How to make a 12 volt gas generator. Wind power station from a car generator: assembly and installation instructions. Where to get parts

I found an article on the Internet about how to convert a car generator to a generator with permanent magnets. Is it possible to use this principle and remake the generator with your own hands from asynchronous electric motor? It is possible that there will be large energy losses due to the wrong arrangement of the coils.

I have an asynchronous type motor with a voltage of 110 volts, speed – 1450, 2.2 amperes, single-phase. I do not undertake to make a homemade generator using containers, as there will be large losses.

It is suggested to use simple engines according to this scheme.

If you change an engine or generator with round-shaped magnets from the speakers, do you need to install them in crabs? Crabs are two metal parts, are anchored outside the field coils.

If magnets are placed on a shaft, the shaft will shunt the magnetic lines of force. How will there be excitement then? The coil is also located on a metal shaft.

If you change the connection of the windings and make a parallel connection, accelerate to speeds above normal values, you get 70 volts. Where can I get a mechanism for such speeds? If you rewind it to lower speeds and lower power, the power will drop too much.

An asynchronous motor with a closed rotor is made of iron, which is filled with aluminum. You can take a homemade generator from a car, which has a voltage of 14 volts and a current of 80 amperes. This is good data. Motor with AC commutator from a vacuum cleaner or washing machine can be used for a generator. Install magnetization on the stator and remove DC voltage from the brushes. According to the highest EMF, change the angle of the brushes. The efficiency tends to zero. But nothing better than a synchronous generator has been invented.

I decided to test a homemade generator. A single-phase asynchronous motor from a small washing machine was turned with a drill. I connected a 4 µF capacitance to it, it turned out 5 volts 30 hertz and a current of 1.5 milliamps for a short circuit.

Not every electric motor can be used as a generator using this method. There are motors with a steel rotor that have a low degree of magnetization on the remainder.

Need to know the difference between conversion electrical energy and energy generation. There are several ways to convert 1 phase into 3. One of them is mechanical energy. If the power station is disconnected from the outlet, then all conversion is lost.

It is clear where the movement of the wire with increasing speed will come from. It is not clear where the magnetic field will come from to produce the EMF in the wire.

It's easy to explain. Due to the magnetism mechanism that remains, an emf is generated in the armature. A current arises in the stator winding, which is shorted to the capacitance.

The current has arisen, which means it gives an increase in the electromotive force on the coils of the rotor shaft. The resulting current increases the electromotive force. The stator electric current produces a much larger electromotive force. This goes until the stator magnetic fluxes and the rotor are in equilibrium, as well as additional losses.

The size of the capacitors is calculated so that the voltage at the terminals reaches the nominal value. If it is small, then reduce the capacity, then increase it. There were doubts about old motors, which supposedly do not excite. After accelerating the rotor of a motor or generator, you need to quickly poke a small amount of volts into any phase. Everything will come in normal condition. Charge the capacitor to a voltage equal to half the capacity. Turn on using a three-pole switch. This applies to a 3-phase motor. This circuit is used for generators of passenger transport cars, since they have a squirrel-cage rotor.

Method 2

You can make a homemade generator in another way. The stator has a clever design (it has a special design solution), and it is possible to adjust the output voltage. I made this type of generator with my own hands at a construction site. The engine produced 7 kW at 900 rpm. I connected the excitation winding according to a 220 V delta circuit. I started it at 1600 rpm, the capacitors were 3 to 120 uF. They were switched on by a contactor with three poles. The generator acted as a three-phase rectifier. Powered from this rectifier electric drill with a 1000 watt collector, and a 2200 watt circular saw, 220 V, a 2000 watt grinder.

I had to make a soft start system, another resistor with a shorted phase after 3 seconds.

This is not correct for motors with commutators. If you double the rotating frequency, the capacitance will also decrease.

The frequency will also increase. The tank circuit was switched off automatically so as not to use the reactivity torus and not waste fuel.

During operation, you must press the contactor stator. Three phases dismantled them as unnecessary. The reason lies in the high gap and increased field dissipation of the poles.

Special mechanisms with double cage for squirrels and slanted eyes for squirrels. Still, I got 100 volts and a frequency of 30 hertz from the washing machine motor, the 15 watt lamp does not want to light up. Very weak power. It is necessary to take a stronger motor, or install more capacitors.

A generator with a squirrel-cage rotor is used under the cars. Its mechanism comes from a gearbox and a belt drive. Rotation speed 300 rpm. It is located as an additional load generator.

Method 3

You can design a homemade generator, a gasoline-powered power plant.

