Mounted reinforced floor beam for wood concrete. Monolithic ceiling in a house made of wood concrete. Communication liner in a wood concrete house

We talk about the installation of monolithic floors in a house made of wood concrete.

Monolithic ceiling is load-bearing structure, which divides the building into floors. In fact, it is a floor, so it must meet the requirements for strength and rigidity, and withstand its own weight and the weight of everything that is on it. The ceiling must also have the necessary heat and sound insulating properties and be fire resistant. The construction of a monolithic floor can be divided into stages:

1. Installation of formwork

The formwork consists of a deck and telescopic racks, securely fixed with tripods. The racks are installed at the same distance from each other, which is determined by the thickness of the slab: the thicker it is, the closer the racks are. On telescopic stands we lay longitudinal beams, then transverse beams perpendicular to them. We check the formwork structure for evenness using a level and a level. The quality of the surface of the future monolithic floor depends on this. Then we make the flooring with laminated plywood sheets 18 mm thick. It performs the function of a deck, which is one of the main structural elements of the formwork panel. The advantages of using laminated plywood include high moisture resistance - the sheets can withstand repeated pouring cycles without deformation, thanks to the laminated surface plywood sheet monolithic floors are smooth and even. We seal the joints between the plywood with film to prevent concrete from leaking into them during pouring.

2. Floor reinforcement

The reinforcement gives the structure rigidity, preventing the monolithic slab from breaking or bending. We install the reinforcement at a distance of 25-30 mm from the end to eliminate interaction between metal and air and prevent corrosion. Special plastic stops and clamps lift the reinforcement and create a protective layer of concrete underneath it. The size of this layer depends on the thickness of the floor, span length and other factors.

3. Pouring concrete mixture

After reinforcement, we perform grouting using a concrete pump. To compact the concrete mixture, we must use an internal vibrator.

In the first days, concrete must be protected from precipitation and moisture loss, so when it rains, we cover it with a special film, in cold weather we warm it up and use it. antifreeze additives, in hot weather, on the contrary, we moisten it to prevent cracks.

4. Dismantling of formwork

Dismantling the formwork, the last stage of installation monolithic slab, occurs 4 weeks after concreting.

Prefabricated monolith (ceiling)

Despite the development construction technologies in all directions, the design of floors still remains conservative, where they are used for the most part traditional methods, stubbornly ignoring progressive solutions.

Installing floors is a labor-intensive and expensive task. IN construction estimates to a share concrete floors up to 20% of costs are reduced.

Prefabricated monolithic technology has been tested in practice in European countries for 20 years. Same installation principle this technology may involve the use of various materials.

1. Formwork wooden board

2. Vertical wooden support

3. Support wall of the building

4.5. Building wall block

6. Layer of concrete (300-500 mm)

7. Flat reinforcing structure connected in the form of a “mesh” (D-6 reinforcement, cell 200x200 mm.)

8. Block cassette / filler material

9. Volumetric reinforcing structure connected according to the “square” principle (D-12 reinforcement)

10. Concrete filling the interblock reinforced space

Prefabricated monolithic floors made of wood concrete are based on the generally accepted principles of prefabricated monolithic technology,

at the same time, they have elements of improvement aimed at simplifying installation and improving the quality of the final result.

1. Use of ready-made specialized metal structures made like “trusses” with additional stiffeners, is many times superior to volumetric reinforcing structures connected by workers on site, both in terms of speed and ease of installation, and in terms of strength characteristics. So one such structure, with a maximum length of 11.7 m, supported only in two extreme points, easily supports the weight of an adult without visible signs of deflection.

Advantages of SPAIT metal structures in comparison with common European analogues:

- light weight - the metal structure is 11.7 m long and weighs only 44 kg.

(for comparison, a 6-meter beam for a prefabricated monolith Teriva (Poland) weighs 72 kg, an 8-meter beam SerboCeramika (Serbia) weighs 68 kg.)

