Where to store beets in an apartment. Storing beets for the winter at home. The best conditions and methods for storing beets

Those who don't have own plot, regularly buy small quantities of beets and store them on the refrigerator shelf. Owners of vegetable gardens and household plots immediately collect large quantities of beets, which will be stored all winter. To keep beets as useful as when harvested until the spring months, the site's editors website prepared useful tips for storing crops. Because I don’t want my efforts to go to waste.

Naturally, you can't imagine the best way save the harvest, how to store beets in the cellar. But in multi-storey buildings it is not provided. It turns out that there are several ways to quite long-term storage of this root crop in apartment conditions. All that remains is to choose the most suitable one.

How to store beets at home?

To do this, you need to create a vegetable suitable conditions. Provide high humidity- about 90%. And also lower the temperature to +2 degrees Celsius. More high temperature will contribute to the fact that the tops of the root crop will begin to grow. And the beets themselves will wither and spoil.

The conditions that must be met in order for the storage of beets at home to be successful are as follows:

  • place the prepared vegetables in a plastic bag; there is no need to tie it;
  • Place the beets in a cool place in the apartment (for example, near the balcony or front door).

Ways to store it in the apartment

1. Storing beets in the cellar

To preserve beets in the cellar in winter you need to know the subtleties. You don't need a plastic bag here. But they will come in handy wooden boxes. The beets are placed in them in layers. Be sure to ensure that the root vegetables do not touch each other. To do this, they are generously sprinkled with dry sand, sawdust or wood shavings.

2. Storing beets on the balcony in winter

In how to store beets for the winter on the balcony, you need to take into account the possibility of severe frosts and freezing of root crops. Therefore, it is recommended to cover boxes with vegetables with old blankets or jackets. Ibid on glassed balcony Sometimes potatoes are stored in bags. Then you can sprinkle beets on top of the potatoes.

3. In the room or refrigerator

But what about those who don’t have a balcony? How to store beets at home, just in a room or refrigerator? At room temperature, these root vegetables remain fresh for a week. But it is necessary to remove it away from heating devices.

If the capacity of the refrigerator allows, then bags of beets can be placed there. You just need to make enough holes. Then check from time to time to ensure that condensation does not appear. Then the root vegetables will be stored for a month.

During the entire storage period, the crop should be inspected from time to time. If rotten specimens suddenly appear, they will have to be thrown out immediately so that they do not spoil the neighboring ones.

How to store beets for the winter: we solve the problem in the spring when planting and in the fall when harvesting

To begin with, you will have to carefully consider the choice of variety. It should have good shelf life, and the root crops should have a diameter of about 10 cm. If you choose a beet variety that does not grow to that size, they will dry out. Too large root vegetables are excessively fibrous with poor taste.

In autumn, during harvesting, you should try to keep the skin intact. Sort the sun-dried root vegetables, removing rotten and bruised ones. Carefully trim the tops, leaving only 1 cm.

For those who for some reason are not suitable for any of the above methods of storing beets, you can use canning or freezing. For example, grate it on a coarse grater and put it in the freezer in plastic bags.

Harvesting and preparing crops for winter

Gardeners take care of the future safety of beets even before planting. When choosing a vegetable variety, they check the keeping quality - the ability to be stored for 4–6 months. Excess nitrogen fertilizers increases yields, but creates problems with storage and taste of products. Varieties suitable for long-term storage:

  • Renova;
  • Mulatto;
  • Late winter A-474;
  • Libero;
  • Egyptian flat;
  • Bordeaux-237;
  • Salad;
  • Single-growth;
  • Incomparable A463;
  • Pablo F1;
  • Cold-resistant 19;
  • Detroit;
  • Boltardi;
  • Gribovskaya flat A473.

It is easier to harvest beets when the ground is wet, but in sunny weather the vegetables will dry out faster

For harvesting, dry weather is desirable to dry the beets, but if it rains, the beets will dry indoors. When harvesting beets, three rules are taken into account:

  • If the soil is dense and clayey, then it is better not to pull out the beets, but to dig them up with a pitchfork. You cannot throw beets, this will reduce the commercial quality and shelf life;
  • When drying outside, vegetables are laid out in the shade so as not to wither in the sun. The stuck earth can be easily removed from dry beets;
  • the tops are torn off, as the leaves continue to evaporate moisture and dry out the root crops.

Disputes continue as to which is preferable: twisting the tops or trimming them. When pruning, leave petioles 2–3 cm long to prevent infection from getting inside the fruit. Twisting the tops will prevent the knife from transferring the juice of a diseased plant to uninfected ones.

