Is it possible to throw away a mirror: folk signs, tips and recommendations. Is it possible to bring other people's mirrors into your home? There are beliefs about this

The article will tell you about actions that are contraindicated to perform in front of a mirror.

The paranormal and sometimes frightening properties of mirrors have been known to people for a long time. Another famous alchemist, Paracelsus, performed his incredible experiments using mirrors. In the 19th century, scientists also began studying the reflective properties of mirrors.

Among their studies, the fact of the energetic impact of a mirror on a person is undeniable. In their opinion, a mirror is capable of not only reflecting people and objects, but also absorbing their energy. Later, it is able to project this energy onto other people.

Therefore, many legends about “cursed mirrors” appear. Regardless of whether you believe in the energetic properties of mirrors or not, they exist. And, it is better not to perform manipulations with the mirror that have a negative effect.

The effect of a mirror on a person

  • In many nations, many signs and beliefs are associated with mirrors. Moreover, in almost all eastern cultures, mirrors are mystical objects, treasures of the gods
  • Previously, shamans and local magicians manipulated mirrors to summon the spirits of the other world. The mirror was a symbol of the Moon - mysterious and enigmatic. With the help of mirrors, especially on certain days, people could communicate with deceased relatives
  • The mirror has never been a negative or positive symbol. Everything depended on what hands this mystical object would fall into. Even household mirrors can carry a trail of energy from its owners.
  • Mirrors are capable of recording events that occur in front of it. Murders or fights are especially clearly recorded. Any physical violence negatively affects the energy of the mirror
  • According to legends, mirrors can capture the dead. According to many religions, the soul of the deceased remains among the living for some time. Her mission is to find a way to the other world and go there. But if there is a mirror in the room of the deceased, then the soul may become confused
  • Either from the desire to remain among the living, or from despair, the soul finds its container in the mirror. As a result, the soul cannot find peace and begins to take revenge on the living. This is how “cursed mirrors” with unusually harmful energy appear
  • With their energy, mirrors can affect human health. There is a statement that the intentions and mood with which we approach the mirror is what it returns to us. If every day we are dissatisfied with our appearance, gloomy or sad, then the mirror can worsen our well-being. If... on the contrary, we are satisfied and happy with what we see, the mirror improves our well-being and mood
  • There are many esoteric practices that successfully apply the influence of mirrors on the human body

Why can't you look in the mirror at night?

Among the many rules for handling mirrors, one of the most important is not to look in the mirror after dark. This law exists in many nations and beliefs. One explanation is that after darkness falls, a kind of portal opens in the mirror, a connection with the other world.

What happens if you look in the mirror at night?

If a person looks in the mirror at night, the spirits will be fed by his vital forces. The time between 12 am and 3 am is especially dangerous. At this time, you can see the devil himself in the mirror. That is why this time period is popularly called the “devil's hour.”

What should you not say to the mirror?

All negativity must be discarded before approaching the mirror. Especially, one should not pronounce bad attitudes in front of this mysterious object. They can come back to life with many times the increase.

Words you shouldn't say in front of the mirror

  • About illnesses and pains. The mirror will collect all the negativity and can cause illness in you or other household members
  • About the fact that you are ugly. Pimples and new wrinkles may appear
  • “What horror!” Avoid this phrase in front of the mirror. She can attract a lot of negativity into the life of the whole family.
  • About stupidity. Memory problems or mental illness may develop
  • About sadness or unhappiness
  • About suffering, uselessness or loneliness. A mirror is certainly not a friendly interlocutor. It’s definitely not worth telling him about problems in your personal life.
  • "You don't love me." You shouldn’t say such words, even as a joke, to your loved one in front of the mirror. It may happen that there will actually be a breakdown in the relationship.
  • "We are poor." It is also impossible to give an attitude towards poverty. Otherwise, for unknown reasons, money will constantly flow out of the house
  • “It’s unbearable to live like this.” Such a phrase can lead to new problems in the lives of all residents of the house

It is strictly not recommended to pronounce not only these, but also other negative attitudes in front of a mirror.

Why can't you eat in front of a mirror?

Many people have heard, especially from older people, the warning: “Don’t eat in front of a mirror!” This warning is not given lightly. There are several reasons why eating in front of a mirror is not recommended.