- ease of installation , transportation and use - any design can be easily given the required length both during transportation and on site

(cut, weld, tie)

- installation speed - assembly of floors using ready-made metal structures significantly saves time and labor costs during installation

- reliability - metal structures, thanks to their design features(in the form of a "farm"), are lighter(due to using less

amount of metal) and, at the same time, more durable than the commonly used methods of knitting a volumetric reinforcing structure (in the shape of a “square”)

- efficiency

2. Use of arbolite block liners as a filler material allows you to create not only an incredibly light and strong floor, but also with the highest sound and heat insulation properties, superior in their performance to well-known foreign analogues.

Characteristics of frequently ribbed prefabricated monolithic floor

This is a frequently ribbed ceiling consisting of reinforced concrete structures(by type of trusses) and arbolite blocks placed between them. The length of structures can reach 11.7 m, and the weight linear meter design is 3.8 kg. The floor structures are 100 mm wide. and are installed at a distance of 650 mm. from each other, and in this space fit arbolite blocks, weighing about 7 kg. It is recommended to lay two polyethylene-coated boards (not edged) under the structures, which will serve as formwork for metal structures, as well as support points for placing wood concrete block liners. To ensure that the formwork boards do not sag during concreting of the floor, it is recommended to install support posts under them in several places (wooden supports are installed at a distance of 1 m to 2 m, depending on the thickness of the formwork board). Placed on top of structures and blocks metal mesh, step 200x200 mm. (D rod 6 mm.), and concreting is carried out, and concrete mixture compacted by vibration so that the ceiling structure is dense and has no pores. The concrete class is accepted to be no lower than B-25. Thickness monolithic concrete above the surface of the blocks is 30 mm, and the total ceiling height is 200 mm. After the concrete reaches 100% strength, the floor will be able to bear a load of up to 670 kg/sq.m. excluding their own weight, for comparison: reinforced concrete slabs have a similar indicator of 400 - 430 kg/sq.m., monolith 200 - 250 kg/sq.m.

Advantages of prefabricated monolithic floors:

Light weight(so, 1 sq.m. of flooring (including the top layer of concrete) weighs about 260 kg, while 1 sq.m. of reinforced concrete floor slab weighs about 380 kg. As a result, covering an area of ​​200 sq.m. with flooring , you get a weight saving - 24 tons!).
No need for a truck crane(the ceiling is assembled from individual small-sized elements. Characteristically, they are so light that a crane is not needed for their assembly - they are assembled manually. The ceiling elements assembled in this way can be mounted immediately after delivery to the construction site, attaching them to the walls and forming the necessary ceiling).
No screed needed to level the subfloor(when installing a heated floor, this is especially important, since it can be laid directly on the ceiling).
Floors can easily replace wooden and weakened floors in already existing houses (small dimensions of the composite elements of the floor make it possible to work with it in hard to reach places).
Easy construction of floors in rooms with complex shapes- bay windows, ledges, openings (for stairs), etc.
Ensuring the load-bearing capacity of floors up to 1000 kg/sq.m. (taking into account your own weight).
The highest level of thermal protection and sound insulation in the building(the floors consist almost entirely of wood concrete blocks, which means they do not require either insulation or sound insulation).
Possibility to modify floor structures on the construction site: trim, shorten, give the required shape.
The use of truss structures for the installation of powerful load-bearing jumpers(2 structures are installed under the load-bearing partitions, which provides the necessary load-bearing capacity of the floor).
Saving by 20-25% in cost compared to floors made of reinforced concrete slabs and by 35-40% in comparison with a monolith.
Significant savings on delivery(due to small overall dimensions beam sections, it is possible to deliver up to 250 sq.m. to the construction site. SMP with one machine).

Thus, taking into account all the materials, labor and costs of using heavy equipment

arbolite prefabricated monolithic floors in one and a half times cheaper than floors made of reinforced concrete slabs

and almost in twice cheaper than monolithic floors.

Prefabricated monolith (foundation)

Conditional connection of the installation principles of the Frequently Ribbed Prefabricated Monolithic Floor and the principle of the Insulated Swedish Foundation Slab

made it possible to develop a warm prefabricated monolithic foundation slab (FSMP).

Similarities and advantages of FSMP in comparison with USHP:

1. Reliable - the basis of the FSMP is made up of arbolite blocks, the strength characteristics of which significantly exceed the strength of expanded polystyrene.

