Drainage well made of Eurocube. How to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands - an easy way to install a treatment facility. Preparing a pit for sewerage

To build a septic tank, it is not at all necessary to build bulk concrete containers. Local treatment plant with low productivity you can make it yourself from Eurocubes or nylon containers. This article will discuss the design and installation stages of such a septic tank.

Homemade septic tanks inherit the operating principle ready-made solutions, such as “TOPAS” or “TANK”, but structurally they are very different. It is almost impossible to divide the container into chambers: polyethylene is difficult to glue in artisanal conditions, and the narrow neck makes work difficult. Therefore, several adjacent containers connected to each other are used.

What containers can be used

For a septic tank, it is advisable to use used containers without damage to the body with the shape of a vertical cylinder or parallelepiped. The thickness of the walls of the container must be at least 3.5 mm, and the thickness of the Eurocube - at least 2 mm.

Due to their small capacity (1000-1050 liters), Eurocubes are used in septic tanks with a daily capacity of up to 1 m 3 per day; in other cases, nylon containers are used. Their volume is not difficult to calculate - the total capacity of the septic tank is chosen equal to three times the daily drainage value. And when the number of discharges exceeds 5 m 3 per day, the total volume of the septic tank chambers should be 2.5 times higher.

The dimensions of the aeration tank and the primary settling tank are in a ratio of 1.5:1, the second and third chambers are equal in volume. For example, a septic tank with a volume of 6 m3 has the following chamber capacity:

  1. Primary settling tank 1500 liters.
  2. Aerotank - 2250 liters.
  3. Deep cleaning chamber - 2250 liters.

In treatment plants with a volume of more than 10 m3, all chambers have the same volume.

Features of installation at high groundwater level

Homemade septic tanks from plastic containers It is reasonable to install with low waste loads - up to 6-8 m 3 per day. Unlike treatment facilities with concrete tanks, they have a number of disadvantages.

At level groundwater(GWL) below 1.5-2 meters, the septic tank is installed according to the standard scheme. But if the groundwater is higher, there is a real threat of liquid backflow and flooding. In this case, a buffer tank with a higher level is required, into which purified water is supplied via an airlift or drainage pump.

Option for installing a septic tank high level groundwater: 1 - inlet waste water; 2 - first container; 3 - second container; 4 — drain pump; 5 - ventilation; 6 - buffer capacity; 7 - drainage field

If the groundwater level is too high (less than 50 cm), there is a possibility of flooding of the septic tank through the caisson or gaps in the drainage channel. These problems are solved in the following ways:

  1. Laying an inlet drainage pipe above the water mains water supply with subsequent insulation.
  2. Construction of a sealed sewer channel.
  3. Sealing the caisson, using containers with elongated necks.
  4. Installation of a septic tank close to the soil surface and its insulation.

The last point implies a minimum distance of the septic tank from the riser, but no closer than three meters from the foundation of the building.

Excavation and installation of tanks

The installation of a septic tank begins after laying the sewer channel. For a homemade septic tank, unlike factory-made VOCs, the height of the inlet pipe insert is important - optimally 20-25 cm from the top. Taking this into account, the depth of the pit is determined. The containers are placed in the required order on the leveled soil, then the contours of the future pit are marked, retreating 25-30 centimeters from the walls of the chambers for backfilling.

The bottom of the pit is filled with concrete, reinforcing metal mesh with 4 mm rods and 60x60 mm mesh. The concrete hardens in 2-3 days, after which you can install the first and third tanks, cut in the inlet and outlet pipes, respectively. Convenient to use for pipe insertion wooden block with two self-tapping screws screwed into it, the distance between the tips of which is 1-2 mm less than the radius of the pipe. This “compass” scratches perfectly round hole at the entry site and insert the tube. It takes some effort, but this method makes the walls fit more tightly.

At the places where the pipes are inserted, the connection is treated with hot-melt adhesive: first with a white transparent rod, and then with a translucent black one. Direct outlet tees are put on the ends of the pipes and placed vertically, the lower end is extended to the middle of the chamber height.

Backfilling and caisson installation

After installing all the containers, prepare a mixture of five parts sand and one part cement, and fill the gaps between the walls of the tanks and the pit with it. This is done in several stages. First, fill and compact the bottom layer to 1/4 of the height, filling the septic tank by a third with water. Subsequently, backfilling is carried out to half, and then to 2/3 of the height.