  • By eating in front of a mirror, a person can eat his happiness or memory. If a woman eats in front of a mirror, then along with the food she can eat her beauty
  • It is believed that a person's health and beauty will go to the other world if he eats in front of a mirror
  • Even scientists agree with this warning. The effect of eating in front of a mirror is similar to the effect of eating in front of the TV. Digestion worsens and food is poorly absorbed by the body

Why can't you give a mirror?

People have long known that using mirrors can cause harm to a person. Many magicians and black sorcerers performed negative manipulations with the mirror and handed it to their victim.

Therefore, people always accepted such a gift with caution. Later, a habit appeared according to which mirrors should not be given as gifts. If you were given a mirror and couldn’t refuse the gift, there are ways to cleanse negative energy.

  • The mirror needs to be washed running water and wipe thoroughly
  • Also, the donated mirror can be placed in a box and covered with salt. Salt will take away all the negativity. The mirror should be left with salt for three days. After this, rinse the mirror and throw away the salt.

After such simple manipulations, you can safely use the mirror.

Why can't you show your child in the mirror?

Babies do not yet have a strongly formed biofield. His soul is very vulnerable. Therefore, the mirror will easily draw out all the energy of the child. Consequences may include crying, illness or worsening mood for a long time. It is especially not recommended to have mirrors in the rooms of children under 5 years old.

Why can't you look in the mirror when you cry?

When a person cries, a powerful flow is released. negative energy. The person is upset and hates the offenders, regrets the actions he has taken. Besides, appearance while crying makes you want the best. The mirror absorbs all the resulting negativity. Later, it will feed all the inhabitants of the home with it.

Why can't we look in the mirror together?

Mirrors are capable of reflecting not only real things and events, but also hidden ones. That is why, ancient beliefs do not recommend looking in the mirror to several people, even if they are friends or a loving couple. A person can see the hidden thoughts of his partner in the mirror. And sometimes, it is better for them to remain secret. That is why, after such manipulation, many couples quarrel.

It is especially dangerous to look in the mirror with stranger. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Evil eye. A mirror, like a magnifying glass, projects all negative emotions. Even fleeting envy can cause a powerful energy blow
  • Lose beauty, health and happiness

Why can't you look in a broken or cracked mirror?

If a mirror is a neutral object that gives back what it receives. That broken or cracked mirror is an absolutely negative object.

  • When a person looks into a broken mirror, he sees his image in parts. The same thing happens with his energy. It seems to be breaking or cracking. This is fraught with severe deterioration in health
  • When the mirror breaks, the mirror releases all the accumulated energy. If a person looks in such a mirror, then he is imbued with it
  • A broken mirror should be thrown away immediately, after wrapping it in a dark cloth. Otherwise, such a mirror will release its energy into the room for a long time
  • It is not recommended to even touch a broken mirror with bare hands. But if there is no other way out, after this your hands should be thoroughly washed with running water.

Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?

  • It is recommended to cover the mirror if it is located in the room. And especially - in front of the bed
  • IN dark time day the mirror turns into a portal between the world of the living and the world of the dead
  • Looking in the mirror at night is not recommended
  • Sleeping in front of a mirror causes night terrors and nightmares

Why can't you take pictures in the mirror?

The camera contains a mirror device. When a person takes a photograph of himself, a corridor is created from the mirrors. Such a corridor has a very negative impact on human health and energy. Through such a corridor, evil spirits can enter the home. Therefore, the now fashionable trend of taking pictures in front of a mirror is extremely dangerous.

Why can't you hang a mirror opposite the front door?

The best place to hang a mirror is against the opposite wall. Many people come through the front door with different intentions and different moods. The mirror collects the energy of all the people who visited the house. Then, it will take a long time to give it to household members. That is why you should not hang a mirror opposite the door.

Why can't you look in the mirror often?

You should look in the mirror only for its intended purpose and in a good mood. The best time to look in the mirror is when you are going somewhere or have returned from a good meeting. Before leaving, it is recommended to smile at your reflection. According to signs, after this you will have good luck all day.

Why can't you look in someone else's mirror?

Even if the mirror belongs to a close friend, it is not recommended to look into it. You hardly know in what mood and with what thoughts he looks at it. To protect yourself from other people’s negativity, you should not look in other people’s mirrors.

