Lesson outline (senior group) on the topic: GCD in the senior group “This Victory Day. Thematic lesson “Victory Day”

Synopsis of the OD "Victory Day" for the first junior group (2-3 years old).

Purpose: for early educators junior groups kindergartens.
Target: To develop children's knowledge about the Victory Day holiday
1. To provide children with initial information about the Great Patriotic War and the Victory Day holiday.
2. Develop the ability to draw with a stamp, encourage children to collaborate.
3. To instill in children pride and respect for WWII veterans, monuments dedicated to the Second World War, and a sense of pride for the Motherland.
Educational areas:
Social and communicative development.
Artistic and aesthetic development.
Illustrations of war and victory day. The basis for the collective composition is a sheet of large format paper, gouache paints, stamps

Progress of the lesson:

1. Getting to know the history of the holiday
Educator: May 9 - Victory Day is the greatest and most important holiday both for Russia and for many other countries of the world.

It is dedicated not only Russian soldiers and officers, but also to all residents of our Motherland.
"Victory Day"
(A. Usachev)
What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and missiles are coming,
A line of soldiers is marching.
What is Victory Day?
This is a festive fireworks display.
Fireworks fly into the sky
Scattering here and there.
What is Victory Day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations.
This is my grandfather's album.
These are fruits and sweets,
These are the smells of spring...
What is Victory Day -
This means no war.

Educator: During the Great Patriotic War, our homeland was invaded by enemies in the person of Nazi Germany on an early June day, they killed people, burned their houses, and wanted to deprive us of home. The entire people rose to defend the Motherland, including our army, women, old people, even children. It was very difficult for adults and children during the Great Patriotic War, in which your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers took part. This war was difficult, difficult and terrible; many people died in it. But the army, with the help of the people, defeated the enemies who invaded our land and drove them out of Russia, and then from other countries. The day the war ended - May 9, 1945 - our valiant soldiers drove out the Nazis and themselves came to Berlin. And since then, every resident of our country and residents of other countries celebrate this holiday.
Writers and poets wrote many poems and stories about their exploits.
The boundless distances are in radiant color,
And the songs ring across the vastness of the country.
Both the sun and the song were defended in battles
Heroes of a long-gone war. (M. Gettuev)

Educator: Our people fought bravely and won. But not everyone lived to see Great Victory. And every year there are fewer and fewer participants in wars, since many years have passed since the Victory Day. Our government takes care of its heroes and helps them. You, too, must treat the war veterans and all older people with respect and gratitude.
On Victory Day, festive parades are organized throughout our country.

War veterans, military personnel, students and schoolchildren march through the main squares of cities.
2. Physical education session “Victory Day”(T. Belozerov)
May holiday - Victory Day (Children stand up and march in place)
Celebrated by the whole country
Our grandfathers put them on (Bends with imitation of putting on orders.)
Military orders.
The road calls them in the morning (Children follow each other, march)
To the ceremonial parade,
And thoughtfully from the threshold (They stop, raise their hand to their face, look into the distance)
The grandmothers look after them.

3. Introducing children to monuments dedicated to Victory Day.
Educator: So that no one forgets the valiant heroes and their exploits, many monuments were built throughout the country in memory of the war heroes. Here is a monument to Marshal L.A. Govorov in our city.

Also on this day, people lay wreaths and flowers at war monuments. Usually they are brought to the “Eternal Flame”, which burns in every city so that people never forget how terrible war is. We have such a fire in our city too.

4. Introduction to holiday fireworks and demonstration of how to draw fireworks.
Educator: Victory Day ends with festive fireworks.
What kind of holiday?
(N. Ivanova)
There are festive fireworks in the sky,
Fireworks here and there.
The whole country congratulates
Glorious veterans.
And the blooming spring
Gives them tulips
Gives white lilac.
What a glorious day in May?

