Laths for fastening siding. How to properly install vinyl siding. Preparatory work

In a private home there is always something to repair, for this reason it is better to have your own tool. If you don’t have the tool, you can buy it before finishing the house with siding. Believe me, it will not gather dust idle after laying the siding with your own hands is completed. So, to carry out the work you will need to purchase:

  • A screwdriver is the main tool, which is simply impossible to do without, since it is with the help of it that most work is carried out. For example, the self-tapping screws for fastening metal hangers are tightened, the profiles and the siding panels themselves are fastened;
  • The building level is necessary for leveling frame elements and siding panels. You can use either a regular building level or a more expensive laser level;

Tip: when working with a metal siding frame, it is convenient to use a regular building level, which is additionally equipped with magnets. Using magnets, the level can be installed on the profile and not held, this greatly facilitates the work of leveling the subsystem.

  • Drill with impact drilling function or hammer drill. The tool is necessary if you plan to decorate with siding a house whose walls are made of brick or concrete. Additionally, you will need to have a drill or drill, the diameter of which will correspond to the diameter of the dowels used;
  • Metal scissors. The tool is simply necessary, because when assembling the frame, you will need to trim the metal profile, and this is impossible to do without scissors;
  • Roulette. To carry out siding installation work, it is convenient to use a tape measure with a magnetic tip;
  • Angle grinder (Bulgarian). Convenient to use for trimming metal profiles, as well as siding, regardless of what material it is made of;
  • Construction stapler and staples for installation of vapor barrier material;
  • A stationery knife or any other sharp knife for cutting insulation and vapor barrier;
  • Stepladder or ladder for access to the upper part of the facade;
  • You will also need an axe, hammer and nail puller. When decorating a house yourself, there is always something to pull out, knock on, and trim.

Advice: to facilitate installation in the upper part of the facade, special scaffolding is used. If the height of the house is more than one floor, such scaffolding can be built up, thereby providing access to the highest point.

Work algorithm

Next, let's move on to studying how to install metal siding with your own hands. The instructions for dummies include the following sequence for covering a house with siding with your own hands:

  1. Calculation required quantity materials;
  2. Preparatory work;
  3. Installation of vapor barrier;
  4. Installation of insulation;
  5. Marking for subsequent installation of the frame;
  6. Subsystem installation;
  7. Siding installation;
  8. Installation of additional elements.

Material calculation

To carry out the installation of siding panels, it is necessary to calculate in advance the required amount of materials. To do this, you need to measure the length and height of all walls that need finishing, and then calculate their area.

Tip: to calculate the required amount of materials, only the clean area of ​​the walls is used. To determine it, it is necessary to subtract the total area of ​​all windows from the rough area.

To determine the required amount of metal profile in linear meters, you need to multiply the net area of ​​the walls by a factor of 2.2. The resulting result can be divided by 3, thus finding out the number of pieces of the profile.

To install each profile, six metal hangers are required, thus, by multiplying the number of profiles by six, you can find out the exact number of hangers.

It is not difficult to calculate the required number of screws or dowel nails for attaching hangers. You will need two of them per suspension, so you need to multiply the number of suspensions by 2 and get the required number.

Insulation, for sale cubic meters, respectively, multiplying the net area of ​​the walls for finishing with siding by the thickness of the insulation, you can find out the volume of material that will be needed for the work.

The siding itself for finishing a house is calculated quite simply, since you can calculate the area of ​​one siding panel, then divide the net area by the area of ​​one panel and find out the required quantity.

Self-tapping screws for assembling the frame and fastening the panels are calculated based on the clean area that needs finishing. For every square meter of area, 50 screws will be required.

After everything has been done and the material has been purchased, you can begin installing the metal siding yourself. The step-by-step instructions advise starting work from the preparatory stage.

Preparatory work

Tip: If the work is carried out in a new house that does not yet have window trim, at the preparatory stage you can check the integrity of the window sealing material and, if necessary, foam the defective areas using polyurethane foam.

