How to make an electronic cigarette or box mod with your own hands. DIY mechanical mod: step-by-step instructions DIY battery mod spare parts. How to make a box mod with your own hands from scrap materials? DIY battery mod

To make a mechanical mod with your own hands, you will need a case, batteries, a button, and wires. For a more “advanced” version, you will need a field-effect (MOSFET) transistor. It is necessary to ensure safety, since in the event of a short circuit this element will open the electrical circuit. Another purpose of the mosfet transistor is to increase the service life of the button, since this part prevents it from overheating.

Particular attention should be paid to the body of the electronic cigarette. Wooden will emphasize the status, plastic will delight you with the ability to choose colors, a design made of copper pipe, will last the longest. Also, do not neglect stickers, they will add individual style device.

Method No. 1

The simplest electronic cigarette consists of three elements: an evaporator, a button and a battery pack.

Mechanical mod drawing

Required Parts

To make an electronic cigarette with your own hands you will need:

  • a simple flashlight;
  • 18650 battery (preferably with a current output of at least 25A);
  • fiberglass;
  • soldering iron;
  • rosin and solder;
  • atomizer, connector (selected depending on the atomizer);
  • if necessary: ​​new high current button.

Manufacturing algorithm

First you need to disassemble the flashlight and get all the parts. At this stage, it may be difficult to remove the button. This must be done extremely carefully, since this part will still be useful. And a broken e-cigarette body will look bad. The flashlight consists of a body, lens, LEDs, a spring to ensure contact and a plate for fixation in the body.

Next you need to take fiberglass and a lens from a flashlight. Trace the lens and cut it out so that the circle is the same size. Rub in rough spots sandpaper. Using a caliper, measure the diameter of the connector and use a suitable drill to make a hole, using a needle file or rasp to remove drilling defects.

If you do not have a caliper, the size is selected according to the table below.

Connector sizes.

Next, you should tin the fiberglass laminate and solder the connector to it. At this step, it is necessary to replace the wires at the connector with thicker ones, since when vaping with low resistance thin wires may melt.

After this, you need to solder the connector, switch and battery according to the circuit.

Scheme of a simple mechanical mod

Using superglue, you need to attach the connector to the flashlight body.

The mech mod is ready for use, all you have to do is screw on the atomizer and fill in the vaping liquid.

Method No. 2

This mechanical mod is made on the basis of an external battery. This homemade vape will come with a charger, unlike the previous one, for which you will have to buy it separately.

To make it you will need:

  • connector;
  • external battery (it must be rectangular);
  • button;
  • switch;
  • thick copper wire;
  • field effect transistor;
  • resistor for “piping” the transistor;
  • getinax;
  • quick-setting adhesive;
  • soldering iron

First you need to select a transistor. Almost any field-effect (mosfet) transistor will do. If you can’t buy it, you can unsolder it from your old computer motherboard.

But it is better to purchase one of the transistors listed in the table below. For example, IRF3205 can be found at any radio market or radio parts store.

Suitable mosfets for mech mod

Build process:

  1. 1. Remove the side cover and make sure there is room for the transistor, connector and button.
  2. 2. Saw off a piece of getinax smaller than the edge of the body.
  3. 3. Glue the getinax with second glue.
  4. 4. Drill two holes of a suitable diameter: for the button (the location is not important, the main thing is that it is convenient to press) and for the connector.
  5. 5. Solder the connector to the getinax.
  6. 6. Solder according to the diagram.

DIY box mod? Are you serious? Why, you ask? For some, in order not to spend extra money, for others, to be unique, and for others, to realize the talent of an inventor and build this device on their own.

Today we will look at what you need to create your own box mod.

Let's not lie - vaping is fun. Each vaper’s reasons for vaping are completely individual, just like their views on the devices with which they want to do it.

If you look at the counters of vape shops or the pages of online stores, you will be able to find an unimaginable variety of electronic vapor generators there, but not everyone can afford such pampering. So the people of Kulibin are starting to figure out how to build a soaring device for themselves - unique and original of its kind.

As you are used to seeing in the usual sense of the word, a mech mod is always a tube. Different shapes, with different designs, but always a tube. Today we will learn how to build a homemade fur box.

It will differ from the box mod in that we can assemble it without the participation of any control board, and from the mech mod - in the body, which will look like a box and will allow us to assemble inside all the parts necessary for our device.

To assemble this miracle of nature ourselves, we will need the following parts:

  1. The future building, which can be a wooden box, metal box, a box printed on a 3-D printer, or any other box that you like best. Of course, the wooden option will be the most elegant.
  2. Button.
  3. 510 connector.
  4. Battery tray.
  5. Transistor.
  6. Resistor.