Educator: And today we will draw fireworks in honor of the holiday of May 9. May there always be peace on our land.
Let there be peace
May the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
Let the menacing guns be silent
And the machine guns don’t fire,
So that people and cities can live.
Peace is always needed on earth.
The teacher lays out on the table the basis for a collective composition - a sheet of dark blue or blue. He says: “This is heaven! Where are the fireworks?
Shows how to put a stamp on paper.
5. Physical education session “Salute”(O. Vygotskaya)
Everything was quiet around. (Stand up straight, lower your arms)
And suddenly - fireworks! Firework! (Raise your hands up)
Rockets flashed in the sky (Open your fingers like a fan, wave your arms above your head left and right).
both there and here! Above the square, above the roofs, (Sit down, stand up, raise your hands with open fingers up 2 times)
Above festive Moscow
Soars higher and higher
The fountain of lights is alive.
Out into the street, out into the street (Easy jogging in place).
Everyone is running happily
They shout: “Hurray! ", (Raise your hands up and shout “Hurray”).
Admire (Open your fingers like a fan, wave your arms above your head left and right)
To the festive fireworks!
6. Children drawing fireworks prints, together with the teacher.

7. Summary of the lesson.
Educator: Guys, what holiday did we meet today?
What monuments dedicated to Victory Day do we have in our city?
How does Victory Day end? What did we draw?

GCD in senior group"This Victory Day"

"This Victory Day."

Goal: Education of patriotic feelings in preschool children.

Correctional and educational:

Expand children's ideas and knowledge about the Great Patriotic War and Victory Day. Enrich the child’s spiritual world through reference to the heroic past of our country.

Correctional and developmental:

Continue to work on the development of coherent speech, improve dialogic speech, and strengthen the ability to answer questions.



GCD in the senior group “This Victory Day”

"This Victory Day."

Goal: Education of patriotic feelings in preschool children.


Correctional and educational:

Expand children's ideas and knowledge about the Great Patriotic War and Victory Day. Enrich the child’s spiritual world through reference to the heroic past of our country.

Correctional and developmental:

Continue to work on the development of coherent speech, improve dialogic speech, and strengthen the ability to answer questions.


To cultivate a sense of respect, empathy for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, and a desire to care for them.

Priority educational area: speech development.

Integration educational areas

Cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Types of children's activities: communicative, productive, motor.

Preliminary work: Reading books about the events of the Great Patriotic War, looking at illustrations, proverbs, songs about the war.

Equipment: Wartime posters, audio recordings of songs " Holy War"(music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach) "Victory Day",

Pictures of fireworks, album sheets, paints, toothbrushes.

Progress of the lesson:

Children, let's hold hands and smile at each other so that you and I can be in a good mood.

Listen to what topic the lesson will be devoted to.

Educator: - To those who went into battle for their homeland,

survived and won...

To those who forever, nameless, sank into fascist captivity.

Our lesson is dedicated to all those who went into immortality and won.

What kind of holiday is this, who knows?

Educator: Over the long history of our Russia, many events have happened. Our Motherland has been attacked by enemies more than once. On June 22, 1941, our country was attacked by the enemy, Nazi Germany. The Great has begun Patriotic War.

Guys, what is war?

(this is grief and fear, death and destruction).

Educator: -Suddenly, huge forces moved towards our Motherland: tanks, infantry, planes. Cities, hospitals, schools were bombed.

In those terrible days, the song “Holy War” was heard everywhere (listening to a recording).

Men went to fight, to defend their land, to drive away the enemy. And women and even children worked day and night so that the soldiers had clothing, food, and weapons.

Guys, what did the Nazis want to do to our country?

(they wanted to destroy and make people slaves).

The Nazis burned some towns and villages completely, not a single house or person remained. Many soldiers, women and children died.

The victory came at a high cost to our people. It is customary to honor the memory of all those who died with a minute of silence.

Let us also honor the memory of the soldiers who died for the Motherland.

(children stand up, minute of silence).

Since then, every year on this day people celebrate Victory Day.

On May 9, all people and war veterans who survived put on their orders and medals and go to the Victory Parade. (listening to the audio recording “Victory Day”.

And Victory Day ends with festive fireworks (showing pictures).

Today we will also draw festive fireworks.

Phys. minute: “Like soldiers.”

Stand up straight, guys.

We walked like soldiers

They leaned left and right.

They stretched on their toes,



Have you rested, our friend?

Wave your brushes together,

Now we need to draw.

Drawing using the spray technique “Fireworks in honor of Victory Day.”


What beautiful drawings we got! We will give them as a gift on May 9 to surviving veterans. And in general, if on this day you see a person with orders and medals, tell him “thank you” for defending our Motherland from enemies and ensuring our happy childhood.