When installing at shallow depths, it is reasonable to cover the septic tank with expanded polystyrene slabs before backfilling. When the backfill covers the inlet pipe, the EPS slabs are cut and laid horizontally, then the septic tank continues to be filled to the level of the upper wall of the tanks.

A caisson is a technical chamber designed to accommodate equipment. The walls of the caisson are laid out in half a brick so that they protrude 10-15 cm above the ground level, the bottom is poured after inserting the passage sleeves into the upper wall of the chamber. When pouring the screed, the neck of the septic tank is protected with ring formwork, for example, made of plastic. The caisson can be common or individual for each chamber. In the latter case, pass-through sleeves for pipes and hoses are placed in the partitions.

Internal filling of the septic tank

The only electrical equipment used in a septic tank is a compressor, such as Pondtech A-85. An airlift system is used to pump the mass. The airlift for pumping liquid from the primary settling tank is placed at the level of the inlet pipe, and in the aeration tank it is located 10-15 cm from the top of the chamber. The discharge outlets are lowered to the middle height of the container. To pump activated sludge from the aeration tank and deep cleaning chamber into the primary settling tank, two separate airlifts with common point discharge 70-100 cm from the bottom. The airlift suction pipes are located 10-15 cm from the bottom, and the pump itself is placed at a third of the height of the chamber.

Corrugated spiral hoses of 32 mm are excellent as transfer channels; they can be easily laid without sharp turns. The connection to the airlifts is sealed with screw clamps or nylon ties.

1 — inlet pipe; 2 — membrane diffuser (aerator); 3 — concrete pouring; 4 - airlift for pumping into water; 5 - compressor; 6 - cement-sand backfill; 7 - caissons; 8 - air lift for pumping sludge; 9 - outlet pipe

Airlifts can be made with your own hands. To do this, take a segment PVC pipes 32 mm 15-20 cm long, drill two 15 mm holes in it in the middle and screw fittings into them for a 12 mm hose with a 1/2 thread. The connection turns out to be quite tight, if desired, it can be treated with hot glue. Two pieces of hose are put on the fittings and connect them with a tee.

From the compressor, air is supplied to membrane diffusers located 40 cm from the bottom of the first and 25-30 cm from the bottom of the second chamber. To power airlifts, tee branches are made, and air is passed through flow regulators. Airlifts for pumping sludge are additionally equipped with taps or electric valves for automatic control.

Completion of installation and start-up

At the highest points of each container, usually in the lids, it is necessary to install exhaust channels to remove ventilation gases. After this, the septic tank is filled with water and its operation is tested in “clean” mode: the air supply to the airlifts is adjusted and the pumping speed is checked. If the operating mode suits you, the septic tank can be started.

Many private houses are not connected to the central sewerage system. Their owners are getting out of this situation in various ways. Long used cesspool as one of possible options arrangement autonomous sewerage, but this is not very convenient and practical.

This technology is being replaced by more modern methods. These days widespread received various septic tanks. These devices allow you to arrange excellent systems sewerage, while wastewater is purified to such a level that it is suitable for watering and irrigation.

A septic tank made from Eurocubes is one of the most simple options autonomous sewerage. Eurocube is a container that is designed to transport impressive volumes of water or other liquid.

Sewage from Eurocubes will be for a long time serve faithfully to your master.

How to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands

First, you need to carefully prepare, namely, make calculations that will help determine what volume the Eurocube should have. To do this, you need to calculate the approximate volume of wastewater that will pass through it per day. In any case, you need to buy Eurocubes with a reserve. This nuance should not be forgotten.

Now you can start digging a pit. The Eurocube itself is a sealed element. An additional drainage system will be used to drain wastewater, so Eurocubes can be placed anywhere on the site.

We proceed directly to the process of installing a septic tank from Eurocubes with our own hands. At the bottom of the pit, a cushion of sand and crushed stone is made. In the event that there is a possibility that the soil will float, it is better to make a concrete screed.

Once all the connecting elements are prepared and checked, the Eurocubes can take their rightful place. They are placed in a pit. In it, the septic tank is thoroughly fixed with pipes that have passed the leak test by this time.

