Prey Walkthrough - Story Campaign Walkthrough

After eleven long years, it finally appeared on store shelves. a new game from the Prey series, however, instead of a sequel, fans received a complete reboot, which has practically nothing to do with the original, except that you will again have to fight vile aliens in space. In addition, the new game has acquired a well-developed role-playing system that allows you to create a real killing machine out of the main character.

The project takes place on a huge space station, many of whose locations are open for exploration from the very beginning, so you can easily get lost in it. It is for this reason that we wrote a walkthrough of Prey (2017), in which we are going to tell you about solving all the puzzles and the most optimal routes.

First day at work

Put on the TranStar suit and board the helicopter

As soon as Morgan wakes up in his apartment, he gets a call from his older brother, Alex. He will ask the main character to put on a suit and get into a helicopter to fly to new job to TranStar, which involves participation in a secret project on the Talos I space station.

We advise you not to immediately follow your brother’s instructions, but first look around your nice little apartments. You can search the compartments of your nightstand, read the various books lying around (these will be saved in the Data section, so you can refer to them later), check your email on your computer, and even grab some food from the kitchen.

When you're ready to leave, put on your suit and head outside. To do this, you need to go into the corridor and turn left (all other doors will be closed). Don't forget to talk to Patritsa Verma, the support worker along the way.

Head into the elevator and press the button pointing to the roof to go up. Exit the building and interact with the helicopter. Next, you will be able to enjoy a wonderful scene of flying over the city of the future.

Report to the testing center

Exit the helicopter and go inside the building to find the TranStar Research Bot. Talk to him for a bit, and then head to the elevator, where you will be greeted by Alex Yu. After a few minutes, you will be allowed to enter the testing chamber at the far door.

Inside you will find yourself in small room with one button and a red circle on the floor near the window, behind which there are three scientists. First of all, they will ask you to press a button, after which three blocks will rise from the red circle. Then lift them up and out of the red area.

The next test will be a little strange. You will be asked to press the red button again and then hide. Naturally, there will be no places to hide in this room. Although you can try sitting behind a chair in the middle of the room. In general, do whatever you think is necessary, and then move on to the next test. It will be more straightforward. A wall will appear on top that will separate you from the other button. You need to press the red button to light the blue one and quickly lower the bottom wall in order to press the blue button. Simple, isn't it?

The final test room contains only a chair and a computer terminal. When you sit down on the chair you will be asked several questions to which you can give any answer you like. After this, the scientist will ask you to take an inkblot test. We advise you to pay attention to the researcher and his coffee, as something strange will begin to happen to them. When the “test” is over, everything will be covered in black.


The main character will wake up again in his apartment. Look at the calendar - it will again show March 15 (hello to Groundhog Day). Something strange is going on here. Inspect your home. You will probably notice that all the notes and inventory are gone, but a lot of emails have appeared on the computer. Put on your suit and get out of the apartment, for the second time.

However, now it will not be possible to talk to Patricia, since someone killed her and disfigured her corpse. Examine the body and take it with you wrench just in case. With it you can bludgeon enemies and destroy some objects. In a few seconds, someone named January will contact you, who sent you all the letters on your PC. He will tell you to find a way out of the building, since the main corridor will be blocked.

The doors in the main hall will be closed. Return to the apartment and break glass panel to exit to the courtyard. A big surprise awaits you here, because the whole environment turns out to be an ordinary linden tree (now hello to The Truman Show). January will advise you to escape from the simulation chamber.

Once on the other side, examine the desktop nearby. There is an interesting note on the table. If you look at the window with closed shutters, you can see the rooms in which Morgan previously performed strange tests. Find the safe on the right side and try to open Marco Simmons' terminal (the required password is right on the table; it is randomly generated, so we won't write it down for you here). In it you will find a letter about poor installation, which will reveal the strange things that happened during tests with the buttons.

Leave the room and find a secret passage leading to your apartment and a door that gives access to the elevators. However, the first thing we advise you to do is check the warehouse area located in the opposite direction. Here you can find many useful items, including wine bottles that restore the hero’s life scale. The warehouse has doors leading back to the hall. You should pay attention to this detail and the fact that one of the supports looks extremely strange. Remember what happened to the fake scientist's cup? Basically, there's a mimic hiding around here somewhere that will immediately attack you if you get close to it.

You need to find two supports that are identical to each other and start hitting the key left and right. The Mimic will take off its camouflage and run to Morgan's apartment. Run after him and kill him. Next, go around the hall and find the door that leads past the fake elevator. You can try sending the elevator up and then the hallway projection will reboot.

Go to the roof - it will also turn out to be a fiction. After the entire illusion is destroyed, some walls will turn into ordinary glass panels. Break them and find useful things in the rubble. Then go into the TransTar building, examining the toolbox along the way. Hack Demetri Bowser's terminal, take the first aid kit and head to the testing area. Here another mimic will attack you. Crush the glass and destroy the monster.

Examine Chiao-Long Heng's computer, which will contain two emails, and listen to the audio log recorded by Marco Simmons - you will find it on the table. Get out through the destroyed door and go up the stairs, which will lead you to the simulation room. There are two monsters hiding in the control room. Here you can also find the body of Gret Mikkelsen with some nice things. On her computer, you can reload simulations and play with backgrounds. We advise you to break the glass pnael on the right side of the desktop in order to find useful items.

Return to the lobby, thereby ending up in Decontamination. They will show you how the mimic deals with Jovan Gravilovich. January will give advice not to go to the front line, but to act as carefully as possible. Take the first aid kit from the terminal and continue forward. In the offices located at the back you can find workstation Jovan with several letters. In one of them you can find a clue that says that Dr. Bellamy has a key card. This way you can get the additional mission “Vanishing Corpse”.

Walk forward until you reach the offices where the closed door is located. There are several solutions to this problem: you can open the ventilation hole on the right side or find the right key. Be careful, there are 3 evil Mimics in this area. Did you see two chairs at one table? So one of the chairs is a mimic. We advise you to definitely look at Ellis Aiken's terminal and read her letters. If you don't want to leave here through the ventilation (use the service hatch located on top of the cabinet), then you should return to Bellamy's office (stand with your back to closed door and go forward, keeping to the left wall) and look at the notes on the table. Here you will find the key card to the simulation laboratory.


After leaving the simulation laboratory, you will come across a new type of alien - Phantoms. One of his representatives will be standing outside the window. January we recommend you go ahead. On the right side there is a locked door leading to the skill analyzer. Walk past and follow the bloody trail. As a result, you will reach the body of Veer Singh. A mimic will immediately attack you - deal with him. On the left you can find a broken console that cannot yet be repaired. Go along the corridor to the next corpse in order to take the GIPS gun. It shoots a special substance that can immobilize various objects. With it, you can also solve a variety of tasks, such as putting out fires, stopping electrical barriers and creating platforms.

Don't forget to search Singh's body to find a first aid kit and ammunition. Walk forward, looking around, and check the corpse of Natasha Nikova, which is hanging next to the air duct above the security room. Take useful things.

As soon as you reach the foyer, many mimics will immediately wake up and spread throughout the location, thereby hiding from you. This is where you will need the previously found cannon. You can't use it to damage Mimics, but you can freeze them and kill them with a wrench. You won't be able to get into the security room, so turn left and go into the conference room, where you might run into a Mimic. The body of Robert Gage and the transcript (audio recording) also lie here.

Here January will contact you again and tell you about the neuromod, which is hidden on the opposite side of the foyer. Deal with all the mimics in the room and examine their bodies. Neuromods are special items that provide the opportunity to discover new and develop old skills. The character has three branches of skills for development: security guard, engineer and scientist, thanks to which you can learn to hack complex systems and quickly restore your health.

Your choice will allow you to approach the solution of certain problems in different ways. For example, if you have the “Lever System” neuromod, you will be able to get rid of the barricade and go into the bathroom where the mimic is hiding and Hang’s corpse lies. You can also use the repair neuromod to repair the engraving shaft located behind the security room.

In the latter case, you will be able to activate service lift at the second level, but this can only be done in the situation if you have required quantity spare parts for repairs. If they are absent, you can use the GIPS gun and create a path to the wall to the balcony of the 2nd level, which contains spare parts, the corpse of a volunteer with ammunition and weapons.

It's also worth going back a little and finding Caleb Helethorn's additional terminal, located in the research room. Hack it to get a blueprint for making the Huntress dart thrower. Then you can go to the main hall.

While going to a new location, we receive a strange message from January near the body. We select cartridges, first aid kits and a shotgun from the corpse. Be sure to take out a couple of neuromods from your bag. We go to the main hall in order to understand where exactly we ended up.

We go down to the lower level. Here you can find many routes that we can follow, however, some of them can be unlocked only with the help of special upgrades, while others will be available only after completing certain main or secondary tasks.

Office with a great view

We watch the explosion, and then listen to the message sent by January. He will inform us that we need to go to Morgan’s office to watch a certain video. Please note that the space station lobby is a kind of central hub leading to several locations at once. Many of them will be closed for plot and other reasons. These zones include:

  • Arboretum - located directly above the hall and can only be reached using the main elevator.
  • Neuromod Department - located on the second level (we came from it).
  • Shuttle bay - located on the ground floor next to the main elevator.
  • Hardware Lab - Located on the upper level right next to the Neuromods Department.
  • Life Support - located under the main lobby and can also only be reached using the main elevator.

How to get to your office?

So, in the main hall there are quite a few offices and rooms, including our personal office. Here you will also have to deal with a large number of mimics, so we move carefully, carefully watching for repeating objects. Before going to the office, we inspect the first level.

We approach the main elevator, with which you can get to the life support compartment and the arboretum. We notice a turret that attacks everything that seems to be infected with typhons, for example, mimics. We can take this weapon turret with us to use against a large number of enemies, luring them directly into the turret's fire. We examine the long table not far from the tower, on which there are first aid kits and a key card that opens the door to the emergency room.

