Biography. The most open people. Encyclopedia of biographies - Silaev Ivan Stepanovich Silaev g

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR in 1990-1991. From August 24 to December 26, 1991, the head of a number of ephemeral institutions (KOUNH, MEK USSR), which replaced the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR after the August putsch, and thus the last head of the government of the Soviet Union.

Trained as a mechanical engineer in aircraft construction, I. Silaev began his career in 1954 at the S. Ordzhonikidze aircraft plant in Gorky. Having joined the CPSU in 1959, I. Silaev rapidly rose through the ranks, becoming head of the plant in 1971.

In 1974, he was sent to work at the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry, where until 1980 he served with the rank of deputy minister. From December 19, 1980 to February 20, 1981, he was Minister of Machine Tool and Tool Industry of the USSR, and from February 20, 1981, he was appointed Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR.

At the XXVI Congress of the CPSU he was elected a member of the CPSU Central Committee. From November 1, 1985, he worked in the government of N.I. Ryzhkov as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

By the end of the 1990s, he became close to Boris Yeltsin, who, having taken the post of Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, proposed I. Silaev (along with N.I. Ryzhkov and M. Bocharov) as a candidate for the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. I. Silaev was appointed to this position by the Supreme Council of the RSFSR on June 15, 1990. The Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR on June 18, 1990 approved I. Silaev in this position. After the election of B. Yeltsin as President of the RSFSR, I. Silaev was again proposed for the post of head of the Russian government and was freely approved by the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR on July 13, 1991.

From August 24 to December 19, 1991 - Head of the Committee for Operational Management of the National Economy of the USSR; from September 20 to November 14, 1991 - Chairman of the Inter-Republican Economic Committee of the USSR; from November 14 to December 26, 1991 - Chairman of the Interstate Economic Committee - Prime Minister of the Economic Community.

Since December 26, 1991, I. Silaev was the permanent representative Russian Federation at the European Communities in Brussels with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. At the end of 1994, I. Silaev created and headed the International Union of Mechanical Engineers (IUM), which included more than a hundred civilian and defense enterprises and associations, mainly Russian. Since 1995, member of the Kedr Ecological Party, Chairman of the Council of the Moscow Interregional Commercial Bank. Since 1998, President of the Industrial and Financial Group "Industrial Machines", at the same time headed the National Committee for Promotion of Economic Cooperation with Countries Latin America. Since September 26, 2002 Chairman of the Russian Union of Mechanical Engineers.

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The series “Universities of Russia” will allow higher education educational institutions our country to use in educational process textbooks and teaching aids in various disciplines, prepared by teachers best universities Russia and first published in university publishing houses. All textbooks presented in this series have undergone expert evaluation by the educational and methodological department of the publishing house and are published in the original edition. The textbook sets out the elementary fundamentals of technical mechanics without detailed derivations of formulas based on a single methodological system with examples and the order of their solution. Provides an idea of ​​the structure, operation and theoretical foundations mechanisms, units and systems of tractors and cars. The questions discussed in all sections of the textbook are accompanied by necessary diagrams and drawings that provide better understanding of the material. Currently a number technical means, which are given in the textbook, are outdated, replaced by new models and there are foreign analogues. However, this does not significantly affect the learning process, and the innovations that have occurred can be taken into account by teachers if necessary.

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  2. Silaev Ivan Stepanovich – Deputy Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR.

    Born on October 21, 1930 in the village of Bakhtyzino, Voznesensky district Nizhny Novgorod region. Russian. Member of the CPSU from 1959 to 1991.

    Graduated high school. In 1948 he entered the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology, but after completing his first year in 1949 he transferred to the Kazan Aviation Institute and successfully graduated in 1954.

    He began his career in 1954 at the Gorky Aviation Plant named after S. Ordzhonikidze (now Nizhny Novgorod). He worked as a foreman, senior control foreman, head of the workshop control bureau, and head of the technical bureau. Since 1959 - shop manager, since 1964 - deputy production manager, since 1965 - deputy chairman of the factory trade union committee, since 1966 - deputy chief engineer of the plant, since 1969 - chief engineer plant In 1971-1974 - Director of the Gorky Aviation Plant of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry.

