidants that normalize intracellular metabolism and help restore body functions that are impaired due to diseases or natural aging of human cells.

Preparations containing succinic acid are available in the form of:

  • Solutions for injections.
  • Tablets.
  • Powder.
  • Capsules.

There are preparations with succinic acid that are used to activate tissue metabolism and normalize energy balance, that is, they act as metabolites. The use of succinic acid to reduce the intensity of oxidative processes is possible due to its pronounced antioxidant properties. Succinic acid compounds - Na, K, Ca, Mg succinates - improve the supply of oxygen to cells, having an antihypoxic effect on organ tissue during their morphological changes and dystrophy caused by wide range diseases and pathological conditions. In complex therapy, drugs with succinic acid are used to treat blood vessels, including cerebral vessels.

Nature has provided mankind with many solutions to treat various diseases. With the increasing use of pharmaceuticals and an ever-growing list of harmful side effects for medicines, succinic acid is a natural solution to problems. Succinic acid is a solution to many problems not only in humans, but also in plants.

Beneficial properties of succinic acid for orchids

The use of succinic acid for indoor plants is diverse:

  • Normalization of soil composition. Succinic acid restores beneficial microflora in the substrate, enriching it with useful substances. At the same time, the pathogenic environment is destroyed.
  • Fight with harmful substances in the ground. Various toxins form in mail over time. Succinic acid destroys them.
  • Stimulating growth. After using butadionic acid nutrients from the substrate are more actively absorbed by the root system. This speeds up the growth of indoor flowers.
  • Improved survivability. Improves plant recovery after illness, transplantation and other stressful situations. Flowers take root better, tolerate transplantation or recover from damage.
  • Increased chlorophyll content in green parts of plants. If the substance is produced in sufficient quantities, indoor plants grow better, bloom profusely, and look healthy.
  • Acceleration of root formation. An indispensable tool for cuttings, replanting, and saving plants without roots. Very often, plants suffer due to unfavorable conditions for growth and replanting.
  • Increased stability. Plants fed with succinic acid are better able to tolerate drought, excess water and lower temperatures.

The use of succinic acid for orchids is useful. Substance:

  • excellent catalyst for plant growth,
  • improves the soil and stabilizes its microflora.

Butanedioic acid dissolved in water is used for:

  • soaking plant cuttings;
  • regular watering;
  • resuscitation;
  • disease prevention;
  • transplants;
  • spraying plants during the growing season.

To soak the cuttings, use succinic acid dissolved in water (0.002% -0.02%). A slight overdose is not dangerous for plants.

Spraying rooted seedlings improves the growth of new shoots, and if the roots of seedlings are soaked in aqueous solution butanedionic acid within a quarter of a day, accelerated root growth will occur. When planting cuttings pre-impregnated with the drug, stronger orchids will eventually grow. They are less susceptible to pest attacks, almost never get sick, and are resistant to changes in living conditions.

Indications for use

Succinic acid strengthens orchids, increasing their resistance to various diseases. Thanks to this substance, plants begin to bloom, as the drug increases chlorophyll levels. Indications for the use of succinic acid for orchids:

  • deterioration in the appearance of the plant;
  • the appearance of signs of illness;
  • root rotting;
  • poor growth;
  • lack of flowering;
  • need for transplantation:
  • rooting;
  • the plant dies.

Nuances of preparing a solution from succinic acid

The tablet of the drug contains 100 mg (0.1 g) of acid, it is easy to dose. How to dilute succinic acid for orchids: to make a solution, just dilute it in a liter clean water one tablet.

Principles and methods of using the product

To restore diseased orchids, succinic acid is one of the most popular remedies. Even healthy flowers respond well to feeding with acid, which helps them maintain beautiful decorative look and affects growth and flowering. With the systematic addition of dietary supplements, orchids rarely get sick, bloom actively and profusely.

Leaf treatment

Wipe the leaves with a sponge or cotton swab soaked in the solution (including bottom part leaf plate). You can spray the green mass of the plant, avoiding pouring liquid into the growing point.

Spraying an orchid with succinic acid provides the following effect:

  • getting rid of and protecting from ticks and other insects;
  • disease prevention;
  • building resilience to climate change;
  • growth stimulation;
  • acceleration of the appearance of flower stalks;
  • increasing flowering time.