To the left of the main elevator we find a closed area - a psychotronics laboratory, which requires an access card to open. general purpose or ingenuity (you will need the Huntress dart launcher, discussed below). We go to the staff room (on the left, if you stand facing the elevator), where facial expressions are waiting for you. Don't forget that we can walk around with a portable turret.

The door located in the opposite part of the hall can lead us to a bag with a first aid kit, and a route that is blocked by boards and leads to the psychotronics laboratory. There is also a path to the main staircase and restrooms. It will be difficult to get into the women's room, since it is covered with debris. In it we find the body of Martin Giraud and a gypsum gun. In the men's room there is a first aid kit and a couple of mimics.

There is an entrance leading to the shuttle area near the main lobby counter, but it will be closed. We find several corpses nearby. We go to the opposite staircase, guarded by mimics, in order to go to the security service room. We use a GIPS gun or a mobile turret.

Security office

The door that leads to the security office will not open without a key card, but we can get around without it. To do this, we climb the pipe near the steps (use the coiled fire hose hanging on the wall) and look for a passage at the top. We jump down and find a shotgun with cartridges. We examine Sarah Elazar's computer and read her letters.

There is a note here indicating the code combination for the interrogation room door. If we talk about the safe, then it has a 3rd level lock. We remember it (you can write down the location of the storage somewhere), so that later we can come here again and open it. The safe contains an EM grenade and a drawing for making shotgun cartridges. In the waiting room we find the corpse of Demetri Bowser. Don’t forget to pick up the note from the table to start the side mission “Stolen Neuromods”.

Before we leave, we check the table. In the corner we find a weapon improvement kit and a lot of useless files. The security station computer contains a lot of different information, including a list of all crew members present on Talos 1. It also shows their current status and location. We can start tracking them - we just select one person and start searching for him. After finding him in the terminal, a check mark will appear next to the name of the survivor. Be sure to download a map of the main hall from this terminal.

We leave the security office and examine the exhibition near the stairs. We find a neuromod and a first aid kit. We deal with the phantom (don't forget about using the turret).

We go up the left ladder to the 2nd level and go out onto the balcony, and then use the GIPS gun and create a platform to reach the upper balcony. We can go the other way: go to the right and go up to the 3rd floor, since the doors are in living room and the emergency room will be blocked.

Directors' offices

We go up the stairs and watch as a garbage barrel rolls down on us. We are not afraid, since this is not a mimic. The alien was lurking upstairs. We kill him and examine the corpse of Laura McAvoy, putting all the items found in the inventory. Then we go through the door on the right side, where another weapon turret is located. Before heading to the office, we check all other rooms. We go into Bianca Goodwin's office and examine her computer. We take the key card from the emergency room (there will be two of them in this area: one lies here, and the second is below). Bianchi's terminal also contains a code for the door located in the neuromod department. In Bellamy's office we find a note and a workstation.

The entrance to Morgan's office will be closed, but our secretary, Jason Chang, has a password to the door. To do this, we check the assistant’s computer. Taking the combination from the terminal, we go to our office.

Once inside, we collect all the useful things and go to the computer. Log in and start the video. We turn to the monitor behind us and watch it.

Note: we find out the room where the video was recorded - this is the room for analyzing simulations, where there is a safe and a board with an erased code. If you look to the left corner of the room while playing the video, you will notice the required code: 5150.

Then everything will shut down. It is unknown why, but Alex does not want us to understand what is happening here. Dr. Calvino created the above-mentioned illusory panels, and therefore January will invite us to go to his workshop.

Through a glass darkly

How to get to Dr. Calvino's workshop

From now on, we have a little time to explore the surroundings more thoroughly. We take the pistol from the table and the key card. The note located on the computer talks about a safe - you can see it on the left side. We take out a drawing from there for crafting a GIPS gun and an upgrade for a weapon.

We should also inspect Morgan's workshop where the recycler is located. With the help of this equipment we can recycle all the waste we collect into some useful materials, suitable for crafting simple things in the fabricator (schemes will be needed). We take spare parts and other garbage lying in the room, not forgetting about the drawing intended for the production of a wrench. Next, we take the key card to the teleconferencing center. In principle we can destroy illusory walls, as they did it in their apartments. This will create a path for us to get out. We enter the corridor leading to the service area, but it will be closed - here you will need a general level access card.

When leaving the office, we study a couple of things before heading towards the laboratory, passing by the conference room. Did we manage to make the Huntress dart launcher? Then we head to the first level to the blocked opening to the psychotronics laboratory. We break the glass on the right side and find the nearest workstation that has a door opening system. We shoot at the “Open” sign with a crossbow, thereby unlocking the door. By the way, unlocking doors is the main option of our new weapon.

Inside we find Elias Black’s work station and a locked safe of the 2nd level, where we take four neuromods and a weapon upgrade at once. However, the second door will be closed with a basic level access card.

Staff Lounge - Secondary Area

We return to the 2nd level, where there are two doors - one of them can lead us to the staff lounge. We can climb over the fence and follow the small path to the balcony in the middle. Here we break into the door of the 1st level. There are a couple of phantoms walking around in the IT Security room. Be careful, as enemies may move behind us or throw deadly yellow balls. We slow them down with plaster, and then deal with them using a shotgun.

We find a locked door in one of the corners, which can be opened using a key card. In another corner is an office surrounded by glass. We look for spare parts in it. By the way, on the wall there is a cabinet in which we find a neuromod and a stealth chip. We check the nearest table and take a key card from it, which opens access to the security office (however, we have already visited it earlier). Afterwards we examine the glass ceiling in the central part of the room. We climb to the top using objects standing under ceiling surface and destroy the glass panel, thereby entering the service room. Here we destroy a couple of mimics and take away the spare parts.

A couple of mimics also hid in the staff lounge. We destroy all the aliens, and then search the corpse of Randolph Hutchinson. We collect garbage from cabinets and use a recycler. We carefully examine the location to find the body of Octavia Figgs - it lies behind the counter. We find a useful thing from her.

Emergency room - secondary area

If you have one of the two key cards for the emergency room, we head to this area. She is on the second level. Inside we find the corpse of Anna Goldcrest. There is a workstation nearby and a tracking bracelet belonging to Dr. Bellamy. We read the letter in the computer, indicating that the scientist moved from this location to the psychotronics laboratory. download a map of the area.

Here we come across the phantom of Garfield Langley and the fire phantom, capable of causing enormous damage to us by setting it on fire. He will constantly cause fiery explosions under our legs, and therefore when fighting him we need to constantly move. We try to fight with the phantoms one at a time, luring them one by one to another location. We advise you to shoot at flammable objects when opponents pass near them. The Fire Fathom is an extremely difficult enemy, so we save before fighting him. After killing him, we use the station standing in the corner to call an operator who can heal us.

After clearing the center, we inspect the new territory. On the table we find a drawing for creating first aid kits, lying not far from Regina Seller’s locked computer (3rd level of protection). On the operating table we find the body of Luther Glass, from whom we take spare parts, a neuromod and an EM grenade.

There are several rooms here that we can visit. We find the key card in Khnedrik Devries's office. Next we head to Khol's office, where the body of April McGuire lies. There are a couple of emails on the computer in which we read the password to the quarantine door. Audio recordings of several scientists are also presented here.

We head to Chris Wade's office and find an out-of-work operator who needs repairs. We find a lot of spare parts and see a quarantine chamber from which screams can be heard. We check the cabinets, and then go in search of Jason Young, who is controlled by the Typhons. We can’t help yet, so here we have a choice - open the door and deal with him right now or leave him and come to his rescue later. We chose the second option. Inside his room, on the wall hangs the combination to the safe in Devries' office. To distinguish the code, you need to approach the window on the right side.

Teleconferencing center

Having thoroughly prepared, we leave the main hall and go to the teleconference center, located next to the directors’ offices. We use the key card to open the passage. We recommend arming yourself with a turret, because when the passage opens we will be immediately attacked by several mimics. We slow them down and retreat to the weapon turret.

We go further and find the corpse of Elias Black, from whom you can find a pistol, a drawing for crafting pistol cartridges, a kit for repairing a suit and cartridges. We leave the room and find ourselves in a hardware laboratory, which someone tried to close using a gypsum gun. We check the tables with spare parts and a broken waste disposal that needs to be repaired.

Hardware laboratory

First floor

We head forward and deal with the infected car. On the left side we see Ellis Hope's computer. The girl's corpse lies nearby. A little ahead on the same side is the entrance to Director Thorstein’s office. Those who have upgraded their hacking skills to level 2 should try to break into a door. However, we can find the code for it a little further in the “staff entrance” room, in which the gravity elevators are located.

We go up on one of them and take the transcriptor and find a computer on the table with 3 email messages at once (one of these letters contains the required combination). At the top level we will have to deal with the phantom director. We deal with the alien and inspect the elevator on the left side. There is a note attached nearby that gives a hint: Ex+Xe. These letters represent elements from the periodic table. If you combine their serial numbers, you get the sequence 9954. We enter it and take out several disposal grenades, pistol ammunition and an injector.

We approach the phantom's body and take the key card, which opens access to Jorgen Thorstein's cabin. We go down and go deep into the level. We deal with the phantom and another infected robot. However, the alien may not be here, since he came to us from the 2nd level. On the right side we see a locked door. There is a security office in front, enclosed by glass. We bend down and go inside. In the left closet we find an upgrade for weapons. We approach the computer and open the door of the storage room located nearby.

We go through this door and take all the things. We can jump onto the pipes and climb to the next level (if we were not able to open the door to Thorstein’s office earlier). However, we are in no hurry to do this. The passage ahead will be blocked, as we will need a staff entry key card. We follow the remaining path and find ourselves in the cinema. We search Sean's body lying on the chairs and find the required card. We get down and jump down. We open the hatch and shoot from the gypsum gun into the hole in the pipe. Then we shoot at a puddle that is energized. Let's go further and examine another body.

