Winter garden leaves. Plants for the winter garden - a list of the best options for a private house and apartment. What should a winter garden for orchids be like?


Plants for winter garden will create you a real one paradise, if you approach the choice correctly and take into account all the features of care. What you need to know to choose your favorite annuals or perennials - read on.

Plants for the winter garden are your pride!

As always, the main principle is not to take everything. You must approach your choice with full responsibility. First of all, you need to decide what plants you would like to see. Plants open ground There are a huge number of balcony annuals. You can choose by type, height, flowering duration, color, etc. Such plants need an eye and an eye, especially during the period of autumn frosts - at this time some plants die.

There are more hardy species that can withstand snow, and not even too low subzero temperatures. A large number of plant species can create a beautiful flowering carpet, but they also special requirements and above all to the light. Many people find it difficult to tolerate dry air or high temperatures. At the same time, in winter time plants require special watering, spraying, and sometimes moisture and fertilizer. Feeding, pruning - in general, you need to know a lot.

Perennials in pots receive equally close attention. Compared to annuals, they grow more slowly. But at the same time, you don’t need to fuss with seedlings, pick, germinate, or constantly change flowerpots when transplanting. True, such flowers are very sensitive to indoor humidity. Therefore, if you want to create a winter garden, think a hundred times before you start.

Winter garden and its difference from a veranda or greenhouse

The first such gardens appeared in Egypt, then they began to be created in Ancient Rome. Something similar to winter gardens were common, but in the form of greenhouses or botanical gardens, during the Renaissance. In the 16th century, gardens appeared in Europe in the so-called Pomeranian houses. They were greenhouses with exotic plants and fruits. Greenhouses were built in Amsterdam and Paris, and then appeared in country houses residents of London.

Unlike other premises, and these can be greenhouses, conservatories, and other similar outbuildings where plants are grown in winter, winter gardens are part of the living space.

Usually a large area is allocated to create such a beautiful place. Be sure that your friends and family will often gather here. After all, such a structure, glazed on all sides, retains heat, lets in light from the street, and creates a beautiful corner of real nature in your home. The winter garden successfully combines the advantages of a greenhouse and a veranda. In addition, thanks to energy-saving technologies and prefabricated structures, you will not spend a lot of money and time creating such an oasis right in your apartment.

Flowers for the winter garden - what do you need to know so that the plants do not die?

Imagine a sharp contrast - it’s frosty outside and there’s snow outside the window, but on this side of the structure it’s warm, everything is blooming and turning green. Ice on the street will not prevent you from keeping a palm tree at home, just as sudden changes in temperature from outside will not prevent you from growing violets or orchids in a warm place on your own territory. But in winter it’s a serious process.

Such a beautiful architectural element of a house for caring for plants can be diversified with a glass roof. Your transparent structure will only benefit from this and visually expand its boundaries even more. Remaining essentially one with your home, the winter garden should not differ in style from the main building inside. The main emphasis can be placed on lighting and the flow of sunlight from outside and, of course, on your unique flowers. If you choose correctly beautiful combination different types plants, then you can enjoy working in the city and relaxing in nature, right from the comfort of your home.

Which flowers are better to choose? As before, the fashion for plants grown in winter gardens is constantly changing. Designers offer different options a set of flowers - from large to small, from flowering to cacti, from familiar conifers to completely exotic ones. The choice may not be easy, but it will be your decision. Keep in mind that the selected plants must be placed correctly in the winter garden. Depending on what you choose - indoor, tropical or subtropical.

Basic rules:

  • In order for the flowers not to die and to be bright and beautiful, you need to provide them with good level lighting. Just keep in mind that artificial light is not very useful for green spaces.
  • Maximum illumination can be achieved by creating access to daylight by installing glass and transparent elements. This applies to walls and ceilings.
  • Don't forget to take care of thermal insulation and creating optimal temperatures inside the winter garden.
  • Humidity is one of the main components. It must be maintained at a certain level.
  • It is important to know when your plants begin their dormant period. Sometimes an “impromptu winter” can last for several months.
  • When choosing flowers of exotic species, it is better to clarify in advance what kind of care they need and whether they can grow together with ordinary, traditional species of plants for your region.