Leaving the tails will prevent infection from entering the fruit through the cut, and will keep the vegetables healthy

Video: preparing beets for storage

The next stage is sorting. Divide the root vegetables into three groups:

  • vegetables with flaws: damaged by pests, rotten, punctured or cut. The harvest of this group is suitable for urgent processing with careful removal of damage; it cannot be stored;
  • healthy root vegetables with a diameter of less than 4 cm. Undergrown vegetables are suitable for storage, but will quickly wither and dry out;
  • ripe large fruits will remain in the basement or cellar until spring without damage.

Rules for storing beets

To store vegetables, they use both cellars and basements, as well as vegetable trenches, pits and even apartment balconies. Beets will last all winter if the necessary conditions are created.

Storing beets in a cellar or basement

Before harvesting, the cellar or basement should be prepared in advance:

  • remove debris left over from last season and ventilate the vegetable storage;
  • disinfect the room. Brick or wooden walls whiten and treat the shelves with a ten percent solution of copper sulfate;
  • poison the place where vegetables are stored with one or two sulfur bombs to protect against insects;
  • ventilate the room thoroughly, otherwise foreign odors will be absorbed into the plants;
  • do not use last year’s beets for storage cardboard boxes and sawdust, use new ones. Heat reusable containers in the sun for 1-2 hot days.

After the room has been cleaned, disinfected and ventilated, store the vegetables. Place unripe beets separately to use first. Place the root crops in boxes and boxes and arrange them in rows, sprinkling each row with a layer of sawdust, sand, peat, and dry moss. Place containers with vegetables on shelves, wooden floors at a distance of 10–15 cm. Maintain the room temperature at + 5 o C, humidity - 85–90%, but condensation accumulation is unacceptable. If the air is dry, place wide containers filled with water next to the boxes - buckets, basins, but not bottles. To reduce humidity, use hygroscopic material: sawdust, chalk, and do not forget about regular ventilation. If there is a threat of frost, insulate the boxes accessible ways- cover with agrofibre, hay or thick cloth.

Laying in boxes with sand will protect root crops from excess moisture, drying out and freezing

Storing beets in the apartment

It is not easy to create suitable conditions for storing vegetables in an apartment. But, if other options are not available, choose a dark, humid place with a cool temperature. A loggia, balcony or spacious storage room are suitable. The process of preparing beets for storage in an apartment is as follows:

  • prepare two cardboard boxes;
  • Place the containers one inside the other according to the matryoshka principle. It is desirable that the distance between the boxes is 10 cm;
  • Fill the gap loosely with crumpled newspapers or coconut for thermal insulation;
  • Place a layer of sawdust, sand, peat or dry moss 3–5 cm thick on the bottom of the inner box to maintain temperature and humidity. It is advisable to calcinate the sand to get rid of pests;
  • Lay the beets loosely, sprinkling each row with sand or sawdust. Carefully fill the top row. If there are no bulk materials in the house, lay layers of vegetables with newspapers or wrap each root vegetable in paper;
  • Cover closed boxes with agrofibre or old warm clothing;
  • If you place the boxes on the balcony, protect the vegetables from rain and direct sunlight.

Problems when storing beets

It happens that beets spoil during storage due to the appearance of fungus and rodent infestation. To prevent this from happening, be careful when harvesting and preparing root vegetables, carefully select vegetables without damage or rot. In addition, blackening inside the root crop is possible due to a lack of boron during the growth period of the vegetable. Feeding the plant will help avoid the problem. complex fertilizer or solution boric acid at a concentration of 5 g per 10 liters of water. It will not be possible to save affected root vegetables, so spoiled vegetables should be thrown away immediately.

Spoiled beets are unfit for consumption and can contaminate nearby vegetables.

Freezing beets

Root crops can be stored fresh or frozen. At the same time, defrost the vegetables and place them back in freezer Don’t do it - the beets will lose their beneficial properties.

Freezing whole beets

To freeze, the vegetable is washed, peeled, placed in a bag and placed in the freezer. Before eating, beets should be defrosted in advance, since you cannot use a microwave oven - the root vegetable will soften. When frozen, ice forms inside the fruit, so these beets are not suitable for serving.

Both fresh and boiled root vegetables are frozen entirely

Freezing beet tops

Gardeners preserve tops containing vitamin C and microelements. To freeze beet stems you need:

  • rinse the tops running water and check for signs of disease and pests on the leaves;
  • let the greens dry;
  • chop the tops and place portions in bags;
  • place the bags in the freezer.

