Rose of Jericho: care and cultivation. Rose of Jericho Rose of Jericho home care

Selaginella, also called rose of Jericho, is successfully cultivated in home care and is part of the Selaginella family. This genus contains about 700 species of herbaceous plants, which in the wild are found in the tropics with a wide variety of appearance.

General information

This extraordinary view miniature plants with carved leaves cannot be classified as fern or flowering species; they are classified as club mosses, being an older group of plants.

The branches of this species are covered with numerous small leaves, which are similar to flat needles; they very often overlap each other like tiles.

When growing and caring for Selaginella at home, as a rule, the plant does not have enough air humidity, for this reason it is much better to grow them in florariums, bottle gardens, greenhouses or closed flower displays. In culture, these plants are used as soil cover plants or epiphytes.

Most often in indoor floriculture you can find Selaginella Martens - this plant is a soil cover plant with erect stems reaching up to 30 centimeters in length and aerial roots. The leaves are light green in color, and the watsoniana variety has silvery stem tips.

Selaginella species and varieties

It grows wild in Canada, forming turfy, mossy pads. Weakly creeping short stems, shoots are simple or with one branch, not articulate, flat and smooth. The leaves are thin, and the lateral leaves are oval or oval-lanceolate in shape with a green color, reaching up to 1.5-2.5 millimeters in length and 1-1.5 millimeters in width. Closer to the base they are slightly heart-shaped, jagged along the edges. Mainly grown as a hanging plant.

It grows wild in tropical Asia as a bushy, terrestrial plant. The stem part is branched, the shoots are simple or with one branch, not articulate, smooth and flat. The leaf cover is thin, and the lateral leaves are distant, oval or oval-lanceolate in shape with a green color, reaching up to 3-4 millimeters in length and 2 millimeters in width; closer to the base they acquire a rounded shape. In indoor floriculture it is grown as an ampelous plant.

This terrestrial bushy plant is native to Northern Mexico and North America. Suitable for growing in open ground, with age, the shoots of this plant will acquire a golden-ocher hue.

A bushy terrestrial plant, there is a variety of aurea, the leaves reach up to 15 centimeters in length, the stems are golden in color.

It grows wild in southern China, being a dichotomously highly branched plant. The shoots have a bluish-green color if they are in the shade, but if they are exposed to light, the color disappears.

In the wild it can be found in Southern and North America. The stems are erect, reaching up to 30 centimeters in length, the leaves are light green in color, the plant has aerial roots. This type is one of the most common in indoor floriculture. There is also a variety called watsoniana, the tips of the stems of this species are colored silver.

It grows wild in China, Central Asia, Far East, Siberia and North America. Most often it can be found on screes, rocks, sedate meadows, as well as in steppes, dry pine forests and thickets of dwarf cedar. Perennial herbaceous plants are quite winter-hardy and, due to their ascending branched shoots, form attractive turfs. Densely leafy branches reach up to 3 centimeters in length and 0.2 centimeters in width. The leaves are small, about 0.15 centimeters in length, convex on the underside, with a depressed grooved vein, the edges are covered with short cilia. Most often grown in open ground.

Most often found in the Far East, Europe, Africa and North America. Grown as garden plant in open ground.

It is also called Rose of Jericho , in literary publications it can be found under other names: anastatics or astericus. It grows wild in South and North America. For dry climatic conditions The leaves of this plant curl, forming a kind of ball, and straighten out only after precipitation falls. The plant in its cell sap contains a large amount of oils, which become an obstacle to the complete drying of the plant.

Very often on sale you can find dead specimens, which until recently could have folded and opened; such specimens can no longer be brought back to life. This species is the most resistant and suitable for growing indoors.

in the wild it is most often found in the mountains of the Caucasus, Europe and Asia, as well as in the Far East on rocky mossy and wet screes and slopes.

The plant forms loose tufts of light green color. The branches of this species are densely leafy, the leaves are opposite, thin, directed perpendicularly from the branches, obliquely ovoid in shape, not large in size, about 0.15 centimeters wide and 0.1 centimeters long, ciliated at the edges. The middle leaves are even smaller with slightly bent blunt tips. The strobili are loose, linear, reaching from 0.9 to 3.5 centimeters in length. The plant can be grown both in partial shade and in the shade, on any moist soil, without stagnant moisture; it is very easily propagated by parts of shoots. Most often grown in open ground.

This plant can be found in the wild in Ecuador.

Selaginella home care

The Selaginella plant loves bright, indirect light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is better to place it on windows of eastern or western orientation, although it also does well near windows of northern exposure.

