Design of a small bathroom - ideas with photos. Bathroom interior of a country house Show bathroom design

Throughout the history of its development, man has unconsciously, and often consciously, been drawn to comfort. We in Russia understand that such comfort only happened with the beginning of mass construction of comfortable housing in cities. The emergence of a free market for building materials made it possible for numerous residents of private houses in suburban towns, villages and hamlets to enjoy the comfort.

In general, comfortable housing is housing in which the notorious amenities are located in a warm room inside the house, and not somewhere on the street in a plank booth. This is when in order to wash, you don’t need to heat the bathhouse, in winter it takes the whole day, so the bathhouse in the village happens either on Sunday or on a major holiday, when in order to wash you don’t need to take time off from work.

Today you can improve your home even in the most remote village. Moreover, true comfort these days is only possible in an individual private house, built according to your own design.

As you know, our apartments are not very spacious; as for non-residential premises, such as the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, their area is so small that the owners have to show miracles of ingenuity in order to comfortably place in these premises everything that they are without don't make sense.

Bathroom according to an individual project

Your home is another matter. Rules of modern design bathroom in the house they say that the bathrooms, designed according to individual projects, are not much different from a city apartment, except that they are more spacious.

If the house project was created taking into account the wishes of its owner, then he can initially do everything in it exactly the way he wants and it will be convenient for him, and not for someone else in general.

If living rooms can be located in any way in the house, then the bathroom and kitchen should be located where it will be most convenient to install engineering systems.

The construction of individual sewerage must be carried out taking into account the requirements of the SES, which states that the toilet must be located at a distance of no closer than 25 meters from the well or borehole. In reality, this rule is not always observed.

But even if, according to the design, the cesspool is located at a closer distance from the source drinking water, you shouldn’t despair, it’s enough instead of simple cesspool install a septic tank and the problem will be solved. The only thing you need to remember is the location of the septic tank; it must be installed in a place where a sewer truck can easily drive up to it.

The sewer pipe leading from the house to the septic tank must be sufficiently large diameter, at least 15-20 cm and located at an acute angle in order to wastewater freely flowed down it into the septic tank.

The pipe brought out must be taken into a wooden or brick box, having first wrapped it in a thick layer of mineral wool. This precaution will prevent the pipe from freezing in winter.

Problems of arranging a bathroom in a private house

Having decided on the location of the sewer outlet, it will be possible to say quite definitely where your kitchen, bathroom and toilet will be located. All these rooms should be spacious enough, especially the bathroom. I must say that this is all the advantages individual house When it comes to arranging a bathroom, problems end and problems begin.

Buying city ​​apartment, along with it, a person buys a bathroom, albeit small and not very comfortable, but absolutely ready for use.

In your own separate house, you have to do the arrangement of the bathroom yourself. Thanks to its very small size, the bathroom is perhaps the most... warm room throughout the apartment.

How to fight fungus in the bathroom

Designers initially plan the small size of the bathroom so that it best retains the heat generated not only by heating radiators, but also by hot water. Since the bathroom is used for taking water procedures, this room is almost constantly exposed to moisture, which inevitably leads to the appearance of mold on the walls, floors and ceilings.

To avoid this, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the bathroom. Since a bathroom in a private house is created according to an individual project, unlike standard rooms of this type, you can easily plan a window in it that can be opened to ventilate the bathroom and dry the room. In principle, you don’t need to make a window in the bathroom; it will be enough to cut an vent in the ceiling.

If this is not enough, you can install a hood in the bathroom by inserting it into the vent. The volume of the room in a standard bathroom is small and it heats up very quickly.

Having wished to have a more spacious bathroom, we thus not only acquire additional space, but also an additional problem associated with the need to insulate and heat it. If the bathroom is not warm enough, then you are not far from catching a cold.

Bathroom insulation

The following materials can be used as insulation: mineral wool, foam or cork. The most preferred of all is mineral wool. It absorbs moisture well, so before use it must be covered with a layer of waterproofing.

Polystyrene foam retains heat very well, but is too fragile, so care must be taken when decorating walls and ceilings with it. Cork thermal insulation of walls and ceilings in the bathroom is made by gluing cork plates.

Bathroom heating

Having allocated a large room for the bathroom, you also need to take care of its additional heating. The best solution to this problem would be to install a double-circuit gas or electric boiler.

