How to plaster a block house. What is the best way to plaster aerated concrete inside? Video - Facade plaster for aerated concrete


Upon completion of construction, the question arises of how to decorate your home with inside, that is, what to plaster the inside of aerated concrete with. This material is more often used in small buildings that have 2 floors.

This popularity of aerated concrete has several reasons:

  • low weight, which allows you to save on specialized equipment and construction time;
  • retains heat well, therefore, even if the house is built in an area where there are frequent low temperatures, owners don’t have to worry about it being cold at home;
  • if we compare this material with ceramic bricks, then the second has a thermal resistance 3 times higher;
  • such a house will be reliably protected from street noise;
  • air permeability is also high, so there will never be stale air in such a building;
  • influence environment and weather conditions do not at all affect the strength and durability of this material;
  • high resistance of aerated concrete to open fire.

But you should know that plaster for aerated concrete is selected depending on the brand of density.

Due to its porous structure, aerated concrete was given the role of insulation. During laying, ordinary adhesive solutions are used, since the precise geometric shape allows you not to think about the number and size of the seams.

But it is worth noting one negative feature - low bending strength. This, in turn, requires the creation monolithic foundation, reinforced masonry, floors and rafter structures.

How to properly finish aerated concrete walls

You should know that aerated concrete walls slightly different from surfaces created using other materials. Aerated concrete has a porous block structure, as it falls into the lightweight category cellular concrete. As noted above, at first this material was used as additional insulation, and later became independent.

The porosity of the structure is achieved by adding aluminum powder to the mixture. It reacts with other components, during which gas bubbles are formed. And this helps to improve the vapor barrier properties. This feature influences how the internal one will be done.

The most cost-effective and easy way interior wall decoration - plaster. It is used not only for interior walls, but also for the facade of the house, but you should always start plastering from the inside. This is done to ensure that the water has an outlet, otherwise it accumulates in the walls of the house, which leads to the formation of condensation, fungi and mold.

During construction in winter period the fumes will crystallize, which inevitably leads to cracking of the plaster with its subsequent peeling. Therefore, you need to start plastering from the internal surfaces, moving towards the external walls.

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Plaster for aerated concrete: options

An important criterion for selecting a finishing material is not to clog the pores, otherwise the vapor permeability will be impaired. This means that cement-sand mortars are not suitable for such purposes. Otherwise, moisture will be absorbed into the body of the block, and when it begins to dry out, cracks will appear. Moreover, neither a primer nor a high-quality putty will save the situation.

It is necessary to select a material that could emphasize the breathable feature of aerated concrete, otherwise the home microclimate will be disrupted. Modern construction market offers a special plaster that is designed for working with cellular concrete.

In some cases, they adhere to a different direction - to create maximum vapor barrier. This option ensures a longer service life of the building. This occurs due to the fact that aerated concrete is saturated with the required level of moisture due to the lack of steam escaping to the street.

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Materials for plastering on aerated concrete

There are several options for how interior wall decoration is carried out:

  1. Plaster and gypsum. If you plaster the walls with a mixture of plaster and gypsum putty, then the level of vapor permeability increases. For this work, it is necessary to choose those materials that have high indicators for this property. The best option is gypsum and its derivatives, because the basis of such mixtures is perlite sand and slaked lime. Convenience this method the fact that there is no need to prime the walls. This coating does not prevent the penetration of vapors.
  2. Plastering can also be done with mixtures made from chalk, limestone, marble or dolomite. An important point Determining the correct mixture also depends on the size of the fractions that make up such a plaster. This determines how easily and evenly the composition will be distributed over the aerated concrete, as well as what its color will be after drying and how difficult it is to rub it. The presence of polymer components does not affect the vapor permeability of the material. Treated walls almost immediately become ready for further finishing activities.

It should be remembered that the plaster will last a long time only if the surface of the aerated concrete is pre-primed.

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Interior finishing of aerated concrete with vapor barrier materials

For walls made of aerated concrete, it is necessary to use a porous plaster mixture with high vapor permeability.

This point is also important when working with reverse surfaces. For this purpose you can simply use plastic film. But if the technology is not followed, condensation may appear, and the plaster itself will swell.

