Hyacinth: propagation and flower care at home. Creating the necessary air and soil humidity. Boarding times and rules

Hyacinth is a wonderful bulbous plant that incredibly decorates garden beds every spring. Charming thick plumes of blue, pink, red, yellow and amethyst flowers are not only graceful and elegant - the flowers exude a thick, unique aroma. If the petals of just one flower from a dense bud have opened, you can immediately recognize by the aroma that hyacinths have bloomed. The flowering of this plant is enchanting, the aroma is mesmerizing, and lovers often have the desire to grow hyacinth in a pot. Does indoor hyacinth exist and how to care for it - the answers are in this article.

Look great joint plantings several varieties with different colors.

Hyacinth - bright and spectacular flower, naturally distributed in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Transcaucasia. Modern cultivated varieties simply amaze with their splendor and splendor, which is why hyacinths are very popular among lovers of garden flowers. But the culture successfully blooms in the room, fragrant bouquets decorate the window sills in winter time, filling the room with an aromatic fragrance.

The plant belongs to the spring ephemeroids - the leaves grow in early April, by the middle of the month powerful flower stalks rise from the rosette, which turn into charming lush flowers. Considering that the crop blooms in the spring, planting in garden beds is carried out in the fall, the operation should be completed before the onset of frost. In the southern regions, plantings are not protected from frost, in middle lane additional shelter should be provided, which can be dismantled in early spring with the first thaw. The depth of planting the bulb in the ground is up to 20 cm (the depth depends on the height of the planting material and is determined individually for each specimen).

After flowering, the leaves gradually fade, in June garden bed It is already difficult to find a place where fragrant beauties bloomed. In July, the bulbs are dug up, processed, dried and stored until autumn planting. The bulbs do not need to be dug up, provided that the flower bed will not be used for planting summer crops that require frequent watering. An abundance of moisture can lead to rotting of hyacinths in the ground. It should be remembered that hyacinths growing in one place for several years without replanting become smaller, grow larger and go deeper.

Hyacinths indoors: growing and care

Hyacinth variety "Amethyst".

Anticipating numerous questions, I will answer right away - there are no indoor hyacinths; ordinary garden plants are grown at home, using special agricultural techniques for forcing. There is nothing complicated in this operation - you just need to remember some rules:

  • Large full-weight bulbs, heavier than the rest, are selected for forcing.
  • Weak bulbs should not be forced irregular shape with a damaged bottom, the diameter of which is less than 5 cm. Flowers from such specimens may not develop at all or the plant will bloom weakly and unattractively.
  • You can force hyacinths to bloom by a certain day; to do this, count back 3 - 3.5 months from the date of the event. Do you need flowers for March 8? Plant bulbs for forcing from the end of November to December 10. Do you want to receive a fragrant bouquet for the New Year? In this case, you can start planting the bulbs between October 20 and November 1.
  • For successful flowering of hyacinth bulbs in room conditions, it is necessary to ensure that the plants are kept in the dark at a temperature of +5C during the forcing period. Ideal conditions– a vegetable drawer in the refrigerator, but you can only fit a few pots there. It is easy to isolate the bulbs from light - they are wrapped in newspaper together with the container, blocking access to light.
  • Hyacinth bulbs are watered as needed (no more than 2-3 times during the forcing period).
  • If the bulb has risen on its roots above the container, you just need to squeeze the soil around it without replanting it in another pot.
  • Forcing will be successful if one bulb (diameter 5 cm) is planted in a tight pot (8-10 cm); if hyacinths are planted in a bowl, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 2-3 cm between individual bulbs.
  • Hyacinth bulbs are planted in containers without being buried in the ground - they should rise 1/3 above the soil.

If everything is done correctly, as a result of the experiment you can get charming flowers for any holiday or date that is significant to you. Even an inexperienced gardener can care for hyacinth.

Speaking about mixed forcing, for example, hyacinths and crocuses, it is worth noting that crops bloom at different times, so first hyacinth bulbs are planted, and then (after a month) crocus bulbs are placed around them, after which the procedure continues in the usual manner (dark content, compliance with temperature regime).

