Glass fiber reinforced concrete technology. Glass containers in construction Broken glass in concrete pros and cons

The topic of waste disposal is very relevant today, and I want to draw attention to glass containers. Its share in city landfills, as well as in spontaneous landfills in forests, is very significant. This is due to the basic lack of information among the population about the benefits of adding broken glass to concrete solutions. It has been scientifically proven that the addition of broken glass significantly increases the strength of concrete.

So, it took us at least a thousand bottles to concrete the roof of the garage. They picked them up right on the street. If summer residents knew about the benefits of broken glass, the percentage of bottles in trash bins would be significantly reduced.

Adding broken glass creates reliable waterproofing and extends the service life of concrete. But you need to take precautions when breaking bottles. You need to wear safety glasses and beat in a container, for example, in a bucket. It is most convenient to crush glass between two bricks.

Please pay attention to this issue. You just need to inform the population, talk to them, explain the inadmissibility of throwing away, for example, batteries with food waste, etc. It's all about competent organization.

Tatiana Lanskaya

Northern summer resident:I have never heard of a roof being concreted this way, but everything related to the foundation, steps, garden homemade tiles etc. quite fair. Here is some collected life experience so far:

1. “From personal experience I know that any glass container and even broken glass can be used to make a floor on the ground. To do this, dig a special hole no more than 20 centimeters deep. Then it is filled with any glass. In this case, all the broken glass acts as a filler The floor itself is laid on top of the glass. Do not forget that in this case, glass containers can become the most reliable protection against various living creatures, for example, against moles. Empty bottles can replace even the highest quality insulation. country houses Only empty bottles were used. They were laid in continuous layers under the floor. They were also used when laying out a concrete blind area."

2. "The only, somewhat acceptable and in a safe way the use of broken glass in construction, I would say its use in the drainage layer under the foundations. That is, you can pour pre-crushed glass along with sand and crushed stone into a cushion for pouring the foundation. Why is it undesirable to use it as a filler in concrete solutions (instead of crushed stone)? Because glass, unlike crushed stone, is smooth, therefore, its adhesion to the cement-sand mixture will be insufficient. Thus, the resulting concrete will be weaker than that made from pure crushed stone."

3. “You can recycle cullet, using it for laying a foundation, using binding materials, in the form of a solution with the addition of 1 part of M400 cement, 2 portions of sand and one part of cullet. The bottles must be carefully broken so that their fragments, such as the neck, do not remain intact , which may not be filled with mortar, so reliable foundation strength will not be achieved. And by foaming each neck, you can build a fence, so there is no need to throw away such an economical and environmentally friendly building material.”

4. “We also found a lot of glass containers at our dacha. When we were installing a bathhouse, a neighbor advised us to line the underground floor under the bathhouse with empty glass bottles, having previously dug a hole in the shape of a cone. Place the bottles with their necks down along the slopes of this cone, simply sinking them into the ground. What does such a device provide: firstly, water flows down and does not accumulate under the floor, as a result - wooden floor is less susceptible to rotting, and secondly, the glass heats up when we heat the bathhouse, and retains heat for a long time - the floors in the bathhouse become warmer."

5. “Indeed, glass containers are quite often used in construction if they are available. If you have the desire and a sufficient amount of time and, probably most importantly, patience, then it can be mixed with screenings and poured into concrete. The most important thing is that the glass containers must first be crushed very well. The non-crushed option is not very suitable for use in concrete good option. For grinding, as an option, you can use a concrete mixer filled with water so that when turning, glass fragments do not fly out of it.”

Forum of the site

Properties of glass fiber reinforced concrete.

Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) is a type of fiber reinforced concrete and is made from cement-sand mortar and pieces of glass fiber (fibers) reinforcing it, evenly distributed throughout the volume of the concrete product or its individual parts. SFRC is used in thin-walled elements and structures of buildings and structures, for which it is essential to: reduce its own weight, increase crack resistance, ensure water resistance of concrete and its durability (including in aggressive environments), increase impact strength and abrasion resistance, as well as increase architectural expressiveness and environmental cleanliness. SFRC is recommended for the manufacture of structures in which the following technical advantages over concrete and reinforced concrete can be most effectively used:

