We make an infinity table from mirrors and lighting. How to make a table with lighting: ideas, materials, step-by-step instructions, photos and videos. Advantages of ordering a table with an infinity mirror from us

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You can make your interior unique and original with the help of unusual pieces of furniture, for example, a table with an infinity effect. Making such a thing yourself will not be difficult if you use simple instructions. The finished product will organically complement any modern interior and will cause genuine delight among household members and guests!

Table with LED lighting.

Feature of the table

Externally, the table is not much different from any ordinary coffee table. However, as soon as you turn on the backlight, the tabletop of the product begins to flicker and glow with hundreds of lights, creating the illusion of infinity. I want to admire such magic all the time, but those who are indifferent to unusual table will not be found either among adults or among children.

A backlit coffee table looks especially impressive when the lights are off in the evening.

The infinity effect is achieved thanks to the special design of the tabletop - its box consists of two mirrors, and is installed on the sides diode strip. In this case, a translucent mirror is selected for the top cover so that the light pattern is more noticeable and pronounced.

The design of the product is shown in more detail in the photo below:


You can turn on the product using remote control or a special switch on the box.

To illuminate the tabletop, you can choose diodes of any desired shade or combine several colors. But experts especially recommend taking a closer look at the red diodes - due to slight dispersion, the endless tunnel acquires more depth.

This unusual piece of furniture is perfect for both home use, and for placement in the office. It can be made in absolutely any size and from any materials.

Table with lilac lighting.

Materials and tools

You can make an exclusive piece of furniture with your own hands. To do this, prepare necessary materials, tools and follow the step-by-step instructions.

To make a table you will need:

  • boards for the frame (made of wood or particle board);
  • mirror according to tabletop parameters;
  • translucent mirror. The dimensions should be 10 cm larger than the bottom mirror;
  • self-adhesive diode tape, length depending on the size of the table, but not less than 1.5 m;
  • materials for connecting the tape: controller, programmer, wires, power supply with USB;
  • consumables: sandpaper, glue, screws, metal corners.

Instead of a translucent mirror for the top cover, you can take regular glass and cover it with tinting film yourself.

Idea: to reduce work in any furniture store you can purchase the simplest table in design and use it as a ready-made base.

Why choose LEDs:

  1. They give a rich, beautiful, deep shade.
  2. Longer service life without burnout (the number of on/off switches does not affect the service life).
  3. No heating.
  4. High efficiency.
  5. Various colors.
  6. Reasonable price.
  7. Light bulb safety.


Before assembly, it is necessary to develop a drawing of the table, calculate the distance between the mirrors, the number of diodes, and think about the location of the electrical elements.

To get an idea of ​​what the twinkling lights will look like in finished product, just place any light source between the bottom and top of the table and look at the result.

Regarding the distance between the mirrors, everything is individual and depends on your wishes. But often the average value is chosen - 8 cm. To calculate the depth of infinity, the distance between the covers must be multiplied by 16. Also keep in mind that the depth of the tunnel will depend on the light transmittance of the top cover. After all the calculations, you can proceed directly to assembly.

Step-by-step instructions for making a table with an infinity effect with your own hands - making the base:

  1. From bars with a cross section of 5*5 cm and metal corners you need to make the frame of the future table. For fastening, use screws and a screwdriver.
  2. With the help sandpaper Carefully process all edges and corners to make them smooth and remove burrs.
  3. Drill holes for electrical elements using a drill, follow the drawing. The holes need to be sanded tighter.
  4. For additional fastening of the structure, you can treat the joints with glue. After this, the frame must dry for at least 24 hours.

Frame assembly.

Assembling the tabletop step by step:

  1. To a sheet of plywood the right size attach boards (section 5*1 cm) along the outer perimeter, and at a distance of 5-6 cm along the inner perimeter. There should be a kind of gutter between the boards - this is where the wiring and electrical elements will be placed (see photo above).
  2. Place a mirror on the bottom of the tabletop with the reflective side facing up.
  3. To the inside of the smaller frame you need to attach LED strip using double-sided tape.
  4. Wiring is installed in the space between the frames.
  5. Attach the top mirror cover to the tabletop.
  6. The entire structure is held together with screws.

