What color should you choose for your carpet? Carpet in the living room - recommendations from designers for the right choice (80 photos of stylish new products) Carpet in the interior of an apartment

And “support” it with several pillows in a similar color scheme. This technique would work well in a living room or bedroom.

Also, using a contrasting rug, you can divide the room into functional areas. Bright accent will and will not go unnoticed.

2. Color addition

You can choose a carpet of calm shades for almost any interior; the main thing is its combination with the fabrics in the selected room. The shade should be slightly different so that the accessory does not get “lost” in the interior.

3. Visual effect

Using a rug you can create a visual illusion and adjust the size of a room. Light carpets are capable of reducing it, while dark ones can reduce it. Plain coatings can only affect the perception of a room by color saturation: calm and cool shades visually enlarge the space, while rich and warm tones create reverse effect.

Carpets with large drawings and prints attract attention. With the help of small carpets you can divide a large area into zones, and in a small area you can create a visual center of the room.

4. Wall decoration

How appropriate is a rug on the wall? If you remember Soviet times or the typical interior of the 90s, forget it. Modern designers offer a variety of wall hangings that look stylish and decorate the interior. It is important that the color and texture of the carpet be combined with the finish and chosen.

5. Combination of textures

Why not use one rug on top of another? The solution seems non-standard, but it will definitely allow you to create an unusual composition and make a spectacular accent in the interior. Follow a few rules if you choose this option:

    the pattern or background of the carpets should complement each other;

    such a solution should correspond to the style of the interior; it will look especially impressive in an oriental theme;

    use different textures: for example, a thin carpet at the bottom, and a dense woolen carpet with a pile on top.

How to choose a carpet texture

The texture of this accessory is no less important for creating the right interior than its color. The choice should be based on where you will be laying the carpet. So, in rooms with high traffic, it is better to choose thick carpets with a wear-resistant surface (hallway, kitchen). In the bedroom you can afford long-pile carpets made from natural materials. The choice should also be determined by the child’s allergies; it is better to pay attention to items with short pile, as they will be easier to wash.

Cotton and jute accessories look great in kitchens and bathrooms as they contrast beautifully with ceramic, marble and wood floors. Acrylic carpets can also be laid in the bathroom - they are resistant to mold.

How to place a rug in a room

The location for the rug should be chosen with the same care as the color and texture, since the right one in relation to the furniture will play an important role in the interior. Use a few tips.

    Do not cover the borders of different transitions with a carpet.

    The carpet should be equal to the space of the table and chairs, even a little more, so as not to interfere with moving the chairs.

    In the living room, it is better to push small carpets under the sofa by about 15 cm, and on large carpets upholstered furniture should stand on one of the sides or in the middle.

    It is good when the line of the carpet runs parallel to the wall, door, closet or fireplace.

    In the bedroom, the carpet should be pushed 15-20 centimeters under the bed.

How to choose a carpet to suit your interior style

Matching the carpet to the interior style is one of the most important factors in choice. We've collected some tips from designers.

Carpet is introduced into the interior not only to create coziness and provide comfort for the feet. This element also helps in solving other problems, including zoning the room, introducing additional color and texture nuances, diluting the faceless monotony, etc.

Most important parameter is the size of the carpet. Color is secondary. After all, if something happens, you can always beat him. However, this does not mean that you need to grab the first rug of a suitable size that comes along. It is necessary in advance, even before purchasing, to choose the desired color scheme and determine a list of preferred colors and shades.

Which color schemes exist? What should you choose a carpet for? What does it rhyme with? Let's figure it out.

Non-contrast and contrast schemes

The carpet can practically merge with the surroundings and seem to dissolve in it. This effect is achieved if a carpet is used that matches the basic color scheme of the interior or matches the color of the floor.

The opposite option is a carpet that stands out noticeably against the general background.

Both schemes are good in their own way. The first is suitable for creating a calm, serene atmosphere. If you want to visually separate the area, it is better to choose the second scheme, that is, use a contrasting carpet.

Bundle options

What to tie the carpet to? What is it customary to choose it for? There are many ways.

1. Match the color of the furniture that will be located on it or near it. So, on a gray carpet there can be a gray sofa, and on a blue carpet - dining table with blue chairs.

It is advisable, of course, that the furniture does not blend into the carpet. It should stand out at least a little - for example, in shade, texture or the presence of a pattern.

2. Match the color of the furniture, but vice versa. The whiteness of the sofa will be emphasized by a black carpet, and the warmth of a beige bed - by dark brown. That is, this scheme involves the use of a carpet, the color of which is directly opposite to the color of the furniture located next to it.

3. Match the color of the floor, but vice versa. In this case, the color of other components can be ignored. The main thing is that the carpet and flooring organically complement each other. Room with blacks Suitable for floors white carpet, with beige - brown, etc.

4. Match the color of large vertical surfaces. We are talking about walls and/or curtains. The carpet can repeat their shade exactly or approximately.

