Canned sliced ​​cucumbers. Cucumber preparations

When the cucumbers are already even, “one to one”, pickled, fermented and pickled for the winter, try preparing a few more jars of the original salad. The good thing about the proposed recipe is that absolutely any cucumbers are suitable for it - large, small, not very even, overgrown. This is especially true when the cucumber season is coming to an end - the last vegetables are already scarce and, moreover, they are all different. It is from these fruits that we advise you to make a preparation.

Pickled cucumbers with onions and butter for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, are suitable for consumption in independent form under fried or crushed potatoes, and as an ingredient in other salads or additions to sandwiches.

For this preparation, cucumbers are cut into rings, onions into half rings, seasonings and oil are added. The chopped vegetables are left to marinate for some time, during which they release juice, there is more liquid and, as a rule, additional water is no longer required. Marinated cucumber slices with onions turn out very aromatic and crispy. You can also add garlic to this recipe if you wish, in which case the appetizer will be more piquant.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter


  • cucumbers – 2 kg;
  • onion – 600 g;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • ground red and black pepper – 2 pinches each;
  • refined vegetable oil – 70 ml;
  • table vinegar (9%) – 80 ml.

How to cook sliced ​​cucumbers with onions in oil for the winter

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, let them drain and cut into slices. Choose the cutting thickness at your discretion, but do not make it too thin or thick, approximately 0.5 cm. If your fruits are very large, you can first cut them in half and then chop them into semicircles. Place the chopped cucumbers in a large, deep saucepan or bowl so that you can easily mix them later.

Peel the onions, wash and chop into rings or half rings. Transfer to cucumbers.

Add salt and granulated sugar, two types of ground pepper to the vegetables (depending on how hot you like it, you can reduce or increase the amount of pepper to your taste).

Pour in cold vegetable oil with vinegar and carefully mix all the ingredients so that the spices evenly cover each vegetable piece.

Cover the dish with a lid and leave it room conditions for two hours.

Over time, the cucumbers will produce a lot of juice, which will be used as a marinade. Place the cucumbers and onions in previously prepared clean and dry jars, try to compact the vegetables as tightly as possible. Fill with marinade to the top, cover with lids and pasteurize for 15 minutes in any way convenient for you (in a pan of boiling water, in the microwave or in the oven).

Seal the pasteurized preparations with lids (they must also be heat-treated), wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them in this state until they cool completely. When the cucumbers have cooled, store them in the cellar.

  • A salad of cucumbers with onions and butter for the winter will turn out even tastier and more aromatic if you add fresh dill to it. It will need to be chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Do not spare dill, take larger bunches, because it has so much taste, smell and benefits.
  • It happens that the chopped cucumbers are put into jars, but there is not enough marinade to fill them with. This is most likely due to the fact that the vegetables were not compacted very tightly. In such a situation, you will have to cook the marinade separately. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt, bring to a boil, stirring constantly to dissolve the grains. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, pour it into jars.
  • The recipe uses refined vegetable oil. If you have nothing against fragrant oil, then you can just as easily take unrefined oil.

This year there were so many cucumbers at the dacha that we no longer knew what to do with them. At first they rejoiced at the rich harvest, and then they began to distribute it to friends and neighbors. What kind of pickles I haven’t closed: and pickles, and marinated, and with pepper, and with tomatoes, salads and savory snacks - in a word, I gave free rein to my culinary imagination.
But I would like to highlight the wonderful salad that I made for the first time. As it turned out, it is prepared simply, without sterilization or filling, and the taste is excellent. It was a neighbor who, in exchange for a bucket of cucumbers, shared a jar of this salad and, of course, the recipe itself.
I didn’t even think that cucumbers could be prepared like this, and what’s interesting is that they stood at Lyudmila Andreevna’s for a whole year in an ordinary basement and did not spoil at all. Sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter, recipe without sterilization with garlic were excellent. Recently I was surfing the Internet and found this interesting one.
So now I have another wonderful recipe for a delicious snack in my piggy bank. After all, in winter it’s so nice to open a jar of salad and feel the freshness of vegetables, as if they came straight from the garden.
For such an appetizer, you can take different cucumbers, even those that are “out of format” for pickling, but we will still cut them into slices. In order to give them the desired taste and piquancy, mix chopped cucumbers with chopped onions and garlic. Add salt and granulated sugar, as well as table vinegar, to the salad and leave the mixture to marinate for about 12 hours. Then we simply transfer it into sterilized jars and close the lids. If you don’t have time to prepare, then at least prepare


- cucumber fruit of pickling varieties – 3 kg.,
- fresh garlic – 250 gr.,
- onion – 250 gr.,
- granulated sugar – 250 gr.,
- kitchen salt – 100 gr.,
- table vinegar (9%) – 150 ml.

