Methodological development in speech therapy (preparatory group) on the topic: speech therapy entertainment "What? Where? When?" Summary of speech therapy entertainment “In the land of vowels”

Galina Tsarkova
Speech therapy lesson-entertainment in the senior group “Visiting a fairy tale”

Speech therapy lesson-entertainment in the senior group

speech therapist teacher

MADOU "Sorceress",

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Labytnangi.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: Creating a positive emotional mood in children.


Correctional and educational. To generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, to teach children to recognize the heroes of fairy tales, to feel and empathize.

Correctional and developmental. Develop phonemic processes in children. Practice using the instrumental case category. Enrich your vocabulary. Strengthen the ability to form words from letters.

Correctional and educational. To instill in children an interest in fairy tales and reading. Learn to independently control the correct pronunciation of given sounds in spontaneous speech.

Equipment: Interactive whiteboard, chest, ball, needle, golden key, mirror, shoe, pipe, mitten, flower on a stand, pictures with items of clothing, shoes and hats, attributes for the fairy tale “Little Fox and gray wolf", music.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Guys, today we will go to a fairy tale.

(children enter the hall where the lights are turned off, lanterns are sparkling, fairy-tale music is playing).

So, are you ready? (Lights turn on)

2. The fairy tale begins...

Speech therapist: Look, what does it cost? (Chest). Oh, guys, this is probably not an easy chest, but a magical one. Let's open it (they try to open it, but they see a lock hanging on the chest). How can you open the lock?

We are in a fairy tale, and magic can happen there. What can we say magic words so that the chest opens?

“Cracks, fex, pex.”

“At the behest of the pike, at my will”

“Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass,”

“Farewell earth, good journey!”

“Open sesame!” etc.

Speech therapist: Come on, little chest, show us what’s inside of you... There are so many interesting things here! These things are from different fairy tales. Let's remember from which fairy tales they came to us

(mirror, needle, ball, shoe, pipe, mitten, key, etc.)

The speech therapist takes a flower out of the chest: oh, what a flower beautiful flower! He's magical. Which fairy tale is the flower from? (Scarlet flower)

Speech therapist: Let's smell the flower (children do breathing exercises):

inhaled through the nose, exhaled through the mouth

Inhaled through the nose, exhaled through the nose

Inhaled through the mouth, exhaled through the nose

Inhaled through the mouth, exhaled through the mouth.

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth (corresponding movements):

We breathe deeply, and then step on the spot slowly.

We have loved fairy tales since childhood.

The fairy tale sends us its greetings.

Both girls and boys -

Everyone reads fairy tales in books.

A fairy tale teaches us goodness

Always help in times of trouble.

The heroes are waiting for us to visit,

They call you to a good fairy tale.

They need our help

Are you ready, children?

Well, friends, it's time to hit the road,

Let's hurry to help!

Guys, today I invite you to the land of fairy tales. And we will go there on a magic train.

Our magical locomotive is already letting off steam from under its wheels, hear: ch-ch-ch

Get into the carriages. Our fabulous journey begins!

(children stand up like a train one after another and move around the hall, pronouncing words)

I puff, puff, puff.

I knock, knock, knock.

I'm flying to the land of fairy tales.

The train took us to the land of fairy tales. Sit down on the chairs.

While we were traveling by train, trouble happened in fairyland. The geese-swans carried away their brother.

Look, Baba Yaga is sitting in the hut, and my brother is sitting on a bench, playing with golden apples. Did you recognize this fairy tale?

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”.

Baba Yaga bewitched the words and hid them in different figures. And she gave her sister the task of breaking the spell. “If you break the spell, I’ll give my brother away; if you don’t break the spell, beware!”

Guys, let's help my sister make up words.

On the screen there are multi-colored geometric shapes with letters written on them.

Make a word from the letters written on the circles;

Make a word from the letters written on the squares;

Make a word from letters written on triangles;

Make a word from letters written on rhombuses.

(words: summer, winter, school, lesson)

Speech therapist: Well done, guys, you helped your sister save her brother! We continue to travel along fairy-tale paths, and it seems that we have found ourselves in a new fairy tale. Who is it that is crying so bitterly?

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale “The Hare’s Hut”

Speech therapist: The fox kicked the bunny out of his bast hut and said that he wouldn’t let him in until he gave answers to her problems. The bunny cannot answer. Children, can we help him?

Solve joke problems.

Natasha picked 3 plums, 2 pears and 2 carrots from the garden. How many fruits did Natasha pick?

How many glasses of water can you bring with a colander?