Healthy plants are sprayed with the prepared solution every two to three weeks.

After spraying the orchid, wipe the center of the flower with a dry cotton pad to remove moisture from the rosette.


Watering orchids with succinic acid is useful for prevention and during treatment. Part of the drug settles on the ground, and even after the excess liquid drains into the pan, it nourishes the roots of the orchid, activating the growth and appearance of new branches. For treatment, water the plant for 2 weeks. Feeding orchids with succinic acid is carried out once a month.

Root treatment

Roots are treated when they are damaged. You need to remove the dry roots; if there are only two or three healthy ones left, remove them too, especially if the roots look like they are hanging by a thread because they can no longer feed the plant. How to remove damaged roots:

  1. Disinfect scissors.
  2. Cut off damaged roots.
  3. Dip the root part into powder activated carbon for disinfection.
  4. Place the plant in soil to allow the plant to grow healing tissue around the cut.

Water every other day. When transplanting, the roots of the plant are placed in a solution of succinic acid for half an hour.

Resuscitation of orchids without roots

If the roots of the plant are dead, then you can revive the orchid as follows:

  • remove all rot;
  • treat the cut with activated carbon powder;
  • place the plant in a solution of succinic acid in a glass container;
  • place on a windowsill that is well lit but not exposed to direct sunlight;
  • The succinic acid solution is renewed every 3 days.

New roots will appear in 2 - 3 months. After the roots grow 5 cm, the plant is planted in a substrate.

Compatibility with other drugs and combination recipes

Succinic acid can be combined with other drugs to fertilize or bring weak orchids back to life.

Tonic for orchids

Garlic, when added to a solution of succinic acid, helps to activate and prolong the flowering of the orchid. To achieve this result, you need to prepare a special mixture of garlic, water and succinic acid. The dietary supplement will help the process of enriching the plant with oxygen, increasing its resistance to diseases and other negative factors. If everything is done correctly, within 14 days a new flower stalk will grow on the orchid.

Succinic acid is diluted hot water. Only after the liquid has completely cooled can you add the garlic pulp. The finished mixture can only be stored for 3 days. To prepare tonic you need to take:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • glass jar;
  • 1 tablet of succinic acid.

Dissolve the succinic acid tablet in hot water. Chop the garlic with a knife or garlic press. When the liquid has cooled, add the garlic. Pour the solution with succinic acid into a glass jar and leave to infuse for 24 hours.

Before you start watering the orchids, strain the garlic water through a sieve. Water the plants using the partial immersion method. This method should be alternated with regular watering, but no more than once a month.

Another way to fertilize an orchid is to add 1 tablet of glucose and an ampoule of vitamin C to the succinic acid solution. This is a means of quick recovery.

Cocktail for resuscitation

If you feel unwell, the orchid is resuscitated with a cocktail of succinic acid. Composition of the mixture per liter of water:

  • 2 tablets of succinic acid.
  • 1 ampoule of vitamins PP, B1, B6, B2.
  • A pinch of stimulant Kornevin.

Add the remaining components to the acid solution and mix. Do foliar feeding. Repeat once a week until the plant regains its previous healthy appearance.

Precautions during operation

Succinic acid is not poisonous and does not accumulate in parts of the plant. Excess is quickly eliminated and a small overdose will not cause harm. When preparing formulations with acid, you should avoid touching the mucous membranes. If this happens by accident, rinse with water.

Succinic acid for orchids is considered an indispensable stimulant. Thanks to this drug, the plant absorbs more fertilizers, which leads to its active growth and ejection of flower shoots. In addition, the product is safe for both the crop and the grower.

How to use succinic acid for orchids

This stimulator is especially useful for roots. Thanks to it, the system recovers even after severe stress in the shortest possible time. And if the roots are strong and healthy, then the plant itself feels much better. The leaves become elastic and rigid, and the petals become stable. And this increases the flowering period of the orchid.