You cannot expose a pot of hyacinth to the light ahead of time - forcing is considered complete if a fully formed peduncle with green, unpainted buds rises among the rosette of leaves.


An important feature in the process of growing hyacinth in winter indoors is the preparation of balanced soil for the forcing and successful flowering of this charming plant.

When planting bulbs for forcing, you can use ready soil, balanced soil mixtures for violets or begonias are best. You can add a little sand, and place a layer of fine expanded clay drainage on the bottom of the container.

At self-cooking soil for planting bulbs must be mixed in equal proportions of turf, humus, leaf soil, peat and sand.

Growing container

The ideal bouquet is obtained by planting several varieties in one container.

When choosing a container for forcing hyacinth, you should remember that it should be tight. The material of manufacture is not important - it can be ceramic and plastic bowls, individual plastic pots. It is not recommended to use peat pots - they quickly lose their shape, which does not look aesthetically pleasing when the charming plant is blooming.

Drainage holes should be made in all containers for growing a flower, if they do not exist.

Blue or blue hyacinths planted in containers with Gzhel painting are fabulously beautiful. It is not necessary to immediately plant the bulbs in an expensive, spectacular pot; you can simply put a blooming hyacinth grown in a plastic cup in a flowerpot, because the life of a flower is not long.

Flowering duration

Among the known varieties, orange and yellow are considered the rarest.

Each hyacinth will delight with its lush flowering on the windowsill only 7-10 days. You can extend the fabulous flowering by lowering the ambient temperature to +13-15 C. Care for blooming hyacinth simple - water the soil as needed, rotate the pot with the plant, because bright flowers reaching for the light.

Care after flowering

After flowering, a baby is formed on the bulbs; its quantity is not as numerous as that of tulips.

After the hyacinth flowering ends, the plant loses its decorative effect. For some time the leaves are still green and retain their shape, but gradually the rosette disintegrates, the leaves turn yellow and dry out. Hobbyists continue to care for the plant, but often excessive watering leads to rotting of the bulbs, especially when the plant is watered from below.

Hyacinth after flowering requires mandatory care:

  • Even watering - the plant must be carefully monitored; the soil should not be very dry or wet.
  • Lighting – pot with faded hyacinths left on a light windowsill, at this time children are formed near the bulb, which can be used for propagating the plant.
  • Peduncles - need to be removed.

Remember that hyacinth bulbs cannot be reused after flowering. indoor growing- you need to plant them in the garden so that the energy spent on forced flowering is restored. After the leaves in the pot wither, it is necessary to remove the bulbs, treat them with drugs against fungal infections, dry them and store them in a cool place until autumn. You can store the bulbs in the refrigerator until planting, wrapping them in several layers of thick paper.

After growing in a pot, the bulb should regain its strength.

Hyacinths are planted in open ground along with other bulbous plants in mid-autumn. It is advisable to prepare a sunny area without soaking with nutritious light soil for planting.

The bulb does not always bloom profusely the following spring; severely depleted specimens (producing 2 or more peduncles) may not bloom at all. Take care of such plants more carefully - fertilize and water them on time.

For the next forcing, you can use the bulbs after 1-2 years of growing in the garden.

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How to grow and care for hyacinth at home?

How to care for hyacinth indoors? Many beginning gardeners ask this question, because turning a plant adapted for outdoor cultivation into an indoor one is a very interesting experiment.

Hyacinth is beautiful flower, which is one of the first to bloom in flower beds in the spring with the onset of warm rains. The word “hyacinth” is translated from Greek as “flower of rain.” Luxurious, lush caps of flowers and an intoxicating aroma announce to everyone the awakening from winter sleep and the beginning of spring. Observant breeders have noticed that hyacinth is a fairly “disciplined” plant, and it is possible to calculate the exact time of its flowering after planting. This property is now happily used by gardeners to grow hyacinth at home. They bloom for 2-3 weeks and can be planted for a specific holiday. Therefore, for the New Year, bulbs are planted in early September, and by March 8 - in mid-October, for flowering in May they are planted in early November.

