The right breakfast for weight loss. The right breakfast for weight loss

Is breakfast really that important? Some scientists believe that no: ancient people did not have the opportunity to have breakfast, because food first had to be obtained, which means that from time immemorial people have been “tuned” to a hungry morning.

But most nutritionists think differently: you can’t do without breakfast. And even if you don’t feel like eating after getting up, you need to force yourself - over time, the body will get used to it. We’ll tell you why this is so important and what’s best to eat for breakfast when losing weight in this article.

While you sleep, your body uses most of the carbohydrates stored in the liver, which, in turn, play an important role in maintaining proper blood sugar levels. If you skip breakfast, the body will immediately send a signal about this to the brain. This SOS can be so powerful that the rest of the day will go topsy-turvy - you indulge in too much for lunch or munch on something tasty throughout the day.

Most researchers have a clear opinion: people who do not skip breakfast have a much easier time controlling their weight than those who neglect this meal. An example is an experiment by scientists from America. They checked how things are with breakfast among people who are members of the National Weight Control Registry. The researchers' closest attention was paid to those people who lost more than 15 kilograms and were able to maintain this weight - a total of 2959 experimental subjects. It turned out that about 80% of them do not skip breakfast! And vice versa - those who forgot to have breakfast at least twice a week most often gained back some of the lost kilograms.

An unequivocal conclusion suggests itself: if you want to have beautiful shapes, you must eat in the morning. But, of course, not just any food: to lose and maintain weight, you need a healthy breakfast for weight loss. We’ll tell you what this means now.

What is your ideal breakfast for weight loss?

What to eat for breakfast when losing weight, when exactly should you eat it and what should you not eat under any circumstances?

A proper breakfast for weight loss must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Calorie content. If your goal is to maintain weight the right level, the first meal should include approximately 300-400 calories. A diet breakfast for weight loss should be slightly less high in calories - approximately 300-350 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates. Morning - perfect time In order to allow yourself carbohydrates - at lunch, and even more so in the evening, it is not recommended to abuse them. True, if you want to lose weight, even in the morning you should not eat sweets and starchy foods. It's better to opt for complex carbohydrates: whole grains, non-starchy vegetables, fruits. The norm of carbohydrates for breakfast is approximately 45-55% of the total volume. Roughly speaking, half.
  • Squirrels. They help us stay full throughout the day and also promote weight loss. The norm is approximately 15-20% of the total volume. What to eat for breakfast to lose weight when it comes to proteins? Ideal option eggs, nuts, a variety of dairy products, soy (milk or cheese), protein shakes.
  • Fats. Should be approximately 30% of total mass. But the fats must also be the right ones - not bacon or whipped cream, but, say, olive oil, avocado, nuts and so on.
  • Fiber. You can’t do without it either - about 25 grams per day must be eaten without fail. Found in the same fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts.
  • Sugar. As a rule, people with a sweet tooth cannot give it up completely - which means they need to reduce it to a minimum. The norm per day is no more than 36 grams, including what you consume with finished products. It is recommended to add no more than six grams to tea - that is, one and a half teaspoons. If you replace white sugar with brown sugar, honey, maple syrup or agave syrup, the consumption rate remains the same.
  • Time. The best breakfast for weight loss is the one eaten at right time. Ideally, half an hour to an hour after getting up. For those who train in the morning, it is better to divide breakfast into two parts: first, eat something lighter (carbohydrates), and an hour and a half after training, eat something richer (proteins).

Key mistakes: skipping breakfast completely, sharply reducing portions (this will provoke the body into an attack of hunger, stress and, as a result, weight gain), eating exclusively proteins or only carbohydrates in the morning. Remember: a proper breakfast should be balanced, timely and not hungry.

Diet breakfast for weight loss: recipes for morning treats

But enough theory - let’s talk about what to eat for breakfast to lose weight in more detail. We have put together for you several options for a healthy breakfast for weight loss - proper nutrition in the morning should be exactly like this.

Protein shake + egg

How to prepare: Blend two carrots, peeled and cut into small pieces, two cups of fresh spinach, half a frozen banana, a cup of unsweetened almond or soy milk, three tablespoons of protein mixture, one-eighth cup of spices - cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and raisins The first half of the drink should be consumed before training, the second - after, along with a boiled egg.