Succinic acid for orchids is real “living water”

The culture is treated with succinic acid in several ways. Methods of using the drug:

  • To improve the condition of the roots, place them in a stimulant solution for a period of 30 minutes to 2-2.5 hours. The weaker the flower, the longer it takes to process.
  • To improve the condition of your pet's leaves, dip a napkin in the drug solution and wipe the plant well with it. Remove excess fluid from your sinuses. Also, do not leave droplets of the drug on the leaves.
  • To improve the general condition of the flower, spray the orchid with a solution of the product 1-2 times a month. This will stimulate the growth of side shoots. The remaining acid should not be thrown away, because it can be used to water the roots of the crop.

In order for the drug to bring maximum benefit, you need to follow the correct dosage of the drug. Remember that the prepared solution is stored for no longer than 3 days. In the future, the product loses its beneficial properties.

How to dilute succinic acid for orchids

The drug is available in the form of tablets or powder. Therefore, the dosage depends on the form of release of the stimulant. But in any case, succinic acid should be diluted in a small amount of warm water and, after complete dissolution, add cold liquid to the required volume. Dosage rates:

  • If you bought tableted succinic acid, then dissolve the tablet in 1 liter of water. To speed up the process, crush it first.
  • If you have acid in powder form, then dilute 1 g of the drug in a liter of water.

The stimulant practically does not cause an overdose. But still, it is not worth using it more than once a month. After all, the plant will not be able to absorb more nutrients.

Succinic acid is the gardener’s best assistant; it improves the growth and condition of orchids. But for the product to be beneficial, it is necessary to use the drug correctly.

In caring for indoor flowers a lot of tricks. Thus, succinic acid is like living water for orchids. It has a stimulating effect on all organs. As a result, the flower grows faster and throws out flower arrows. Acid cannot replace fertilizers, but it promotes their effective absorption. The drug is environmentally safe and decomposes into simple elements in the soil.

How to use succinic acid for orchids at home

The most problematic area of ​​orchids is the root system. The roots not only feed the above-ground part, but also participate in the process of photosynthesis. The use of a stimulator creates conditions for active root growth. The use of succinic acid for orchids is useful for recovery from stressful situations. The whole plant becomes stronger. The root system is actively growing, the leaves become more rigid, and even delicate flower petals become more stable.

Like no other drug, succinic acid will help:

  • accelerate the growth and development of a young orchid;
  • improve the substrate, restore balance;
  • accelerates the conversion of fertilizers into biological form;
  • strengthens the plant's immune system;
  • accelerates photosynthesis processes.

The plant recovers in a short time, shoots arrows, blooms long and luxuriantly.

A blooming orchid must be protected from contact with any insects. If the flower is pollinated, it will immediately wither.

All parts of the plant can be treated with succinic acid, and in different ways. The roots are immersed in the solution during transplantation. Depending on the condition of the plant, the roots are kept in the solution from half an hour to several hours. Then they are dried and the orchid is transplanted into sterile soil. It is important to properly prepare the plant for transplantation, and then after a week you can see active growth of roots.

The leaves should be treated with a damp cloth soaked in an acid solution, so as not to create stagnant zones in the leaf axils. You should not leave droplets on the leaves.

The orchid will be grateful if it is sprayed with succinic acid for orchids from a spray bottle once every 2-3 weeks. At the same time, the growth of new shoots is stimulated. The remaining solution can be watered over the roots. Solution lifespan homemade no more than 3 days. It is better to use a fresh drug.

How to dilute succinic acid for an orchid depends on the form of the substance. It is available in tablets and powder. Therefore, for the required concentration, 1 gram of acid is diluted in 5 liters of water.

Plant tablets contain active substance in an amount for dilution in 500 milliliters of water. If there is a powder substance in the first aid kit, then you need to take a little powder on the tip of a knife and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of water. The solution cannot be prepared for future use. Succinic acid is an unstable substance; in water it decomposes into simple components and becomes ineffective.

Dissolve a substance in warm water while stirring. Add cold water to the required volume.

You cannot store vegetables and fruits in a room where an orchid blooms. The ethylene gas released suppresses the flowering of orchids. Other aerosols should not be used indoors.

How to feed an orchid

Fertilizer for orchids is used with caution. Do not feed sick or only transplanted plants. Undigested fertilizer will only poison the soil. Due to the specific soil, it can be used liquid formulations, but in dilution is 3-4 times less than the recommended dose.