If the groundwater level is high...

If the groundwater level is high, the septic tank is installed using the same method, but it must be firmly fixed to the bottom of the pit. Eurocube for a septic tank is a fairly heavy material, but the groundwater level can directly affect its position. In this case, Eurocubes can float and damage sealed connections. If there is high water in the ground, it is necessary to do embankment field filtration.

Here it is worth making another container in which the pump is installed. It will pump wastewater into the filter field that was made earlier. It will be very beautiful if you make it in the form of an alpine slide.

Now you can finally fill the Eurocubes with sand. If necessary, such a septic tank must be insulated. In most of the territory of our state, such a procedure is a necessity, since the cold period of time prevails there. Can be used for insulation mineral wool, as the cheapest insulation.

At this point, the process of installing an autonomous sewage system from Eurocubes can be considered complete.

The process of filtration and sewerage of such a septic tank is quite simple and primitive. Through the pipes, all wastewater enters the first section of the septic tank. Heavy particles settle in this compartment. They simply remain at the bottom of the first chamber. When the level of waste becomes high enough, the wastewater flows into an adjacent chamber. You can use a height difference for this, or make an outlet pipe at a certain height.

The second chamber contains a special drainage pipe. It should be at a distance of 15–20 centimeters from the bottom of the cube. To improve drainage capacity, you can build a filtration field or drainage well.

Both chambers of the septic tank must be equipped with ventilation pipes. These pipes should protrude approximately two meters above the ground level. In this case, in the first chamber the pipe is located approximately 15–20 centimeters above connecting pipe. It serves to eliminate harmful fumes. In the second chamber, the ventilation pipe is also located at a distance of 15–20 centimeters, but this time from the drainage pipes.

Thus, the design of a septic tank made from Eurocubes is quite simple. It should be understandable not only to professionals, but also to all those who decided to install an autonomous sewage system in their private home.

If possible, additional means should be used to drain wastewater. These include specially created biological mixtures or a filter-type well.

Plastic is a very sensitive material. He is influenced low temperature. IN winter period You should not fill the septic tank entirely from Eurocubes. This can lead to cracks and system failure. To prevent this from happening, you can place the septic tank below the freezing level of the soil or use insulation. As mentioned earlier, ordinary mineral wool is ideal.

To make the septic tank more stable, its outer sheathing can be made using steel wire.

As you can see, such a septic tank is installed quite simply. In order to make it, you do not need any supernatural knowledge or skills. In addition, all the materials that will be needed to install a sewer system are widely available. You don't have to run to different stores. Everything can be purchased in one place.

Video: septic tank from Eurocubes

An excellent solution when creating a sewerage system is to build a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands - its assembly scheme is not particularly difficult, so the home owner can cope without the help of specialists.

However, outside assistance may be required when excavating and installing the structure. Before starting installation, it is recommended not only to study the installation diagram, but also to prepare necessary tools and equipment, but also to check the groundwater level, the level of soil freezing and a number of other parameters.

Properly done preparatory work will ensure long-term uninterrupted operation of the sewer system as a whole.

What is a Eurocube - consider its design

A Eurocube is a special container whose main purpose is the transportation and storage of various liquids: food, water, fuel, etc. The structure is made in most cases from polyethylene.

The purpose determines the presence of thick walls with increased strength. Buying a Eurocube is not particularly difficult; it can be done at various large hardware stores. In most cases, such structures are used to store water on country dachas.

The most common volume is 1000 liters, but there are also models with a smaller volume (640 liters).

Such products have some features that it is advisable to know about before purchasing:

  • made from polyethylene low pressure;
  • have a neck with a cross-section from 140 to 230 mm;
  • at the bottom of the structure there is a pipe for connecting a drain pipe with a diameter of 45 to 90 mm;
  • the strength and reliability of the Eurocube is increased thanks to additional reinforcement steel mesh external walls of the product.

Such models are best suited for the construction of an autonomous sewage system. You can build a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands using diagrams and installation instructions.

Such a sewer system can function without problems for many years, although it requires periodic maintenance. It is capable of effectively serving a suburban area or a house with a small number of residents.

Features of the arrangement

Sewerage from Eurocubes, built with your own hands, is distinguished not only by its reliability and long service life, but also by its efficiency. Below is the finished detailed diagram units of a two-chamber septic tank with ventilation and a concrete pad.

