Orchids. Story. Varieties. Habitats. The birthplace of the orchid: where did the most mysterious flower originate? Choosing soil for phalaenopsis orchids

Orchid plants have blessed all continents with their presence except Antarctica. A logical question arises: in which of the known latitudes do epiphytic orchids (those that grow on trees) grow the most? Of course, this is the tropics, since this environment is most favorable for their growth.

In temperate latitudes, terrestrial herbaceous perennials can most often be found. In the post-Soviet space you can find 49 genera of Orchids.

Scientists have conventionally divided orchids into four climatic provinces:

We talked in detail about where orchids grow in nature and how they are classified in.

When was it first brought to Europe?

Europe first became acquainted with the orchid about 200 years ago. It was the species Bletia verecunda. There is evidence that the Spanish conquistadors brought the orchid back in 1510, but due to a lack of awareness proper care, the plants died. It was only possible to debug the growing process in 1840.

  1. Joseph Banks is considered to be the person who discovered the orchid for Europe. Europeans preferred tree species orchids.
  2. In England, the first orchid grown was Eulophia alta, which was sent from East India by Dr. William Houston.
  3. In 1778, John Fother brought Phaius tancervillae and Cymbidium ensifolium from China.

Meet the royal family

An important role for orchids in Europe was played by acquaintance with the royal family, which is where the fashion for collecting plants came from. Princess Augusta, mother of King George III, founded the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, where orchids grew under the care of Joseph Banks. The first catalog of these plants was compiled by Royal Botanic gardeners William Ayton and his son in 1974.

Admiral William Blay donated fifteen orchids from East India to the garden. Collecting orchids has become fashionable among wealthy amateur gardeners. This plant has become a kind of confirmation of status in high society.

Some species were put up for auction and the Rothschild dynasty and the Russians competed for the purchase. royal family.

The history of the appearance of various varieties

Today there are more than 35 thousand varieties of orchids, but the most amazing thing is that researchers in the tropics continue to discover new ones. Of course, the plant owes such diversity not only to nature, but also to the painstaking work of thousands of breeders from different countries.

When asked where the first man-made specimens came from, historians answer from England. Here, in the 19th century, a gardener, out of curiosity, began experimenting with the flowers of Cattleya guttata and Cattleya loddigesi. The seeds sprouted and the result was Cattleya Hybrid.

Does it need protection?

Despite the wide distribution and diversity of species, the orchid needs protection, as this amazing plant is being mercilessly exterminated in nature in the process of deforestation and improper procurement of raw materials for medicinal purposes. The issue of protection was raised at the end of the 19th century. The first protected species was the lady's slipper (more about rare and unusual varieties orchids can be recognized).

35 species of orchids are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Most countries preserve wild species of these plants in botanical gardens, nature reserves and national parks.

In Washington in 1973 they signed the Convention on international trade endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES)" According to this document, orchids are protected international organizations. The only exceptions are artificially bred new plants.

Legal trade in orchids can only be carried out with permission to export the plant from the country of origin, and it is also necessary to obtain permission to import it into the importing country.

Care and its features

On store shelves today there are mainly hybrid varieties orchids, which are very unpretentious in maintenance (read more about how to choose an orchid when buying, and from there you will find out what a plant passport is and whether it is issued in the store). For that, To admire exotic beauty at home, it is enough to fulfill simple requirements:

  • The ideal lighting for an orchid is diffused light for at least 12 hours.
  • The temperature regime for an indoor orchid should be within 20-27 degrees Celsius during the day and 14-24 at night.
  • Indoors it is necessary to maintain high humidity. You can place the plant next to the aquarium, or place a tray of water next to the orchid.
  • During the period of active growth, the orchid requires increased watering; the rest of the time, watering should be moderate.

Read more about how to properly care for an orchid at home, and from there you will learn what conditions a flower needs during its flowering.

- a noble plant that blooms profusely in both winter and summer.

With its appearance, any interior acquires sophistication and unique exotic appeal. The absence of difficulties adds advantages to the orchid in the matter of choice. pet from among the representatives of the flora.

