Correct human behavior during a thunderstorm. What not to do during a thunderstorm: rules of conduct? Thunderstorm while at home

In nature, there are many different dangerous natural disasters, cataclysms that lead to the death of a person, as well as the burning of household items and electrical appliances.

In such situations, even adults do not know how to behave during a thunderstorm. Adults need children to early childhood explain precautions in emergency and natural situations.

Lightning is a natural phenomenon that can produce a strong discharge. It can be accompanied by loud sounds and rumbles, and strong hurricane winds often arise.

To protect yourself and your loved ones from natural disasters, there are basic and main rules of behavior during a thunderstorm:

  1. It is not recommended to perform active actions, sudden and fast movements, or move quickly indoors in order to reduce the possible risk of impact.
  2. If you have a telephone or music player, you must turn them off. It is not allowed to talk on the phone.
  3. Get rid of metal devices and elements, if they are on clothing, get rid of it.
  4. Take shelter in recesses and holes if lightning strikes you in open areas outdoors.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to stay near bodies of water or in water.
  6. Take a sitting position; it is not recommended to lie on the ground.

Important to remember! At the slightest sign of lightning, you must take care of your safety in advance so as not to become a lightning rod.

The main thing is to follow the basic rules on time.

  1. You should not go close to windows if they are open; you must close windows and doors.
  2. Unplug the TV, computer and other electrical appliances to ensure electrical safety. A lightning strike can cause them to malfunction.
  3. It is not recommended to light the stove and fireplaces during a severe thunderstorm.
  4. If you find ball lightning in your apartment, hide in a secluded place or move away from it.

Even if you are in a room, apartment or house during a disaster, you can suffer from it.

What not to do?

It is not possible to completely protect yourself from lightning and thunderstorms. She can catch a person anywhere, and also penetrate into any room.

Even the safest places cannot protect people from lightning strikes or harm to human health.

In real time, there is no such thing as a safe place. You can protect yourself by doing everything useful recommendations during natural disasters.

Important to remember! In all situations that arise, you need to ensure complete calm, look around you and follow useful advice.

  1. It is prohibited to hide in water or remain near bodies of water. Water can always attract a discharge to itself and strike a large area around, with a radius of up to 100 meters.
  2. You should not overload yourself with bulky objects, especially metal ones.
  3. It is not allowed to hide under spreading and big tree, they attract lightning strikes to themselves. It is better to hide under a small bush, or in a hollow, hiding behind low-growing bushes.
  4. If you are near electrical poles or power plants, you should immediately run away from them.

If the location is in open place, immediately turn off the devices you have with you.

Safety rules and precautions for thunderstorms on an airplane, forest and other places

A thunderstorm can catch people in various unusual places and situations.

Let's consider in the table where it is safe to be and where it is dangerous and how to behave in different places during a thunderstorm:

Location Security measures
In the forest Find a low-lying place, more than 150 meters away from bodies of water and low-growing bushes. Avoid tall trees.

If there is a fire nearby, you must extinguish the fire. You cannot climb into the tent, due to existing metal structures.

If the forest turns out to be dense, try to find a birch tree, it attracts lightning strikes less to itself

In the car In a natural disaster, it will be safe to wait in the car. To do this, you need to turn off all receivers and turn off the ignition.

Doors, windows and vents must be tightly closed to prevent drafts.

It is prohibited to use mobile devices, make sudden movements or look out of open windows.

On the plane During a thunderstorm on an airplane, the situation does not depend on the person. The main thing he can do to protect himself is to turn off his mobile device.

The plane has special radars that detect thunderclouds in advance, preventing them from getting inside.

In the mountains In the mountains it is important to get rid of metal objects, move away from them safe distance more than 100 meters.

You are allowed to take shelter under a rock, in a gorge or under a ledge. You cannot run or jump during the elements at higher elevations.

In the field The most dangerous and terrible situation is when the elements find people in an open field.

