Own business: kvass production. Advantages and disadvantages of “live products”. Using equipment you can achieve high productivity

Kvass is a drink that has been familiar to us since childhood, despite the fact that it is a consequence of the fermentation of grain raw materials, and which gives us the desired coolness in summer heat. This drink first appeared in human life quite a long time ago and has not lost its popularity since then. But at the same time, since then, kvass has become a product of mass consumption.

For its production, products such as malt (obtained from wheat or barley) can be used, in some cases it is used. In addition, if desired, some other ingredients are added to it, such as honey or wax, in some cases mixtures of certain herbs. It is believed that kvass as a drink is a purely Slavic traditional drink.

Devices for the production of kvass - equipment

Even for making kvass at home you will need appropriate equipment, in particular containers for wort fermentation; in most cases, ordinary ones are used for this at home. glass jar. But on a scale industrial production They use special fermenters, devices for crushing grain, for blending kvass and much more. At the same time, it must be remembered that depending on the amount of drink produced, the volume of the devices will also depend.

It is also worth noting that during the production of kvass it is very important to obtain a drink of sufficiently high quality, which cannot be achieved without the use of high-quality raw materials, as well as devices that could help achieve the desired result. Correct selection equipment for kvass is especially important from the first days of production, although it must be taken into account that this cannot always be arranged. And also during business modernization to increase its scale.


  • Beverage making machine;
  • Keg washing;
  • Fermentation tanks;
  • Mixing container (circulation + mixer);
  • Container for prepared water 120 l. (float + drives);
  • Water purification system. (3-stage cleaning + UV filtration);
  • Cold hopping machine;
  • Sip-wash;
  • Dispenser for raw materials;
  • Mixer for raw materials;
  • Gearbox with heating functions;
  • Measuring instruments;
  • Intake heads of fitting A (G/S/H/M/U/D).

The minimum price for the purchase or assembly of a mini-plant with a capacity of 10,000 liters per day is from 250,000 rubles.

Kvass production technology + video on how to make it

Today, such a drink as kvass is produced using carbonated and soft drinks. And its main ingredient is the so-called kvass wort concentrate. In addition, it also includes, of course, water.

What the process looks like:

  1. Water preparation. To make naturally fermented kvass you need drinking water, suitable for sanitary and hygienic standards SaNpiN and/or TI 10-5031536-73-90. Water must be sterile, so it should be disinfected by boiling or passing through a special disinfecting filter with UV radiation.
  2. Wort preparation. To obtain kvass wort using the infusion method, special kvass briquettes based on rye flour and sugar beets are used. The briquettes are filled with boiling water (30 liters of water per 4 kg of briquettes). Sugar and wort concentrate are added to the fermentation container according to the recipe. Then it is poured warm water(about 35°C) and a pre-diluted yeast mixture.
  3. Fermentation process. After adding the yeast mixture, the wort is thoroughly mixed, and the fermenter is tightly closed. The temperature (about 30°C) and fermentation time (at least 12 hours) are set.
  4. Maturation process. The fermented liquid is filtered through filters and poured into plastic food barrels, KEGs or PET bottles for further maturation. Kvass is placed in dark room, where it is kept at room temperature for 4 hours.
  5. Cooling process. After the kvass has matured and the drink has been saturated with carbon dioxide, the container is placed in the refrigerator. Further, such naturally fermented kvass is sold along with the container in which it was matured.

Since wort concentrate is the main ingredient for kvass, the main attention is paid to its production. It is obtained from barley or wheat malt, which is mashed with water. But in addition to malts, corn or rye flour. It is worth noting that any kvass production facility has its own own recipe its production. Thus, some enterprises may use freshly sprouted fermented rye malt. In small-scale enterprises, so-called kvass rye bread is most often used. In addition, dry bread kvass and much more can also be used. All this depends on the scale of production and the desire of the manufacturer to supply the market with a high-quality non-alcoholic drink.