We go back and open the door on the left side with the previously received card. We deal with the phantom and approach the door. It will be closed. We explore the room and go back to the security office. Inside we look through the names of the entire crew. We find Lorenzo Calvino in the hardware laboratory and begin tracking him.

Second floor

Using the gravity elevator, we go upstairs and search the body. We go into the next room with offices (don’t look at the marker), in which there is a terminal with a password for the director’s office. There is also a workstation with a password for the storeroom (we find the combination to the terminal itself in a note that is lying on the floor very nearby) of the machine shop. We head through the passage with the plaster and find the girl’s body. Here we also select a kit for upgrading weapons.

We follow to the indicated point and find out that Lorenzo’s body “lies” in the room in which a gap has appeared (the seal is broken). To get into this room you need to go to the machine shop. We turn around and go to the door on the right. We find ourselves in the medical compartment. We open the hatch and crawl through the ventilation hole to another hatch, dealing with the mimics along the way. As a result, we find ourselves in the right place.

We go along the pipes to the right side and jump down on large objects. In the left room we find the terminal and use it to move the cargo platform and distract opponents. However, it is best to destroy them. We deal with several mimics and three robots, and then examine the remote control. Click on it to open the gateway.

Before leaving the station, we create motor system"Artax". Below we find a door leading to the pantry. We found the code for it on the second floor. Although this door can be opened (level 1 hacking) or climb to its roof and use the hole on it.

Next, we approach the gateway and stand facing it. On the left side we see bales white. We jump on them and make our way to the workstation, where there is an Artax drawing. Let's take it and make it rocket launcher, using the fabricator. Fortunately, you don’t need a lot of materials for this. We jump onto the cargo platform with the body to check the installation. Hold the Space button to float in the air. Now we exit through the airlock into outer space.

Station sheathing

To move around the skin we use standard movement keys. To speed up the movement, hold down the Shift button. To quickly stop, you need to simultaneously hold down the E and Q keys. We get to Calvino’s corpse and search it. We take the pass, a couple of neuromods and transcriptors. We go outside and return to the gateway.


We are again inspecting the hardware laboratory. We pass through the doorway into a room with gravity elevators. We come across a sparkling console next to the exit - we neutralize it for a while using a GIPS gun. By the way, on the left side there is a hatch behind which there is a power supply control panel. If we had the Level 2 Repair skill, we could turn off the power supply and repair the console.

We see a light in the corner, turn right and find a passage. We go there and notice a ballistics laboratory on the right, to enter which you will need a pass. However, it is quite easy to find it. Using a gypsum gun, we close the pipe with the light and search the girl’s body. We find the necessary key card, a kit for repairing armor and several other useful things.

We go into the laboratory and take everything that is not screwed to the floor. On the right side we find a computer with important messages and a safe with level 1 protection. We can hack it, but we used the code (3100), which was written on a piece of paper hidden behind a couple of black boxes and a door near the left wall, next to the capsule. We go to the end of the room and find another workstation. First of all, select the inscription “Launch a disposal grenade”, and then open the capsule (we dealt with the mimics a little earlier) and take the materials. We bend down and go under the platform on which the terminal is located. We are looking for a few more materials.

We go to the atrium, located on the 1st floor and find a passage where there is a sign with the inscription “Demonstration Scene”. We go down and take out the neuromod from the briefcase. We go up the plaster path and search the body. After opening the hatch, we crawl into the ventilation hole, where we find ammunition for the pistol and spare parts.

At the lower level we kill the phantom and, if necessary, use the utilizer. We head back to the previous area, having dealt with another phantom along the way.

Return to the main hall

We head to Morgan's office, destroying all the mimics and phantoms we encounter. Opponents, by the way, will be stronger than before. Don't forget to use the freeze gun if necessary. We watch the video, and then talk with the operator nicknamed January. We take the public access key card, which opens access to many new locations. When playing the video, pay attention to the board on the left side of the main character, on which the password 5150 is indicated. Using this code, do not forget to unlock the safe located in the very first area.

We take the neuromod thrown by January and break the glass panel on which we watched the video. This will allow us to see another illusory wall.

Detour route

We will receive a mission according to which we need to go to the morgue located in the psychotronics laboratory. When approaching the right door Another operator named December will contact us. He will note that we were abandoned special instructions for him, capable of helping him get out of the station.

Who are you, “December”?

We go to the neuromod department (first location), deal with the opponents and begin a thorough inspection of this area. Previously, we managed to find the code to the volunteers' cabin. She is located on the 2nd level of this location. There are two routes we could take to the top. You should either go to the point where we found the GIPS gun near the corpse and find a couple of elevators, or go to the security office, fenced with glass, and hack the level 2 console. In the first case, we will need to repair the control panel by spending several spare parts, and in the second, we will be able to download a map of this zone and open the entrance to the ability testing room.

We chose the second option, thanks to which you can unlock two passages at once. The door next to the transition to the main hall can lead us to the lower level. Here we find several useful things, examine a couple of dead bodies and study the computer. Next we head to the elevators and go a little to the left. There is a second door here. We follow through it and under the stairs we find a body with a neuromod. Next we go upstairs and find ourselves on the second level.

After going up the stairs, we notice a large door on the left side. We are not in a hurry to go to the balcony, where the phantom is waiting for us - first we go through the test rooms, kill the mimic, and then deal with the electric phantom and a couple of mimics. Don't forget that an electrical enemy is capable of damaging the GIPS gun and attacking us simply by being on metal objects.

Having dealt with everyone in the room with the chair, we find a couple of neuromods and a lot of good things. By the way, there are three first aid kits in the medical compartment.

We go out onto the balcony and examine the body near the hatch. We deal with the mimic and crawl into the tunnel. We jump up and walk along the beams, at the bottom of which the main hall of the neuromod department is located. Here we begin the search for a new corpse.

We go back and approach the door leading to the volunteer cabin. Don't know the code yet? Use this: 6861 . We get inside and begin to wander in the dark. We move a little forward and turn right, dealing with all the aliens. We pass through the shower and climb into the hatch. We activate the power supply by interacting with the console. However, the shower floor will become electrified. We get out of the hole and climb up the ladder on the right side as quickly as possible. We go through the door at the back of the room and examine the cabins, collecting various things and searching the bodies. We go to the exit and go through the right door.

By the way, we could get into this room through the ventilation duct - the corresponding hatch is located behind the table. On the table we find a drawing of the Stunner shocker.

Now we will not be able to get into the last zone of the region - production - since this requires a special code. It is almost impossible to hack the panel, since this requires a level 4 skill.

Therefore, we continue to complete the main quest. We go to the place marked with a marker and deal with several enemies. We find ourselves in a briefing room with a safe. We open it using the previously found code (5150). If we talk about the pass, then we climb onto the electrical cabinet and look for a note informing us that Alex has the key card. In the suitcase we find various things, including a stun gun.

We head to the foyer of the neuromod department, where we are advised to come by December. Once in the right place, we see how January destroys it, noting that it is a defective model. We examine the remains of the operator to find a note containing the code to access the safe located in Alex’s office, located in the arboretum. We will go to this location a little later.

Psychotronics Laboratory

We head to the main hall of the station and go down. We kill the electric phantom and unlock the passage leading to the psychotronics laboratory, thereby moving to the next area.

We move forward and notice a security room on the right side. We can open the code panel (2nd level) or destroy the glass panel, and then use the crossbow to get into the terminal to open the door. Inside we find a lot of useful things. We also download a map of the area from the computer.

We go along the only road leading forward, that is, we turn left. We deal with all the opponents and try to move a little further forward. However, we will receive a message that, without having a psychoscope in hand, we will not be able to go further.

We turn around and head to the showers, located on the left side - we have not been here yet. We look at the body near the hole in the floor and jump down. We deal with all the mimics and move along the corridor to the very end. We find another dead scientist. We find a psychoscope from him.

Thanks to this device, we will now be able to scan facial expressions. How larger number We can scan the aliens, the sooner we will discover new psychotropic skills. Let's add that the helmet also has slots for upgrade chips. One of them, by the way, is found directly on the corpse of the above-mentioned researcher. With its help, it will be easier to recognize disguised aliens.

We go back and start following the marker. We go up the elevator and listen to Alex's message. We scan the typhons located in the capsule on the right side (there are 4 of them, but only one will be open). As a result, we get the aliens' first ability - Kinetic Explosion. In addition, the mission “Detour” will be completed.

Dr. Keilstrup's Neuromods

Alex will tell us the password to the safe, which is in Director Keilstrup's office. It's worth heading to this office. We break the plaster in the nearest window and go next to the disposal. Next, he opens the hatch, bend down and go forward. We find the power supply console and turn it off. Then we approach the body and search it - we find 2 new key cards. Open the director's vault and take from there a blueprint for a neuromod and 1 finished neuromod. We activate the power supply again by using the GIPS gun on the broken panel and open access to the conference room by selecting the appropriate function on the terminal.

Next, take on the side task “Copy Protection”. Although we write about secondary missions in another article, we still decided to consider this one here, since it is partially related to the main storyline. So, to receive this quest, we create 7-8 neuromods according to the previously found drawing. After this, the system will automatically prohibit us from making more of these items. Then Alex will contact us and inform us that we need to get into Holden Graves’ office, which is located in the neuromod department.

Copy protection

We run to our first location and take the elevator to the 2nd level. We are trying to get into a closed room - “Production”. We can do this in three ways: find the access code, open the level 4 console, or go through the mine.

We go to the volunteer cabins and enter the room on the left side. Here we find a hatch. By the way, to navigate in the dark, don’t forget to use a flashlight (the “V” button). We open it and jump to the top of the shaft using the gypsum gun. As a result, we find ourselves in the required compartment.

