Why are there black spots on rose leaves? How to treat black spots on rose leaves

Agree, having a beautiful and healthy flower garden in your garden is very nice. It’s especially nice when queens of flowers are fragrant in the garden all summer long. But, unfortunately, this joy can quickly be overshadowed by various fungi, viruses and insect pests. A common disease of roses is black spot, when black spots appear on the leaves of roses and you need to know how to treat them. In this article you will learn how to solve this problem and what methods help to get rid of the disease.

Unfortunately, black spotting on roses is considered almost the most dangerous disease, which is not so easy to get rid of, in some cases even the best drugs may be useless.

First of all, black spot affects diseased and young shoots. Spring is a favorable time for the development of fungus, as humidity is high at this time. If the infection occurred in the spring, then signs of the disease may not be visible immediately, at least after a month.

If the weather is warmer (up to 30C), then the fungus develops rapidly and after 10 days you can see the first signs. The fungus does not like dry and hot weather, therefore, dies at a temperature of 35C.

Black spotting can also occur in roses due to lack of nutrition, especially if the plant lacks potassium.

Favorable conditions for the development of black spotting

  • Insufficiently lit place;
  • Heavy, clay soil;
  • Weeds (need to be removed regularly);
  • Dense planting of bushes;
  • Flaw nutrients;
  • Excessive watering;
  • Incorrect pruning (using dirty, untreated tools;
  • Adverse weather conditions (rain, dampness).

Symptoms of black spotting

As I wrote above, the first signs of the disease do not appear immediately. You can only find out that the plant is sick in the second half of summer. But when the first signs appear, the disease spreads very quickly.

At first, the leaves of roses appear dark - brown spots with yellow edges. Gradually the leaves turn yellow and die. Dark spots also appear on the stems. Flowering stops. As a result, the rose stops growing, loses its foliage and takes on an ugly appearance.

Unfortunately, black spots on roses are difficult to treat, and sometimes any action may be in vain. Therefore, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

“The best fight against black spot on roses is prevention”

Treatment of black spots on roses should begin, as they say in advance, before planting the rose in open ground and even before purchasing it. Therefore, we will start by buying roses.

  1. You need to buy roses only in a special store, or a gardening farm, where the likelihood of a disease occurring can be equated to zero.
  2. Give preference to varieties in which the risk of spotting is minimized. Fortunately, most modern varieties have this feature.
  3. After purchasing a rose, choose a suitable area for planting so that everything meets the needs of the queen of flowers.
  4. Do not plant roses in places where roses grew less than 5 years ago, or other plants that suffer from the same diseases as roses.
  5. Try to follow the proper care rules based on the plant variety.
  6. Be sure to inspect the plant regularly for suspicious symptoms. This will help you on early stages identify the disease and immediately take appropriate measures.

If you regularly inspect the plant for disease, the disease can be detected in the early stages before it has spread and infected the entire plant. If you notice the first signs of the disease, be sure to remove all damaged parts (leaves, shoots, flowers), sparingly.

  1. At the initial stages, the plant can be sprayed with horsetail infusion (pour 1 kg of fresh grass, or 150 grams of dry bucket of water and leave for 24 hours, then boil the infusion for 30 minutes, let cool and strain. Dilute the infusion with water 1:10).
  2. Every 10 days, spray the rose with sulfur-containing preparations.
  3. It is also recommended to spray roses with preparations containing copper (at any time of the year copper - soap solution, and in the fall 5% copper sulfate).
  4. If no measures help, then resort to last resort - we treat the plant Bordeaux mixture every 7 – 10 days. We water the soil around the bush with the same solution. This drug is very toxic, both for humans and for environment Therefore, we take all precautions.

“For preventive purposes, you can add fungicides to the soil while loosening the soil.”

You can buy other drugs in a specialized store that contain substances such as triazole and mancozeb. For the first seven days, roses are treated with preparations that contain mincozeb, and after a week they are treated with preparations containing triazole.

Plants should be treated in dry weather to avoid dew on the leaves. Before treatment, the plant must be watered and sprayed with a solution.