And to do this, it is imperative to follow the sequence of each stage of kvass production. So one of the first stages is the production of wort, for the production of which the above ingredients are used, which must be left to infuse for a certain amount of time. The next stage is the fermentation of kvass wort. To do this, the kvass wort must be pumped into a special apparatus and, depending on the recipe, a certain amount of sugar must be added (at this stage this is 25% of the total amount of sugar required). For more thorough mixing, it is added in the form sugar syrup. Next, the kvass is blended. In its process, the remaining 75% of sugar is added, in addition, it is necessary to add kvass wort concentrate, as well as, if necessary, color. After thorough mixing, the kvass product is transferred to the bottling stage. Ordinary containers can be used plastic bottles, tank trucks or barrels. It must be remembered that the temperature should not exceed 12 degrees Celsius.

Video of how kvass is made:

It should be noted that in addition to real kvass, on the shelves you can also see so-called kvass drinks, which have practically nothing in common with real kvass, except for the name. Since they consist of soda, various sweeteners and flavoring. In most cases they are sold in plastic bottles.

Kvass is a traditional Russian drink with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol of no more than 1.2%, which is prepared as a result of incomplete alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation of the wort. Kvass production is profitable business with high profitability (this figure is at least 100%). It requires relatively small investments, which will more than pay off in the first season. Kvass belongs to various categories of drinks, but, as a rule, it is most often allocated to the group of thirst-quenching drinks. Kvass is a seasonal product and successfully competes in the hot season with mineral water and even beer. According to surveys conducted by the Romir research center in 2008-2009, kvass was preferred among other soft drinks by 27% of respondents. Only tea and mineral water are ahead of it, and kvass’s closest competitors are coffee and juice.

Depending on consumer preferences, three main groups of drinks can be distinguished, which are sold at retail and each of which includes kvass. The first group includes sweet soft drinks saturated with carbon dioxide. The main competitors of kvass in this group are carbonated drinks with flavors. The second group includes healthy drinks. In addition to kvass, this includes mineral water, juices, fruit drinks, etc. The third group consists of fermented drinks with a malt-like dense taste, where the main competition for kvass is beer and other traditional drinks. The main reason for the gradual increase in popularity of kvass compared to other drinks used to quench thirst is optimal combination price and utility factor. Kvass does not contain artificial additives or colorings, GMOs, and is no more expensive mineral water and, especially, juices. All this ensures stable demand for kvass during the hot season.

The most widespread is bread kvass, which is a drink dark brown with a pleasant taste and characteristic aroma rye bread. Bread kvass is produced by combined unfinished alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. Most enterprises use kvass wort concentrate as the main raw material for its production. In addition, sugar is used in the form of white sugar syrup, drinking water, and a combined starter culture of yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Production process bread kvass consists of several stages: preparation of white sugar syrup, preparation of wort, preparation of starter culture of microorganisms, fermentation of wort, blending of kvass. The production of white sugar syrup for kvass is carried out using the same technology that is used in the production of carbonated soft drinks. It is obtained cold or hot.

In the first case, the syrup is prepared by dissolving sugar in water, followed by filtering through sterilizing filters or in-line disinfection. Although the quality of white sugar syrup in this case will be higher, there is a danger of microbiological contamination. Experts advise that after dissolving the sugar, pass the resulting syrup through mesh filter traps from stainless steel with a decreasing hole diameter, and then through a frame filter press, precoat or candle filter. The diameter of the filter through which the syrup is passed at the end should be 30 microns. For the production of expensive drinks, sterilizing membrane filters with a pore diameter of 0.45 microns are used as the final stage of filtration. More widespread received a method for preparing sugar syrup using the hot method. In this case, syrup boilers with heating, a stirrer and exhaust pipe at the top of the tank. First, a given amount of water is measured, which is then supplied to the boiler and heated to a temperature of 55-60 °C. While stirring, sugar is added to the water, after which the water is heated to boiling point. The sugar syrup is boiled for half an hour. At the same time, foam is removed from its surface to avoid the proliferation of mucus-forming bacteria. The hot syrup is then sent for filtration through a bag mesh or fabric filter. Frame filters are also used for these purposes. The filtered solution is then cooled in counter-flow tubular or plate heat exchangers using brine or water to a temperature of 10-20 °C. The finished syrup with a dry matter content of 60-65% is stored in collections with measuring glass. In kvass production, white sugar syrup is used to prepare kvass wort and blend the drink. In the first case, a certain amount of kvass wort concentrate and sugar syrup is dissolved in water.