Beet greens retain beneficial microelements and vitamins even after freezing

Beetroot - common vegetable crop. Having collected a rich harvest, people try to save it for the winter months. To do this, you need to know how to properly store beets in the winter in a cellar or other home storage.

Best varieties for storage

Beets of mid-early and early varieties. They are intended for canning, eating fresh root vegetables, preparing salads and other dishes. Late varieties are used for long-term storage.

The following varieties of beets are taken for storage:

  • Renova;
  • Mulatto;
  • Gribovskaya;
  • Libero;
  • Bordeaux;
  • Egyptian flat;
  • Incomparable;
  • Salad.

Seeds for sowing are selected taking into account the place where they were bred. It is best to take seeds from varieties that have been collected in your region. They are optimally suited to the local climate and weather conditions. For example, Matryona beets are perfectly stored in the Urals.

Preparing beets for storage in the cellar

To properly prepare the crop for storage in the cellar, you should bring it into line with the recommended parameters and correctly perform:

  • ventilation;
  • sterilization;
  • temperature;
  • humidity.

The cellar should be well ventilated. Cool air should move freely throughout the room. To ensure sufficient oxygen levels, vegetables are placed in prepared bins. The floor of the room, like other surfaces, must be kept clean and dry.

Attention! It is recommended to use bleach to sterilize storage.

Before storing beets, they are carefully selected and dried. When examining, pay attention to the presence of diseases (rot, mold), general defects and dents, softness and shoots. If a damaged vegetable is found, it is isolated from the rest. Detected shoots are removed.

How to store beets in the cellar in winter

There are various technologies storing beets in the cellar. It can be stored together with potatoes, placed in wooden or plastic boxes with or without fillers, place in plastic bags or on shelves. All these methods are popular among gardeners.

Along with potatoes

To store beets in the cold season in the potato cellar, you need to use a large box. First add a layer of potatoes into it. Place beets on top. Because of natural compatibility these vegetables this method considered one of the best for storage. Potatoes love dryness. Beetroot in the cellar requires high humidity. During storage, potatoes give off moisture, which immediately transfers to the beets and is absorbed by it. This ensures optimal conditions for keeping the crop in storage.

In boxes

You can store vegetables in boxes in 4 ways. The first storage option involves placing the beets in a box with holes for sufficient air circulation. No more than two kilograms of vegetables are placed in one package.

Another method of storing beets is to place the collected and dried root vegetables in wooden box and sprinkle with regular salt. You can do it differently: each fruit is dipped in a salt solution and, after drying, placed in a box. Salt is considered not only an excellent absorbent, but also a wonderful crop protector from fungus and mold.

In the third case, the root crop can be stored in boxes with leaves of plants (rowan, wormwood, fern, tansy, gooseberry), which release protective substances - phytoncides. They counteract the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and the development of fungal diseases, thereby preserving the fruits from rot. Plant leaves are placed on the bottom of the container and between the beets.

In the latter storage option, vegetables are kept in a wooden box without holes. Dry ash is poured onto the bottom or river sand. The crop is stacked in layers. Sand or ash is again poured on top, on which another layer of beets is laid. The sand is first disinfected.

In bags

IN small cellar beets are stored well in plastic bags. To preserve the root crops, the filled bag is suspended and small holes are punched from the bottom. At certain intervals during storage, the bags are opened for ventilation.

On the racks

On the shelves, root vegetables are laid out close to each other. Each layer is covered with sand with the addition of chalk and dry slaked lime (the proportion of sand and chalk is 50/1 kg). This mixture is a good preventative against rot, mold and other diseases. Instead of sand, you can use sawdust.

Attention! The humidity in the storage room should not exceed 15 percent. Due to its disinfectant properties essential oils, which are contained in sawdust, the root crop does not lose its useful properties and does not dry out, forming wrinkles.

In clay glaze

To store beets in clay glaze, you will first need to prepare a mixture of clay and water. For 1 kg of clay there is 0.3 kg of water. After preparing the glaze, well-dried root vegetables are dipped into the composition and dried. Processed beets are covered with a protective coating that protects against diseases. After drying, beets prepared for storage are placed in boxes or crates and left in the cellar.

Why do beets wither in the cellar?