If for some reason you don’t like this protein shake recipe, you can replace it with any other one entirely devoted to this issue.

Oatmeal with nuts and fruits

How to prepare: mix 200 ml of water with the same amount of unsweetened soy milk. Pour half a cup of oatmeal into the mixture and cook over low heat until tender. Add a handful of berries, a tablespoon of chopped nuts and a teaspoon of maple syrup to the porridge removed from the stove.

Soy milk can be replaced with regular milk - most importantly, low-fat.

Buckwheat with milk

Another great recipe the right breakfast for weight loss, familiar to everyone since childhood, but no less relevant.

How to cook: pour two glasses of water into a glass of porridge, put on fire, bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat, add a pinch of salt and sugar (if you can eat it unleavened, it’s better not to add it), and boil for a quarter of an hour. When the water has completely evaporated, add two glasses of low-fat milk to the porridge and bring to a boil. Infuse the finished porridge for 10 minutes.

Apples with cottage cheese

This option is among the “long” breakfast recipes for weight loss. That is, prepare such a delicious dish for a quick fix you won’t succeed, but if you take care of this issue in the evening - delicious breakfast you are guaranteed.

How to cook: take five apples, 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a couple of spoons of honey, a few raisins, a pinch of vanilla. Cut out the cores of apples to make a kind of “cups”. Put the “minced meat” from the remaining ingredients there, and grease the fruits themselves with a small amount of water so that they do not burn. All this deliciousness needs to be baked in the oven for half an hour.

Now you have a rough idea of ​​what to eat for breakfast to lose weight. Try it different options breakfasts - and you will definitely find one that suits your taste!

Good afternoon.

Let's talk about what breakfast should be like if you want to lose weight. The question is actually not simple, since various examples There are many correct breakfasts, but it is very difficult to find explanations as to why it is this way and not another.

The thing is that the breakfast menu depends on which weight loss method you have chosen. If you are going to count calories, then one option will be preferable, and if your diet is low-carb, then another. I will not consider breakfast options for a specific diet. After all, for example, on a diet, everything is already laid out for us and there is no need to think about the menu.

And I want to figure out what principles are laid down in the morning meal in various systems of proper nutrition for weight loss.

What to eat for breakfast with proper nutrition to lose weight

So, the first thing we need to do is decide which weight loss system we will use. I repeat, if you are choosing from existing diets, then you do not need this article - the entire diet on diets is usually described in great detail. And I will analyze the power supply systems.

What's the difference? The fact is that a diet is a strictly defined set of products, scheduled according to the time of intake and quantity. And a proper nutrition system is a way to lose weight in which you yourself select the products that suit you, based on the basic rules of the system that you like best.

I identify three such systems for myself. Of course, there are more of them, but these are the ones that guarantee weight loss:

  • No carbohydrates
  • Low carb
  • Low calorie diet

Each of these systems has its own pros and cons, they imply a different set of products, and accordingly, breakfasts differ. Let's look at them in more detail so that in the future we don't get confused in a sea of ​​conflicting information about what kind of breakfast will be the most correct for losing weight.

No-carbohydrate nutrition system

The main principle thanks to which such a system works well is that for the period of following this system, you completely refuse to eat carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice and other grains, etc.).

In fact, there are only a few products left in your diet:

  • Meat (chicken, beef, pork) in any form (lard, minced meat, smoked, fried, etc.)
  • Seafood
  • Cottage cheese

Following such a diet leads to the fact that the body is deprived of an easy source of external energy (carbohydrates), and it has to start burning its own fat in order to obtain energy to maintain its vital functions.

This is not a bad idea, but only for a very short distance. Indeed, left without carbohydrates, the body at first quite easily partes with fat (especially if there is a lot of excess weight). In the first week you can get rid of 2-5 kilograms. And there are no problems with the menu at this time. The choice of meat products is quite wide and during this week your imagination will allow you to prepare a variety of dishes. Moreover, if carbohydrates do not enter the body, then there is no need to give up fried foods and mayonnaise, because all the fat that comes with food will also be burned and not deposited on the sides.