A double-circuit boiler is a combined water heater and heating system. A gas boiler is much cheaper to operate than an electric one and does not require any modifications to the gas supply system. However, despite the fact that our country is a gas giant, not all of our territories have been gasified.

Wealthy citizens of our country living in these areas do not face the costs and prefer to install electrical systems heating and don't bother with solid fuel boilers, which must be cleaned daily before lighting.

An electric boiler is the most convenient of all. It turns on once in the fall, after which it can not be turned off until spring, only occasionally adjusting the temperature of the coolant, that is, the water in the boiler. An electric boiler has its disadvantages.

A fairly powerful electric boiler, like electric stove, requires connection to a three-phase network, which ordinary houses are not provided; in addition, electricity is the most expensive form of energy.

However, no matter how hard we try to heat the bathroom, the floor in the bathroom of a private house, unless it is specially insulated, will still remain cold. In order to insulate the floor, polystyrene is often used, which serves as a good thermal insulator. Today, so-called heated floors are becoming increasingly popular.

Warm floor

A warm floor is such because it is artificially heated by electric thermoelements woven into a mesh. The mesh is flexible and easy to cut. The element woven into it is a tubular flexible electric heater stretched over the entire mesh area.

Unlike a thermoelement, the mesh can be cut and folded over the entire floor area; after the heated floor is laid, it is connected to the electrical network. Laminate slabs, linoleum, parquet or any other covering are laid on top of the warm floor.

Choosing bathroom fixtures

After you've finished with the floor, you need to think about installing a bathtub. Multiple photographs of bathrooms in private houses eloquently demonstrate that a non-standard bathroom in a private house is almost always much larger than the area of ​​a standard bathroom in a city apartment, and the plumbing installed in it can also be much larger than usual.

It is unlikely that anyone will install a sitz bath in the bathroom of their own home. People are building own houses in the suburbs, not in order to arrange a corner of Soviet life in them, but, for example, to make a bathroom in a private house, turning it into a relaxation room and soak in the jacuzzi.

Photo of a bathroom in a private house

Bathroom in country house- this is a separate topic that requires detailed study. Unlike an apartment, there is enough free space here to implement even the most daring ideas. To competently create an interior in such a bathroom, it is important to take into account the features of the room and other nuances, which we will talk about in this article.

Bathroom design

Like any other room before renovation, a bathroom in a private house requires careful design. The advantage of a private house is the fact that the owner himself has the right to determine the dimensions of the future bathroom and, based on them, make a sketch of the interior.

Typically, country properties are not limited to one bathroom. Their number can be calculated, but taking into account the following factors:

  • number of storeys of the house;
  • number of inhabitants;
  • the need to accommodate guests for some time.

If the family is small, then one spacious bathroom will be enough to fit everything you need. If the owners of the house often receive guests, then they will have to think about the equipment of the guest bathroom.

As a rule, the bathroom is always located next to the bedroom. For convenience, it is equipped with two exits, one of which leads to the corridor, the second to the bedroom. For a house with several floors, you will have to consider the presence of a bathroom on each of them for comfortable use and to avoid searching for this room throughout the house.

The area of ​​the bathroom always depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the house, but cannot be less than the figures prescribed in SNiP. The minimum dimensions of a bathroom are: length - 0.8 m and depth - 1.2 m. When planning, it is worth taking into account the dimensions of the equipment that will be installed in such a bathroom.

A large bathroom requires zoning. This can be done by installing partitions, screens, podiums, as well as visually various materials finishing and lighting design.

Location of communications in the bathroom

In the bathroom, various communications play an important role, for example, sewer pipes, wiring, water supply. Sources of water for the bathroom are various wells and wells, the water from which enters the house using pumping station. Both ordinary household boilers and full-fledged boilers are responsible for heating water.

Important! To prevent the design of the bathroom from being spoiled, all communications are hidden using installation or behind decorative overlays.

The pipes are hidden under drywall, screed or recessed into the walls, and meters and connections must be on the surface, since they need easy access. Electrical wires are laid in special, pre-prepared grooves in the walls and covered with mortar. You can lay them in the seams between the tiles and cover them with tile adhesive. Such installation will not only make the room aesthetically attractive, but also protect the wires from moisture, which is inevitable in the bathroom.

Surface decoration

In order for the bathroom interior to be seamless, you need to choose the right material for finishing. In a country house you can use Various types finishing, so we will present each separately.