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Indoor orchid - incredible beautiful plant, which, thanks to its attractive appearance, decorates the window sills of residential buildings and offices. The flower is quite demanding of its personality, since it was brought to us from abroad. Where to be home indoors, and what are the nuances of plant care?

Homeland of the indoor orchid

The remains of an orchid were first mentioned in the works of the outstanding philosopher Theophrastus in the fifth century BC. The plant was found in Verona, therefore, Italy is considered the flower’s native home. Theophrastus described the plant in a systematic treatise, where he indicated that the orchid has two tubercles at the base, which are very reminiscent of human ovaries.

However, one must get to the eleventh century, in China.

The Chinese praised the indoor orchid because they believed that it was capable of expelling evil spirits from the house. It was they who “tamed” and first began to plant the plant in a container. The blooming of orchids was associated with the onset of spring holidays.

Today, orchids are so popularized that they can be found in every corner of the world. Despite all its cuteness, the flower boasts voluminous sucker roots. Thanks to the roots, the plant can “grab” onto any surface, be it a stone, a tree or earthen soil. It is noteworthy that the orchid does not dry out in the air, so there is no vital need for soil.

  • There are more than 20,000 thousand species of orchids.
  • The plant has flower symmetry similar to the symmetry of a human face.
  • Orchid is the source of vanilla.
  • Some plant species can live up to 100 years.
  • This type of plant serves as the main ingredient for the preparation of an oriental drink - salep.

Over the past few years, the plant has gained wide popularity among modern gardeners. And all thanks to the variety of plant colors and long flowering. Most people think that the orchid does not do well in our climatic conditions, but it is worth saying that with proper care, you will be delighted with the unpretentiousness of this plant.

How to care for the “queen” of indoor flowers?

The indoor orchid reaches a height of 60-90 centimeters and a width of 15-20 centimeters. The color is bright and long lasting. home flower refers to evergreens, its leaves are distinguished by a rich green color. Proper care consists of:

  1. Maintaining and creating the correct humidity. In summer, with humidity in residential buildings no problem. In winter, a humidifier will come to your aid. You can spray the plant occasionally warm water, this will help moisten the leaves and remove such unwanted dust.
  2. Regular. An indoor orchid needs abundant watering, but it is worth remembering a sense of proportion. The next watering should be done only when the soil is dry. It is better to allow the flower to saturate itself with water through the root system.
  3. Replanting and feeding the plant. Indoor orchids need to be replanted every year in the spring. Renewing the soil and pot allows the root system to “breathe” and become saturated minerals. It is better to feed the plant using ready-made mineral supplements. But do not “overfeed” the plant, otherwise it has a chance to burn the roots.
  4. Compliance temperature regime. In principle, an indoor orchid is a heat-loving plant. IN summer period You can place the pot on the windowsill, but you should make sure that the sun's rays do not come into direct contact with the leaves - otherwise you will face a burn. In winter you should beware of drafts and frost.

In severe frosts, the flower must be protected from being on the windowsill. If you strictly adhere to these simple rules, then caring for an indoor orchid will not be too difficult and confusing, and the hostess will be able to enjoy long flowering plants.

Difficulties in growing orchids

Any plant needs something special. This is due to anatomical features indoor flower. What difficulties might a gardener encounter when growing indoor orchids?

Difficulties in growing orchids:

  1. Brown spots on leaves. Most often they point to sunburn. The housewife should take care to darken the place where the plant stands.
  2. The plant grows at an angle. Most likely he doesn't have enough light. If there are no problems with lighting, the reason may lie in poor watering.
  3. Plaque and fungus on the leaves. In most cases, the appearance of these problems is associated with dampness and cold in the room.

If the plant does not bloom, or blooms, but very sparingly, look for the reason in insufficient feeding mineral fertilizers or poor care. Caring for an indoor orchid can be reduced to maintaining humidity, regular watering, and proper care. With proper care, the plant is sure to respond to you with beautiful and long flowering.

Video about orchids at home:

Exotic flower with beautiful flowers And unusual leaves Every gardener has it on their windowsill.