Therefore, it is necessary to plaster walls with sand-cement mixtures that do not contain lime or dolomite. This will help reduce the transfer of water vapor, but the plaster itself will certainly peel off. Therefore, this point must be taken into account in order to imagine the consequences of the choice.

To reduce the effect of vapor barrier, you can pre-prime the walls with 3-4 layers, and if you additionally paint oil paint, then the effect will increase.

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How to plaster walls and what you need for this

To prepare the mixture and then apply it to the walls, you must have the following materials:

  • mixing container, it can be a bucket or tank;
  • a construction mixer or drill with a special attachment for mixing solutions;
  • trowel;
  • grater;
  • beacons;
  • primer.

Typically, plaster is prepared by mixing dry mixture and water in the proportions indicated on the package. Once the composition has reached the desired consistency, it is applied to the surface using a trowel using the throwing method. It is necessary to distribute the solution over the aerated concrete as well as possible, which will help create a minimum of differences and seams. To ensure that the surface is evenly treated, beacons are installed.

After the solution has completely dried, it is treated with a grater. Next, you need to prime the walls. The number of layers depends on the quality and brand of plaster used.

To detect possible defects, you need a rail with a length equal to the height of the ceilings. They apply it tightly to the surface and see if there are differences. If they do not exceed 0.5 cm, then they are left; otherwise, such irregularities must be eliminated.

Interior renovation is carried out in several stages. When conducting repair work It is important not to forget about plastering concrete walls from the inside. Plaster for aerated concrete plays an important role, even when it comes to carrying out work in panel buildings modern layout. As a rule, concrete slabs have an uneven surface, and this defect cannot be corrected with putty alone. Block covering is necessary for a number of reasons. These include the smoothness and cleanliness of the wall surface.


For plastering the internal surfaces of a building in the construction of which aerated concrete was used, two methods are used. The first method is that plastering on aerated concrete is carried out in such a way as to achieve vapor permeability in concrete walls due to the unique qualities of the material. Builders do not recommend using cement and sand mortar for finishing blocks indoors. Aerated concrete blocks instantly absorb liquid, after which they become covered with cracks. It will not be easy to disguise the emerging irregularities even after priming the vapor-permeable wall.

Some specialists plaster aerated concrete blocks using another method - vapor barrier. In this case, the microclimate in the room will be the same as in reinforced concrete buildings. The only difference is that such plastering will be more reliable.

Promotes vapor permeability of walls

The components contained in aerated concrete contribute to the vapor permeability of the building material. However, this factor requires the selection of a certain composition of mixtures for repair and finishing works over the walls of the building. To do this, it is necessary to carry out plastering in such a way that the inner wall is vapor permeable or, on the contrary, vapor barrier. In a house with such a wall, the microclimate will self-regulate. In addition, there will be no .

Vapor barrier

To treat the internal wall and increase the vapor barrier at least tenfold, specialists apply a solution whose thickness should reach two and a half centimeters. Plaster contains cement and other ingredients. Sometimes, for this purpose, workers place a polyethylene film under a layer of plaster. But experienced builders do not recommend carrying out such work, since the film may peel off from the plasters and walls due to condensation.

What materials and tools are used?

Everything depends primarily on the task that customers and specialists have set for themselves. To implement it, building materials are selected that can interact correctly with aerated concrete and have the property of vapor permeability. Professionals recommend processing internal surfaces walls made of blocks mixed with gypsum, sand and lime. Builders also use products that contain chalk or marble.

For finishing work, specialists use plastering tools. The mixture is prepared in a container of appropriate size. The solution is mixed using a mixer or. Thin-layer plaster on aerated concrete is applied to the blocks with a trowel or trowel. Rubbing of surfaces is carried out using a grater. The polisher is used to remove excess mixture. The surface of the blocks inside the walls is leveled with beacons. The aerated concrete plaster is pulled together between the guides. Builders determine the quality of the work performed using a lath.

When building walls.

Aerated concrete and aerated silicate are modern building materials that are similar in structure to foam concrete, but differ in the structure of air bubbles inside the material.

Due to their hollow structure, aerated concrete and gas silicate absorb moisture well. Therefore, walls made of aerated concrete (gas silicate) cannot be left without exterior finishing.