The scheme is classic, but somewhat dangerous. Wouldn't there be too much of the base color if you also put it on the floor? Caution is especially important if the color of the walls and curtains is not neutral, but “rainbow”. It is necessary to liberally dilute the base with furniture and decor of a different color.

5. Match the color spots already existing in the interior. For example, to match the color of a floor lamp, painting, panel, pouf, etc.

It is worth noting that an accent rug does not always need support. It is quite acceptable for it to be the only color spot in the interior.

Having laid it on the floor, you need to evaluate how organically it fits into the decor. If it seems that the carpet is slightly out of line, you can always support it with details of the same or similar color.

Multicolor carpet

Carpets with patterns and ornaments are always more catchy and noticeable. They invariably attract attention, influencing the interior as a whole: with an active carpet it becomes more energetic and expressive.

It's important not to overdo it here. If the interior already has a lot of different patterns and textures, you should prefer a simple plain carpet.

First of all, you need to take into account the appearance of the furniture that will be located directly on the carpet or near it. If your sofa's upholstery already has a pattern, you should think twice before purchasing a patterned rug.

What are these carpets chosen for? The same schemes work here as with plain products. In a carpet with an ornament, you can almost always identify the main color - this is the shade of the background or the largest element of the design. By its color basis, the carpet can match the floors, walls, curtains, and sofa. Its second color can be supported small details(for example, pillows on the sofa), the third - small object furniture.

However, it is not at all necessary to “pull” each of the colors present in the carpet from the carpet. Some of them can easily be left without support.

Choosing the color of the carpet... Three axioms

1. A plain, light-colored rug visually enlarges the area.

2. A cool-colored rug creates a calm, serene atmosphere.

3. If the room's windows face north side, because of which the interior always looks gloomy, you should choose a carpet of a warm, cheerful shade. It will dramatically change the mood of the room.

Modern trends in flooring can be figuratively divided into two types - imitation wood and stone and soft carpets. Many homeowners are still looking for the soft, cozy comfort of carpet. Available today large selection style, design and color of carpets, however good choice played a cruel joke on us, making achieving a harmonious decor a difficult task. Here are the top carpet rules you can implement in your home.

Main rules

The design of a carpet for the floor in a room should not be isolated. The most successful home interiors are designed with continuity in mind.

Even while some rooms may take on a personal character, it's helpful to think of your home as a complete organism rather than a series of disconnected spaces.

Your choice of rug can be the basis for your decor planning.

In any case, the floor covering will connect all the design elements, creating a coherent scheme for any interior.

A useful approach when planning a circuit is to think of it as a four-part equation:

  • color;
  • drawing;
  • texture;
  • style.

It helps you gain a basic understanding of how color, texture, pattern and style work in interior design.

Creating the mood

Color creates a mood because it controls size and shape and skillfully plays with light. The floor and walls are often the largest visual spaces in the room, so choosing the right color for your rug is a very important step.

Color can be the main element of your decorating scheme or a deliberate subordinate element. In any case, underestimation of the importance of the color wheel and special effects created by color will be doomed to failure.

Consists of primary colors, secondary colors and shades or tones. The primary colors - red, blue and yellow - are “pure” colors. Combining the primary ones provides complementary colors.

Primary and secondary colors are arranged in a circle in the spectrum. Each primary and secondary has various shades, which are located in the spaces between the primary colors and reflect the dynamics of their change. Also, the function of the circle is to determine cool and warm shades. The colors on the blue and green side are cool, while the colors on the red and orange side are warm.


There are three ways to combine to create the scheme and mood of your home.


Mix different tones of the same color. Use those that are on the circle next to each other. It is also advisable to use from opposite segments of the circle.

Color effects

The benefits of color effects can be used in different ways.


Do small room spacious, using soft cool. Like a rolling horizon in the morning haze, the soft color gives the impression of distance and therefore does not consume space.

Rich colors bring objects closer and therefore help make a large open room feel cozier and more intimate.

The Art of Disguise

Bulky elements in a room can be disguised with clever use. Large Victorian sofa, upholstered dark color, will appear less bulky and will blend into the scheme of the room if the rug and walls are similar shades.

Increase the heat

A rug or other accessories - such as curtains or pillows - in warm colors take the chill out of the room and create an abundance of energy.

Raise your perception

Blending can provide a sense of height.

Use the darkest shade on the floor, the next shade on the walls and the lightest shade on the ceiling.

Create a feeling of peace

Choose a neutral to create a gentle, soft, tranquil environment, a sanctuary amid the frenetic pace of modern life. Pale colors- peaceful, serene and therapeutic. Eliminate visual stress and overstimulation with plain furniture.

Increase the feeling of light

Use paler shades (colors with white added) to lighten dark room. The reflective quality of white enhances the feeling of light and space more than any other.

Balance your palette

Colors that are directly opposite to each other on color wheel, such as blue and orange, can be used to complement each other. Use this method to create balance in your interior by incorporating warm and cool tones at the same time.