The thickness of the FSMP is 30 cm. It can serve as a full-fledged foundation for buildings up to 3 floors high, an excellent foundation for houses made of any materials from lightweight

frame to brick.

2. Excellent heat-saving properties - provides a material with excellent heat-insulating properties - wood concrete, evenly distributed over the entire surface

residential premises of the future building.

3. Highest sound-absorbing properties (dampers vibration well).

4. Integrated communications - the ability to connect all communication systems through the FSMP, including sewerage, water, electricity, water pipe laying

heating system (all that remains is to connect the plumbing and make the wiring).

5. Absolutely environmentally friendly - wood concrete (unlike EPPS, which is traditionally used as part of USP) is made from absolutely safe for

human materials (wood, cement, aluminum sulfate - used for drinking water purification)

5. Absence assembly seams - upon completion of installation, the FSMP surface has absolutely smooth surface, suitable for use as a base for

finishing flooring(no finishing screed needed).

6. Absolute biostability - FSMP contains materials that are not susceptible to rotting or the effects of mold and mildew.

7. Fire safety - wood concrete is not flammable.

8. Simplicity and high speed installation - labor costs required for assembly and pouring 200 sq.m. surface FSMP is 3 people; period of FSMP assembly and filling

is 2-3 days.

9. No extensive excavation work.

10. No need to use heavy special equipment (except concrete pump).

11. Economical - the most expensive component of any foundation is concrete, the content of which in FSMP is reduced to a minimum (concrete savings for FSMP will be

about 20-30% compared to the volume of concrete required for pouring a strip foundation; at the same time, the FSMP is not only the foundation, but at the same time

full floor covering).

Algorithm of work when installing FSMP:

1) Excavation- the top one is removed fertile layer soil, while the bottom of the pit must be leveled with the horizon.

2) Geotextile flooring- it copes well with the function of a separating layer. During operation it does not rot or collapse.

3) Construction of a sand cushion- consists of filling a sand cushion and compacting it. It is advisable to press wet sand in layers to achieve maximum cushion density. The thickness of the sand layer is about 15 cm.

4) Installation drainage system and laying communications(water, sewerage, electricity) - to lay a sewerage system, it is necessary to follow the sequence: compaction of a sand cushion, excavation of sand for laying a sewer line, backfilling of sand, spilling it, repeated general compaction.

5) Gravel bed- similar to a sand cushion, its thickness is also about 15 cm. The crushed stone is carefully leveled over the entire area of ​​the future foundation, leveled in height (reinforcement rods with marks placed in advance in the thickness of the sand and gravel cushion can serve as beacons), and rammed.

6) Assembly of the FSMP body consists in laying out metal structures and wood concrete blocks according to the project - it is best to start with formwork blocks (along the perimeter), laid on the end (300 mm high) and fastened together (gravel/block, block/block) using masonry mortar; all metal structures must be securely fastened together (binding and welding does not matter).

7) Arrangement of outputs of communication systems(water, sewerage, electricity) - the wood concrete filler block is easy to process (sawed, cut), so a lot of time and effort is not spent on arranging the exits.

8) Layout masonry mesh

9) Installation of warm water heating- carried out in accordance with the project.

10) Layout of masonry mesh(200x200mm., D6) - the mesh must be laid out with a slight overlap (one cell is enough), and also tied with tying wire to the metal structures in some places (ensuring there is no movement of the mesh).

11) Filling with concrete (grade no less than M25)- the use of a concrete pump and a vibratory screed will speed up and simplify the process, as well as improve the quality of execution of the FSMP.

After the FSMP has completely dried, you can begin laying the walls of the future structure!

The most creative method of constructing buildings, which makes it possible to obtain a structure of any shape and configuration, is the construction of monolithic walls that do not have connecting seams, and therefore provide the greatest airtightness. By modeling a casting mold with the desired profile, you can get any futuristic contours country house, by sequentially pouring and rearranging the formwork.

The main disadvantage of this method is its high cost and labor intensity, since sand-cement screed is a heavy and expensive material. Alternative way The budget construction of a building using a similar technology is the construction of the walls of a house from monolithic wood concrete, which is much lighter, which means the work can be done by hand.