Wood is used in bathrooms designed in chalet, Scandinavian, Provence or country styles. It is important to understand that you can only use material that has been impregnated before installation. special compounds to avoid damage from exposure to moisture and temperature changes. Most often, lining, solid wood, timber, wooden decorative panels, laminate, and parquet boards are used to decorate surfaces in the bathroom.

Modern moisture resistant wooden materials capable of imitating natural wood with a noble texture. For example, the walls and ceiling of the bathroom are covered with veneer, and the floor is laid with parquet boards or laminate. This creates a unique, eco-friendly bathroom design. Houses made of rounded logs are unique buildings where the finishing in the bathroom can be left in its original form. Only in this case the wood is treated with antiseptic and moisture-resistant solutions. No less popular is combined finishing, when areas exposed to moisture are decorated ceramic tiles.


This solution is traditional for the bathroom both in an apartment and in a private house. In this case, porcelain stoneware is used for the floor; it is convenient if it is equipped with grooves for draining water.

Important! Only unglazed tiles are chosen to cover the floor so that the surface is not slippery.

The walls, in turn, are covered with a glazed material that has a water-repellent layer. Thanks to the wide variety of tiles, you can create any bathroom design without much effort.

For a small bathroom, it is recommended to use only light shades, diluted with bright inclusions. This design will visually increase the space. The same effect differs mirror tiles. Panels in the form of paintings made from ceramic tiles look original.


Mosaic will add originality to the design of a bathroom in a private house. Moreover, it can be not only ceramic, as many are accustomed to thinking, but also glass, metal and even stone.

It’s very convenient that manufacturers now offer ready-made elements made of tiles, you won’t even have to bother yourself with creating an ornament from small parts. With help mosaic tiles In the bathroom of a private house you can create not only simple geometric images, but also other paintings. It goes perfectly with regular ceramic tiles, so this combination is often used in design.


For a private home, you can easily afford to decorate the bathroom walls with marble. Such cladding, of course, looks impressive, but is quite expensive, so it is available only to a limited number of country property owners. For greater savings, marble in the bathroom can be combined with other types of finishes.


Wallpaper for the bathroom is a specific finishing option. Here we are talking, of course, not about paper, but about water-repellent and washable wallpaper. It is best to use them in combination with marble or tiles, which are laid opposite the washbasin and bathtub.

A universal option is wallpaper in restrained colors, pastel shades. If the furniture in the bathroom is light, then you can decorate the room with bright canvases. For especially original interiors For bathrooms, wallpaper with a 3D effect is suitable.

Important! Decorating a bathroom with wallpaper is a non-trivial approach that will definitely surprise guests at home.


It would seem that this type of finishing has long been outdated and it’s time to forget it. But now there is a huge variety of different paint and varnish materials, with which you can easily decorate your bathroom and make it look modern. The only difficulty here is the need to level all surfaces before painting.

Decorating a bathroom with paint allows you to bring any idea to life. When choosing paint for a bathroom, it is imperative to give preference only to trusted companies that guarantee high quality of its products.

Bathroom furnishings

For this room in the house, it is important to choose not only beautiful furniture that best suits the style, but also functional furniture combined with practicality. Furniture items should not be afraid of moisture; they should be easy to clean not only from dirt, but also from water stains.

For a spacious bathroom you will need the following set of furniture:

  • vanity unit;
  • vertical pencil case for storing everything you need;
  • hanging shelves in the required quantity;
  • dresser;
  • mirror.

If a relaxation area is meant in the bathroom of a private house, then it usually contains an armchair or comfortable chair And Coffee table. For a small bathroom, some of the items listed may need to be removed, but it is important to leave only the essentials.

Wooden bathroom furniture in a private home will emphasize the closeness to nature and environmental friendliness. Such furniture can be painted in any color, but designers recommend choosing those items that have a natural pattern and shade.

Metal furniture, no matter how strange it may seem, will also be appropriate in the bathroom, but only if it fits organically into the overall design. Now they produce furniture made of metal, which can be used not only in modern directions, but also in any other, it is enough to use it correctly.

Glass surfaces of furniture pieces are ideal for the bathroom, and there is no difference frosted glass or transparent - this solution looks ideal. However, for glass furniture more difficult to maintain, especially in the bathroom.

Plastic furniture is the most practical for the bathroom. Such products are not afraid of exposure to moisture and temperature changes, and they are very easy to care for. And the cost of such furniture is affordable. The main thing is to choose high-quality sets that will not look cheap against the background of the bathroom interior.