  • Increased crack resistance, impact strength, wear resistance, frost resistance and weather resistance;
  • The possibility of using more effective design solutions than with conventional reinforcement, for example, the use of thin-walled structures, structures without rod reinforcement, etc.;
  • Possibility of reducing or completely eliminating the consumption of steel reinforcement;
  • Reducing labor and energy costs for reinforcement work, increasing the degree of mechanization and automation in the production of fiber-reinforced concrete structures, for example, prefabricated thin-walled shells, folds, ribbed covering slabs, monolithic and prefabricated floors for industrial and public buildings, permanent formwork structures, etc.
SFRC elements with fiber reinforcement are recommended for use in structures operating:
  1. To bend;
  2. For compression at eccentricities of application of longitudinal force, for example, in elements of spatial floors;
  3. Mainly for impact loads, abrasion and weathering.

Properties of SFB at vintage age.

Density according to GOST 12730.1-78 1700-1900 kg/m3
Impact strength (Charpy) 110-250 J/m2
Compressive strength according to GOST 10180-90 490-840 kg/cm2
Tensile strength in bending according to GOST 10180-90 210-320 kg/cm2
Elastic modulus according to GOST 10180-90 (1.0-2.5) 104 MPa
Axial tensile strength according to GOST 10180-90: conditional elastic limit / tensile strength 28-70 kg/cm2 / 70-112 kg/cm2
Elongation at failure (600-1200) 10-5 or 0.6-1.2%
Shear resistance: between layers / across layers 35-54 kg/cm2 / 70-102 kg/cm2
Thermal expansion coefficient (8-12) 10-6 ºС-1
Thermal conductivity according to GOST 7076-90 0.52-0.75 W/cm2 ºС
Water absorption by weight according to GOST 12730.3-78 11-16%
Water resistance according to GOST 12730.5-78 W6-W12
Frost resistance according to GOST 10060.0-95 F150-F300
Combustibility according to GOST 12.1.044-89 Fireproof material, fire spread rate 0
Fire resistance according to GOST 30247.1-94 Higher than the fire resistance of concrete (better retains strength properties in a fire of 1000..1100 ºС)

Raw materials for glass fiber reinforced concrete.

The starting materials for the production of SFRC are: cement, sand, water, alkali-resistant glass fiber and chemical additives. To obtain any special properties of SFRC, polymers, pigments and other chemical additives can also be used together with these basic materials.

Cement: For the production of SFRC, Portland cement of a grade not lower than M400 is used. The choice of a specific type of Portland cement - regular (without additives), quick-hardening, colored - is dictated by the purpose of the SFRC product. The cement used must comply with generally accepted building regulations. In Russia, Portland cement must comply with GOST 31108-2003 (this standard is identical to the EN 197-1:2000 standard developed by the European Committee for Standardization). Portland cement according to GOST 10178-85 is also used in the production of SFRC, since GOST 31108-2003 does not cancel GOST 10178-85, which can be used in all cases where it is technically and economically feasible.

Sand: The choice of aggregate (sand) has a very great value for the production of high-quality SFRC. The sand must be pre-sifted and washed. The ingress of individual particles larger than 3 mm is not allowed (when operating equipment for the production of SFRC, work without a sieve is not allowed). For manual pneumatic spraying of SFRC, the particle size modulus should not exceed 2.5 mm (measurements are carried out in accordance with GOST 8735-88). Sand must meet the requirements of GOST 8736-93 for grain composition, the presence of impurities and contaminants (measurements are carried out in accordance with GOST 8735-88). Quartz sands are most widely used in the production of SFRC. Quartz sand must meet the requirements of GOST 22551-77. In the composition of quartz sand, the fraction less than 150 microns should not exceed 10% (measurements are carried out in accordance with GOST 8735-88). Dried sand makes it easier to control the preparation of the mixture (this refers to the water-cement ratio) and is usually already purchased dry and then stored in a dry state either in bags or in bins.

Fiberglass: For fiber reinforcement of SFRC structures, fiber is used in the form of pieces of glass fiber with a length from 10 mm to 37 mm (the length of the fiber is taken depending on the size and reinforcement of the structures in accordance with VSN 56-97), made by cutting roving from alkali-resistant glass fiber - this is glass fiber with oxide additives zirconium ZrO 2 . The following glass fibers can be used, such as those from Fiber Technologies International Ltd. (Bristol, England), L’Industrielle De Prefabrication (Priest, France), Cem-Fil (Chicago, USA), NEG (Nippon Electric Glass, Tokyo, Japan), ARC-15 or ARC-30 (China) and others. Glass roving must comply with GOST 17139-2003. Glass roving should not be moistened during storage and during work. Before use, a coil of wet glass roving must be dried at a temperature of 50-60°C for 0.5-1.5 hours to a moisture content of no more than 1%.