Preparation of wood concrete mixture

The term wood concrete combines a wide range of mixtures of crushed plant fibers with cement, which makes it possible to obtain a lightweight building material consisting of 80–90% shavings or crushed pieces of various plants. The composition of such a construction material makes it possible to minimize the cost of its production, since crushed plant fibers can be obtained from any waste from the wood processing industry intended for disposal.

The recipe for mixing the components for the preparation of wood concrete will depend on the class and brand of material that should be obtained in the end, based on the purpose:

  • for external walls you need the most dense and durable mixture composition;
  • internal walls and floors may have lower density, but higher thermal and sound insulation.
Table of mixture composition (cement/filler/water) for popular brands of wood concrete depending on the filler
Filler Component content, kg/m 3
B0.35(M5) B0.75(M10) B1.0(M15) B2.0(M20) B2.5(M25)
Softwood shavings and sawdust 260/160/280 280/180/300 300/200/330 330/220/360 360/240/400
Coniferous wood chips and crushed wood 280/170/300 300/190/330 320/210/360 350/230/400 380/250/440
Sawdust and mixed wood shavings 290/180/330 310/200/360 330/220/390 360/240/430 390/250/460
Mixed rock crushing products 310/160/330 330/180/360 350/200/390 380/220/430 410/240/460
Rice straw crusher 300/180/350 370/220/400 400/250/450
Ground hemp and flax stems 220/200/400 310/190/470 360/180/450 450/170/420
Crushed cotton stalks 260/200/400 290/210/460 320/220/480 360/230/510

When accepting the composition of the mixture presented in the table, a number of assumptions should be taken into account and the data adjusted based on the actual parameters of the components:

  1. The proportion is given for cement grade M400, that is, when using other grades, the coefficient of change in strength should be entered: M300 - 1.05; M500 - 0.96; M600 - 0.93.
  2. The filler consumption is given for absolutely dry material, which is rare for real construction conditions; therefore, its mass should be increased by multiplying by a factor greater than one by the proportion of water in the filler composition (moisture content in % divided by 100%).
  3. Quantity clean water should be reduced by the amount of its content in the composition of the chemical additive, which is injected as part of a mixture of a certain concentration.

Types of formwork and their construction

For the construction of any monolith of walls and floors, formwork is required, which is a structure of various material designs that limits the space filled with liquid mortar, which after solidification forms structural elements house or other building. Depending on the geometric shapes that are planned to be reproduced in the architecture of the house, for example, concave or convex walls, special prefabricated molds may be required. Although in most cases, the construction of walls made of monolithic wood concrete involves straight lines and shapes that can be reproduced using wooden formwork, assembled with your own hands from boards and bars.

Considering the hygroscopicity of wood concrete, a reasonable decision would be permanent formwork made of polystyrene foam boards, creating a double-sided vapor and heat impermeable layer. The assembly of an enclosing form made of polystyrene foam consists of connecting standard elements using special locks that are molded during the manufacture of formwork elements and are an integral part of them. A device of this design will require additional costs, since a non-removable polystyrene foam structure cannot be made with your own hands from scrap materials.

Having chosen wood concrete as a construction material for the house to fill monolithic walls and the floor of the house, using factory molded products or permanent formwork would be counter-intuitive. It would be more reasonable to make panels from boards or chipboards, by connecting them together and setting a distance equal to the thickness of the walls, you can get a reusable device that can be rearranged in horizontal and vertical planes.

The surface of the boards facing inward must be well processed, since all unevenness and defects in the wood will be transferred to the walls, which means an additional finishing layer will be required to eliminate them. So that after the wood concrete hardens in the form, the limiting structure can be easily dismantled, the surface of the boards or chipboard should be pre-treated using any oily composition, for example, used motor oil.

Monolithic construction technology

Wood concrete is the lightest structural material, therefore, for the construction of walls, a monolithic floor made of reinforced concrete is not required; it will be enough to limit yourself to a strip foundation made by yourself, the width of which should be equal to the thickness of the walls. As a material for the device supporting structure reinforced concrete or brick should be used at home, capable of supporting the weight of a building of three floors, since a large number of floors for monolithic structures from wood concrete is not allowed. Subsequently between strip foundations it is necessary to install floors, which can also be made of wood concrete.