    In 1974 he was transferred to Moscow and appointed Deputy Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR.

    For outstanding achievements in creation, testing and production new technology By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (“closed”) of April 3, 1975 Silaev Ivan Stepanovich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

    In 1977-1980 - First Deputy Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR. From December 19, 1980 to February 20, 1981 - Minister of Machine Tool and Tool Industry of the USSR. From February 20, 1981 to November 1, 1985 - Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR.

    Since November 1, 1985 - Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in the Government of N.I. Ryzhkov, headed the Bureau of the Council of Ministers for Mechanical Engineering.

    By the end of the 1980s, he became close to B.N. Yeltsin, who, having taken the post of Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, proposed Silaev as a candidate for the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. Silaev was appointed to this position by the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on June 15, 1990. The Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR on June 18, 1990 approved Silaev in this position. After B.N. Yeltsin was elected President of the RSFSR, Silaev was again proposed for the post of head of the Russian Government and approved for this post by the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR on July 13, 1991. From August 24 to December 19, 1991 - Chairman of the Committee for Operational Management of the National Economy of the USSR.

    On September 26, 1991, he was relieved of his duties as Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR with the wording “in connection with a transfer to another job.” From September 20 to November 14, 1991, Chairman of the Inter-Republican Economic Committee of the USSR. From November 14 to December 26, 1991, the Chairman of the Interstate Economic Committee was the Prime Minister of the Economic Community.

    In 1981-1991 - member of the CPSU Central Committee.

    After the collapse of the USSR, the new leadership of Russia did not want to see the former union leader in its ranks, creating an honorary but insignificant post for him: from December 18, 1991, I.S. Silaev was the permanent representative of the RSFSR (later the Russian Federation) to the European Communities in Brussels with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

    On February 7, 1994, he was relieved of his position with the wording “due to resignation at his own request.”

    At the end of 1994, Silaev created and headed the International Union of Mechanical Engineers, which included more than a hundred civil and defense enterprises and associations, mostly Russian. Since 1995 - member of the Ecological Party "Kedr". Since 1998, President of the Industrial and Financial Group "Industrial Machines", at the same time headed the National Committee for the Promotion of Economic Cooperation with Latin American Countries.

    In 2007, he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the list of the Agrarian Russia party. However, he was not elected due to the fact that the party did not pass the 7 percent threshold.

    Lives in Moscow.

    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (01/04/1992).

    Awarded 2 Soviet Orders of Lenin (04/26/1971, 04/03/1975), the Order of the October Revolution (03/10/1981), medals, including “For Labor Valor” (07/22/1966), a foreign award - the Order of Friendship (Czechoslovakia, 1984) .

    Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1972), National Peter the Great Prize (2002). Awarded two Certificates of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation (10/19/2000, 10/21/2005).