Mom carries a watermelon. The son says: “Mom, you take me in your arms, and I will carry the watermelon.” Will the son help his mother?

There were 3 pigeons and 2 sparrows sitting on the balcony. One butterfly flew to them. How many birds are there?

Petya, Nina, Nadya, Vova and Yura played hide and seek. Who were there more: boys or girls?

What do giraffes eat when the ground is covered with snow?

Five children in the kindergarten group have skis. Summer has come. How many children can ski?

The kid threw a spoon, fork and knife into the bath. How many objects will float on water?

There are 8 branches on the Christmas tree. One fruit grew on each branch. How many apples have grown in total?

Speech therapist: Well done, guys, you helped the bunny, he says thank you to us.

We continue to travel along fairy tale paths and have a new fairy tale ahead of us.

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale “Cinderella”

Guys, do you recognize this girl?

Children. This is Cinderella.

Speech therapist: The evil stepmother ordered Cinderella to clean up her daughters’ room.

Guys, look at the mess the sisters have made. Let's help Cinderella put items of clothing, shoes and hats in their places.

I'll put my cap on top shelf because it is a headdress.

I'll put the sweater on the middle shelf because it's clothing.

I'll put the shoes on the bottom shelf because they're shoes.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys! And they helped Cinderella!

Cinderella loves to dance and invites us to a waltz.

We walk along the magic path,

We find ourselves in a new fairy tale.

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale “Aibolit”

Guys, we find ourselves in a new fairy tale again. Guess which one for yourself.

This doctor is famous

He is sitting under a tree.

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And a bug, and a worm, and a bear.

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good doctor...

Children: Aibolit!

Look at the screen! Guess who hid and where?

On the screen there are images of the tails of wild animals, which are visible: from behind a tree, under a bush, from a hole, behind a stump, from a hollow)

Game "Whose Tail?"

Well done, guys! We helped Aibolit find all the animals and cure them.

Let's play and pretend to be baby animals.

Children stand in a circle.

One, two, three - turn around and turn into baby wild animals!

Game "To the watering hole"

Once upon a time along a forest path (they walk one after another)

The animals went to water

A calf stomped behind the mother moose (they walk, stomping loudly)

A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox (sneaking on tiptoes)

A hedgehog rolled behind its mother (they move in a half-squat)

A bear cub walked behind the mother bear (they waddle)

The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel (they move in jumps)

Behind the mother hare are the oblique hares (jumping on two legs, making “ears”)

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs behind her (they run with big steps)

All mothers and children want to get drunk!

(turn their faces in a circle, get on all fours, make “lacking” movements with their tongue)

The animals got drunk, rested and turned into kids again - one, two, three - turn into guys!

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

In a sunny meadow

There is a beautiful house

With true friends

Malvina lives in it.

Malvina is preparing dinner, and Buratino distracts her with his questions. Let's help Malvina answer Buratino's questions.

Product images on screen.

Game "What will happen?"

There will be an egg. (scrambled eggs). There will be flour. (bun). There will be meat. (cutlet). There will be cabbage. (salad). There will be buckwheat. (porridge). There will be an apple. (juice). There will be berries. (jam). There will be milk. (cheese).

Well done, guys! Malvina and Buratino helped.

On the screen is an illustration of the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”

Guys, what fairy tale is this sad cat from? And he is sad because he did not see familiar vegetables and fruits in the garden. Shall we help him?

Listen to what fruits grow in the fairy kingdom. Explain what familiar words their names are made from.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, ukruska, humidors, chives, slizhovnik, morkofel, vishbrikos.

Puss in Boots thanks us and invites us to play his favorite game.

Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

And now we are all going to the theater together to see the fairy tale “The Little Fox and the Gray Wolf”

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf” by MADO teachers.

Guys, our journey through the land of fairy tales has ended. Fairy-tale heroes thank you for your help and give you a treat. It's time to go back to kindergarten.

Our magical locomotive is already letting off steam from under its wheels: ch-ch-ch.

Get into the carriages.

Children walk in a circle.

I puff, puff, puff.

I knock, knock, knock.

I'm going to kindergarten.

Speech therapy entertainment"Holiday beautiful speech»

Teacher-speech therapist Frolkina A.V.