But somewhere around day 4-5, your mood and general well-being will begin to deteriorate. You will notice lethargy and fatigue. This is all due to the fact that carbohydrates are necessary to fuel our brain. Glucose, which is obtained from carbohydrates after they are processed by the digestive system, is the only source of energy that the brain can feed on. And you are depriving him of this

This is why we love sweets so much. This is the best food for the brain - pure energy

Nutritionists advise not to adhere to a strictly carbohydrate-free diet on an ongoing basis, because... this will inevitably lead to health problems. It is better to stick to protein-carbohydrate alternation (PCA). This is when you eat only protein for 2-3 days, and then return carbohydrates for one day. Well, this is very figurative. BUTCH is somewhat more complicated, if you are interested, I will write a separate article about it.

Proper breakfast menu without carbohydrates

The first thing that comes to mind for a purely protein breakfast is scrambled eggs and bacon. This, in my opinion, is the most delicious option.

If you cook in the evening, you can prepare stuffed eggs or fry meat in the morning (if you have a good appetite in the morning)

Well, if you need a quick snack, you will have to be content with dry cottage cheese or just cheese.

Not good large selection, in fact, but the carbohydrate-free nutrition system itself is suitable only for strong-willed and determined people. I myself have never stood on it for more than two weeks in a row. In addition, with such nutrition, breakdowns are inevitable, which lead to the immediate return of everything lost.

Losing weight on a low-calorie diet

This system already looks much more fun. You are probably very familiar with its principles: you need the total calorie content of food to be less than what the body needs to meet its needs. That is, you must expend more energy than it comes from food.

There is one plus, but a very significant one: you can eat whatever you want without exceeding the maximum daily calorie intake.

When losing weight, the following numbers are most often used:

  • for women - 800 kcal per day
  • for men - 1000 kcal per day

But this is precisely the downside. I have already written in which I spoke about the difficulty and large errors in calculating them. This system is quite arbitrary with a large number of assumptions. For example, the same 800 kcal for one girl will be very little, which can slow down weight loss due to a decrease in metabolic rate, but for another it may be enough that weight loss will not begin.

In general it is difficult. But if you spend a month and a half trying to determine how many calories you need to consume per day to lose weight, then this system will work.

Low-calorie breakfast menu for weight loss

Well, we will proceed from the generally accepted calorie content for weight loss of 800-1000 kcal. Nutritionists advise eating 4-5 times a day. This means you can afford about 200 kcal for breakfast. But the products can be absolutely anything. Choose and combine. But don't exceed it.

  • Green apple 1 piece (70 kcal)
  • 1 sandwich with cheese and boiled sausage (160 kcal)
  • Boiled buckwheat 100 grams (130 kcal)
  • Piece of cake 50 grams (150 kcal)
  • Oatmeal with milk 100 grams (88 kcal)
  • A glass of tea 200 ml (65 kcal)
  • Cup of coffee 100 ml (40 kcal)

The list of dishes is endless, take advantage and choose what you like. But remember when you get to daily norm, then you can only drink water from now on, because... it has no calories. Most people who use a daily calorie counting system sooner or later come to the understanding that it is better to eat the food that best fills the stomach (so as not to feel hungry), but also has the lowest calorie content. And these are various cereals, raw vegetables and fruits.

I repeat, the system, when correct use, good, but quite difficult to master.

Low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss

I left my favorite system for last.

As the name implies, the basic principle is based on the fact that carbohydrate intake is limited in the diet. But there is one point that I constantly pay attention to: if carbohydrates, albeit in limited quantities, are included in every meal, then you will still have to count calories so as not to accidentally eat more than you need.

I stick to “low-carbohydrate” in a slightly modified version:

  • to lose weight, remove carbohydrates from all meals except breakfast
  • To maintain the achieved result, we leave only dinner carbohydrate-free

I have already written more than once, I will not repeat myself, I will only say that with this method of eating there is absolutely no need to count the calorie content of foods. There are foods that you can eat in any quantity and it will not result in weight gain. On the contrary, they will contribute to the fact that the body will be forced to start burning subcutaneous fat. Isn't that great?

What to eat for breakfast: proteins or carbohydrates?

If you are following a low-carb diet and only eat carbohydrates for breakfast, then, of course, it is best to try to get by only on them. Why eat scrambled eggs in the morning if you can eat them at any other meal? It’s better to lean on carbohydrates, because, as we remember, this is single source nutrition for the brain. Therefore, give preference to porridge, pancakes with condensed milk, chocolate and do not worry that this will have a bad effect on your figure. It will not affect if there are no more carbohydrates that day.