If the plant is placed near south-facing windows, you should provide diffused bright light by covering the windows with paper or translucent fabric. The plant tolerates shady places well.

Not particularly demanding species, when grown in summer period, room temperature is sufficient, and in winter they feel good at temperatures from 14 to 17 degrees, they can tolerate a short-term decrease in temperature to 12 degrees.

At low temperatures Selaginella Krauss and legless selaginella feel normal. Species that are heat-loving plants need to ensure a temperature regime above 20 degrees throughout the year.

Watering and air humidity

The Selaginella plant needs to be provided with abundant watering all year round, as the top layer of soil dries. Do not allow the earthen clod to dry out; the soil should be constantly moderately moist. It is best to water through a tray so that the soil itself absorbs the necessary moisture. In this case, use only soft, settled water at room temperature.

It is also necessary to provide the plant with increased air humidity, the minimum humidity is considered to be 60 percent. But we should not forget that the higher the humidity in the room, the better the room should be ventilated. To increase humidity, it is best to place the pot with the plant on a tray with damp pebbles, expanded clay, peat or sphagnum moss.

Fertilizer for selanginella

The selaginella plant is fertilized once a month in the spring-autumn period, with diluted fertilizer, approximately 1 to 3, and also once every one and a half months in autumn-winter period, diluted with fertilizer only 1 to 4.

A useful action would be to loosen the earthen clod before feeding the plant to ensure air access.

Soil and replanting of silanginella

In the spring-autumn period, overgrown plants are replanted once every 2 years. In this case, it is recommended to select dishes that are not high, due to the fact that Selaginella has a shallow root system.

The soil is made up of equal parts of turf and peat soil with the addition of chopped parts of sphagnum moss, or you can take ready-made slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5-6. Don't forget to provide good drainage for the plant.

Selaginella flower propagation

Selaginella can be propagated by transplantation by dividing the roots. And those species that form creeping shoots can take root on their own.

Selaginella Krauss and Martens are propagated by cuttings at high humidity air. They take root very easily, due to the fact that the plant constantly forms aerial roots on the shoots.

Diseases and pests

  • The tips of the stems dry out , this can occur due to insufficient air humidity and even at a minimum of 60%.
  • The plant dies , this happens due to too dry air; even damp soil will not improve the condition, and, most likely, even the opposite.
  • The plant may rot , when kept in a closed container with high humidity and poor ventilation.
  • Selaginella does not tolerate drafts very well, the plant may get sick and die .
  • Leaves darken and die , the reason for this may be very high temperature content.
  • Stems may stretch and leaves may turn pale. , due to lack of lighting.
  • The plant's leaves become limp and soft , this happens due to lack of air in the root system.
  • Plant growth has slowed down significantly , this happened due to a lack of nutrients.

When growing and caring for the Selaginella plant at home, pest damage is observed extremely rarely.

Rose of Jericho belongs to the annual herbs of the Brassica family. She is the only representative of the Anastatica genus. It got its name from the biological ability to revive again. Very often it is confused with the plant Selaginella. But it is the rose of Jericho that is the only plant of its kind. IN wildlife found in western Asia and northern Africa as tumbleweed.


The plant is small in appearance, sometimes reaching 15 cm in length. The rose has small gray leaves and small white flowers. Begins to grow in the wild early spring when moisture is present in deserts. The rose of Jericho begins to bloom very quickly and fruits set just as quickly. The fruits resemble small twisted pods. Like other desert plants, the rose is an ephemeroid. As soon as drought sets in, the small stems begin to curl inward and form a small ball.

Gusts of strong wind tear off top part plants, and she begins to wander through the desert. Tumbleweeds, when traveling, meet with other representatives of this genus, forming a large lump. Such a lump rolls until it gets stuck in some damp place. From moisture, the rose begins to swell and open, spilling out its seeds. The seeds have the ability to survive for several years and, as soon as they enter a favorable environment, quickly begin to germinate.

I. A. Bunin described this plant very well in his story “The Rose of Jericho” after his trip to the East. This is a plant stays alive for about 50 years without water.


Thanks to the unique properties of this plant, a number of customs and traditions have emerged:

  1. The Rose of Jericho as a symbol of the family line is passed down from generation to generation;
  2. On the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Easter, it has become a tradition to resurrect this plant;
  3. Christians attribute to this plant a symbol of the resurrection of Christ: when it blooms and on the day of the Crucifixion it dies in order to be resurrected on the day of Holy Easter;
  4. This was explained to the children as a miracle of eternal life and resurrection;
  5. She is credited with the ability to cure infertility, and a decoction of the leaves helped with asthmatic disease.