The preparatory stage includes the following work:

  • Dismantling of window sills and slopes;
  • Removing drain pipes and their fastenings;
  • If there are lighting fixtures on the walls, they also need to be dismantled, and after work on siding the house, the lanterns will be mounted back on the wall. Work on removing and moving lighting lamps must be carried out in compliance with safety precautions. The best option is to entrust such work to a professional electrician;
  • Inspecting walls for defects and eliminating them. Seal cracks using polyurethane foam; if the house is wooden, you can treat them with an antiseptic solution, which will prevent corrosion of the material and additionally protect it from the negative effects of moisture.

Installation of vapor barrier and insulation

After the preparatory work, before assembling the frame, it is necessary to install a vapor barrier and insulation.

Important: if polyurethane foam is used for insulation, then there is no need to install a vapor barrier and you can immediately begin marking and installing hangers. Work on the insulation of the facade can be carried out both after the frame is installed and before its assembly, and after the frame has already been assembled.

The vapor barrier is fixed vertically with an overlap of 10–15 cm. If the walls of the house are wooden, then the work is carried out using a construction stapler, otherwise additional dowels with washers placed under the screw head will be needed for fastening.

After installing the vapor barrier, thermal insulation is laid and secured using dowels for insulating materials. At this stage, there is no need to secure the thermal insulation to a large number of dowels, since in the future it will be securely fixed using hangers for the metal profile installed on top of it.


When marking, you need to remember the basic rules for installing the frame; adhering to them, you will not be able to make mistakes when installing the frame. The basic rules for installing a subsystem include the following mandatory requirements:

  1. The frame must be installed in such a way that the distance between the nearest profiles does not exceed sixty centimeters;
  2. At the corners of the walls, at a distance of no more than 10 cm from them, a profile must be installed without fail;
  3. If you plan to install vinyl or acrylic siding, then it is necessary to make special corner jumpers on which the corner strip will be attached in the future;
  4. Profiles must be installed on all sides of windows and doors;
  5. The pitch of the hangers holding each of the profiles should be no more than sixty centimeters.

Frame assembly

Work on assembling the frame begins with the installation of the outer profiles. They must be secured strictly vertically. The location is controlled using a level. Next, between the outer profiles, for ease of installation of the remaining frame elements, you can stretch several rows of construction cords. As a rule, three rows are made (at the very bottom, in the center and at the top).

After the frame is assembled, you can check the correctness of its installation using a metal rule or profile. To do this, you need to press the rule to the frame, grabbing at least three profiles. If the rule is pressed tightly against all three elements of the system, it means that the assembly was carried out correctly, otherwise, when curvature is observed and the rule is not pressed tightly, it is necessary to carry out work to eliminate the causes of this phenomenon.

Installation of metal siding panels

Metal siding, unlike its plastic counterparts, has sufficient rigidity and can be installed without additional elements. For example, such as corner or near window trims.

You need to start work on attaching the siding to the frame from the bottom and gradually work your way up. To attach the first strip of siding, you can use a starting strip, which must be leveled horizontally and firmly attached to the frame using 13mm psh-tapping screws.

If desired, you can do without the starting one; in this case, the siding strip is immediately leveled and attached. To prevent the lower part of the siding from dangling, it is secured to the profile with self-tapping screws.

Important: when attaching metal siding without an additional starting strip, the bottom row of screws holding the strip of siding will be visible. If this is unacceptable, you must use a starting strip for installation.

The length of one strip of siding is six meters. In the event that this is not enough to cover the entire width of the wall, a special connecting profile is used to connect the siding strips. It is installed strictly vertically, in the place where the siding panels are planned to be joined. To install a connecting profile in a place where there is no frame element, you can make horizontal jumpers between two adjacent profiles. The distance between jumpers should not exceed 0.6 m.

After the first strip has been installed and its horizontal position has been checked, the next strip can be installed. To do this, the technological bend on it is installed in the groove of the already mounted strip, after which it is secured in the upper part. The siding is fastened using PSh self-tapping screws, no more than 13 mm long.