How to grow hyacinth?

Hyacinth bulbs should be planted so that they look 2-3 cm above the ground.

Preparation of seed material. First you need to select suitable bulbs. They should be dense without signs of rot or external damage. Pay attention to proper storage of bulbs before selling. The most successful specimens for forcing at home will be bulbs measuring 5 cm in diameter. Such planting material capable of producing a powerful and healthy peduncle. Before planting, it is advisable to keep the bulbs in the lower compartment of the refrigerator for several days.

Preparing the pot and soil. The planting container should be wide and shallow. It is acceptable to use boxes, pots, etc. Hyacinths require nutritious, light soil. Universal primer easiest way to buy at flower shop. Before planting, it is necessary to pour expanded clay or other small stones into drainage containers.

The bulbs should be planted so that they look 2-3 cm above the ground. Blooming hyacinths will look beautiful if the distance between the bulbs is 3-5 cm. To prevent the planting material from rotting during forcing, lightly sprinkle the soil on top with sand.

For successful rooting, the container is placed in a dark place with a temperature of only 5-7°. Can be covered plastic film with holes for ventilation. It is necessary to check the soil periodically to prevent it from drying out. In such conditions, future hyacinths should spend 2-2.5 months. If the plant is brought into the heat immediately, there will be no flowering.

After the first leaves have appeared, the container can be moved to a place with a temperature of 15°C.

After the bulbs hatched and their first leaves appeared, approximately 2-3 cm tall. The container can be moved to a warmer place. At temperatures up to 15° they will continue to grow until buds appear. During this period bright lighting they don't need it yet. You need to make sure that the soil is moist, but not sour. To form even peduncles, you need to periodically turn the container with the sprouts to the light source in different directions. For a more curvy and long flowering You can feed hyacinths with fertilizers.

When flowers begin to bloom, hyacinths should be placed on permanent place, being careful of hot radiators and bright sun. The hardest part is behind us! Now you can enjoy the beauty of the flower only by watering it periodically. Avoid getting water on the bulb and leaves. Winter evenings and cloudy weather can lead to the dropping of buds, so it is necessary to extend the daylight hours with artificial lighting.

Many gardeners keep young hyacinths in a pot at home, because this flower is very beautiful, bright, and during flowering fills the room with a subtle pleasant aroma, creating especially cozy atmosphere. Owners personal plots, among other things, in this way they try to preserve the blooming hyacinth purchased in winter until the fall in order to decorate the garden flower garden with it.

However, many people purchase this flower in order to add it to their indoor floristic collection, constantly updating it with the help of the “children” formed on the bulb.

Let's look at all the nuances of how to properly care for hyacinth at home in a pot, but first take a look at the photo of this flower:

Planting and transplanting

The bulbs are planted in a pot either one at a time or three at a time close together. The bottom must be lined with drainage(A 2-3 cm layer of sand is fine). The bulbs should not be buried completely: they should stick out a third above the ground.

Newly planted bulbs must be kept for up to 2.5 months V dark place at +5-9 degrees Celsius(the refrigerator is a great option) moisturizing periodically. The bulbs are replanted (or rather, transferred together with a lump of earth) only if the old pot becomes too small for them.

Read more about planting and replanting plants.


Indoor hyacinth feels most comfortable at temperatures between 20-22 degrees above zero. Drafts are dangerous for a flower, as well as proximity heating devices- this must be taken into account when choosing a place for the plant.


Hyacinths require abundant watering, but without waterlogging. This is why good drainage is so important: the soil should not dry out, but the water should not stagnate.

It is also important to ensure that so that water does not get on the buds, leaf axils, as well as the bulbs themselves, so it’s better to refuse watering cans.

How to water hyacinth in a pot without damaging it? Water carefully around the edge of the container.

The best water for watering hyacinth is rain or melt, stood in the room and warmed up to room temperature.