Correct, clear speech of a child affects his harmonious development, and, as a rule, is an indispensable condition for his successful learning at school. Mastering grammatically correct speech gives the child the opportunity to freely communicate, reason, and conduct conversations on various topics. On the other hand, speech disorders, to one degree or another, negatively affect the entire mental development of the child. In addition to the violation and underdevelopment of various aspects of speech activity, or linguistic means, in children, as a rule, the communicative function of speech is impaired, which, of course, negatively affects the formation personal qualities child. Children develop inferiority complexes, isolation, negativism, etc. Therefore, our task is to form in children an adequate attitude towards their speech deficiencies, not to become isolated on speech defects, not to be afraid of communication and public speaking, to develop communication skills, to teach them to use and apply them in life, relieve psychological stress in children.

Organizing speech therapy mornings has become a good (good) tradition in our kindergarten. This is one of the most effective forms of interaction between teachers and children, as well as the most optimal conditions for self-expression of children and overcoming their speech disorders, correction and development of the emotional sphere, and as a consequence their socialization in society.

The theme of the matinee can be different. In preparation for the holiday, teachers of groups whose children participate in the holiday, a music director, a senior teacher and the parents of children take part. We jointly develop and discuss the script for the matinee, select speech material for the holiday. We try to select material for the holiday in such a way as to include games and exercises for the development of motor and speech skills (practice of breathing, voice, intonation, coordination of words and movements, etc.). In addition to the listed exercises, we include in the content festive scenario tasks for the development of children's vocabulary, coherent speech, grammatical structure, phonemic perception. To arouse children's interest and active participation in the speech festival, we introduce riddles, proverbs, absurdities, poems and other speech materials into the script.

Information and communication technologies, computer presentations, musical accompaniment. But of course, the main decoration of the holiday is correct, clean, competent speech children - participants of the holiday. We try to ensure that every child participating in the holiday demonstrates his speech success, even if insignificant at this stage.

As a rule, the holiday of beautiful speech is held at the end of the school year. Its participants are children who studied at the speech center during the school year. We invite other children who have not attended speech therapy classes to the holiday.

We bring to your attention the final lesson - a celebration in preparatory groups for school, held together with teachers and the music director of the kindergarten.

  • Strengthen acquired pronunciation skills
  • Reinforce the concepts of “sound”, “letter”, “word”, “sentence”.
  • Develop phonemic awareness
  • Develop the skill of self-control of speech.
  • Develop coherent speech in the process of dialogue.
  • Form the child’s lack of complex traits, overcoming internal fear of performing.
  • Expanding integrative connections of specialists to overcome speech deficiencies, mental development children.
  • Develop the skill of syllable division and syllabic analysis

Preliminary work:

Training in selecting words of opposite meaning;

Learning poems and song lyrics;

Training in sound analysis;

Training in dividing words into syllables.

Develop creativity, cultivate a friendly attitude when performing dances and songs.

Create vivid musical impressions.

Develop auditory and visual attention, coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, spatial orientation.


Pictures (for sound analysis);

Flower - seven flowers;

Pictures for antonym words;

Magic pebbles for sound analysis;

Flower vase and flat flowers;

Image of the sun;

The celebration is held in a decorated music hall. Holiday motto:

“We always speak beautifully, clearly and slowly.”

The festival participants are divided into two teams. "Zukovichki" and "Bukovichki".

The progress of the holiday

Musical director. Dear guys and distinguished guests! It's nearing completion academic year and it's time to take stock. We are holding this lesson today to show what the guys have learned over the year.

Tell me guys,

If the snow is melting everywhere,

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green

And a stream rings in the fields,

If the sun shines brighter,

If the birds can't sleep,

If the wind gets warmer,

So….. came to us (E. Karganova)

Children: Spring!

1 child.

The snow is no longer the same -

He darkened in the field

The ice on the lakes is cracked,

It's like they split it.

2nd child.

The clouds are moving faster

The sky has become higher

The sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

3 child.

It's getting darker every day

Stitches and paths

And on the branches in silver

The earrings glow. (S.Ya. Marshak)

4 child.

Spring is coming towards us with quick steps

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.

Black thawed patches are visible in the fields

That's right, spring has very warm feet. (I. Tokmakova).

Music sounds, “Spring” (speech therapist teacher) enters the hall.

Vesna (teacher-speech therapist).
Hello guys, here I am Vesna!
Walked along the ground with warm steps
I brought the hot, radiant sun
And it walks across the clear sky.
Are you guys happy to see me, are you happy or not?
I want to hear, children, your answer.
Are you happy to see me, children?

Children. We are very happy.

Hold hands then.
Let him whirl and sing our spring round dance.

Children with Vesna perform the round dance “Vesnyanka”, Ukrainian national music, arrangement by Polonsky.

The sun is shining brighter and the streams are flowing
Flowers grew in a forest clearing.
And today, children,
Suddenly my house became magical -
Delicate flower - rechtsvetik
Bloomed in my garden.