Both annuals and perennials will not cope with the heat if your temperatures rise to record levels. Above 45 degrees Celsius is a problem for preserving all flowers, with the possible exception of cacti. If possible, it is better to install a small fountain. You can place fuchsia, hibiscus, and dracaena around it. This way you will save them from drying out. Excessive dry air can affect the flowering of plants. Try to control the humidity. Houseplants for a winter garden, both subtropical and tropical, it is better to prepare for winter in stages - let it be a flower that has grown up to the cold, rather than a recently purchased one that has not yet matured.

IN winter period the surrounding landscape becomes a little monotonous. Therefore, thinking about landscape design garden, it’s worth thinking about the aesthetic possibilities of winter. In order for the garden to be interesting in winter, it is necessary to use ornamental plants with a stable structural shape: spherical, weeping, umbrella, pyramidal, evergreen. Also, it is worth paying attention to individual elements of plants - unusual shape branches, decorative coloring of branches, fruits. We present to your attention ten of the most interesting ornamental plants for the winter garden.

1. Snowberry (Shymphoricarpos)- unpretentious, graceful shrub with abundant fruits white(fruits are also pink, red and black). Amazing in its beauty and resistance to winter frosts. Shade-tolerant, suitable for urban landscaping, tolerates pruning well.

2. Barberry (Berberis)- very beautiful ornamental shrub, with incredibly varied leaf colors. Clusters with red fruits remain on the branches almost all winter. Red berries stand out especially against the white background of snow. Unpretentious, but cannot stand being soaked. All of them are photophilous, but grow well in partial shade, varieties with green leaves, suitable for urban conditions, and tolerate shearing well.

3. Mahonia aquifolium- fabulous evergreen shrub with clusters of dark blue berries. Leathery shiny leaves, rich green in color, become brownish-purple in winter, even to a violet hue. It is unpretentious and winter-hardy, but young plants need to be covered with spruce branches in the first years. Shade-tolerant, suitable for urban conditions, good in borders and low hedges.

Rowan berries, viburnums, and decorative apple trees, pyracantha, rose hips.

4. White dogwood (Cornus alba)- an ornamental shrub with thin, coral-red or red-brown in winter, upward-pointing branches. The stems of turf are brighter in color from the illuminated side, and against the background of white snow or green evergreen needles they look especially impressive. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, suitable for urban landscaping, as well as for creating decorative container compositions.

5. Purple willow (Salix purpurea)- a dense, branched shrub with purple-violet bark near the branches. Shade-tolerant, not very winter-hardy, tolerates pruning well. Thanks to the round shape of the bush it looks good even in small compositions.

6. Blood red dogwood “Midwinter Fire” (Cornus sanguinea “Midwinter Fire”)- an ornamental shrub with a spreading crown and red-orange shoots, perfect for decorating a garden in winter. Unpretentious, high frost resistance, suitable for urban landscaping.

7. Blue spruce (Picea pungens)- very decorative, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant tree. It grows slowly and tolerates pruning well. The “Hoopsie” variety is distinguished by its silver-blue needles, conical, dense crown shape and small in size. Photophilous, smoke and gas resistant, frost resistant. Suitable for landscaping ceremonial places and city landscaping

8. Larch (Larix) on a trunk- an amazingly beautiful tree with abundant fluffy branches. This elegant garden decoration always looks representative, is unusually decorative in winter, and does not like stagnant moisture.
What is certain is that conifers necessary in the winter garden. Junipers, thujas, pines, yews - they all diversify the impression, especially in the form of trimmed forms and hedges.

9. Iwa Matsudana (Salix matsudana) - a small tree with serpentine-curved branches, making it surprisingly decorative in winter. Requires shelter for the winter; planting in places protected from the wind, surrounded on all sides by other trees and shrubs, is suitable for urban landscaping. Used in single plantings and to create landscape corners.

10. Irga Lamarck (Amelanchier lamarckii (canadensis)— Decorative thanks to the wide umbrella crown. High winter hardiness, light-loving, tolerates partial shade, but blooms more profusely in the light. Suitable for urban landscaping.

The winter garden has become the same accessory of an elite home as a garage, patio, swimming pool, or fireplace. Human attraction to nature played a significant role in this. The wall of the winter garden is a thin border between the man-made natural environment inside the house (plants in tubs, artificial ponds, birds living in spacious cages) and the one that surrounds it outside. On our geographical latitude depending on the time of year, this glass border can be completely invisible in the height of summer, or very sharp due to the contrast between the frost, whiteness of the snow outside and the warmth, greenery inside. The winter garden is perfect for both business negotiations, receiving guests, and for everyday life.