Aerated concrete and gas silicate differ from each other only in that gas silicate is made from lime and quartz sand, and aerated concrete is cement-based (50-60% by weight). The basic physical characteristics of both materials are very similar.

In this article, let's look at the basic requirements for plaster used for finishing aerated concrete walls.

What is the difference between aerated concrete and foam concrete?

In foam concrete, the air bubbles are closed and isolated from each other, thereby significantly increasing its ability to resist getting wet.

Aerated concrete, on the contrary, has an open structure air bubbles, due to which moisture quickly penetrates into the material.

It is because of this that aerated concrete has lower resistance to heat transfer and frost resistance and requires high-quality external and internal finishing, which allows minimizing the disadvantages of the open porosity of the material.

Let's see how to properly plaster walls made of aerated concrete and what plasters should be used for this.

When is the best time to plaster aerated concrete walls?

Many craftsmen begin plastering immediately after the walls are erected. In the case of aerated concrete, this can lead to many different problems.

When constructing walls made of aerated concrete, it is best to apply plaster for the next season.

If it is necessary to carry out finishing immediately after construction, then you should carefully consider the choice of plaster, which should have high ductility and easily allow water vapor to pass out.

A feature of the thermal physics of aerated concrete is its rapid wetting, long drying time and the inadmissibility of oversaturation with water vapor.

When constructing buildings made of aerated concrete, it is recommended to carry out the interior finishing first, and only then the exterior. For example, interior decoration complete in the fall, and external plaster- in the spring of next year.

Rare exceptions may be houses built on the sea coast, when it is necessary at all costs to first protect the aerated concrete walls from the wet wind.

Another option for finishing would be to simultaneously finish the outside and inside. But this option is the least preferable.

There's no need to rush. After construction, the aerated concrete must dry well, but this is not a quick process. As a result of finishing wet aerated concrete walls with heavy cement plaster during the cold period, when the inside of the building becomes warm, water vapor begins to move to the outer edge of the wall.

But due to the heavy vapor-proof plaster, they have nowhere to go and water vapor falls out in the form of condensation, the freezing of which can lead to complete separation of the plaster from the wall.

A particularly unfavorable time for plastering walls made of aerated concrete blocks is the period from November to March.

Is it necessary to insulate aerated concrete walls from the outside?

When making walls from aerated concrete blocks, their thickness is calculated based on local climatic conditions. As a rule, a correctly selected wall thickness does not require external insulation. Moreover, in some cases this can lead to the destruction of the building.

To insulate walls, many advise using polystyrene foam, believing that this will improve heat physical properties buildings. However, a material impermeable to water vapor can cause condensation to form at the boundary of the insulation and masonry from water vapor released from the aerated concrete blocks. Freezing of condensate can lead to the appearance of cracks in the walls and subsequently to their destruction.

That is, you should not take the thickness of the walls so that they still need to be insulated. Aerated concrete has high thermal characteristics and does not require the construction of thick walls to save heat inside the building.

Yes, for country houses V middle lane a wall thickness of 300 mm made of aerated concrete will be quite sufficient. For the construction of a bathhouse, a wall thickness of 200 mm is sufficient, and in warmer regions - 100 mm.

In the case of insulating a building using the external laying of a layer of polystyrene foam, its thickness should be chosen so as to prevent condensation from falling out at the boundary of the masonry and insulation. The thickness of the insulation layer made of polystyrene foam or polyurethane should be at least 80 mm, and the thermal resistance of the insulation layer should be at least 50% of the total thermal resistance of the wall.

How to plaster aerated concrete?

It would seem that the easiest way to prepare a regular cement-sand mortar and plaster the walls. But this may cause problems, which were already mentioned above.

As a result of different physical properties cement plaster and walls made of gas silicate blocks, cracking and peeling of the plaster may occur.

Plaster for aerated concrete should be highly permeable to water vapor, not get wet, have good adhesion to the surface of aerated concrete blocks and high frost resistance.

Lime-cement plaster for aerated concrete

Lightweight thin-layer plasters, specially created for finishing walls made of aerated concrete, have all the necessary properties.

An example of such a plaster mixture is Baumit HandPutz sand-lime plaster for manual finishing with a grain size of 1 mm, available in 25 kg bags.