Color in action

Plum and purple

They have a formal, almost regal association, however this is the result of cultural influence rather than their purpose in nature. While strong purple brings a dramatic touch to the interior, paler shades of lilac and lavender look subtle and delicate.

Color sunlight and spring flowers, as well as pure yellow

Can be used to bring warmth and lightness to your home. It reflects light and can be used to brighten up a dim room. Tones of orange, brown and golden brown are warm, cozy colors.

Bright accents can liven up the main color scheme neutral browns.


The natural color of nature, encourages introspection and tranquility - a mood suitable for the living room or bedroom.

Warm atmosphere of gray carpet


The color of fire is rich, warm and vibrant. It has pleasant qualities, but can be overly stimulating if used over large areas in frequently used rooms. Because red stimulates the appetite, it traditional choice for canteens.


For less intensity, choose pink as it also suggests warmth.

Only by fully studying the color in a particular home can you truly be confident in your choice. The color of the other furniture in the room, as well as the amount of natural light, will influence how your rug looks.

Artificial light tends to produce "grey" colors, so test samples in both daylight and nightlight.

Looks great in a girl's room

Remember that the entire perimeter of the rug will not look exactly the same as a small sample. The best way to see what it will look like once installed is to look at the largest possible sample of the carpet on the floor it is intended for. Therefore, purchase a piece of carpet first. This length will serve you well later and will be invaluable when purchasing additional items or changing the layout in subsequent years.

We select slowly, using color samples

The guest room is the largest room in every house, which performs a number of functions - acts as a dining area, as work area as a relaxation area.

You can transform a room with a carpet. It will not be news to anyone that the appropriate environment is comfortable and cozy, as if setting you in the right mood.

This is why people are increasingly asking themselves the question of how to choose a carpet for the living room?

Everyone probably knows that the carpet in the living room plays a significant role.

Carpet as an object modern interior, performs following functions: insulates the floor surface, protects it from dirt, dust, and becomes the property of the room.

It is worth noting that modern carpets in the living room can be placed as desired.

So, often the entire surface of the floor is covered with carpet, sometimes only a separate part, and a very small corner is allocated for comfortable rest. In addition to the carpet, they also use paths - their size is very small and they are easy to care for.

Product selection

When purchasing a carpet for the living room floor, you need to take into account the color of the product, the pattern applied to it - harmony with other objects is maintained.

It is not always necessary to choose a multi-colored carpet product, because the interior will be colorful and the room will visually become much smaller, especially if the carpet is placed in the center of the room.

Selection criteria:

  • A small rug next to the sofa will decorate the room.
  • The design of the product should be visible from anywhere in the room.
  • Handmade rugs, so to speak, made from natural wool look great. The color can be rich, the pattern can be stripes, checks, folk motifs.

The carpet on the floor in the living room perfectly complements the design of the room in color, if you decide to add strict design zest and variety, so to speak.

In this case, choose a carpet in a variegated range of colors.

A distinctive feature of modern carpets

Stylish ones look great in the interior floor coverings with a textured pattern. Modern carpets for the living room play several functions at once - aesthetic (decorating the living room) and functional (reduces noise).

The problem of thermal insulation and sound insulation is solved simply - use carpet, pile, lint-free - in one tone, gray, wenge, or other neutral colors.

The difference between a modern home is the clear forms of the interior, simple shapes, which are most often overloaded with furniture.

For the living room you should choose the following carpet product:

  • If the furniture is polished, then the rug is used with the longest possible pile, which is made of faux fur.
  • The sofa uses a medium-length pile carpet.

Carpets for the living room interior are selected taking into account the proper level of sound insulation and thermal insulation.

Of course, the carpet should look beautiful. Any product made of synthetic material, as well as a product made with the addition of wool fibers, can cope with these tasks perfectly.

Modern carpets made of synthetic material are very easy to care for, but natural products are a little more difficult to care for.

In addition to wool, silk and rope are used in the production of carpets. “Classics in the world of carpets” - products made of wool, different patterns, colors.

A classic carpet for the living room is the item that matches the interior.

Because classics are natural natural colors, naturalness, then the product is made from natural fibers. The color of the product must be compatible with all interior items.

In the case where the furniture is low, a dark carpet will look great in the area where it is located, which will merge with it, emphasizing the calmness of the composition.

The clearer the drawing, the lighter the product seems. So, on a light carpet it is placed dark furniture, so that it looks easier visually.

Light-colored furniture is often placed on a dark carpet, and it immediately becomes heavier.

In 2017, the following carpets are in fashion:

  • Embossed, in one tone.
  • Irregular shape.
  • Oval carpet for the living room.

The main colors for 2017 are gray and pink. Floral patterns with a predominance of colors such as green, red, and yellow are also trending.

Look through photos of carpets in the living room on the Internet and you will see for yourself that original products made from simple materials, easy to care for daily.

Photos of fashionable carpets in the living room interior