However, there are some features and subtleties that it is recommended to learn about before starting the process of its construction:

  • The installation procedure involves a large amount of work, so it will take some time, as well as the help of several people. It will be necessary to dig a fairly large pit and lower the product into it. It is very difficult to do this yourself with your own hands, because... the eurocube has large sizes and mass;
  • It is important to follow all installation rules. If the preparatory procedure is not followed correctly or the technology is violated, the septic tank will be subject to negative effects environment and will be damaged quite quickly under its influence;
  • You will need to take care of the presence of an additional filtration system, since, for example, a septic tank made from Eurocubes, built with your own hands, is capable of purifying only about 50% of waste liquids. Therefore, before starting construction, you should definitely consider additional purification (arrange filtration fields, infiltrators, etc.) and allocate a place for it on the diagram.

How to choose a place for sewerage from Eurocubes?

An important stage Preparing for the construction of a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands is to study the diagram, as well as select and prepare a site for the sewer system. When choosing a location, it is advisable to follow certain recommendations and rules listed below.

Main rules:

  • the structure should be located at a distance of 5 meters from buildings, at a distance of about 50 meters from the well where drinking or irrigation water is taken, at a distance of 10 meters from rivers and 3 meters from trees;
  • when laying a sewer pipeline, it should be taken into account that the entire path should be as short as possible;
  • If it is necessary to install a septic tank further than 15 meters, you will definitely need to allocate an area for an inspection well. It is necessary for quick fix blockages in pipes;
  • if you need to use a pipeline with a bend, then special rotary wells must be installed in these places;
  • The structure must be located in such a way as to ensure unimpeded access for sewage disposal equipment. It may be required if malfunctions occur and the contents of the septic tank need to be eliminated.

Based on these factors, the most suitable place For self-built septic tank from eurocubes. Also, on the diagram of a private plot, it is recommended to immediately determine the location for the additional cleaning system. As mentioned above, these could be fields for filtration, a special well or infiltrators.

Assembly and installation technology

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The decision to build a septic tank from a Eurocube at the dacha with your own hands will significantly save the family’s financial resources compared to purchasing and installing factory sewer systems. Before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to prepare and assemble the products according to the diagram.

To do this, the following actions are most often carried out:

  • They seal the hole that has drainage holes. Due to its too small cross-section and low location, it is not suitable for connecting a sewer pipeline;
  • new holes are created in the first Eurocube to connect the pipe through which waste liquids flow, and for the waste to enter the second container;
  • in the second product, holes are required to enter from the first cube and enter wastewater into the field for filtration. It is recommended to equip the last hole check valve;
  • The holes on the upper walls of the Eurocubes are intended for the exit of ventilation pipes.

Be sure to seal the pipe connections in all created openings. Also, the holes must be equipped with tees to make it possible to connect the pipeline.

Design, calculations, what materials and tools will be needed

The importance of preparatory work can hardly be overestimated; they allow you to produce the highest quality self-installation sewerage from Eurocubes.

Be sure to take into account the type of soil, the depth of groundwater, soil freezing and other parameters. It is also important to correctly calculate the required volume of the septic tank so that it is able to effectively cope with the supplied amount of wastewater.

The easiest way to carry out this calculation is using meter readings. Then you can easily and most accurately determine how much liquid the residents of the building drain into the sewer system every day. However, it is not always possible to use this method; in this case, manual calculations are required.

It is believed that the water requirement for 1 person is approximately 200 liters per day. But in fact, families of 4-6 people often use only about 500 liters. To select a septic tank of a suitable volume, you need to take the average amount of water consumed by the residents of the house over three days.

After defining required type the septic tank should be located in a suitable location. When selecting, you must follow certain rules, they are listed above.

It should be noted that when choosing, you should definitely take into account the distance from buildings and other objects, as well as the location of the pipeline. This will allow you to avoid blockages and contamination of nearby reservoirs or wells in the future.

Preparatory work

To build the structure you will need a Eurocube, 4 tees, plastic pipes for connection to a septic tank, overflow and ventilation pipes, pipes. To carry out the work, you will need the following tools: wooden boards, gloves, an angle grinder, polystyrene foam, a welding device, a sealant, reinforcing rods; you may need a building level to determine the slope of the sewer pipeline.