Assembling the tabletop.

At the end of all the work, you should end up with something like this table with a mirror surface:

Finished product with the backlight turned off.

However, it is worth understanding that you can make a table with an infinity effect from any material that you know how to handle - for example, plexiglass, plastic, metal.

  1. When working with mirrors and glass protective film remove only after all processes are completed.
  2. Be sure to thoroughly study the diode connection diagram to avoid a short circuit, or worse, a fire.
  3. For fastening, use moisture-resistant glue.
  4. In case of breakdown electronic parts It will be convenient to have free access to them, therefore it is better to place the controller and programmer not inside the table, but outside - placing it in a neat box and securing it under the tabletop.

There are many creative ideas used furniture craftsmen when making masterpieces with your own hands. A bright, original and memorable product that will perfectly decorate a modern interior and create a unique atmosphere is coffee table IR with infinity effect. Making it is not very easy, but it is quite possible if you have some skills in working with wood and glass.

You can place a table with lighting both in an office space or in a country house, as well as at home. LED lamps used in the assembly of such furniture are absolutely safe for human health, as well as for environment. Such lamps are durable and economical, so using a table with an infinity effect will not lead to increased energy consumption.

Illusion endless tunnel created by using two mirror surfaces and LEDs located between them. The colors of the lamps used can be any, but experts say that red diodes can make the tunnel deeper, since red color is less prone to scattering than other colors.

To control the backlight, the on/off button or a special remote control can be used.

Preparing to start work

To make a coffee table with a mirror, you need to prepare necessary tools and materials. The master will need:

  • boards - wood or chipboard;
  • sandpaper - it is needed for processing the boards after cutting them (if the material is purchased cut into suitable elements, then there is no need to use sandpaper);
  • ordinary mirror - for coffee table diameter about 60-70 cm;
  • translucent mirror - its width should be approximately 10 cm larger than the width of a regular mirror (the additional size is needed so that the glass can be glued to the strips with LEDs); in the absence of a translucent mirror, you can use glass on which a mirror film is glued;
  • power supply with USB output;
  • self-adhesive LED strip no less than 1.5–2 m long;
  • wires;
  • USB for powering the microcontroller;
  • microcontroller and programmer for it;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • superglue;
  • screwdriver

Some craftsmen prefer to make a table with their own hands using a New Year's garland instead of an LED strip. In this case, there is no need to purchase equipment that is equipped with designs with LED strips (microcontroller, USB).

Tabletop assembly procedure

First, a frame (sidewall) of the future structure is assembled from 4 boards using self-tapping screws, then this frame is glued on top of the mirror, on its front side. In this case, the size of the frame must correspond to the dimensions of the mirror.

At the next stage, you assemble the frame with LEDs yourself. The outer diameter of the frame can be equal to or greater than the outer diameter of the frame, but the inner diameter should be 1-2 cm less than the inner diameter of the frame on each side. When the frame is ready, an LED strip is attached to its bottom side along the inner edge. The frame is then attached to the sides with screws. Holes are drilled in the frame through which the wires are routed out.

When all this work is completed, all that remains is to attach the translucent mirror to the frame. It is screwed with special screws. It is advisable to choose screws that can be removed without much difficulty (in case the LEDs need to be replaced). Craftsmen recommend attaching small strips to the edges of the frame, which in height form a single plane with the glass. At the final stage of work, it will be possible to attach an upper frame to these planks, ensuring reliable fixation of the tabletop.

Not every craftsman can equip a table with such a mirror, because this material is quite rare. Many furniture makers use plexiglass and self-adhesive mirror film, which is applied to bottom surface glass (the one that will be facing the mirror).

Mirror-coated glass is also popular, but it needs to be chosen correctly. You can determine whether mirror-coated glass is suitable for making a coffee table with an infinity effect as follows: you should place a piece of mirror and a piece of glass in parallel, and place any light source between them and visually evaluate the effect.