Hyacinth does not like shade, so it requires at least 12 hours of light daily. It is not so demanding regarding the light source: in addition to sunlight, it is also quite suitable artificial lighting. To make it uniform, the container with hyacinth must be rotated periodically.

Growing and Reproduction

To grow hyacinth you need bulbs from 6 cm in diameter- dense, without damage, kept in a dormant period during the summer.

Hyacinth is propagated in late summer or early autumn by “baby” bulbs that form on the adult plant over time.

Also suitable for propagation scales and seeds, but the latter method is carried out only by specialists.


Hyacinth flowering also requires care. Nature has designed it so that a cap of bright, fragrant, densely planted flowers appears in early spring.

Up to 30 flowers can bloom on one specimen - tubular, bell-shaped or funnel-shaped.

The flowering of hyacinth can be artificially timed to coincide with a certain period of time - this called "forcing".

This course is influenced by the time of planting the bulb in the pot, the temperature and cooling period of the bulbs, as well as the process of forcing itself.

However, in the process the bulb is greatly depleted, so to restore strength after flowering it is planted in the ground.

Find out in a separate article.


After home hyacinth fades, it the peduncle should be cut off. After this, when grown in a spacious pot with proper care, the hyacinth will begin to grow new strong leaves, thereby preparing for a new flowering.

What to do in spring?

Warmth, as well as long daylight hours, will help beautiful, strong flowers develop. Hyacinth in spring only needs water and fertilize the plants occasionally, monitoring the temperature. For fertilizer, phosphate and saltpeter are most often mixed.

Taking care in winter

After the hyacinth has bloomed, the peduncle is cut off, but the plant must continue to be watered and even fed. As soon as the hyacinth leaves completely wither in winter, the bulb is removed from the ground, cleaned of withered leaves and dried for a couple of days. If there are well-developed “babies” on the bulb, they can be separated.

If the “babies” have not yet become strong and are difficult to separate from the mother’s bulb, it is better to leave them until next year.

Next, the hyacinth bulb can be keep dry and cool until autumn planting on garden plot. Or continue to grow hyacinth as indoor plant, but in the fall, ground planting is still necessary, since it is possible to re-grow from this bulb flowering plant It won't work at home anymore.

The soil

Hyacinth in a pot also requires special attention to the soil when caring for it at home. The composition of the soil for hyacinth can be different, the main thing is that not sour. A sand-peat mixture or compost mixed with sand is suitable. Upper layer The hyacinth soil is also sprinkled with a 1-centimeter layer of sand to prevent rotting.

Some gardeners grow hyacinths without soil: in vases filled with water with dissolved in it mineral fertilizers.

Benefits and harms

Is the hyacinth flower poisonous or not? Some gardeners are concerned about caring for hyacinth indoors due to the fact that all its parts are poisonous upon entry into the body.

If you have small children or pets in your home, make sure to place the flower out of their reach, or avoid growing hyacinth.

However, hyacinth can be beneficial. In particular, it is believed that it the smell has aphrodisiac properties, and also normalizes the activity of hormones, relieves stress, and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Also hyacinth used in perfumery and cosmetology, but before using these products, consultation with a specialist is necessary, since hyacinth oil is a potent substance.

Diseases and pests

If you decide to have homemade hyacinth flowers in a pot, how to care for them at home is an important question, if not proper care the plant will get sick.

When caring for a home flower, hyacinth leaves may turn yellow due to unsuitable temperature conditions, and also due to drafts. Lack of lighting will cause foliage to wilt.

If the buds have fallen, the cause most likely was improper watering or moisture getting on the flower. Signs of rotting are caused by waterlogging. All this can be easily corrected by changing the hyacinth care regimen.

Appearance black spots on the leaves and mucus around the bulb speaks of a more serious disease - yellow bacterial rot. It cannot be cured, you can only destroy the infected plant.

But the disease can be prevented: to do this, you need to observe the measure in watering, and before planting, keep the bulb in a preparation containing phosphorus.