To install a sewer system, as a rule, 2 to 3 eurocubes are used. This is sufficient for most standard cases. You should purchase containers that are designed for storing non-food products.

If saving money is important, you can buy a used product that has not been cleaned. It should be washed with plain water and it will function as efficiently as a new cube. After preparing all the tools, you can begin preparatory work.

Action plan:

  1. Dig a trench for sewer pipes through which wastewater will be supplied to the septic tank. When digging, it should be taken into account that the depth of the supply pipeline should be no more than 3 meters from the surface, but below the freezing level of the soil.
  2. Dig a pit, focusing on the dimensions of the Eurocubes. The pit should be large enough to accommodate all the tanks, and also have approximately 20 centimeters of free space on the sides.
  3. Dig a trench to place a pipeline through which treated wastewater goes. Since a septic tank is not capable of purifying waste liquids 100% on its own, additional purification will be required. In most cases, filtration wells, embankments or special fields are used. Therefore, at this stage, the location for filtration should be determined on the site diagram.
  4. Assemble and prepare containers: install tees, make the necessary holes, provide additional waterproofing of joints. It is important to note that each Eurocube is placed approximately 20 cm lower than the previous one. Thus, the inlet and outlet openings in the tanks are not located on the same line.

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After completing the procedure for installing the pipes and sealing the connections, you can proceed to the main construction process– construction of a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands.

Installation and assembly - step-by-step instructions

How to make and install a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands:

  1. The first stage depends on the type of soil. If it is clayey and quite mobile, then you need to pay attention to compacting the bottom. To do this, a layer of sand and gravel is poured, then a concrete screed to prevent destruction and deformation of the bottom when the containers are completely filled. When pouring concrete, you should not forget that each tank will be 20 cm deeper than the previous one.
  2. The already assembled and prepared septic tank is lowered into the dug pit. At this stage, it is recommended to anchor using cables or chains. Otherwise, the containers may float, which will lead to serious damage to the structure and loss of tightness.
  3. Pipes are connected on both sides, through which waste liquids will flow into the septic tank, and treated wastewater will exit into the filtration field or well. It is advisable to maintain a slope of 2 cm per meter of pipeline to ensure free gravity flow of wastewater. The outlet pipe should be placed at an angle to the drainage field.
  4. It is recommended to insulate the area where the pipeline is located above the soil freezing level to prevent negative consequences soil heaving.
  5. Then the walls are thermally insulated, in most cases this is done using polystyrene foam, but any other insulating material can be used.
  6. A septic tank made from Eurocubes, built with your own hands, is filled with water, and the pit is filled with sand.

If groundwater lies close to the surface, then the side walls of the tanks should be additionally protected. In the “pocket” left during digging between the pit and the container, reinforcing bars or wooden boards, then it is slowly poured with concrete.

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If the pouring is not too fast, the structure will not be deformed or damaged. The main thing is to fill the tank with water before starting this procedure.

If the groundwater level is not too high, then you only need to take care to prevent damage due to soil heaving (this process is an increase in soil volume during freezing).

To do this, just fill the gap with sand, sometimes adding water, and compact it thoroughly. The need to fill the top of the pit with concrete depends entirely on the region and terrain. Be sure to protect ventilation pipes that are above ground. Through them, foreign objects can enter the septic tank.

After installation is completed, additional wastewater treatment is required. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • filtration well is optimal choice at the sites small size. It is allowed to be placed if the soil is sandy and the distance between the constructed well and the groundwater level is more than 1 m;
  • installation of infiltrators is effective method, which is easy to do with your own hands. However, a lot of free space is required, i.e. a fairly large area;
  • drainage field - like the previous option, requires free space;
  • creating a ditch - there must be a distance of more than 1 m between the bottom of the ditch and the groundwater level.

Operation and Maintenance

In order for a septic tank made from Eurocubes, built with your own hands, to function ideally for a long time, it is recommended to follow the operating rules. Like any other system, a septic tank requires regular, but sufficient easy maintenance.