Interior style

Any room, including the bathroom in a private house, must be designed in a certain style. It is important that all interior elements are in harmony with each other and support each other. Almost any interior style can be created in the bathroom of a private home, since there are no restrictions here. We will look at the most popular of them.


This direction emphasizes the sophistication and presentability of the interior. Distinctive feature Such designs are universal and out of fashion. Even after many years, such a bathroom will look relevant. In design, as a rule, preference is given to natural materials, emphasizing the status of the owner and the uniqueness of the room.


This style is designed to combine the incompatible. For brave individuals, it is perfect and will convey positive mood. It is based on bright colors and original solutions. Fusion style involves a combination of different textures and materials, creating unique eye-catching combinations in the bathroom of a private home.


A simple home style that will be relevant specifically for a wooden private house, in which it is much easier to decorate a bathroom this way. Despite its rustic nature, this style is very popular among metropolitan residents for the calm atmosphere it gives.

The main materials for it: wood, forged metal and a natural stone. Brass elements are chosen as bathroom fixtures to highlight the design.

High tech

A modern trend, characterized by high functionality. In such a bathroom there is a place for glossy surfaces, an abundance of glass and metal. Only modern plumbing with many functions is used. Various lighting, including floor lighting.


A unique style suitable for those homes in which a large room with a bathroom is allocated high ceilings. The decoration here is minimal. If the house is brick or concrete, then in principle it may not exist, since brick and concrete are the main elements emphasizing the industrial design.

If you correctly design such a bathroom in a private home, then it is quite possible to get a stylish room at minimal cost.


A style characterized by slight negligence, which does not create a feeling of sloppiness or old age of things and objects. Thanks to slightly cracked plaster, worn furniture and simple textiles, the bathroom in a private house gives the atmosphere of romance characteristic of the French province.

Carrying out any construction work impossible without creating a project and its approval. The main advantage of private home ownership is the fact that you can independently determine the area of ​​a particular room, kitchen and bathroom.

When deciding on the number of bathrooms and their area, it is necessary to take into account factors such as:

  • number of storeys of the house;
  • the number of people permanently residing in the house;
  • Possibility of accommodating guests for several days.

When a person decides to build his own home, he does everything possible to preserve his individuality and create such an environment so that he can feel comfortable and private at home. If you love receiving guests and are so welcoming that your friends often stay in your home for several days, consider installing a guest bath. When planning your home, focus on the location of the rooms.

For a family of 1-2 people, 1 spacious bathroom is enough, where not only all necessary furniture and plumbing fixtures, but also a washing machine, a box for dirty laundry and a dryer for laundry. In this case, the bathroom is usually located directly next to the bedroom, and for ease of movement, two entrances are made in it - one into the room, the second into the corridor.

For a house with several floors It is possible to provide for the placement of a guest bathroom on the first floor, and the master’s bathrooms and the bathrooms of their family members on the second or third floor.

Arrangement of a bathroom in the house

The design of future bathrooms provides not only their area and placement, but also the equipment that will be installed, as well as the supply of all communications to them. To create a project, you can hire an experienced designer and architect who know all the nuances of bathroom equipment in the house, and will also determine what equipment and in what quantity needs to be purchased.

Guest bathroom may not be large sizes , equipped with a shower, washbasin and toilet. As for the master bathrooms, it all depends on your desires and capabilities. Very often, bathrooms for family members are equipped not only with a bath or shower, but also with bidets, urinals, storage systems, etc.

Lighting in the bathroom also plays an important role. Modern mirrors and furniture for bathrooms provide the possibility of additional lighting, for which it is necessary to lay power lines (all connections to equipment and furniture must be taken into account in the project). Very often the bathrooms of private households have sources natural light, however, if the project provides for small window openings, do not count on quality lighting even on the brightest day.

Particular attention must be paid to installation exhaust ventilation and waterproofing work, thanks to which moisture from your bathrooms will not spread throughout the house.

Home bathroom design

You can also invite an experienced designer to create the interior of the room, and you can safely ask to realize your Creative skills and create your own, unique design.

A spacious bathroom opens up many possibilities in choosing a color palette and finishing methods. The most common option for finishing a room is ceramic tiles, due to the ease of maintenance of the coating, the strength and durability of the tiles. Modern manufacturers of this finishing material offer a variety of solutions not only in terms of color and texture, but also differing in size and shape.