The main physical properties of lime-sand plaster for aerated concrete are given in the table:



Grit size, mm

Compressive strength (28 days), N/mm 2

Tensile strength in bending, N/mm 2

Thermal conductivity coefficient λ, W/mK

Vapor permeation resistance coefficient μ,

Density of dry mixture, kg/m3

Water consumption, l/bag

Material consumption (with a layer thickness of 10 mm), kg/m2

Minimum thickness of plaster layer, mm

Maximum thickness of plaster layer, mm

Before plastering aerated concrete walls with this plaster, it is recommended to spray the cleaned surface of the aerated concrete with Baumit Vorspritzer, which is part of the plaster, which is made as a thin adhesive joint.

Acrylic plaster for aerated concrete

For more decorative finishing Acrylic plasters are used. This is a very durable material that can be used wherever increased strength is required.

However, acrylic plasters are inferior in vapor permeability to lime-sand plasters, and as a result of finishing with such plaster, water vapor can accumulate in the thickness of the wall.

To prevent this, you should use enhanced waterproofing of the wall from the inside, as well as an improved ventilation system.

In addition, acrylic plasters are flammable and therefore used with restrictions.

An example of acrylic plaster for aerated concrete is Bolix and Bolix Complex plaster.

Silicate plaster for aerated concrete

There are also silicate plasters for aerated concrete. An example of such plaster is the ready-to-use paste mixture Baumit SilikatTop based on potassium liquid glass.

Silicate plasters have excellent vapor permeability and low water absorption, which is very important when finishing walls made of aerated concrete blocks.

The disadvantages of such plasters include an extremely meager choice color solutions and loss of appearance due to dust settling on the surface of the plaster.

Silicone plaster for aerated concrete

Another variety plaster mixtures, used when finishing walls made of aerated concrete blocks, is silicone plaster based on silicon-organic polymers.

Silicone plaster is resistant to atmospheric influences, it practically does not get wet (hydrophobic), has high vapor permeability, is easy to apply and does not lose its attractive appearance over time.

The only disadvantage of such plaster is the higher price. Such plaster can no longer be classified as “economy class”.

Plastering walls with lime-sand plaster

When using the Baumit HandPutz mixture, the sequence of actions will be as follows.

A bag of mixture (25 kg) should be poured into a container with 6-7 liters clean water and mix thoroughly with a low-speed mixer. Mixing time is 3-5 minutes.

After this, spray the wall with Baumit Vorspritzer, which helps better adhesion plaster to the surface and reducing moisture absorption of aerated concrete.

A layer of plaster is applied with a trowel and pulled out using a rule. After setting, it is rubbed with a grater.

For 2 days, the applied plaster should be protected from rapid drying.

The hardening time of the layer is 10 days per 10 mm thickness. At this time, the plaster should be protected from mechanical damage.

All work must be carried out at an air temperature not lower than zero degrees.

For better protection from getting wet, you can apply it on top of the plaster thin layer water repellent. If prolonged rains are frequent in your area of ​​residence, then such a protective layer will significantly extend the service life of the plaster.

In the next publication we will look at the plastering process in more detail.

Repairs inside or outside the premises will not be complete without plastering the walls and other surfaces. At the work design stage you need to familiarize yourself with the features of plaster, which are divided into types, they differ in characteristics and price. The right type of finishing material is half the battle, because characteristics of mixtures may differ significantly from each other, and what will be for one type of room ideal option, for another may be completely unacceptable.

Some features of plaster

Plaster is a mixture that is used to treat surfaces as a rough finish. What are the functions of the material? Using plaster, you can level walls, repair cracks and other defects. Herself the structure of this solution is a coarse mixture, so after drying the surface will have rough surface. These effects can be easily eliminated in the future.

You can plaster walls of almost any type, concrete and wooden structures will be protected from harmful effects environmental factors. Used for plastering aerated concrete walls various techniques and materials. Trends in the field of construction are developing in such a way that such building material like aerated concrete. It has many advantages compared to concrete and brick construction.

A building constructed from aerated concrete has increased energy-saving properties. This material is much lighter than traditional analogues, due to this fact it is possible to reduce the cost of arranging the foundation and the construction time is significantly reduced. What plaster is better to plaster walls made of aerated concrete blocks?