In such a situation, it is important not to panic, do without moving, sit on the ground and wait until the thunderstorm ends.

Carefully look around the area and look closer to find the lowest place

When traveling by transport open type, during thunderstorms, you must stop and leave the location of the vehicle at a safe distance, at least 50 meters.

An important step is calm, which helps to maintain human lives and does not cause injury.

If a loved one or someone nearby is struck by lightning, you should urgently call an ambulance.

To alleviate the situation and save his life, try to provide him with first aid, perform cardiac massage and artificial respiration.

Useful video

Natural elements are unpredictable and not always safe. Thunderstorm is one of the most dangerous natural phenomena, since during it a powerful electrical discharge occurs that can cause fires, accidents with injury and death. In most cases, a thunderstorm poses a danger to a person only if he does not comply with safety rules. You can find out more about what to do during a thunderstorm and what danger it poses to humans.

The thunderstorm is very dangerous phenomenon

The approach of one of the most dangerous natural phenomena can be foreseen in order to be able to take cover and protect oneself from possible consequences. First of all, it is necessary to monitor the formation of powerful cumulus, tower-shaped clouds, and the development of cloudiness. The direction of the wind will not provide an obvious clue, since thunderstorms often move against the wind. During a thunderstorm, the direction of the wind usually changes sharply, there is complete calm or a sharp squall, after which it begins to rain. But a thunderstorm can begin without precipitation. Other warning signs of an approaching thunderstorm include:

  • High level of air humidity. This can be seen by how long the dew stays on the grass.
  • Low flying birds and particularly aggressive insects.
  • Decrease in atmospheric air pressure.
  • Stifling air

To determine the speed of approach of thunderclouds, it is necessary to focus on the time from the beginning of the lightning flashes to the sound of thunder in seconds. The shorter this period, the closer the thunderstorm. And by the reduction or increase in the intervals between flashes and rumbles, one can judge the approaching or moving away of thunderclouds. Considering the speed of sound propagation in the air, we can estimate that sound travels one kilometer in three seconds. Thus, you can calculate the approximate amount of time that remains to find shelter during bad weather. The most dangerous condition is when there is no time gap left between a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder.

Don't be out in the open during a thunderstorm

There are several rules for what to do if a thunderstorm strikes unexpectedly, and what to do to avoid misfortune:

  1. Open areas should be avoided. Typically, lightning strikes the highest point in the area. If you are in a field during a thunderstorm, the highest point will be a person.
  2. Water is an excellent conductor of current. Therefore, during a thunderstorm you need to stay away from bodies of water.
  3. It is advisable to get rid of any metal products on your body, clothing, or other things, placing them at a distance of five meters from you. An umbrella opened above your head can serve as a target for lightning strikes.
  4. You need to move at a calm pace, especially in open areas.
  5. Turn off all radios, household appliances, TV, other electrical appliances in the house from the network.
  6. If your life is in danger or you are in a place where there is no settlements, you need to contact the rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

What not to do during a thunderstorm

Never stand under lonely trees during a thunderstorm.

In accordance with the above, you can determine the rules of what not to do during a thunderstorm:

  1. You cannot hide under lonely objects in an open area - a tree, a high-voltage pole, or other tall structures located at a great distance from others.
  2. Use a mobile phone, especially at a great distance from houses and other structures. This is explained by the fact that electromagnetic waves attract electric discharge, and there are known cases of lightning striking mobile phone the person who was talking on it at that time. However, in urban environments such cases are rare.
  3. Ride a bicycle in open areas.
  4. Do not press against or be in other close proximity to metal objects outdoors.
  5. You should not immediately take shelter from the rain. Clothing that is wet is less likely to be struck by lightning than clothing that is dry.
  6. Do not lie on the ground or run from a thunderstorm while in open areas. In the first case, having struck the ground, lightning can also hit a person, and in the second, he becomes a kind of fast-moving target.
  7. Talk on the phone with a wired connection, as lightning can strike between the stretched wires of the poles.
  8. During a thunderstorm, do not go near electrical wiring, lightning rods, drainpipes roof, television or radio antenna, it is also not recommended to stand near an open window.