It is advisable to follow these rules:

  • When spring comes, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the septic tank after winter, especially if it was not used during the winter period. If any damage or deformation of the structure is found, repairs will need to be made immediately. You cannot use a septic tank made from Eurocubes when it is faulty, because... this will lead to the release of untreated waste liquids into the soil, which will damage the environmental situation;
  • if the sewage system is not used very often, then specialized biological products containing bacteria can be used to accelerate the decomposition of biological residue. If you use the system regularly, there is no need for this, because microorganisms actively reproduce on their own.

Pros and cons of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

All sewer systems have their pros and cons; a septic tank made from Eurocubes is no exception. Advantages:

  • economic benefits, Eurocubes are inexpensive, other components are also available;
  • ease of assembly of the structure and installation of the sewer system, even a beginner can handle it construction work;
  • high-quality wastewater treatment;
  • the tightness of the cubes, which allows you to install a septic tank even with an increased level of groundwater;
  • you can always expand the system by installing additional containers;
  • no need for power supplies.


  • Digging trenches and foundation pits and installing the structure will require outside help;
  • strict installation instructions that must be followed carefully. Improper implementation or omission of one of the points will lead to the destruction of the septic tank or its improper functioning;
  • it is necessary to regularly check the condition of the septic tank and carry out its maintenance;
  • shorter possible service life compared to reinforced concrete structures.

It should be noted that you can build a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands without pumping. His key feature consists of an electric compressor that supplies oxygen to the container. This contributes to the rapid and efficient decomposition of wastewater, because microorganisms are able to process most of the sediment.

To install a septic tank yourself, just study its design diagram and find out the installation instructions. This procedure takes time, but is not very difficult.

This will also significantly reduce the likelihood of sewer clogging and silting of the bottom, respectively, preventing many unpleasant situations for residents of the house.


Do-it-yourself septic tank from Eurocubes - step-by-step technology installation

In country estates you can relax from the bustle of the city, enjoying the privacy and beauty of green plantings. But despite all the positive aspects, a good rest is impossible without the proper level of comfort and amenities to which we are accustomed. The sewage system is very important, because without it no hygiene procedures are possible. This is especially true for families with small children who constantly need to take a bath, wash their hands and do other activities. However, purchase from famous manufacturer not always feasible from a financial point of view. Excellent replacement for industrial treatment plants- a septic tank made from Eurocubes, made by hand.

Eurocubes are sealed containers made of plastic (polyethylene) with wooden/metal/plastic pallets designed for storing and transporting liquids. The outer casing is placed in metal frame, protecting the Eurocube from deformation. Capacity volume - 1000 liters. Weight - no more than 67 kilograms. This design is not only ideal for a septic tank and has an affordable price, but is also so easy to install that even one person can install a septic tank in a maximum of 2-3 days without any help.

Since a septic tank is a treatment facility consisting of several consecutive chambers, two identical eurocubes are purchased to construct a septic tank. They are equipped with air ducts (ventilation pipes), inlet and outlet pipes through which liquid will enter and leave the septic tank, as well as a pipe for overflowing clarified waste from the first container to the second. The outlet pipe is equipped with a reverse pipe to prevent the reverse movement of the purified liquid into the septic tank cavity.

In order to effectively use the entire working volume of the second Eurocube, the two containers are rigidly fastened together, moving them vertically by 20-25 cm.

All joints of plastic walls and pipes are additionally insulated with sealant, and the structure is insulated with foam plastic or a material with similar properties.

You may be interested in information about what kind of septic tank and how to use it.

Advantages of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

  1. As already mentioned, such a septic tank is cheap, but at the same time effective. Treated wastewater can be reused, subject to additional treatment.
  2. Thanks to the insulation, year-round use of the treatment plant is possible.
  3. There are no unpleasant odors during operation.
  4. Cleaning a septic tank can be done with a pump or a vacuum cleaner, and this procedure is quite rare.
  5. The structure is sealed, reliable, durable, does not corrode or collapse under the influence of chemical, climatic and other unfavorable factors.
  6. Installation does not require the construction of massive floors or the use of special equipment.
  7. Installation is possible in any type of soil, regardless of the height of groundwater (these factors only affect the method of draining purified water from the septic tank).

If you frequently stay in a suburban area, it is desirable to have fairly comfortable conditions. One of these conditions is the presence of sewerage. Experience shows that the most appropriate way is to use .