Design winter gardens diverse. They can be decorative, fruit (citrus), or reminiscent rain-forest, desert, coastal or rocky landscape. There are compositions like blooming garden, various water gardens are also interesting - a water lily garden, a florarium garden, a waterfall garden. Depending on the area, the composition can be placed entirely in a stationary flower box, or you can use plants, each of which is in its own pot. In the latter case, there is the advantage of mobility - plants can be moved, and one can be replaced with another at any time. Ampole and climbing species in hanging flowerpots.

The most common compositions are:

Rocky landscape. Close to deserted. Material: sand, stones. The phytocomposition is placed against the background of the untreated surface of the stone. Some plants are placed in a vertical plane, in the cracks between stones and slabs, and some are placed at the foot of a rock (stone). They use agaves, cacti, saxifrage, aloe, and Crassula (epiphytes and succulents).

Rain-forest. To imitate a tropical landscape, various palm trees, vines, bromeliads, ferns, ficuses, and ground covers are suitable. Here you can arrange an artificial pond, fountain, cascade.

Coastal landscape. Composition up to one and a half meters high in containers, a small pond, fountain or cascade. Plants with a weeping crown shape, large ferns, aglaonemas, philodendrons, dracaenas, spathiphyllums, dieffenbachias, anthuriums, syngoniums, ivies.

In the background there must be a tall plant - monstera, ficus.

Fruit garden. To create orchard Suitable citrus fruits (lemon), coffee trees, pomegranate, pineapple, feijoa. Original fruits add decorative value to such a garden.

Blooming garden. The composition can be made up of beautifully flowering plants with large, brightly colored flowers: oleander (pink, white double flowers with a strong odor), azaleas, hyperastrum, passionflower.

A blooming greenhouse in your home, or as it is now commonly called, a winter garden, at first glance requires a significant investment of effort and money. Therefore, there is an opinion that this pleasure is available only to very rich people. But if you try to create your own garden yourself, you can get by with much less money.

To begin, draw a plan for your future garden. Preference should be given flowering plants, but conifers and plants with beautiful foliage should also not be forgotten. Once the plan is ready and you are determined, let's get started.

A phytodesigner will help you place plants so that they look impressive, highlight and complement each other’s beauty. Plants for the winter garden are selected according to similar bioecological requirements. In a large garden you can create several “climate zones”

Plant species originating from the Mediterranean region require a temperature of 12–15 ° C and humidity of up to 50–60% in winter. tropical plants Southeast Asia and America need a temperature of 22–26 °C and humidity of 80–90% throughout the year. Located in greenhouse conditions exotic plants may suffer without taking into account the above factors.

When choosing plants, you should remember the biological and aesthetic connection between various types. Some plants, such as orchids, require a lot of space. They do not tolerate other plants around them, so they begin to wither and die. Others, on the contrary, are unpretentious and quite calm about the proximity of other subspecies of plants.

Paradoxically, a winter garden filled with artificial plants is quite appropriate. Alternative option– dried flowers and preserved plants.


Tropical plants of Africa and Asia. Ficus lyre-shaped, asparagus pinnate, long pepper, thunbergia grandiflora, dallalia dissected, green pellea, ocasia, Dracaena Sander, begonia goeg, cyperus sequentifolia (for a mini-pond).

Plants of the humid tropics of America. Anthurium climbing, Philodendron climbing, Billbergia splendid, Vriesia brilliant, Brovallia beautiful, Columnaea glorious, Eschynanthus beautiful, Anthurium majestic, Anthurium detailed, Differenachia spotted, Dieffenbachia seguina, Calathea striped, Calathea decorated, Begonia cuff, Peperomia silvery, Callisia graceful , saururus drooping (for mini-ponds).

Not tropical plants Asia and Africa . Himalayan aucuba, silver bemeria, Kashmir cypress, coffee tree Arabian, fragrant dracaena, deoloid asparagus, Sprenger asparagus, Hoya fleshy, ficus montana, aglaonema changeable, variegated dieffenbachia, royal begonia, reginal strelitzia, curculigo reflexum, pteris longifolia, common ivy.