Where not to be during a thunderstorm

Thunderstorm in open areas

If a sudden disaster strikes, but you can still choose shelter, you should keep in mind the places where you should not be during a thunderstorm:

  1. Can't be in open areas
  2. Be in or near bodies of water.
  3. On the tops of cliffs and other hills.

What to do if there is a thunderstorm

Since the elements are unpredictable, and there are places that provoke a person to be struck by lightning, you should know what to do during a thunderstorm if you find yourself in an unsafe place.

In the forest

Thunderstorm in the forest

If you are in the forest during a thunderstorm, you must avoid the proximity of trees such as oak, pine, and poplar. According to statistics, they are the ones who most often attract lightning strikes, which is why forest fires occur because of them. You need to find a low-growing area of ​​the forest and hide there, squatting down and taking a fetal position. Trees themselves are natural lightning rods, so you should avoid being near tall trees.

The ideal option to protect yourself is to find an area with low-growing trees and dense crowns, hide between them, sitting on the ground.

If at the same time it is necessary to move, this must be done without moving away from them further than the height of the crowns. You cannot choose places for shelter near trees that have previously been struck by lightning. The soil around them indicates high electrical conductivity, which means the likelihood of a repeat lightning strike. In addition, when spending the night during a thunderstorm, you cannot put a tent on open area, and also sit near a fire, because smoke conducts electricity very well.

In the field

Thunderstorm in the field

If there is a thunderstorm in a field, you need to hide in some kind of depression - a ravine, a hole, you need to squat down, bending your head to your knees. You should try to stay away from tall single objects and structures at a distance of at least 200 meters. You cannot use the telephone or any metal products so as not to attract lightning strikes. When you are in the field you should know that clay soil more dangerous than rocky or sandy. Therefore, under no circumstances should you lie down on the ground if it is clayey.

On the water

Thunderstorm on the water

It is especially dangerous to be near a body of water during a thunderstorm, but if it so happens that you did not have time to leave the beach, you should make immediate attempts to do so, and even more so, immediately get out of the water. If you are inside the boat, you should immediately land on shore; if this is not possible, you need to change into dry clothes, drain the boat, make protection from an awning, cover yourself with it, put a life jacket, ring, rubber boots, and other insulating items around and under you. The awning should protect the boat from water penetration, but not touch the surface of the reservoir.

In a private house

A thunderstorm hits the roof of a private house

Multi-storey buildings protected from lightning thanks to lightning rods, but frequent and garden houses are in the danger zone. To avoid danger, measures must be taken:

  • Close all windows and doors. Ball lightning can get inside the house.
  • Disconnect all electrical appliances and radios from the electrical network.
  • Stop heating the stove and close the chimney.
  • Disable all communications
  • Move away from the windows doorways, metal objects, sockets.

On the road

Thunderstorm on the road

If a thunderstorm occurs while driving a car, you need to stop driving away from single objects and desert areas. You should close all windows, hide the antenna, turn off the radio, navigator, and cellular communications. Avoid touching metal objects inside the car, including door handles.

The most common meteorological hazard - a thunderstorm - is a complex atmospheric phenomenon, a necessary part of which is multiple electrical charges between clouds or between a cloud and the ground (lightning), accompanied by a sound phenomenon - thunder. As a rule, during a thunderstorm there is intense rainfall, often hail, and there is increased wind, often to the point of squalls and tornadoes. All this makes a thunderstorm a destructive natural phenomenon. Lightning strikes often cause fires, destruction of buildings, damage to power lines, and disruption of train traffic. Strong winds can rip roofs off houses and lift heavy objects into the air. Hail can lead to the death of people and livestock, damage to buildings and structures.