Water: For the production of SFB, water is used in accordance with GOST 23732-79. In conditions of extreme temperatures, heating, or, conversely, cooling of water may be necessary.

Chemical additives: are widely used in the manufacture of SFRC to influence production process and improving a number of final properties of products. A plasticizer should be used to maintain the fluidity of the mixture as the water-cement ratio decreases. Using additives, you can also speed up, slow down or reduce water separation, regulate the water resistance of the material, and reduce the delamination of the mixture. The selection of the most suitable additive also depends on some local factors, in particular the cement and sand used, as well as climatic conditions. Chemical additives must satisfy GOST 24211-2003. Chemical additives are classified into groups:

  1. Superplasticizers are highly effective thinners for concrete and mortar mixtures, which make it possible to increase their mobility several times without causing a decrease in the strength of concrete or mortar. With the introduction of superplasticizers, the water content in the cement-sand mixture is significantly reduced;
  2. Air-entraining additives – increase the frost resistance of SFRC and durability, increase mobility, salt resistance;
  3. Antifreeze additives– ensure the preservation of the liquid phase in cement-sand mixtures necessary for hardening of the cement paste;
  4. Setting accelerators - are introduced at temperatures below +10ºС, to reduce the heat treatment regime, accelerate the setting and hardening of SFRC;
  5. Set retarders - are introduced to increase the thickening time in dry and hot climates;
  6. Hydrophobizers – impart hydrophobic properties to SFB, making the water-repellent effect more pronounced.

Pigments: can be used to dye either white or gray cement. In order to obtain uniform color and permanent surface coloring, pigments are applied to the front (so-called film) layer, which is then subjected to additional processing, usually using sandblasting or polishing.

Forms for products made of glass fiber reinforced concrete.

Molds can be made from a range of materials that must provide the required turnability, dimensional accuracy and surface finish. The materials for the molds can be steel, plywood, fiberglass, rubber, polyurethane, silicone, and also, in some cases, SFRC itself. Molds can be made from a variety of materials, which must provide the required mold turnover, maintain the accuracy and quality of the surface finish of the products. The most common materials for molds are:

  1. Molds made of polyurethane (PU). One of the most popular forms for the production of SFRC products. Thanks to flexible polyurethane forms, the initial shrinkage of glass fiber reinforced concrete is compensated. Products can be stripped without damaging both the forms themselves and the products themselves. The advantages of flexible molds are their high turnover and durability, the speed of unmolding of SFRC products, as well as improved surface quality of molded products and a lower percentage of defects. Polyurethane molds make it possible to obtain SFRC products with “negative” angles. Polyurethane forms have the ability to retain given dimensions and the original geometry, withstand all the loads caused by the daily process of molding, stripping of products, as well as movements of the form itself. Polyurethane is produced by mixing the appropriate polyurethane components A and B. Typically, components A and B for polyurethane molds have a simple mixing ratio (1:1). A simple procedure for processing two components (mixing the components is done using a hand mixer). It can be processed at room temperature. Polyurethane forms are distinguished by a long service life (a large number of turnover cycles), high moisture resistance, optimal combination elasticity with strength characteristics with high tensile strength, chemical resistance to the alkaline environment of cement-sand mixtures and abrasion resistance, as well as high quality playback the smallest details models with minimal shrinkage. To obtain the surface of SFRC products corresponding to the profile of the form, the latter must be lubricated special compounds. To do this, prepare a release grease. For example, vaseline-stearic, melting stearin and technical petroleum jelly in a water bath, then adding solar oil, stirring and cooling the lubricant, after which it is ready for use. It is also recommended to use for lubrication: stearic-paraffin paste (composition in percentage - % by weight: paraffin - 19, stearic acid - 15, starch - 1, rosin - 65); water-oil emulsion lubricants based on EKS emulsol; water-based lubricants OE-2 or ESO; machine or transformer oil. It is also possible to use other lubricants that ensure the preservation of the high-quality surface of the material; for example, the lubricant that has proven excellent in this capacity is spindle oil. The consistency of the lubricant should ensure the possibility of its mechanized application of SFRC to the surface of the molds. All types of lubricants must comply with GOST 26191-84.
  2. Fiberglass. Fiberglass molds are more durable than polyurethane molds and allow you to convey any texture of the product. The disadvantages of fiberglass molds include the impossibility of using them for the production of decorative products with a texture containing negative angles;
  3. Steel. It is used in cases where repeated reuse of the mold is required in the production of, for the most part, standard SFRC products. For example, massive panels without complex texture (cladding, elements of permanent formwork), simple in-line products;
  4. Tree. This is the most the simplest material for forms. Naturally, the quality of a surface of this shape must be monitored and constantly monitored. The disadvantages of wood forms include the short-lived preservation of their correct geometry after repeated use (thermal chamber cycles with high humidity coupled with drying can ruin a wooden form). Of course, with the help of special processing compounds you can protect the shape - and this also needs to be kept in mind;
  5. Rubber (rubber, silicones). These are universal forms. Similar to polyurethane molds. Distinctive feature Such a form requires the use of a rigid base - a “strap” for fixation. It would be better to say that the rubber molds are used as liners in a rigid base. The rigid base of rubber molds can be a wooden frame, a fiberglass base, or less often a metal base. Molding rubbers can be in the form of fairly elastic sheets or blocks, in paste form, or in liquid form. The range of materials that can be used as a prototype is very diverse: metals, wax, glass, wood, plastics, modeling clay and any other materials. Rubbers are divided into hard and soft. Hard rubbers are good for making flat products. Soft rubbers make it possible to produce very voluminous, complex and filigree products, and to remove them from the mold without damage. However, too soft rubber unable to withstand the pressure of the SFRC mixture, which can lead to deformation of the SFRC product itself. In such cases, to obtain quality product, the rubber mold is secured in a rigid metal casing. The higher the elongation of the material, the easier it is to stretch the rubber mold to remove the SFRC product without damage. For high-quality hard rubbers this value is about 200%, for soft ones - from 300% to 850%.
  6. Other materials for molds. The above list is not exhaustive, and many other materials, including polypropylene, gypsum, and SFRC itself, can be successfully used to make molds.

Organization of the production site.

It is preferable to organize the production of SFRC in a workshop rather than in an open area, since the temperature should not be lower than +10 o C. Optimal temperature regime- within the range from +15 o C to +30 o C. The size of the workshop depends on the volume of production of SFRC products; the minimum recommended area of ​​the workshop should be at least 100 m2.

To organize one SFSC production post, the following is required:

  • electricity with a power of at least 4 kW (excluding power consumption by the compressor), 3 phases, grounding;
  • water;
  • compressed air (1500-2000 l/min, pressure 6-9 bar);
  • Equipment for glass fiber reinforced concrete "ARC® S";.
  • Additional equipment and devices (lifts, scales, spatulas, rollers for rolling the mixture).

If keeping SFRC products in a humid environment is used, the workshop should provide an area for storing SFRC products for one week. It is important that temperature and humidity levels are controlled in this area. The presence of a thermal-humidity treatment area in SFRC production is desirable, but not mandatory. The thermal-moisture treatment section of newly produced SFRC products will reduce the mold turnover time and also increase the characteristics of SFRC products.

SFRC products have a small thickness, which means significantly less weight compared to similar products made of ordinary concrete(assuming the same compressive and flexural strengths), they are still too heavy to be moved manually, so provision should be made for the use of suitable lifting mechanisms.

Preparation cement-sand mortars for dispersed reinforced SFRC, it is carried out in forced-action paddle mortar mixers, for example, such as SO-46B and others. Containers are used for preparing and storing working solutions of additives.

The ratio of aggregate (sand) to cement is assumed to be equal to unity with the possibility of further adjustment and depends, in general, on the type of SFRC product, its dimensions, conditions of use of SFRC products, etc. The calculation of the water-cement ratio and its adjustment are carried out in accordance with VSN 56-97. The water-cement ratio (without the use of plasticizing additives) is usually in the range of 0.40 - 0.45. With the use of plasticizing additives, the water-cement ratio changes to 0.28 – 0.32.