Designers suggest not to be afraid to experiment and combine several types of finishing materials, So you can create an apron from ceramic tiles or place them only in areas of contact with water. The remaining walls can be decorated with decorative plaster or moisture-resistant wallpaper. In addition, the use of materials of different textures and colors makes it possible to divide the bathroom into zones.

Rules for finishing a bathroom in a wooden house

In addition to the advantage in scale, there are also specific features in surface finishing, placement of plumbing fixtures, and bathroom decoration in a private wooden house. For example, when a panorama of nature opens outside the bathroom window, designers recommend using colors from a light palette for decoration.
Every room has its own rules for decorating. If you adhere to them, the bathroom in the house will be as comfortable as possible.

  1. The color palette should not be too bright or dark.
  2. Waterproofing is considered a mandatory item.
  3. To decorate the floor, it is allowed to use ceramic tiles, high-quality parquet or laminate.
  4. Before finishing the walls, it is recommended to treat them with solutions that repel moisture.
  5. It is recommended to decorate the ceiling in the bathroom in the same tone as the walls.

The bathroom in the house is different high humidity, and therefore this has a negative impact on wooden types designs. That is why, before any type of work, mixtures are first applied to protect the wood from getting wet.

It must be taken into account that wood is also sensitive to temperature changes, under the influence of which it can become deformed. This problem can be avoided by using insulation from inside the room.

How to choose bathroom furniture in your home?

The furnishings in the bathroom must be not only visually attractive, but also comfortable for the owners. Typically, the area of ​​houses allows you to install not only a standard set of plumbing fixtures and a washbasin, but also to place a linen closet for towels and other small items.

In a large bathroom, the laundry basket is hidden in a corner or closet. When there are small children in the family, it is worth providing portable steps with which they can reach the sink.

One of the main parts of the interior decoration of the room is the mirror located above the sink.
Of course, you shouldn’t forget about heated towel rails, hooks and other details.

The style of the bathroom in the house

Definition stylistic direction counts the most important stage repair.

  1. Country is the most popular style for the bathroom in the home. In this case, the walls, ceiling and floor are finished using wood. In the presence of window openings they are draped with checkered curtains, and the appearance of the room is complemented by checkered towels, terry robes and other accessories. It would be appropriate wooden shelves, dark terry rug.
  2. Classic - this style implies design tiles of calm shades, the presence suspended ceilings, elegant furniture, spotlights and hanging lamps. Robes, linen and towels in calm and white tones, as well as rich colors without bright details, fit ideally here.
  3. Rococo and Empire bathroom in the house - these styles are suitable for luxury homes where the owners do not have to limit themselves on a budget. Here, every detail is individual and has a special rich shine - small sculptures, gilding, stylish accessories. A huge gilded mirror in a frame, chic chandeliers, stylish floor lamps, bathtub on figured gilded legs. When combined with gold and white, the room gets an elegant and rich look.
  4. High tech - this direction is preferred by adherents of minimalism and modern technologies. Steel color, cold shades, and white spot ceiling lighting predominate here. All this can emphasize the style of the room.

As you can see, it is possible to organize a bathroom in your home if you use your imagination and good taste. Thanks to an individually created image, you can express the lifestyle of the owners of the house. A competent combination of all interior details when decorating a room allows you to achieve comfort and beauty of the most important room in the house, where the morning begins and the day of each family member ends.

Bathroom in the house - photo

In modern new buildings, the bathroom has sufficient dimensions for comfortable use. In old houses it is sometimes impossible to find a bathroom that meets such conditions. Such a bathroom is justified in small apartments built from the last century, because if it were large, what would the living area be like?

All rooms of the apartment are in a certain balance, taking into account comfortable stay. This article will help you understand how to renovate a small bathroom while saving maximum space.

It will also present design ideas for a small bathroom. Often, problems caused by a small bathroom arise due to the fact that it is impossible to install a washing machine and a minimal storage system there.

Sometimes, in conditions of extreme limitations, the question arises of replacing a bathtub with a shower. There is a definite benefit to this solution; after removing the bathtub from the room, new space becomes available.

Selection of materials

When starting to prepare for repairs, you need to create an action plan that will clearly show the entire list of work. The plan for a small bathroom needs to include a list of materials for interior decoration premises.

The most popular material is tile. Tiles for a small bathroom can be absolutely anything; the choice depends on personal preference. You need to think about the design of a small bathroom.