The wind does not give the correct idea of ​​the direction of movement of a thunderstorm; thunderstorms often go against the wind. Approximately the distance to a thunderstorm can be determined by the time between a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder: one second is equal to a distance of 300-400 m, two seconds - 600-800 m, three seconds - about a kilometer.

There are several simple rules that, if followed, will reduce the risk to life and health during a thunderstorm.

    If you are under open air, take shelter (if possible) in a hardtop vehicle or indoors; don't hide in small buildings(canopies), fabric tents or among isolated and sparse clusters of trees.

    If the shelter is far away, bend down (staying alone); it is advisable to hide in some kind of recess; keep your legs together and remove all metal objects from your head and body. Don't lie down on the ground, but try not to be the highest point on the area.

    If your hair stands on end or you hear a buzzing sound coming from nearby objects, such as large rocks or fences, move to another location immediately.

    Avoid holding long metal objects such as fishing rods, umbrellas, or golf clubs.

    Do not touch metal structures, wire fences, or metal wires used to dry clothes. Don't go near them.

    Do not ride a horse, bicycle or open-top car.

    If you are driving, reduce your speed and stop, but keep away from tall objects such as trees and high-voltage power lines. Stay in your car or hardtop trailer, but do not touch or go near any metal parts.

    If you are swimming, get out of the water immediately and take cover.

    If you are sailing by boat, moor to the shore as soon as possible. If it is unsafe, take cover under a tall structure (bridge or pier). The yacht's masts and guy ropes must be reliably grounded to the water.

    If you are indoors, you should stay away from windows, electrical appliances, as well as pipes and other metal plumbing.

    Don't make phone calls. If you need to call emergency services, speak succinctly and as briefly as possible.

    Before a thunderstorm, turn off external antennas and unplug radios and televisions. Disconnect modems and power supplies. D/Z: make security questions, in the photo. Finish the notes

The elements are unpredictable and, although the nature of a thunderstorm has already been studied quite well, few know how to protect themselves as much as possible from a lightning strike, for example.

According to statistics, every second on our planet lightning strikes the ground about 100 times, and 1% of these strikes occur on humans. The target can be anything. Most often, lightning strikes lonely tall trees and power poles.

You can get caught in a thunderstorm under different circumstances: in a city, in a field, in a forest, on a river. “We swam - we know!” - you say. There was a lot of information about how to behave during a thunderstorm, what precautions to take in such situations, and there were no less programs on television. Then why, when caught in a thunderstorm, do people get lost and don’t know what to do? Why do they do the same things? typical mistakes? Often such carelessness leads to tragedy...

What happens if a person is struck by lightning or, God forbid, lightning strikes directly at him? First of all, the victim’s brain and bone marrow, central nervous and cardiovascular systems are affected. Loss of consciousness, low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, and convulsions may occur. Cardiac arrest, coma and clinical death often occur.

Where the elements are raging.

To determine the approximate distance to the epicenter of a thunderstorm, all you need to do is remember some basic physics. Namely, that light travels at a speed of about 300,000 kilometers per second, that is, almost instantly you will see a flash. Sound travels in air at a speed of about 330 meters per second. Therefore, immediately after the flash, you need to either note the time before the thunder rolls, or simply count moderately in your head. Next, multiply the number of seconds by 330, and you will approximately know the distance to possible troubles. If a flash of lightning and a thunderclap merge together, then this means only one thing: you are directly in the epicenter of a raging disaster, and precautions must be taken immediately.

Lightning near the water.

Swimming in the rain is undoubtedly very romantic, and at such moments the water becomes “steamy”, pleasant and not so “wet”. But if you see that a thunderstorm is brewing, then it is better to leave the pond and move a decent distance away from it. Lightning striking water strikes everything around within a radius of about 100 meters.

Lightning in the forest.