When the black spots on the plant disappear, still be vigilant and inspect the plant more carefully and more often than before the disease. If symptoms recur, the diseased leaves are removed and burned, and the rose is again treated with drugs.

Well, now you know why black spots appear on rose leaves, what to do about it and how to treat the plant. I also told why roses suffer from black spot, what control measures exist, what drugs can be used for treatment. I hope these recommendations were useful to you and you found answers to your questions.

I will be glad to see your feedback and comments. If you tell us about your experience and how you treat your plants, I would be very grateful.

If there are black spots on the leaves of a rose, what should you do?

The process of growing roses is impossible without obstacles. The most common plant disease is spotting. The disease is very dangerous for the flower, as it leads to its death. When spotting appears on roses, you should immediately begin to combat it.

How to avoid spotting on roses?

Black spots on roses not only spoil the aesthetic appearance flower, but also cause a lot of harm to the plant. Gradually, the disease spreads throughout the bush and can affect nearby ones. The disease is insidious and difficult to cure. The best remedy- This is the prevention of black spotting on roses.

How to prevent the disease from occurring:

  • carry out regularly correct pruning plant stems, since “clipping” increases the resistance of roses;
  • remove damaged leaves, buds, flower stems and be sure to burn them in an area away from the bush;
  • constant weeding of the root area;
  • during the rainy season, sprinkling the soil around the bush with ash has a beneficial effect;
  • plant treatment by special means protection for roses;
  • spraying bushes with infusion of mullein or horsetail;
  • correct selection of a site for planting roses: do not plant in darkened and dense areas;
  • frequent cleaning of instruments with disinfectants.

It is also important to know that there are varieties of roses that are more resistant to black spot. Some, on the contrary, are genetically predisposed to it. Therefore, purchasing planting material this needs to be taken into account.

How and with what to treat spots on rose leaves?

Currently in specialized stores huge selection drugs that can cure spotting. The main thing is to buy not one product, but several.

Special preparations must contain:

They will need to be used alternately to be effective. For the first seven days, rose bushes are sprayed with preparations that include mancozeb. For example: “Gold” or “Profit”. A week later, they begin to use products containing triazole, such as Topaz or Skor.

Read also: English roses- planting and care

The bushes need to be treated in the evening to avoid the presence of dew. Before disinfection, it is worth watering the plant under root system. After the spots on the leaves of the rose disappear, you need to carefully inspect the flower. If the symptoms of the disease recur, it is worth removing the damaged areas of the plant and burning them.

Preventive agents

Black spots on rose leaves begin to appear only at the end of summer, and the plant is damaged at the beginning. Often, a disease attacks a flower if it is weakened or does not receive the required dose of nutrients. Therefore, it is important to fertilize roses.

How to identify black spot:

  1. firstly, the plant stops growing;
  2. secondly, dark spots (like pads) appear on the greenery;
  3. thirdly, yellowness is visible around the leaves.

Some experienced gardeners use environmentally friendly methods to combat the disease. The area where roses are grown is surrounded by garlic plantings. This vegetable has the ability to prevent fungal diseases(black spot belongs to the genus of fungus Marssonina rosae).

Also, for prevention purposes, you can spray the bushes with decoctions of garlic or tobacco. Infusions are not addictive to the infectious agent and do not harm the plant.

Proper care

It is very important to prune roses regularly. This process will strengthen the plant's immune system to fungal diseases, which include black spot.

Also, if black spots have already appeared on the leaves of the rose, then it is worth cutting off the shoots at the level of 2-3 buds from the base. Then spray the bushes chemicals(“Copper oxychloride”, “Vectra”, “Cumulus”).

It is better to remove all weak, old and dry branches, because they will be the target of black spot.

In autumn and spring, it is necessary to treat the stems with copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture.

All damaged leaves dry quickly and then fall off. They must be collected and burned. Otherwise, the fungus will overwinter and spread to healthy rose bushes in the spring.

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During the growing season, the plant requires free access fresh air, do not plant other crops too close. Do not allow moisture to remain on rose leaves for a long time. To do this, you need to trim the shoots and weed the weeds. It is better to regularly dig up the surrounding area and add a fungicide (disinfectant) to the soil.