Here we will meet a powerful enemy - the Technopath. First of all, we deal with all the mimics, and then we deal with the boss. For this we use disposal grenades and a shocker. Graves's room is located on the upper level, but to get into it you must first find a dead body with a pass. We build a path from plaster to ventilation hole, leading to the roof of Graves' office. Then we climb inside.

In the office we deal with the mimic and use the terminal to renew the license for the development of neuromods. We examine Graves' body and do not forget to open all the doors using the workstation. We go down and find a glass room in which we find many useful things. We return to the main hall and go to the psychotronics laboratory.

We go into the director's office and go down the stairs behind the door. We break the glass panel and collect all the important items. A phantom will appear - we deal with it and go back upstairs. We head to another area of ​​the laboratory and go up the stairs on the right side. This wing has several rooms. We search them all and find a dead body and a couple of neuromods.

There will be even more enemies in the new zone, but we won’t find anything useful here. We study the corpses and take on a side mission called “Truth Lover.” For the last action, we find a room with two bodies - a girl lies on the table. Here we also come across several mimics. We search the scientist and take away the Analyzes transcript. We listen to him and get the quest.

Between these wings there is a second gateway, which is also worth opening. We go down to the lower level and follow the marker. Behind the glass panel we scan the new alien - the Weaver.

We turn left and go forward, destroying the mimics and overcoming the fire with the help of the GIPS gun. Afterwards we head left again towards the arsenal. We will not be able to open it from this side. We go into a spacious room for processing raw materials and talk with a bald man. We release him and find out the code from the arsenal. We can send an alien to it, but then we won’t be able to see the password like our own ears. Although you can get into this room without it by hacking the access panel.

We go back and turn in the other direction. As a result, we find ourselves in a room enclosed by glass. Here we find a corpse. To complete the test, use the computer and open access to the Weaver. He will make a phantom out of the corpse. We destroy the aliens and search the dead body.


Detour route (continued)

We move forward using gravity, flying through tunnels and avoiding meeting aliens. One of the doors we meet will be locked - we can find the code or break it (2nd level of protection).

At the end we come across a door that can only be opened with a pass. We fly away from it and begin to climb up - we notice a magnetic field. We pass through it into a zone with normal gravity.

We ended up at the magnetosphere control station. We go through the doorway on the right side. We examine the girl’s body and take the transcriptor. We listen to the recording and look for a computer with letters in the corner. As a result, a new task, “Project Blackbox,” is activated. At the workstation, be sure to load a map of the area.

Project "Blackbox"

The main task is to find the body of Josh Dalton. We perform it after finding a pass that opens access to the service tunnel.

We go upstairs and deal with all the nests. We wait until the ejection occurs, and then we enter the gravitational field and find the corpse of a dead man dressed in an orange suit. We find the required key card from him.

We go back, destroying infected robots along the way, and go through the tunnel into the cargo compartment. It is here that we find Dalton’s body. In addition, from here we can now get to the arboretum by finding the appropriate entrance.


We deal with the mimic and, if necessary, use a fabricator and a recycler. We examine the man’s corpse and listen to the audio recording. As a result, we get the secondary task “Dissatisfied Employee”, to complete which we will need to go to the data warehouse sometime.

We go up the stairs and come across Typhon behind the door. We go a little forward and crawl into the shaft, from which another body will hang. While inside, we receive news from January, who will give us another mission - “Problems with the elevator.” Although it is a side task, it is connected to the plot, since after completing it we will be able to use the elevator and easily move from the main hall to other locations of the station.

Problems with the elevator

We get out into the foyer and go towards the main elevator. We go to it and find ourselves at an intermediate location. Here we deal with the terrible Technopath. We use electromagnetic charges to neutralize it, since after using them it will not be able to throw ball lightning. You can deal damage to him using a shotgun (turn on rage mode) and disposal grenades.

After defeating the enemy, we complete the task - from now on we will be able to quickly move on this elevator to three main locations: life support, the arboretum and the main hall.

Note: Don't forget to search Devries' body. We can find a key card from him that gives access to his office. After listening to the recording on the transcriptor, a new additional mission “Do no harm!” will appear in the journal.

Next we go up to the storage facility. Next to the descent into the vault is another gravity elevator leading to Alex's office. However, before we go there, we will need to turn on the elevator. We can either find a suitable code or open the console of the 4th level of protection.

Although there is a third way - we go back and go down the slope. On the right side we notice a waterfall (it is an illusion). To the left of the waterfall there are steps directly on the mountain. We climb the ones that are available. The next ledge will be very high, so you won’t be able to jump to it. We use the gypsum gun and create additional steps for ourselves. As a result, we get to the top and find ourselves in Alex’s office.

While in Alex’s office, we move the drawer (2nd level) - we can’t do without it - open the safe (using the code received from December) and see what’s inside. We find the key card to Alex’s cabin, located in the living compartment. This is where we will need to go very soon. In the meantime, we return to the data storage and go down. We study the door and find out that it requires voice confirmation.

Collecting votes

We search the corpse nearby and find the transcriptor. From it we learn that others have already tried to fake Shaw's voice. We also take the pass to the residential section from the body.

We return to the point from where we arrived here - we go through the ventilation hole (hatch on the floor). On the right side there is a watering device with a red button. There is a note on it. We read it to receive the secondary task “Gardening Tips.” Next we head to the living compartment.

Residential section

It's time to visit a new area. We leave the arboretum and walk next to the security office, and then go downstairs. We open the door and go to another location. Here we deal with several infected people, go a little forward and listen to the cook’s monologue. The side quest “The Cook’s Request” starts.

We head to the room on the right side, to the recreation center. Here we deal with the mimic and the Poltergeist. We can go higher, but we won’t do that for now. We go back and stand with our backs to the starting area. We see a ladder on the left. We pass a little to the right of it, move the boxes and find ourselves in the medical bay.

We collect all the important things, and then climb the previously found ladder. On the left we see a room. We go inside and stumble upon a phantom - Regina Sellers. We kill the enemy and search his body. As a result, we find a key card that opens the entrance to a place called “Restricted Drugs,” which is located in the neuromod department. In the current room on the left you can find an upgrade for weapons and an access code to the gravity elevators located in the directors' offices.

Cook's request

Since this quest can be completed during the course of the plot, we will describe its completion. We follow the marker and deal with the Technopath. We kill the remaining enemies and approach the blinds to talk with the cook. He will give us a key card to his cabin and ask us to find a reward.

We go to the indicated point and stop near the water on the floor, since there is an electric phantom ahead. We lure the monster out without setting foot on the water, and then kill it. We go into Mitchell's apartment and listen to the audio recording that lies on the table. This will allow us to process 10 percent of Shaw's voice, which is necessary to complete the Collecting Voices quest.

We examine the computer, where there is a password to the directors’ offices (you can get there by elevator). We take the reward given to the best cook and located on the nightstand, and then return to the quest giver. We give him the item and go inside when he unlocks the side door. We talk to him and get a new mission. He'll tell us to fix it water tap. The necessary spare part is located in the arboretum, in the greenhouse. We go there and deal with the Technopath. Before that, we hack into a workstation with a low level of security.

We go back and replace the spare part, placing it in the place where the marker will point. We wait for Mitchell to unlock the refrigerator and go inside. After a few seconds he realizes that we are trapped.

Having woken up, we are trying to get out of the trap. We examine the side freezers to look for new weapons, neuromods and other interesting things. Opening refrigerator on the left and search the corpse. We study the audio recording and process Shaw’s voice to 30 percent, plus the “Daniella Shaw” quest will begin.

We remove ice blocks (Level 2 Lever) if we can. Otherwise, just shoot at the pipe on the left side so that the fire melts the ice. You can even throw a disposal grenade at the obstacle. Next, we crawl through the ventilation hole and find ourselves in the kitchen, thereby completing the mission.


We follow the marker to the living quarters for workers and search the body of a girl who worked in the station security service. We listen to the audio recording from the transcriptor lying nearby.

We head to the beginning of the area. On the side of the broken elevator in the corner we notice a concierge desk, which is the security point of this location. We load a map of the area and listen to the recording from a special mechanism. Then we study the report.

Collecting votes (continued)

Now we follow the marker and head to Danielle's apartment. We examine the cabins and listen to the audio recording on the transcriptor. Don't forget to also view your mail on the terminal. A new one is starting additional task"Treasure Hunt" We continue to look for Shaw's recordings at other locations.

We go up to the second level and find a cinema. We go inside and see a couple of cinema halls on the left. We go into the farthest one and on the second row under the seats we find a transcriptor. We listen to it to get a new voice sample.

On this floor we find the “Yellow Tulip” bar, where the electricity will be cut off. In the far corner on the right we find a hatch that leads to a ventilation hole. We use the console to activate the power supply. We return to the bar and go into small room on the left side of the scene. We listen to a recording of a song performed by Danielle. We wait for the timer to expire and deal with all opponents. You need to find 2 more notes: one of them is in Skye's capsule, and the other is in the recreation center.

First we go to the center and rise to the second level. On the table we find the key card for Abigail Foy's apartment. We follow the marker and unlock the cabin. We look through the terminal and select the bottom letter. This way we will know where to look for the next sample - it is with Emmy Beatty. Don't forget to listen to the recording here, collecting 90 percent of the vote.

There are several beds in the crew living compartment. Pay attention to the top ones. We jump on them and look for a transcriptor on the shelf that belongs to Lawrence Baxter. We listen to the recording to receive the side quest “A Gift from a Lover.”

We go back to the recreation center and go up to the upper level. We find the transcriptor on the table and listen to the audio recording. As a result, we get a complete sample of Shaw's voice.