And let me give you a couple of recipes original dishes, which will help you understand that the process of losing weight can be enjoyable. Quick and tasty - everything you need for breakfast.

Proper breakfast recipes for weight loss

Lazy oatmeal in a jar

A very popular dish due to its simplicity and deliciousness.

  • In the evening we take oatmeal (such as “Hercules”, no need to take instant oats)
  • Pour the required amount into a convenient container (the average portion for one is 3 tablespoons, you can put it in a regular liter jar) pour milk or yogurt (half a glass), mix, add your favorite ingredients (fruits, nuts, chocolate)
  • Close the lid and leave it in the refrigerator overnight

In the morning we enjoy an original and tasty dish on which we did not spend a minute of time, which is so valuable in the morning.

Cheese cakes with kefir


  • Kefir - 1 glass
  • Salt, sugar and soda - 1/2 tsp each.
  • Grated hard cheese - 1 cup
  • Ham or sausages (you can also use cottage cheese with herbs) - 1 cup
  • Flour - 2 cups


  • Add salt, sugar, soda to kefir. Mix well.
  • Now you need to crumble the cheese and add flour, and then knead the dough.
  • Roll the dough into a ball. Divide the resulting mass into 4-6 parts, roll out the cakes to about 2-3 mm thick and put the filling inside. Bring the edges of the cake together and roll it out very carefully again.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Now you need to fry cheese scones on both sides over medium heat, covering with a lid.
  • When golden brown, remove the cakes from the pan and serve. Ready!

That's all for today. I hope the article was useful to you.

Many of you have your own recipes for the perfect breakfast. Write them in the comments, we will collect them in a separate recipe section.

Good luck on your journey to the figure of your dreams.

I think a person who has set a goal lose weight I have heard more than once that proper breakfast is one of the main factors in the fight against overweight. But despite this, a number of questions still arise, such as:

  1. What to eat for breakfast to lose weight?
  2. Why is it important to have breakfast?
  3. How to have breakfast?
  4. What to do if there is no appetite?
  5. What should you do if after breakfast, after a short period of time, you want to eat even more?

In this article you will find answers to these questions that concern many people.

What to eat for breakfast to lose weight?

The ideal breakfast menu for weight loss must include:

All types of cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, rice, millet, corn). If you like porridge with milk, but want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, then cook the porridge in water and add milk to your plate. This will only improve the taste, and the calorie content will be significantly lower than if you cooked the porridge with milk. Do not use semi-finished cereals (the preparation of which does not require cooking). There are practically no useful substances in such products, and the calorie content is usually increased due to additives.

(meat, poultry and their by-products, fish, eggs, cheese, low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese, nuts). Eat meat, poultry and fish boiled, stewed or baked. It is better to eat eggs boiled or in the form of an omelet (cooked without fat).

Fats(natural butter, flaxseed, cedar, olive or other natural vegetable oil)

Fiber- vegetables that crunch when eaten (carrots, cabbage, beets, radishes, bell pepper, lettuce, cucumber and others). You can replace fresh vegetables with fiber for weight loss (for example, diluting it in low-fat kefir)

This combination of products provides the longest lasting satiety, satisfies appetite, supplies the body with necessary elements, and accelerates the metabolic rate by 30%.

After the main meal, you can treat yourself to your favorite treat (candy, cookies, buns, etc.). But the calorie content of such a supplement should not exceed 75 calories. In this case, there will be no harm to your figure, the weight loss process will not stop, and your appetite will be satisfied.

Examples of an ideal breakfast for weight loss:

  • Oatmeal with milk and butter, a piece of boiled chicken meat, vegetable salad, dressed vegetable oil or lemon juice.
  • Buckwheat with butter, a piece of stewed fish, vegetable salad, seasoned with vegetable oil.
  • Barley with meat and butter, a piece of cheese, low-fat kefir with added fiber.
  • Rice porridge, natural homemade liver pate with butter, vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil.

Why is it important to have breakfast?

Every day the body requires a certain amount of nutrients. Appetite is responsible for him receiving them. If in the morning, within 1.5 hours after waking up, the body does not receive useful substances, the blood sugar level drops, and in order to prevent it from becoming critically low, glucose and sugar are taken from the muscles (this may result in a feeling of weakness), the metabolism slows down (so that the supply lasts for a long time), appetite increases. This usually leads to large meals that occur in the second half of the day. The result is a greater number of calories consumed with a low metabolism (metabolism), which means a risk of gaining excess weight increases.