Among ourselves we call it an orchid, but it is more correct to say that it is an orchid plant.

The resident of our house, which develops in a substrate of bark and moss, is more correctly called phalaenopsis, which has many varieties.

What is phalaenopsis: biological description

Orchids presented a large number of families and genera.

Phalaenopsis orchid is one of the most common for growing at home around the globe, it is the one most often sold in flower shops.

How to recognize it by external signs?

Phalaenopsis belongs to the epiphytic representatives of the orchid family, which have grown on the globe since prehistoric times.

The family numbers about 40 species, which will differ in flowers and leaves.

The general characteristics of the plant are:

  • Phalaenopsis leaves develop on a shortened stem;
  • In an adult plant usually 4-6 leathery leaves bright color. They are dense, evergreen, and can reach 5-30 cm in length;
  • Plant growth it always happens only upwards, phalaenopsis does not produce branches;
  • From the axils between the leaves the flower periodically drives out the peduncle, on which up to 100 flowers can appear. The arrows are usually branched;
  • Phalaenopsis flowers visually resemble butterflies, their color is variegated, sometimes interspersed with other shades are visible on the main color;
  • Root system represented by aerial roots, which is why Phalaenopses is classified as an epiphytic plant.

Distinctive feature plants is strong aroma during flowering.

Homeland of the orchid and distribution area

The homeland of phalaenopsis is considered to be the Southeast part of Asia., from here they spread throughout the humid lowland and mountain forests:

  • Philippines;
  • Indonesia;
  • North of Australia.

At home They grow hybrids that are bred by crossing several species.

Wild phalaenopsis will not survive in our latitudes, even if you try to create conditions identical to the tropics for it.

Hybrids for home growing

When purchasing a phalaenopsis in large flower shop Many people are faced with the problem of choice.

Sellers specify, what kind of flower you would like to have at home, and begin to list the types.

Let's find out what the differences are hybrid varieties Phalaenopsis orchids:

  • Standard It is considered the most common species for our latitudes. Its height together with peduncles is about 70 cm, a hybrid has large dense leaves, which can reach 35 cm in length. The expelled peduncle during the flowering period has a diameter of 1 cm, on the branches of which flowers of medium diameter are placed. Pot for an adult plant usually no more than 14 cm in diameter;
  • Royal phalaenopsis has larger flowers, unlike the standard. And the standard itself, derived from special technology, has large dimensions. The peduncle grows up to a meter, the leaves can reach 60 cm, and the flower has a diameter of up to 18 cm;
  • Close in description would be grandiflora. The height of the peduncle in this variety can reach a meter, and the leaf size can be up to 40 cm. There are not many flowers on the arrow, up to 10 pieces, but they please the eye for a long time;
  • Phalaenopsis midi are smaller in size, their height reaches only 45 cm together with the peduncle, the leaf is no more than 20. A subspecies of midi is orchid multiflora, with the same size, has smaller flowers, which are compactly placed on branched peduncles. On average, this variety can have up to 100 flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm;

  • Minis are different from the rest The miniature size of not only the flowers, the stem together with the peduncle grows to a maximum of 20 cm. The leaf size does not exceed 10 centimeters. Peduncle is low, and the flowers are small, collected in a cap-shaped inflorescence. A distinctive feature of the species is fragility of the whole plant. A pot with a diameter of 6 cm is sufficient for it;
  • Peloric is a modified flower, which looks different from its relatives. Phalaenopsis with the same name different colors, which was artificially created into a more refined form. There are several varieties of this type, the most common are considered butterflies and biglips;
  • Multi-flowered hybrid belongs to the species of medium height; together with the peduncle it reaches 55 cm. Most often kicks out a couple of flower stalks, each of which contains 12-14 flowers reaching a diameter of 5-7 cm.

Wild growing phalaenopsis in the house

As much as we would not like it, but brought from natural conditions growth trunks will not be able to take root in our latitudes.

No matter how hard flower growers try, wild phalaenopsis will die, there are several reasons for this:

  • Stress during transportation;
  • Inappropriate conditions of detention;
  • Fastidiousness of the wild kind.