I also wrote a poem in honor of our veterans and will read it to you:

All the people are smart, their faces are bright.

Everyone goes with flowers to the fighters to bow,

That life was left with enemies in battle,

They defended their native Fatherland,

They exposed themselves to the enemy's bullets,

To make the children laugh

So that the sun shines

And there was peace

Everywhere and always!

Nina Galanova
Thematic lesson for May 9 “This glorious Victory Day” (senior group)

"This Glorious Victory Day"

Thematic lesson for Victory Day

senior group No. 10, No. 13 groups - 2017

Target: Education of patriotic feelings in older preschoolers.



Expand children's ideas and knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, Victory Day;

Expand children's horizons and ability to empathize with other people;

Encourage and respect the feat of our soldiers.


To develop in children imagination, observation, curiosity, the desire to learn more new, useful, interesting things;

Development of memory, attention, speech, thinking.


To cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for one’s Motherland, respect for WWII veterans, a desire to take care of them;

Integration of educational areas:

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Physical development.

Types of children's activities:



Social - communicative;


Preliminary work:

Looking at photo albums " Battle of Stalingrad", "Capture of Berlin", illustrations about the Great Patriotic War.

Viewing monuments to fallen heroes.

Conversations about warriors, learning poems, songs and listening musical works about the Great Patriotic War.

Meeting with veterans - participants of the Second World War.


Presentation with images of monuments, memorials dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, photographs with participants of the lesson, concert.

Audio recordings of musical works about the war. Song, dance.

Attributes: Hoops, scarves

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Introductory word teacher

Educator: We have many holidays

There are many good holidays,

But I repeat every time,

That this day is the beginning of everything,

What without him, what without him,

And the world has never known the happiness of the world

And there would be nothing

Whenever there was Victory!

2. Main part. Introduction to the topic. Conversation about Victory Day.


That’s right, why is it called “Victory Day”? (Children answer)

Well done! And now I will tell you how the war began.


(music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by Lebedev-Kumach)

Educator: Once upon a time, long ago, when your great-grandparents

years attacked evil enemiesNazi invaders.

Their main leader, Hitler, gathered his army, armed it with tanks, planes, machine guns and attacked our country.

Educator: The Nazis wanted to make our people slaves. They wanted

capture Moscow, the capital of our Motherland. All the people stood up

to defend the country. This is how the Great Patriotic War began.

Why is it called that? Because all the people, young and old

Great stood up to defend his Fatherland, his Motherland.

There were difficult battles, many people died, but the enemy did not enter Moscow

The Great Patriotic War lasted 1418 days.

The fascist barbarians destroyed and burned the cities, villages, and schools of our Motherland. Fascist planes bombed cities and ports, airfields and railway stations, bombs rained down on pioneer camps, kindergartens, hospitals and residential buildings.

The enemy spared neither women, nor the elderly, nor children. A lot of people died in this terrible war.

Our soldiers fought not only at the front. Civilians behind enemy lines tried to inflict as much damage as possible on the invaders. They set fire to warehouses containing enemy weapons. military equipment, attacked their headquarters to find out information about

enemy actions. Such people were called partisans.

Victory Day is the most solemn, sad and joyful holiday for our people; it is dedicated to the Great Victory over fascism. We remember with gratitude our glorious warrior-defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle.


And finally the long-awaited day came when our army cleared the land of fascists and captured main city Germany Berlin. (Showing the illustration “The Capture of Berlin”)


The soldiers walked to Victory for four long years.

The long-awaited day has arrived.

First day of peace! Spring!

The soldiers were happy to see that the gardens were blooming, people were singing and smiling at each other.

And no one can break their Motherland, ever!

The people rejoice and sing, their faces glow with smiles, and right on the streets

couples spin in a victorious waltz.


We owe it to soldiers, sailors, lieutenants, captains, and generals that we now live under a clear, peaceful sky. Eternal glory to them!

The recording of the song “Victory Day” is playing.

What holiday is the song about? (Children's answers)


Shall we listen to poems about Victory Day?


May holiday - Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on military orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the ceremonial parade.

And thoughtfully from the threshold

The grandmothers look after them.


What is Victory Day?

This is the morning parade:

Tanks and missiles are coming,

A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?

This is a festive fireworks display:

Fireworks fly into the sky

Scattering here and there.