You can't hide from a thunderstorm under trees. Lightning very often strikes trees, especially tall ones. I once witnessed how lightning struck a pine tree. The spectacle, I will tell you, is very impressive. A flash, a blow, a crack, as if a hundred woodcutters simultaneously hit this pine tree. The bark scattered over a radius of fifty meters, and the trunk of the affected pine itself ended up being cleared approximately from the top to the middle. During a thunderstorm, it is better to go out of the forest, for example, into a clearing, stop in one place, or better yet, sit down, cover yourself with a cape and just wait out the elements. Showers with lightning usually pass quickly, so you won't have to sit for long.

Lightning in the field.

In the field, avoid open spaces during a thunderstorm, because in such a situation you will be the highest object. Take a closer look and find any ditch, ravine, hole, or crater left over from the war. Take shelter in it and wait out the storm there, in relative safety. It is generally better to get as far away from power lines, and indeed any other metal structures, as far as possible.

Lightning and a car.

If the elements caught you in a car, then do not panic: a car is the safest territory for you in the current situation. Stop the car, close all windows and hatches. Don't get out of the car and you'll soon be able to continue on your way.

Just a note.

It is safe to fly by plane or travel by train during a thunderstorm.

Lightning and cell phone.

Cell phone may be dangerous during a thunderstorm, because Radio waves emitted by a mobile phone “attract” lightning. In this case, the phone can simply be turned on, and you do not necessarily have to talk on it. Turn it off and avoid using cell phone service for a while.

At home in a thunderstorm.

You cannot feel 100% safe during lightning, even at home. It is necessary to close all windows and doors, turn off electrical appliances, and do not talk on the phone. Try to position yourself at some distance from the batteries central heating.

General Tips .

During a thunderstorm that finds you in the forest, in a field, near a pond, try to occupy as little space as possible on blessed Mother Earth. Squat down, clasp your knees with your hands and try not to move. Metal objects It is better to remove (jewelry) from yourself, remove metal-containing objects from your pockets and put it all away from you at a distance of at least five meters.

In general, lightning is very beautiful! Take care of yourself!

Good day, dear readers! Summer heat is often replaced by downpours and thunderstorms, a beautiful and dangerous natural phenomenon. We must know how to behave in a thunderstorm, what can and cannot be done. Knowing simple rules will help you avoid dangerous situations and consequences.

It is observed that lightning strikes tall single buildings, pillars, single trees, but it can also strike a dwelling. Let's not provoke her, let's follow a few rules before she comes.

What to do

  • When a thunderstorm approaches, unplug all electrical appliances, antennas, receivers, and turn off the power to the computer.
  • Turn off corded phones and cell phones.
  • Close the windows, doors, curtains at home, move away from the window.
  • If a thunderstorm catches you outside, stop moving and, if necessary, move in small steps to shelter.
  • If there is nowhere to hide, squat down, hug your knees with your arms, and wait out the storm. If there are bushes or thickets nearby, take cover in them or settle down in some kind of hole or hollow.
  • If you are driving, stop (not in the middle of a field), close the windows, put away the antenna and wait in the car.
  • Move away from iron structures and power lines.
  • IN summer time When leaving home, unplug all electrical appliances from the sockets, eliminate drafts and you will be calmer if you are far from home during a thunderstorm.

What not to do in a thunderstorm

  • Call by wired or cell phone.
  • Run or ride a bicycle or motorcycle.
  • Hide under single trees, in single buildings, towers.
  • Stand in the open like a pillar.
  • Lie down on the ground.
  • Swim or be on the shore of a body of water.
  • Use an umbrella, it attracts like an antenna.
  • Be under a power line.
  • Light a stove or fireplace, light a fire.
  • Be close to outlets.

Perhaps these rules are familiar to everyone, or maybe you just forgot them and are worth repeating. Please take these tips seriously, they will help you avoid unpleasant and sometimes irreparable consequences.

Today we looked at simple rules how to behave during a thunderstorm, follow them and everything will be fine.