Before laying root crops on winter storage they need to be dried in the cellar. It is better to do this in a draft. The container must have holes, a mesh or lattice. Shoots must be completely removed. The cellar must be equipped with an exhaust hood and low level humidity and positive temperature. You should monitor the safety of vegetables and sort them at least twice a month.

In most cases, rotting begins because vegetable growers violate storage rules, or root crops are affected by diseases. The main diseases are gray and white rot, phimosis with fusarium and heart rot. Gray rot appears on damaged vegetables or those that were laid frozen.

The appearance of white rot, phimosis and fusarium is associated with improper cultivation of the crop. In the first case, a lot of fertilizers were used; in the last two, proper prevention of fungal diseases was not carried out.

A disease associated with rot of the fruit core is a consequence of insufficient moisture in the soil during cultivation. It most often appears in hot, dry summers.

Optimal storage conditions

The best conditions for storage in the cellar are:

  1. Placing root vegetables in a room with a constant temperature of 0 to 2 degrees Celsius and humidity up to 90%.
  2. Sufficient natural air circulation or exhaust ventilation.

The optimal mode of storing vegetables in the cellar is maintained throughout the entire period, since with increasing temperature regime and humidity, they begin to grow shoots and gradually lose their useful qualities And appearance. When placed in containers or on shelves, root vegetables must be at a height of at least 15 cm from the ground.


Using the tips above, you can store beets in the cellar over winter until the next harvest. Great value at the same time, there is careful preparation of vegetables for storage. Compliance with the conditions will allow vegetable growers to enjoy their favorite and appetizing beet dishes at any time of the year: borscht, salads, kvass.

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At the beginning of September, beets are still undergoing the final ripening processes, so there is no need to rush to harvest them. But you still need to look at the weather. Unlike carrots that are more recessed, this root crop protrudes well above the soil and can be exposed to early autumn frosts. Most optimal time The end of September or the beginning of October is considered to be the time to harvest such a vegetable. The cleaning itself should be carried out in dry weather.

Preparing root vegetables for storage

Use a fork or shovel to dig up the beets. You need to pry up the soil directly under the fruit, being careful not to damage it. The tops can be cut with a knife or rolled by hand.

Important: Do not cut off the beet tops completely. It is necessary to leave a few millimeters to prevent the roots from sprouting and drying out during storage.

After removing the tops, the beets should be thoroughly cleaned of soil and side roots. When performing these manipulations, make sure that the fruits do not hit each other. Such neglect can lead to damage to the vegetable, and it will spoil much faster. It is absolutely forbidden to wash beets that are being stored. It just needs to be dried thoroughly in the air in dry weather. Spread the root vegetables in a single layer directly on the ground and wait a few hours. If the weather is damp and dry days are not expected in the near future, it is better to carry out this process under a canopy or in a dry, ventilated room.

Beets damaged by diseases or pests, as well as those injured during digging, will not be stored for long. Moreover, it will significantly reduce the safety of the rest of the crop!

It is better to eat root crops that are too small and damaged as soon as possible, and select healthy, full-fledged ones for storage. The best preserved heads are those with a diameter of 10 cm.

Features of storing beets at home

After the preparatory activities, proceed to storing root crops. The best place For this purpose at home there is a cellar. It must first be ventilated, dried and disinfected.

The most favorable conditions for storing beets - this is where:

  • dark;
  • constant temperature from 0 to +2ºС;
  • humidity ranges from 90-92%;
  • natural air circulation;
  • there is no danger of freezing.

In the cellar or basement

The cellar and basement, despite popular belief, are somewhat different in essence. A basement is a room under a building, and a cellar is a hole in the ground, closed at the top and having reinforced walls. The principles for storing vegetables in these rooms are almost identical.

Options for storing beets in a cellar or basement:

  • packaging and placing in small batches in lattice boxes, cellular plastic containers or wicker baskets;
  • filling into piles and bins;
  • laying root crops in low pyramids on cellar racks;
  • pouring wet sand in boxes;
  • joint storage of beets and potatoes.

In the sand

This method is very popular among summer residents, as we already wrote about in the article on storing carrots. Before use, the sand must be dried in the active sun or calcined in the oven. This is done for disinfection purposes to remove insects and pathogenic fungi.

Sand thin layer you need to put it at the bottom of the box. Then arrange the beet roots so that they do not touch each other. There should also be a 2 cm layer of sand on top.