Pests dangerous to hyacinth include stem nematode, root mites and aphids. You can get rid of them with the help of special drugs, but they must be used strictly until buds form.

Now you know what a hyacinth flower is and how to care for this plant at home. Grown and settled in home potty hyacinth is ready to be planted in the garden flower garden. And in order to decorate your house with new blooming hyacinth, you can use its “baby” bulbs.

Hyacinth belongs to that group of flowers that are attractive to gardeners, which are universal and unpretentious in care. So, they will please the eye not only in the flowerbed in the garden, but on the windowsill of your home. And thanks to the abundance of different shades, you can turn a window sill or flower bed into a real multi-colored masterpiece.

a brief description of

Hyacinth is a bulbous perennial. The color received its unusual name thanks to a cruel ancient Greek myth, according to which a beautiful young man named Hyacinth was killed by one ancient Greek god out of jealousy. Another ancient Greek god, Apollo, and part-time friend of Hyacinth, managed to create a beautiful flower from his blood, named after his comrade.

You can remember this myth already in early spring, when hyacinth begins to bloom.

Combining various shades(see photo), you can choose simply unique combinations. Hyacinth amazes with its variety of shades, including: white, blue, purple, pink and even such rare options for colors as black and burgundy.

Names of commercial hyacinth varieties:

Another undoubted advantage of this flower is that it is perennial. Therefore, with proper care, it will delight you for more than one season.

The period of its flowering is delimited depending on the type of hyacinth. So, the pioneers are blue varieties, then their flowering is picked up by snow-white, pink-red and purple flowers. Finally, the orange and yellow varieties are the last to bloom.

The flowers of the plant form racemose inflorescences that take the shape of a cone. The perianth is a bright bell-shaped funnel. The fruit of the flower is three-locular. Each nest contains a pair of seeds.

The flower bulb includes succulent lower leaves. The flowering stem is a continuation of the bottom. It dries up after flowering, along with the leaves that frame it. However, on the edge top sheet A bud appears on the stem inside the bulb. Gradually it becomes a bulb and can bloom on next year. At the edges of the remaining leaves, other bulbs also appear - weaker. They can be detached and used for vegetative propagation.

General landing rules

When planting hyacinths in the ground or on a windowsill, there are some peculiarities. At the same time, in both the first and second cases one must be guided by general rules.

  • Primary attention should be given to the soil. It should contain both turf and leaf soil with the addition of baking powder.
  • Hyacinth needs to be provided with bright lighting, but avoid direct rays.
  • Fresh organic matter should not be used as fertilizer.

Rules for planting in the open ground garden

Before you plant this flower, you need to make sure that the conditions you want to provide the hyacinth meet its needs, including:

  • sunny place, sheltered from the wind;
  • absence of holes and other irregularities on the site;
  • soil enriched with nutrients.

If you have chosen hyacinths for the garden, then planting should be done in late September - early October. Pre-prepare the soil for planting. To do this you will need:

  1. Dig up the soil.
  2. Fertilize it with minerals.
  3. Add peat or sand if necessary. If you have sandy soil, increase the addition of magnesium and potassium substances.
  4. In spring, feed the flower with nitrogen fertilizers.

Advice! For planting, choose bulbs that are not too large. They form flower stalks that are weather-resistant. Before planting, it is better to soak them in a fungicide solution for about 30 minutes.

The bulbs should be planted to a depth of approximately 15-18 cm, maintaining a distance between them of approximately 15 cm. The distance between rows should be 5 cm greater. If your bulbs are smaller, then they need to be planted more densely and not so deep.

Advice! For better growth bulbs, plant it in the so-called. "sand shirt" Place a little clean water at the bottom of the hole. river sand. Lightly press the onion into it and cover it with sand. And only then - with soil. This will prevent water from stagnating in the soil, which will reduce the likelihood of the bulb rotting.

After planting is completed, the area should be watered.