Mirrors are amazing objects. People with a developed biofield are sensitive to their influence. But even if you do not experience the effects of mirrors, it is better not to risk it. Mystical objects are not to be trifled with.

Video: Mystical properties of mirrors

Hide your mirror from prying eyes. When we see a mirror, we are drawn to look into it.

Correcting your makeup, hairstyle, assessing your reflection - seemingly simple things that should not be given importance.

But in vain. Mirrors have their own secrets and mysteries, which they accumulate and keep for many years. Is it possible to take other people's mirrors into the house? The surface of mirrors has a good “memory” and is capable of absorbing people’s energy like a sponge. How to behave with this far from simple object.

Is it possible to take other people's mirrors - twelve important rules

  1. Do not allow strangers to look into your personal mirror. It stores the owner’s energy, and if you regularly mix it with someone else’s energy, this can lead to illnesses and money problems.
  2. If there were people in the house who aroused your antipathy, immediately after they leave, sprinkle the mirrors with sacred water. This way you will wash away other people’s negativity from them.

Why you shouldn't look in a broken mirror

  1. Breaking a mirror means trouble. But they can be avoided if you carefully collect all the fragments without touching them with bare hands (wear gloves, sweep with a broom) and bury the broken mirror or its fragments in the ground. Looking into a cracked, broken mirror or its fragments is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, your life may be broken into the same fragments.
  2. The mirror in the bathroom should be hung so that a person is not reflected in it during bathing procedures, and in the bedroom it should not reflect the sleeping person. Otherwise, this can lead to frequent illnesses, discord in the family, the emergence of rivals, even divorce.
  3. You cannot sit with your back to the mirror (this leads to illness and loss of vitality).
  4. You should not look into your own eyes in the mirror for a long time - this leads to a loss of your own energy.
  5. A home mirror should have a frame. Uncorrected ones destroy the human energy field.
  6. It is dangerous to hang someone else’s mirror in a room. It remembers both good and bad events. If in the house where it used to hang there were often quarrels and rows, the negativity can spread to the new owners of the mirror.
  7. It is better for a sick person not to look in the mirror - it remembers this state and subsequently shares the negative with those who look at it.
  8. You can't eat in front of a mirror. At such moments, it drains energy, vitality and beauty from a person.

Is it possible to give a mirror as a gift?

  1. Do not give a mirror or accept them as a gift. If they brought you such a gift, make sure that it is new and carefully wipe it with a napkin dampened blessed water. So, is it possible to give a mirror, I think it’s best to think about another gift.
  2. If a candle goes out in front of a mirror in an apartment, someone’s soul is languishing here. It is not for nothing that mirrors have long been hung in the house where the deceased is. This is done so that the soul does not get stuck between two worlds. After all, a mirror is considered an attribute that opens the door to the other world.

Dear readers of the "Be Healthy" blog, watch the video: " magical properties mirrors" -

To see important events that will take place in the next month, you will need spring water, metal basin, wax candle and a small mirror. Having filled the basin with water, you need to light a candle, lower the mirror to the bottom, look into it and evaluate the result. If you see:

  • his usual and unaltered face - nothing special important events will not happen next month;
  • your aged face - illness, poor health, deterioration in health in general;
  • your childish face - good luck in everything, great luck;
  • your healthier and more attractive face - you will meet a person who will play an important role in your life in the future;
  • someone else's face - a strong enemy will appear who will bring a lot of trouble.

2. Don't cry when looking in the mirror.

They say that if you see your mirror image in tears, you can bring grief upon yourself. The fact is that at such moments a karmic portal opens, which changes for the worse. So you change your own life path, attract negativity to yourself, evil people and various misfortunes.

3. Broken mirror. How to avoid consequences?

The most famous superstition. Many people believe that a broken mirror predicts misfortune for the next few years. This also promises serious illness and/or death of a relative. But there is, so to speak, an antidote for this terrible omen. The sooner certain manipulations are performed, the faster the negative is neutralized. In any case, it will be possible to reduce the influence of negative energy escaping from the mirror fragments. Perhaps troubles will still follow, but there will be no serious illness or death.