Many years have passed since the last shot of the Great Patriotic War rang out, but images of people dear to us remain in our memory. Those who gave their lives for a future in which there is no war. This bright holiday We pay deep tribute to those who walked the difficult roads of war, who returned from the front, restored the country, wounded and destroyed. The memory of these people should live not only in the obelisks and the unquenchable fire of the Great Victory, but also in our hearts. With sadness and gratitude we remember the heroes, all of them, who gave their youth, hearts, thoughts to a great feat and defeated fascism.


We are all together on Victory Day

We sing old songs,

And they, like our grandfathers,

Scorched by fire!



People do not forget their heroes. Songs are sung about them, poems are dedicated to them. Many monuments were erected in their honor. One of them is located near the Kremlin wall. This is the “Eternal Flame” - a monument to all soldiers who fought the Nazis. The eternal flame is a constantly burning fire, symbolizing the eternal memory of the exploits of our brave soldiers.


“No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” -

Burning inscription on a block of granite.

The wind plays with faded leaves

And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.

But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.

No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.


Let us bow to those great years,

To those glorious commanders and fighters,

And the marshals of the country, and the privates,

Let us bow to both the dead and the living.

All those who must not be forgotten.

Let's bow, let's bow friends!

All the world! All the people! All over the earth!

Let us bow for that great battle!

As long as your hearts are still knocking. Remember!

At what price is happiness won? Remember!

Sending my song into flight. Remember!

About those who will never sing again. Remember!

Through centuries, through years! Remember!

About those who will never come again! Remember!

Let's honor the memory fallen heroes a minute of silence. MINUTE OF SILENCE


The whole globe is underfoot,

I live, I breathe, I sing.

But in memory it is always with me

Killed in battle.

I know what I owe them.

And let not only verse,

My life will be worthy

Their soldier's death.

SONG “ETERNAL FIRE” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by D. Chibisov).


Victory Day is a holiday of grandfathers!

This is your holiday and mine.

Let the sky be clear

Over the guys' heads.


SLIDES: 14, 15.

List of used literature

1. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education

"From birth to school." Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova,

M. A. Vasilyeva. Edition 2 – revised and expanded. Moscow "Moscow -

Synthesis", 2011.

3. “Moral and patriotic education of older preschoolers.”

N. N. Leonova, N. V. Netochaeva, To help the teacher. Volgograd 2013.

4. “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children.”

Vetokhina A. Ya., Dmitrenko Z. S., Zhingal E. N., Krasnoshchekova G. V., Podoprigora

S. P., Polynova V. K., Savelyeva O. V.

5. Internet resources.

Olga Ermakova
Lesson notes for the senior group “This is Victory Day!”

Subject: This Victory Day!


Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention an open class dedicated to the Day Victory. This material may be useful to educators preschool institutions, and designed for children senior preschool age.

Target: Cultivating patriotic feelings in older preschoolers.



Expand children's ideas and knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, the holiday Victory;

Expand children's horizons and ability to empathize with other people;

Encourage respect for the heroism of our soldiers.


To develop in children imagination, observation, curiosity, the desire to learn more new, useful, interesting things;

Development of memory, attention, speech, thinking.


To cultivate a sense of patriotism, love for one’s Motherland, respect for WWII veterans, a desire to take care of them;

Cultivating tolerance.

Integration of educational regions: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Preliminary work: Reading books about the events of the Great Patriotic War, looking at illustrations, proverbs, songs about the war. Conversations about soldiers, learning poems, songs and listening to music about the Great Patriotic War.

Types of children's activities: gaming; educational; productive; social - communicative; motor.

Conversations about soldiers, learning poems, songs and listening to music about the Great Patriotic War.

Equipment: Laptop, presentation, PVA glue, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:

Children come into group to a song« Victory Day» and stand in a semicircle.

Child: (reads a poem)

Thanks to the Heroes,

Thanks to the Soldiers,

That the world was given,

Then - in forty-five!

You are blood and sweat

Mined Victory.

You were young

Now they are grandfathers.

We this Victory -

We will never forget!

Let the peaceful sun

Shines for all people!

May happiness and joy

They live on the planet!

After all, peace is very necessary -

Both adults and children!

Children sit on chairs.


Guys, you and I know that our whole country celebrated the great holiday that we celebrate - May 9th. We talked about him. Tell me, what is it called?