We sort the cucumbers and rinse them with cool water. Let them dry, then cut off the ends on both sides and cut the fruits into slices about 0.5-1 cm wide.

We wash the peeled onion and cut it into thin half rings.

Peel the garlic, then chop it using a garlic press or grater.

In a bowl, mix cucumber slices with chopped onion and garlic. Add salt, as well as granulated sugar and table vinegar.

Mix the mixture thoroughly and leave to marinate for 12 hours.

Next, transfer the salad into clean (necessarily treated) still hot jars. At the same time, lightly compact the salad so that it is in the jar along with the juice.
If desired, you can add a spoonful of vegetable oil or vodka on top of the snack.
We quickly roll up the lids on the jars, insulate them with a blanket, and after a couple of days we put the cucumbers, cut into slices, in the basement for storage for the winter. In the end, I want to share with you my favorite cucumber salad, it even has a very appetizing name -

The simplest and easy way preservation - prepare pickled sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter. To prepare in this form, you can take any cucumber fruits: slightly yellowed, of any shape, the main thing is that they are dense and not flaccid. Otherwise they won't crisp up. It’s easy and simple to give the appetizer an interesting look; just use a textured vegetable cutter when slicing. The taste of cucumbers is unusual - slightly spicy with the aroma of garlic, and the cucumbers themselves are crispy and dense. Crispy cucumbers can be used as a main appetizer for the holiday table, or as a component for salads and other dishes. Opening a jar on a winter evening, you will remember summer time and enjoy the pleasant taste.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter


  • Cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • Table salt- 30 g;
  • Vinegar 9% - 80 ml;
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Place spices in each jar:
  • Hot pepper (rings) - 1 pc.;
  • Bay leaf- 1 piece;
  • Dill (umbrellas) - 1 pc.;
  • Black pepper (peas) - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Garlic (clove) - 1 pc.

How to prepare pickled sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter

From all the ingredients described above, you get 6 jars with a capacity of half a liter. First of all, you need to prepare the marinade. In no large saucepan pour out the liquid, add sugar and salt. Bring to a boil, stirring from time to time so that the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved. Let the finished brine cool slightly and pour in the vinegar.

Wash the hot pepper and cut into rings. Peel the garlic, rinse and cut into several pieces. We put all the necessary spices in pre-treated jars.

Cucumbers, wash and cut off the butts. Shred into rings no less than 0.5 cm thick. Place tightly in jars with spices.

Pour the finished marinade into jars.

Place clean rags on the bottom of a large saucepan, place the jars with the contents and pour cold water so that it reaches more than half of the glass container. We put on high heat, after the liquid boils in the pan, pasteurize for 10 minutes.

Screw the lids on the jars. Turn them over, cover and wait for them to cool completely. We put it in the underground. That's all, sliced ​​cucumbers are completely ready for the winter.

  • Before you start pickling cucumbers for the winter, it is important to soak them. To do this, wash them in running water, put it in a large food bowl and fill it with ice water for the night. The colder the water, the tastier and crispier the cucumbers will be.
  • The proportion of products, spices and liquids must be strictly observed in order to ultimately obtain the desired taste.
  • It is also important what kind of water is used to prepare the marinade. It would be best to take a spring one, but if it is not available, then a simple one will do. The main thing is to filter it.
  • In order to canned cucumbers were tasty and crispy, it is important to pay attention special attention choice of spices Each recipe has its own, but as a rule, garlic is present in all types of pickling. Garlic cloves must be placed in moderation, otherwise the finished cucumbers will turn out soft and not crispy, as desired.
  • For marinades, it is better to use rock salt, but not iodized salt. Otherwise, the bright and rich taste of the preparation will disappear, and the cucumbers will become soft and less tasty.
  • The jars must be thoroughly rinsed under running water with soap. You can sterilize over steam or in the oven. This action allows you to preserve canned vegetables for a long time.
  • Just rinse the lids and boil for a few minutes.

To prepare canned food sliced ​​cucumbers need to be selected fresh cucumbers at the same degree of maturity. Then wash the cucumbers in cold water and let it drain. Then you need to cut off the stalks of the cucumbers and cut them into circles up to 2 centimeters thick, or you can cut them into pieces. You can cook it in two ways, one is prepared in an enamel bowl, and then the cucumbers are transferred to a jar. Another way to preserve cucumbers is to put them all in a jar at once.