Advice: if preparatory work and the work of installing the frame can be carried out alone, it is not so easy to cope with the installation of six-meter strips of siding alone. It is much more convenient to carry out installation with an assistant.

Fastening plastic strips of siding

Unlike metal siding, plastic version does not have sufficient rigidity and for this reason must be installed in compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and together with additional structural elements. Thus, the installation of plastic siding begins with the installation of corner and, if necessary, connecting strips. All recommendations for proper installation of siding can be found on the product packaging. But we will still consider the particularly important points. The first point is the need to maintain gaps that compensate for the thermal linear expansion of the product. The gap should be at least 0.5 mm and no more than 1 cm.

The second point is that plastic siding, unlike metal siding, must be secured in such a way that the installed panel can be freely moved to the left or right, to the distance provided by the technological perforation. To achieve this result, when attaching plastic panels siding, the fastening screws should be installed approximately in the middle of the perforation and not tightened to the end.

By observing these simple rules installation, you can be confident in the quality of the final result.

Below you can watch a video description of how to install siding with your own hands; the video shows step by step the entire process of finishing the facade; in fact, these are instructions for installing siding, with a step-by-step process discussed in video format.


Above, we familiarized ourselves with how to install siding with our own hands. The described step-by-step instructions are quite detailed, but still do not include all the necessary information. Siding installation work is not difficult if you follow the instructions. The main thing when installing plastic siding is to maintain the gaps and install the fastening screws so that the siding panel can move freely to the distance provided for by the mounting perforations.

The siding installation diagram may differ depending on the material from which it is made. Sheathing a house with metal siding is a little easier for a novice craftsman than studying the instructions for installing plastic siding and carrying out the work, observing the required order and technical recommendations the manufacturer of this material.

When choosing a reliable material for cladding the outside of a house, great attention should be paid not only to its protective, but also to its decorative properties.

Most suitable option is siding. Therefore, we invite you to find out how to cover a house with siding yourself.

Before you start self-installation sheathing material, consider whether your skills are suitable for the job ahead.

When in doubt, consider this fact: About 70% of warranty claims are rejected by the manufacturer due to poor installation procedures.

However, if you have enough experience and skill, working without hiring workers will save you a lot of money.

What to consider before installing siding

Low price, ease of installation - these are the fundamental success of siding. In addition, we are pleased with the variety of materials from which siding is made:

  • tree;
  • iron;
  • base;
  • vinyl.

The wooden version is considered the most expensive and therefore rare.

Moreover, wooden parts need periodic maintenance, because wood is susceptible to rotting, which reduces its service life.

Iron siding also has not gained much popularity: it is used only for finishing non-residential buildings.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the advantages of the iron version are obvious: fire resistance, strength, durability, wide color palette, giving scope in the decoration of buildings.

But the disadvantages are also significant: corrosion gnaws at the metal, and its significant weight makes work difficult.

Roughly speaking, basement siding is not primarily different from vinyl. They are both made of polyvinyl chloride. However, the first one is thicker and stylized as a stone, which makes it look very impressive. It is usually used to finish the lower part of the house to protect it from precipitation.

But due to prices, ease of installation and other factors, the most common remains vinyl siding. Its panels have a two-layer structure: one layer protects the facade and preserves the properties of the material.

The main features that make vinyl panels so popular:

  1. impressive service life (up to 50 years);
  2. resistance to rotting and corrosion;
  3. no need for additional processing;
  4. installed on various surfaces;
  5. ease of care - you need to keep it clean to keep it beautiful appearance buildings.

After considering all types of material and their properties, you can begin to work.

Video - Do-it-yourself siding installation

Stage one: estimate for siding installation

First, it’s worth calculating the volume of siding for installing the facade. This can be done independently by measuring the area of ​​the surface to be covered and the parameters of the panels. But don’t forget about scraps and other things that consume plastic.

To avoid embarrassment, we suggest you contact specialists who sell siding. Before purchasing, please provide the dimensions of your home and receive a free estimate of the required quantity of goods.

