Profession psychologist - is the profession of psychologist in demand in the modern world? Profession psychologist: pros and cons, as well as specifics of activity

There are many myths and confusion associated with the question of who a psychologist is. In the modern world, the profession of psychologist is one of the most popular and widespread.

The makings of this profession originated in ancient Greece, where specially trained people had long conversations with patients and tried to use this to cure their soul - or, in other words, “psycho”.

Over the course of several thousand years, much has changed in psychology, but the concept has remained virtually unchanged. The main role in this science is played by the inner world of a person - his conflicts, traumas, thoughts, emotions.

The nineteenth century was the century of biology, the twentieth - the century of physics, the twenty-first - the century of psychology.
Arkady Petrovich Egides

Who is a psychologist and why is he needed?

The word “psychology” is translated from Greek as “the science of the soul” (“psycho” - soul, “logos” - knowledge). Accordingly, a psychologist is a specialist who studies the inner world of a person, its relationship with the environment, as well as the psyche and its structure.

Only a person who has received an appropriate higher education can be called a psychologist. Depending on his qualifications and specialization, he can work with different age groups, as well as with various spheres of human life - family, business, educational, sports, etc.

There are several branches of psychology:

  1. General psychology – studies human mental activity;
  2. Personality psychology – studies the inner world of a person;
  3. Developmental psychology – studies the human psyche from birth to death;
  4. Educational psychology – studies methods of education and training;
  5. Psychology of communication – studies and solves problems of interaction between people;
  6. Medical psychology (more recently clinical psychology) - studies mental phenomena from the point of view of their relationship with diseases.
Most often, experienced psychologists work with several sections of this science at once, but there are also more narrowly focused specialists who work with only one of them.

Don't be confused. Unlike a psychiatrist, a psychologist deals with solving the internal problems of mentally healthy people - liberation from emotional traumas, complexes, establishing relationships with certain people, etc.

In order to carry out psychological activities, a psychologist does not need in-depth medical education, unlike a psychiatrist, who receives it first. A psychiatrist works with mentally ill people who have serious mental illnesses and disabilities.

The role of psychologists is currently very important - many enterprises, schools, and higher education institutions cannot do without these specialists. It is psychologists who resolve most conflicts and misunderstandings that arise during the work process.

Features of the profession

The work of a psychologist is based on communication with people, so a specialist in this field must have such personal qualities as:
  1. Stress resistance;
  2. Humanity;
  3. Goodwill;
  4. Listening skills;
  5. The ability to penetrate to the essence of the patient's internal problems.
A competent specialist will never allow himself to interrupt a client, infringe on his dignity, or belittle the significance of his internal problem. When communicating with a patient, the psychologist is faced with the task of establishing communicative contact with him and finding the most appropriate technique for solving the patient’s emotional issue.

There are several types of psychologists who specialize in communicating with clients:

  1. Consultant– a specialist conducting a conversation with a patient. The work of this psychologist comes down to discussing problems with the client, establishing communicative interaction with him;
  2. Art therapist– a psychologist who solves patients’ internal problems through artistic activities;
  3. Psychologist-therapist- a specialist who specializes in solving the patient’s internal problems with the help of bodily practices;
  4. NLP psychologist– a specialist who helps solve problems by selecting individual techniques for developing mental, spiritual, and creative abilities.

Clinical Psychology

Clinical psychology is one of the most developed and most complex branches of psychology. It is aimed at studying and diagnosing a person’s personality, his inner world, emotions and experiences from the point of view of their relationship with mental illnesses or disorders.

A clinical psychologist is a specialist who helps his patients get rid of the consequences of severe nervous breakdowns and injuries, find inner peace, and rehabilitate mentally after certain traumatic situations. Clinical psychology is borderline with psychiatry, but its scope of activity is broader and is not aimed at the rehabilitation of mentally ill people. Much attention in this branch of psychology is given to the unconscious.

Clinical psychology considers human behavior and his inner world as a reaction to certain psychological and physical traumas, complexes and disorders.

The clinical psychologist most often encounters:

  • Victims of psychological or physical violence;
  • People with disabilities who experience deep emotional feelings about their physical characteristics;
  • Patients experiencing a deep spiritual crisis (for example, due to the death of a loved one);

In addition to all of the above, a clinical psychologist can work with patients who do not have serious psychological disorders - married couples, children, adolescents and the elderly. In this case, he helps patients adapt to a particular life situation.