Another affordable option, which is often preferred by novice craftsmen, is the use of ordinary window glass. But in this case it will not be possible to achieve a sufficient depth of the endless tunnel. In addition, the observer will be able to see everything inside the table.

One of the most important characteristics What you need to pay attention to when assembling a table from mirrors is the depth of the tunnel. It is determined by two factors:

  • the distance between the mirrors (the actual distance should be multiplied by 16 to get the approximate apparent depth of the tunnel; in most cases, the actual distance from the lower mirror to the upper one is 75-80 mm);
  • throughput translucent material.

To ensure long-term operation of the backlight and save energy, it is recommended to use a power supply with a 50% power reserve.

There is an easier way to make your own table with an infinity effect. In this case, instead of an LED strip, a regular one is used New Year's garland. First, a square or rectangular frame is made from bars, then the number of light bulbs on the garland is counted.

After this, marks are placed on the frame in the places where the light bulbs will be located. It is recommended to place them at a distance of about 2 cm from each other. At the next stage of work, holes for light bulbs are drilled in the frame of the future table.

Then light bulbs are inserted into these holes and secured there. Then you need to glue the frame onto the mirror with your own hands, and glue glass with a mirror film on top of the frame.

When the backlit tabletop is ready, all that remains is to make the base and legs of the table. The legs should be thick enough (about 10 cm in diameter) so that a hole can be drilled inside one of them for the wires. Exiting the wires through the leg is a solution that allows you to make the product as aesthetically pleasing as possible. You can route the wires directly from the tabletop, but this will make the table less beautiful and convenient to use.

When the legs are made, one of them needs to be formed through hole with a diameter of about 5 cm. In the upper part of the leg, two grooves should be made through which the wires will pass, and also a corner hole necessary to fix the tabletop should be cut.

The height of the hole should be equal to the height of the table top. The depth of the hole must be calculated individually in each case; it must ensure reliable fixation of the tabletop. Similar corner holes are made on all four legs.

In addition to the legs, you need to prepare the base in which the tabletop will be placed. The width of the base should be such that the base protrudes 8-10 cm on each side of the tabletop placed inside it. Free space around the tabletop is needed to accommodate wires and related equipment.

A hole is formed in each corner of the tabletop into which a leg is inserted. Then an outer frame is attached to the base using self-tapping screws, the height of which is equal to the height of the tabletop. Then the legs are screwed on, and the tabletop is placed into the finished structure. The spaces between the table top and the outer frame house wires that are routed out through the table leg.

When the assembly of the base and tabletop is completed, all that remains is to close the space with the wires and additionally fix the tabletop inside the base. A special frame is made for this.

The width of each side of the frame is calculated as follows: the width of the trench with wires + the thickness of the outer frame + a few centimeters to ensure the frame fixes the tabletop. This frame is assembled from four blanks and fastened with self-tapping screws. It is then bolted to the outer frame as well as to the LED tabletop frame.

The holes for the bolts must be drilled in advance to avoid delamination of the wood. The design is ready!

There are many creative ideas used by furniture makers when making their own masterpieces. A bright, original and memorable product that will perfectly decorate a modern interior and create a unique atmosphere is a coffee table with an infinity effect. Making it is not very easy, but it is quite possible if you have some skills in working with wood and glass.

You can place a table with lighting both in an office space or in a country house, as well as at home. LED lamps used in the assembly of such furniture are absolutely safe for human health, as well as for the environment. Such lamps are durable and economical, so using a table with an infinity effect will not lead to increased energy consumption.

The illusion of an endless tunnel is created by using two mirror surfaces and LEDs located between them. The colors of the lamps used can be any, but experts say that red diodes can make the tunnel deeper, since red color is less prone to scattering than other colors.

To control the backlight, the on/off button or a special remote control can be used.