Feeding for orchids stops two weeks before flowering. No fertilizing is done during flowering. Recommended liquid formulations.

"Bona Forte" is considered the best fertilizer for orchids. Prolongs flowering up to six months, applied before and after flowering in greater dilution than according to instructions.

"Flora" is a natural fertilizer based on vermicompost, intended for foliar feeding

Pokon seramis granules, long-acting balanced fertilizer. Provides roots with oxygen and regulates soil moisture. Using this composition allows you to water your orchids once a month.

Using succinic acid to stimulate stressful situations and fertilizers for healthy plants you can get long-blooming orchids.

Succinic acid for orchids is used for various purposes. These white tablets, which are crushed into powder and then dissolved in water, are used for feeding indoor orchids, plant resuscitation and fertilizers. This drug must be used correctly so as not to harm the flower, so it is very important to follow the instructions and dosage. There are many questions associated with this drug. You can find the answers in this article. You can also watch a video that describes the process of resuscitating an orchid.

Succinic acid - how is it useful?

Succinic acid - how is it useful? Flower growers call this acid “living water” as it stimulates the growth of orchids. And, of course, this is its undoubted benefit. However, powdered tablets cannot completely replace fertilizers. Indications for use of succinic acid:

  1. The flower grows and develops poorly.
  2. The substrate in which the orchid is located is already outdated, and it does not contain any useful microelements.
  3. The flower often gets sick and needs to strengthen its immunity.
  4. The root system has aged and requires resuscitation.
  5. I would like to increase the flowering time.

After using this drug, orchids begin to actively recover from illnesses, and bloom faster and longer.

Succinic acid is sold in liquid or powder form (can be purchased at flower shop) and tablets (easy to find at the pharmacy).

Pay attention! If you purchased the drug at the pharmacy, know that it contains additives such as ascorbic acid, glucose, starch, talc, etc. These impurities will not cause significant harm to the plant, but you should be aware of their presence in order to regulate the dose of the solution.

For correct and safe use, you need to know the dosage.

Dosage and instructions for use

Dosage and instructions for use. Everything is very simple here. One tablet is diluted in one liter of water. Preparation should be done in several stages. First you need to dilute the drug in 200 ml, after the tablet dissolves, add the rest of the liquid, thereby diluting the concentrate.

Advice! The tablets do not dissolve very well, so it is better to crush them first and then add warm water.

If you use ready-made acid, it is often sold in powder form, then dilute it in the following proportion: 1 g per 1 liter. If you don't have a scale, measure required quantity with a knife. The powder should only be on the tip of the knife.

Prepare " living water"For orchids it is necessary immediately before use. If the liquid sits for too long, it will lose all its healing properties and will be useless.

How to apply it correctly?

How to apply it correctly? For such a demanding flower as an orchid, succinic acid is just a godsend. Treatment should be carried out 2-3 times a week for two weeks. The prepared solution can be used to treat all parts of the flower. The orchid is treated with a spray bottle, the soil is watered, thereby fertilizing it, the roots of the flower are revived with acid, and the method of immersing the root system in a solution is used before replanting. The last procedure lasts about two hours so that the roots are properly saturated with all the beneficial elements.

You can use succinic acid only in spring or summer, when the orchid blooms. If the flower is after flowering, and this is usually autumn or winter, then it is better not to disturb it. Repeated flowering, which is caused artificially, can lead to bad consequences. The plant may even die.

If you use “amber” in winter, then reduce the concentration of the solution. That is, the formula will already look like this: 1 tablet per 2-3 liters of water. Moreover, in winter time It is better to spray the orchid rather than water it, but not more than twice a month.

Worth noting! Sometimes the dosage changes. This depends on the amount of succinic acid contained in the tablet. There is a dosage of 0.5 g and 1 g.

Feeding orchids with succinic acid

Feeding orchids with succinic acid is carried out simultaneously with watering and wiping the leaves with the solution. First, spray the plant and then moisten the soil.

It is worth noting that this remedy is good because it has absolutely no contraindications, and it is suitable for absolutely all plants. The main thing is to follow the fertilizing regime (2-3 times a week).