In order for the circuit of our device to work, all the parts need to be connected with wires, which we will also need.

Equipment for work

To get started we need workplace and some equipment that will allow us to put all our parts together.

It is worth understanding that without confidence in your knowledge of physics, you should not get involved in creating a vape.

For work we will need:

  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • soldering iron with a thin nose;
  • solder;
  • rosin;
  • device diagram;
  • parts for assembling the device.

The wires with which we will connect all this must be single-core and have a cross-section of 2.5 millimeters. And for additional reliability we need heat shrinkage.

Let's start assembly

The first thing we need to decide is how we will place our parts inside our box mod. Before you get ready to start constructing, think carefully about the layout of the nodes. According to the diagram, you need to cut the wires to the required length and arrange them in the box as they will look already soldered into the circuit.

The first thing you will need to pay attention to is that we need to solder the transistor to the resistor. You need to do this so that the legs of the resistor are soldered to the outer legs of the transistor. After this, according to the diagram, we need to solder the wires to the legs. The solder joints on the legs of the transistor must be protected with heat shrink. We made such a stick insect from a transistor, a resistor and wires. Next, according to the diagram, we solder this stick insect to the button and to the battery tray.

The most problematic thing you will have at this stage is soldering the wire to the spring-loaded pin. This must be done very carefully. Next, you need to solder the terminal for the connector and complete the wire connections according to the diagram. Please note that all wires must be of the required length. All excess needs to be cut off.

Here you have an almost finished fur box mod in your hands. If you are going to insert batteries into this design, then it is better to protect yourself with personal protective equipment, since if you soldered something incorrectly, then a problem will occur in the circuit. short circuit, batteries may explode and cause serious injury.

You can put a ribbon in the battery tray to make removing batteries from the tray more convenient. After this, you will assemble the entire case together and try the already assembled device in action with a screwed-on drip cap. If you did everything correctly, then your device fries in earnest.

If you are very good at soldering, then assembling such a device will take you very little time. Soldering is the main problem when creating a box mod. The device you created fries quite well, and works calmly with any self-powered windings.


Today you learned how to make a box mod at home. I would like to praise this invention for the fact that if the soldering is done conscientiously, then such a device will serve you faithfully for many years. The advantage of such a device is that you can put batteries of any format into it that will meet your vaping requirements.

And the most important thing is that if you did everything conscientiously, you will be absolutely sure that your device will be absolutely safe, and you will not think that the half-blind Chinese grandfather who assembled your electronic cigarette did not mix up something and this is a wonderful device will not explode in your hands.

Most vapers have tried to make a box mod on their own at least once. Some save money this way, others try to create a unique design. But the easiest way is to create a mechanical box mod. Any materials are suitable for this.

Box mod functions

The box mod is very popular among vapers, since the element allows you to satisfy even the most sophisticated requirements of an experienced vaper. If we talk about the functions of the part, then this is the same electronic cigarette, but with more power with the same portable dimensions.

The box mod allows you to use an increased number of flavors, and due to the larger battery power, it generates greater power and consistency of steam. Some models use multiple batteries, which ensures autonomy for a long period of time. In addition, you can set your own power parameters.

You can also set your own temperature regime and other settings due to convenient buttons and selection of power of batteries mounted inside the device. And thanks to the fact that they are used in the manufacture of box mods different materials, you can create beautiful devices for vaping.

What you need to make your own

An independent product differs from a factory box mod in the absence of a control board, and from a mechanical one - in a case resembling a box, inside of which the spare parts are assembled into a single electronic system.

For self-assembly box mod will require the following components:

  • The body of the mod itself is metal or wooden box, as an option, a box printed on a 3-D printer, other packaging at your own discretion;
  • button and 510 converter, which is considered a universal option, is responsible for transferring current from the battery to the atomizer;
  • a tray for placing batteries and the batteries themselves of the selected power - the vaping power will depend on this parameter;
  • transistor and resistor.

In order for this design to start working, the parts are connected with wires, so it’s worth preparing these components in advance.

Equipment for work is the workplace itself, plus the following accessories:

  • sharpened knife and pliers;
  • sharpened wire cutters, preferably with a thin working tip;
  • soldering iron with a thin nose and solder for it;
  • rosin;
  • diagram of the future box mod and parts for assembly, which were mentioned earlier.

As for the wires, you should choose single-core wires with a corresponding cross-section of 2.5 mm. And to ensure greater reliability, it is important to have heat shrink on hand.