In the sawdust

You can also often hear about the good preservation of beets in sawdust. This method resembles storage in sand, but has its own subtleties. The fact is that sawdust is very dependent on humidity environment. They can dry out, causing the beets to become lethargic, or swell from moisture, causing the root crops to rot. That is why root vegetables in sawdust need to be isolated from the air. You can put them, sprinkled with sawdust, in small and durable plastic bags or line the inside of wooden boxes for vegetables with oilcloth.

How to preserve beets in a city apartment?

It may happen that basement or there is simply no cellar, but you really want to save the rich beet harvest collected at the dacha until spring. In this case, you will have to create conditions for the preservation of beets in the apartment. An insulated balcony is best suited for such purposes. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Place the selected fruits in strong plastic bags and, without tying them, place them in the part of the balcony where the temperature is lowest. It is advisable to make cuts along the entire surface of the bag so that the vegetables can “breathe”. You can also load beets into compact wooden boxes, generously sprinkling the layers with sand or sawdust so that the root crops do not touch each other;
  • when the temperature outside the window drops too low, and there is a danger of freezing on the balcony, boxes or bags will need to be wrapped in old blankets;
  • It is advisable to store beets next to potatoes. Both vegetables will benefit from such a neighborhood.

Can beets be stored in the refrigerator or freezer?

Root vegetables stored in bags are perfectly stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartments. But even in the largest refrigerator it is difficult to allocate enough space for long-term storage of beets. Another thing is special refrigerators in vegetable stores.

It has become fashionable to freeze various fruits and vegetables for the winter. There is no need to bother with canning; besides, after defrosting, the products taste like a fresh vegetable or fruit. Beets are no exception. It absolutely does not lose its beneficial properties when frozen, so you can safely use this method of preparation.

Important: When freezing beets, place them in separate bags in small portions, designed for preparing specific dishes.

It will not be possible to prepare boiled beets for a long time in the freezer, because the recommended storage period for such storage is two months. After the specified time, it loses its taste.

But if you still decide, at least for a short time, to stock up on boiled vegetables, then you will need to:

  • boil the whole fruit;
  • cool in air without pouring cold water;
  • clear;
  • cut into rings 1-2 cm thick or into cubes;
  • place the workpiece in vacuum bags, ziplock bags or containers, trying to leave as little air as possible;
  • stick a sticker with the date of freezing.

To enjoy your own beets throughout the fall, winter and spring, try to listen to the advice of experienced vegetable growers:

  • Not all varieties are suitable for long-term storage. When purchasing seeds, check with the seller which of the offered samples is the most durable;
  • dig up the beets very carefully to avoid minimizing the number of substandard root crops;
  • The main root cannot be cut, otherwise the fruit will quickly dry out;
  • When drying, do not leave root vegetables on fresh air too long so as not to start the process of rapid withering;
  • During storage, it is advisable to regularly monitor the condition of vegetables and remove them from them in a timely manner. total mass rotten root vegetables;
  • Beetroot, arranged with fern leaves, lasts for a very long time;
  • Treating beets with chalk will help prevent mechanical damage and diseases.

If you do everything correctly and can preserve beets for a long time, then throughout the year you will be able to please your family and friends with useful and delicious dishes- and beetroot, vinaigrettes and herring under a fur coat, beet caviar and invigorating kvass.

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Grow excellent harvest beets are half the battle. The main thing is to be able to preserve it so that for a long time enjoy the fruits of your labor. In fact, this is not so easy to do. It is necessary to take into account a number of factors that begin at the selection stage planting material. To avoid crop losses, it is necessary to arm yourself with knowledge on how to store beets correctly.

The beet harvest will be well preserved if you follow simple rules

Selection of varieties

Not every variety is suitable for subsequent storage. When choosing a material, consider its shelf life. The following planting materials have a high indicator in this regard:

  • Mulatto.
  • Bordeaux-237.
  • Renova.
  • Pablo F1.
  • Late winter A-474.
  • Detroit.
  • Libero.
  • Gribovskaya flat A-473.
  • Cold-resistant-19.
  • Salad.
  • Boltardi.
  • Incomparable A-463.
  • Single sprout.

Late Winter beet A-474 demonstrates excellent keeping quality

Preliminary work to prepare fruits for storage

Sometimes gardeners unwittingly cause harm when harvesting. To run irreversible process infection, it is enough to abruptly and carelessly pull the vegetables out of the ground or injure them with a knife while peeling. To prevent this from happening and storing beets from turning into torture, you should know some important nuances.