Clinical psychology includes several subfields, each of which is closely related to the other. When diagnosing a patient’s psychological health, indicators from all sectors are taken into account:

  1. Pathopsychology– studies mental disorders from the point of view of damage to the central nervous system;
  2. Neuropsychology– studies human behavior and character from the point of view of the functioning of the brain and nervous system;
  3. Psychosomatics– a section of clinical psychology that studies human behavior and psychological state from the point of view of physical diseases;
  4. Psychological therapy– a section of clinical psychology aimed at the internal rehabilitation of a person, his ridding of traumatic memories and methods of behavior.
Clinical psychology, when working with a patient, uses methods such as testing, conversation, collecting information about treatment or diseases, experimental methods, and diagnosing the patient’s creative products.

Psychologists in Russia – average salary

In order to become a highly qualified specialist, you must obtain a diploma of appropriate education. Today, there are various psychological courses, but a certificate of completion is sometimes not enough to get a job.

A psychologist's salary depends half on the quality of his education and the scope of his activity - research, scientific (experimental psychologist, psychologist-scientist), practical (clinical psychologist, child psychologist) and teaching (psychology teacher). How much a psychologist earns is a controversial issue, since in most cases the salary is in proportion to the personal qualities of the psychologist.

Factors that influence the income level of a specialist in the psychological field are:

  1. Quality of education and its degree (master's, bachelor's, postgraduate);
  2. Work experience – experienced specialists are paid on average 1.5 times more than beginning psychologists;
  3. Type of education received (clinical psychologist, general psychologist, child psychologist, etc.);
  4. Organization or place of work of a psychologist (in developed companies, consulting psychologists receive more than psychologists working with children in kindergartens).
In different cities of Russia, the salary of a psychologist depends on the subsistence level of the region. The average income of a psychologist is 20,000 rubles. The highest income for specialists in the field of psychology is noted in Moscow - on average about 30,000 rubles.

The cities of Kazan, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk are in second place in terms of average wages - a little more than 20-25 thousand rubles. In other cities, psychologists receive from 11 to 17-20 thousand rubles, depending on work experience.

In some organizations, employees are rewarded with high bonuses. Sometimes the average salary of a psychologist can increase by 1.5-2 times, the better and more competent he is as a specialist.

Psychological fact: emotional pain lasts 12 minutes.
Everything else is self-hypnosis.

Psychologist as a specialist by heart

Now, after answering the question, who is a psychologist, you know what features this profession has. The more the life of society develops, the more varieties of psychology appear. However, clinical psychology still remains the most extensive.

Psychology arose more than two thousand years ago, when people first began to think about the relationship between the soul, body and emotions and the influence of these three components on human behavior and character.

Do you think modern society is capable of existing without this science? And if so, how can a person learn to independently find a way to himself in difficult emotional experiences? Share your opinion in the comments and be your own best psychologist!

Every year in modern society the profession of a psychologist is gaining more and more popularity. Is she as good as she seems at first glance, what are her strengths and weaknesses?

The profession of a psychologist in the modern world is relevant, prestigious and popular more than ever. Many educational institutions, industrial enterprises, rescue and human assistance services have specialists who help troubled souls find a way out of problematic situations. Almost every university graduates psychologists - demand creates supply.

What is psychology? From ancient Greek this word is translated as “the science of the soul,” because psychological problems have long been considered spiritual wounds. Even now in our dictionary there is such a word as “mentally ill,” although we all already know that the problems of such people are embedded in the brain. Psychology studies thought and emotional processes, personality structure, ways of connecting a person with the outside world, the subtleties of communication and relationships, and the specifics of self-perception. Psychology is divided into theoretical and practical. The first is engaged in the study of normal and abnormal mental states, the second is in the correction of problems.

It is not difficult to become a psychologist today. You can go to university if the decision to help people came at a young age. If this is a mature decision, then you can leave your existing higher education as a base and take courses, of which there are a huge number offered today. The main thing is not to fall for the scammer’s bait: find out thoroughly about the institution and teachers, get feedback, and ask what kind of knowledge is given in these courses.

How to become a psychologist?