After the initial raw materials have been selected, the composition of the mixture is selected taking into account the following recommendations:

  • Water-cement ratio. It should be as low as possible, but at the same time the mixture should remain sufficiently mobile for it to be supplied by a mortar pump and subsequent pneumatic spraying. The water-cement ratio of the cement-sand mortar used for the manufacture of SFRC must correspond to the optimal viscosity (mobility P4-P5), corresponding to the slump of a standard cone according to GOST 5802-86 “Construction Mortars. Test methods". In general, the water-cement ratio has a complex relationship and depends on the active grade of cement, the coefficient of normal density of cement paste, the coefficient of water demand for sand and the calculated coefficient of glass fiber reinforced concrete for compression.
  • The ratio of sand and cement. The 1:1 ratio is the most widely used at present. The ratio is adjusted in accordance with VSN 56-97.
  • Glass fiber content or reinforcement ratio. This is the percentage of the weight of fiberglass to the weight of the entire composite - SFB, that is, taking into account the mass of the fiberglass itself. For manual air spraying, this ratio is usually from 3 to 6%, sometimes higher. The calculation of the reinforcement coefficient is carried out in accordance with VSN 56-97.
Typical mixture composition. The SFRC manufacturer can develop his own mixture composition that meets his special requirements production of SFRC products and consistent with VSN 56-97.

Let's consider the recipe, which is called “classical” as it is the most frequently used. The “classical” recipe is the following composition for one conditional batch, the amount of fiberglass is 5%:

* - the dosage depends on the concentration, so for the same amount of cement used it can be different. The dosage is indicated by the supplement manufacturer.

The weight of the entire solution is = 50+50+16+0.5=116.5 kg, then the content of 5% fiberglass is 6 kg.

To obtain a homogeneous mixture, it is necessary to accurately weigh the starting materials and strictly follow the basic requirements when working with the mixer. Before you start preparing the mixture, you should accurately weigh the required quantities of sand and cement using scales (see section “ Additional accessories"). Dosage of water and liquid additive can be done by weight, volume or, preferably, using a special automatic dosing device.

Detailed recommendations for applying glass fiber reinforced concrete, preparation, use, stripping and washing of forms, maintenance and preservation of equipment are indicated in the passport for the complex for glass fiber reinforced concrete "ARC® S" and technological instructions for working with glass fiber reinforced concrete from the equipment documentation set.

Glass concrete was developed about half a century ago and is currently a real competitor to reinforced concrete. Glass added to the concrete mass can significantly improve performance characteristics, incl. tensile and bending strength, which eliminates the need for heavy structures. Such reinforcement expands the possibilities of using concrete in adverse conditions.

Production technology

Fiberglass concrete is a fairly large group of building materials in the form of concrete with glass or fiberglass fibers. Depending on the structure of the glass component and the method of its introduction, there are main varieties of this material.

  1. Glass reinforced concrete or composite concrete. Essentially, it is reinforced concrete in which steel reinforcement is replaced with fiberglass.
  2. Waterproof concrete with silicate additive in the form of liquid glass.
  3. Glass fiber reinforced concrete containing glass fiber as a filler, resistant to alkalis.
  4. Fiberglass-optic concrete or Litracon, characterized by relative transparency (translucent) due to the introduction of glass optical fibers.
  5. A mixture filled with glass chips (crushed glass).
  6. Acid-resistant concrete in which a glass component added to the solution acts as a binder.

In all of these varieties, concrete contains glass in one form or another. As a result, the structure of the material and its the most important characteristics. Glass concrete is sold ready-made and can be made by hand.

Pros and cons

Glass concrete has a number of noticeable advantages compared to traditional concrete.

  1. Weight loss. When introducing glass filler, the content of cement and sand decreases, and since Since fiberglass is lighter than these ingredients, the weight of the starting material is reduced. Especially noticeable this advantage in a reinforced version intended to replace reinforced concrete. Fiberglass reinforcement much lighter than steel reinforcement.
  2. Strengthening. Glass additives significantly increase tensile strength (2.5 - 3 times), compression and bending. The impact strength of concrete increases by 14-16 times.
  3. Reduced thickness when replacing concrete products. Reinforcing glass fibers have a smaller diameter compared to steel reinforcement with similar strength, which makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the product without compromising the strength characteristics.
  4. Moisture and water resistance. Any glass fillers (especially liquid glass) increase the water resistance of concrete.
  5. Improvement thermal insulation characteristics.
  6. Expanding the areas of application of the material. Glass filling makes it a universal building material with increased strength, waterproofing and thermal insulation characteristics.