Instead of a generator, use a 3-phase asynchronous motor of 1.5 kW at 900 rpm. The electric motor is Italian and can be connected with a triangle or a star. First, I placed the motor on a base with a DC motor and attached it to the coupling. I started turning the engine at 1100 rpm. A voltage of 250 volts appeared on the phases. I connected a 1000 watt light bulb, the voltage immediately dropped to 150 volts. This is probably due to phase imbalance. Each phase must have a separate load. Three 300 watt light bulbs will not be able to reduce the voltage to 200 volts, theoretically. You can put a larger capacitor.

The engine speed must be increased and not reduced when under load, then the power supply to the network will be constant.

Significant power is required; an autogenerator will not provide such power. If you rewind a large KAMAZ, then 220 V will not come out of it, since the magnetic circuit will be oversaturated. It was designed for 24 volts.

Today I was going to try connecting the load through a 3-phase power supply (rectifier). They turned off the lights in the garages, but it didn’t work. In the city of power engineers, the lights are systematically turned off, so it is necessary to create a source of constant power supply with electricity. There is an attachment for electric welding that is attached to the tractor. To connect an electric tool you need permanent source voltage at 220 V. There was an idea to construct a homemade generator with your own hands, and an inverter for it, but you can’t work on batteries for long.

The electricity was recently turned on. I connected an asynchronous motor from Italy. I placed it with the chainsaw motor on the frame, twisted the shafts together, and installed a rubber coupling. I connected the coils according to a star circuit, the capacitors in a triangle, 15 μF each. When I started the motors, there was no power output. I connected a capacitor charged to the phases, and voltage appeared. The engine produced its power of 1.5 kW. At the same time, the supply voltage dropped to 240 volts; at idle it was 255 volts. The grinder operated normally at 950 watts.

I tried to increase the engine speed, but there was no excitement. After the capacitor contacts the phase, voltage appears immediately. I will try to install a different engine.

What system designs are produced abroad for power plants? On 1-phase ones, it is clear that the rotor owns the winding, there is no phase imbalance, because there is one phase. In 3-phase there is a system that allows power adjustment when motors with the highest load are connected to it. You can also connect an inverter for welding.

Over the weekend I wanted to make a homemade generator with my own hands with a connection asynchronous motor. A successful attempt to make a homemade generator turned out to be connecting an old engine with a cast iron housing of 1 kW and 950 rpm. The motor is excited normally, with one 40 µF capacitance. And I installed three containers and connected them with a star. This was enough to start an electric drill and grinder. I wanted it to produce voltage output on one phase. To do this, I connected three diodes, a half-bridge. The fluorescent lamps for lighting burned out, and the bags in the garage were set on fire. I will wind the transformer into three phases.

Write comments, additions to the article, maybe I missed something. Take a look at, I will be glad if you find something else useful on mine.

You can, of course, buy any regular 220-volt gas generator and connect the charger and it will be a gas generator with a 12-volt output. But if you are looking for a 12-volt gas generator, then you want to have more battery charging power, and at the same time have high efficiency charge.

I personally tried the first option with a charger. I have a 1 kW gas generator, and I connected a transformer car charger to it. It could produce a charge current of up to 10-12A, but it overheated greatly. In this way, during an hour of operation of the gas generator, I was able to “fill” the battery with only 120 watts of energy. This is very little, and in an hour the gas generator consumes more than 0.5 liters of gasoline.

To charge a dead 120Ah battery, I will have to run the gas generator for 10 hours, which is at least 6 liters of gasoline, and I will only store 1 kW of energy.

I tried to install a pulse charger, but it burned out due to the excess voltage of the gas generator. The fact is that these impulse chargers can withstand a maximum of 260-270 volts. And if you disconnect the load from the gas generator, it cannot sharply reduce speed, and for a short time the voltage without load rises to 300 volts. This is what kills pulse chargers, but transformer chargers don’t care about it.

By the way, my gas generator had an output of 12 volts 10A. But in fact, it provided a charge current of only 5-6A and the built-in current protection was constantly triggered; in short, this option turned out to be a useless option.

There are no 12-volt gas generators on sale at all, there are only expensive welding generators. And I decided to remake my gas generator to charge 12 volt batteries.

Below is the video of the first tests of the gas generator. I didn’t do it in my own building; it wasn’t possible to place the generator there due to the belt drive.

I used a 14V 60A car generator. In this option, I received an average charge current of 25A, while the engine speed was only about 1500 rpm, which is two times lower than it worked before with a 220V generator. The engine has become quieter, has become much more economical in gasoline, and at the same time, per hour of operation of the gas generator it is possible to produce about 400 watts of energy.

In general, if you add engine speed, the generator easily produces 40-50A of charge current. You can install a 90A generator and get 1kWh of power. I sometimes charge my batteries in a solar power plant with such a converted gas generator. So far I’m happy with everything, the charging current is 25A at low generator speeds.

By the way, a car generator does not need to be altered at all, and at the same time, it already has a built-in charge regulator, so you will not overcharge the batteries. Connecting the generator to the battery like in a car.