The spread of the disease is facilitated by temperature changes and high humidity. But not only environmental conditions can lead to black spot damage to the rose, as well as improper agricultural practices. Therefore, before you grow these flowers, you need to ask how to properly care for them.

Leaf spotting is a common problem among many ornamental plants. In this article we will tell you why yellow, black, white, brown, rusty and red spots appear on rose leaves.

If your roses are covered in spots, it means that the flowers are sick or are experiencing stress because they are growing in unsuitable conditions. Let's figure out what to do about it

Brown and brown spots on roses

Brown spots on rose leaves often indicate brown spot (cercospora). Moreover, they usually have a black border. This fungal disease is caused by high temperature and air humidity.

Dark brown spots can also signal other fungal diseases of roses: septoria, pestalocia, phyllostictosis. Based on the external signs of the spots, these ailments are very similar, so there is no point for beginners to rack their brains about what kind of disease attacked the rose, but it is better to stock up on fungicides.

Black spots on roses

At the beginning of summer, especially if it is cool and rainy, dark spots may form on the leaves of roses, which gradually merge and turn black. Round or oblong swellings often appear in these places.

This disease is called black spot. Its causative agent is a fungus Marssonina rosae. Over time, the affected leaves fall off, the plant's immunity decreases, and flowering does not occur.

Symptoms are very similar to black spot false powdery mildew . But with the latter disease, the spots on the leaves of the rose can be not only black, but also reddish-brown, purple or violet.

Roses with glossy and leathery leaves are less susceptible to leaf spot.

White spots on roses

The most common reason the appearance of white spots on rose leaves - a mushroom Sphaerotheca pannosa, which causes powdery mildew. It affects not only leaves, but also buds, shoots, and fruits of plants.

First, a white cobwebby or powdery coating appears on the affected roses. Later it becomes brownish-gray. Fungal spores are formed throughout the summer and are carried by the wind over long distances. The leaves of diseased roses curl, the plants weaken and risk dying during wintering. The development of the disease is promoted by dampness, dense plantings, excess nitrogen, and calcium deficiency in the soil.

If small white spots and specks appear on the upper side of rose leaves, this may be due to rose leafhopper. This yellow insect (up to 4 mm long) is easy to spot. It's hiding on back side the leaf along the veins, and if the plant is shaken, the leafhopper quickly jumps off or flies away.

Cicadas eat the pulp of the leaves and suck the juice from them. They usually appear in very dry and hot weather. Systemic insecticides (for example, Aktara) will help get rid of the pest.

Yellow spots on roses

Yellowing of leaves most often occurs due to potassium and/or iron deficiency. In this case, the edges of the leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain green. Over time, young leaves turn reddish-purple. Roses growing on sandy and peaty soils lack the most elements.

To save flowers, they need to be fed potash fertilizers(for example, potassium sulfate or potassium magnesium) at the rate of 1 tbsp. for 10 liters of water and 2-3 times per season foliar feeding iron supplements or complex fertilizer Kemira Universal (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water).

Yellow-green mottling that appears predominantly on lower leaves, – sign rose mosaic virus. As a result, the leaves fall prematurely and the number of shoots decreases.

A diseased plant cannot be saved. You can avoid the disease if you carefully select high-quality seedlings, and when pruning and grafting, disinfect the tool with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Red spots on roses

Bright purple and cherry leaves often appear on “sunbathing” roses. Plants that do not like bright light or are simply not used to it become covered with red spots - sunburn.

Such roses need to be shaded or transplanted to a new place.

Also, red spots on rose leaves may appear due to a lack of such important elements, How phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen.

If there is a deficiency of phosphorus, plants must be fed with superphosphate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), to replenish magnesium, magnesium sulfate or ash should be added to the soil, and spraying nitrogen-containing fertilizers on the leaves will help cope with the lack of nitrogen.

Rusty spots on roses

The most common reason for the appearance orange spots on rose leaves - a fungal disease called rust. First, in the spring, yellow-orange tubercles appear on the back of the leaves - places where spores accumulate. Over time, infected leaves turn yellow and fall off. In summer and early September, darker (rusty-brown) spots form.