Preparing to start work

To make a coffee table with a mirror, you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials. The master will need:

  • boards - wood or chipboard;
  • sandpaper - it is needed for processing the boards after cutting them (if the material is purchased cut into suitable elements, then there is no need to use sandpaper);
  • an ordinary mirror - for a coffee table with a diameter of about 60-70 cm;
  • translucent mirror - its width should be approximately 10 cm larger than the width of a regular mirror (the additional size is needed so that the glass can be glued to the strips with LEDs); in the absence of a translucent mirror, you can use glass on which a mirror film is glued;
  • power supply with USB output;
  • self-adhesive LED strip no less than 1.5–2 m long;
  • wires;
  • USB for powering the microcontroller;
  • microcontroller and programmer for it;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • superglue;
  • screwdriver

Some craftsmen prefer to make a table with their own hands using a New Year's garland instead of an LED strip. In this case, there is no need to purchase equipment that is equipped with designs with LED strips (microcontroller, USB).

Tabletop assembly procedure

First, a frame (sidewall) of the future structure is assembled from 4 boards using self-tapping screws, then this frame is glued on top of the mirror, on its front side. In this case, the size of the frame must correspond to the dimensions of the mirror.

At the next stage, you assemble the frame with LEDs yourself. The outer diameter of the frame can be equal to or greater than the outer diameter of the frame, but the inner diameter should be 1-2 cm less than the inner diameter of the frame on each side. When the frame is ready, an LED strip is attached to its bottom side along the inner edge. The frame is then attached to the sides with screws. Holes are drilled in the frame through which the wires are routed out.

When all this work is completed, all that remains is to attach the translucent mirror to the frame. It is screwed with special screws. It is advisable to choose screws that can be removed without much difficulty (in case the LEDs need to be replaced). Craftsmen recommend attaching small strips to the edges of the frame, which in height form a single plane with the glass. At the final stage of work, it will be possible to attach an upper frame to these planks, ensuring reliable fixation of the tabletop.

Not every craftsman can equip a table with such a mirror, because this material is quite rare. Many furniture makers use plexiglass and self-adhesive mirror film, which is applied to the bottom surface of the glass (the one that will be facing the mirror).

Mirror-coated glass is also popular, but it needs to be chosen correctly. You can determine whether mirror-coated glass is suitable for making a coffee table with an infinity effect as follows: you should place a piece of mirror and a piece of glass in parallel, and place any light source between them and visually evaluate the effect.

Another affordable option, which is often preferred by novice craftsmen, is the use of ordinary window glass. But in this case it will not be possible to achieve a sufficient depth of the endless tunnel. In addition, the observer will be able to see everything inside the table.

One of the most important characteristics that you need to pay attention to when assembling a mirror table is the depth of the tunnel. It is determined by two factors:

  • the distance between the mirrors (the actual distance should be multiplied by 16 to get the approximate apparent depth of the tunnel; in most cases, the actual distance from the lower mirror to the upper one is 75-80 mm);
  • throughput of translucent material.

To ensure long-term operation of the backlight and save energy, it is recommended to use a power supply with a 50% power reserve.

There is an easier way to make your own table with an infinity effect. In this case, instead of an LED strip, a regular New Year's garland is used. First, a square or rectangular frame is made from bars, then the number of light bulbs on the garland is counted.

After this, marks are placed on the frame in the places where the light bulbs will be located. It is recommended to place them at a distance of about 2 cm from each other. At the next stage of work, holes for light bulbs are drilled in the frame of the future table.

Then light bulbs are inserted into these holes and secured there. Then you need to glue the frame onto the mirror with your own hands, and glue glass with a mirror film on top of the frame.

When the backlit tabletop is ready, all that remains is to make the base and legs of the table. The legs should be thick enough (about 10 cm in diameter) so that a hole can be drilled inside one of them for the wires. Exiting the wires through the leg is a solution that allows you to make the product as aesthetically pleasing as possible. You can route the wires directly from the tabletop, but this will make the table less beautiful and convenient to use.

When the legs are made, you need to form a through hole in one of them with a diameter of about 5 cm. In the upper part of the leg, you should make two grooves through which the wires will pass, and also cut out a corner hole necessary for fixing the tabletop.