There are quite a lot of photos and videos on the Internet homemade generators at 12 volts. Here's an example


Also a 12 volt gas generator from a chainsaw and car generator


There are many options for manufacturing such gas generators. The chainsaw will probably be the most cheap option, but not very durable and reliable. The best thing is that this is an engine from a walk-behind tractor; you can connect a powerful car generator to it via a belt.

Finally, there is an opportunity to show you a video on a topic that interests so many Internet users. In this video tutorial we will show you how to make a fairly powerful electric generator from a bicycle that will generate current of 12 and 220 volts. Thanks to this device, you can charge the battery in 1-1.5 hours and, through an inverter, power your TV or other electrical appliances for several hours. As a bonus, such a generator becomes a good exercise bike, which is pleasant to “ride”, realizing the benefits it brings. You can use a bicycle generator in the countryside, at home when the lights are often turned off, and on a hike it will be an excellent help for creating almost urban comfort if all the design parts are foldable and sufficiently mobile.

Technical characteristics of the bicycle generator. During a leisurely “ride”, rotation of the pedals generates an electric current of 5 Amperes, a voltage of 220 Volts. Rotation acceleration produces more than 10 Amps; In this mode, the author of this device blew a fuse.

To work you will need:
– 12 volt commutator motor;
– attachment to the motor axis – drill chuck;
– uninterruptible power supply or inverter from 12 to 220;
– 10 ampere diode: D214, D242, D215, D232, KD203, etc.;
– wires;
- bike;
– 12 volt battery (the higher the power, the longer its charge will last).

First, install the bike so that the rear wheel is suspended above the ground and rotates freely. To secure the bicycle in the desired position, the author of the video tutorial used available materials and made a stand from boards. He attached a drill chuck to the motor axle and installed the motor so that, with the help of a spring, it was securely pressed against the rear wheel. The connection turned out to be reliable, without slipping.

In this design, the motor acts as a generator, so you can use any 12-volt brushed motor. The more power the motor has, the more energy it will produce. The device made by the author uses a fan from a VAZ car. Its rated power is 120 W.

In order to find out how much power this motor is capable of generating electricity in generator mode, we connect a 90-watt light bulb to it and see that the generator’s performance is so high that the light bulb can burn out when the engine speed increases.

It is advisable to use a battery to store electricity. Good for this purpose car battery. To prevent the motor from starting to rotate from the battery, you need to assemble a circuit with a diode that will cut off the current in the desired direction and prevent unnecessary discharge. The anode of the diode is to the positive of the engine, the cathode is to the positive of the battery.

Now you can charge a 12-volt battery, the voltage from which can be removed for equipment with the appropriate voltage. But in order for the voltage at the generator output to be 220 volts, an uninterruptible power supply from a computer will help.

The uninterruptible power supply design has a small 12-volt low-power battery. When the current in the network is turned off, the converter, which is included in the UPS circuit, increases 12 volts to 220, allowing the computer to operate on it for some time. In order to ensure operation for a long time, you can remove the low-power battery from the circuit and connect instead, as described above, a powerful car battery.

Now, by simply rotating the pedals, you can get 220 volts, almost the same as in a regular network. Such a generator can power many electrical appliances in the house. There is one thing. If you connect a load of more than 500 watts to an uninterruptible power supply, it starts to heat up and the battery quickly discharges. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the power of the bicycle generator and the battery built into it and the expected load. Instead of an uninterruptible power supply, you can use a car inverter from 12 volts to 220 volts.

When charging the battery by pedaling, the voltage on it will increase. When it reaches 14.4 Volts, the battery will be charged. You cannot continue charging further, since the electrolyte will begin to boil away when overcharging.

Unlike a gasoline generator, a bicycle-based electric generator does not require resources that may be in short supply.

Do you want to save on payment? utilities? Assemble a wind generator with your own hands from available materials.

Operating principle

The device consists of a rotor with blades, an electric generator, a mast for installation, inverters, a battery, a charge controller, and wires through which electricity passes. The mast can be with or without guys. Depending on the type of structure, sometimes it can be lowered for maintenance or repair of the device.

Wind generator - a device for converting wind energy into electrical energy

The operation of a wind generator includes 5 main stages:

  1. The wind spins the rotor or blades.
  2. The connection between the electric generator and the rotor occurs.
  3. The generated energy goes first to the charge controller, and then to the battery.
  4. It then goes to the inverters and is converted from 12 to 220 Volts (or from 24 to 380 Volts).
  5. Electricity is supplied to the network.

The power of the wind generator is enough for street lighting, alarms and other devices

Important information: It is advisable to install high-power wind stations in regions where the average wind speed per year is not lower than 5 m/s. Otherwise, the payback period can be compared with the duration of operation.