Monolithic construction can be carried out in several ways:

  • continuous floor-by-floor pouring, in which permanent formwork is installed on the floor or foundation, and the mixture is supplied from an automixer or a local concrete-mortar unit;
  • by pouring belts, when formwork of a certain width is formed immediately along the entire perimeter of the building and sequentially moves from bottom to top;
  • segmental pouring, when a section of a wall of a fixed height and length is poured in one go, with restrictions on the sides.

Formwork for monolithic floors and arbolite floors Manual tamping ceilings of the first floor Compacted floor and prepared formwork for pouring walls Rearranged formwork for pouring the next layer of wood concrete Rearrangement of formwork Poured and compacted wood concrete in formwork for walls Formwork for the façade side Walls made of monolithic wood concrete

If building a house is done with your own hands, then the first two options are frankly utopian, but the last one is the most realistic and practically feasible, even in the absence of a concrete mixer.

The sequence of operations in this case will be as follows:

  1. The formwork prepared with your own hands is placed on a certain section of the foundation, into which reinforcing rods must be walled up in advance, reaching the height of the mark where the floor of the next floor will be. The diameter and pitch of the rods when installing wall reinforcement is selected based on the planned number of storeys of the building; the higher it is, the shorter the distance and the greater the thickness of the embedded parts.
  2. The lower edge of the enclosing panels overlaps with the foundation of the house, and the upper cut is fixed at two or three points along the thickness of the wall. For a tight fit, the panels are pulled together with metal pins with a diameter of 3–5 mm, which, after removing the formwork, must be cut flush so that there are no holes left in the wall. The gaps on the sides of the formwork are closed with pieces of boards.
  3. Wood concrete is poured into the prepared segment, the composition of which is determined by whether it is an external wall or partition, adding 3–5 cm to the top edge of the formwork. After pouring, it is imperative to compact the solution by manually compacting it with a specially prepared pin along the entire length of the pour, thereby removing air bubbles from the wood concrete layer in order to achieve the desired density and strength.
  4. After the wall section has hardened, the formwork can be removed, protected, oiled and installed on the next segment, after which all previous manipulations must be repeated. The rearrangement is carried out sequentially: first in one plane in height, and after closing the perimeter, the rise is made to a higher level.
  5. After reaching the mark of the next floor, you must install the floor by filling it with your own hands with wood concrete on top of specially prepared formwork or by laying standard reinforced concrete slabs ceilings After the floor is equipped, all operations are repeated until the design height of the building is reached.

ARBOLIT- is a building material, is a type lightweight concrete. The composition of the wood concrete includes M500 cement; water; wood chips of certain sizes, treated with lime, alumina sulfate, or simply aged for at least a month outdoors(chips should be at least 80-90% of the total volume of the block). Arbolite is made without the use of sand. Arbolite is widely used in Russia for the construction of houses, dachas, bathhouses, garages, but mainly in those regions where there is a lot of forest. After all, in order to produce 1 m3 of wood concrete, you need 1.3 m3 of dry wood chips of the sizes determined by GOST. That is why all the main production of wood concrete in Russia is located in regions rich in forests.

Arbolite is a large-porous material that provides excellent air exchange in rooms, thereby making the microclimate in the house very comfortable for living;

wood concrete density is 500-600 kg/m3, which allows saving on the foundation;

wood concrete has low thermal conductivity;

the strength of wood concrete B2 and excellent characteristics of tensile and bending strength make it possible to build houses with a height of 2-3 floors with a wall thickness of 30-40 cm without any problems. In this case, you can use both wooden and reinforced concrete floors;

large and convenient block sizes speed up the construction process and save money on paying workers;

despite the fact that wood concrete consists almost entirely of wood chips, it does not rot and is not susceptible to infection by microorganisms and fungi. Wood acquires such properties after processing, provided it is in a solution of high-grade cement and mineral additives.

wood concrete belongs to the class of fire-resistant materials and is able to withstand an open flame with a temperature of at least 1000°C for 45-90 minutes.