The development of the disease is promoted by high humidity, and dry weather, on the contrary, inhibits the spread of fungal spores.

How to treat fungal diseases of roses?

All leaves (including fallen ones) and stems with spots must be removed and burned, and shoots should preferably be cut at the level of 2-3 buds from the base. Alternately (with an interval of 7-10 days) treat the bushes with preparations containing mancozeb (Ridomil Gold, Profit) and penconazole (Topaz) or difenoconazole (Skor). These tools can also be used early spring for the prevention of fungal diseases.

Bushes need to be processed in the evening. Before disinfection, it is worth watering the plant at the root. Even after the spots on your rose leaves have disappeared, you should continue to inspect your plants regularly as there is a good chance the symptoms may return.

If the damage is severe, the plants cannot be treated. They need to be dug up and burned before the infection spreads to healthy specimens.

To prevent diseases of roses, the soil in the rose garden should be mulched with cut, chopped grass, and before each flowering, foliar feeding should be done with a 0.3% solution of superphosphate extract and a 0.3% solution of potassium nitrate until the leaves are completely wetted. And in the spring, the bushes and the soil under them need to be sprayed with 3% iron sulfate.

A copper-soap solution also helps a lot: 200 g of soap and 20 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water. Also, do not forget about regular pruning of roses, thinning bushes and timely removal of all old and dry shoots.

Black spot is a very common disease on rose leaves. This is a problem for all rose lovers. This is a fungal disease and all varieties of roses are susceptible to it to varying degrees. The leaves of the plant affected by the disease are covered with dark stains similar to spots.

How does black spot appear on a rose?

Most often, the disease appears by mid-summer, but can begin to progress as early as June. Like all fungi, it reproduces by spores that appear from spots formed on the leaves. It can first be seen on young leaves and shoots. If the disease is allowed to progress, it will cover not only the entire bush, but also neighboring plants. This will greatly worsen the condition of the previously healthy bush, weaken it and possibly destroy it.

The disease is provoked by high humidity and fluctuations in day and night temperatures.

It is necessary to be vigilant at the first signs of a fungal attack. And immediately take treatment.

Marssonina rosae is the name of the causative agent of the disease. It does well in a humid environment, in a densely planted rose garden. Its disputes spread very quickly. During the season, if the plants are not treated, several outbreaks are possible, which will lead to the murder of your splendor.

Treatment of roses for black spot

To combat an existing problem, it is recommended to treat the bushes with fungicides in the spring. These are zinc-based preparations. Treatment is carried out twice with an interval of 14 days. Topaz and Ridomil Gold have also proven themselves well. They can be used to prevent disease in seedlings.

If the weather conditions are not on your side and the weather is rainy, treatment should be carried out with sulfur preparations “Colloidal Sulfur” (40 grams per 5 liter of water), as well as “Fundazop” or “Saprolya”.

Such drugs are used once every 10 days until the spread of the fungus is completely stopped. In the spring, even before the buds open, you can use a 3% solution of iron sulfate.

good Bordeaux mixture with widespread infection of the rose garden. Treatment is carried out once a week. But use it with great caution and in extreme cases, because its impact on everything around is extremely negative.

It is possible to use improvised means. Infusions and decoctions of nettle and horsetail will help protect your rose garden from many diseases and pests during the period of color set and during flowering itself.

Prevention measures

In the fall, remove all infected leaves and stems of the plant and carefully loosen the soil around them. As they loosen, the spores will end up on the surface and die over the winter.

A preventive measure is also spraying the bushes with a 3 percent solution copper sulfate or the drug “Hom” (40 grams per 10 liter of water using per 100 sq.m.) This is recommended to be done both before covering the bushes for the winter, and in case of early manifestations of infection.

Such problems can largely be avoided by purchasing planting material only from trusted manufacturers. It is recommended to purchase varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests. Many people are popular hybrid tea varieties, Floribunda roses. The work of breeders pleases us with a variety of species resistant not only to black spotting, these are varieties: Quadra, Resonance, Leonardo da Vinci.