Subtropical plants of Japan, China, New Zealand. Aucuba japonica, euonymus japonica, hibiscus, camellia japonica, livingnstona chinensis, nandina, fatsia japonica, honeysuckle japonica, lygodium japonica, ficus minis, azalea, aspidistra high, bouvardia rooting, rohea japonica, calamus, ophiopogon japonica, rhinekia meat red , araucaria varifolia, coastal griselinia, eugenia myrtifolia, southern cordyline, schefflera radiata, confused muhlenbeckia, asplenium bulbiferous, pellea rotundifolia, blue dianella, southern plectrum ranthus, heart-shaped guttuinia (for mini-ponds).

Desert plants of Africa and America. Aloe ciliata, Aloe Marlota, portulacaria africana, spurge large-horned, spurge globulus, oscularia deltoid, agapanthus umbellata, gasteria verrucosa, Kalanchoe becharis, crassula moss, sedum thick-leaved, white prickly pear, myrtillocactus argentum, Cereus peruvian, agave drawn, yucca glorious, agave americana , Pereskia thorny, Aporocactus whip-shaped, Morgan's sedum, Bocassa mammillaria, Creeping sedum, Elegant echeveria, slender mammillaria, wild short-leaved, Echeveria agave.

In winter, during the season of colds and acute respiratory infections, it is especially important to monitor the air condition in enclosed spaces. Frequent ventilation and installation of disinfecting devices is one way to improve the microclimate in a room or office. You can also equip a winter garden and plant plants that will purify the air and defeat harmful microorganisms. Scientists from the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences have proven that there are groups of plants that help in the fight against pathogenic bacteria.

When designing a winter garden, you need to take into account not only the light and thermal characteristics of the building, but also the size of the future room. Ideally, its area should be at least 15 m² with a height of 3 m.

Materials for the winter garden

Materials that can be used to make a winter garden frame:

  • aluminum
  • tree,
  • stainless steel.

Aluminum winter garden

For winter gardens with large transparent spans they use steel profile, treated with anti-corrosion materials. It is also permissible to insert double-glazed windows enclosed in a frame made of this material. aluminum profile. Aluminum, by the way, is considered the most optimal material for making a winter garden: durable, lightweight, resistant to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, and also fireproof and environmentally friendly.

Winter garden made of wood

Wood has good thermal insulation qualities. When building a winter garden, you can use solid wood or laminated veneer lumber. The combination of aluminum and wood successfully combines the advantages of both materials.

The roof of the winter garden can be built in the form of a glazed dome - and there will be more light in the room, and it will be easier for snow to roll off such a roof in winter.

Plants for the winter garden

You can buy plants for the winter garden ready-made and not waste time and effort on experiments with seedlings to form your own collection. However, it is worth realizing that flowers grown in your winter garden and adapted to the characteristic microclimate will be more viable than over-aged plants brought from the store.

According to experts, the suitable temperature for winter garden plants is +20 °C. It’s good if the technical equipment of the room allows you to place a pond in it, which will create a background of natural humidity in your winter garden.

Plants grown in winter gardens were unofficially divided into 3 groups by scientists at the Novosibirsk Botanical Garden:

  • phytoncidal,
  • essential oils,
  • phytofilters.

Phytoncidal plants for the winter garden

To plants that secrete special substances phytoncides, destructively acting on pathogenic bacteria include:

  • succulents (such as agave),
  • hibiscus.

Photo: agave for the winter garden

Essential oil plants for the winter garden

The composition of substances released essential oil group, included essential oils. If phytoncides destroy microbes, then essential oils stimulate the immune system, acting on it stimulatingly. Plants that have this beneficial effect include:

  • citrus trees,
  • ginger,

Phytofilter plants for the winter garden

Phytofilters- plants that absorb dust and microparticles, capable of purifying and ionizing the air in enclosed spaces. One plant, on average, is capable of purifying the air within a radius of 3-5 m. The function of such filters will be taken over by:

  • ivy,
  • chlorophytum,
  • date .

Photo: Tradescantia for the winter garden

How to place plants in a winter garden

To enhance the beneficial effect, it is fundamentally important to place representatives of 3 groups of these plants in opposite corners of the winter garden. It's even better if you can spread them out at different heights. Then beneficial substances will circulate evenly in the air, creating an atmospheric background favorable to health.