How to plaster aerated concrete walls?

One of the ways to finish walls made of aerated concrete is plastering. For plastering walls made of cement-sand type blocks, this is best option. As for the process of applying the finishing layer itself, if desired, you can apply it directly to the wall. The same can be done with brick walls. However, some difficulties may arise.

The brick is small in size, so the seams between the bricks serve as a connecting element when applying plaster. In the case of aerated concrete, the situation is somewhat different, because aerated concrete itself is large in size. This problem can be solved in several ways. Let's consider the main ones, which are often used in practice.

You can plaster walls both indoors and outdoors. Both types of finishes have some features. When choosing a plaster, it is best to choose the one with the maximum adhesion coefficient. This ensures the quality of adhesion of materials.

Preparatory work

Before applying a layer of plaster, aerated concrete walls are first prepared; this is necessary in order to ensure adhesion of the materials. How is this done and what does this surface finishing stage include?

First, you need pay attention to the seams between aerated concrete, they need to be sealed well, approximately 4 – 5 mm. The wall is leveled, and all defects that may exist, dust and other microelements that reduce the quality of adhesion of materials are cleaned out. Can be used to clean the surface sandpaper, which will help polish the blocks more thoroughly.

How to properly use mesh when plastering walls?

If you decide to use the third method of surface finishing, then you need to know what is used galvanized mesh. It is more durable, reliable and does not rust. As for the size of the grid cells, you should pay attention to the one whose cells are small. After preparatory work you will need to attach the mesh directly to the wall. This must be done using ordinary nails. They are driven into the wall one-third first, after which the nail is bent and secures the mesh.

Particular attention should be paid to the edges of such a split, they usually stick out; before applying the plaster, all the edges should be folded, then they will not stick out from under the plaster.

When the mesh is fixed, it is necessary to begin applying the first layer of plaster. This is done in a way known as "spray", it is mainly used to fill the mesh cells with solution. This will be followed by several more layers of plaster. This will definitely be a primer layer that needs to be kneaded by adding slag sand to the solution. The final layer will be the finishing layer; to prepare a solution for it, you must use fine sand.

All layers of plaster can be Apply when the previous layer has not completely dried. This will reduce time without compromising the strength and quality of the finishing layer.

The solution for plastering walls can be purchased already in finished form, it is sold dry. To prepare the mixture you just need to add water. But, you can also prepare cement-sand mortar yourself. In that case do not skimp on the quality of the cement itself, since as a result the water-repellent ability of the plaster will suffer. When plastering walls, a lot of problems and requirements are solved, such as thermal insulation characteristics surfaces, waterproofing, sound insulation and so on.

In Russia it is becoming increasingly popular suburban construction. For this, blocks made of aerated concrete are used. Many Russians are attracted by their low price and good construction characteristics. Externally, aerated concrete blocks resemble porous rock, but have clear shapes with a smooth surface.

They are characterized by poor moisture resistance. To get rid of this serious drawback, aerated concrete walls are covered with a layer of plaster.

Those who have decided to buy a house from this material should know that in order to create a normal microclimate, you need to correctly select the components of the plaster and the thickness of its layer applied to the walls.

Aerated concrete blocks

These blocks are best suited for low-rise construction. Walls built from them have a number of significant advantages, for example, small specific gravity which provides more high speed construction and reduces the labor intensity of work.

Thanks to the porous structure of aerated concrete blocks, the microclimate in the building can be compared to the atmosphere wooden house. This is another property that makes aerated concrete popular. The material has excellent sound insulation.

It is believed that aerated concrete walls breathe. They allow oxygen into the house, releasing water vapor and gases formed by natural processes of human activity.

Like any other material, aerated concrete blocks have some disadvantages. The main one is the low bending strength of the material, so when building a house you need to take these features into account. The foundation of the house must be monolithic, so the masonry must be reinforced with reinforcement through an equal number of rows. These works make it stronger and more reliable.

Sequence of finishing work

It should be noted that they have very high vapor permeability. This is how they differ markedly from brick and foam concrete. Plastering walls made of aerated concrete should be carried out taking into account individual characteristics material.