To avoid the above consequences, you need to quickly wrap your hand in a white cloth (scarf, towel, tablecloth), collect all the fragments of the broken mirror in a bag, which you take out of your home and bury under any young tree. The plant will take on all the negativity.

4. Other people's mirrors can be dangerous!

If you have to look into someone else's mirror, for example, when you rent a house/apartment, it is important to protect yourself. Otherwise, the energy contained in it can transfer to you and radically affect your destiny. To prevent this from happening, dissolve a pinch of your salt in holy water. That is, it should not be taken from someone else’s house, but from one’s own. Wipe saline solution the surface of other people's mirrors, which will then become safe for you.

5. Mirror as a talisman

In Rus', a mirror was used as a talisman against witchcraft. It was discreetly attached to the wrong side of clothing and placed in a pocket or bag. Women managed to wear it in the folds of a scarf or weave it into their hair.

To be protected from the evil eye, damage and any other magical effects, always carry a small mirror with you. Moreover, its front surface should be directed towards others. For example, if you carry a mirror in your purse, place it so that the reflective surface faces those you communicate with. To do this, you can attach a mirror to the lining of the bag, making a small pocket in it.

6. Don't sleep in front of the mirror

Evaluate how the mirror is positioned in your bedroom. If you are reflected in it during sleep, take immediate action. It is important that you cannot see yourself while in bed. They say that decorating the interior of a room reserved for sleeping with mirrors is undesirable. Even if they are located on the ceiling or on the side, the negative impact cannot be avoided. For married couples, this promises betrayal, loss mutual feelings and respect for each other. For other people, such an arrangement of mirrors can threaten poor health, even the development of diseases.

7. Mirror as a gift

Some people choose it as a gift beautiful mirror, for example, for housewarmings they often present large mirror V carved frame. Men also often give their lovers elegant mirrors, because they fit the image so well beautiful ladies. But this is not recommended. It is believed that after such a gift, serious disagreements may arise between the giver and the recipient of the gift. If you do receive a mirror, do not hang it in your house. Otherwise, problems may begin in the relationships between those living in the home.

Of course, everyone has their own attitude to signs. Someone listens to ancient predictions. And some consider superstitions to be ordinary prejudices. But if with their help you can improve your life, protect yourself from various troubles and predict fateful events, why not take advantage of it?

Mirrors in our minds are associated with the magical, secret, and unidentified. Magicians tell fortunes in mirrors, girls look for their betrothed. If there is a dead person in the house, the mirrors are covered so that his soul does not remain there. In the East, it is customary to hang a mirror in front of the entrance: to protect against evil spirits. Many legends and fairy tales are connected with the world on the other side of the mirror - Through the Looking Glass. There are many signs and superstitions on the topic of mirrors. And many, even modern people, try to adhere to them.

So, a mirror cannot be hung in a corner - this could open a passage to a parallel world. It is a well-known belief that breaking a mirror means seven troubles; To avoid this, you need to throw the salt over your shoulder or turn counterclockwise three times. The mirror, among other things, is a symbol of money. If you hang it in the living room or kitchen next to dining table, this will attract wealth to the house. On the other hand, you can't look at your...

When arranging the interior of an apartment, the features of some layouts allow you to place a mirror in the hallway just opposite front door, in connection with which many people are concerned about the question - is it possible to place it in this way? There are many opinions on this subject related to folk signs and beliefs, and this question also finds a response in the East Asian teachings of Feng Shui. Let's take a closer look at this situation.

Is it possible to hang a mirror by the door?

Be that as it may, a mirror is a mandatory attribute of any hallway; people look into it in order to evaluate their appearance before leaving the house, correct their clothes, hairstyle, makeup, etc. There is also a sign that when returning home for forgotten thing, you need to smile at your reflection; of course, in this case you can’t do without a mirror.

The main problem is not choosing a quality product of a suitable size and shape, but the question - is it possible to hang a mirror opposite the front door?...

Some signs about the mirror.

In the old days, mirrors played a certain role in the diabolical manipulations of sorcerers, and this could also influence the formation of superstition.

