Clematis hybrid jan paul ii. Abundantly flowering varieties of clematis. Clematis Warszawska Nike-Clematis "Warszawska Nike"(WARSAW NIKE)


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A plant like clematis can charm everyone. Blooming vines, entwining the walls of a house or a gazebo, create unique view. Despite the fact that clematis is a native of the subtropics, it has taken root well in Russia. Today there are over 300 varieties of this crop. The flower is actively used in landscape design. What is clematis description most popular varieties– the article will talk about this.

Clematis is a perennial plant. Belongs to the Buttercup family. It grows in different forms. These can be herbaceous shoots, reaching a height of 40 centimeters, or subshrubs, shrubs, growing up to 1.5 meters. There are also leaf-climbing vines. Their height is about 10 meters. The leaves of vines are compound and simple, odd-pinnate and pair-pinnate, doubly trifoliate and trifoliate, purple and green. Much depends on the type of crop.

The inflorescences add beauty to the climbing plant. The flower size varies from 4 to 25 centimeters. Wide enough and color palette. There are clematis yellow, white, purple, blue, deep blue, pink, scarlet, red. In the center of the bud there are pistils and stamens of contrasting shades. Clematis blooms for several months.

What is a prince like?

Many gardeners prefer to plant large-flowered ones. However, not all such varieties can boast of abundant flowering. It is difficult to predict how many buds will form during the season. But the princely clematis varieties are distinguished by the formation of many flowers. True, the inflorescences are small in diameter. However, there are so many of them that the leaves are practically invisible. The varieties of princelings look fascinating.

Among the advantages of princes are the following:

  1. Inconsistency in cultivation.
  2. Winter hardiness.
  3. Having immunity to wilt.
  4. Vigor. The height of the shoots reaches 5 meters.
  5. Earlier, abundant flowering.
  6. The foliage is beautiful, openwork.

But, despite the presence of a number of advantages, princelings are not yet as popular among gardeners as clematis.

What varieties of clematis exist today?

Summer residents who plan to landscape the area around their house with the help of climbing vines are thinking about choosing a variety of this plant. After all, you want the crop to look beautiful and be easy to care for. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the most popular types of clematis among gardeners.

Clematis Rouge Cardinal

Clematis Rouge Cardinal is a hybrid form. The shrub looks impressive and very expressive. Medium in height. For gardeners this variety loved for its bright and lush flowering, good winter hardiness and resistance to pests and diseases.

Culture has received awards more than once and taken first places in prestigious international exhibitions. Let's look at the description of clematis Cardinal in more detail. Root system powerful. It goes almost a meter deep. It also diverges in breadth. Shrub type liana. Its shoots grow up to 3 meters. The inflorescences are quite large, up to 15 centimeters in diameter. They have a purple color. The plant is widely used in vertical gardening.

Clematis Ernest Markham

Let's consider the description of clematis Ernest Markham as one of the varieties popular among domestic gardeners. This is a shrub whose height is about 3-4 meters. The inflorescences are bright crimson with brown stamens. Their diameter varies from 12 to 15 centimeters. The buds open in the second half summer season. Luxurious flowers delight the eye right up to the onset of severe frosts.

Clematis Hegley

Many summer residents are also interested in the description of clematis Hegley Hybrid, its distinctive features. This is a large-flowered type. Fast growing and very resilient. Reaches two meters in height. Light pink flowers with brown stamens form on the shoots. Their diameter is approximately 13 centimeters. Flowering occurs in July-September. Hegli is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil. However, in sunny places flowers tend to fade.

Clematis Miss Bateman

This is a shrubby type vine. Its height reaches 2.5 meters. It produces beautiful, white flowers with a greenish stripe in the middle of the petals. The diameter of the blossoming bud reaches 15-20 centimeters. The variety is winter-hardy and has immunity to fungal infections. Not susceptible to insect pests. Drought resistant. Gardeners value Miss Bateman for her ability to bloom twice per season. Having studied the description of Miss Bateman's clematis, we can safely say that such an unpretentious variety is ideal for beginning gardeners.

Clematis Anna Carolina

This crop grows up to 3 meters in height. Clematis Anna Carolina blooms with beautiful white inflorescences with purple anthers. They are quite large in size. Moreover, flowering is abundant and occurs twice a year: in spring and at the end of summer. No special care required. However, it is very picky about the composition of the soil. The soil should be loamy, neutral or slightly alkaline, permeable, fertile, loose and well fertilized. Then the plant will develop and grow quickly and bloom profusely. Liana is actively used for vertical gardening.

Clematis Beata

Beata is the result of the work of Polish breeders. The variety appeared on the market in 1986 and immediately became popular. Clematis Beata is distinguished by its large flowers, 18-25 centimeters in diameter. Inflorescences are semi-double or simple. Their color is bluish-pink. A pink stripe is visible in the center of each leaf. The liana grows up to 3 meters in height. It blooms intensively, especially from June to July.

Clematis Ashwa

The culture grows up to 1.5-2 meters. Produces medium-sized flowers of purple-violet color. There is a red stripe in the middle of each petal. Blooms profusely from June to September. Up to 100 buds are formed on one bush per season.