Before determining the need to use a wind generator, you should familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics:

  • maximum power - 1500 W;
  • voltage - 28 V;
  • maximum current - 54 A;
  • the maximum noise level in case of correct balancing is less than 57 dB;
  • minimum rotation speed - 1200 rpm;
  • maximum rotation speed - 4500 rpm.

The weight of the structure head should not exceed 25 kg. This value does not include the weight of the wind wheel and tail.

Wind power from a car generator: advantages and disadvantages

A homemade wind generator can be constructed from:

  • electric motor removed from the milling machine;
  • rotary part of a screwdriver or drill;
  • scooter motor wheels;
  • computer cooler;
  • washing machine motor;
  • car generator.

The last option is used most often because it has a lot of advantages and is also the most affordable for many.

This is interesting: Wind generators are not only economical, but also environmentally friendly designs. They do not require the use of gasoline or other fuel to operate, so they do not pollute the atmosphere with harmful emissions.

Advantages of a wind farm based on a car generator:

  • speed of construction;
  • cheapness;
  • maintainability;
  • quiet operation;
  • synchronicity (stable voltage is provided);
  • possibility of using standard 12 Volt batteries.

As for the disadvantages, there are only three of them:

  1. This type of wind generator needs high speed, up to 2000 rpm, so it is less reliable than specialized devices.
  2. The warranty on car generators is about 4000 hours. Given this, it is easy to guess that the wind generator will require annual repairs. However, in this case you won’t have to spend too much money; you can simply replace the device that has failed.
  3. Many generators have electromagnetic excitation, which reduces efficiency (about 15% of the energy goes to the excitation coil).

Materials, devices and instruments

To make a wind farm, you need:

  • car generator;
  • metal bucket or pipes (for making blades);
  • acid or gel battery;
  • battery charging relay and charge indicator lamp;
  • the box in which the wires will be connected;
  • wire or clamps (for securing to the generator mast);
  • four bolts with nuts;
  • 12 Volt switch button;
  • wires (cross section - 4 mm²);
  • wire cutters, screwdriver, wrench, drill.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands

Creating a windmill from a car generator involves several steps.:

  1. The rotor is being manufactured. To make it, you can use an ordinary bucket, which is cut into 4 equal blades lengthwise, without cutting to the end. One hole is drilled on each part of the bottom. The same thing is done on the generator. It is important that symmetry is precisely maintained to avoid imbalance. Blades can also be cut from PVC pipes using a ready-made template. They are then bolted to the metal disc.
    The edges of the blades are ground, which gives the device an aesthetic appearance and reduces noise during operation
  2. The rotor is attached to the generator with bolts.
    The bolts must be tightly tightened to ensure the reliability of the structure.
  3. The wires are connected to the generator, and then the electrical circuit is assembled in the box.
    To operate the wind generator, wires with a cross section of 4 mm² are used
  4. The remaining elements are attached to the mast. The rotor is attached to the mast using bolts or by welding
  5. The battery is connected to the circuit.

Wires are connected to the resulting structure, which lead to devices that consume energy (alarm, street lighting and so on). If there is a need, as additional element You can install a voltage converter.

Video: Windmill from a car generator

Installation Rules

It is recommended to install the windmill at a relatively long distance from the house and other structures (20 meters or more). It is advisable to choose an open space for this. In addition, take into account the density of the soil: the length of the wedges intended for stretching the mast, as well as the material for their manufacture, depends on it. If the soil is soft, you need to select a more massive and longer wedge than in the case of hard soil. They must be used at least three. Ideal option which will ensure the greatest reliability is the arrangement of four wedges.

Stretching methods are selected taking into account the length of the mast and the condition of the soil. For tall structures that are installed on soft ground, more stringent requirements are imposed on the wedges.

Bottom part the mast is bolted to a metal stand and concreted

The mast is lowered into the soil to a depth of 0.5 meters or lower, the guy fastenings are concreted, since the soil tends to be loose after rain. This feature can cause them to weaken and pose a risk of the entire structure falling.

If the mast does not lower, then it is necessary to provide a device for lifting to the main elements of the wind generator, which will allow for its maintenance. The means for lifting to a height should be secured to the mast, because it should ensure reliability and convenience during repair work. It is necessary to understand that wind speeds can be high, and therefore it is recommended to build a platform with a welded ladder.

Important information: It is forbidden to approach the blades until they come to a complete stop.

As for the height of the mast, it should be 10 meters higher than the highest obstacle, which is located within a radius of 100 meters.

During operation of the wind generator, it is better to follow these recommendations:

  • periodically inspect the bolt connections at the points where the mast is attached to the generator and the foundation;
  • Lubricate the bearings of the rotary device and the generator;
  • check wheel balancing;
  • Check the insulation condition of electrical equipment once every six months or more often.

Thanks to a wind generator, you can save on electricity bills. It is easy to use and maintain, does not create much noise, but is not protected from hurricanes.