Children's answers slide 1


That's right, why is it called that? « Victory Day» ? children's answers + Because in this day is ours, Russian soldiers won victory over the fascists.

And now I will tell you how the war began.

There's a song playing "Holy War" (music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by Lebedev-Kumach) slide 2


Once upon a time, a long time ago, when your great-grandparents were still small, our country was attacked early in the morning of June 22, 1941 by the Nazi invaders. Slide 3

Their main leader, Hitler, gathered his army, armed it with tanks, planes, machine guns and attacked our country. Slide 4

The Nazis wanted to make our people slaves. They wanted to capture Moscow, the capital of our Motherland. Slide 5

The entire people stood up to defend the country. This is how the Great Patriotic War began. Slide 6

Who can tell me why this war is called that? Children's answers

Because the entire people, young and old, stood up to defend their Motherland.

There were difficult battles, many people died, but the enemy did not get into Moscow.

The Great Patriotic War lasted 1418 days. Slide 8

The fascist barbarians destroyed and burned the cities, villages, and schools of our Motherland. Fascist planes bombed cities and ports, airfields and railway stations, bombs rained down on pioneer camps, kindergartens, hospitals and residential buildings. slide 9

The enemy spared neither women nor old people, no children. slide 10

A lot of people died in this terrible war.

Our soldiers fought not only at the front. Civilians behind enemy lines tried to inflict as much damage as possible on the invaders. They set fire to warehouses with enemy military equipment and attacked their headquarters in order to find out information about the enemy’s actions. Such people were called partisans. Slide 11

And finally the long-awaited one has come day, when our army cleared the land of fascists and captured the main city of Germany, Berlin. (Show illustration "The Capture of Berlin") slide 12

Victory Day- the most solemn, sad and joyful holiday for our people, it is dedicated to the Great Victory over fascism. We remember with gratitude our glorious warrior-defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. slide 13

We owe it to soldiers, sailors, lieutenants, captains, and generals that we now live under a clear, peaceful sky. Eternal glory to them! Slide 14


May the sky be blue

Let there be no smoke in the sky,

Let the menacing guns be silent

And the machine guns don’t fire,

So that people and cities can live.

Peace is always needed on earth!

Game “Whose squad will land their plane faster?”

Two teams run around the hall to the music. At a signal, they line up in two columns, crouching on one knee, arms to the sides. The team wins, which will be built faster.

Educator: Guys, who do we congratulate in this day?


Q: Who are the veterans?

These are former soldiers and officers who fought, as well as people who worked in the rear - in factories, built tanks, airplanes, and made weapons.

Educator: Right, Thanks a lot, I would like to say to all veterans for this victory.

Educator: IN this day wreaths and flowers are laid, rallies, a parade of military units, and festive fireworks are held. What, besides flowers and congratulations, can please veterans in this day?

Children: You can learn poems, songs, prepare a concert.

Educator: I suggest you make holiday cards. We will make a flower on them - a carnation. The carnation is a symbol Victory. Since a long time this the flower is associated with perseverance. The carnation represents courage and nobility. slide 16


“No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” -

Burning inscription on a block of granite.

The wind plays with faded leaves

And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.

But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.

No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

Practical part - children perform a composition "Carnations" in technology "facing"

Song "Let there always be sun" by A. Ostrovsky video accompaniment to the song


1. When I grow up, I will also become a soldier, following my brother!

I will help him to protect his (Country)

2. Maybe you can become a soldier, swim, ride and fly,

And the hunt to walk in the ranks is waiting for you, soldier, (infantry).

3. The plane soars like a bird

There is an air border!

On duty both day and night

Our soldier is a military man. (pilot)

4. You can become a sailor

To guard the border and serve not on the ground,

And in the military (ship)

5. It is imperative to study any military profession.

To be a support for the country, so that there is no (wars).

RESULT: Guys, for whom did we make a gift, and in honor of what holiday did we make a card?

Educator: - Guys, I liked how you worked today, how you answered questions. Let's say goodbye to our guests and tell them goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

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Lesson notes for the senior group of the preschool educational institution “This Victory Day” Group: senior. Topic: “THIS IS VICTORY DAY.” I. Organizational moment. Goal: To provide positive motivation for children in learning activities.