Moisture-resistant paints can serve as finishing materials, color palette which will be surpassed by any tile.

Walls painted with matte paints have proven themselves to be excellent in everyday water tests. Subsequently, the bathroom walls can be repainted without special costs for materials.

A modern interior is good because it allows you to combine different styles. For example, you can combine tiles and moisture-resistant paint in the bathroom, but the best solution will be to make an accent from one material.

For the floor in the bathroom, you can choose tiles or wooden slats coated with yacht varnish. When choosing wooden slats The pattern should be duplicated on other surfaces.

Note! White bathroom - 100 photos of cozy and practical design ideas

Choosing Decoration Materials With patterns for the bathroom, you should stick to simple geometric motifs, subtle patterns and Moroccan mosaics. When it comes to choosing bathroom furniture, you should abandon white plastic surfaces in favor of more natural materials.

Necessary accessories are mirrors and lamps. Fittings also play a role in the overall impression. Particular attention should be paid to small details such as taps, hooks and cabinet handles.

A room is considered small if it doesn’t fit a washing machine and a bathtub, but don’t despair. Experts will help you come up with the interior of a small bathroom, although you can figure it out yourself.

Hiring a designer will allow you to see finished photo small bathroom, even before renovation begins. The modern design of a small bathroom can be varied, but you should rely on the main fashion trends.

In fashion now Special attention given to the choice of toilets and showers, and open pipes are also considered unacceptable. Concerning color range, it is fashionable to use a solid color with a large, sparse pattern.

Modern design

In a modern small bathroom, you can use design options that came to us from Japan and China. This design involves the use of plumbing fixtures, the dimensions of which are significantly smaller than standard ones, and their convenience and performance are at a high level.

If there is not enough space, it is advisable to remove the bathtub from the room and install a shower in its place. The resulting space can be occupied by a washing machine or the necessary furniture.

Another solution to the space problem would be to install wall hung toilet and sinks, which will give the illusion of spaciousness and also make subsequent cleaning of the bathroom easier. Under the wall-mounted sink you can install a miniature cabinet with shelves, suitable for storing household chemicals.

If for some reason it is not possible to use a wall-hung sink, then there is the option of installing an overhead bowl; it is installed on the countertop. In bathrooms with small spaces, it makes sense to install a compact sink custom size. This solution looks very impressive.

Photo of a small bathroom

The design of a bathroom, regardless of its size and shape, tends to be laconic and balanced. design solutions. A beautiful, functional, well-thought-out design is simply bound to charm and delight. After all, it is from this room that our day begins and ends, it is here that we take care of our beauty, forget about unresolved problems, and receive a certain feeling of joy and pleasure. Therefore, it is very important to arrange a harmonious and functional space bathroom, taking into account not only modern design trends, but also your own preferences.

Selection of color palette

Proper color design of a space creates a visual perception of its expansion or, conversely, reduction. The shades of the walls and splashes of color create a certain psychological attitude, directly affect our emotional state and mental comfort.

There are several dominant ones that experts recommend following when designing a bathroom.


Everyone knows that achromatic is a win-win option in small spaces. It enhances the perception of airiness and volume, solved with the help of ceiling lamps and, highlighting individual design elements.

When choosing white as the dominant color for all bathroom surfaces, it is necessary to provide bright spots of color in the design of accessories. This will avoid the negative impact of a monotonous space, which does not have the best effect on human energy.

Snow-white marble tiles - a stylish solution for decorating walls in the bathroom


Extravagant and energetic, very powerful and influential purple for the bathroom are chosen by people who are leaders in their inner feelings. Therefore, it is important to analyze how comfortable all family members will feel in the updated space.

The first thing you need to do when you start decorating the interior of the bathroom is to correctly calculate the saturation of shades. It is not recommended to add a lot of dark color into a limited volume. It is advisable to dwell on the noble lilac tone promoting relaxation and peace of mind.

To add dynamics, you can alternate wall tiles with varying degrees of purple tone saturation. At the same time, it is taken into account that this range requires addition with another less active color. The most harmonious is white tone. Combines with purple, gray, green, and golden colors.

Purple color is an excellent background for white sanitary ware, from the bathtub to the sink

Black and white

The combination of two achromatic colors, black and white, is a classic and virtually win-win option in bathrooms with a relatively large area.