Who are you, “December”? (continuation)

In this location we can also continue completing this additional quest, which is directly related to the plot. To get into Alex's cabin, enter the password for the gravity elevator located on the first level in the foyer. We head upstairs and go to my brother’s apartment. We hit the globe standing on the nightstand and find the key card to the escape capsule.

Next, we can go to the arboretum and climb into the rescue capsule located at the top of the location. When we fly away from the station, a false ending will be shown and we will have to start from the last save. Therefore, we simply take useful things from the capsule and leave it, continuing the passage of Prey (2017). In the finale, we will be able to use this capsule to leave Talos 1, but this will be a bad ending.

Collecting votes (final)

Having the code to the training room in hand, we head to this area and deal with all the enemies near the pool in it. Next, we approach the window and wait until Shaw appears. She will tell us that the cook is impersonating someone else. The quest will be completed and the Danielle Shaw mission will be updated. Now you should go to the data warehouse.

Data store

We pass through the arboretum to the passage leading to the data storage. We play back the previously received voice recording and move forward. We receive a message from our brother, who will tell us that he has closed us here.

Restoring from a backup

We deal with all the enemies ahead. We break the glass panel around the corner of the left building and shoot from the crossbow at the button next to the door. As a result, we find ourselves inside the structure. Here we activate the computer and open the large door. We continue to go forward and reach a room that has no gravity. We follow the marker to the hard drive, pick it up and lift it to the console that controls the server. During the approach, the hard drive will automatically connect to the panel.

We go back and jump up, using the racks for this, and then we make our way into the room with the desired console. We examine the panel after killing the enemy.

We open the hatch to reset the modules and go to the marker. To get into the desired room, we will need to move the cabinet (Level 3 Lever). Open the door and move the hatch. Then click on the button and watch the cutscene. By the way, you can also get into this room through the ceiling or by using a disposal grenade.

Dr. Igwe

We wake up and press the button to open the gate. We fly behind the marker to the cargo compartment. Here Sarah and Dr. Igwe will contact us.

The doctor is captured - he is in a container and very soon he will run out of oxygen. We fly to the required container and look at the dial - its number is 2312. We can unlock it right now, but then Igwe will die. We decided to save the scientist, so we flew to the cargo bay.

As soon as Sarah reports that the compartment is in a closed state, a new marker will appear nearby, pointing to the computer. We use it and enter the container number (2312). Click on docking and wait. The doctor will be saved, and we will receive our share of praise. Next, open the container and fly towards it to enter the cargo compartment.

Cargo compartment

Reception and dispatch

The main mission will be updated. We kill the enemies outside and approach the large door. The fabricator and the recycler are in a switched off state, since no electricity is supplied to them. We go upstairs on the gravity elevator and talk with Igwe to complete the additional task and receive a reward. Afterwards we talk to Sarah.

We follow the marker, which points to the switchboard. We find a door nearby that can only be opened by brute force (by the way, we won’t see anything like that in the game again). We turn on the shield to supply electricity. From now on we can use a fabricator and a recycler.

We get out through the previously docked container and fly to the sign. We deal with the Weaver and take the drawing of the turrets from the safe (we received the code for it earlier).

However, it is not necessary to create these weapon turrets, because they can be found. We will need to place 3 turrets opposite the passage leading to cargo compartment B - desired area marked with a square on the floor. We can find the first turret near the entrance to the survivors’ camp. The second one is hidden inside a side cage - open the computer on the first level and open all the cages (or remove the cargo on the second level above the desired cage and use the hatch in the floor). We leave the camp and look to the right.

We notice a container on the upper conveyor. In it we find an upgrade for weapons and a third gun turret. These turrets will be enough to protect the compartment. Next, we wait for the code to be issued, open the door and kill all the enemies. This will complete the task.

Truth-seeker (continued)

We go forward and find ourselves in a room with many containers. We can try to open all of them, but we won’t find the required item. We pass through the nearest door and find ourselves in the loading bay. We see a box ahead with a digital lock of the 2nd degree of protection. We hack it and find the desired body. We take the flash drive and finish the mission.

Life support

We leave the cargo compartment and find ourselves in life support. We deal with the ethereal phantom ahead and receive a message from Ekaterina, in which the girl will offer us her support.


We go up the right stairs and turn right to get into the medical compartment. To do this, push the heavy locker (Level 3 Lever is required).

We go out and look for the entrance to the restroom opposite the medical bay, which is closed with stones. We break them all and collect useful items. We look for a piece of paper on the girl’s body, which says that there is a hiding place near the rescue capsules. We get out and repair the turret in the corridor. We search all the bodies and find out the code to the safe, but you won’t be able to get into the security office without the appropriate key card.

We go down and shoot at the broken console from the GIPS gun (we can simply repair it). Next we go into the gravity elevator. We follow the direction of the sign straight to the reactor.

We look around, we can, if possible, open the door leading to the pantry and having the 3rd level of protection. In it we find a turret, 3 neuromods and several other valuable things. We go along the corridor and pass behind the elevator (follow the marker). We deal with the enemy and go into the room with capsules. In the middle of the capsules on the left side we find the girl’s body and find her audio recording. We listen to her, thereby activating the side quest “Sobering up”.

We go back and go forward. Being at the fork, we turn right and go into a new area - the power plant.

Power station

We continue to go forward, and then go down. At the end of the path we come across a door locked with a digital lock. The pass to it is located nearby - take a closer look at the light on the left side. Behind him lies a dead body. We extinguish the fire using the GIPS gun, approach the corpse and find the key card. We break open the door and talk with Ekaterina. We can help her solve her problem or leave the girl to her fate. We decided to give the young lady a helping hand.

We return to the cargo compartment and get out into space. We go around the ship and approach the control point. There we find a breach in the room. Next, we take out the desired one from the nightstand medicinal product. We go back to the girl and give her the medicine, feeling like a knight on a white horse.

Next, we go down the gravity elevator and head to the reactor. The reactor control room is located deep below, and therefore we boldly jump and stop the fall with the help of our rocket engine. After landing, we climb onto the roof of the room and move the door (Level 2 Lever). We can also try to pick the lock (Hack Level 4). In the room we hack the computer and begin the procedure. When switching levers, we carry out the following combination: 3 left ones from left to right, and then 3 right ones from right to left.

We head into the reactor and make sure that it is faulty. We reach any element or repair a broken part (Level 3 Repair). Then we continue to restart the installation.

Then we get out of the room. We try to destroy all opponents using turrets located in the neighboring warehouse. Afterwards we save and begin the ascent. We make our way up the stairs located on the building with the reactor. We jump onto the roof and climb along the panels near the windows and curved pipes. Next we move on to the blue pipes. In the end, we find ourselves at the very top.

In the new location, opening fire is strictly prohibited, otherwise an explosion will occur. Therefore, we destroy the aliens using an adjustable wrench. We get to the elevator and head to the arboretum.

Key to Heaven

We go to the elevator - Alex will give us the password to it. We go upstairs, and then we enter my brother’s terminal and start the video about the “Mirror”.

Alex will ask us for one more favor. We agree, take the chip and install it in the psychoscope. We go outside and follow the sign. Getting ready for battle. By the way, we advise you to collect as much ammunition and first aid kits as possible at this stage. We scan the Coral node using the helmet, and then return to the office and upload the data to Alex’s workstation.

Shuttle bay

After downloading information about Coral, Alex will tell us that he will not leave until we deal with Dahl and his crew members. You will need to go to Dahl's shuttle and ask him why he came to the station.

We follow the marker to a new area. We go down and kill several enemies along the way. We see that the shuttle is closed, since the entrance is located at the top, but there is no bridge connected to it. To get on the ship, we go to the lower level, located under the common room and in one of the rooms we look for a dead body (we find it on the seats). We search the corpse and take the pass from him.

This key card opens the door at the bottom of the area. We unlock the door and engage in battle with the electric phantom. We destroy the remaining enemies and find the terminal with which we turn on the gravity elevators. Using one of them we rise higher. We run up and jump over to the doors of the room where the bridge control panel is located (it is located above the rest). Inside we find the computer and activate it to extend the bridge. We climb into the shuttle and find a file on its workstation that can be downloaded.

Where can I find Dahl's technique?

Finding this character will not be so easy, because the game will not mark him with a marker, so we had to fly around almost the entire station. We'll tell you exactly where it is. We fly to the gateway of the arboretum. Next to it is the “Breaking in the Living Compartment” control point. Near the airlock, right in the metal debris (not opposite the hatch, but behind it), we find a robot named Kaspar. Outwardly, it is similar to other operators. We'll have to deal with him.

Next, we help Sarah Elazar and other people in the life support compartment, without sending Dahl to the next world. As soon as we find ourselves in space to search for a technician, Dahl and Sarah will contact us. It turns out that the shuttle pilot decided to cut off the oxygen supply to the cargo compartment, so we will have no more than 12 minutes to save Sarah and her people.

We can save the station personnel or leave them to their deaths, since this task is of a side nature. However, after passing it, we will be able to influence the final if we deal with Dahl.

We decided to help Elazar. We go through the power plant airlock and go to the life support compartment. Here we will have to face a large number of opponents. We follow the sign and find ourselves in the room for controlling the oxygen supply. Dahl is standing here too. If we decide to kill him, we will thereby fail Igwe’s mission to neutralize the pilot and will not be able to get out of the station, because only Dahl is capable of flying the shuttle.

Therefore, we bend down and walk past Dahl to the right side of the room. Here we select the fallen element and insert it into the console from above. That's it - we saved all the people in the cargo hold.

Key to Heaven (continued)

We return to the arboretum and head to Alex’s office. This is where my brother will contact us. Around the corner we notice Dahl trying to open the door.

We have two ways:

  1. We deal with Dahl, that is, we kill him simply and without sophistication.
  2. We neutralize Dahl. To do this, we use either the Typhon skill “Electrostatic explosion” or a stun gun (it may not work).