This is what provoked the creation of hybrids, which adapt to environment faster and they won't be so picky.

Useful video

Look at the video to see what kind of phalaenopsis flower this is:

Educational video about what phalaenopsis is and its varieties:

Video tips on what diseases phalaenopsis orchids have:

Tropics in your home

If you decide to acquire such a marvelous flower at home, you should take care of creating a climate akin to it. The homeland of the indoor orchid is rich in warmth, light and humidity. The air temperature should be between 20-25 degrees. If the air temperature drops, the plant may not bloom on time or even get sick. Orchids - tender plants, and flowering takes a lot of their energy. If the plant is weakened and the peduncle has already been thrown away, then it is better to cut it off.

The flower is light-loving, but direct rays of the sun will be destructive for it. IN winter time it is better to place the plant on south side apartments, and with the onset of summer move to the eastern or western zone. When daylight hours are shortened, you will need to provide a flower additional source Sveta. For these purposes, you can use a fluorescent lamp. Place it at some distance from the plant; the orchid's daylight hours are at least 11 hours a day.

Life-giving moisture

Wet forests are the homeland of the orchid. Your pet will lack air humidity in your home. To organize her optimal conditions for life, place it near the aquarium or just put a bowl with water. As the water evaporates, the flower will receive life-giving moisture from the air. The plant needs to be moistened with water from a sprayer, but so as not to wet the flowers. Water should be distilled or boiled; it should be soft, warm and moderately hard. Water plays an important role in the life of an orchid; it is not only a means of nutrition, but also a temperature regulator.

Moderate watering

In summer you need to water the plant once every 3-7 days, in winter - no more than once a week. The soil should not be wet all the time. It should dry out thoroughly between waterings. Motherland indoor plants The orchid sometimes alternates between heavy rains and drought. It is during periods of stagnation that insects fly in to pollinate flowers, and the orchid prepares for this in advance. If we water less often, the plant will begin to flower.

Watering can be combined with fertilizing; 1-2 times a month is quite enough. For fertilizer, complexes special for orchids are used. When watering, make sure that water does not get on the axils of the leaves and the growing point. If this happens, remove the water with a cotton swab.

When watering, you should thoroughly moisten the substrate in which your orchid grows. Pour water well around the pot; excess water should completely drain into the tray under the pot. We drain it from the pan and repeat watering again.


Phalaenopsis is the most low-maintenance orchid. It was she who allowed professional flower growers to take a decisive step forward, and deservedly took one of the most prestigious positions in many greenhouses. The Phalaenopsis orchid is native to northeastern Australia, the Philippines and southeast Asia.

The plants have huge flowers that look like moths. Their colors can be very different, and the flower seems to be made of wax. Phalaenopsis does not require special humidity or temperature changes. It is hardy, blooms twice a year, and its flowers do not fade for several months. Phalaenopsis have another unusual feature. They can form shoots - babies in the axils of the peduncles. When such a shoot takes root, it can be separated and transplanted into a separate substrate.

Soil for orchids

The orchid is a very unusual homeland for indoor plants, and sometimes even flowers have to adapt to it. Almost all orchids are epiphytes; they grow not on the ground, but in the air on trees. They don't need soil at all. Their roots have mastered photosynthesis, so it is better to grow them in transparent pots.

You can easily prepare a mixture for growing orchids yourself. To do this you will need dry pine bark and dried sphagnum moss. The bark will need to be boiled, dried, and after a few days the boiling procedure will be repeated. After drying, chop the bark into small pieces and mix with moss. The “earth” for the orchid is ready. If you particularly wish, you can also use soil. In this case, soil, sphagnum and pine bark are mixed in equal parts. This is so comprehensive unusual orchid. The plant’s homeland came up with a very unusual soil composition for it.

Other types

Today we focused on the most common types of orchids on sale and how to create conditions for them to comfortable stay in your home. But when buying a flower, it is important to consider that there is still a remaining 10% of flowers that are not native to the tropics. The approach to such plants should be different. The homeland of the orchid flower may be completely different, so appropriate care will need to be provided. What is good for one species may be disastrous for another. Therefore, find out from the seller all the subtleties and nuances of caring for this amazing plant before purchasing.