Stage two: tools

To decorate the outside of the house you will need:

  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • circular saw;
  • regular saw;
  • cord plumb line;
  • fitter's square;
  • pliers;
  • spirit level (level).
  • Take care of protection - gloves and construction glasses.

Stage three: frame and sheathing for siding

Advice: if there are irregularities or old cladding that must be removed before starting work, the frame - prerequisite! In other cases, you can do without it.

To build the frame you will need slats regular width. Install them at right angles to the direction of the siding panels. The guides should be separated by 45cm intervals.

Work must be carried out along the entire perimeter of the building. If necessary, lay thermal insulation elements between the wall and the frame.

Stage four: panels

House cladding rules to help avoid mistakes:

After building a house, especially a wooden one, you should wait for shrinkage so that all the work does not go down the drain.

The panels should not be attached too tightly to the frame.

Use a hacksaw to cut the material.

Finishing is done from the center to the corners and from bottom to top.

After 5-6 tiers have been laid, you should check the spirit level.

Panels may become deformed if the tension is too strong.

The cladding is carried out both horizontally and vertically. Let's look at the differences.

Horizontal scheme of house cladding

I. Using a plumb line, find a point 5 cm from the bottom corner. This will be the starting coordinate.

II. Install the launch pad, taking into account everything written above.

III. Fasten the inner needles and secure with nails, observing the tightness of the connection. Installation is carried out slightly below the reference point at the joints of the wall.

If there is not enough length of the stand, the top of the panel is cut off (~2 cm), and the next part is overlapped.

IV. Installation of external and internal corners identical.

V. Attach trim to door and window openings.

VI. Start at the back wall of the house and work towards the front. The second row of siding is installed on the first, etc.

VII. To cut off excess part of the panel near an opening or corner, mark it with a line and bend it several times: the part will break.

VIII. When you get to the top row, don't rush to install it. First, attach the strip to the cornice. A panel with holes every 15 cm is attached and then pushed under the bar.

Vertical cladding scheme

This method does not have many differences from the previous one, but we will indicate the sequence for it as well.

I. You should start from the starting bar, finding a starting point first.

II. Set the corners inside and outside, aligning the bottom edge in an L shape.

III. Proceed according to the horizontal diagram.

IV. At the end, check the last panel for evenness relative to the horizon - whether it is tilted to the side. Now install the last panel, inserting it into the groove of the outer corner.

Weather conditions of the region

If the region where the housing covered with siding is located has permanent strong winds, then:

  • use nylon washers with nails;
  • optimal dimensions: width - 158 mm, hole diameter - 65 mm.

Material care

To get rid of layers of dust and dirt, use a hose with water and a soft sponge.

For more significant contamination, use a solution of water (5 l), washing powder (1 part) and trisodium phosphate (2 parts).

For places in high humidity The appearance of mold is relevant. To combat it, use the solution from the previous paragraph. Just add 1 liter less water (4 liters total), but add a liter of 5% sodium hydrochloride.

Abrasive products will come to the rescue when stubborn stains appear. This may damage the material, but not significantly: slight roughness and scratches will appear.

To use the cleaner, wet the siding, then apply a liquid without organic solvents, chlorine, or grease stripping ingredients for 5 to 10 minutes.

Bottom line

A little useful information as a bonus: leave the material for a couple of hours at the temperature of the future installation.

When cladding a house in winter, the gap between the planks should be increased by several millimeters in order to avoid temperature deformation in the future.

You have decided to sheath your house, have chosen siding panels as the finishing material, and now you are deciding for yourself the question of how to properly lay the siding. In this article you will find the answer to this question. In it, from several types of siding, PVC siding or vinyl siding was chosen for consideration.

The fact is that currently it is this type is chosen as a finishing material for facades in slightly more than half of the cases of facade cladding with siding. And before we figure out how to install siding correctly, let’s decide why vinyl siding.

Why vinyl siding?