    Silaev Ivan Stepanovich

    (21.10.1930). Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR from June 15, 1990 to September 26, 1991. Born in the village of Bakhtyzino, Voznesensky district, Nizhny Novgorod region, into a peasant family. The father is from the poor, the mother is from a wealthy family. During collectivization, parents were dispossessed, their house and livestock were taken away from them. Since childhood I loved to sing. I went to dances with a captured German accordion. He received his education at the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology (one course), at the Kazan Aviation Institute with a degree in mechanical engineer in aircraft construction (1954). He was the first dandy in the student dormitory. All his classmates wore his trousers and raincoat on dates. After graduating from the institute in 1954 at the Gorky Aviation Plant named after. S. Ordzhonikidze, who produced La-5 fighters: senior control master, head of the shop control bureau, head of the technical bureau. In 1956, the technical bureau developed a rescue device that allows a pilot to eject at high speed without injury. However, during the first test, the pilot fell to the ground and crashed: “They immediately began to figure out whether I was an enemy of the people and whether I was planning a provocation. Fortunately, the director of the plant was the brother of Anastas Mikoyan, a member of the government. He specifically modeled and reproduced a similar situation for the KGB to prove that such a case was possible. The system was removed from the planes, and I was acquitted” (Profile. 1997. No. 3. P. 60). Winter swimming saved me from overexertion. For six years of working at the plant, I swam in the lake every day, without weekends or holidays. Held in ice water two minutes each. Since 1959, head of the workshop, since 1964, deputy head of production, since 1965, deputy chairman of the factory trade union committee, since 1966, deputy chief engineer of the plant, since 1969, chief engineer - deputy director of the plant, since 1971, director plant In 1974, he was transferred to Moscow as Deputy Minister of the USSR Aviation Industry for Combat Aviation. Since 1977, First Deputy Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR. From December 1980 to February 1981, Minister of Machine Tool and Tool Industry of the USSR. From February 1981 to November 1985, Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR. I first met B. N. Yeltsin in 1981, when he arrived in Sverdlovsk region, where the Ministry of Aviation Industry developed and produced sea-launched cruise missiles. I went there at least once a month. B. N. Yeltsin always accepted him. In November 1985 - July 1990, Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, Chairman of the Bureau of the USSR Council of Ministers for Mechanical Engineering. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 10-11 convocations. Member of the CPSU Central Committee in 1981-1991. From June 1990 to September 1991 Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. At the same time, in August - September 1991, Chairman of the Inter-Republican Economic Committee. He had conflicts with the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N.I. Ryzhkov. After being elected to the post of Chairman of the Government of the RSFSR at the suggestion of B. N. Yeltsin, who knew him from his previous work in Sverdlovsk, I. S. Silaev said: “I will prove to you that I am not a conservative...” B. N. Yeltsin’s decision on the appointment I. S. Silaev was a surprise for M. S. Gorbachev and N. I. Ryzhkov. N.I. Ryzhkov said: “Not a worker, Yeltsin will get along with him.” “If Yeltsin gets busy,” decided M. S. Gorbachev, “that’s good.” On January 7, 1991, by order of I. S. Silaev, Christmas was celebrated for the first time in Soviet Russia. But it was too late for him to become a democrat. He was more of a business executive than a politician. Intelligent, approachable, well-mannered. He let young reformist ministers into the government, but could not find a common language with them, and even fought with them. However, he did not live up to the hopes of the communists, who wanted him to become an enemy of B.N. Yeltsin. According to the Minister of Finance of the RSFSR B. G. Fedorov, in the Russian government of I. S. Silaev everyone was thinking about the privatization of state dachas and trips abroad, and dubious personalities rubbed around the ministers. In the spring of 1991, the union center initiated the “case of 142 billion”, in the disappearance of which it was allegedly involved. In June 1991, he submitted an application to resign from the CPSU Central Committee. In July 1991, he signed the appeal of the initiators of the creation of the Movement of Democratic Reforms. From August 18 to August 21, 1991, telephone conversations of I. S. Silaev, on the instructions of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR V. A. Kryuchkov, were taken under control. On the evening of August 19, 1991, he came to B. N. Yeltsin’s office in the House of Soviets and said: “Boris Nikolaevich, forgive me, but I’m going home. I want to be with my family this night.” And in his eyes I read: “Defeat is inevitable, I am an old man, I want to last time to see his wife and children” (Yeltsin