The indoor orchid is an incredibly beautiful plant, which, thanks to its attractive appearance, decorates the window sills of residential buildings and offices. The flower is quite demanding of its personality, since it was brought to us from abroad. Where is the home of the indoor orchid, and what are the nuances of caring for the plant?

Homeland of the indoor orchid

The remains of an orchid were first mentioned in the works of the outstanding philosopher Theophrastus in the fifth century BC. The plant was found in Verona, therefore, Italy is considered the flower’s native home. Theophrastus described the plant in a systematic treatise, where he indicated that the orchid has two tubercles at the base, which are very reminiscent of human ovaries.

However, one must get to the eleventh century, in China.

The Chinese praised the indoor orchid because they believed that it was capable of expelling evil spirits from the house. It was they who “tamed” and first began to plant the plant in a container. The blooming of orchids was associated with the onset of spring holidays.

Today, orchids are so popularized that they can be found in every corner of the world. Despite all its cuteness, the flower boasts voluminous sucker roots. Thanks to the roots, the plant can “grab” onto any surface, be it a stone, a tree or earthen soil. It is noteworthy that the orchid does not dry out in the air, so there is no vital need for soil.

Amazing facts about orchids:

  • There are more than 20,000 thousand species of orchids.
  • The plant has flower symmetry similar to the symmetry of a human face.
  • Orchid is the source of vanilla.
  • Some plant species can live up to 100 years.
  • This type of plant serves as the main ingredient for the preparation of an oriental drink - salep.

Over the past few years, the plant has gained wide popularity among modern gardeners. And all thanks to the variety of plant colors and long flowering. Most believe that the orchid does not do well in our climatic conditions, but it is worth saying that with proper care, you will be delighted with the unpretentiousness of this plant.

How to care for the “queen” of indoor flowers?

The indoor orchid reaches a height of 60-90 centimeters and a width of 15-20 centimeters. The color is bright and long lasting. The house flower is an evergreen plant; its leaves are distinguished by a rich green color. Proper care consists of:

  1. Maintaining and creating the correct humidity. In summer, there are no problems with humidity in residential buildings. In winter, a humidifier will come to your aid. You can occasionally spray the plant with warm water, this will help moisten the leaves and remove such unwanted dust.
  2. Regular watering. An indoor orchid needs abundant watering, but it is worth remembering a sense of proportion. The next watering should be done only when the soil is dry. It is better to allow the flower to saturate itself with water through the root system.
  3. Replanting and feeding the plant. Indoor orchids need to be replanted every year in the spring. Renewing the soil and pot allows the root system to “breathe” and become saturated with minerals. It is better to feed the plant using ready-made mineral supplements. But do not “overfeed” the plant, otherwise it has a chance to burn the roots.
  4. Maintaining temperature conditions. In principle, an indoor orchid is a heat-loving plant. In the summer, you can place the pot on the windowsill, but you should make sure that the sun's rays do not come into direct contact with the leaves - otherwise you will face a burn. In winter you should beware of drafts and frost.

In severe frosts, the flower must be protected from being on the windowsill. If you strictly adhere to these simple rules, then caring for an indoor orchid will not be too complicated and confusing, and the owner will be able to enjoy the plant’s long flowering.

Difficulties in growing orchids

Any plant needs special care. This is due to the anatomical features of the indoor flower. What difficulties might a gardener encounter when growing indoor orchids?

Difficulties in growing orchids:

  1. Brown spots on leaves. Most often they indicate sunburn. The housewife should take care to darken the place where the plant stands.
  2. The plant grows at an angle. Most likely he doesn't have enough light. If there are no problems with lighting, the reason may lie in poor watering.
  3. Plaque and fungus on the leaves. In most cases, the appearance of these problems is associated with dampness and cold in the room.

If the plant does not bloom, or blooms, but very sparingly, look for the reason in insufficient feeding with mineral fertilizers or poor care. Caring for an indoor orchid can be reduced to maintaining humidity, regular watering, and proper feeding. With proper care, the plant is sure to respond to you with beautiful and long flowering.