Ashwa is widely used in landscape design. Usually this vine is planted near garden supports, trellises, and bushes. Terraces and gazebos are decorated. However, the crop is also great for growing in containers. Most reviews about clematis Ashwa are positive.

Clematis Yukiokoshi

Japanese clematis Yukiokoshi is characterized by large double inflorescences. The color of the buds is white and light green. The diameter of each flower reaches 14 centimeters. Flowering is abundant and lasts from June to September. Yukiokoshi is planted on verandas, balconies in containers, next to the gazebo, trees, on flower beds. The plant reaches two meters in height. The culture likes moist, with good drainage, fertile soils. It is better to plant in cool but sunny places. The variety is frost-resistant.

Clematis Yukiokoshi

Clematis Yusta

This is an Estonian variety. The culture is very compact; clematis Yusta grows up to 1.5 meters in length. Although the plant is small in size, it clings well to natural and artificial supports. Therefore, many owners choose this variety summer cottages. Light bluish-pink flowers form on the vine. At the base of the bud there is a light purple stripe. The diameter of the inflorescence varies from 6 to 8 centimeters. Flowering is long and abundant, lasting from June to September. Frost resistance is not bad.

Clematis Jan Pavel 2

This is a Polish variety that was created in 1980. The variety is recognized as the most original and popular in the world. Clematis Jan Pavel 2 is valued for its colorful, long-lasting and abundant flowering. Just one bush can transform the area around the house. The height of the shoots is 2.5-3 meters. The flowers are large, white and pink. There is a pink stripe running down the middle of the petal. The liana is capable of climbing small trees and deciduous shrubs. Jan Pavel 2 is often planted near walls, gazebos and garden fences.

Clematis Jan Fopma

Clematis Jan Fopma grows up to 1.5 meters. The flowers are small, only 5-6 centimeters in diameter. They are painted in a lilac-violet hue. They have a bell shape. Flowering begins in July and continues until September. Each inflorescence emits a pleasant, soft chocolate aroma. The variety has good frost resistance. Does not require shelter for the winter. The plant is unpretentious and grows quickly.

Clematis purpurea Plena elegans

The variety was developed back in the 19th century, but is still very popular. Having studied the reviews of clematis Purpurea Plena Elegance, it must be said that the plant is highly valued by summer residents. The liana is resistant to diseases and low temperatures. Flowering is abundant. The buds are double and red. The shade can vary greatly: from scarlet to burgundy. The edges of the petals are wavy. There are purple anthers in the middle of the bud. The bush reaches a height of 4 meters. The buds begin to open in June and are pleasing to the eye until September.

Clematis Snow Queen

Quite a rare and valuable variety. Brought out by breeders from New Zealand. The liana grows up to 3 meters. Its name is clematis Snow Queen received for large white flowers. During flowering, the bush is literally strewn with snow-white flakes. The opened bud has a diameter of 15-18 centimeters. There is a slight purple haze on the petals. The foliage is dark green, trifoliate. The variety is very winter-hardy. Blooms from May to August. For planting, it is better to choose semi-shaded places protected from the wind.

Clematis Toki

This Japanese variety. The height of such a vine is 2 meters. Clematis Toki is distinguished by pure white flowers with yellow stamens in the middle. This is a large-flowered, early variety. The buds begin to bloom from mid-May until June. Repeated flowering occurs in July-August. Toki looks great against a dark background. It is advisable to plant in a place where there is partial shade. The variety is suitable for decorating walls, gazebos, and fences.

Clematis Toki

Clematis White Elephant

Clematis White Elephant grows up to 2 meters. The flowers are very large, 30 centimeters in diameter. They have a white color. Flowering is very abundant and long lasting. The plant blooms for the second time at the end of summer. However, during this period the flowering is already weaker. White Elephant recognized the best variety, which has been released in recent years.

Clematis Xerxes

The abundantly flowering clematis Xerxes is particularly popular among gardeners; the variety was bred in Great Britain in 1877.

Description of the flower: bright flowers of non-standard color are formed on the vine. They have a lilac-pink tint. The diameter of the blossoming bud is 14-23 centimeters. The bush is medium in height. However, this does not prevent him from intertwining with others foliage plants and coniferous bushes.

Having considered the description of the clematis variety Xerxes, it should be noted that the plant is actively used as a ground cover. Beautiful, large inflorescences can create a real floral carpet. Flowering continues from June to July. The vine blooms for the second time from August to September. A peculiarity of Xerxes is that the petals tend to fade in the sun. Therefore, experts recommend planting the crop in partial shade.

Clematis Dark Ice

Clematis Dark Ice is characterized by dark purple-violet flowers, small in size. The opened buds do not exceed 6-8 centimeters in diameter. The liana grows up to 2 meters. It blooms profusely from June to July, and then moderately until September. Dark Ice looks charming, intertwined with other vines and shrubs. It also looks very good against a light background. The variety is suitable for growing in containers.