The most difficult stage of kvass production from a technological point of view is the preparation of a starter culture of microorganisms, which is carried out in the laboratory, in the department of pure cultures of microorganisms and directly in the kvass production. To accumulate the necessary biomass of yeast and lactic acid bacteria, pure cultures of kvass yeast and lactic acid bacteria are used. Fermentation takes place at a temperature of about 30 °C. In order to stop the fermentation process, the wort is cooled to a temperature not higher than 7 ° C and maintained at this temperature for 30-60 minutes. Then the sediment is removed from the fermented wort, and the wort itself is blended by adding white sugar syrup to it after reaching the standard dry matter content. Ready kvass is bottled into isothermal tank trucks, barrels or plastic bottles. In order to preserve the taste and aroma inherent in fresh kvass and to avoid loss of carbon dioxide, it is recommended to bottle kvass under isobaric conditions.

Both in the process of preparing kvass and at the stage of bottling it, it is very important to strictly observe all hygiene standards. Barrels and vats used in production are thoroughly steamed; only boiled water is used to make kvass. All this is necessary in order to avoid the occurrence of butyric acid fermentation, which leads to spoilage of the product. Also special requirements are applied to the organization of storage of finished kvass in warehouses. This should be a well-ventilated room where a favorable temperature is maintained. The shelf life of real “live” kvass is two days at a temperature of 12 °C. In special packaging and if all requirements are met, kvass can be stored for 2-3 months, but if the storage regime is violated, decomposition processes will soon begin in the product.

To organize the production of kvass, it is necessary to draw up a number of documents. First of all, in constituent documents(registration certificate) individual entrepreneur or in the charter of the enterprise, if we are talking about legal entity, it is necessary to indicate among the permitted types of activities the production and sale (wholesale and retail) of kvass. To obtain permission to operate a kvass workshop, you must confirm that the premises you have chosen comply with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service, and the water for making kvass complies with SNiP standards. First, the entrepreneur sends a notification to Rospotrebnadzor, and then receives permission for production or services. To do this, he must provide the production program of his enterprise with a list of assortments. After the commission inspects the premises and confirms their compliance with sanitary standards, a sanitary-epidemiological (hygienic) conclusion is issued. Then you will need to obtain the same conclusion on the product, which gives the right to produce a trial batch of kvass. The trial batch is sent to the laboratory for testing, and if its quality meets the requirements, Rospotrebnadzor issues a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.

A quality certificate (or declaration of conformity) is issued subject to the presence of technical specifications (technical requirements, which the product must satisfy) and technological instructions. You will need a quality certificate if you are going to supply your products to stores. Special organizations are engaged in the development of specifications and technical specifications. The cost of their services averages 10 thousand rubles. per document. Instead of technical specifications, you can use GOST, but in any case you will have to develop technical specifications yourself. Of course, it is quite possible to develop technological instructions yourself, but if you do not have experience in drawing up such documents, then you are unlikely to save money.

To produce a thousand liters of kvass you will need 2.5 cubic meters of water, 50 kg of sugar, 28 kg of kvass wort concentrate and other ingredients. Electricity consumption is 74 kW for the specified volume of production. Kvass concentrate will cost, according to companies producing live fermentation kvass, 100 rubles/kg. The cost of a kilogram of granulated sugar is 20-25 rubles, 50 grams of yeast costs up to 10 rubles. Add to this various aromatic additives (mint, cherry leaf, etc.) costing about 50 rubles. The total cost of raw materials for making 100 liters of kvass is about 700 rubles. Three workers will be needed to produce 100 liters of kvass. Six people work in production with a volume of 180 liters of products. Average wages employee is 15 thousand rubles. plus mandatory payments from the wage fund. According to various estimates, the average cost of one liter of kvass is about 10 rubles. Equipment costs include the purchase of a fermentation apparatus (17 thousand rubles) and additional containers (8 thousand rubles for two units). Kvass supplied to stores for sale is usually bottled in PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5 and 2 liters. 86 liters of kvass is 57 1.5 liter bottles. The cost of packaging is 5 rubles. per PET bottle, 0.5 rub. per cap, 1.5-2 rubles per color label. The retail cost of high-quality kvass in one and a half liter bottles is about 45-50 rubles. The profit from selling at least 120 one and a half liter bottles of kvass per day at a price of 50 rubles each will be about 100 thousand rubles. per month.