There are many sounds in the world:
The rustle of leaves, the splash of waves,
And there are speech sounds.
We need to know them for sure! (I. Lopukhina)

You learned to speak
Pronounce all sounds
Clearly, loudly, clearly.

This speech flower has prepared tasks for you to test your knowledge.

We tear off a petal
We repeat in chorus
A few magic lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle."
A petal flew to the sun.
Sunshine, sunshine, shine brighter.
Give us your rays, sunshine!

(The speech therapist shows the children a planar image of the sun, with pictures attached to its rays)

Task 1. “Find the letter.” Pictures in the rays of the sun. You need to highlight the first sound and find the corresponding letter. (Children complete the task.) Figure 1

The sun shone even brighter and icicles started dripping.

Children perform the song “Playful Icicles,” accompanying the singing by playing children’s musical instruments.


The icicles will melt faster if you follow next task Tsvetika-rechtsvetika.

We tear off a petal
We repeat in chorus
A few magic lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle."

(The speech therapist offers the children a new task)

We know different words:
Grass, propeller, kids...
We can tell them easily
We can play with them.

Task 2. Game “Say the opposite” using painting material. for V.V.'s classes Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko “Antonyms”

The icicles are melting and melting, and we hear their sonorous song.

Children perform the song “Sunny Drops”, music. S. Sosnina, lyrics. And Vakhrusheva, accompanying the singing by playing bells and triangles.

And now it's time for the next petal.
We tear off a petal
We repeat in chorus
A few magic lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle."
A petal flew to a stream.

(children listen to the sounds of a stream in an audio recording)

The snow is melting, streams are flowing...
Who knows a poem about a stream,
He will read it to us now .

The sun laughs tenderly,
Shines brighter, hotter.
And it pours loudly from the hillock
Talkative stream.
It is radiant, silvery,
And it sparkles and trembles.
And the other one is just as clean
He runs merrily nearby. (Ya. Kolas)

And we will play with the streams.

A musical exercise-game “Streams-Lakes” is carried out, music. E. Tilicheeva. To music A “Streams” - children with blue ribbons in their hands easily run scattered around the hall, to music B “Lakes” - they do big circle. The exercise-game is performed several times.


Task 3. “Collect pebbles.” What unusual streams flow here - Sound streams. There are pebbles along the streams, pictures on the pebbles. You girls need to collect those pebbles where the pictures with the sound F are at the beginning of the words. And for you, boys, where are the pictures with the sound Z in the middle. (Children complete the task) Well done, guys! Streams are running and babbling. Do you hear someone buzzing? Who is this? (children's answers: beetles, bees, bumblebees). This is how nature came to life around us. Read poems about her.

1st child.
The grass is green, the sun is shining
A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter
Shout out hello to us from the road quickly.
I'll give you grains, and you sing a song.
What she brought with her from distant countries. (A. Pleshcheev)

2nd child.
The swallow rushed from behind the white sea,
She sat down and sang: like February, don’t be angry,
How are you, March, don’t frown,
Be it snow or rain -
Everything smells like spring. (A. Maikov)

3rd child.
Hey spring! Hey spring!
How red you are.
The snow is thinning before our eyes,
The breeze takes off
Rays dance in puddles
The stream is babbling more cheerfully
And they fly to all ends
Vocal starlings.
And on the willows by the river
Buds are like lights.
They blink at us boldly
Everything around began to sing!

Children perform the song “Spring Polechka”, music. Olifirova, accompanying the singing with movements and gestures (the movements were developed by the music director).

And now we will find out next task Tsvetika-rechtsvetika.
Tear off the petal
We repeat in chorus
A few magic lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle."

The word is encrypted here, you will guess it and find out the task of the petal.

Task 4. “Read the word.” Children are presented with a series of pictures. Based on the first sounds of the names of the pictures, children make words from the letters: “RIDDLES” and “PROBERDS.” Figure 2

The children of the Zvukovichok group make riddles for the children of the Bukovichok group.

  1. Gingerbread man on a plate h golden, ruddy side.
    And the blue plate has no end in sight. (sky and sun)
  2. One pours, another drinks, the third grows. (rain, earth, grass)
  3. The black, agile one shouts CRACK, the enemy to the worms. (rook)
  4. In the thawed patch, a forest light burns in the spring.
    The light is timid, like a white snowflake. (snowdrop)
  5. Not an animal, not a bird hiding under the snow.
    Spring will come, run, sing. (stream)

Children from the Bukovychok group tell proverbs.