Clematis Dutches of Albany

Domestic gardeners fell in love with clematis Dutches of Albani for its interesting tulip-shaped flowers. The buds are colored pink. There are dark pink stripes along the petals. Flowering occurs in the period July-September. In autumn and winter period clematis is covered with decorative fruits. Duchess of Albani is widely used for planting near gazebos and along fences. Grows well in warm, sunny places. The height of the bush is 2-3 meters. The variety has good frost resistance.

Clematis Beščady

This is a new Polish variety. Appeared on the market in 2006. Clematis Beščady reaches 3 meters in height. The flowers are quite large - 14-20 centimeters in diameter. The shrub blooms from June to September. The buds have a pink tint. The variety contrasts well with darker plants. And especially with deciduous or coniferous trees. Clematis is used in vertical gardening and also as a ground cover crop.

Clematis Gisela

Polish clematis Gisela is characterized by the formation of velvety flowers of a dark purple color. The diameter of the opened buds is approximately 10 centimeters. The shrub blooms in June-July. The height of the vine is from 2.5 to 3 meters. This variety is often chosen for growing near gazebos and other garden supports. Clematis is also capable of climbing natural supports - coniferous and deciduous shrubs.

Clematis Gisela

Clematis Ivan Olsson

This is a large-flowered hybrid form. The variety was developed in Sweden. Clematis Ivan Olsson grows up to 2 meters. It produces large flowers - about 15 centimeters in diameter. It blooms twice per season: from mid-May to July, from August to September.

Ivan Olsson is an excellent choice for decorating nets, gazebos, fences, walls; they also decorate arches and garden fences.

Clematis Roco Colla

Large-flowered clematis Roko Colla belongs to varieties with late flowering. The opened buds reach 13 centimeters in diameter. They are single row. The petals are colored creamy white. There is a greenish-yellow stripe in the middle. Flowering is abundant. It starts in mid-summer and continues until late autumn.

The liana grows on average up to 2 meters. Capable of intertwining with coniferous plants, bushes. It has proven itself well when grown in containers. The variety is winter-hardy.

Conclusions about different varieties of clematis

Clematis are actively used in landscape design. There are different varieties, which differ in height, color and shape of buds, period and abundance of flowering. For example, there are also varieties that were not described in the article: Piilou, Ville de Lyon, President, Mazuri, Nellie Moser, Multi Blue, Niobe, Comtesse de Boucheau, Jacqueman, Andromeda, Tudor, Solidarity, Alyonushka, Stasik, Yulka, Red Star, Angel Wings, Etoile Violet, Innocent Blush. Every summer resident can easily choose for himself suitable option. The main thing is to understand the types of plants and grow them correctly.

December 4, 2015

The neighbor says "John", I read "Jan", but the Internet says "John". Which is correct? Indeed, it’s difficult to figure it out right away. But there is one rule that applies to the names of any varieties.

You need to write the variety (and, accordingly, pronounce it) in the original language. That is, in the language of the country in which it was produced. The clematis variety in question was named after John Paul II. Well, in Poland, where this variety was bred, its name is pronounced as “Jan Pavel”. So here is the answer - it is correct to say "Yan".

What does this have to do with a monk? Brother Stefan Fraiczak from Poland is directly involved. It was he who developed the variety, which later became world famous. Stefan Franczak received an agricultural education, and then, at the call of his heart, he went to a monastery, where he began breeding clematis. It was there that his first varieties were bred, including Pap Pawel II.

When is the best time to plant clematis?

Let's first figure out what condition your plant is in. If you are the proud owner of a clematis with a closed root system (in other words, in a pot), then you have carte blanche. That is, clematis can be planted at any time from spring to autumn. But plants with open roots need to be treated more carefully. No summer plantings! The rule is extremely simple.

If you separate a shoot in the spring, plant it immediately. Separated in the fall - plant in the fall. And no delays. Otherwise, you risk losing the plant. If you bought the long-suffering clematis after the onset of autumn cold, simply dig it in the garden, covering it with leaves and spruce branches on top. But we advise only experienced gardeners to store the plant in the refrigerator until spring; beginners should not attempt such experiments.

The clematis variety ‘Jan Pawel II’ is loved by gardeners precisely because its flowers change color throughout the summer.

At the beginning of the season, it is decorated with flowers of a soft white hue. Midway through flowering, the stripes become more pronounced. But closer to autumn, pink streaks are clearly visible on the petals. Their intensity may vary depending on the fertilizing applied and the conditions in which the plant lives. However, monotonously pink flower there shouldn’t be - this is a good reason to think about the honesty of the seller from whom you bought your clematis.

When flowering occurs, “spiders” actually remain on many clematis. In fact, these are just stamens and pistil, look closely at your flowering clematis and you will see them in the very center. After the petals fall, the stamens elongate and look like fluffy balls or spiders with many legs. Some gardeners prefer to cut them right away so as not to take away the strength from the plant. Others leave the balls as decoration. And indeed, thanks to them, clematis has a very unusual appearance - like a plant that came to us from another planet.

Will he like it in the potty?