Then we interact with the control point and talk to Alex. We take from him a drawing of a null-wave device and watch in horror the appearance of Alpha Typhon.

Here we can do 2 at once side missions: save Dahl (if you didn’t deal with him) and Alex. To save our brother, we simply drag him into the bunker, and then close the door. To save Dahl's life he will have to tinker a lot. We take his body and drag it to the transition to the location “Hall Talos-1”. On the right side in front of the door we see the entrance leading to the medical bay. If we have not previously repaired the broken panel, then we should not carry Dahl near it, otherwise he will die from an electric shock.

For this reason, we first repair the console (using a GIPS gun), and only then drag Dahl into the room. We move it around the room until the mission goes to the completed section. Further passage of Prey (2017) is associated with obtaining one of two endings. You can read about this in our

The guide is currently being written and will be updated.

First day at work

Before starting the game, you will be asked to choose the gender of the hero and the difficulty level. You start in your apartment. Look around. There are a lot of items here that you can pick up. There are also notes to add to your journal and 3 letters on your computer. As soon as you are ready, put on your suit and leave the apartment. On the way to the drop zone, you can talk to Patricia, but this is not necessary. Use the elevator to get to the roof. Get on the helicopter to be taken to TranStar headquarters.

Once at the headquarters, get into the elevator and go down. Alex Yu will meet you there and take you to the testing room. Here you need to pass 4 tests that cannot be failed, even if you do not follow all the instructions of the scientists.

In room A, press the button and then move the three boxes onto the platforms. In Room B you will need to hide behind a chair when asked to do so. In room C, press the first button, and then run to the second by jumping over the wall. In room D, sit on the chair to take the test. Any answers can be given. After the test, one of the scientists will be attacked by a Mimic and the prologue will be completed.

Neuromods Department

You can explore the apartment again (all the notes and objects that you picked up in the prologue will disappear) or you can immediately put on the suit and leave the apartment. There will be a dead Patricia in the corridor. Be sure to pick gas key. This will be your first weapon, and it will be useful to you even at the end of the game. A little later you will find shotgun or gun.

For further passage, break an aquarium in the hallway or a window in the apartment. This will take you to the neuromod simulation laboratory.

Important: I advise you to carefully examine the starting location. Since here you can find many useful items that will be useful to you during initial stage. This is especially true for those who play on high difficulty.

Starting from the laboratory, you can focus on side tasks and exploration, or go straight into the story. But I would recommend the first option. Keep in mind that now you will constantly encounter mimics. To continue the story, you must go up to the second floor of the simulation laboratory. You can climb up the boxes or go through the room where the helicopter is. In the second case, you will find a staircase that will take you to the second floor after you exit the flight simulation room.

Follow the arrows and you will find yourself in the Lobby. As you approach the decontamination room, you will witness a mimic attacking a station worker. After the scene, go to the Research and Design office. The door we need is locked. You can:

  • Find key, which will be on the table in Bellam's office. Be very careful, as mimics disguise themselves as household items (mugs, chairs, etc.) and can attack you from behind.
  • You can use the ventilation shaft. The entrance to the mine will be to the right of the locked door.

After entering the new area, you will meet the first Ghost, but he will not fight you, he will simply scare you. Go to the main corridor and pick up gel gun. A very useful weapon. You will be able to test this weapon after you enter the Neuromod department, where you are attacked by several Mimics. Freeze them with the cannon, and then finish them off with the key. Before leaving this location, you can take on a side quest. Having finished all your business here, go to the door leading to the main lobby of Talos 1.

"Talos 1"

You will find yourself on the second level of the Talos 1 lobby and you will need to get to the main character's office, which is located on the third floor (this is more space on the map). Explore the first corridor well, because there will be shotgun. The shotgun is very useful against the ghosts you'll encounter while exploring Talos 1.

Go down the stairs to the first level and go south, going around the central part of the lobby (the broken elevator will be a landmark). Get to the stairs located in the southwest corner of the map and go up to the third floor.

Once on the third floor, head to the office main character. The office will be closed, but January will contact you and dictate the password - 0451 . Or you can find out the password by reading the email on Chang's computer (next to the door). You will see the computer password on a note attached to the monitor.

There will be many valuable items here ( 3 neuromods And pistol with silencer on the table and also gel gun ammunition in the safe). There will also be installations for recycling unnecessary trash, creating weapons and other items. But you need to use a computer. On your computer, go to the “Utilities” tab and play the video. Watch the video, which ends at the very end. Listen to the arguments of your brother and January. The mission will end here.

Hardware laboratory

You need to restore the video and watch it to the end. Move towards the equipment laboratory. The entrance to the laboratory is located in the northwestern part of the Talos 1 lobby on the third floor. You can get to the laboratory in two ways:

  • Through the teleconferencing center, which is located in the western part of the third floor. In this case, you need to take the pass from the desk in your office. In the center you will be attacked by a group of Mimics. Use the gel gun and then finish them off with a wrench or pistol before they run away or attack the main character again.
  • The second way is a little more interesting. Break the glass on which you watched the video. Move on and jump on north balcony. With this method, you bypass the teleconferencing center and won't have to fight the Mimics. Further there will be debris. You can shoot the canister or use a wrench to destroy the obstacle.

One way or another, you will end up in the laboratory. Hostile operators are waiting for you here. Their main weapon is a flamethrower, so be careful. You can go behind them and take them out with a key or shotgun, or you can use EMP grenades (which you need to find first). After the hall, turn left (you can also visit the nearby security station and download a map of this location) and you will find yourself in the demonstration room. Here you will find the corpse of Sean Larsen and employee card, which will be useful to you. With the card, return to the security station and go through the large door. The card will help you with this.

There is an alternative way. In the hall where you found Sean there is a ventilation shaft. Walk along it and you will immediately find yourself in the atrium. Dr. Calvino's workshop is located in the southwest corner of the atrium. On the way there you can kill the phantom or just sneak around ventilation shaft. Once you are there, you have another problem. To enter the workshop you must find Calvino and receive an access card.

Two new goals will appear in your journal and one of them will be optional. You need to find the register of crew members and find out where Calvino is (or rather, his body). If you want to complete this task, then you need to return to the security station. Use the computer and the registry to find a doctor. After this, you will have a marker on the mini-map.

Follow the mark. There will be mimics and phantoms near the entrance to the laboratory. Once you get there, you will see Calvino's corpse hovering inside the destroyed room. Now you need to get out into space and fly to the doctor's corpse.

The next destination will be the engine room. The main entrance to the atrium was blocked by unstable electricity. You can get rid of this problem using a gel gun, or you can simply turn off the power by climbing into the ventilation shaft.

There will be hostile operators in the engine room. In the northern part of the room there will be a huge gateway that will help you go into outer space. Explore the terminal and January will prompt you to find equipment that will be useful to you in space. The equipment will be nearby. Climb onto one of the buildings and then jump over to the platform. There will be drawing And necessary materials for the manufacture of.

After building the equipment, go to the airlock, use the terminal and go into outer space. If this mission is selected as the current one, there will be a mark on Calvino's corpse. Fly to the destroyed laboratory, where there will be pass card Dr. Calvino.

After receiving the map, you can explore the expanses of space (limited) or return to the gateway and go to Calvino's laboratory. Thanks to this card you will enter without any problems.

Inside the laboratory, try to restore the video, but the system will throw an error. No power supply. Follow the large cable and you will reach an area where power can be restored. Return to the console and start checking all servers. In my case, the problem was fixed after selecting the second entry, but this moment is determined by randomness.

After everything is done, return to your office. But know that new monsters appear in that location. At the center of the teleconferences there will be a stronger enemy - the “Ethereal Phantom”. If you find Q-beam, that is good point for its use. Otherwise, just sneak past him or try to score him with sneak attacks. In addition to the ghost, you will meet improved mimics. These are the same facial expressions, only healthier, and they also throw themselves in your face. The method of reprisal is the same as against ordinary mimics.

Once in the office, use the computer again and watch the rest of the recording. The mission will end here.

It turns out that January is not a person. This is a regular operator that was released in January. Talk to him. You will receive a new task and public access card, which will help you get to new stations and neuromods.

You can also destroy the operator to get the achievement " Indirect suicide" The death of the operator does not affect anything. Examine the remains of the operator. There you will find further instructions, public access card And neuromod.

In both cases you will receive a new mission.

In this article we will tell you in detail about the walkthrough of the shooter Prey (2017). The action takes place on a space station under attack by aliens. In this game, the plot is constructed non-linearly; as the player progresses through it, he gains access to more and more new compartments of the station.


Interact with the suit on the door, go down the corridor and use the elevator. Fly by helicopter to a new place workplace. Chat with Alex Yu, go to the testing rooms. Do everything that scientists say, doing as you please. At the end, sit down on a chair and answer a few questions until the first Mimic appears as part of the Prey 2017 walkthrough.

Beginning of the video walkthrough:

Once again in the apartment, break the glass leading to the balcony to understand that you are in a simulation.

Breaking glass

Continue through the training area until you reach the simulation lab. Read emails on computers, follow Dr. Bellamy's office at right hand and take the pass from the table to open the door further.

Go along the corridor and pick up the GIPS gun lying near the corpse.

Finding a gypsum gun

Shoot the Mimics with it to freeze them, and then attack the enemies with the wrench. Pick up the neuromod located on the display case, and then select the desired ability from all available. After this, you can move through the door a little to the right, leading to new part Talos I, to the main hall.

Office with a great view

Once in the main hall, talk to January, who will report the presence of a certain video. Take the right staircase to the third floor and enter Morgan Yu's office. Enter the code on the panel 0451 to get inside, go to the desk and pick up the key card for the teleconference room and neuromod.

Watch the video by turning it on using your computer.