Wood concrete is resistant to impact and mechanical stress, and at the same time is easy to drill and saw, and easily holds fasteners.

The specific heat capacity of wood concrete is several times greater than that of brick, which is why in houses made of wood concrete summer heat It’s cool, and in the cold of winter, wood concrete walls can retain heat for a long time.

Wood concrete is manufactured in accordance with the current GOST 19222-84 and the Instructions for the design, manufacture and use of structures and products made of wood concrete (Approved by the resolution State Committee USSR for Construction Affairs dated May 4, 1982 No. 116).

History of wood concrete

Developed and standardized in the 60s. During the years of the USSR, more than 100 wood concrete plants were built.

Wood concrete production technology

For the manufacture of wood concrete and products made from it, it is used following materials:

* mineral binder (Portland cement, Portland cement with mineral additives, sulfate-resistant cement - except pozzolanic - according to GOST 10178 and GOST 22266 grades of at least 300 - for heat-insulating wood concrete and 400 - for structural wood concrete);
* organic fillers (chopped wood from waste from logging, sawmilling and woodworking of coniferous (spruce, pine, fir) and deciduous (birch, aspen, beech, poplar) species, hemp and flax bonfire, chopped cotton stalks and chopped rice straw);
* additional substances (hardening accelerators, steam generator, plasticizers, steel corrosion inhibitors, etc.) according to GOST 24211;
* water according to GOST 23723.

Types of wood concrete

There are the following types of wood concrete - thermal insulation (density from 400 to 500 kg/m³) and structural (density from 500 to 850 kg/m³). It is used in the form of ready-made building blocks or slabs for the construction of self-supporting walls or internal partitions of buildings, as well as as thermal insulation and soundproofing material.


The thermal conductivity of wood concrete is 0.07-0.17 W/(m K). The most important characteristic wood concrete, like any building material, is the compressive strength. The compressive strength of wood concrete varies from M5-M10 for thermal insulation to M25-M50 and even up to M100 for structural.

Wood concrete has increased bending strength and absorbs sound waves quite well.

Wood concrete does not support combustion and is convenient for processing. Structural types have a high flexural strength and can restore their shape after temporarily exceeding the maximum load.

The disadvantages of wood concrete include reduced moisture resistance. The outer surface of wood concrete structures in contact with atmospheric moisture must have a protective finishing layer. It is advisable to maintain air humidity in rooms with wood concrete walls no higher than 75%.

Application of wood concrete

Arbolite is used for monolithic construction low-rise buildings residential, economic and industrial purposes, as well as in the form of blocks.

Questions and answers

How many blocks are needed for a bathhouse measuring 2x4 meters?

Approximate calculation for a 2x4 meter bath (according to external dimensions)

Perimeter of the building (2+4)x2= 12 meters, wall thickness 20 cm (block laid on edge)

With a wall height of 2.4 m from the base, 12x0.2x2.4 = 5.76 cubic meters. minus windows and doors.
With a wall height of 2.1 m from the base, 12x0.2x2.1 = 5.04 cubic meters. minus windows and doors.

What kind of solution is used to lay arbolite blocks?

The laying of arbolite blocks is carried out using a cement-sand mixture (CSM). For greater plasticity, a certain amount of fluff lime can be added to the mixture. In order to avoid cold bridges, perlite can be added to the CPS during laying. In the same way, sawdust can be used instead of perlite, but it will require mineralization to neutralize sugars.

Is it possible to use wood concrete blocks as a foundation, or for the construction of a basement?

The use of wood concrete in the foundation is not recommended, not because it will not withstand the loads, but because the natural humidity of the earth is much higher natural humidity air, even during rain, secondly, this humidity is constant, and if there is also water inflow in the form of perched water or groundwater, then everything gets worse. Arbolite is a material with high water absorption, i.e. it will begin to absorb water from the soil, and constantly, accordingly the material will have high humidity. But when the humidity begins to differ greatly from the norm, the wood concrete’s thermal conductivity immediately increases and some other characteristics in the wall deteriorate. That is why it is not recommended for foundation. In the wall of such critical values Humidity cannot be achieved even if you water it from a bransboy during the day; it will dry out overnight and release excess water into the atmosphere.