If you create everything necessary conditions, then he definitely won’t be against it. The first thing you need is big pot. It's a pot, not a flowerpot! After all, stagnation of water can lead to rotting of the roots. Be sure to lay drainage on the bottom, and on top - soil mixture. We prepare it especially for this occasion: mix garden soil, compost or humus, sand, peat in a ratio of 4:2:1:1. There is no way to do without fertilizers either. Our clematis must eat something in these cramped conditions. So feel free to pour a handful of superphosphate into the prepared mixture. The next vital point for clematis is a good, strong support.

Our "Jan Pawel II" is not shy. It reaches up to 2 - 3 m. So we build a support for it in advance.

It’s definitely not worth pruning in the spring! Our clematis belongs to the second pruning group (weak). The plant blooms both on young shoots and on last year's shoots. That is, twice a summer. So you need to trim it after each flowering. For the first time in mid-summer, remove faded inflorescences and slightly shorten the old shoots.

The second time we take the pruning shears after autumn bloom- we shorten almost all shoots by half.

Leave the lashes about 1 m long.

See also in this section:

Today clematis decorate best gardens world, they are bred by many gardeners. Clematis - bright and very good culture for vertical gardening. This plant will decorate a garden, house, gazebo, and is also suitable as a hedge. Can be combined different types clematis. It is good to plant clematis with climbing roses, girl's grapes, honeysuckle - not very close. With the help of the “king of vines” you can decorate a tree, but when planting it is important to remember the tree trunk circle.…

Currently, there are many classifications of clematis - by origin, flower size, type of pruning. We will adhere to the latest classification, highlighting the most reliable and unpretentious plants in each group.…

What to plant and how to decorate your garden? Even if it is intended exclusively for you useful plants- vegetables and fruits - there is always a place and time for flowers that will delight the eye with their bright colors…

favorite clematis variety simply impossible...

Article Classification of clematis and pruning groups

ALENUSHKA (Aljonushka)




BLUE LIGHT (Blue Light)

WALENBURG (Walenburg)







COLUMELA (Columella)

COPERNICUS (Copernicus)





Morning Sky

NIGHT VALE (Night Veil)


Paul Farges



ROMANCE (Romantika)




SHIN-SHIGOKU (Shin-shigyoku)

Jan Pawel II

clematis that smell

Clematis are guests from the tropics that have taken root well in the climate of the Russian Federation. The flower is thermophilic, but favorable conditions capable of blooming profusely and beautifully. Today, about 300 species of clematis of various colors are known, and some of the varieties are adapted to the cool conditions of the Moscow region. The article contains photos, characteristics, reviews and descriptions of the process of growing these flowers, as well as video tips from experienced gardeners.

Species description of clematis

Clematis grows on almost all continents in completely different conditions: in dense forests and among the steppes, on rocky gorges and fertile river banks. Wild clematis - climbing or bush - has small flowers. Gardeners, as a rule, cultivate hybrids with large flowers. The color of the petals can be blue, deep blue, purple, red, pink, etc. Particularly popular climbing plants. Other characteristics of clematis:

  • flowers solitary or collected in inflorescences;
  • flower shape - semi-umbrella, shield or panicle;
  • foliage - complex (3.5 or 7 leaves), paired or simple;
  • root - taproot or fibrous.

Attention! Clematis with a rod system do not tolerate replanting and require permanent place on the site.

It should be understood that the first variety you come across will not grow normally in the climate of the Moscow region. Clematis does not like the local cool climate with short-term winter frosts. Gardeners advise choosing plants with early flowering. Those that can form inflorescences on branches that grow in the spring.

Attention! Terry varieties of clematis that bloom on overwintered shoots will produce flowers without a fluffy covering.

The best varieties of clematis for the Moscow region: TOP-10

  • Nellie Moser. The variety is time-tested. The petals are white and pink with bright lines in the center. They fade in intense sun. Flowering on old shoots begins in late spring and continues on new branches until frost.

Nellie Moser

  • Ville de Lyon. A very bright flower with deep red, unevenly colored petals. It blooms all summer on young shoots.
  • Gypsy Queen. The flowers are purple-violet, large. They grow on new shoots. The variety is especially valued by summer residents near Moscow, since it can develop normally in a slightly shaded place, is resistant to frost and many diseases, and blooms very luxuriantly.

Gypsy Queen

  • Ballerina. A climbing, long-flowering plant up to 3 m long. The flowers are solitary, reaching 15 cm in diameter, the color is white. Blooms profusely on young branches.
  • Niobe. It blooms throughout the summer with purple-red velvety flowers. Tolerates winter well under cover.

  • Hope. A representative of the Soviet selection with large pastel-burgundy petals. Blooming flowers resemble stars. The variety blooms twice a season: from May to June and from mid-July to October.
  • General Sikorsky. The flowers are blue-lilac, iridescent. It blooms profusely, is not picky about care, and is resistant to fungal diseases and moderate cold.

General Sikorsky

  • Rouge Cardinal. A variety with red-purple velvety petals. Blooms on spring branches throughout the summer. Copes well with moderate cold.
  • Nikolay Rubtsov. It has purple, outlined large flowers (up to 17 cm). This clematis blooms continuously from May to September.