  1. Spring - light up the snow, sparkle the ravines.
  2. A spring day feeds the year.
  3. April with water, May with grass.
  4. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with pies.
  5. I saw a rook - welcome spring.
  6. In the spring it wets for a day, and dries for an hour.
  7. Rook - spring bird
  8. Spring is red and hungry.
  9. If it rains in May, there will be rye.
  10. April, April - drops are ringing in the yard.

April, April,
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads.
Ants come out after the winter cold.
A bear makes its way through the dead wood
The birds began to sing songs and the snowdrop blossomed. (S.Ya. Marshak)

I have a surprise for you guys. A whole basket of flowers.
What kind of flowers are these, do you know?

(Children name flowers)

You sort out the flowers,
Start dancing with them.

Children of the group "Bukovychok" perform "Dance with Snowdrops", music. P.I. Tchaikovsky (“Snowdrop”) (movements developed by the music director).

1st child.
The snow has melted and the sun has risen up
The narcissist boldly reaches out.
He is so gentle, so good.
Looks so much like a star.

2nd child.
Early, sunny times
On thawed patches in spring
Decorate with tubercles
Mother and stepmother flowers.
In bright yellow scarves
Yes, in green socks.

3rd child.
Lily of the valley
Lily of the valley was born on a May day
And the forest protects him.
It seems to me that he is assed -
It will ring quietly.
And this ringing will be heard by the meadow and the birds and the flowers.
Let's listen, maybe you and I will hear. (E. Serova)

And what kind last task did you prepare a little flower for us?
Tear off the petal
We repeat in chorus
A few magic lines:
"Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west, to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle."

Guys, what first spring flowers do you know? (Children's answers).

Task 5. “Place flowers in vases.” Planar pictures are cut out of paper: vases and spring flowers. There are syllabic patterns on the vases. Children need to “put” the flowers in the appropriate vases, dividing the word names of the flowers into syllables.

Flowers: snowdrops, violet, forget-me-not, lily of the valley, dandelion, daffodil, tulip. Figure 3.

The spring wind came and collected my river flower

(Shows the children a fake flower).

Thank you guys for the games and songs
I want to give you an interesting flower.
Take it as a thank you
And find a treat in it.

(Spring gives magic flower for children, it contains a treat (candy)

You keep this flower and speak beautifully!
Now it's time to say goodbye.
See you. See you later, friends!

Spring leaves to the music. The presenter thanks everyone for their attention and invites them to a tea party.

Children and guests leave the hall to cheerful music.


/ Speech therapist No. 1 2009, / Speech therapist No. 6 2009, /, Russian folk riddles, proverbs and sayings / Comp. SOUTH. Kruglov. M., 1990.

Directory of the senior teacher of a preschool institution No. 10 2014 JSC MCFER. / Speech therapist No. 8 2008.

“Time for business, time for fun”

Speech therapy entertainment for older children preschool age

Khromova Marina Anatolyevna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU kindergarten No. 17 "Semitsvetik" combined type Istrinsky municipal district.

Komarova Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU kindergarten No. 17 "Semitsvetik" combined type Istra municipal district.


Reinforce types of grasping. Strengthen orientation skills on a sheet of paper. Teach children to express their thoughts in grammatically correct form.

Develop coherent speech, fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination. Develop attention, intelligence, thinking, and the desire to speak loudly and expressively. Develop the ability to act quickly and harmoniously in a team.


A basket, a set of vegetables and fruits, two jump ropes, a health path, a poster with the inscription “Forest” in block letters, chips - magnets, a box with three-dimensional plastic letters, 2 posters with the letters Y, Zh; felt-tip pens, 2 posters with encrypted words, 2 posters with pictures, a basket with cotton balls, gifts for children (notebook, pen).

An organized moment. Work progress.

(Calm music is playing, children are sitting on chairs.)


Guys, do you like fairy tales? Fairy tales can be funny and sad, kind and not so good, but always with good ending. In fairy tales, good always wins. Guys, what fairy tales do you know? (Children's answers).

Now I will check how well you know fairy tales.

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

Treats butterflies, bumblebees,

He heals birds and animals,

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit)

Mixed with sour cream,

It's cold at the window,

Round and ruddy side,

Rolled... (gingerbread man)

My father has a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

On land and under water,

Looking for a golden key

He sticks his long nose everywhere

Who is this? (Bu-ra-ti-no).

She is kind, smart, beautiful and sweet,

And her name comes from the word “ash”

Who is this? (Cinderella).