Your rose garden will more than thank you for your reasonable attitude towards fertilizers used for the growth and flowering of buds, as well as chemicals. For more than one season it will delight you and surprise you with the beauty and splendor of its shapes and colors.

A beautifully blooming rose bush is the pride of any gardener. But how much effort is needed for a beautiful rose to bloom and delight its owner. Although flowering alone is not a sign of a healthy plant. A well-growing rose with smooth, dark-colored leaves, many shoots, and many buds is an indicator of a healthy plant. Daily and off-season care for this plant is necessary. Weeding, watering, loosening the soil and this is just the minimum of what needs to be done.

Growing conditions

Roses are very finicky plants and there are certain peculiarities in growing them. First of all, you need to choose a place to plant the plants. It should be a fairly sunny place, but at the same time, during the daytime, direct sunlight should not burn it. Roses do not like waterlogged soil, but they also cannot tolerate drought, so as a result, the soil should be light enough and not dry out in hot weather. summer days. It is best to plant plants on the southeast side of the site with the sides closed from wind and drafts.


The following varieties of roses are distinguished, and each requires a special approach:

  • Hybrid tea. Most popular variety, characterized by erect shoots and large flowers. When planting, it is necessary to allocate enough space for each bush, since close plantings lead to thickening and, as a result, weakening of the plants;
  • Climbing roses that grow high up, their shoots can be up to 7 meters in height. When planting, the construction of supports is required;
  • Multi-flowered. Plants with a large number of shoots and buds must be planted in single compositions;
  • Standard ones. Roses on a trunk, artificially created by flower growers. They need constant pruning and bush shaping.

Diseases and causes of their occurrence

Whatever variety of roses is planted on the site, if not properly cared for, the plant can get sick. This can be either a viral infection or a fungal disease, and insects also cause considerable harm to plants. Most often, flower growers are faced with the appearance dark spots on rose leaves. What could it be? It can be assumed that these are visible signs fungal disease. The classification of fungal diseases of roses includes up to 10 types, here are some of them:

  • Rust. Appears on inside leaves in the form of bright orange spots;

  • Powdery mildew. Gray plaque on the leaves and trunk of the plant;

  • Black spot. The spots on the leaves are black. In advanced cases, spots also appear on the buds and shoots;

  • Anthracosis. A large accumulation of small spots of red, purple and brown color.

The causes of these diseases may be different. Like all mushrooms, spores of black rot, rust, and powdery mildew are easily carried by the wind. However, rainy summers with cold night temperatures can also cause spots to appear on plant leaves.

When planting rose bushes close to each other, shading occurs, lack of sunlight, lack of fresh air. Under such conditions, fungal and viral diseases completely affect all plants at the same time.


If, however, the roses are sick and spots appear on their leaves. What should you do to treat rose bushes? Helping drugs:

  • A solution of copper sulfate with added soap;
  • Bordeaux mixture solution;
  • Soda solution;
  • Wood ash and sulfur powder.

When any spots appear on the leaves of plants, it is necessary to carry out a number of therapeutic measures to prevent spread. First of all, all damaged leaves and shoots are removed. Then spray with a solution of copper sulfate.

If the rose bushes are severely damaged, it is necessary to remove the most diseased plants and carefully cover the place where they grew with wood ash.

Disease Prevention

However, all diseases can be prevented in advance. To do this, roses must be pruned in the spring before active growth begins. You should not prune in the autumn months, as this will cause the bare shoots to become infected with viral diseases. and throughout the summer the plants should be fed organic fertilizers. For prevention, spray plants with soda or soap solution every 15 days. Well it also helps with viral infections and insects infusion of wormwood, which can be sprayed on the plant every three days.

Preparations for treating plants against fungal and viral diseases which are sold in stores:

  • Oksikhom;
  • Topaz;
  • Fundazim;
  • Abiga-pik.

When using chemicals It should be remembered that processing must be carried out in protective clothing and rubber gloves. It is also important to strictly observe all precautions. You should not frequently use chemicals in your garden.