Studying to become a psychologist and becoming one are not quite the same thing. Let's start with the fact that not everyone knows thoroughly how psychologists differ from psychotherapists and psychiatrists.


Psychotherapist and psychiatrist are medical specialties that are in demand in hospitals and various medical centers. They require a medical education, since doctors in this specialty must know human anatomy, prescribe medications, and be able to carry out diagnostics using various equipment.

Psychology is a humanitarian field that does not require medical education. It reveals the mechanisms of mental processes and provides an understanding of the reasons for their violation. Help for patients is provided through explanatory conversations, trainings, and practices.

Family psychologistWhere to go with a diploma in psychology? Of course, everyone dreams of opening their own office to earn good money from consultations. But the fact is that a private psychologist is, first of all, a name and reputation; a beginner will not be able to make a profit by renting an office and hanging advertisements on poles. Therefore, you first need to work in a government structure. This:

kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities;

rehabilitation centers (teenagers, victims of domestic violence, prisoners, people with addictions, etc.);

rescue services (EMERCOM, ambulance service);

military units;

sports facilities.

After obtaining some practice, you can aim for the position of psychologist in a private enterprise - a factory, design bureau, IT company. Here psychologists participate in personnel selection, organize trainings, develop corporate ethics, and, of course, conduct personal conversations. They are responsible for the positive, efficient and creative attitude of the team.

Private practice is conquered by those who have been working in the field of psychological assistance for a long time, have proven themselves well and already have a small circle of private clients. Psychologists often combine work in government agencies and private practice.

The advantages of being a psychologist

1. Help people

It's nice to know that you did something important. Psychologists save people from suicide, help solve family problems, and give advice in resolving conflicts. Every life saved, family saved, or person who doesn’t fall on a slippery slope is on the account of a psychologist. And when you know that you are bringing benefit to people, you understand that your life has not been lived in vain.

2. Help yourself

Child psychologist Many go to study to become a psychologist in order to understand themselves, to understand their own problems. According to statistics, a quarter of psychologists themselves have psychological problems. Is this good or bad? Practicing psychologists often become people prone to depression, and in this case this is even good. Firstly, they can understand the patient like no one else, because they themselves have encountered his troubles. In addition, helping others is considered the best cure for depression. People who are aware of their importance and necessity are less likely to suffer from decadent states.

3. Experience human depth


We have penetrated the depths of the earth, dived into the ocean, soared into space, split the atom... But we still do not know ourselves thoroughly. Man is the most unexplored area of ​​science. But even the knowledge that we have is amazing. Having studied even the very basics, we understand how interesting and unforgettable it is to penetrate into the deep layers of human souls and understand them. And at the same time, the specialist will always have room for new discoveries.

Disadvantages of being a psychologist

1. Emotional burnout

During their practice, psychologists have to face the worst nightmares of the human psyche. They will always see someone else's grief, they will look into their eyes, looking for sympathy and solutions to problems.

If a psychologist works in a school, then he will deal with children who are beaten by their parents, teenagers who are drug addicts and thieves, young hooligans - in general, the most problematic students. If he works in a psychological or physical rehabilitation center, he will see dozens of mutilated bodies and lives every day. The list can be continued for a long time, but the meaning is the same - the psychologist will have to see the most painful side of human essence. Will he be able to stand it? This needs to be realized and decided in advance.

2. Vest for a friend

“Oh, you’re a psychologist! Please advise what to do, I have this situation here...” Every acquaintance and semi-acquaintance, hearing that you are studying to become a psychologist or working as one, will ask for help or advice. Many people have to politely refuse and advise them to sign up for a consultation. Naturally, not everyone likes this - only people who understand are able to agree that a psychologist at least sometimes wants to take a break from the burden of other people's problems. But there are many who will be offended and consider you an evil and callous person. There's nothing you can do about it.

3. No room for error

Being a psychologist is not just a job. This is a vital role. A psychologist, like a politician, a judge or a teacher, must have a sparkling, crystal-clear biography. He is obliged to take care of himself, because for people he is something like a worldly priest - they open their souls to him, let him into the most hidden corners of their lives. Can a family psychologist who has three divorces under his belt work in his specialty? Will a patient with alcohol addiction trust a psychologist? “Healer, first heal yourself,” they will tell him. And really, how can you help others if you can’t help yourself?