Useful properties

Growing the Rose of Jericho is not labor-intensive and very interesting. True, the slightest non-compliance with the rules - and the plant becomes capricious. This herb is sold in the form of dried balls. It should be noted that the rose does not eventually come to life, but begins to sprout new shoots. To see how the flower will open, you should put it in a shallow container. warm water and drop the ball into it. Literally immediately it will begin to gradually open up.

Water should be added every day so that the base of the plant is always in water. If mold appears on the leaves, it means that the rose has become infected with a fungus and should be treated with a weak solution of Fungicide.

Features of care

Thanks to its ability to resurrect, the Rose of Jericho can live quite a long time, but you should still take care of it. Sometimes the plant must be allowed to rest, that is, brought to a dry state so that it curls up into a ball. You can store it rolled up in a closet. It is necessary to water this grass abundantly so that the soil is constantly moist. Mature plant It is better to water through a tray. It is also recommended to constantly spray the leaves of this specimen, using soft and warm water.

Dead leaves will not be restored, so they should be carefully cut off. When the plant is in a dry state, it is possible that spider mite. If this happens, the tick is washed off soap solution. This plant really does not like a lot of light, so it is better to keep it on a windowsill in a shady room. Be sure to maintain the temperature during care. Although this specimen is heat-loving, the temperature must still be maintained within the range of +18 to +20 degrees, no more.

Selaginella squamofolia

Many distributors of flower products pass off this plant as the Rose of Jericho. They are very similar, but they are completely different plants. If you were sold Selaginella as the Rose of Jericho, then you should talk a little about this plant. Let's start with the fact that to grow a flower you need loose soil. A mixture will do leaf soil, peat and sand in equal quantities, which should be constantly loosened. It will be good if you add orchid fertilizer to this mixture.

Prepared soil mixture pour into a wide but low container with holes for drainage. It will be great if you take clay pots. Before filling it with soil, we lay out a drainage layer of pebbles on the bottom. Planting a flower can be done either by spores or by dividing the bush, but the second method is better and easier. Let’s immediately make a reservation that Selaginella’s root system is very delicate, so we do the planting very carefully.

Planting usually begins in the spring. From the overgrown bush we separate sprouts about 5 cm long, preferably with shoots. We plant 5 sprouts per pot. Water the soil in the pots well and cover the pots with film with holes for ventilation for a week. Selaginella does not like direct sunlight, so pots with seedlings should be placed on the semi-shady side, but not in the shade. You should also carefully monitor temperature conditions so that the temperature does not drop below +12 degrees.

You need to very carefully monitor the behavior of the leaves; from them you can determine the problem that has arisen with the flower:

  1. Leaves are limp and soft. This means that you have over-watered and the roots are not getting enough air. You should temporarily stop watering and loosen the soil in the pot well;
  2. The leaves are pale and too elongated. It follows from this that the plant does not have enough lighting and too hard water is used when watering;
  3. Leaf death occurs. Very high temperature environment and insufficient air humidity;
  4. Rolling leaves. The flower is affected by strong drafts and may require feeding.

As you can see, Selaginella is also a capricious plant, but with quality care it becomes a beautiful ornamental plant.

Rose of Jericho is an annual herbaceous plant from the Anastatic family. One of the translation options for the genus name is to make it alive. This plant belongs to the cabbage family. The country where this rose is most often found is Egypt. The plant can also be found in Iran and Morocco.

Reproduction of rose of Jericho

In countries where the rose of Jericho grows, it can be seen in the form of an inconspicuous lump of dry thorns, moving along sandy, arid soil thanks to the wind. Inside each such lump there are small pods with seeds that can retain life for many years.

The rose of Jericho takes on the appearance of a small dried lump after its fruits ripen. The plant shrinks, leaving the fruit inside, then breaks away from the stem and travels, usually through the desert. The flower comes to life again only after it finds water on its way. The plant not only straightens its branches, but also blooms green leaves and may even bloom.

In fact, the flower itself remains dead. And those green leaves that appeared on the straightened branches are nothing more than sprouts from seeds that sprouted inside the plant.

Caring for the rose of Jericho

Sometimes this flower can be found on sale in flower pavilions. It is sold under the name Selaginella squamofolia in the form of a dry lump. Rose of Jericho is a plant that does not require special care.

This lump comes to life within three to five days after placing it in water. In order for the plant to acquire a more vibrant and attractive appearance, it is recommended to change the water in the bowl with the flower as often as possible.