Watch the video

Eventually, the video will be cut short before you get to the most important part. January will prompt you to find Dr. Lorenzo Calvino, who is located in the hardware laboratory, which initiates the start of the corresponding task.

We go through the hardware laboratory in the next video:

Through a glass darkly

Go to top part main hall and open the door to the hardware lab using the key card found in Morgan Yu's office. Search Sean Larsen's corpse on the chair to get another key card and continue Prey 2017.

Go down and open the access panel. Use the GYPSUM gun to cement the pipe that's shooting flames, then jump over and loot the corpse to get EMP grenades. Use the gypsum gun again and you can rise higher. Go through the next service area to reach the atrium where Calvino's office is located.

Go through the door of the demonstration hall just past Calvino's office and go downstairs to kill the large Typhon and receive the Huntress crossbow. Go through the doorway with the fire and search the corpse of Aime Schmidt. This way you will receive a key card from the ballistics laboratory and a recycler. Enter the Ballistics Lab if you wish, but it is not required. Head to Calvino's workshop, after which January will direct you to the security station to find the doctor in space.

Head there and unlock the security locker, then look behind you to find a weapon upgrade kit. Use the computer to discover that Calvino is in the hardware lab. Go there, use the elevator in the center of the room to get to the second tier. Find Calvino at the entrance to the next laboratory.

While here, go to the unsigned room and go to Thaddeus York's computer to find out the access code from Dr. Thorstein's office - 2532. Move into the opening with cement to find a weapon upgrade kit. Return to the door just past Thorstein's desk and use the passcode to open it. Search the corpse to obtain the key to Thorstein's office. There is a note in the safe with a hint for obtaining the code - 9954.

When you have prepared the system, open the gateway on the right in the machine shop and go through it. Find Calvino's body in space and take his key card to the workshop, as well as several neuromods. Listen to the audio recordings to get the code for the door in the machine shop.

Return to the workshop and enter code 7540 from the storage room to gain access to the loot. Go to the hardware laboratory, where you will be attacked by Typhon. By killing him and searching him, you will receive a transmitter. Open Calvino's office and interact with the terminal to turn on the power. Tap the console and use the first utility to check the network status. After this, return to Morgan Yu's office and watch the video.

This will tell you that Talos I must be destroyed. Talk to January and collect the public key card from him, which will provide access to the main elevator and other locations, including the psychotronics laboratory. Also take the neuromods from the table.

Mission "Detour" of the game Prey 2017

To destroy Talos I, you must first gain access to the warehouses.

Psychotronics Laboratory

Go to the main hall and go through the public door on the left. Open the passage to the psychotronics laboratory to be contacted by an operator named December, who offers assistance in escaping from Talos-I and begins the quest “Who is December?” Leave it for later, since you still won’t be able to complete the task at the current moment. Go down, kill the two Typhons and follow through the door to new section, where Alex Yu's safe is located.

Continue moving until you see the decontamination chamber. Turn around and enter the next room. Jump into the hole where the mimic will appear. Search the corpse at the end of the tunnel, take the psychoscope and gain new abilities to detect enemies. Scan the Mimics that appear along the way to get more information about them and bonuses. Go to the cleaning area.

Turn on the psychoscope and scan the scientific operator, then follow the elevator to the atrium. Break the plaster on the wall on the left and move through the window to find yourself in Hans Kelstrup's office. Use the GYPSUM gun on the electrical equipment, search the body and take two key cards - one from Kelstrup's cabin and the other from his office. Around the same time, a quest related to the work of neuromods will begin.

Use the computer to open the door to the conference room, go there and find the chip in the back room. Interact with the access panel, press the green button on the glass several times until a phantom appears. Find and destroy it.

Killing the Phantom

Make your way through this area until Alex asks you to scan the Typhon for calibration. Return to the main hall and go down to the room with the giant machine in the center to find a mimic to scan. After this, return to the previous location.

Go through the door on the right along the stairs and get to the biometrics laboratory, where there will be bait for typhons near Rory Manyoni's computer. There is a note near the computer that starts a new quest.

Go to the first tier and go to the cleaning area again. Scan the Weaver you see behind the glass, go left through the armory. Use the GYPSUM gun to stop the fire and deal with the Mimics. Scan the person you find in the next room. This will begin a short mission involving a prisoner. Search Christina Lloyd's body near the materials storage area.

Follow to where you found the Weaver, and this time explore the morgue. Take the chip from the table and the drawing from the corpse. Open protective screen using the computer, and then fight the electric typhon. Scan it to receive five new abilities. Take the elevator down to the morgue to complete the task related to the disappearance of corpses. Once you're done, come back and go to the SAGITT location.


Go straight ahead and search the corpse to get the EMP blueprint. Eventually you must reach the maintenance tunnel. Kill new opponents along the way - cystoids. It's best to use a pistol. It will be impossible to go further, so you will have to use a gypsum gun to stop the giant blades and go through the ventilation.

Head outside through the window and scan the Technopath to get new abilities for neuromods. Move into the fenced area to collect first aid kits and other supplies. Continue until you see the magnetosphere. Go there and search the corpse of Laurel Davis to get another blueprint. Use the nearby computer and read the letter to initiate the "Project Blackbox" quest. Activate the utilities to load the location map.

Move up the stairs and as soon as the shock wave passes, go through the gate into zero gravity and search the corpse floating here to get the key card to the tunnel. Run away from here, then continue on and open the door to the arboretum.

Arboretum as part of Prey 2017

After going to the arboretum, search the dead body to receive the quest “Disgruntled Employee”. Continue higher and go through the vent to activate another task. Go up the stairs directly into the arboretum and scan the Telepath to unlock neuromods. Along the way, pick up the note to start the next gardening task.

Find a pond where there are regular and large mimics. Scan them. Break the water in the pond under the waterfall, since it is an illusion, go down and collect useful items. Return to the arboretum, upstairs, and take the note from the table to begin the quest “Rescuing Reni.”

Jump up to the ledge to the left of the entrance to the main hall in the central area to enter the building and complete the Who Is December part of the quest. Before entering the building, look for Jada Marx's corpse near the rock to obtain the key card to her cabin. If you listen to the audio recording, you will receive a code for the safe, which initiates the start of the “Golden Gun” quest.

Follow the marker to the data storage and go down there using the gravity lift. Unlock the gateway from the arboretum, search Zachary West's corpse by listening to the audio recording, and complete the quest to begin a new mission to collect voice samples and continue Prey 2017.

Cargo compartment

Return to SAGITA and this time go right into the cargo bay. Kill the Typhon and the Operators, ignore the Weaver if you don't have enough ammo. Find the workstation at the end of the tunnel and activate cargo handling to begin the quest. After completing it, follow to the area where the cargo door was opened. Open the containers nearby to grab a weapon upgrade, then head to the cargo bay door and scan the phantom. Go through the door to the life support bay and kill the ethereal phantoms. Climb higher and turn the corner into the medical bay.

Deal with the nest of cystoids, shoot your opponents with a crossbow. Go inside to grab the Neuromod and find the Medic. Follow the main hall and search the corpse to obtain the code to the security station safe (8084). Open the panel at the end and use the flashlight to find and search Tobias Frost's body to initiate the Prey 2017 quest.

Return to the lower level of the main hall and go through the atmosphere control room. Kill the ghost and find a workaround. Move forward and jump over the boxes to the next level. Use the fan control to pause them, then jump down to reach the level below. Go through the air filtration control room on the second floor, scan and kill the poltergeist. Finally, initiate decontamination using a computer.

On the lower floor of the main hall, use the GYPSUM gun and EMP to disable electrical panel, and then go down through the elevator shaft. Go through the section with the escape pods and fight the ethereal phantoms. Open the capsules and search all the corpses. Return to the main hall and go through the blue area to the power plant.

Collecting votes

You need to go to the data warehouse, but Danielle Shaw has blocked access with her voice. After searching Zachary West's body near the vault entry point, you will receive a key card to the residential apartments. Go to the apartments under the arboretum, use the crossbow to activate the terminal in the restricted area, and then load the map of the area.

Go down and search Lizzie's corpse to get the blueprint. Go into the apartment to hear the cook's voice. The quest of the same name will begin. Use the computer in the lobby to obtain a map. Read the letters and find out the code from the fitness center (7819). Download the surveillance report to help you.

There is a blueprint in Kelstrup's cabin in Wing A. In Thorstein's cabin there is another blueprint and a set of diagrams with a weapon upgrade kit. Find another drawing in Devrey's cabin.

Go right to the recreation center, go upstairs and take the treasure map from the table. Climb higher and enter the Yellow Tulip. Search the operator to obtain the storage room key card. Kill all enemies by activating the music recording after turning on the lights.

IN closed room there will be a note with the code for the gravity lift - 2548. Search the body of Regina Sellers to get the pharmaceutical key card in the main hall of Talos-I. Use code 2548 to activate the gravity lift and continue Prey 2017.

Location of voice samples

Go to the B wing cabins, at the very end of the corridor, turn to the capsules and find the audio recording near the body of Malia Fowles. Complete the cook's task until you find yourself in room No. 106 and take the audio recording from there.

Complete Danielle Shaw's quest until you find Emma Beatty's corpse. After searching it, you will receive an audio recording.

Alternative path

But you can also find Danielle herself in the fitness center, in the room with a swimming pool. Then you won’t need to collect votes and you can quickly continue completing Prey 2017.

Restore from backup

In this part you will be temporarily blocked. Go to the data warehouse from the arboretum, kill the enemies and head to Danielle Shaw's office. Find various supplies, grab the key card from the table and use Shaw's computer to obtain the blueprint and advance the Treasure Hunt quest. Use the staff tracking computer to advance the Disgruntled Employee quest.