Conclusion: in order to speed up your metabolism by 30%, satisfy your appetite, and fill your body with the necessary elements, it is important to have breakfast!

How to have breakfast?

After waking up, drink 1 glass of pure water room temperature - this will help you wake up and start working gastrointestinal tract. Have breakfast within an hour and a half from waking up.

What to do if you have no appetite in the morning?

This usually happens because the last meal was too large and shortly before bed. You need to control your food intake ( best way– keeping a food diary and counting calories, you can read about it in this section). Last appointment food per day should be the smallest (compared to the rest) and 3 hours before bedtime. Within 21 days, your body will rebuild itself and in the morning, after drinking water, your appetite will appear!

What should you do if after breakfast, after a short period of time, you want to eat even more?

Perhaps your breakfast was unbalanced and included high-calorie foods that provide short-term satiety. In this case, you should reconsider your menu.

Either your meal did not have enough calories and nutrition and appetite not satisfied. You should also reconsider your menu.

If you have compiled your menu correctly, your breakfast was complete and balanced, and your appetite requires more after a short time, then perhaps it is telling you about insufficiency water balance(very often the feeling of thirst and hunger are similar). In this case you need to drink a glass clean water and monitor your water balance.

What to do if you don’t have time to prepare a full breakfast?

Some types of cereals require a long time to cook. To reduce it, you need to soak it overnight in cold water cereal in a ratio of 1 to 2 (one part cereal, two parts water). Then in the morning it will be prepared much faster.

The easiest way to increase the time you spend preparing breakfast is to get up early. A glass of clean water at room temperature will help you wake up faster and feel not only an appetite but also vigor.
To summarize: you learned what to eat for breakfast to lose weight, why it is important to have breakfast, how to have breakfast properly, what to do if you have no appetite in the morning, what to do if after breakfast after breakfast you want to eat even more, what to do if you don’t have time to cook full breakfast.

Have breakfast with pleasure and the results in losing weight will not keep you waiting!

Balanced healthy breakfast It will help you last until lunch and fill your body with vitality and energy. That's why we've collected 10 most effective recipes healthy breakfasts that will help you find slim figure.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 1

Why not start your day with oatmeal? This healthy porridge leads in the amount of useful vitamins and microelements. To diversify the taste of oatmeal, you can add fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables to it.

Only 200-250 grams of oatmeal per healthy breakfast, and the treacherous thought of chocolate will cease to be obsessive, and slim figure– will be closer. Oatmeal is quickly digested and does not settle as an unbearable burden on the waist and hips.

In order not to waste time at the stove in the morning due to the risk of the porridge burning, you can use the method of express cooking. It is necessary to fill the oatmeal with water and leave it in for 5-7 minutes. microwave oven. During this time, you will have time to apply light makeup, and the porridge will turn into a pleasant creamy mass.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 2

- an alternative to oatmeal. Buckwheat is generally a favorite product among those who want to lose weight. A small plate of porridge is not easy delicious dish, but also a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. It is no coincidence that the buckwheat mono-diet is known as the most effective and efficient.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 3

Smoothies are trendy and healthy breakfast, which is worthy of a bronze place in our collection of food for acquisition slim figure. easily. You need to add whatever you want to kefir or low-fat yogurt. Any vegetable that matches your taste is suitable for a vegetable smoothie. Fruity - as simple as shelling pears.

When all the components of the future breakfast have been determined, you need to blend everything in a blender. And to add satiety, you can mix the dish with a handful oatmeal. Ready! Delicious and healthy breakfast to gain slim figure on your desk.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 4

An omelet is a breakfast that is unique in its characteristics. It has many advantages: it is quick to prepare, varied in execution, tasty and healthy. To get creative with the taste of an omelet and add vitamin value to it, vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, green capsicum or bell peppers will not be superfluous in the egg mass.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 5

Delicious, beautiful and healthy breakfast for a slim figure prepared from low-fat cottage cheese with berries and honey. If you beat all the ingredients in a blender, you will get a juicy curd cream that has no extra calories, but only maximum benefits.