Rules for planting on a windowsill

Hyacinth is not only a garden one, but also home flower. If you decide to plant hyacinth at home, for example, on a windowsill, then the sequence of actions will be slightly different.
First, the pot needs to be prepared for planting. To do this, drainage soil should be placed on its bottom. Then it should be covered with sand no more than a couple of centimeters, and only then the pot should be filled soil mixture to the edge.

At the next stage, the actual planting work begins. Planting hyacinth is somewhat different from planting others bulbous plants, so be careful. The bulb should come out 1/3 of the soil. At the same time, if you have a long big pot, in which you want to plant several hyacinths at once, then you should maintain a gap between the bulbs, which should not be less than 2.5-3 cm.

Plant care

Like any other plant, hyacinth must be carefully cared for after planting.

  1. Here, it is quite natural, but no less significant, that weed removal is mandatory. In this regard, hyacinth is a well-known “clean plant”.
  2. The following is no less important rule- constant loosening of the soil.
  3. Provide mandatory watering in dry soil.

As you can see, the rules are not complicated and differ little from recommendations for caring for other flowers, but they must be followed regularly, and not from time to time.

At the same time, ideally, caring for hyacinth should be accompanied by some specific procedures, including the need to feed approximately 2-3 times during the growing season.

If your hyacinths bloom on the windowsill, then after planting, when watering, use a 0.2% solution of calcium nitrate. Then place the pot for a couple of months in a cool, dark place at a temperature of about 5 to 9 degrees.

Varieties of hyacinth

Currently, the classification of hyacinths includes three types, including:

  • oriental hyacinth;
  • Litvinov hyacinth;
  • Transcaspian hyacinth

The above species provide the basis for the cultivation of all possible variations of this plant. Its varieties differ, first of all, in the shape of the flower (according to this criterion they are divided into double and simple), as well as in the duration of flowering (late, middle, early). Another classification is by color.

Hyacinth is an excellent option for decorating your garden bed or windowsill; fortunately, its bulbs can now be bought without any problems.

Bright hyacinth inflorescences are among the first to appear in flower beds after the onset of spring. They can be grown not only in open ground, but also at home, on the windowsill. In this case, you can get a flowering plant for almost any holiday.

Hyacinths are bulbous perennials that belong to the Asparagus family. This genus has only three species: transcaspicus, Litvinova, eastern. The most common is the oriental hyacinth, which served as the basis for the work of breeders and the development of new varieties.

All hyacinths are distinguished by characteristic external features: a dense bulb made up of fleshy leaves, a thick stem and a bright inflorescence. The flowers have a strong aroma and bright colors. Initially, the flowers were blue, but thanks to the work of breeders, hyacinth inflorescences are distinguished by a wide variety of colors:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • pink;
  • red;
  • pale yellow, etc.

The shape of hyacinth inflorescences can be simple or double.

After flowering ends, the stem with the inflorescence dies, and in its place a fruit appears - a small box consisting of three nests. A bud forms inside the remains of the stem, which next spring will develop into a new bulb. In this case, small bulbs, called babies, may also form. They are often used for vegetative propagation.

Oriental hyacinth is a typical representative of its genus, the description of which is relied upon when controversial or difficult situations arise. To his characteristic features include the following:

  • total height - up to 30 cm;
  • stem thickness - about 0.5 cm;
  • linear dense leaves;
  • bell-shaped flowers.

This flower is native to the warm regions of the Mediterranean, North Africa, Asia Minor, although today it is grown everywhere, in gardens or at home. It is not difficult to care for; the first fragrant inflorescences delight owners in early spring - this is one of the first spring flowers.

Choosing the best varieties for your home or garden

Varieties of hyacinths differ from each other mainly in the colors and shape of the inflorescences. Based on these features, flower growers select plants for a home or flower bed.

The following varieties are considered one of the best for growing in open ground or at home:

  • White Festival and White Pearl, white, double inflorescences;
  • Blue Festival and Delft Blue, simple blue and white inflorescences;
  • Woodstock, double inflorescences of deep burgundy color;
  • Jan Bos, double flowers painted a deep red-pink;
  • Pink Pearl, double bright pink inflorescences.