Aerated concrete was initially used as insulation, and only after some time they began to build outbuildings and residential buildings. If the blocks are sufficient, then additional insulation is not necessary. As for finishing, the internal walls of the house are finished first, and then the facade.

Many developers do the opposite. Taking advantage of the good weather, they work on the facade of the house, and then begin to decorate its interior. Plastering walls made of aerated concrete, performed in this order, is the most common and rather serious mistake, which can lead to peeling of the finish from the aerated concrete and the formation of numerous cracks.

Interior finishing work

Moisture is the enemy of any structure. Aerated concrete walls are no exception. Water falling on them penetrates the porous structure of aerated concrete. Through the walls it does not get inside the building and cannot damage the interior decoration, but it reduces the protective characteristics of the house. Water evaporates from the pores of the material very slowly, and if the weather is rainy, then this process simply stops. Moisture accumulated inside aerated concrete walls significantly limits its natural ventilation and thermal insulation parameters. Plastering aerated concrete walls on both sides will help avoid inconvenience. In addition to the protective function, it will also perform a decorative one.

There are several methods for finishing aerated concrete walls. The most common and accessible is plastering, which belongs to the technology of finishing vapor-proof materials.

Plastering interior walls is not much different from ordinary finishing work. Before they begin, the wall must be well prepared. It is cleaned, leveled, and then a layer of primer is applied, which must dry completely. Only after this can you begin finishing work.

There is also mechanized plastering of walls. When finishing using this method, the mixture lays down in a dense and uniform layer, but it is quite expensive and many Russians cannot afford it.

Mixtures for finishing works

Manufacturers produce a variety of them. Their choice depends on the purpose of the room. To decorate a small living room, use a standard mixture. Walls in rooms with large percentage moisture after finishing work is coated with a special primer that perfectly resists the influence of water.

Beginning home craftsmen need to know that plaster applied to an aerated concrete surface must meet certain requirements. The finishing of aerated concrete walls is influenced by some features of the material itself. The blocks are strong, smooth and fit perfectly together at the joints, which makes it difficult to fix the mortar on the wall surface.

One of the main ones is vapor permeability. Simply put, the material must absorb and release excess or missing moisture.

If the mixture is incorrectly selected, the following defects may occur:

  1. The appearance of cracks on the internal and external surfaces of the building.
  2. When the surface of the wall gets wet, a silhouette of the masonry may appear on it, which will disappear after drying.
  3. Increased humidity in the rooms of the house, the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The most popular plaster is gypsum based. It is easily diluted and after application and drying it forms a smooth matte surface. The disadvantages include poor vapor permeability. Because of this, when precipitation occurs, the surface of the walls quickly gets wet, which takes a long time to dry. Sometimes they may appear yellow spots, traces of which can only be painted over.

The most expensive and most effective is acrylic facade plaster. It is used only in conjunction with fiberglass mesh. Has good adhesion, vapor permeability and excellent appearance. The disadvantages include the fact that only an experienced craftsman can work with this mixture. Only he can create a perfectly smooth building facade.

How much does it cost to plaster walls? The price depends on the cost of the mixtures and ranges from 236 to 550 rubles per 1 m². The manufacturer and container volume play an important role.

The plaster must first be applied to the wall and only after an hour must the leveling begin. Next, the mixture should dry for 24 hours. The second layer, which makes the wall perfectly flat, is applied to the already dry surface slightly moistened with water. After complete drying, the wall can be painted with special paint for aerated concrete blocks. Remember that plastering interior walls is a responsible job that requires full concentration and patience. Only then will you get the expected final result.

Developers need to remember that they should not skimp on construction and finishing materials. Cheap aerated concrete blocks, manufactured in a makeshift way, even very high-quality plaster will not save you - it simply will not be able to gain a foothold on them.

Facade finishing

The surface must be plastered immediately after the construction of aerated concrete walls in order to protect the walls from all external factors. Otherwise, cracks will form under the influence of temperature changes and precipitation.

Cement plaster walls will not work in this case. Externally, aerated concrete walls are finished in the following sequence:

  1. The facade is cleaned of dirt and dust.
  2. A special primer for cellular concrete is applied.
  3. A reinforced mesh made of fiberglass is attached.
  4. Porous plaster is applied to the walls.