Which country is the birthplace of the orchid? and got the best answer

Answer from Elena[guru]
Most bromeliads are native to the American jungle, where they grow among orchids on trees or on the forest floor. Until recently, this plant species was considered relatively young. But a new find in Australia has refuted this opinion. It represents a bee frozen in a piece of amber, on whose back pollen was found from an ancient orchid of the Goodyerinae subgroup. Interestingly, most modern orchids leave their pollen on the heads of the insects that pollinate them, and very few leave their pollen on their backs. Scientists have determined the age of the pollen found to be 15-20 million years. They also compiled an evolutionary tree for the orchid family and, with its help, calculated the age of the ancestral species of orchids - about 80 million years. This was the late Cretaceous period, when dinosaurs still existed. Apparently, some of them could well be walking among the blooming orchids.

Reply from Lana********[guru]
The countries that are home to orchids are Southeast Asia. The orchid represents splendor, favor and luxury. In Chinese symbolism, this is a perfect person, harmony, sophistication, love, beauty, feminine charm, the reclusiveness of a scientist.
Orchid is also Chinese character fertility and a talisman against impotence, as well as an emblem of beauty, learning, sophistication, friendship. In Chinese paintings, orchids in a vase symbolize harmony.
There are many legends and traditions associated with orchids. People in China loved this one very much beautiful flower, and in many countries Latin America For example, in Costa Rica, Venezuela, Guatemala and Panama, orchids have become the national flower and emblem.
The New Zealand Majori tribe had a beautiful legend about the origin of orchids. They were sure of the divine origin of these flowers. Long ago, long before humans, the only visible parts of the earth were snow-capped peaks high mountains. From time to time, the sun melted the snow, thereby forcing the water to flow down from the mountains in a rapid stream, forming amazing waterfalls. Those, in turn, rushed in seething foam towards the seas and oceans, after which, evaporating, they formed curly clouds. These clouds eventually completely obscured the view of the earth from the sun.
One day the sun wanted to pierce this impenetrable cover. Heavy tropical rain began to fall. After it, a huge rainbow formed, hugging the entire sky.
Admired by the hitherto unprecedented spectacle, the immortal spirits - the only inhabitants of the earth at that time - began to flock to the rainbow from all, even the most distant lands. Everyone wanted to grab a spot on the colorful bridge. They pushed and cursed. But then everyone sat down on the rainbow and sang together. Little by little, the rainbow sagged under their weight until it finally collapsed to the ground, crumbling into a myriad of small multi-colored sparks.
Immortal spirits, who had never seen anything like this before, watched with bated breath the fantastic multi-colored rain. Every particle of the earth gratefully accepted the fragments of the heavenly bridge. Those that were caught by the trees turned into orchids.
This is where the triumphal procession of orchids across the earth began. There were more and more colorful lanterns, and not a single flower dared to challenge the orchid’s right to be called the queen of the flower kingdom.

Reply from Ivan[guru]

Reply from DICK[guru]
Most of them are in Indonesia. And Russia has its own orchid - the Lady's slipper.
There are many legends, and they are different in each country.

Reply from Vladimir T[guru]
Orchids - (Orchid family, lat. Orchidaceae) - the largest family among monocots, numbering about 750 genera and from 20,000 to 25,000 species, according to some data - up to 800 genera and 35,000 species, this is almost 10% of all plants in the world. Nowadays, orchids are found on all continents except Antarctica. Distributed in almost all areas of the earth suitable for plant habitation. Most are concentrated in tropical latitudes. The name orchid comes from the Greek word orchis, which means testicle. In 1731, an English botanist was able to grow from a dried plant that he received from Bermuda. This flower is the first tropical orchid recorded to bloom in England. And already in 1818, William Cattleya developed the now famous genus of orchids Cattleya. The most famous orchid plant is Vanilla planifolia, from which vanilla is made. Most known orchids are epiphytes. Orchids can be the size of moss or can reach a height of 2 meters.