In ancient times, there was a certain way of fortune telling using a mirror. Potter ("Antiquities of Greece") writes: "When water divination was performed with the help of a mirror, it was called catoptoromancy. The mirror was immersed in water when they wanted to find out what the further fate sick; and by whether he looked sick or healthy in the mirror, they judged whether he could recover. "Obviously, the gloomy omens associated with a distorted reflection in wet glass could actually worsen the patient's condition

The belief that a broken mirror brings bad luck is one of the most common beliefs these days. However, to understand where this bad omen came from, we can consider other examples of ancient superstitions associated with mirrors.St. Father Lambert ("Moerus et...

Probably not a single person in the world can imagine life without a mirror. At first glance, such a simple attribute that is found in every home that we use every day. But as soon as the mirror breaks or cracks, the heart skips a beat even in a person who does not believe in any signs or superstitions.

In fact, mirrors have attracted people's attention at all times. People have always seen something mysterious in mirrors, a window into another world, and most often, a bad one. Therefore, a wide variety of signs and superstitions, as well as fortune telling and predictions of the future, are associated with mirrors.

Broken mirror

The most common sign, and also the most terrible, as many believe, is sign of breaking a mirror. Some talk about seven years of misfortune, some even talk about death or great misfortune. But what does this sign actually mean?

Be that as it may, the sign of a broken mirror always leads to trouble: more or less, depending on your luck. But...

If you were given or given away (by relatives, friends, acquaintances) a mirror

It is quite possible that negative changes may follow in your life very soon.

To eliminate possible troubles, as soon as the mirror is in the house, thoroughly wash its surface with holy water, accompanying the work with reading the spell 12 times:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I wash, I wash, I wash away the old, I change the owner, I remove the bad, I cleanse with holy water. Amen!

Then wipe the mirror dry with a clean cloth, and then say three times:
Clean, bright glass is magnificent, serve the new owner, people and God. Amen.

To complete the energy cleansing of the mirror, stand in front of it and, addressing it, say 7 times:

The mirror is bright, I washed you, I washed you with holy water, I brought you into the house, I did not give it to strangers. The water has run off you, the owner has changed, from now on I am the mistress, look at me. Be kind and peaceful, let's live together...

If you like it, then it was waiting for you. The main thing is that there are no cracks. In general, it’s like black cat, if she herself comes to the house, she will ward off misfortunes from the owner.

It is indeed dangerous to bring things like mirrors, rings, etc. into the house. Firstly, the objects themselves can bring trouble, secondly, they carry someone else’s energy and you can adopt someone else’s fate, unknown to you, and besides, there is an opinion that mirrors carry information about what happened earlier and about their owners, just smile at yourself in the evening in the mirror and in the morning it can be transmitted to you good mood, there is also a terrible version that mirrors carry the energy of deceased owners, and even the soul... brr. In general, it’s better to take it to church. The priest will advise what to do and sanctify him.

All Slavs know the prohibition of bringing a child under one year of age (sometimes up to six months) to a mirror. It has many motivations, reflecting different symbolic understanding of the main properties and functions of the mirror - reflection and doubling, its luminosity, its borderline in relation to two worlds, etc. In Polesie, they most often feared that the child would be afraid of his reflection, the unclean sitting in the mirror strength, etc., will not sleep, will see bad dreams. The Serbian tradition is also characterized by motivations according to which a child who looks into the mirror is in danger of death: “a child who is not yet one year old should not be brought to the mirror - he can die from it.” A weakened version of this idea can be considered the opinions found in Polesie, that such a child is threatened with a “sharp turn”, a change in fate, that his life will be reflected, turned upside down, or that he will stop growing and will not develop. Before the official baptism and naming...

“Recently, an amazing incident happened to my friends, a nice married couple,” says Vitaly Leonidovich. “They became interested in antiques and were furnishing their apartment carved furniture, paintings. Once they came to me, I saw that they were not themselves. Somewhat nervous. They complain: “Some kind of mysticism. Nightmares tormented both of us at night, the dreams were strange and, most importantly, very similar.”

They said that almost every night they both dream of fire. For Vadim, it was either a ladle with molten metal that had tipped over on him, or a burning car. And for Irina, her dress was on fire, or her skin was burnt. It turned out that a couple of months ago in St. Petersburg they bought a beautiful family mirror from a lonely old woman. They hung it in the bedroom. From that time on, the nightmares began. I advised moving the mirror to another room. Scary dreams stopped.

After a while - a call from them. Friends were in St. Petersburg again and specifically went to that old woman to find out the history of the mirror. It turns out that...