However, most of the profit for kvass producers comes not from sales through retail chains, but from mobile kvass bottling points. The cost of a liter of soft drink in this case will be slightly higher, since kvass, unlike kvass sold through stores, has kvass wort concentrate added. In addition, at such small points of sale, in most cases, kvass is bought in cups (two bottling options - in a small and large glass with a capacity of 0.25 and 0.5 ml, respectively), and not in bottles. The cost of disposable packaging is also taken into account when determining the retail price of kvass.

The minimum monthly profit of such a retail outlet is from 35 thousand rubles. This amount directly depends on the correctly selected location of the mobile point (near bus stops public transport, in the city center with high traffic, in markets, approx. shopping centers etc.), as well as on the weather (the higher the air temperature, the greater the sales will be).

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Kvass is beginning to be in particular demand in summer period. According to statistical indicators, the annual growth in production and sales of this drink reaches about 25 percent. Therefore, there is a fairly serious reason to think about opening your own enterprise in this field of activity.

IN modern conditions The production of kvass can be considered a highly profitable and profitable business. In addition, if you pay all your attention to preparing the appropriate project and searching for distribution channels, then even when opening big company you can get quite high profits.

What should you do to organize your business?

At a time when it is hot outside, people are happy to buy kvass. In this case, barrels with such a drink can be located directly on fresh air. However, with this approach, you will need to think about purchasing equipment for the production of kvass, not only of a basic nature, but also of an additional nature.

In addition, materials are also needed. To sell kvass directly on the street using barrels, you need to purchase tanks that include dispensers and cooling technology, plastic bottles and cups. However, it should be noted that all the money spent on equipment for the production of kvass and other factors will pay off very quickly. Given option will do those entrepreneurs who want to start a small home business.

Cooling Beverage Production Procedure

Kvass can be classified as a product that spoils quite quickly. This occurs over a period of three to seven days. In this regard, in order to obtain a high-quality product, you should carefully follow the production technology. The process of making kvass can be divided into several stages, which does not depend on the scale of the enterprise.

  1. Preparation of wort. To do this, you need to place all the ingredients used in a specially prepared container and add water in a certain ratio. The temperature of the added liquid should be about 10-20 degrees.
  2. Kvass production technology includes the fermentation procedure of wort. In order to this process started, you need to add yeast to the wort. After this, the container must be sealed and kept at a constant temperature for two days in this condition.
  3. Lightening. In order for the drink to acquire a light shade, it is necessary to carry out the appropriate procedures. However, this step is not always necessary.
  4. Excerpt. In order for the drink to acquire all the necessary organoleptic properties, it must be kept for one day at a certain temperature.
  5. Filtration. The technology for producing kvass in a factory requires mandatory purification of the drink from yeast and other numerous components that form at the bottom.
  6. Spill. Finished products can be placed in special bottles, jars or tanks.

Use of new technologies

Biotechnology for the production of kvass can also be used by entrepreneurs. It carries the transformation of the original product into the required drink. On at this stage synthesis occurs organic compounds. In addition, at this step one can distinguish processes such as biotransformation, fermentation, biocatalysis, biooxidation, methane fermentation and many others.

Using equipment you can achieve high productivity

The production procedure for one batch of the drink will take about three days. In order to make live kvass, you don’t need to spend a lot of effort. This can be done even at home. And it is not always necessary to purchase equipment for the production of kvass in such situations. However, if there are no machines, then it will be impossible to even think about producing the drink in large volumes, which will be enough for sale. Therefore, you will still need to purchase a minimum technological line.