  1. Beautiful, bright, attractive. After the facade of the house is finished with siding, the house looks very elegant and attracts the eye. Even those buildings that were built a long time ago will look like new.
  2. Numerous design solutions. Vinyl siding is produced in a variety of colors and shades. Combination various types siding, combination various colors and additional elements, will allow you to finish the façade with the following themes: “my place is different from everyone else’s”, “better than my neighbor’s”, “I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time”.
  3. Durability. Many years will pass and the façade, finished with siding, will look as if the finishing was done quite recently. Specially added components can preserve the structure of siding panels and protect them from fading. Warranty period operation for the best varieties siding is up to 50 years old.
  4. Withstands any weather conditions. The temperature range at which it can be operated is from -50 to +50 degrees. He is not afraid of water, snow, hail, wind, rodents and insects. Siding panels do not rot, do not darken near the ground, and do not become moldy.
  5. Able to hide construction errors. It happens that the wall material is not aesthetically pleasing, but if external siding is installed, this does not play any role. Defects will not be visible under the siding.
  6. Siding installation technology is very simple. The most important thing is that the instructions for laying siding are followed. To fasten the panels together, they have special locks, so installation is simple and quick.
  7. Siding panels are very light in weight. Therefore, additional strengthening of the walls and foundation is not required. And such work as laying siding yourself can be done by one person.
  8. Easy to use. If the walls are plastered or natural materials require special care, such as plastering, tinting, impregnation with antiseptic and fire-retardant solutions. Siding panels can be easily and quickly washed with water from a hose, and it is enough to do this once or twice a year.
  9. Relatively low price. Taking into account the durability of a facade made of vinyl siding, compared with other finishing materials, we can say that the costs of such finishing are much lower.

Vinyl siding installation

Surface preparation

In general, installation of siding does not require thorough cleaning of wall surfaces from remnants of previous finishing, such as paint, plaster, etc. But before you lay down the siding, you need to remove anything that might get in the way.

These are climbing plants, tree branches, drain pipes, lanterns on the walls, etc. You should also remove additional elements in the form of shutters, wind boards, decorative strips around windows, doors, gutters and corner boards.

If the facade is old, then mold, rot and fungi may form on it. To get rid of these not very pleasant things, the walls should be treated with special antiseptics.

Using a level or plumb line, determine the quality of the verticality of the walls, as well as the verticality of window and door frames. Existing imbalances should be eliminated whenever possible. The verticality of the walls is checked in order to find out where to start installing the sheathing, or at least determine the distance from the plane of the sheathing to the walls.

Installation of sheathing

It is not recommended to attach siding panels directly to the wall, as there will be no ventilation between the wall and the siding and therefore mold and mildew may appear. And because of the possible curvature of the walls, you can forget about how to properly install the siding and how beautiful it will look.

The sheathing is a special frame attached to the wall, and siding is mounted on this frame. Based on the type of material, two types of lathing can be distinguished.

  • Wooden sheathing.

It is the simplest and any wood with a moisture content of at least 12% is suitable for such sheathing.

Attention: Our main task is how to lay the siding correctly, but if the wood is damp, then during the drying process it may “lead”, and then the plane of the sheathing will not be level. To correct this deficiency, the façade will have to be dismantled.

It is better to do wooden lathing if the walls are made of wood, logs or timber; it is easier to attach the bars and it is easier to adjust the distance to the wall. Wooden blocks must be treated with fire-bio protection to extend service life.

The distance between the bars should be about 40 cm; if the winds are particularly strong, then the step should be reduced and made equal to 20 cm. Well, the thickness of the bars is determined by the presence or absence of insulation.

  • Lathing made of metal profiles

The material for the walls of your home can be brick, foam block or just concrete. Or, as an option, a more rigid frame is required for the insulation, then the lathing can be made from special metal profiles with a galvanized surface.

To secure such a sheathing to the wall, the fastening points are marked, holes are drilled, and special metal hangers are attached to these holes using dowel-nails. Using these hangers, you can easily adjust the distance from the plane of the sheathing to the wall.

The galvanized or anodized surface of the fasteners will avoid the appearance of unpleasant rust stains.