Worth knowing! It is better to fertilize before lunch, so that the flower has time to dry before night. The thing is that at this time of day the temperature drops, it becomes cool, and excess moisture in the substrate or on the sheets can lead to rotting.

Feeding the orchid with succinic acid can be alternated with garlic water. This solution is also very useful. It protects against pests, stimulates flowering and strengthens immunity to various diseases. As you may have noticed, the benefits of garlic water are very similar to “amber”, so you can use both products, alternating them.

To prepare water with garlic, you will need settled water, the temperature of which will be 34-36 degrees. The liquid is prepared in the following proportion: 1 clove (grated on a fine grater or passed through a press) per 1 liter of water. Water and garlic are mixed and left overnight. Before watering the flower with the prepared solution, strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve so that small particles of garlic do not fall on the orchid when watering.

Reanimation of a flower at home

Resuscitation of a flower at home begins with the roots. If there are problems with the root system, then the roots need to be sprayed twice a month. Part of the root system of orchids is located on the surface of the substrate - this is a feature of this species. You can try to save diseased roots during transplantation by placing them on moss for a while and periodically spraying them with succinic acid. This treatment will help the roots recover and replenish moisture.

There is also a method of pubescence, which allows you to reanimate a flower without roots. To do this, you need to crush 2 tablets to a powder, and then sprinkle the resulting mass on the bulb. Then prepare a transparent pot with small holes and a substrate. Place the petiole, sprinkled with succinic acid, in the prepared container and cover with substrate. It is not worth watering the flower, as you can wash off the powder and there will no longer be that growth effect. It is only allowed to spray the leaves a little, and also to maintain the humidity where the flower stands at no lower than 70%. After a week, you can water the plant with settled water at room temperature.

It is worth knowing: until the transplanted plant has roots, its leaves must be wiped every day with an amber solution, which should dry on its own.

As you can see, you can try to save an orchid with succinic acid, especially since it is not difficult.

Rules for watering orchids

The rules for watering and spraying an orchid with succinic acid can be easily learned at home. Phalaenopsis orchids and any other species (as mentioned earlier, this remedy is suitable for all plants) should be watered no more than 2-3 times a week. After you water the flower, do not forget that you need to remove excess moisture from the pot tray. You should also wipe the leaves if they have been sprayed, otherwise white marks will remain on them, and this will significantly spoil appearance flower.

Probably, many are now thinking: “Will succinic acid cause harm and could there be an overdose?” In fact, a flower cannot overdose; it will only take what it requires. But the soil can oxidize if you water it with a similar solution too often. Therefore, do not overdo it with care.

If you water with garlic water, do it this way:

  • place the flower pot in a container that is slightly larger than the capacity of the pot;
  • then fill the planting container with garlic water, but not completely, 2/3;
  • leave the plant for 30 minutes (sometimes it takes longer: the larger the orchid, the more time is required, but no more than 3 hours);
  • when the required amount of time has passed, the pot is removed from the container and the excess liquid is allowed to drain.

If you spray the leaves with a solution, wipe them afterwards with a cotton sponge, since garlic water, like “amber”, leaves behind white stains. You also need to remove excess moisture from the leaf axils. This is convenient to do with a cotton swab.

Information! Sometimes additional vitamins, such as B12 or aspirin, are added to solutions. But these are extreme measures. Usually “amber” itself helps to cope with the problems of indoor and purchased orchids.

We hope that in this article you have found answers to the questions: “How often to water an orchid?”, “How to wipe the leaves?”, “How is succinic acid useful?”, “How much solution is needed and how to revive flowers?”

A flower, like a person, gets sick, and sometimes needs help and more careful care. Therefore, succinic acid is a wonderful assistant that can treat plants without roots, and will also boost your flower’s immunity and fertilize the soil around it.

It is not difficult to prepare this remedy at home, and its relatively inexpensive cost is definitely captivating. Although in specialized stores you can buy it already ready-made solutions for watering and spraying. Moreover, the result will be clearly noticeable, you just need to put in a little effort and patience, and then your flower will delight you every day with its beautiful and healthy appearance! Below you can watch a video that shows how to revive a flower with succinic acid.