When choosing a variety, you can focus on color preferences, based on the conditional division according to the color of the inflorescence:

  • white-flowered varieties: Argentina Arendsen, Edelweiss, Carnegie, L'Innosance;
  • pink: Pink Pearl, China Pink, Anna Marie, Fondant, Marconi;
  • blue-flowered: Maria, Myosotis, King of Blue, Delft Blue;
  • purple: Menelik, Amethyst, Bismarck;
  • yellow: Yellow Hummer, City of Haarlem, Orange Bowen.

When choosing varieties for planting, it is important to consider the place where they are grown and the desired result.

In voluminous flowerbed arrangements, care must be taken in advance to achieve organic color combinations. If hyacinth grows on a windowsill at home, it will in any case create a bright and festive atmosphere.

Selection of bulbs, preparation for planting

To get strong, hardy plants, it is important to take care of the quality of the bulbs in advance, especially if forcing is planned, because it will require the plant to mobilize all its forces in a very short time.

When choosing children for planting, you must rely on the following signs:

  • diameter from 5 cm or more. If the bulb is large, it will be much easier to grow hyacinth. A plant grown from small children may not bloom immediately, but after a year or several years;
  • absence of mechanical damage, voids inside;
  • healthy looking babies (no rot or painful symptoms).

The next step is to prepare the selected bulbs for planting. If the bulb is taken from its plant, after the leaves have withered, they are dug up and washed warm water, dry in the shade in a light draft and store in a cool, dark place (for example, a basement or cellar). To get a strong onion, experienced flower growers It is recommended to mark the largest plants and prevent them from blooming. After the peduncle is cut, the hyacinth will devote all its energy to developing the bulb.

Purchased bulbs, as a rule, have already passed all necessary preparation, so they can be planted immediately after pre-treating them with a disinfectant, either a specialized store-bought one or ordinary solution potassium permanganate.

Rules for planting hyacinths

Growing hyacinths from bulbs at home will require compliance with certain rules and planting dates. First of all, it is important to carefully select the soil for planting. A special soil mixture for bulbous plants, containing all the necessary microelements, is ideal. If there is no such land, you can make your own mixture. For this you will need:

  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • compost;
  • sand or peat.

All components are mixed in equal proportions, only peat or sand is taken in half as much as the other ingredients.

It is better to grow the plant in wide, shallow pots or boxes, always with drainage holes.

When the soil, containers and bulbs are prepared, you can begin planting. At home, this process goes through the following stages:

  1. A drainage layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the pot.
  2. A layer of soil is poured onto the drainage, and thin layer fine sand.
  3. Plant bulbs are laid out on the sand. Hyacinths can be grown alone, but they do well in close proximity to several others. When growing several bulbs in one pot, it is important to provide them with sufficient distance - 2-3 cm between the bulbs.
  4. The exposed bulbs are slightly pressed deep into the ground and sprinkled with the remaining soil. You can add another layer of sand to the surface, which will protect the plants from rotting.

It is important to consider that hyacinth bulbs are not completely buried; the tops always remain on the surface.

After planting, the bulbs need to be provided with a period of rest by placing the pot with them in a dark and cool place with a temperature of about 5-10 degrees (a basement, cellar or the bottom shelf of the refrigerator is suitable). The rest period usually lasts about 1.5-2 months. All this time it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil and not allow it to dry out.

It is very important to respect the timing of this artificial winter, because if the plant is brought into the light too early, it will be too weak and will not be able to bloom. If the dormant period is prolonged, all the energy of the hyacinth will be spent on growing foliage, and the formation of buds will be delayed.

Once the bulbs have taken root, they are moved into the room, creating spring conditions- a sufficient amount of light and a temperature of about 10-15 degrees. Under such conditions, hyacinth is kept until flowering begins, after which it can be transferred to the right room to create a composition. To prolong flowering, it is necessary to provide the plant with a temperature no higher than +20 degrees, sufficient lighting and the absence of drafts.