Currently, there are a large number of such septic tanks on sale, both domestically produced and imported. One of the big disadvantages of using septic tanks is that they high cost. If the price of a septic tank seems too high, you can use homemade septic tank from Eurocubes.

A septic tank made from Eurocubes works in the same way as other septic tanks. Usually it consists of two vessels, which are used as Eurocubes.

Sewage waste enters the first vessel through a pipe. These wastes settle, as a result, solid components are separated from them, which settle at the bottom of the vessel. Fats, gases and other light waste components rise to the top. A layer of clarified liquid forms in the middle, which enters the second vessel through a special pipe. It further settles the liquid and decomposes contaminants with the help of biobacteria, which are added to this vessel in the form of concentrates. The purified liquid from this container goes into the drainage or storage tank.


The design of a septic tank is usually a series connection of two Eurocubes.

Eurocube is a polyethylene container designed for storing and transporting various liquids.

To protect the plastic case from deformation, the product has a metal frame and a wooden or metal tray underneath. Eurocubes of various capacities are available for sale, but the most common is the product with a capacity of 1000 liters. Its dimensions are 1.2x1.0x1.175 m, and its weight is about 67 kg.

For more effective use of the volume of the second container, when installed, it moves vertically by 20-25 cm. Both Eurocubes are rigidly fastened together. Each vessel must be equipped with inlet and outlet pipes, as well as air ducts for ventilation.

Pros and cons

A septic tank made from Eurocubes has the following advantages:

  • low cost, especially for used products;
  • tightness and resistance to aggressive substances;
  • light weight. This allows you to install the septic tank alone;
  • energy independence;
  • easy maintenance and operation.

Along with the advantages, septic tanks made from Eurocubes have disadvantages:

  • thin walls of the container can be deformed when exposed to external forces in heavy soil;
  • the low weight of the septic tank leads to the pushing out of the septic tank when the area is flooded;
  • Before installing a septic tank, structural modification of the containers is required.

Septic tank price

To create a septic tank, as a rule, two Eurocubes with a capacity of 1000 liters are required.

The cost of a new container of this type, for example, at the Rustar company is 6,000 rubles, and a used container costs only 2,500 rubles. Thus, 2 eurocubes can be bought for only 5,000 - 12,000 rubles. For comparison, a septic tank with a capacity of 1.5 m³ costs about 30,000 rubles, and a septic tank with a capacity of 1.17 m³ costs 25,000 rubles.

If you install it yourself, the cost of purchasing additional pipes, sealants, etc. will be added to the price. consumables. Approximate costs for auxiliary materials:

  • plumbing products (tees,) - about 2000 rubles;
  • 5 cm thick EPPS insulation according to the dimensions of 2 cubes, taking into account the depth - about 3000 rubles;
  • 3 flat asbestos-cement sheets 5 mm thick, size 3 × 1.5 m - 2500 rubles;
  • cement, sand, gravel - 2000-2500 rubles.

Total - about 10 thousand rubles.

Despite this, the use of Eurocubes provides great economic benefits compared to the installation of an industrial septic tank. Installing a septic tank from Eurocubes is beneficial even when it is being produced turnkey order and the cost of the septic tank increases by 30-40%.

Instructions for installing a septic tank

The creation and installation of a septic tank from Eurocubes includes the following stages of work:

  1. design work(stage 1);
  2. preparatory work(stage 2);
  3. septic tank assembly (stage 3);
  4. installation of a septic tank (stage 4).

At the first stage of work, it is necessary to determine the type of septic tank and its installation location. The following operations are performed:

  1. Estimation of the required septic tank capacity. The size of the septic tank depends on the time of use of the septic tank and the number of residents in country house. When temporarily residing at a dacha in summer time a small-capacity septic tank is used. In this case, the required volume of the septic tank V in liters can be determined by the formula: V = N × 180 × 3, where: N is the number of people living in the house, 180-day wastewater rate in liters per person, 3 is the time for complete wastewater treatment septic tank. As practice has shown, two Eurocubes of 800 liters are enough for a family of 3 people.
  2. Determining the location of the septic tank. It is recommended to locate the septic tank at a distance of at least 50 m from the intake site drinking water, 30 m from the reservoir, 10 m from the river and 5 m from the road. The distance from the house should be at least 6 m. But too long distance from the house due to the need to slope the pipe causes an increase in the installation depth of the septic tank and an increase in the likelihood of a blockage in the sewer pipe.