What personal qualities does a psychologist need?


To become a psychologist, you must first of all be an altruist, since in such a profession no money can compensate for the emotional difficulties that a specialist faces. Only love for people can become a saving beacon, helping to understand why this is all being done. You need to have a lot of responsibility, because for many patients a psychologist is the only hope. You need to be stress-resistant, because clients can be different, including hostile ones. You need to be tactful and delicate, because there are touchy patients. And, what is very important - sociable. Anyone who is able to communicate for a long time and not experience emotional fatigue can become a good psychologist. If you get tired of communication, then think again - is this your thing?

The essence of the psychologist's profession is to disassemble, brick by brick, all the motives and factors that guide people's behavior. If we draw a parallel, then a psychologist is a mechanic of the human soul who understands how this whole complex and intricate device works and is able to fix it in case of problems.

Correctly answer the question “what does a psychologist do?” Not everyone can. If you focus on films and television shows, it will seem as if the psychologist is engaged only in having intimate conversations with clients and drawing thoughtful and at the same time obvious conclusions.

Yes, the profession of a psychologist is associated with working with people and helping them in difficult or unusual situations. The essence of the work depends on the specifics of the specialist. Some help people adapt to a new team, others support people after accidents, injuries or misfortunes, others help them choose a profession, others help them achieve high results (in sports, business or other areas of life), others teach them new skills, others work with children, and so on. further.

A psychologist is an applied profession; there are no generalists in this matter. Each such specialist works in his own narrow field.

Places of work

If previously the position of psychologist was available only in educational or health care institutions, in recent years there have been significantly more such specialists. Psychologists work:

  • in training centers;
  • in social institutions;
  • at labor exchanges and career guidance centers;
  • in military institutions;
  • in the sports industry;
  • in some commercial companies.

In addition, many specialists work for themselves - they are engaged in private practice.

Responsibilities of a psychologist

Depending on the type of activity of the organization, the job responsibilities of a psychologist may be as follows:

  • conducting psychological trainings;
  • consulting and helping people in difficult or critical situations.
  • assessment of people's psychological qualities;
  • consulting management on team management issues;
  • child development and education;
  • adaptation of workers to new conditions or team.

A number of companies also provide for other functions of a psychologist: conducting business or educational games, recruiting personnel, writing articles and books, etc.

Requirements for a psychologist

Since the areas of work can be different, the psychologist must know different things. A psychologist in the human resources department must understand the procedure for conducting employee certification. A specialist working with athletes must know sports psychology and understand this sport.

Here are the general requirements for a psychologist:

  • higher education;
  • work experience (in a specific area).

How to become a psychologist

To become a psychologist, first of all, you need to graduate from a university in your specialty. Secondly, you need to choose a specialization that interests you. Now there are a lot of specializations: educational psychologist, clinical, social, sports, school, children's, military psychologist and many others. This choice will determine your development and learning path and help determine the mental health skills you need to have.

In general, psychologists most often become psychologists by vocation, and not because of education. Some people, having overcome serious difficulties in their lives or achieved great success, decide for themselves to help others in these same matters. Someone successfully quit smoking and decided to devote themselves to treating other smokers. A mother who raised three children can become a great child psychologist.

For this reason, education is secondary, but in our society it can be difficult to get a job without a diploma.

Pros and cons of the profession of psychologist

The advantages of being a psychologist include its usefulness for oneself. Even if you don’t succeed in getting a job in your specialty, the knowledge will be useful both in everyday life and when working in other areas - for example, in management.

The second plus is the high demand for specialists.

At the same time, the main advantage that psychologists themselves note is simply the pleasure of work, the understanding of one’s need not only for the employer, but also for people in general.

The main disadvantage of the psychologist profession is the constant stress caused by difficult situations and the behavior of clients. The most difficult thing is to regulate your own condition so that it does not affect either clients or the quality of work.

Psychologist resume sample

Psychologist salary

Depending on the organization, a psychologist’s salary ranges from 18 to 60 thousand rubles per month. According to experts, a psychologist is one of the most interesting and low-paid professions. The average salary of a psychologist is approximately 30 thousand rubles per month.

If we talk about specialists who have opened their own private offices, then it is extremely difficult to estimate their income. There are psychologists who earn a lot of money, and there are those who work for food and ideas.