Recipe for 1 canned sliced ​​cucumbers

After the cucumbers are cut, they are placed in enamel pan, you need to add salt and mix well. Cover the pan with a towel and let stand for 12 hours. Cut the horseradish leaves, garlic and dill into pieces, and the onion into circles. Prepare the marinade (brine) according to the recipe: add salt and sugar to a saucepan with water, heat until completely dissolved and boil for two minutes, then filter through thick cheesecloth and then add vinegar and let the entire contents boil again. The next step is to put spices in jars, sliced ​​cucumbers mixed with onions and garlic on top, then pour in the prepared hot pickle(marinade). Cover the filled jars with sliced ​​cucumbers with lids and sterilize them in a saucepan with water. When finished, seal the jars tightly, place the neck down and cool to room temperature. Now yours are ready to eat.

Recipe for 2 canned sliced ​​cucumbers

As was said earlier, the next step after cutting the cucumbers is to also place spices, garlic, onions, herbs and cooked cucumbers on top of the jar. Then fill the jars with hot brine prepared according to the same recipe and add 1 tablespoon acetic acid. Carry out the procedure for sterilizing jars with cucumbers and still turn them upside down until completely cooled. This recipe makes them more tender and with a small dose of salt. They can be used as a ready-made salad on the table, with the addition of additional spices at your discretion. They are also a good addition to meat products and as a cold appetizer.

These two methods by which you can cook are quite simple and do not require much difficulty. In winter they will be simply necessary for cooking various dishes with their use. They will never be redundant.

If you are the lucky owner summer cottage or you have an entire household plot at your disposal, then this article is definitely for you. The cucumber harvest is in full swing in most cities. We will talk about them.

When the preparations are salted and are already in the pantry and waiting in the wings. And various salads from fresh vegetables have already become boring, then my recipes for excellent appetizers from sliced ​​cucumbers are just right.

1. Sliced ​​cucumbers with parsley without sterilization

Parsley is an incredibly aromatic herb; in combination with cucumbers you will get a tasty and piquant cold appetizer. It’s easy to prepare such a preparation, see for yourself from my recipe. By the way, if parsley is not to your taste, you can replace it, for example, with dill.


  • Cucumbers – 4 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • Vinegar 9% – 200 ml
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Garlic - head
  • Parsley - 100 g
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. spoon

Preparation steps:

1. Trim the butts off the cucumbers, and then cut them into medium-sized bars.

2. Chop the washed and dried greens with a knife as finely as possible.

3. Arm yourself with a deep container in which place chopped parsley, cover it with salt, pour in vinegar and water. Grate the garlic cloves on a fine grater or pass through a press to the greens. Mix everything well, this will be our marinade.

5. Place the snack in sterilized jars. Try to compact them as tightly as possible. Pour an equal amount of marinade from the container into each jar.

6. All that remains is to roll them up with lids and put them in a cool place for storage.

Have a great mood and long-lasting preparations!

2. Cucumber rolls with red currants for the winter

Not only tasty, but also a very beautiful snack. There is no shame in putting this on the table; it will undoubtedly become a decoration for your holiday. The recipe is designed for two half-liter jars.


  • Cucumbers – 1.5 kg
  • Red currant – 50 g
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Dill - 2 umbrellas
  • Mint - 6-8 leaves
  • Salt - 1/2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Vinegar - 2 teaspoons
  • Water – 500 ml

Preparation steps:

1. Cut the washed fruits into thin slices as shown in the photo. This is very easy to do using a regular vegetable cutter.

2. Coarsely chop the garlic cloves. Rinse the berries, it is important that the currants are on the branches, leave them to dry.

3. Wrap the cucumber slices into rolls as tightly as possible.

4. At the bottom of the jars, prepared in advance according to all the rules, place an umbrella of dill and a few mint leaves.

5. Let’s start filling them: first lay the rolls tightly, interspersing them with pieces of garlic. Then a few branches with red currants.

6. Place another dill umbrella and a couple of bunches of berries on top of the filled jar.

7. These are the beautiful filled jars you should get. Add a teaspoon of vinegar to them.

8. Fill the pan with water and place on the stove. After boiling, add salt and sugar to it. Stir until dry ingredients are dissolved.

9. Fill the jars to the brim with hot brine and roll up the lids.

Leave the snacks at room temperature for a couple of days, and then they can be put away in the place where all your preparations for the winter are stored.