Too powerful equipment is not needed at the very beginning of business activity

Before purchasing all the necessary equipment for the production of kvass, you should decide on the production volumes that should be achieved at the enterprise. This will determine what installations will need to be purchased.

For example, a novice entrepreneur who does not yet have an established sales line does not need powerful equipment. This will only lead to unnecessary expenses, which may not always pay off. A small plant should be equipped with not too powerful equipment. Only in case of expansion can you think about purchasing another type of installation.

What should I buy?

The standard production line includes the following types of equipment and containers:

  • dosing container in which water and wort are mixed;
  • fermentation and blending tanks;
  • a tank in which the sugar syrup is prepared;
  • bottling line.

Costs you will have to face

The minimum cost of medium-power equipment reaches two million rubles. Due to the fact that we are talking about the manufacture of food products, in addition to such devices as a fermentation apparatus, you will also need to purchase a washing machine. All tanks must be cleaned after each production cycle. Washing devices are characterized sufficiently high cost. Therefore, in order to save money, initial stage It's better to wash everything by hand.

How can it be possible to reduce the cost of equipment?

It should also be noted that the cost of equipment will almost double if the production process is fully automated. Is there any way to reduce the cost of equipping an enterprise with everything necessary equipment? Here are a few methods you can use.

  1. The barrel for kvass wort concentrate, like other equipment, can be purchased from China. The quality is not very different from European models, but the cost is lower. A powerful line can be purchased for one and a half million rubles.
  2. You can buy one fermentation-blend type container in which all stages of kvass production will be carried out. In terms of performance, such equipment does not have very high parameters, but this is enough to start your business activity. The cost of the device reaches approximately 700 thousand rubles. In such a situation, you can save money on purchasing a production line and renting premises. However, in this case, the product will be bottled in manual mode. Although it is possible to purchase a special machine.
  3. You can significantly reduce costs by purchasing used equipment.

Raw materials for the production of kvass must be purchased in bulk. In such a situation, you can reduce your monthly expenses cash for the manufacture of products. The cost of one thousand liters of the drink will reach about 6 thousand rubles. In order to prepare such a volume of kvass, it will be necessary to purchase the following type of raw materials:

  • kvass wort, namely its concentrate (you need to purchase about 28 kilograms);
  • water – 2.5 cubic meters;
  • sugar – 50 kilograms;
  • yeast.

All components must have a certificate of conformity. In order to start producing high-quality products, you need to thoroughly approach the issue of purchasing raw materials.

What to do if you plan to set up home production?

If you purchased mini-equipment that you plan to use at home, then such a large amount of raw materials is not needed. To do this, you can already purchase ready-made mixtures, which only need to be diluted with water and wort added to them. The taste of the resulting drink will not differ much from kvass, which was produced at the factory using powerful equipment.


IN this review We have indicated the main nuances that are associated with the production of a cooling drink. The cost of organizing a business activity is, of course, quite high. However, you should not be afraid of large expenses, since profits will not be long in coming.

The main thing is to approach the matter competently. Good luck in starting your own business!

Kvass production is a fairly profitable business, as evidenced by its annual increase of 20-30% . Kvass is a non-alcoholic drink, which is made by natural fermentation of special kvass wort, water and sugar. If the product is created using the technology for producing carbonated water, it is called a kvass drink.

Unlike beer, which is sold within all year round, kvass is not of interest to large producers due to seasonal restrictions. As a result, aggressive competitive environment not in this market. The number of lovers of this drink, on the contrary, is regularly increasing. This is mainly due to the naturalness of the product; it is free from flavors and dyes. This means that the sale and production of kvass is a business primarily for small firms.

Starting a business

You can start a business with sales, and then move on to launching a kvass production line. There are several trading options: selling in the summer from a rented thermal tank or barrel; trade in kegs all year round; sales of bottled kvass in retail chains.