The height of the hole should be equal to the height of the table top. The depth of the hole must be calculated individually in each case; it must ensure reliable fixation of the tabletop. Similar corner holes are made on all four legs.

In addition to the legs, you need to prepare the base in which the tabletop will be placed. The width of the base should be such that the base protrudes 8-10 cm on each side of the tabletop placed inside it. Free space around the tabletop is needed to accommodate wires and related equipment.

A hole is formed in each corner of the tabletop into which a leg is inserted. Then an outer frame is attached to the base using self-tapping screws, the height of which is equal to the height of the tabletop. Then the legs are screwed on, and the tabletop is placed into the finished structure. The spaces between the table top and the outer frame house wires that are routed out through the table leg.

When the assembly of the base and tabletop is completed, all that remains is to close the space with the wires and additionally fix the tabletop inside the base. A special frame is made for this.

The width of each side of the frame is calculated as follows: the width of the trench with wires + the thickness of the outer frame + a few centimeters to ensure the frame fixes the tabletop. This frame is assembled from four blanks and fastened with self-tapping screws. It is then bolted to the outer frame as well as to the LED tabletop frame.

The holes for the bolts must be drilled in advance to avoid delamination of the wood. The design is ready!

Table with lighting - very interesting and eye-catching element decor rooms.

Thanks to the use of a translucent mirror and multiple sources light is created amazing effect shining tunnel.

This unusual piece of furniture is also called an infinity table, 3D table and a glowing table.


LED strips

When making a table it is used LED strip, which creates the effect of infinity.
The most convenient are self-adhesive tapes.

Operating principle

The LED strip consists of two diodes - single-chip, having one color spectrum, and three-crystal, consisting of three color spectra (green, blue, red).

Radiation crystals mix to form a wide range of colors gamma.


  1. LED type - The main difference between all LED strips is from each other. The most common LEDs are SMD 3028 and SMD 5050.
    The abbreviation stands for “surface-mounted device”, and the numbers indicate the dimensions LED lamps: 3.0 x 2.8 mm and 5.0 x 5.0 mm.
  2. Density. The more LEDs per one linear meter, the brighter the glow from the tape.
  3. Glow color LEDs can be anything. The most popular are white, yellow colors, cold and warm tones.
  4. Moisture protection. IP 20 - open, IP 65 - moisture resistant, IP 68 - the highest degree of moisture protection.


  • Large light recoil;
  • High strength and vibration resistance of tapes;
  • Long operational life (about 100 thousand hours);
  • Various tones and shades glow of lamps;
  • Inertia the tapes are small, which allows you to use the most high brightness from the very moment you turn it on;
  • Quantity cycles turning on/off does not in any way affect the service life of LED strips;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Safety;
  • Budget price;
  • Not susceptible to breakage due to low temperatures temperatures

Pay attention! High temperatures are strictly contraindicated for LED strips.

How to make a backlight computer desk using LED strip, see video:

DIY 3D table

Let's consider making more complex, but the safest and beautiful LED table.


In order to make a table, you will need the following materials:
  • Mirror(diameter 60 cm);
  • Mirror translucent self-adhesive film;
  • Expanded polystyrene(for the body);
  • Glass or plexiglass (thickness 4 mm, 65 x 65 cm);
  • Metal strip on a roll (for windows);
  • Wires;
  • Instantaneous superglue;
  • Bilateral scotch;
  • power unit 5/5.5V 200/300mA with USB output;
  • Self-adhesive tape LED(not less than 1.5 - 2 meters);
  • Arduino Uno;
  • Programmer for Arduino (for projects);
  • USB for powering the microcontroller.

Pay attention! The mirror can be of absolutely any shape: square, circle, oval, D-shaped bar counter, etc.


Tools, necessary to create an LED table:
  • milling cutter(a nozzle is required for making round parts);
  • regular or
  • soldering iron(you definitely need solder for a soldering iron);
  • Dremel;
  • scissors;
  • knife(for cutting metal and plexiglass);
  • pencil, pen, thin marker;
  • square(ruler).