The reinforcing mesh is attached using self-tapping screws. When choosing it, we must remember that the mesh must be sufficiently resistant to alkaline environments. If this is not observed, then during finishing work the mesh may dissolve under the layer of plaster.

A mesh made of galvanized steel must be covered with a protective layer, because over time it collapses due to corrosion.

Plastering walls gypsum plaster the outside of the building must protect it from the harmful effects of moisture, so the mixture must have water-repellent properties.

The material used to construct the walls is gas permeable, so the plaster used must also comply with this parameter. And given the harsh climate in most regions of Russia, it must be frost-resistant and have good compressive strength. To do this, manufacturers add protective synthetic components to façade plaster, which looks like a dry mixture.

Preparatory work

Plastering walls with gypsum plaster is carried out after certain preparatory work:

  1. Before plastering, walls are cleaned of dirt and dust.
  2. Existing defects are filled with special glue.
  3. Installed plastic corners on corners and slopes.
  4. Beacons are installed to monitor the evenness of the wall finishing.
  5. The wall is wetted with water.

Facade and interior plaster walls made of aerated concrete should be made at a temperature not lower than +10 ° C.

Preparation of the solution

The plaster solution is quite simple to make. IN ready mixture a certain amount of water is added. For optimal consistency, you will need 0.2 liters of water per 1 kg of mixture.

The solution is thoroughly mixed. You can do this manually or use an electric drill with a special attachment. After 15 minutes, the prepared solution must be mixed again. If the consistency is not satisfactory, you can add more water or mixture. The prepared solution should be used within an hour, otherwise it will lose all its properties.

Finishing work

The mixture is applied to aerated concrete walls using a trowel or a straight thin board small size. Small sections of the wall can be leveled with a 30 cm steel trowel. High-quality, control leveling of the plaster is carried out using a ruler 80 cm long. Excess plaster removed from the wall surface can be reused.

If the expected layer of plaster exceeds 7 mm, then the work on finishing the wall is carried out in two stages.

According to this scenario, work is carried out to apply plaster to aerated concrete walls. The work should not pose unsolvable questions to the home craftsman. The most important thing is to take into account the recommendations experienced craftsmen and follow their instructions, then the developer will be able to protect his home from adverse consequences. Pay attention to the picture on the left - this is plaster walls. The photo shows one of the moments of the work.

Problems caused by improper finishing

If during the work the rules were violated or the mixture was incorrectly selected, after some time various defects will appear on the surface of the wall.

They may appear as small cracks on the finished surface or swelling. Vertical cracks may appear on the facade and peeling of the plaster may begin.

Defects must be corrected immediately. This will increase the final cost of plastering the walls and once again proves that using high-quality construction and finishing material needed initially.

Mechanical plastering of walls

Mechanized wall plastering is the process of making and applying a mixture using special equipment. These machines greatly simplify heavy physical work. With their advent, there was no longer a need to perform finishing work manually.

The machines not only made the work of plasterers easier, but also raised the new level quality of work performed. Even an experienced master cannot always prepare a solution of a mixture of uniform consistency and then distribute it over the entire surface. The work takes place in stages: the solution is mixed, placed on the wall, and leveled. As a result, part of the wall has already dried, another has begun to dry out, and the third is still being applied with plaster. This does not guarantee the end high quality finishing.

When mechanizing the work, the plaster is applied evenly and quickly. The time spent on work is noticeably reduced. The machine applies the prepared mixture faster, which allows you to use the rules larger size. A wall made of aerated concrete is more even.

Mechanized plastering of walls allows you to reduce work time and save the amount of mixture.

Advantage mechanized plaster walls and facades:

  1. Reducing the time required for plastering work.
  2. Saving on material costs.
  3. Material loss is reduced by 5 times.
  4. High quality.
  5. The service life is increased.

Mechanical plastering of walls, the price of which depends on the volume of work, ranges from 300 to 580 rubles per 1 m². It guarantees a high quality finish. It all depends on the developer and his financial capabilities.

Bottom line

Aerated concrete country house You can plaster it yourself. You should correctly use the advice of experienced craftsmen, choose the right mixture, perform all finishing work, adhering to the sequence described in this article. The end result will be a beautifully plastered home.