B.N. Notes of the President. M., 1994. P. 108). According to B. N. Yeltsin, this was a heavy blow to those remaining in the White House. The press wrote that he simply fled from the White House. He has his own version of what happened: “” White House“I left only on the night of August 20-21, when the entire Russian leadership went down to the bunker. But the TV guards told me: “They will get it.” Then they took me to the distant apartment of an old security officer.” Thanks to M.N. Poltoranin, who named him as the head of the Russian delegation for a trip to Foros to M.S. Gorbachev, he was rescued from possible political oblivion. However, I. S. Silaev adheres to his version of the trip to Foros: “When we were deciding who should fly to Foros, Yeltsin said: “I guess I should fly.” And then I stood up and said: “No, Boris Nikolaevich, you are the first person in the state. We cannot sacrifice you. I must fly” (Profile. 1997. No. 3. P. 59). On August 21, 1991, together with A.V. Rutsky, V.V. Bakatin, E.M. Primakov and 10 people’s deputies of the RSFSR, he flew to Foros to rescue M.S. Gorbachev, who was isolated there. Since August 25, 1991, head of the Committee for Operational Management of the National Economy of the USSR (deputies A. I. Volsky, Yu. M. Luzhkov, G. A. Yavlinsky). On August 28, 1991, he signed decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 952-r on the procedure for termination employment contracts with employees released due to the suspension of the activities of bodies and organizations of the CPSU and the Communist Party of the RSFSR. Since September 1991, the Chairman of the Inter-Republican Economic Committee has been the Prime Minister of the Economic Community of the USSR. September 20, 1991 Supreme Council The RSFSR recognized the work of the government of I. S. Silaev as unsatisfactory in terms of anti-crisis measures and invited B. N. Yeltsin to present a new composition of the government and a program of action. On September 26, 1991, he was dismissed. Insisting on it, M.N. Poltoranin, at a closed cabinet meeting, reminded the removed prime minister of his cowardly behavior on the night of August 21, 1991, when he did not dare to come to the besieged White House. B. N. Yeltsin assigned I. S. Silaev an allowance for life ten times greater than the minimum pension, and retained for him the right to use the Council of Ministers' clinic and the Volga car. From December 1991 to March 19, 1994, Permanent Representative of Russia to the European Communities in Brussels with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia. Received $1800 a month. According to him, he refused offers from Western entrepreneurs who invited him to serve as a consultant. In 1994, he served as a witness in a criminal case related to patronage of the private enterprise Istok, headed by businessman A. M. Tarasov. Investigators claimed that I. S. Silaev issued a special resolution allowing Istok to open foreign currency accounts abroad and exempt the company from the mandatory sale of 40% of foreign currency earnings. Using the order of I. S. Silaev, A. M. Tarasov was able to obtain a license, quotas for the purchase of oil and petroleum products, and a preferential loan from one of the Moscow banks. Petroleum products were purchased, obtained as a result of their sale abroad net profit in the amount of $29 million was credited to accounts first in the Pari-Bas bank, then in the Palace Bank. From there the money dispersed in an unknown direction. During interrogations, I. S. Silaev claimed that he had never met A. M. Tarasov personally, and the fate of the $29 million was unknown to him. The case was closed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. In 1997, it was resumed, but in relation to I. S. Silaev, the prosecutor’s office received instructions “not to initiate a criminal case yet.” According to an investigation by the magazine “Profile” (1997. No. 3. P. 62), former head company "Istok" A. M. Tarasov is a relative of I. S. Silaev. Since 1995, member of the environmental party "Kedr". From June 1995 to 01/01/1996, Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Interregional Bank. In December 1995, he ran for deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation in a single-mandate constituency as an independent candidate, but lost to the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Since 1996, President of the International Union of Mechanical Engineers. Since June 1998, President of the financial and industrial group Industrial Machines. In 1998 he again ran for by-elections in State Duma Russian Federation of the second convocation, but lost to Army General A.I. Nikolaev. Hero of Socialist Labor (1975). Awarded two Orders of Lenin and the Order of the October Revolution. Lenin Prize laureate (1972). Owns, as a private property, dacha No. 3 in the elite village of Petrovo-Dalneye, part of the Zhukovka health resort, which is not subject to privatization. Married, has two sons. The wife worked in the bacteriological laboratory of the Gorky Aviation Plant. After retiring, she transferred to the Moscow Aviation Plant. The eldest son is a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a professor, and teaches at the Moscow Aviation Institute. The youngest son works at the Institute. Keldysh, Ph.D.