Well done, you know the fairy tales! So I invite you to go on a fabulous journey. Do you agree? (Yes) Let's walk carefully, there may be various obstacles on our way! Look, a ravine! Let's jump over the river and cross it on the pebbles...

Children walk in a circle to marching music, overcoming an obstacle course.


Oh, we guys are tired, look what a wonderful clearing. Sit down, guys, on the carpet, let's have a rest.

Birds are singing, children are sitting on the carpet (music). The goblin appears.


Hello, long guests! Who greeted me? I hear children's voices.


These are the guys from kindergarten No. 17, and who are you, grandpa?


I am a steely forest worker,

There's a little squirrel howling in the forest.

Look at my forest

My forest has grown to the skies.

Here are all my delevyas and flowers

Extraordinary class.

It's good to come to me,

Love and plow the plane!

Hello, Lebyatiski - girls and boys! Do you like my forest? (Yes...) What can you call it? (Children: forest - forest - forest - forest).

Melting! What is there in my forest? (Meadow -..., edge -..., road -..., berries -..., lake -..., stream -..., flowers -... etc.). Well done! Why are you all laughing at me??? Why am I saying such a funny thing??? Everyone laughs at me and no one wants to mess with me...


Grandfather Leshy, the guys are laughing at you because you pronounce all the sounds incorrectly.


Yes, just think, I’m already cold. (Offended). You're laughing again.
Speech therapist:

Well, what are you talking about, Leshy. The guys and I will try to help you. The guys took speech therapy classes for a whole year. We learned to hear and pronounce sounds correctly, distinguish similar sounds, and learned to speak clearly and understandably. Today we will remember how it was and teach Grandfather Leshy what we ourselves can do. Now we will perform gymnastics for our lips and tongues, and our friends will help us. (A multimedia presentation is turned on, where the characters perform gymnastics)







Let's demonstrate the dexterity of our fingers, repeat after me the movements with your fingers:

Fingers are a friendly family; they cannot live without each other.

Here is the big one, and this is the middle one, the nameless one and the last one -

Our little finger. You forgot your index finger.

So that our fingers can live together, we will connect them

And perform the movements.

We will show you the horns of a goat, and even the antlers of a deer,

We won't forget about the bunny, we'll use our ears.

To speak better, you need to be friends with your fingers.

I also want to play with the kids. Oh!!! Well, you have to! I somehow began to speak differently... You are probably wizards???


No, grandpa, the boys and I just learned to pronounce sounds correctly, speak clearly and understandably, and learn to listen to our own speech. Now you can do it too.


Hooray! Will you be friends with me? (Yes). Then play with me: I will ask you unusual riddles.

The crow croaks, and the magpie?

The owl flies, but what about the frog?

The cow is chewing hay, and the fox?

The nightingale sings, and the rooster?

The frog croaks, and the bear?

The deer is running, but what about the snake?

Very good! Can you name the young forest animals?

At the hedgehog's? (hedgehog)

The fox? (fox cubs)

The bear? (cubs)

The she-wolf? (wolf cubs)

The squirrel? (squirrels)

The hare? (hares)

The badger? (badgers)

Well, your children know everything!

Then I'll ask about baby pets.
At the horse? (foals)
From a cow? (calves)
The dog? (puppies)
The cat? (kittens)
From a pig? (piglets)
The sheep? (lambs)

Well, well done, let's respect the old man. But I haven't talked to anyone for so long. Can I play with you again? (Yes) We will split into two teams. I will give one team yellow clothespins, and the other blue ones. Let's see which of you will be more dexterous and dexterous.

Team game with clothespins.


How much I like playing with you... I want to see which of you will answer my questions faster:

    An organ without which it is impossible to speak? (Language)

    What sounds are there? (Vowels and consonants)

    Where can the sound appear in a word? (at the beginning, middle, end).

    What can’t you write in your notebook without? (without pen, pencil).

    Name Baba Yaga's plane?

    Is birch a fruit tree?

    Grandfather is older than grandmother. Who is younger? (grandmother).

    What is the name of fresh fish soup? (Uha)

    What barrier do consonant sounds overcome during pronunciation?

    We speak or write sounds.

    What geometric figure has neither beginning nor end? (oval, circle).

    How many apples grow on a birch tree if there are two apples on one branch and three on the other?

    Can a chicken call itself a bird (No. She can’t talk).

    What is the name of the head of your kindergarten?

Team game with clothespins “Recognize the letter by touch.”

Game “Unspell the Word”.