Take the stairs, go down to the lobby and unlock the security door. Search the desk and locker for another blueprint, weapon upgrade, etc. use the computers to unlock the vault door and also load a map of the area. Go to the warehouse and kill the Weavers, then take the hard drive and insert it into the computer. Use the server and then return to Shaw's office and download the file from your computer. This will begin the quest “Keys to Paradise”. Shaw will contact you, which will advance the Danielle Shaw quest. Use the computer to open vault B.

Climb to the third tier and go to the data storage, not forgetting about electricity and Weavers. Enter Vault B, open the access panel, press the button to open another part of the location, after which you will find yourself in reduced gravity. Elazar will contact you, which will lead to the start of the next quest as part of Prey 2017.

The top is here!

Find the container marked 2312 in space to then initiate its attachment to the station and cargo bay. Search Jessica Wiley's corpse to get the chip. Use the container control panel, enter the code 2312, and then go to the attached container to get inside the compartment. This will complete the quest and begin a new story mission.

Reception and dispatch

Kill all enemies and then approach main door to find out that you will be allowed in immediately after the location is cleared (or you will enter immediately if you have killed all the enemies). Take the gravity lift upstairs and chat with Sarah Elazar. You need to prepare for battle and install several turrets. Some of them you will find in the common room, the other is locked behind bars below. Turrets can also be made at a fabricator if you find a blueprint outside the cargo bay.

Having collected three turrets, install them in the indicated area in front of the doors. Wait for the task to begin, then open the door and kill all opponents. Search the location and use the computer to get a map of the area. Once you've killed everyone, go to Cargo Bay B and use the computer to unlock several other containers - 1641, 8120, 9171 and 3232. Get out to begin the next mission in Prey 2017.

Keys to Paradise

Create a Morgan Key at the Fabricator, then complete the Reboot quest until you can move freely around Talos I again. When this happens, return to the arboretum and use the code combination to activate the gravity lift to the top (9159) and get into Alex Yu’s office. He will contact you and say that he cannot meet with you yet. You will need to complete the “Consultant” task.


Go through SAGITT to the life support compartment. Break the glass if you haven't already and search the room. Use the left gravity lift to go down and go to the water treatment plant. Using the levers and pipes, move along the top, open the access panel and climb higher. Kill the Technopath and the operators, search the corpse. Follow to the second level and go through the left window or use the lever on the door.

Go to the entrance of the power plant and go there to start the quest “Help Ekaterina Ilyushina”. Take the gravity lift down until you find the door to freezers. There will be a flame nearby. Throw it with the GYPSUM gun to find the body of Talia Brooks with a neuromod and other items.

Go to the medical compartment, go down below to continue the quest related to Ilyushina. Continue until you find Nicholas Stillwater's body to get supplies and a reactor key card. Go down, find the reactor control panel and use it. Reboot the system and activate the systems in the following order - magnetosphere, power plant, rings, gravity, life support, main reactor.

Leave the room and go inside. Here you will need to find the broken part and fix it, or find the same one above. Having done this, finally reboot the reactor to get closer to the end of Prey 2017.

Before I give you the key

In Alex's office, watch the video on the computer. Leave the station and fly to the coral nodes. Scan them in several places, and then return to Alex's office and try to download them to your computer. An alarm will be triggered.


Head to the shuttle bay to stop Dahl as he arrives. Deal with the operators and unlock the door on the right. Move through the pit to the first floor and open the door in the center to search Scott Parker's body and get the key card to the shuttle control room.

Return to the shuttle bay lounge and use code 5897 to access the pilot training room. There will be another key card for the shuttle control room. Activate the gravity lifts in the shuttle bay and go up to the control room. Go to Mia's office and search it thoroughly. Jump over to the control tower and activate the computer. Board the shuttle and search it thoroughly to find information about Dahl's mission.

Go outside to start the Dahl's Ultimatum quest. Find operator Kaspar outside the station and destroy him.

Mind without limits

From the arboretum, go to the hall, then to the psychotronics laboratory and use the gravity lift to get to the atrium. At the fabricator, create the necessary device and go to the right place and install the device in the center of the Coral heart.

Head to the Talos I bridge through the arboretum to meet Alex. January will appear here and deny access. Alex can destroy it on his own, but it's up to you - you can stop Alex.

Take the key card from January, which will allow you to escape from Talos I and blow up the station. Activate the null wave device. However, the ending of the game depends on your choice. After this, all that remains is to watch the final cutscene and complete the passage of Prey 2017.

Prey 2017 guide to side quests will help you find and complete all additional tasks and receive rewards for them. Traveling around space station“Talos 1” you can only complete the main missions and completely ignore the additional ones. Although, completing side quests is rewarded and they can tell you more about the game world.

All events in the game revolve around Morgan Yu on an orbital station called Talos 1, where the hostile alien race Typhon is being studied. Eventually, Typhon will escape from captivity, and you'll have to deal with aliens using a variety of abilities. Talos 1 is open world, in which players need items, codes, passwords, neuromods, etc. to develop.

Stolen Neuromods

To begin this quest, enter the interrogation room in Sarah Elazar's office, in the Talos 1 Security Hall. The door code is 1129. Inside the room you will find a note from which you will learn that Yuri Kimura stole neuromods from her office. Yuri's office is located on Level 3 of the Talos-1 Hall in the Sales Department. There in Yuri's office you will find neuromods under the table.

Save Rani

Upon entering the Arboretum, you will have a chance to save the people in the Green House. One of them, Rani, will give you the code for the warehouse door AR01 (Storage AR01). To start the quest, you need to access the computer at the door. There are two access options: hack or find the code.

The code for the computer in the greenhouse is relatively close. Go back down the stairs to the Crew Quarters and look for the passage near the entrance. Climb it and you will find a small gazebo/living room with a note on the ground. Take it and return to the computer, enter the code and enter.

Be careful when fighting here, it's very easy to kill people. You can use the Null Wave Jammer to incapacitate people while you fight the Typhons. Place turrets nearby to make the battle even easier. Save Rani's life to get the code and start the quest. When the enemy dies, Rani will ask you to get the turrets from the warehouse. Do this and the quest will be completed.

Cook's request

When you enter the Residential Section, you will receive the additional task “The Cook’s Request.” To start it, go to the Cafeteria, located on the first floor of the Residential Section. There, Will Mitchell will ask you to clear the Cafeteria of enemies. Do this and he will talk to you through the maintenance window, asking you to complete a second task for him.

The second part of the quest is to collect the reward from Will Mitchell's cabin. He will give you a pass to the cabin. Having collected the reward, return to him and he will let you into the kitchen. Next, Will will ask you to complete the last task: replace the broken regulator. It's easier to repair, but if you lack the ability, go to the greenhouse and get the spare part (see “Save Rani” for how to enter).

Gustav Leitner

If you rescued Dr. Igwe in the cargo bay, this quest will become available. He wants you to retrieve Gustav Leitner from his cabin with the Conectome. This is a fairly simple quest. Head to the Crew Quarters where Igwe will give you an audio recording. Go to the crew quarters and play it in front of the Leitner poster in Igwe's room. The poster will move, revealing a hidden safe. Take the Conectome and return it to Igwe in your office on the 3rd level in the Talos 1 lobby to complete the quest. The achievement “Gift to the World/ A gift to the whole world.”

With this ring...

Inside the cargo hold where the survivors are hiding is a character named Kevin Hag. Talk to him, he will ask you to check on his wife in the residential area. Whether she's alive or dead, Kevin wants you to take it from her. wedding ring. Go to the Residential Section and go up to the 3rd level to the Directors' Apartment (use the gravity lift). Walk along the corridor and enter the room opposite Alex Yu. Inside you will find that Nicole Hag is Typhon. Kill her, take the ring and return it to Kevin.

Part 1: Simulation

We get out of bed and answer the incoming call from Morgan. We approach the table and select Plastic Tubing, a broken board and a reel of wire. We go to the monitor and click on enter the password, read the letters. Our suit hangs on the door, put it on and go out into the corridor, go left. We enter the elevator and press the ROOF button. We go out onto the roof and get into the helicopter. We get to another skyscraper. We get out of the helicopter and go inside, talking to the robot operator. After that, we get into the elevator and press the button, going down. We need to pass a test, which is essentially training in the basic actions of the game. We go through rooms A, B, C. In the last room we need to answer questions about the train. We watch the cut-scene.

We wake up again in our bed. Again we select all the things from the table and put on the suit. We go out into the corridor and pick up a wrench on the left, run into the room and hit the glass, it turned out that we were deceived. We run to the computer, the password for it is on a piece of paper nearby.

We find the room shown in the screenshot below, climb onto the cabinet on the left, there we will find a suitcase with a Disruptor Stun Gun, as well as cartridges for it.

We are looking for a passage with an EXIT sign. We go to the helicopter. We find the exit where Transtar is written inside. We get into the elevator and press the button. We pass to the test rooms, in which aliens have already settled. We walk along the windows and see a staircase, we go up it. On the upper level we kill a couple of creatures, after which we see the corpse of Greta Michelson, as well as her computer. We press the button on it, after which the simulation will change to the appearance of a skyscraper roof. Let's go back and find glass door, let's go there:

We see how the aliens killed another person, we go out into new rooms, on one of the tables we find the key card to the simulation laboratory.

In another office cubicle we will find a lever, pull it down, after which the door below the lever will open.

We go along the corridor and open the door at the end. We select a new Gloo Cannon gun from the corpse, as well as ammunition for it. We go out into the Transtar hall, where we kill small creatures, and go up the steps to the neuromod.

To the right of it there is a large lobby gate. We press the button.

We go out to the stairs and go down. We get to the room with the phantom, kill him and leave the room, turn right and go up the stairs. We go into all the rooms, select the Trauma Center key card in one of them. We find another monitor, enter the password, which is right there on the paper, and learn from the letter about code 0451. We enter it on the remote control at the door. We go into the room, go to the monitor, select the key card. Open the utility folder and click on play.