Healthy winter garden

Scientists from the Central Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences were able to confirm the unique theory described above experimentally. The winter garden of the preschool health institution “Siberian Fairy Tale” was chosen as the working site. Air measurements in the winter garden, as well as monitoring the health status of the children, were carried out for one year.

Before installation phytoncidal plants microbial contamination exceeded established levels sanitary standards 2-5 times. Purposeful selection of plants in the interior of children's institutions led to a decrease in microbial air pollution, confirms Vyacheslav Sedelnikov, director of the Center for Botanical Gardens of the SB RAS. - Observations showed that the proportion of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus from the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx decreased from 18% to 7%. The number of exacerbations of chronic diseases decreased by 30%.

Since a third of all sun rays penetrating into the winter garden are absorbed by glass, be sure to organize additional lighting.

Room temperature

During the change of seasons, the temperature in the room should change:

- conifers, succulents, pelargonium, ivy, figs, lemon and many other subtropical plants, in winter kept at a temperature of no lower than 7 and no higher than 12 degrees

- other subtropical plants, such as begonia, ficus, dieffenbachia and philodendron, require 18 degrees - the most comfortable temperature in winter

- tropical plants prefer temperatures up to 20 degrees.

Winter garden style

For the comfortable existence of plants in the winter garden, create phytocompositions that can be regularly varied and modified.

Don't forget:

Each plant in your garden should have free access, they should not interfere with each other.

When choosing plants, consider which ones will form the central composition. As a rule, these are the most spectacular and largest plants.

Think about what ground cover plants will serve as a link between the compositions.

Some people think that it is enough to simply arrange containers and pots with plants beautifully or plant them in the ground in separate groups.

But according to experts, it is better to design a garden in one key: then plants belonging to the same natural growing zone will create an excellent microclimate indoors.

Several main phytocompositions can be distinguished:


Typical plants of this natural area are orchids, ferns, bromeliads, vines, trees and shrubs. We choose a tall plant as the central “figure” of the composition: ficus, dracaena, cordyline, etc. As auxiliary elements, we choose aroids - philodendron, scindapsus, orchids and bromeliads.

We plant ground cover - fittonia, begonia, tradescantia.


In principle, a swamp composition is a tropical forest during the rainy season, which means select plants that really love moisture and high temperature.

On the first tier (soil) we plant mosses, monstera, and anthorium. The second tier consists of philodendron, alocasia, dieffenbachia, a little higher we place chlorophytum and ferns.


To create such a phytocomposition, the winter garden must have a pond or install several large containers with water.

Plant aquatic plants in a small aquarium: nymphea, valisneria, sagittaria. Around the second container we plant akalifa, pilea, and begonia.


We decorate the winter garden with stone, arrange a central composition in the form of a small rock, on which we plant sedum, saxifrage, and cryptanthus. We place agave, crassula, and gasteria around the rock.

temperate forest

Use subtropical and tropical plants. We choose a central plant and arrange groups of flowers, bushes and trees around it. Perfect for compositions: myrtle, rosemary, ivy, nephrolepis, clerodendrum.

Green wall

When composing compositions, place emphasis on vertical gardening: make vertical supports leading from the floor to the ceiling of the winter garden and spread vines, ivy, cissus, etc. along them. Horizontal surface not very filled with plants: plant myrtle, lavender, tradescantia.

Decorating a winter garden with plants - basic rules

To plants in the winter garden felt good, the needs of individual species must be taken into account. In order for the winter garden space to be perceived as natural and natural, some rules should be followed:

1. There is no need to plant the garden too densely with plants. The principle “the more plants, the more more beautiful garden“in practice, in most cases it does not justify itself. For normal growth manifestations characteristic features appearance many plants need space. You should not overload the winter garden with plants for aesthetic reasons.

2. Good a clear example The design of the garden is provided by nature itself - the natural landscape. If you look closely at it, you will immediately notice its multi-tiered nature: the upper tier is the crowns of tall trees, the middle one is shrubs, the lower one is grass and flowers. This division of space can also be used in the winter garden by harmoniously distributing the plants.

One or two plants can dominate lush crown, low ones can be placed a little lower shrub species, and at the very bottom - creeping, up to 1 m high.

3. Plants must be compatible with each other in shape and color scheme. Leaves that contrast in color and shape also look good. But this technique should not be abused.

4. Using several design techniques that are usually proficient landscape designers, the enclosed space of the winter garden can be optically expanded, making it part of the surrounding personal plot nature.