You can diversify the taste of a cottage cheese breakfast not only with the help of fruits. This dairy product good in combination with fresh herbs.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 6

Muesli homemade– real energy healthy breakfast for a slim figure. It should not be confused with store-bought muesli, which, unfortunately, is a storehouse of calories. It's easy to make your own muesli. It is necessary to lightly fry the flakes in a frying pan or heat them in the oven. This will add a nice flavor and added crunch.

And then just pour low-fat milk, kefir or yogurt over the cereal, add fresh and dried fruits, nuts and that’s it! Nutritious and very filling healthy breakfast for a slim figure ready. And, mind you, there will be no extra calories. Unless, of course, you overdo it with nuts and dried fruits.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 7

- a great start to the day. Any combinations are welcome. However, do not forget that grapefruit burns fat deposits, avocado gives you a feeling of fullness, and banana is high in calories, but for healthy breakfast it's not critical. A plate of fruit salad can fill you up, give you energy and increase your vitality. True, for the sake of preparing it you will have to sacrifice about 5-7 minutes of sleep, but for the sake of a beautiful slim figure, we think it’s worth going to such a feat as setting the alarm clock back a little.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 8

Unsweetened coffee with dark chocolate - a compromise healthy breakfast for those who cannot refuse their favorite drink and delicacy. However, you should only choose chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa. Otherwise, instead of benefit for slim figure All-bitter chocolate will begin to accumulate excess weight in the most problematic areas of the figure.

Healthy breakfast for a slim figure No. 9

Hard cheeses with a piece of whole grain bread - alternative option start the morning with healthy breakfast. Please note that the fat content of the cheese should not be very high, since cheese is a fairly high-calorie product. It is important that the sandwich is small. You shouldn’t limit yourself to miniature sizes in an effort to quickly achieve slim figure, because literally in an hour and a half you will have a desire to have a snack. And your task is to hold out after a cheese breakfast until lunch.

Is it good to drink for breakfast? natural coffee, rather than soluble surrogates, or black tea- these drinks help you lose weight. Get rid of cream and sugar in coffee - they will not bring any benefit.

Myths about breakfast

Television and media mass media instill in us stereotypes of breakfasts that should certainly be in every home, and we begin to consider them true. But is this really so?

The right breakfast for effective weight loss/

Let's talk about these myths in more detail:

  • Citrus juice for breakfast is actually not as healthy as people think. Due to fruit acids, it can irritate the stomach and cause discomfort, spoil tooth enamel and interfere with digestion. You should drink juice no earlier than an hour after breakfast.
  • yogurt with special bacteria, which in addition to nutrition also supposedly improves immunity, is in fact nothing more than advertising. Only yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 3-5 days and not from plastic jars can be useful. Widely advertised yoghurts from real yoghurts only have a name.
  • muesli, according to their manufacturers, is also an excellent breakfast, but the method of obtaining muesli is far from the principles of proper nutrition: the flakes lose some of the beneficial minerals and vitamins , and the fruit in the muesli is treated with gas to bright color. According to many studies, some muesli contains more fat than fried potatoes.
  • They say that it is harmful to eat cheeses for breakfast, they are fatty. But as we said above, a little fat in breakfast is only good, so a couple of pieces of cheese will provide a portion of protein and fat for strength and vigor. Just don't eat spicy and salty cheese.
  • There is also a myth that you shouldn't eat breakfast eat bananas because they are high in calories. Website opinion: Banana calories for breakfast are not dangerous; in addition, due to its structure, banana envelops the digestive system and activates peristalsis. In addition, bananas give a feeling of calm and relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

What can you eat?

You can create your own breakfast menu according to your wishes and capabilities, because eating tasty and healthy is not difficult.

Here are examples of breakfasts:

  • oatmeal with raspberries, toast with cheese and butter, black coffee ,
  • lavash with chicken and tomato, cocktail of berries with cereals and yogurt,
  • cottage cheese casserole with apple, green tea,
  • steam omelette with dill and feta, coffee with cinnamon,
  • buckwheat with vegetables and meatballs, black tea with lemon.

There can be many options for breakfast, it’s up to you what your morning diet and mood for the whole day will be. Proper nutrition gives vigor, and not extra centimeters on the waist. Breakfast is not a meal you should skip.

What did you eat for breakfast today?