Stage 2 work includes:

  1. Digging a pit for a septic tank. The length and width of the pit must correspond to the dimensions of the septic tank with a margin of 20-25 cm on each side. The depth of the pit depends on the height of the containers, taking into account the sand and concrete pads, as well as the slope of the sewer pipe. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the second container is shifted in height by 20-30 cm and, therefore, the bottom of the pit will have a stepped appearance.
  2. A sand cushion is laid at the bottom of the pit. If the water level is high, then a concrete pad is poured into which hinges are installed to secure the septic tank body.
  3. Preparation of trenches for sewer pipes and systems. The trench for the sewer pipe is dug taking into account the slope towards the septic tank. This slope should be 2 cm for every m of pipe length.

At stage 3, the septic tank is assembled from Eurocubes.

Before you start assembling the septic tank, you need to prepare necessary materials and tool.

Materials for creating a septic tank:

  • 4 tees;
  • pipes. Pipes are necessary for connecting a septic tank and draining purified water, for making ventilation and an overflow system;
  • sealant,
  • fittings;
  • boards;
  • polystyrene foam

The following tools will be needed at this stage of work:

  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine.

When assembling septic tanks from Eurocubes, the following operations must be performed:

  1. Use caps and sealant to seal drain holes in both European cups.
  2. Using a grinder, cut U-shaped holes on the lids of the containers through which the tees will be installed.
  3. At a distance of 20 cm from the upper edge of the body of the first vessel, make a hole measuring 110 mm for the inlet pipe.
  4. Insert a pipe into the hole, attach a tee to it inside the Eurocube, seal the connection of the pipe with the wall of the housing with sealant.
  5. Cut through the tee vent and insert a short piece of pipe into it. This hole will also serve to clean the channel.
  6. On the back wall of the housing, cut a hole at a distance for the overflow pipe. This hole should be lower than the inlet hole.
  7. Insert a piece of pipe into the hole and attach a tee to it inside the Eurocube. Cut a ventilation hole above the tee and insert the pipe in the same way as step 5.
  8. Move the first container 20 cm above the second. To do this, you can put it under
  9. lining.
  10. On the front and back walls of the second vessel, cut holes for the overflow pipe and outlet pipe. In this case, the outlet pipe must be below the overflow pipe.
  11. Tees are attached to both pipes inside the vessel. Ventilation pipes are installed above each tee.
  12. Connect the overflow outlet from the first container and the overflow inlet of the second container with a piece of pipe.
  13. Seal all joints with sealant.
  14. Using welding and reinforcement, fasten both housings into one whole.
  15. Seal the cut U-shaped holes in the lids of the Eurocubes and seal them with a layer of waterproofing.

At the 4th stage you need to perform the following operations:

  1. Lower the septic tank into the pit.
  2. Connect sewer pipe and a pipe leading to the aeration field. The outlet pipe is equipped with a check valve.
  3. Insulate the septic tank with polystyrene foam or other material.
  4. To protect the walls of the septic tank, install boards or corrugated sheets around it.
  5. Backfill after filling the septic tank with water. In areas with high groundwater levels, backfilling is done with a mixture of sand and cement, and in low UGV-soil with sand and tamper.
  6. Concrete top part pit.

Possible errors when installing a septic tank

The septic tank body is made of fairly thin material. In addition, it does not have stiffening ribs, which most industrial plastic septic tanks. Therefore, when installing it, it is often necessary to use concreting to protect it from soil pressure.

Plastic is a material that is quite sensitive to frost. Therefore, it should not be allowed to be completely filled in severe frost. In this case, it may burst. To prevent this, it is necessary to install the septic tank below the freezing level of the soil or use its insulation.

Septic tank made from Eurocubes without pumping

Such a septic tank operates using, which supplies oxygen to the septic tank tank. Thanks to this, the process of processing sludge using aerobic processes begins in the containers. These bacteria clean drains quickly and efficiently.

Will extend the life of the equipment and protect the engine from breakdowns.

Before disposal, solid waste must be properly sorted. Special complexes will help you with this. Read more about them in