Instructions for assembling a homemade box mod

It is important to place the parts in the box. This will show whether everything fits into it. In addition, you can see in advance what the design will look like. Next, according to the diagram, the wires of the required length are cut, placing the components in the box, similar to the diagram for placing parts and assemblies.

An important point in soldering is the connection of the resistor and transistor. The legs of the first are soldered to the outer legs of the latter. Next, wires are attached to them and the soldering points are protected with heat shrink. The resulting stick insect is attached to the battery tray and button.

Particular attention should be paid to soldering the wire to the spring-loaded pin - at this stage everything is done carefully and subtly.

After soldering, excess parts are cut off. It's already in your hands finished product. Next, you should connect the batteries, having first placed a tape in the tray for easier removal. When the parts are assembled, you can put the device into operation using a screwed-on drip cap.

If you had to deal with the soldering process and electronics, then the work will not take much time. The only disadvantage of such devices is frequent breakdowns. But in some ways this is a plus - such models can be easily disassembled, repaired and reassembled again, and finding spare parts for them is not difficult.

As noted by experienced vapers who make the box mod themselves, the most difficult part to work with is soldering, but the created device will vape perfectly and work without problems with any winding. The device supports the format of any finger-type devices and, with proper selection of them, will become a high-quality unit. The body itself is decorated at will with patterns and decorative elements, with your own name or logo.


Collect on our own From simple means at hand, box mod is not so difficult. Many units are created according to their own design, setting personal parameters and power characteristics. If soldering is done conscientiously, the device will serve for many years. And due to the fact that batteries of different power are used, each vaper will select the vaping parameters for himself. And, what is most important in this case, a person will certainly be confident in safety, since the device will not explode in his hand when soaring.

Buy ready mod It’s easier and even cheaper to do it in a store than to do it yourself. But a device made by yourself is exclusive, unusual and unique. Do-it-yourself box mods are experiments that will help you find new tastes and ways to improve vaping.

What will you need for assembly?

DIY box mod schemes are presented on the Internet in a wide selection. For standard option You can take the following package:

Before you make a box mod with your own hands, you should take care of finding a soldering iron - the main tool.

When you first experience working with household models You should familiarize yourself with the safety rules so as not to get burned or damage the parts of your future vape.

How to assemble a box mod from PowerBank?

PowerBank is mobile charger, ideal for creating a powerful and stylish vape. Firstly, the PowerBank for the mod fits in size (it’s easy to fit all the parts inside). Secondly, appearance models attract attention, which is important for those who do not want to hide with their vape from fellow vapers.

A homemade box mod is assembled according to the following steps:

  • First, accompanying materials are prepared. A part of the PCB is sawed off, in which a hole is drilled.
  • Next, the connector and the textolite base are connected. This is done carefully using a soldering iron. It is important that the connector sits tightly on the PCB plate exactly in the hole.
  • The soldered connector is fixed to the body. Hot melt adhesive will help you assemble the box: the composition will fix the PCB to the plastic in a matter of seconds. Almost a couple of drops of the substance will be enough for this.
  • The most difficult stage is installing the button. It’s better to practice first and choose a comfortable hand position for pressing.
  • The most difficult thing is fixing the transistor. Assemble the element and solder it to a textolite base with an attached connector.

Testing and verification

A test drive is a painstaking process if you are going to get a quality vape. It is not always possible to solder parts the first time or start the current supply.

The body of the box mod is not glued together. It makes sense to make a few mini holes for the bolts. This will help carry out servicing without damaging external parts.

All that remains is to insert the batteries, connect the atomizer, add e-liquid and start vaping.

The advantage of PowerBank is that the product initially has a USB connector for charging batteries, which does not have to be assembled from scratch. This reduces the cost of purchasing components and complex installation port. By the way, the factory batteries themselves are ideal for preparing a powerful box mod.

What problems might arise?

It's easy to make a mistake when assembling a vape. The most common problem is a poorly charging battery. This is due to natural wear and tear on the battery, poorly soldered or deformed wires, or a damaged USB port.

Laptop batteries that have been actively used for 5-7 years are unlikely to give a good charge. It should be understood that even one spiral consumes a large amount of energy. Chargers from the new PowerBank are a guarantee of long-lasting autonomous vaping.

If a wooden mod is made with a new USB board, the quality of soldering connections is carefully checked before starting. It is easy to critically damage a component during the soldering process. Charging the PowerBanl will take 2-4 hours or more depending on the modification.

Why is a homemade box mod better than a store-bought one?

The disadvantage of box mods made at home is frequent breakdowns. Without professional skills, not everyone can successfully solder and connect parts. However, there is also an advantage: repairing such mods is easier and cheaper.