Nikolay Rubtsov

  • Luther Burbank. The peculiarity of this variety is the large length of the vine, which has many shoots, as well as especially large flowers, up to 25 cm in diameter. Color - purple. Blooms from May to mid-autumn.

Attention! Even those varieties that are adapted to cold weather must carefully prepare for winter. The shelter partly saves the flowers, but sometimes the bush freezes and then recovers throughout the next season.

Features of planting clematis in the climate of the Moscow region

In the climate of the Moscow region, clematis are usually planted in early autumn or spring, after the last night frost. A place on the site for shrubs should be selected that is well-lit and without drafts. True, it is better not to plant clematis in the sun; they also do not tolerate heat well. Also, do not plant the plant close to a wall or fence.

The planting site should be deeply dug and loose, with good drainage. Acidity - neutral or close to it. During the growing season, starting from planting, the plant needs regular feeding. However, you should not add fresh organic matter or peat: you will only make it worse.

Advice. The crop is unacceptable if it is damp, heavy, too salty or acidic soil. Clematis are planted so that next season they can be deepened even further by adding a little soil.

A couple of hours before starting the process, soak the roots in water. Place a small mound in the hole for the seedling and distribute the roots evenly over it. After planting the plant, it must be pruned. A little later the procedure should be repeated. Also young plant needs a net or lattice as a support - it will cling to it with leaf petioles and will soon decorate the area with a kind of green rug. The height of the support is about 2 m.

Reviews of clematis varieties for the Moscow region

  • In summer, when it’s hot, water the bush at least once a week;
  • do not forget to loosen the soil after each watering;

Be sure to build a support for clematis

  • Maintain cleanliness by removing weeds. This is important for the size and abundance of flowers;
  • preparing a plant for winter cannot be done without cutting off the stems in late autumn;
  • Watering should be regular and plentiful, it is better to support it with mulching, otherwise the flowers will be small even in large-flowered varieties.

It is effective to fertilize clematis according to the following scheme:

  • in spring - nitrogen-containing fertilizers for active flowering;
  • in May - ash or other potash fertilizer;
  • at the end of summer - phosphorus fertilizer.

Among the characteristic diseases of clematis is wilt, wilting of the apical leaves. To prevent the death of the plant, get rid of diseased shoots and water the bush with a solution of potassium permanganate. Treatment with nematicides at the rhizome helps against pests. Get ready for fall copper sulfate, which may be needed to treat dark gray leaf necrosis.

Gardeners prove by deeds: with proper care, clematis take root well in dachas in the Moscow region. With their help you can create a cozy decor in your garden.

Clematis varieties: video

Summer residents who love clematis are very lucky! The variety of varieties of this beautiful plant is stunning; their photos in magazines and in stores are mesmerizing.

But you can also sympathize with them, and for the same reason - to choose one favorite clematis variety simply impossible...
What to do? Browse catalogs, compare photos and descriptions of clematis. And choose the best!

It is believed that clematis in blue and purple shades are easier to care for than blue, pink, purple and especially large-flowered white ones.

The first thing that novice clematis growers should find out when buying a plant is how winter-hardy the variety (or species) they like is and which pruning group it belongs to.

Classification of clematis and pruning groups

Don’t know which group clematis, bought, for example, at the market, belongs to? Do a combined pruning. Divide the plant vines into three parts. Shorten the first greatly, the second by half, the third a little. And on next year compare where flowering is best.

Photos and descriptions of clematis varieties

Blooms on shoots of last and current year. Flowers with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Petals with slightly wavy edges, violet-purple with a bright red wide stripe in the middle. It is better to plant in light shade where the color does not fade. Height 2-3 m.

ALENUSHKA (Aljonushka)
A domestic variety that blooms on the shoots of the current year. The flowers are bell-shaped, lilac-pink, 5-7 cm in diameter. The height of this clematis is 1.5-1.8 m. It is considered an excellent partner for roses; it can also be planted in containers.
A princeling with vines that can rise to a height of up to 2.8 m. It blooms on last year's shoots in May-June. The flowers are densely double, 6-8 cm in diameter, creamy-white-green.

Flowering is abundant and long lasting on the shoots of the current year (plant height 1.5-2 m). Moreover, this clematis does not cling to a support, it only rests on it, and if it does not find a suitable one, it spreads along the ground. The flowers are 6-8 cm in diameter, bluish-violet with white stamens. It is considered an unpretentious variety, suitable for growing in containers.
Clematis blooming on last year's shoots. The flowers are semi-double, pink, 5-7 cm in diameter, reminiscent of a ballerina’s tutu, which is reflected in the name of the variety. Hardy variety 2-3 m high.
A giant 4-5 m high, very tall and unpretentious. In summer, the vine is strewn with bright yellow “bells” with a diameter of 6-8 cm, in autumn - with fluffy fruits. Drought-resistant and generally undemanding, retaining green foliage until snow falls.
BLUE LIGHT (Blue Light)
Double flowers, reminiscent of blue dahlias, bloom on the shoots of the previous and current year. Plant height up to 2 m.
The flowers are double, blue with pink pigmentation on the upper part of the petals. Flowering is abundant. Flower diameter 12-14 cm. Second group of pruning. Height up to 2.5-3 m.
BEAUTIFUL BRIDE (Beautiful Bride)
Huge white flowers up to 28 cm in diameter. Petals with slightly wavy edges and a sharp tip. Flowering is abundant on the shoots of the previous year in May-July, and then on new ones. This beauty (a prize-winner of several exhibitions) should not be planted in windy areas or in the scorching sun. The height of the vine is 2-3 m.