In practice, the rose of Jericho is widely used. If you place it in the bedroom, the quality of your sleep will noticeably improve. She also helps fight

In the deserts of the Middle East there is a mysterious flower. Under the scorching sun, in the grip of hot sand, its leaves inevitably die, clutching the heart of the plant with its branches, like senile fingers. And, having turned into stone, the dried up ball begins its endless run in search of living water. With the first drops of saving moisture, a miracle happens: the palm of the flower opens and tiny white flowers of amazing beauty sprout inside. But the time comes, the magic leaves again hide the immortal shoots and the journey continues... A fairy-tale legend about a resurrected flower? Not really. Such a plant really exists. His name is the Rose of Jericho.

Origin history and appearance

The scientific name of the rose of Jericho is Anastatica hierochuntica. It comes from the ancient Greek words “revived” or “resurrected.” The plant was first discovered in the Middle Ages by knights - crusaders, who noticed the amazing ability to revive the flower. Returning from the hike, they illuminated the unusual treasure they found and gave it the name “Flower of the Resurrection.”

According to the biblical version, Mary discovered the plant on her way to Egypt, giving him the blessing of immortality. That is why it is also called “Hand of Mary”.

Another legend, which Ivan Bunin describes in his story “The Rose of Jericho,” says that the herbaceous plant received its name from the Monk Savva, when he settled in the Judean desert.

The Rose of Jericho grows where most other botanical species are unable to survive.

Distribution area:

  • Western Asia ( Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Iran).
  • North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Egypt).

Despite its name, the flowers of the plant bear little resemblance.

During the flowering period gray leaves decorated with miniature white flower petals, which later turn into pods with seeds.

Due to its small size (about 15 centimeters) and tight adherence to the soil, the rose is practically inaccessible to animals.

It is noteworthy that rose of jericho Another plant is often called Selaginella squamofolia. Although the Hawaiian club moss resembles anastatica in its appearance and life cycle characteristics, it would still be a mistake to consider it a rose of Jericho.

What actually happens to a plant during a period of drought? By the end of the growing season, the rose leaves fall off, and the branches die and dry out, shrinking into a dense ball, inside which the fruits are securely preserved. The dried root breaks off, turning the rose of Jericho into a “tumbleweed.” This is how the plant conquers more and more new habitats, waiting for periods of rain.

On favorable moist soil, dried branches open, releasing pods that will give life to new shoots.

And, although according to legend the rose is reborn endlessly, it life cycle in reality it is still limited and amounts to approximately thirty years, which is also impressive!

But what is especially surprising is the fact that when dried, this plant can be stored for many years.

Due to the unusual properties of the Jericho rose, a tradition arose:

  • Passing on a dried ball from generation to generation as a symbol of a blessed home that does not interrupt its lineage.
  • Another custom is the tradition of resurrecting a flower on the holidays of Christmas and Easter.
  • In Christianity, the rose of Jericho is considered a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ. The plant bloomed on the Nativity of Christ, died on the day of the Crucifixion and was again revived to life on Easter.
  • Using the example of a rose, the miracle of Eternal Life and Resurrection was told and explained to young children.
  • In ancient times, the Rose of Jericho was attributed miraculous properties in the fight against infertility. It was believed that a decoction of the leaves of the plant could help with asthmatic diseases.

The plant really has many beneficial properties:

  • Serves as a humidifier in the room.
  • Is natural freshener, exuding the tart, orientally rich aromas of steppe herbs and desert into the room.
  • Destroys harmful bacteria and naturally disinfects the air.
  • Capable of absorbing.
  • The smell of the plant prevents allergic attacks.
  • In the bedroom it helps create a sound and pleasant sleep.
  • When dried, it destroys harmful insects. For example, there is a moth in the closet.

Children are especially interested in exotic plants.

After all, it is real magic to watch how literally before your eyes a dried flower comes to life.

Here we need to make some clarity: dried branches do not come to life again and do not become green. These are misconceptions that unprofessional online stores lead customers into. The crown opens, but does not come to life, releasing new shoots.

How to make a rose bloom correctly?

  • You need to pour about 2 cm of warm water into the container for the plant. Already within the first hour it will be possible to observe the opening.
  • Every day it is worth adding water so that the base of the flower remains in the water. But no more than a week, otherwise the rose will begin to rot.
  • After seven days, the flower should be given a rest by drying it for at least two weeks.
  • If the rose is infected with a fungus, a solution of fungicide diluted with water at the rate of a few drops per liter of liquid will help in the fight against it. After spraying, the mold usually disappears.
  • It should be noted that when dried, the rose does not rot. You can store it either in a closet or in a lighted place.

It is not surprising that the Rose of Jericho, sung by poets from many countries, has won the love of admirers from all over the world. In addition, it is effective and unpretentious in content and does not have any disadvantages.