Stages of work

Step 1. Cut from a piece of plexiglass circle according to the diameter of our mirror. edges we clean up we remove the shavings.

Pay attention! When cutting a circle from plexiglass, you should move the milling machine quickly so that the edge does not melt.

Step 2. Carefully glue the self-adhesive onto the plexiglass film. We glue the plexiglass to the table with tape. We remove the film that is applied to plexiglass, and film from mirror film. Spraying plexiglass water, and even better - soapy solution. We place the mirror film on the glass and expel all the formed bubbles.

Step 3. Protruding edges of the mirror film cut off scissors. We leave the entire structure to dry (at least 12 o'clock).

Step 4. Carefully attach to the dried mirror plexiglass metal strip using transparent superglue.

Step 5. We glue the LED strip on internal side of the metal strip.

Step 6. We drill holes in the metal strip for wires

Step 7 We polish the received holes.

Step 8 The connection code can be write yourself, or you can use a ready-made one. Scheme connecting the Arduino Uno controller:

Step 9 From plexiglass you need to cut 10 - 15 small rectangles. Using clear instant adhesive, attach them to facial side of the mirror. They will serve as supports for designs made of glass and metal. Size The rectangles should be such that the strip together with the plexiglass overlaps our mirror.

Step 10 To rectangles install top structure with glass. The glue must be completely dry out. It is advisable to put something heavy on top for the best bonding surfaces.

Step 11 Second (external) film remove from the plexiglass. This design can be used as mirror. We install the structure on a table with a tabletop of the same or smaller diameter

  • Not worth it undertake for making a glowing table, if you are not sure what Right connect the LED strip to the battery or network. Incorrect or sloppy connection may lead to a short closure and fire.
  • Films that protect glass from external influences, filming in the end - that's how it is will save your appearance.
  • Before cutting plexiglass in the middle of the circle two-way We attach a piece of wood with tape bar. It will serve as a support for the router.
  • Glue must be taken waterproof.
  • Glue LED strip needs a good, strong double-sided scotch. If the tape comes off when the table is completely ready, will have to open the entire structure for corrections this problem.
  • Minicontroller put it in a box and attach it to below countertops.

  • For nutrition tapes can be used electrical networks or build a small battery. When powered by a battery, the table will become even more safe and will not depend on the power grid. It can also be installed in suburban home where there is no power supply.

    LED strips are safe and durable. To illuminate the table you can use plain or multi-colored LED strip (they differ only in price). Luminous the table will delight the owners and their guests with an unusual design.

    How to install lamps to illuminate the desktop in the kitchen, see the following video:

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    They use all kinds creative ideas to attract the buyer's attention to your product. Self-taught craftsmen successfully plagiarize creative inventions, trying to add their own characteristics to the design. So, the table with the infinity effect looks bright and original, not from some famous manufacturer furniture, but one that is made with your own hands. It’s not easy to design something like this, but it’s possible if you’re striving for something new, have carpentry skills, and want to try your hand at making furniture. Knowledge of technology is also important, especially schematic diagram LED operation.

    How do you achieve the illusion of infinity?

    When you look into such a space, it seems that somewhere in there, in the depths, there is a portal to another dimension. To achieve this effect, you will need only two mirror sheets, suitable in size, and LEDs that are located between them, with inside. Choose the color of the lamps that you like best.

    Important! Experts advise using red light bulbs to design a mirror table with an infinity effect. With their help it is possible to achieve maximum effect due to the property of color - it is less prone to dispersion than others.

    The backlight can be controlled by an on/off button or a special remote control.

    Getting Started

    To design a table with an infinity effect, you will need a set of tools and materials. The master will need the following in his work:

    • chipboard or wood boards;
    • sandpaper;
    • mirror cloth with dimensions 60x70 cm;
    • translucent mirror with a width 10 cm larger than a regular mirror. It can be replaced ordinary glass, covered with a mirror film;
    • power supply with USB output;
    • LED strip on a self-adhesive basis - 1.5-2 m;
    • wires;
    • USB cable for powering the microcontroller;
    • programmer;
    • microcontroller;
    • self-tapping screws;
    • superglue;
    • screwdriver

    The version of the table with the infinity effect, made using a garland, looks interesting. This option is easier to implement and will not be as expensive as a design that requires the purchase of special equipment.