How tall can you build houses from wood concrete?

Arbolite is divided into structural and thermal insulation. As the name suggests, build buildings with load-bearing walls from wood concrete stands from structural wood concrete. The strength of M25 wood concrete blocks is sufficient for the construction of a building of 2.5 floors with floors made of hollow core slabs.

When building a house made of wood concrete, is it possible to use hollow core slabs as floors?

Can be used various types interfloor coverings, such as hollow core slabs, interfloor ceilings made of expanded clay concrete, floors wooden beams, etc. To evenly distribute the load on the walls, it is recommended to make an armored belt between floors.

Is it possible to use a regular concrete mixer instead of a mixing station?

No, concrete mixers are not capable of producing high-quality wood concrete mixture. An example of what happens to a concrete mixer when mixing wood concrete can be seen in our production. At the same time, the mixing station not only mixes the mixture, but also additionally, by grinding the chips with an auger, brings it to the size required by GOST.

Wood concrete is more expensive than foam concrete, why is it better?

Besides the best thermal insulation properties(on average by 70%), allowing you to refuse additional work In terms of insulation, arbolite blocks, when the load is exceeded, under shock loads, do not crack like foam concrete, but shrink, easily restoring their original shape after removing the load. This plasticity not only saves money during transportation and construction, but also protects the house from cracks during operation caused by shrinkage, temperature changes and other factors. In terms of earthquake resistance, houses made of wood concrete have almost no competitors. When building a house from wood concrete, unlike foam concrete, no reinforcement is required, which also significantly reduces the cost of work and materials. By summing up all construction costs, a house made of wood concrete is cheaper than a house made of foam concrete. Wood concrete has better frost resistance (the ability to withstand repeated freezing and thawing in a water-saturated state without signs of destruction or loss of strength), is more environmentally friendly, etc.

Is it possible to make wood concrete not from wood chips, but from sawdust?

It is possible, wood concrete made from sawdust is often called sawdust concrete. The characteristics of sawdust concrete are in many ways superior to other similar materials, although they are inferior to wood concrete made from wood chips.

Wooden I-beams are a modern high-tech material that has no analogues in terms of price and quality ratio with an estimated rafter length of more than 5 meters. Such a roof will last for many years without deforming or collapsing under the influence of natural factors. The InterCity company calculates and selects I-beams for rafter system, we also give recommendations on installation and joint solutions for wooden I-beams own production, made from high quality materials using special technology.

I-beam production technology

Wooden I-beams are made from OSB boards and chamber-dried planed timber (Wood series), as well as LVL-laminated timber using European technology (LVL series).

Advantages of a wooden I-beam:

  • durability;
  • ideal declared geometry;
  • use only dry chamber-drying material;
  • possibility of installing long spans ( maximum length is 12 m);
  • high precision and stability of geometry;
  • possibility of year-round use in construction;
  • Possibility of internal installation engineering communications;
  • convenient installation (5-10 times faster than for reinforced concrete monolith, hollow core slab and boards), with minimal costs labor and without the need for special equipment.

Floor beams (I-beams) do not crack or deform over time. GreenLum products – great alternative heavy and difficult to work metal and reinforced concrete coatings, the installation of which is associated with the need to perform “wet” work, additional involvement of reinforcement workers, concrete workers, etc.

Applicable in:

  • basement floors of houses made of gas blocks, foam blocks, gas silicate, wood concrete, aerated concrete, foam concrete;
  • interfloor floors of houses made of aerated concrete blocks, foam blocks, gas silicate, wood concrete, aerated concrete, foam concrete;
  • attic floors houses made of aerated concrete, foam blocks, gas silicate, wood concrete, aerated concrete, foam concrete;

Don't want to understand the details?

Send us drawings of your block house, you can even make it by hand. We will promptly draw the layout of I-beams, select the cross-section, calculate the quantity, and also guide you on the cost and time of production of the material. If necessary, we will calculate the cost of delivery. The ceiling in a house made of blocks must be no less strong and reliable than the walls, so we calculate the beams for a load of 400 kg/m2, which ensures structural rigidity according to SNiP.