Fiberglass concrete has virtually no significant disadvantages. Of course, the need to prepare a glass ingredient complicates the solution preparation technology, but the resulting advantages compensate for this disadvantage. In the process of preparing the material, you have to deal with glass dust, which requires careful protection of the human respiratory system. There is an accelerated hardening of glass concrete during the application process, which requires quick use solution.

Technological features

Different types of glass concrete have their own production nuances.

  1. Water resistant. Liquid glass is used for production, i.e. sodium silicate. First, prepare the usual concrete mortar. Then, liquid glass is added to it at the rate of 100 ml per 1 liter of solution (excluding water). It is important to remember that increasing the amount of sodium silicate leads to increased fragility of the material and rapid hardening of the solution.
  2. Production of glass fiber reinforced concrete. Composition: cement, sand and glass fiber in equal proportions. It is important to distribute the fiber evenly throughout the entire volume, and mix the ingredients in a dry state. When applying the solution, careful vibration compaction must be performed.
  3. Filling with broken glass. Broken glass replaces crushed stone (from 25 to 100 percent), as well as partially sand. The production of concrete includes several stages. First, glass waste (waste) is crushed. Then, using a screen, the raw materials are sifted and divided into fractions. Fragments larger than 4 mm are intended to replace crushed stone (filler). Smaller particles are suitable instead of sand. This circumstance is taken into account when mixing the solution.
  4. Using glass as a binder. In this case, finely crushed glass is used, but it will not bind cement without additional processing. Glass performs this function when soda ash is added. During the reaction, it dissolves to form a silicate gel, which holds the composition together. This produces concrete that is highly resistant to acids.

It is difficult to make concrete with optical properties yourself due to the increased fragility of optical fibers. Typically, ready-made concrete, translucent slabs and panels are used.

Areas of application

Glass concrete is quite widely used abroad in the construction of various objects. In Russia, the material is used less frequently due to production problems, but its popularity is constantly growing. The following main areas of use of this material can be distinguished:

  1. Cladding of buildings. Glass concrete can be used in the form of finished panels or applied as decorative or protective plaster. Material with the addition of liquid glass is widely used in the construction of private swimming pools and other artificial reservoirs.
  2. Construction of walls and ceilings. Walls are made by pouring into formwork or using blocks (similar to cinder blocks). In the manufacture of floor slabs, the material replaces similar products made of reinforced concrete.
  3. Decorative design facades. Building materials with optical properties are especially valued.
  4. Production of paving and curb slabs.
  5. Landscape design. Small architectural structures are made from glass concrete. In particular, the construction of arches, fountains, garden statues, and lighting poles is popular.
  6. Fences and bars. The high strength of the material provides reliable supports for fences, as well as casting decorative grilles and hedges.

Glass concrete is also used quite actively in mass construction, incl. structures industrial purposes. Paving slabs has high wear resistance, which makes it possible to use in parks.

The material is even used in the construction of bridges. It can be classified as a modern, high-strength building material. It is actively used instead of concrete products in the repair and construction of structures various types. Some materials can be prepared with your own hands, which reduces the cost of construction and expands the possibilities of application.

What is glass concrete?

Traditionally, concrete is used as the main building material. We are used to this, and when we conceive a new project, we do not always study modern developments. Concrete is familiar and accessible. But there are situations in which it is worth paying attention to new products in the construction industry. These rightfully include glass concrete (glass-filled composite), the distinctive feature of which is increased tensile strength. This makes concrete structures much stronger. But to figure out which glass concrete option you should choose, check out distinctive features each type.


Depending on the form in which the composition is modified by glass, glass concrete can be of the following types:

  • glass reinforced concrete;
  • composition with the addition of liquid glass;

Glass concrete is a very flexible, elastic and high-strength material, which, while remaining concrete, is nevertheless unusually light

  • glass concrete with fiber;
  • translucent array with optical fiber;
  • composition with broken glass;
  • a solution where glass is used as a binding element.