Curtained or ventilated façade is a modern system often used for exterior finishing residential and industrial buildings. The cladding here is siding - vinyl, fiber cement, wood and even metal. It is noteworthy that the same installation technology is used for the listed materials. For those wishing to familiarize themselves with it, we invite you to study step-by-step instructions on how to install siding with your own hands on any base - wood, brick, aerated concrete, and so on. By doing the house wall cladding yourself, you will significantly save on the cost of the work.

Preparation for installation

At the initial stage you need to do the following:

  1. Measure the facades, gables, window and door openings of the building to find out the amount of building materials to purchase.
  2. Using the installation diagram, count the number of components and add to it at least 10% of the reserve for scraps and waste.
  3. Purchase materials and fasteners, prepare tools.

Note. We propose to consider the procedure for attaching plastic siding with external wall insulation, since its installation is considered the most difficult. Having mastered the technology, you can easily decorate your house with panels made of metal, wood and fiber cement.

You must understand that installation of siding is always carried out on a frame (otherwise known as lathing) made of wooden beams or metal profiles. But a good facade subsystem made of galvanized elements costs much more than wood, and cheap steel analogues will not last long. Hence the conclusion: if you lack funds, it is better to buy timber than to decorate your house or cottage with thin profiles with low-quality coating.

Scheme for calculating the siding area and the number of profiles

In addition to the sheathing parts, you will need:

  • insulation – polystyrene foam or cotton wool on a basalt basis;
  • a film that protects the facade from wind and moisture penetration;
  • siding panels of a suitable color with all accompanying strips;
  • fastening elements - dowels, short screws and nails, if upholstery is being made wooden house.

Advice. Most often, homeowners cover their exterior walls with inexpensive vinyl siding. white. This finishing material quickly loses its appearance from street dust, which turns into dirt in the rain. Therefore, it is better to select panels of other, less easily soiled shades.

Now it’s worth understanding the types of elements for installing siding so that you understand where each one needs to be placed and correctly calculate their number:

  • the starting and finishing strip is installed at the beginning and end of the row of panels on each wall;
  • corner elements serve as cladding for the internal and external corners of the building;
  • near-window strip is used to frame translucent structures and doorways;
  • the ebb is designed to drain water and is placed above the base and under the windows;
  • the connecting element is needed for beautiful joining of PVC panels instead of installing them overlapping;
  • It is customary to sheathe roof overhangs and other hard-to-reach places with soffits;
  • The J-profile is used to form various connections.

The tools you will need are a screwdriver, sharp metal scissors and all sorts of measuring devices - a tape measure, a level and an iron ruler.

Stage one - assembly of the sheathing and insulation

The task of the subsystem or frame is to serve as the basis for attaching thermal insulation and facing material, and also level out all the unevenness of the walls of a country cottage. Therefore, the installation of lathing is a responsible matter, affecting the appearance and service life curtain façade with siding. Gather wooden frame need in this order:

  1. Before working with wood, it must be coated with an antiseptic and allowed to dry.
  2. By pulling the twine parallel to the wall, determine the place where it protrudes the most. Here you need to install the first vertical beam. In a log house, it is necessary to cut down the protruding crosscuts in advance.
  3. Focusing on the outer plane of this beam, attach the remaining elements of the sheathing in increments of 40 to 60 cm. To maintain one vertical plane, place it under the beams wooden coasters required height.
  4. When insulating with basalt wool between vertical posts you need to put 2-3 rows horizontal jumpers, because over time this material tends to settle and expose part of the structure.
  5. Lay insulation between the beams and cover the entire façade with windproof film.

Reference. The installation step of the frame elements is taken according to the width of the insulating material (50 or 60 mm), so that there is not a lot of waste left after trimming. If you plan to install siding without thermal insulation, then install the bars at intervals of 40 cm (recommendations from the Deuke brand - a manufacturer of PVC panels).

A few words about how to attach insulation and wind protection. Foam or mineral wool slabs are inserted between the beams of the subsystem and fixed with special construction “fungi” directly to the wall. The film sheets must be laid out horizontally, starting from the bottom, and nailed to the sheathing using strips 3-5 cm thick. This way, ventilation is provided between the heat-insulating layer and the siding.