Usually the floor and some elements of furniture and accessories are decorated in black. This avoids some heaviness. The white solution of the upper surfaces and walls gives the room more light and visually increases its volume, so you should not skimp on its presence in the interior.

You can choose interesting, elegant, intertwined black patterns on a white tile background. A varied combination of these colors on the floor adds dynamics. Strengthens general impression, emphasizes the noble depth of achromatic tones, active red color in small quantities.


Solid Brown color Calm and self-confident people choose for the bathroom interior. With the right selection of contrast, it is possible to create a cozy, luxurious environment where cleanliness and order reign.


The positive color of freshness, which is green, is associated with nature and spring. It simultaneously calms and fills with energy, creates an atmosphere of calm and gives a feeling of peace.

Forming future design in these shades, you are guaranteed to get the original and truly interesting interior bathroom.

For small rooms, experts do not recommend using too rich shades. Best fit light palette, which harmonizes the space, makes it balanced and welcoming. As additional ones, you can take almost any shade, but in small quantities. Successfully enhance the tonic energy of green: orange, white, yellow and beige accessories.

The inimitable malachite color in a harmonious union with snow-white plumbing fixtures is a practical and correct solution


Relaxing blue has always been one of the popular colors when creating bathroom designs. It does not stand out with expression, so sometimes it requires the addition of a contrasting texture. This can be a framing border, vertical or horizontal, a small fragment on the surface - floral, geometric, etc.

If by nature you are an introverted and irritable person, you should not choose dark varieties for yourself. of blue color, choose a calmer option. The ceiling can be made white, which will neutralize some of the sad note inherent in a large amount of blue.

Concerning flooring, then it is best to give preference to tiles made in light colors. It should be approached with due attention, since a lot will depend on its quality.

Style solutions

You can give even a modest miniature bathroom a feeling of sophistication and prestige by designing its space in a certain style direction.

Provence. Gravitating towards nature, the Provence style assumes the presence light walls, white, designed for flooring. Select bedside tables with bright floral patterns. Towels with embroidery, wicker soap dishes, and forged fasteners for shelves would be appropriate. Wooden carved elements fit well.

Classic. You can add a touch of classic style to your bathroom design by selecting tiles that imitate natural objects - stone, wood. The calm beige tone of the walls, doors, cabinets, and shelves finished in noble red wood creates an atmosphere of aristocracy.

Time has no power over the classic style; it is always in demand and popular. Elegance and purity are his main strong point.

East style. The mysterious oriental notes that appear in the design of the bathroom look fresh and picturesque. It is enough to choose tiles for the wall and floor with a sophisticated, bright pattern, and the space will be completely transformed. Adds the inherent luxury of oriental interiors with color - gold, red, lilac.

The style of oriental interior has its own peculiarity. In it, it is very important to maintain harmony and not overload the space small details. One of the shades should be dominant, and the rest are designed to create an overall harmonious atmosphere.

Silver, gilding, gloss - all this emphasizes and makes the oriental interior special

Japanese style. For small spaces, laconic and elegant is one of the most suitable. When creating it, it is important to avoid crude imitation. Surfaces are made monochromatic in a combination of two, less often three shades. For example, a subfloor brown furniture, gray walls and ceiling. Or white walls with red panels and black plumbing.

In a Japanese interior, a combination of lilac and pink, red and yellow is welcomed. Drawings on panels and plumbing fixtures can be in the form of hieroglyphs or elegant plant motifs.

The Japanese style of interior design is naturalness and simplicity, therefore decorative elements - rugs, wall fans are made from natural materials.

Every detail of the Japanese interior adheres to the main principle oriental style- simplicity and convenience

Loft style. For brave people who gravitate toward making non-standard decisions and who have fairly spacious bathrooms, they will like the modern, free loft style. It is characterized by a rough finish on one of the walls - like stone or stone. The remaining surfaces are made monochromatic.

Complete freedom is allowed in the installation of plumbing fixtures and furniture. If space allows, the bath can be raised onto a podium or placed in the center of the room. There should not be many bright spots, for example, a red sink next to a white bathroom and cream walls.

High tech. Avoiding pomp and showiness, the modest style is ideal for small spaces. The walls are usually made monochromatic, while rich and bright shades are allowed.

A characteristic feature of this style is the absence of decorative pretentious elements. Preference is given to simple, clear lines of furniture and plumbing fixtures with metal, plastic, and glass surfaces.