Happy cooking!


This winter cucumber salad is very popular in our family. We prepare a lot of jars, and in winter the snack is eaten with great pleasure. I advise you to try it too step by step recipe below.


  • Cucumbers – 5 kg
  • Onions – 1 kg
  • Dill - 300 g
  • Vinegar 9% – 100 ml
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Pepper sweet pea- to taste

Preparation steps:

1. The fruits must be thoroughly washed; even soaking them for a couple of hours is not prohibited. Then cut the cucumbers into half circles, it doesn’t matter, it can be whole circles.

2. Remove the skins from the onions, rinse under cold water, then cut into half rings.

4. At this time, chop the greens. I use dill, but any other will do.

5. Take a large saucepan, mix vinegar with sugar and peppercorns.

6. Place the cucumbers and onions into the marinade. Place the pan on the stove, stirring over moderate heat, and bring the contents to a boil. Then place the salad in pre-prepared jars and close the lids.

Turn the jars upside down and wrap them up. After a day they can be put away in your pantry. Bon appetit!

4. Snack of cucumbers with mustard for the winter in jars

Fragrant crispy cucumbers, an indispensable snack for all times. Mustard will add a spicy taste. Preparation does not require much effort or time. But on winter feast days, the snack will be eaten with a bang.


  • Cucumbers – 4 kg
  • Vegetable oil - glass
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - glass
  • Dry mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Vinegar 9% - glass
  • Chopped garlic - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Ground black pepper - 2 teaspoons

Preparation steps:

1. Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, then cut them into circles half a centimeter thick.

2. Place the mugs in a larger container, add all the ingredients, including mustard, and mix. They should be left in this state for three to four hours.

3. During this time, it is advisable to occasionally stir the contents of the container.

4. The cucumbers will release juice during this time; this should be approximately the amount of brine.

5. The jars must be processed, that is, thoroughly washed and sterilized. Only after this fill them with snacks and fill them with brine from the container. Then close the lids tightly.

Happy winter snacks!

5. Korean cucumbers are the most delicious recipe for the winter

A very simple recipe to follow. Moderately spicy snack suitable for festive table with strong drinks. Yes and just with fried potatoes it will be very tasty.


  • Cucumbers – 2 kg
  • Carrots – 500 g
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Vinegar 9% - 1/4 cup
  • Vegetable oil - 1/2 cup
  • Salt - 50 g
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves

Preparation steps:

1. Peel the carrots, grate them on a special grater for Korean dishes, or simply chop them into small strips.

2. Cut the well-washed cucumbers into medium-sized cubes.

3. Place the chopped vegetables in a bowl, add sugar and salt. Peel the garlic cloves, chop finely with a knife, and place in a bowl. Then add vegetable oil and vinegar.

4. The contents of the bowl must be mixed thoroughly.

5. After this, cover the bowl tightly with a plate or cling film and then refrigerate for 24 hours.

6. Place the finished appetizer in clean small jars and pour marinade from a bowl.

7. Roll up the lids and move the jars to a cool place.

Korean-style cucumbers can be eaten immediately, or you can prepare them for future use for the winter. Eat with pleasure, treat your acquaintances and friends!

6. Recipe for sliced ​​cucumbers with garlic for the winter without sterilization

In such a snack you can use all the fruits that are not suitable for preservation in their entirety. Very convenient, and a snack with a bright taste that will not leave you indifferent. With young round potatoes it’s absolutely delicious.


  • Cucumbers – 4 kg
  • Garlic – 100 g
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar 9% – 200 ml
  • Vegetable oil – 250 ml
  • Ground black pepper - 50 g

Preparation steps:

1. Prepare the cucumbers, wash them, cut them into small thick slices.

2. Peel the garlic, chop it finely with a knife.

3. Place cucumbers, chopped garlic in a large bowl, add salt.

5. Sprinkle ground black pepper on top.

6. Mix the contents thoroughly so that every piece of cucumber is coated. Then you need to leave it in this state for several hours, at least two.

7. Distribute the cucumbers into jars, it’s convenient when they are the same volume.

8. Pour the cucumber marinade into each jar under the neck, and then close them tightly with the lids.

Enjoy the taste and aroma, bon appetit!

7. Video recipe for delicious sweet cucumbers in oil

Cook with pleasure, bon appetit!

Preparations for winter in my opinion are like this irreplaceable thing, without which it is difficult to imagine our life. It's delicious and also very convenient. Such snacks will not leave you hungry under any circumstances. Cook for your family with love, share our recipes with friends.