To collect metal frame, a similar method is used, only galvanized profiles are mounted on adjustable brackets. Separate staples are used to secure the insulation. In the case when it is necessary to clad the facade with siding vertically, the elements of the subsystem are attached to the wall in a horizontal position. More information about installing metal sheathing is shown in the video instructions:

Step two - installation of strips and guides

Before you begin self-installation of wall or basement siding made of PVC, you should understand important feature: Plastic expands noticeably when exposed to temperatures. This means that vinyl panels and framing elements expand when heated. To prevent the new cladding of the house from bending or warping, a 6 mm gap must be left between all ends and hidden junctions for expansion.

Note. For the same purpose, the screws or nails that secure the siding parts must not be screwed in or driven in until they stop. Installed element should move freely within the oval cutouts where you screw the screws.

We set the starting bar

Installation instructions for siding guides look like this:

  1. Maintaining a horizontal position, screw in the base ebbs, going around the entire house.
  2. Mount the starter strips close to the flashings and secure them by nailing them to each frame post.
  3. Using a building level, align the corner strip vertically and secure it with self-tapping screws. If there is a ceiling (for example, when covering under a canopy or balcony), do not forget to leave a 6 mm gap at the top.
  4. Using the same technology, install window trims, cutting the edges at 45°. Attach the tides.
  5. If it is necessary to form plastic slopes, then screw it to window frame J-profile, where the siding panel will then be inserted.
  6. Install the finishing element at the top of the wall, as shown in the picture.

We attach the finishing profile

Advice. It happens that the length of some shaped strip is not enough. Then the continuation of the corner profile is overlapped by 2.5 cm, and the start and finish strips are made end-to-end with a technological indent of 6 mm.

Installing a corner element

Two words about how to attach corner profiles. First, 2 screws are screwed in from above so that the part hangs on them, and at other points (40 cm interval) the screws are screwed in the middle of the oval cutouts.

As you understand, above are instructions for horizontal installation vinyl siding. To fasten the panels vertically, the same technology is used, only the corner profile serves as the starting strip, and the ends are finished with J-planks or elements in the form of a ceiling plinth. The cladding of the base is done in a similar way, only a different, more durable cladding material is used (available in the form of PVC sheets). The process is described in great detail in a training video from the Deke company:

The third stage - siding

Do-it-yourself finishing of the house with siding is the last and easiest stage of the work. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Cut the panels to fit the dimensions of the façade, allowing for a 6mm gap on each side.
  2. Insert the first sheet of siding into the grooves of the corner profiles, while simultaneously inserting it into the lock of the starting strip. Adjust the position of the panel so that there are gaps on both sides (they are not visible behind the corner trim).
  3. Screw the siding strip to the sheathing with self-tapping screws or nails. Place the screws in the center of the oval holes.
  4. Install the remaining panels in the same way.
  5. When you get to the top, the last panel will probably be too wide. Cut it along its entire length and put it in place.

Advice. If the strips are not long enough (and they are sold at 6 m in the market and in stores), do not overlap them; such a connection looks ugly. Divide the wall into 2 or 3 parts and place connection profiles, which will simultaneously serve as decorative elements.

When fastening, the screw is placed in the middle of the hole

It is customary to install soffits under roof overhangs - flat panels that are installed in guides without fastening to the frame. The same corner profiles, starting strip and J-bar are used here. The listed elements are attached depending on the configuration of the overhang, and then the cut soffits are inserted into their grooves, as shown in the diagram.

Installing siding on wooden sheathing is clearly shown in the next video:


There are 2 difficult moments in the installation procedure - alignment of the frame and fastening of siding shaped elements; here it is allowed larger number errors. Hence the advice: when studying the instructions and video materials, focus on these operations and take your time when performing them; if necessary, print out the diagrams. After successful assembly, the cladding should be washed washing powder, dissolved in water.

Design engineer with more than 8 years of experience in construction.
Graduated from the East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.