Trade from barrels - the classic way to start a business. It is recommended to prepare for summer in advance, starting in December. This will allow you to collect everything necessary documents, find seasonal workers, get an agreed location. Places are allocated on the basis of a competition, the procedure is similar to obtaining permission to trade at the Christmas tree market. Most often, when choosing a company, it is based on the results of its work in previous seasons.

Without permission from the SES to carry out trading activities, it’s also impossible to work. The next stage is obtaining permission from the SES to carry out trade. You will need to pay for such a permit in accordance with government rates. You can rent or buy a barrel yourself. The market offers two options: modern tanks and “old” barrels. A thermos tank costs around three thousand dollars; you can store kvass in it for even more than five days, whereas in ordinary barrels - a maximum of two days.

Placing documentation on the barrel itself will allow you to avoid unnecessary questions from regulatory authorities: information about the seller with telephone numbers, full name of the product, as well as the manufacturer’s details.

Great attention should be paid when starting a business personnel issue. People in such a business, as in many others, decide, if not everything, then a lot. Finding the right employees is not as easy as it might seem. Kvass sellers do not require any special skills, but each of them needs a health certificate. It is also desirable that all business employees be a real team and understand each other. IN major cities the danger is posed by visiting workers, who can often simply disappear along with a large sum money. As for remuneration, it is best if it is a fixed salary plus interest.

Production technology

The kvass production technology includes several stages: wort preparation, fermentation (no more than two days), clarification (this stage allows you to extend the shelf life of kvass by four days), aging, filtration, bottling. On average, it takes three days to create a batch of the drink. Moreover, the shelf life of the product itself is from three days to seven days (clarified).

To organize such a production, it will be necessary to purchase equipment for the production of kvass (fermentation and blending tanks, syrup measuring tank, refrigeration machine, washing, pumps, etc.) or a ready-made device costing about 800,000 rubles. Those who are going to sell products in bottles will also have to buy a bottling and packaging line (from 500 thousand rubles).

Economic component

The production and marketing of kvass must be established before the onset of the season, this will allow for maximum profit. The bulk of sales occurs between June and August. The higher the outside temperature, the better.

However, when the sale of a drink is carried out through retail chains, then winter period production does not have to be suspended, it is enough to simply produce fewer products in accordance with existing demand. If you sell kvass yourself, retail outlets outdoors, then, of course, production will have to be mothballed during the cold season.

A business plan for the production of kvass should be based on the fact that for 1000 liters of this drink you will need:

  • almost 30 kg of dry kvass wort concentrate,
  • 50 kg sugar, yeast
  • about 3 m 3 of water.

Raw materials for the production of bread kvass will cost approximately 6,000 rubles. You can earn up to 50 thousand rubles by selling drinks at a price of 50 rubles/liter.

The total cost of organizing the production and sale of bottled kvass with a capacity of one thousand liters per shift is approximately 2 million rubles. (including the price of production equipment, expected repair costs, other expenses). As a rule, it is possible to recoup the investment in one and a half to two years.

The profitability of a kvass production plant exceeds 100%, and if successful, opening your own kvass company can bring up to 300% per annum.

Possible problems

However, despite everything positive aspects There are also plenty of similar business, difficulties and problems in this field of activity. The main problem, of course, is the seasonality of demand. There's nothing to be done, kvass is a summer drink. In winter, the population prefers hot food and drinks. The consumption of water, beer, juices and other soft drinks is significantly reduced.

There are also myths about the barrel trade to contend with. Many are wary of drinking from barrels because they are allegedly either not washed at all or washed in violation of sanitary standards. Which is far from the true state of affairs. Each barrel enters the plant with a special pass. With the help of special solutions it is washed both from the inside and from the outside. outside. After which inner surface processed with hot steam and cooled with water. And kvass is poured into an absolutely clean tank, then the barrel is sealed, this helps avoid the penetration of any infections.

Yes, in the kvass business, as in any other, there are unscrupulous producers and sellers, because of whom honest entrepreneurs undeservedly suffer, but in this case there is only one way out - to prove high quality their products and take care of their own reputation.