Caring for hyacinth at home

In order for hyacinth to delight with its bright blooms at home, it needs absolutely no complex care, consisting of three mandatory points:

  • watering;
  • lighting;
  • fertilizing

Hyacinth requires special care after flowering, but it is also not too complicated.


In order for hyacinth to feel comfortable at home, it is important to provide it with a suitable watering regime. The soil should be constantly moist and should not be allowed to dry out. Wherein overwatering and stagnation of moisture in the pot can cause fungal disease. This regime is observed during all periods of a flower’s life - during growth, flowering and dormancy.

Hyacinths are watered from above, and excess water from the pan must be drained. It is also important to ensure that when watering, water does not get on the leaves, bud or the bulb itself. To do this, water is poured at the edge of the pot or through a tray.


Hyacinth needs good lighting, therefore, in cloudy weather or very early boarding it should be illuminated using special phytolamps. With insufficient lighting, hyacinth may wilt or begin to shed leaves and buds. From time to time, the pot with the plant should be turned towards the light so that it does not become deformed and grows evenly.

Top dressing

Hyacinths are very responsive to fertilization. They are fed approximately once every two weeks, using specialized fertilizers for bulbous and flowering plants. Fertilizer is diluted in water and applied along with the next watering.

Care after flowering

After the hyacinth has faded, it needs proper care. First of all, you need to provide a period of rest so that the plant has time to gain strength after flowering and form a new bulb. During this period, care consists of removing dried leaves; watering and feeding are stopped only when all the leaves die. After about two months, the bulb is removed from the pot and stored until next autumn in a cool place. The bulb is planted in the ground in autumn or winter, when you need to get a flowering plant.

Also, after flowering has finished, the plant can be transplanted into a flowerbed, choosing a well-lit place, protected from drafts. The bulb will not be able to bloom again in the near future, but after wintering in the open ground, the hyacinth will again delight you with flowering.

Diseases and pests

One of the main causes of hyacinth diseases are poor-quality, damaged or diseased bulbs. By carefully rejecting all unsuitable planting material, you can protect your plantings from many diseases.

One of the characteristic diseases of hyacinth is yellow rot. As a result of its damage, the bulbs in the pot turn into mucus with a specific odor. It is impossible to save the affected bulb, so all diseased plants are thrown away.

If the plant's inflorescence begins to fall out of the rosette, this is the first symptom of excess moisture. Because of this, root pressure increases, the inflorescence weakens and falls.

Lack of light and water causes hyacinth leaves to turn yellow. This problem can be easily solved if you simply move the flower to a more illuminated place and adjust the watering.

Forcing hyacinths - a way to get flowers at the right time

One of the features of hyacinth is the ability to get a flowering plant by a certain date or holiday. To do this, he is provided with a set of conditions called forcing.

There are three types of forcing:

  1. Early (planting in October, flowering by New Year).
  2. Medium (planting in November, flowering - late January-early February).
  3. Late (planting in December-January, flowering in March-April).

As a rule, the period from planting to flower blooming is approximately 2.5-3 months, both during forcing and during normal cultivation. In order for the forcing process to be successful, the hyacinth is provided with a gradual decrease in temperature. Immediately after planting, they are stored in a warm place with high humidity(at a temperature of about 28-30 degrees) for about two weeks. Then the bulbs are placed in a cooler room for another two weeks, ensuring a temperature of 22-25 degrees. Over the next two weeks, the temperature is reduced to 15-17 degrees, after which the bulbs are ready for new planting.

In order for the forcing to go smoothly, it is important to select the strongest and healthy bulbs, without traces of diseases or pests. Since forcing will require a lot of effort from the plant, weak or small bulbs may not be able to cope with this task.

The rules for growing and caring for hyacinths during forcing at home generally do not differ from the usual ones. They are provided with a suitable temperature, regular watering and sufficient lighting.

Hyacinths are one of the earliest and most beautiful spring primroses, which delight the eye not only in flower beds, but also at home. By providing them suitable conditions, you can get bright blooming bouquets at almost any time of the year.​