Due to the use of special fillers, glass concrete is superior to traditional concrete. Main advantages:

  • Reduced weight, since the main fillers - cement, fiberglass, sand - are mixed in equal proportions.
  • Increased strength, since the glass-filled composite is characterized by increased resistance to deformation, and the impact resistance parameters are fifteen times higher than the characteristics of concrete mortar.
  • Expanded scope of use and wide range of products made from concrete with glass filler.
  • A significant number of possible additives that have a diverse effect on the characteristics.

Glass reinforced composition

Concrete, fiberglass reinforced, in fact, similar to reinforced concrete. It uses instead of metal. Based on this difference, the advantages are clearly visible:

  • increased thermal insulation;

An alternative to concrete is glass concrete, which has greater strength, frost resistance and thermal conductivity.

  • light weight. The use of composite concrete significantly reduces the load on the foundation;
  • at negative temperatures does not freeze, which makes construction work easier in winter;
  • affordable price.

Concrete with liquid glass

When conducting construction in regions with low groundwater, it is recommended to use a composition with the addition of liquid glass for pouring foundations. The antiseptic properties of silicate glass make it possible to use it in the construction of wells, swimming pools and other artificial reservoirs. High heat resistance makes it possible to use it in the construction of stoves and fireplaces.

Liquid glass is used in two versions:

  • The most efficient method is to dilute the glass with water and mix the ready-made solution with concrete. If undiluted glass is introduced, it causes cracks to appear on the top layer.
  • In the second option, glass is used as a primer. It is applied to the finished block. If you apply another one on top thin layer cement with glass, the product will be reliably protected from moisture.

When preparing such a concrete mixture, keep in mind that it hardens quite quickly. Prepare the solution in small portions so you can use it without waste.

A property common to all glass concrete is concrete, in which both component added glass in different types

Composite with fiber

Fiber is an alkali-resistant fiber. An additive to concrete increases strength characteristics and provides decorative properties.

Depending on the type and amount of additives, the properties of glass fiber reinforced concrete change, but remain unchanged:

  • moisture resistance;
  • increased impact strength;
  • frost resistance;
  • light weight;
  • resistance to chemical reagents.

Concrete composition with optical fibers (litracon)

The main ingredients and fillers of the array are optical fibers made of glass of increased length. When forming the composition, the fibers chaotically reinforce the block, and after cleaning the ends, they allow light to pass through unhindered. The ability of an array to transmit light depends on the concentration of fibers and the degree of color rendering of the material.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


The material is different increased price, but work is underway to reduce it. The use of litracon in private settings is limited to the decorative functions of the composite, and not to its use as a building material.

Liquid sodium silicate (less commonly potassium) glass is added to concrete to increase resistance to moisture and high temperatures and has antiseptic properties

Concrete filled with broken glass

Glass concrete of this type provides the opportunity to achieve savings on the use of glass fillers. Traditionally used crushed stone and sand in glass-filled composites are replaced by broken glass. Glass production waste in the form of containers, balls, tubes, and ampoules is used as filler.

The strength characteristics of the finished material do not differ from concrete in which crushed stone is used. At the same time, the mass of the finished product is significantly reduced, and traditional crushed stone can be completely replaced with glass filler.

Composition with a binder - glass

The scope of application of this material is industry. Produced industrially, it is resistant to aggressive acids and has a negative reaction to aggressive alkalis. The stages of industrial production include:

  • Sorting of glass mass.
  • Particle crushing.
  • Glass crushing.
  • Division into factions.

The coarse filler is elements larger than 5 millimeters, and the rest, smaller ones, can be used instead of sand. If you have a thin glass fraction, you can prepare such a filling yourself.

Glass concrete is widely used and, due to its properties, is in great demand for the production of finishing panels, gratings, fences, walls, partitions

Astringent properties are provided by the introduction of a catalyst, since glass powder when mixed with water does not provide astringent characteristics. The manufacturing technology involves dissolving cullet with alkali - soda ash. During the reaction, the resulting silicon acids are gradually transformed into a gel, which holds the filler together and hardens. The result is a durable conglomerate with acid-resistant properties and increased strength.