Well, now it's time to have some fun! I suggest playing the game “Who will fly higher.” I show you: put the cotton wool on the tip of your nose, and blow on the cotton wool with all your strength, the cotton wool should fly high, higher than everyone else’s. Let's start... (performed to music)


Well done! Smart and kind guys. And you also know how to have fun! I want to give you gifts. (Hands out notepads and pens to music) And finally, I want to dance with you “Dance of the Little Ducklings” (Music sounds. Children dance).


Our journey into a fairy tale has come to an end. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Music is playing. The children leave.

Every adult has retained in his memory memories of childhood holidays. The holiday gives you the opportunity to take a break from everyday life and have fun with friends. Conducting speech festivals and entertainment is an important form of work for a speech therapist in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool institution.
The Federal State Educational Standard puts the following targets at the forefront:
— interest;
- creative initiative action;
— independence;
— active interaction with children and adults;
— volitional efforts, making one’s own decisions;
- a game where the self-worth of preschool age is preserved and the very nature of the preschooler is preserved.
The purpose of speech holidays is the development of cognitive interest and attention to native language, linguistic thinking, communicative abilities of children.
When organizing speech festivals, it is necessary to consider means of emotional influence:
music, dancing - help create a festive atmosphere;
poems, riddles, sayings, tongue twisters are selected taking into account automated sounds, in accordance with the theme, and should be short so as not to introduce boredom into the holiday.
games with elements of competition act as a means of activating children.
Conventionally, speech entertainment can be classified as follows:
Theatrical: games - dramatizations, various theaters (puppet, shadow, plane, toy theater) and others.
Educational: KVN, quizzes on studied lexical topics, sounds and letters.
Sports: attractions, outdoor games, competitions, relay races;
Literary - musical.
Mandatory elements of entertainment are riddles, jokes, attractions, and surprises.
Riddles They enrich speech, broaden their horizons, develop inquisitiveness, attention, memory, and help introduce new sounds into children’s speech.
Jokes used at the holiday in between various tasks and games.
Attractions are selected taking into account the capabilities of the children. Here children compete in ingenuity, dexterity, and courage.
Surprises cause a storm of emotions, activates the activity of preschoolers. This could be an audio recording, a letter or telegram asking for help, an unexpected appearance of fairy-tale characters at a holiday, a beautifully decorated box, a package with a surprise.
Success of the holiday depends on following conditions:
1. Calendar - thematic planning speech therapy holidays.
2. Definition of tasks (correctional - educational, correctional - developmental, educational).
3. Interest, consistency, active participation in the preparation of the speech therapy holiday for children, teachers and parents.
4. Discussion of the content of the holiday, distribution of roles, surprise moments, making attributes.
Entertainment is planned for the entire academic year for senior and preparatory groups (monthly, except December, when preparations for New Year's parties). These could be games - dramatizations of fairy tales, imaginary journeys (for example, in the first week of September “Journey to School”). Fairy tale stories with fairy tale “heroes” interest children. Wanting to help, children are not afraid to complete tasks, become active, work more productively and focused.
After studying the lexical topic, you can conduct a final lesson - speech therapy leisure, for example: “In the garden, in the vegetable garden” (“Vegetables - Fruits”), “Grandmother Agafya’s Bird Yard” (“Poultry”), KVN “Visiting an old man - Lesovika (“Wild Animals”). Joint leisure time for children and parents “Feed the birds in winter” (“Wintering birds”). At such final classes, children with speech pathology have the opportunity to prepare for public speaking on holidays.
The music director is responsible for selecting and learning songs and choreographic movements. Speech material is selected by a speech therapist taking into account the individual speech capabilities of children, and is spoken out in individual lessons.
The leading activity of preschoolers is play. Games are included in all parts of the entertainment. Speech holidays and entertainment can include games to develop all components of speech.

For the development of auditory attention and speech hearing The games used are “Quiet - loud”, “Where is it ringing?”, “Blind man’s buff with a voice”, “Guess whose voice”, “Who is flying, (running, walking, jumping)?”

For the development of lexical and grammatical structure of speech such games such as: “Find out by description”, “Name in one word”, “What’s missing?”, “Name it affectionately”, “Mom - dad - children?”, “Similar words”, “Prompt the word”, “The word is lost”, “Recognize the mistake.”

Games on the sound culture of speech: « Scatter the sounds,” “Let’s make sounds together.” “Choose pictures with a syllable...”, “Prompt the end of the word”, “Complete the word”, “Prompt the missing syllable”, “Which syllable is missing”, “Unspell the word”..., “Find the lost sound”, “Name the missing syllable” , “Word in a word”, “Words are inverted”, “Long words - short”, “Find a house for the word”, “Tap the word”, “Clap..., walk”, “Zvukoedik”, “Masha and Misha”.