    How to assemble a tabletop?

    Taking four boards, twist the frame (sidewalls) of the future table with an infinity effect. Glue a mirror onto the front side of the box, choosing a reflective surface that matches the size of the base of the cabinet.

    Assemble the LED frame. In terms of dimensions, this part should be equal to the outer diameter of the frame, and in terms of the inner diameter, it should deviate inward from the edges by 1-2 centimeters. Having finished making the box, glue an LED strip along the inside of the frame and screw it with self-tapping screws to the ready-made sidewalls of the structure.

    Now we have to work with electronics. Start with the holes that need to be drilled to bring the wires out. After this, attach the translucent mirror surface to the frame using special screws.

    Important! Craftsmen advise nailing thin strips along the edges of the frame, forming a single plane in height with the glass. At the final stage of work, the upper frame is attached to these slats, ensuring reliable fixation.

    Subtleties of table design

    Not every craftsman can make a coffee table with an infinity effect. Furniture makers have plexiglass and self-adhesive mirror films in their arsenal, which simplify the design process. Inside the box there are two walls that mutually reflect each other. The one facing the mirror is processed additionally, or translucent glass is purchased, although this material is quite rare.

    Don't forget to pay attention to the depth of the tunnel located between the two mirror surfaces. It is determined based on the following indicators:

    • distance between surfaces. By multiplying the actual width of the opening by 16, you can get a number characterizing the depth of visualization;
    • throughput of translucent material.

    Important! A table with a 3D infinity effect, made by yourself, will last longer, and the backlight will work without failures if you choose a power supply with a 50% power reserve as the electrical medium.

    How to assemble the base and legs?

    Having completed the work of constructing the tabletop, all you have to do is put the bedside table on its legs. To do this, choose solid wood with a section width of up to 10 cm. Wires will be hidden in one of the volumetric legs. This move allows you to make the design aesthetic.

    Wires are also removed from the countertop, but such a product looks less attractive and at the same time does not differ in functionality.

    Having purchased the blanks or assembled the legs, form a through hole with a diameter of up to 5 cm in one of the supporting structures. Grooves are made in the upper part of the tabletop through which the wiring runs. In addition, a corner hole is cut out, which is responsible for fixing the tabletop.

    The height of the hole should correspond to the height of the tabletop. Its depth is calculated individually in each case. The main requirement is provision reliable fixation countertops. Such grooves are made in each of the legs.

    Arrangement of fastening

    To design a table with an infinity effect with your own hands, you also need horizontal plane, on which the tabletop would fit. This can be a wooden square 8-10 cm larger than the main structure. This is free space wooden frame and is used for the location and routing of wires and additional equipment ensuring the smooth functioning of the system.

    Holes are formed in the corners of the tabletop into which the legs are subsequently screwed or inserted. After supporting structure assembled, attach the outer frame to finished design attach the table top. Wires are placed inside and lead out through one of the structural elements.

    Having completed the assembly, the open space between the compartment with the wires is closed, fixing the tabletop from the inside of the base.

    How to calculate the width of an additional mount for a table top?

    For fastening from above, a special frame is made, the width of which is calculated as follows: the thickness of the outer frame is added to the width of the cut gutter with a couple of centimeters in reserve, which helps fix the tabletop using the frame.

    The frame is assembled from four wooden blanks and fastened with self-tapping screws. Then, using bolts, they are screwed to the outer frame, capturing the tabletop frame with LEDs. Remember that the holes are drilled in advance to prevent the wood from splitting during operation.

    Having the basic instructions for a table with an infinity effect in hand, making such a design with your own hands will not be difficult. A beginner will have to work harder, but the result will exceed all expectations.