The issue of developing compositions and technologies for producing building materials based on industrial and household waste has been exciting the minds of researchers working in the field of building materials for many years, and especially recently. Binders, concretes and products using various slags, sludge, ashes, wood chips, as well as construction waste generated during the demolition and reconstruction of buildings and structures have already been used. But the researchers don't stop there. After all, the relevance of developing compounds and materials using them is dictated not only by environmental, but also by economic factors.
IN recent years Along with already known and traditional waste in a certain sense, the recycling of unsorted broken artificial (man-made) glass, or simply cullet, is of particular interest. The fact is that defects or broken glass formed during production are in most cases reused by the same factories. Such glass has a stable (within the framework of this technology) chemical composition and is used in the process of melting the charge. Unsorted fight various types glass (window, container, optical, etc.) has a fairly wide range chemical composition. Plus, foreign impurities are possible, the inclusion of which in the raw material mixture is not permissible if it is desired to obtain glass with a certain composition or quality. Therefore, unsorted cullet, which is formed in huge quantities in dumps and landfills, still does not find proper use.
It should be noted that from an environmental point of view, glass is considered the most difficult waste to dispose of. It is not subject to destruction under the influence of water, atmosphere, solar radiation, or frost. In addition, glass is a corrosion-resistant material that does not collapse under the influence of an overwhelming amount of strong and weak organic, mineral and bioacids, salts, as well as fungi and bacteria. Therefore, if organic waste (paper, food waste, etc.) completely decomposes after 1-3 years, polymer materials - after 5-20 years, then glass, like steel, can be preserved without much damage for tens or even hundreds of years.
The volume of unused cullet, according to the Institute of Secondary Resources, amounted to more than 2.5 million tons in 2000. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory alone, more than 1,650 tons accumulated in dumps. Among the variety of urban waste, cullet occupies one of the leading places, more than 20% of total quantity.
Many leading research centers in Russia, the CIS countries and abroad have been actively working in the field of recycling cullet in recent years. For example, in the USA, $444 million (!) were allocated for research conducted by specialists from the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Columbia University (New York) related to the problem of replacing stone aggregate in concrete with broken glass.
For more than fifteen years at the Moscow State Construction University (formerly MISS) at the department of finishing and finishing technology insulating materials(TOIM) inventors Yu. P. Gorlov, A. P. Merkin, V. Yu. Burov, B. M. Rumyantsev are developing compositions and technologies for producing various types of building materials based on natural and man-made glasses. These materials do not require the use of traditional binders (such as cement, lime, gypsum) or aggregates and allow for complete recycling of cullet.
The created materials with specified controlled properties can be used in various fields. Firstly, in industrial and civil engineering(concrete for various purposes, mortars for outdoor and interior works, heat and sound insulation, finishing, landscaping, etc.). Secondly, in the nuclear industry (radiation protection concrete, non-flammable thermal insulation coatings, etc.). Thirdly, in the chemical industry (special concretes resistant to aggressive environments).
The energy-saving technology for manufacturing materials based on cullet is extremely simple, does not require special equipment and allows you to organize production in the free areas of existing construction industry enterprises without significant capital investments.
After sorting, crushing, grinding and scattering into fractions, glass can be considered fully prepared for the production of building materials. Fractions of cullet larger than 5 mm are used in concrete as coarse aggregate, small fractions (less than 5 mm) are used as fine aggregate (sand), and finely ground powder is used as a binder.
Since cullet does not exhibit astringent properties when mixed with water, in order for the hydration reaction to begin, it is necessary to use an activator in the form of an alkali metal compound. In an alkaline environment, cullet is hydrated to form silicic acids, which, when certain acidity values ​​of the environment are reached, begin to turn into a gel. And the gel, when compacted, monolithizes large and small fractions of the filler. The result is a dense, strong and durable silicate conglomerate - glass concrete.
Curing of materials made on the basis of cullet can occur both under normal temperature and humidity conditions at 20°C, and at temperatures of 40-50°C in air-dry conditions, and to give them special specified properties - under conditions of heat and humidity treatment at 85 ± 5°C or at elevated temperatures 300-400°C. Copyright certificates and patents have been received for the compositions of binder compositions, concrete mixtures, as well as the method for producing porous concrete (a.s. 1073208, 1112724, patent application 2001135106).
Materials based on cullet meet the relevant requirements of current GOSTs. Moreover, they are not inferior in their general construction and functional properties to modern similar materials based on traditional binders. And in a number of indicators, such as biostability, thermal conductivity, acid resistance, they even surpass them.