WALENBURG (Walenburg)
The flowers, 4-6 cm in diameter, are bright, red-violet with a white vein in the middle of the petals. The variety is considered very impressive, although not double. It blooms on the shoots of the current year, which manage to grow 2-3 m over the summer.
The buds are tied on the shoots of the previous and current year. The flowers are 12-15 cm in diameter, red-purple with a white stripe in the middle, which then takes on a lemon tint. Petals with slightly wavy edges, reverse side theirs is pink. Height up to 2 m.

Light purple-blue flowers with a diameter of 15-20 cm appear on shoots that have grown since spring. They consist of six oval petals with sharp tips and slightly wavy edges. Against this background, the light yellow stamens stand out effectively. Height 2.5-3 m.

Third group of pruning. Height 3-3.5 m. Flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm. Petals are dark, violet-purple. Quite an unpretentious variety.
Guernsey Cream
Light cream flowers with a diameter of 12-14 cm. There is a thin greenish stripe in the middle of the petals. Blooms on shoots of last and current year. Height up to 2.5 m.

Third group of pruning. Flowers are 15-16 cm in diameter, pink petals with slightly wavy edges, creamy-greenish stamens. Height 2-2.5 m.

Clematis blooming in May on last year's shoots. Height 2-3 m. Variety with semi-double, slightly drooping pink bell-shaped flowers up to 7 cm in diameter. Tolerates partial shade.
Innocent Blush
Second group of pruning. Height up to 2 m. Flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm, light pink with a darker blush around the edges and the same stripe in the middle. On last year's shoots the flowers are double.

Second group of pruning. Plant height is 1-1.5 m. Double flowers, 8-12 cm in diameter, initially violet-pink, then lighten.

COLUMELA (Columella)
Clematis blooms on last year's shoots up to 2-2.5 m long. Flowers are 7-10 cm in diameter, the petals are pink-purple on the outside with a cream border, pink-cream on the inside. Tolerates partial shade.

COPERNICUS (Copernicus)
The buds are tied on the shoots of the previous and current year. It can twine a support up to 2 m high. Flowers are 10-12 cm in diameter, usually semi-double, with slightly wavy bright blue petals. The yellow stamens stand out brightly against their background.
QUEEN JADWIGA (Krolowa Jadwiga)
Second group of pruning. Flowers up to 16 cm in diameter, silky, white. Petals with slightly wavy edges and a noticeable ridge in the middle. The stamens form a purple “crown” in the center of the flower. The height of the vine is 2-2.5 m.

Scourges up to 3 m high. Bright pink flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm with a red-pink stripe in the center of the petals are formed on new shoots. The variety has awards.

A prince blooming on last year's shoots. Height 2.5-3 m. Flowers 5-6 cm in diameter, semi-double, blue with pale blue stamens. It is considered an undemanding variety.
Clematis with vines up to 3 m high, first pruning group. The flowers are double, 10-12 cm in diameter. At first they are greenish, then light lemon, and when fully bloomed they turn white.
LITTLE MERMAID (Little Mermaid)
A Japanese variety with an unusual salmon-pink color of flowers with a diameter of 8-12 cm. The buds are tied on the shoots of the previous and current year. The height of the vine is up to 2 m.
The flowers are 7-10 cm in diameter, wine-red with yellow stamens. They appear on the shoots of the current year, which can grow 2.5-3.5 m.

Flowers with a diameter of 15-20 cm, burgundy, velvet. The center with yellow stamens stands out effectively against a dark background. Plant height is 2-3.5 m.
MARIA Sklodowska Curie
Magnificent white double flowers with a diameter of 12-15 cm. In cold weather, a greenish tint appears, more intense at the base of the petals. Golden stamens add a special charm. Flowering in June-July on last year's shoots. Plant height is 1.5-2 m. The variety has awards.
MRS. Cholmondeley
Second group of pruning. The height of the vine is up to 3.5 m. The diameter of the flowers is 18-23 cm, they are lavender-blue with a lilac tint, sometimes semi-double. The stamens are light brown. With light pruning, it blooms almost without interruption from May to August.
Morning Sky
The flowers are 8-10 cm in diameter, light, pink-violet, with a light center and pinkish veins. Third cutting group Height 3 m.
NIGHT VALE (Night Veil)
Japanese variety. The flowers are 7-8 cm in diameter, the petals are purple-violet with a light, almost white stripe in the middle at the base. It blooms in June-September on the shoots of the current year. Height 2-2.5 m.
The flowers are 14-18 cm in diameter, light pink-lilac with a bright pink stripe in the middle of the petals and red stamens. Second group of pruning. Does not like planting in hot sun. Height 2-3 m.
Paul Farges
Small-flowered, profusely blooming, unpretentious and fast-growing. The lashes can grow up to 4-5 m. It blooms on the shoots of the current year. The flowers are white with a cream tint.
Purpurea Plena Elegans
Terry, in purple tones. The diameter of the flower, according to some sources, is up to 12-15 cm, according to others – only 5-8 cm. Flowering is very abundant. Height 2.2 - 3.5 m, pruning group third.