In the video, Sergei Ratner explains whether it is possible to bring someone else’s mirror into the house. - Get Sergei Ratner's book "The Beginning. Entry into the World of Energy" for free

What is the danger of other people's things? Is it possible to give your things to other people, and what is the best way to do this? You can't give away your shoes. - 5 meditations as a gift from Sergei Ratner.

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In the video, Sergei Ratner explains whether it is possible to bring someone else’s mirror into the house. - Get Sergei Ratner's book "The Beginning. Entry into the World of Energy" for free. What is the danger of other people's things. Is it possible to give your things to other people, and what is the best way to do this? You can't give away your shoes. - 5 meditations as a gift from Sergei Ratner. All courses by Sergei Ratner, meditations, seminars, trainings on working with energy. More than 500 videos and training courses. Training in Bioenergy, Extrasensory Sensitivity, Clairvoyance, Contact, Healing on the website: Support us - subscribe to the channel, like, comment on the video, share the link with friends! - the main site of Sergei Ratner - VKontakte - on Facebook http://www....

IN modern world mirrors can be found everywhere, they surround us on the street, at home, at work and in the store. What to do then? You can’t remove all the objects from yourself that might reflect your reflection, can you? It is unlikely that a woman will hide under a burqa, and a man will not shave for weeks. You shouldn’t worry too much about this, rush to extremes and aggravate the situation to the point of meaninglessness. All you need in this case is to know how to behave with mirrors in order to protect yourself from harm.

If you have your own small mirror at home or in your cosmetic bag, then you don’t need to let others look into it. After all, the mirror stores your energy, and mixing with someone else’s energy can lead to misfortune.

The mirror breaks - expect misfortune. However, it can be avoided if you carefully collect the mirror fragments with a sheet of paper (you can use another method), without touching the fragments with your hands, and bury them in the ground. It is absolutely forbidden to look into the fragments of a mirror, because it can split your life into similar pieces! There is also a belief that a broken mirror leads to seven troubles. So, to avoid this, it is advised to throw salt over your shoulder or turn counterclockwise 3 times.

Do not show children under one year of age a mirror; this will cause the child to start talking late and may become fearful, not sleep at night, and have bad dreams.

You cannot hang a mirror in a corner; according to legend, this opens a passage to a parallel world.

A mirror has long been considered a symbol of money, so if it hangs in the kitchen or living room near the dining table, it will attract wealth. However, it is not recommended to look in the mirror while eating, as this can “eat” your beauty.

It is also not recommended (according to one sign) to hang a mirror in the bedroom opposite the bed. This can cause illness, lead to infidelity and family discord, and divorce. But if there is no way out and the mirror hangs opposite the bed, then it needs to be closed at night. Also, if a mirror hangs in the bedroom, a sleeping person should not be reflected in it, this leads to love failures.

To protect yourself from harmful radiation, it is advised to place the mirror on the floor.

In general, it is advisable to look in the mirror only when you are in a good mood, transferring your positive energy to it, in return it will charge you with strength.

According to popular belief, you should not hang someone else’s mirror in your home, because it can “remember” scandals, quarrels of former owners and transfer a negative charge to the new owners. A mirror with a negative charge is recognized using an ordinary candle; if the mirror is unclean, it will go out.

If you had to return after you had already left the house, it is advisable to look in the mirror, this way you will scare away evil spirits. If this is not done, then have a good trip there won't be.

It is recommended to cover mirrors even when there is a deceased person in the house. This way his soul will not be reflected in the mirrors and he will not remain in the world of the living.

If there is a mirror hanging in the bathroom, then a bathing person should not be reflected in it. This can lead to frequent illnesses.

Sitting with your back to the mirror is also not recommended, as according to signs, this leads to illness and/or loss of vitality.

The mirror should always be in a frame, then the energy field will not be destroyed.

The shape of a mirror can influence a person, so choose the shape of the mirror that you like best so that when you look into it, negative emotions do not appear.

It is preferable to carry a mirror with a round frame in your cosmetic bag.

Mirrors in the house should always be clean.

Mirrors accumulate both good and bad energy. However, do not take all the signs associated with the mirror seriously. Smile more often, be more positive, and then you won’t be afraid of any sorrows or troubles.