Tasks and games for developing attention and memory:
“What word was lost”, “What has changed?”, “What (who is missing)?”, “What has been added?”

Games and exercises to develop speech breathing: “Whose bird will fly farther?”, “Inflate the toy”, “Blow on a feather”, “Leaf fall”, “Blow out the candle”, “Snowfall”.

A lot of imagination and skill is required from a speech therapist in order to maintain the interest and attention of children of the entire group, since at the holiday children are easily excitable, active, and behave more freely. During the celebration, the speech therapist helps children understand the terms of the competition tasks. It is necessary to think over gifts related to the theme of the holiday. These can be either individual gifts: sweets, coloring books, medals, books for babies, or a gift for the whole group: board game for a group, cake, book of fairy tales.

Participation of children in speech therapy activities:
Forms a positive attitude towards collective creative activities, the ability to work together in a team of peers, the ability to make one’s own decisions, responsibility, and resourcefulness;
Develops ingenuity, strong-willed efforts, activates vocabulary;
Contributes to the improvement of monologue and dialogic speech, the accumulation of children's experience of public speaking;

A collection of scenarios for special holidays, entertainment and leisure activities aimed at solving problems of speech development; to consolidate acquired skills correct pronunciation. Interesting ideas For effective solution such tasks as: improving the skills of sound analysis and synthesis; formation of skills to correctly pronounce sounds and words, compose sentences; development of self-control over one’s own speech. Speech therapy holidays and leisure activities, the scenarios of which are based on popular TV shows and quizzes. Events in the format of adventure games - “quests” and “adventure games”. Concrete experience of the successful use of theatrical performances and sports competitions at speech festivals.

Holidays useful for speech development.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1258.
All sections | Speech therapy and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios

Entertainment scenario “Blue Light” in a preparatory speech therapy group for Women’s Day on March 8 Preparatory Job: Learning songs, poems, skits. Before the event, children independently make invitation cards for mothers and grandmothers and present them. Leading: Today, let's face it, is a day of tenderness. Today is all women's birthday! We smile...

Formation of phonemic concepts in a speech therapy group for children with ODD. Entertainment game “What? Where? When?" Game - entertainment “What? Where? When?" on the theme “Autumn”. Target: summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn. Tasks: develop articulatory apparatus; develop general and fine motor skills; develop speech breathing; develop logical thinking ; enrich your vocabulary on...

Speech therapy and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios - Leisure activities on speech development for children of the senior group “Journey through a fairy tale”

Publication “Leisure time on speech development for children of the senior group “Journey through...”“A Journey through Fairy Tales” Prepared by Dimitrieva (Vasilieva) Oksana Valerievna and Vagapova Olga Valentinovna Leisure by speech development for children senior group"Journey through a fairy tale." Goal: To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about well-known fairy tales; create a joyful experience for children...

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Quiz on speech development “Literacy!” (preparatory group) Quiz on speech development “Literacy!” ( preparatory group) Teacher of MB preschool educational institution no. 8: Grishina Z.A. Goal: to facilitate the acquisition of new and consolidation of existing knowledge in the field of speech development. Objectives: - educational: improve phonemic hearing:...

Blue Puppy. Teachers: Kostyrkina O.P., Makarcheva V.M. Crow: “I am a crow, I am a funnel, Carrrr. I can croak loudly, I will cover the whole island, Gossip will catch everything, About cats and about dogs, About quiet people and bullies. (a magpie appears) Crow: “Ah! Magpie,...

Leisure time in the senior speech therapy group “Physical Education + Mathematics = Friends” Leisure time in a senior speech therapy group on the topic “Physical Education + Mathematics = Friends” Integration educational areas: « Physical development", "Cognitive development" Goal: -development of physical qualities; -improving mathematical abilities. Tasks: continue...

Speech therapy and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios - “Mothers' Day”. Holiday scenario for children of the preparatory speech therapy group

“Feast of Mothers” speech therapy group The song “My Mommy” is played by music. N. Maya, children enter the hall and perform a dance composition. Children one by one: 1. Mom is heaven! Mom is the light! 2. Mom is happiness! There is no better mom! 3. Mom is a fairy tale! Mom is laughter! 4. Mom is...

Card for attending a lesson on speech development (theatrical activity) Full name_ Topic of the lesson:_ Group:_ Start of the lesson_ End:_ Number of children Purpose: No. Questions and analysis criteria yes no partially 1 Correspondence of the program content to the age of the children 2. What methods and...