The flowers (diameter 12-14 cm) are bright sapphire blue with yellow stamens. Flowering is long and abundant, on the shoots of the current year. The height of the vine is 1.5-2 m, so it is suitable for growing in containers.

Cream-white with a greenish stripe in the middle of the petals, yellow-cream stamens. Flower diameter 15-20 cm, plant height up to 2 m, pruning group third.

ROMANCE (Romantika)
The flowers are 9-12 cm in diameter, almost black at first, then dark purple, with light pink stamens. Blooms profusely on the shoots of the current year. Height 2-2.5 m.

A fantastic variety of Japanese selection, translated as “A Thousand Winds”. The buds are light green with pink tips, which turn white as they bloom. Double flowers with a diameter of 11-14 cm, bloom on last year's shoots from June. The height of the vine is 1-1.5 m.
Clematis blooming on last year's shoots. Its “trick” is its golden-yellow leaves. Violet-blue bell-shaped, widely open flowers with a diameter of 5-6 cm. The variety is frost-resistant and unpretentious. Tolerates partial shade, but the foliage is brighter in color when there is sufficient light. Height 2-3 m.

An original Japanese variety that blooms on last and current year's shoots. The flowers are double, slightly flattened, in a bluish-lilac color scheme. The blooming ones look like little hedgehogs or pin cushions. The height of the vine is 1.5-2 m. Suitable for growing in containers.

Second group of pruning. Petals are velvety, red with pink border. The diameter of the flowers is 14-16 cm, in the first wave of flowering they are double. The height of the vine is 2.2-2.8 m.
Abundantly and long-flowering variety of the second pruning group. The flowers, 10-13 cm in diameter, are initially purplish-red, becoming reddish-pink when fully bloomed. The edges of the petals are light pink, in the middle light stripe, whitening at the base. Suitable for decorating a 2 m high support.

SHIN-SHIGOKU (Shin-shigyoku)
Some people call this terry variety marble, and for good reason. Dark purple flowers with a diameter of 10-12 cm with numerous, asymmetrically curved petals, which are silvery on the underside. The contrast is extraordinary! The second pruning group, the height of the vine is 1.5-2 m.
Flowers with a diameter of 14-16 cm bloom on the shoots of the current year. They are red-purple and slightly velvety. This is a large liana; catalogs indicate that it can grow to a height of 2.8-4 m.
Jan Pawel II
Second group of pruning. The flowers, depending on the weather and growing conditions, are pure white or with a pink stripe expressed in the center. Height 2-2.5 m.
Clematis Jan Paul II is named after John Paul II. But in Poland, where the variety was bred, its name is pronounced “Jan Pavel.”

Large selection in the online store of seeds and seedlings:

Clematis varieties do not have a pure red hue, only with an admixture of purple. And pure blue remains a dream while clematis lovers are content with varieties mixed with purple.

Sometimes they ask if there are clematis that smell? It depends on what is considered a scent. A pleasant smell that you can feel when you get close to the flower? There are some. On sunny, windless days their aroma is stronger.
Clematis grape-leaf and pungent smell is quite strong, but, as they say, it’s not for everyone. Not everyone likes him.

Clematis - varieties for the Moscow region and Siberia photo

Various types of clematis have long conquered the hearts of Russian flower growers. This “Western” flower blooms profusely and luxuriantly, but at the same time is highly sensitive to temperature changes and demanding care.

Grow a lush vine and achieve long flowering It doesn’t always work out even for experienced gardeners; the main mistake is wrong choice clematis varieties not suitable for certain climatic conditions. The weather conditions of Russia vary too much throughout its territory, so when planting it is necessary to focus on proven varieties that are resistant to frost and temperature changes and are undemanding to care.

The best varieties of clematis for the Moscow region

When choosing beautiful flowering plants for your suburban area, you should pay attention not only to the bright coloring and splendor of flowering, but also to the ability to tolerate climatic conditions Moscow region. In the section you will find suitable varieties clematis, photo with name, and general characteristics flowering vines.

Ballerina (lat. Balerina)

One of the longest-blooming clematis, the vine blooms from May to September. White clematis, variety Ballerina, is a real find for gardeners who prefer vines with large flowers, up to 15 cm.

Clematis white variety Ballerina is distinguished by large flowers

Flowering occurs on young annual shoots with single but frequent flowers. The height of the vine reaches three meters.