A floor with imitation marble in combination with mosaic tiles in the sink area fits perfectly into the design of a high-tech bathroom.

Most often, the colors that predominate in high-tech style are white, gray and black.

Minimalism. A strict and orderly style with clear lines and the absence of flashy decor is appreciated by calm, accomplished people. Surfaces are designed in plain pastel or achromatic shades.

In the interior design of a minimalist bathroom, there are usually two colors. Most often you can find a combination of white with gray, blue with turquoise, milky with light chestnut. The union of these shades will give the interior calm, harmony and balance. All accessories and fittings should, if possible, be hidden behind the fronts of wall cabinets.


The main criterion for selecting bathroom furniture is its high moisture resistance. Because of small area It is convenient to place a wall cabinet on one of the walls, where there will be various hygiene items, household cleaning products and detergents. The most advantageous option is cabinets with mirrored doors and lighting.

A cabinet with sliding or sliding doors is most often installed under the sink. swing doors. It conveniently accommodates a laundry basket. If preference was given to an open sink on an elegant leg, then a basket is selected without transparent facades. It must be equipped with a lid. Exterior decor should fit into the interior style.

Mirrors are placed separately on the walls and even under the ceiling, if, when developing a design project for the future design of the bathroom, it is decided to use them as decorative elements designed to visually expand the space.


When developing the design of the future bathroom interior, it is important to remember that a ceiling chandelier is rarely present in these rooms. Such a piece of furniture requires a fairly large area. More often, one corner lighting fixture is installed on the ceiling, covered with a lampshade.

From modern solutions Ceiling spotlights with the required level of waterproofing are gaining popularity. Wall sconces serve as a tool for zoning even a small space. They are placed above the mirror, next to the shelves.

Any lighting In humid conditions typical of a bathroom, they should be installed by professional electricians. The minimum distance from any lamp to a bathtub or sink is 0.6 meters.

Combined bathroom

In an effort to expand the space, some people decide to remodel by removing the partition between the toilet and the bathroom. It must be taken into account that the wall cannot be dismantled without coordinating the alteration project with BTI specialists.

Having completed all the preliminary steps, they begin to create a design in the expanded room.

  • It is advisable to make the ceiling in a classic white color. Installation of moisture-resistant tensile structures is allowed. Most suitable material for conditions with high humidity, polyvinyl chloride is used. It is not susceptible to mold growth, is easy to clean, and, if necessary, will protect against leakage from above.
  • The walls are most often laid with ceramic tiles. Thanks to the expanded space, you can turn to interesting collections that combine both plain and textured types of tiles. They form a harmonious composition and do not require additional effort in choosing colors. There can be many options. An interesting dynamic is created if three walls are plain, and the third is filled with tiles with geometric or floral patterns.

You can decorate the lower part of the walls with a pattern, and make the top monochrome, using tiles with patterns as a decorative border. It can also serve to zone space, highlighting, for example, an area near the sink.

Mosaics are increasingly being used in bathroom interiors. Similar decorative finishing should not be dominant, since it actively attracts attention to itself. With its help, you can frame a mirror or decorate the walls around the shelves, visually highlighting this area.

Tile or porcelain tiles remain the most popular types of floor finishes. More often they select more dark colors than on other surfaces, which avoids excessive contrast in the room.

Recently, polymer ones have appeared in combined sanitary rooms, creating a feeling of depth if a decorative pattern is placed under the transparent surface.

Regardless of the size of the room, it is important to place plumbing fixtures, furniture, and accessories in such a way that there is no feeling of chaos. There are several techniques that work for the harmonious organization of combined space:

  • Mount a wall-hung compact toilet;
  • To store the necessary cleaning, washing, and hygiene products, use a wall cabinet with mirrored facades;
  • Install a washbasin combined with a cabinet in which the washing machine is placed;
  • A corner shower stall with a sliding door is selected.

A universal solution that makes the design unique and the space endless is a volumetric panel equipped with LED lighting from the inside. The drawing is selected in accordance with the general theme created design. Modern trends gravitate towards abstraction, which allows, if necessary, to introduce a bright modern sound into a monotonous interior.

Video: beautiful bathroom interiors

In this video you can get acquainted with the best bathroom designs, as well as choose the appropriate interior style for yourself.

The main criterion when creating a bathroom design is the preferences of all household members. Remember that everything in this room must be perfect. An atmosphere that causes anxiety and discomfort is not allowed here.