It would seem that there is nothing simpler than pulling out a vegetable and sending it to dry. But that was not the case. At this stage the first difficulties arise. The soil at this time is dry, and no one has cleared it of stones, and while pulling it out, its thin skin can be damaged. This vegetable will not be stored for long. It is necessary to remove the crop from the ground using a fork or shovel. It is enough to dig a little, slightly lift it along with the soil, and the root crop can be easily reached.

The vegetable must be removed from the beds before the first frost, because... a frozen top will not allow the root crop to be stored for a long time. It is best to choose a dry autumn day for cleaning. This will have a positive effect on safety, and it’s much more pleasant to work in such weather.

Before storing vegetables, they should be thoroughly dried. In dry weather, this can be done directly in the garden bed. It is not worth keeping it in the fresh air for a long time, so as not to lose moisture. 2-4 hours will be enough.

After drying, the fruits are cleaned of dirt and soil. Under no circumstances should you knock down the soil by beating them against each other or use a knife or wood chips when cleaning, this will damage the skin and lead to infection.

Next, the tops are removed, but not completely; a small “tail”, about 1 cm long, must be left. The tops are cut with a sharp object rather than pulled out by hand. All side roots are carefully removed. If the main root is small, then it is better not to cut it.

The next step is sorting. Only healthy and strong fruits are selected for storage. It's better if they are small sizes, because large ones become coarser over time.

Now you can safely send vegetables for storage.

Dirt is carefully removed from the dried beets, after which the tops are cut off

Methods for storing root vegetables

There are two main ways to store beets, which have proven themselves over the course of more than a century:

  • outdoors (in holes or trenches);
  • indoors (in dark room or underground, in the refrigerator, on the balcony, etc.).

Everyone chooses a container for themselves; the following are suitable for this: boxes (with or without sand), boxes, baskets, in bulk in bins or on shelves, on potatoes, etc.

Conditions necessary for the preservation of fruits

Beetroot is best stored in the cellar. It is there that the ideal conditions are present for her:

  • the presence of natural movement of air masses;
  • darkness;
  • does not freeze;
  • air temperature from 0 to 2 degrees Celsius;
  • required level of humidity.

During storage, special attention should be paid to root vegetables in the first months. With a slight increase in temperature, the tops may begin to germinate, which will shorten the storage time. The container with beets should not be located on the floor, but at a 15-centimeter height from it.

During storage of beets, the condition of the root crops must be regularly monitored.

It would seem that if the fruits are not damaged, then it would be enough to simply pile them up in a storage room. Many gardeners over the years of work on personal plots they know exactly how to store beets so that they don’t have to throw them away.

A good storage companion is potatoes, on top of which the beets are placed in one layer. The fruits lack moisture in winter, and the potatoes share it with the beets.

The fruits are well stored in sand, which is pre-calcined either in the oven or in the sun. A box is suitable as a container. Sand is poured onto the bottom, one layer of beets is laid, then sand again, a layer of at least 2 cm. The fruits should not touch.

Ordinary paper is also suitable as a material for pouring vegetables. table salt. It must be dry, like the root vegetables themselves.

For refilling, you can use sifted wood ash or dry fern leaves, sawdust, shavings and even peat.

The best remedy for diseases during storage is to roll the fruits in chalk, after which they can simply be placed in a box.

It is better to sort large and small fruits and store them separately from each other.

Even plastic bags with a capacity of up to 40 kg are suitable for storage. Filled bags should never be tied so as not to impede the penetration of air.

If vegetables are stored in bulk, then a wooden grate is installed on the floor for constant air movement.

Beets can be stored in a box with sand

Storing vegetables in the apartment

Everyone knows very well how to store beets if you have a basement or cellar. But what to do if you have to store vegetables in the apartment during the winter? This is much more difficult to do, but the right approach It is possible to ensure the safety of fruits for 3-4 months.

If you have a balcony protected from frost, you can safely keep your harvest. The main thing is that the temperature there does not fall below zero. It is best to put it in a box with sand; when the temperature drops, the box should be additionally wrapped in something. If the balcony is cold, then the boxes can be insulated using polystyrene foam.

If there is no balcony in the room, select dark corner, located as far as possible from the battery and other heating devices. It is better to do this in boxes. Sawdust or sand are suitable as filling.

You can use a regular refrigerator for storage. Each fruit is wrapped tightly in foil or parchment paper.

Thus, storing beets turns into a whole science. The main thing is to comply with all the conditions so that you can enjoy delicious and healthy culinary delights made from fresh beets all winter: borscht and beetroot soup, herring under a fur coat, boiled beets and much more.