Variety Nadezhda (lat. Nadezhda)

A Soviet variety with light burgundy flowers of large size, reaching 14 cm. The petals have a pointed shape, so the open flowers resemble stars and are clearly visible.

Clematis variety Nadezhda blooms twice per season

The height of the vine reaches 2.5-3 meters. The flowering of the plant begins in May and ends in early June, then in mid-summer the clematis variety Nadezhda blooms again.

Nikolay Rubtsov (lat. Nikolaj Rubtzov)

The variety is distinguished by lilac flowers, on the petals of which the outline is repeated with streaks of the same color. The height of the plant does not exceed 2.5 meters, the flowers are large, up to 17 cm in diameter. Clematis varieties Nikolai Rubtsov bloom from May until the end of summer, continuously replacing one flower with another.

Clematis variety Nikolay Rubtsov

Clematis Ville de Lyon (lat. Ville de Lyon)

One of the brightest clematis, the flowers of which are painted in a rich red color with a fuchsia tint. The petals are ovoid in shape and unevenly colored, which gives the flowers exotic look tropical plant.

Clematis variety Ville de Lyon reaches three meters in height

The height of the vine reaches three meters. It blooms from the end of May and all summer on the shoots of the current year.

Clematis varieties for Siberia

In the harsh climate of Siberia, preference should be given to those varieties of clematis in which flowering occurs on overwintered shoots. That's enough large group varieties, among which you can choose plants in any color scheme. There are also varieties that bloom on the shoots of the current season, suitable for the conditions of northeast Russia. Such clematis, varieties with photos and descriptions are given below in our article.

Variety Anastasia Anisimova (lat. Anastasija Anisimova)

Soviet variety, tested for almost half a century. Pale, heavenly, medium-sized flowers with a diameter of 10-14 cm adorn a low vine, up to 2 meters.

Clematis Anastasia Anisimova has been grown in Russia for over 50 years

Flowering from July to October, abundant and constant. Suitable for landscaping balconies and growing in flowerpots.

Clematis Luther Burbank (lat. Luther Burbank)

An old variety of Soviet selection with large dark purple flowers, ranging in size from 15 to 25 cm. The height of the vine reaches 2.5 meters, flowering begins in July and ends at the end of October.

Clematis variety Luther Burbank is not afraid of fungal diseases

Clematis variety Luther Burbank is very resistant to frost and disease. For the winter, it is recommended to cut off all shoots at the root. One of the most common varieties of clematis in Russia.

Clematis variety Miss Beymen (lat. Miss Bateman)

A representative of the clematis group, it is white in color with silky petals. The height of the vine is up to 2.5 meters. Flowers appear on last year's shoots in mid-June. This year's growth blooms later, but the flowers do not fall off until frost.

White clematis variety Miss Beymen blooms until frost

The flowers are 10-15 cm in diameter, clearly visible against the dense greenery of the plant. Shoots should not be cut before sheltering for the winter.

Comtesse de Bouchaud (lat. Comtesse de bouchaud)

One of the most popular varieties pink color. Small flowers, 10-15 cm in diameter, adorn a vine 2-2.5 meters high. The sepals are slightly wavy at the edges, slightly raised, which makes the flower very graceful.

Clematis Comtes de Boucho is very popular due to its delicate pink flowers.

Flowering from June to August or September. The variety has increased resistance to frost.

Winter-hardy terry varieties of clematis

Among the huge number of varieties of clematis, a group of terry ones stands out - unique decorative qualities They stand out against the background of other flowers and make them the most noticeable plants in the garden. Let's consider the most winter-hardy and unpretentious varieties, which are suitable for growing in the harsh climate of the Moscow region and Siberia.

Purpurea Plena Elegans

A variety of French selection, very popular among gardeners over the last century. Double flowers of burgundy color with a diameter of 5-6 cm without stamens and pistil literally shower shoots up to 3.5 meters high from July to September.

Terry clematis - variety Pourpois Plena Elegance

It is unpretentious to the soil, grows quickly and is very winter-hardy. Suitable for container gardening; Before sheltering for the winter, the shoots are cut off.

Variety Avant-Garde (lat. Avant-Garde)

The liana is up to three meters high, blooms with not very large, up to 5 cm, but very beautiful red flowers. The terry center is pink.

Terry clematis variety Avangard for Siberia, photo

The small size of the flowers is compensated by their large number on the shoots. Flowering lasts from June to September-October. The variety is winter-hardy, but pruning is required before sheltering for the winter.

Variety Lemon Dream (lat. Lemon Dream)

A variety completely different from all other clematis. The flowers are large drooping double bells of light yellow color, with a faint bitter aroma.

Terry clematis variety Lemon Dream is suitable for the Moscow region and Siberia

The height of the plant is about 3 meters, the first flowering is in May, then again from July to September. It can be used not only as a liana, but also as a ground cover plant.

Bottom line

Clematis can become a lush flowering decoration for your garden, balcony or terrace. Before planting, you just need to study the varieties of clematis and choose the ones that are most suitable for your region.