What is the heating system balancing valve for? Balancing valve for a heating system: principle of operation, installation and adjustment. Using a balancing valve in a private home

The problem of uneven distribution of heating in multi-circuit heating systems occurs quite often. The coolant flow is similar to electric current, so it flows along the path of minimum resistance. It turns out that the farther from the boiler, the less heat consumption than near it. To equalize this indicator, craftsmen use a balancing valve.

Sometimes, in order to save money, an ordinary tap is installed to adjust the level of cross-country ability, but this setting is more rough and inaccurate, while the balancing valve copes with its task perfectly. The choice is influenced by the result that residents strive to obtain. Often, craftsmen install a ball valve with a long switch and turn the lever in different directions, which also causes inconvenience. The balancing valve device initially has special inputs that serve as flow measurements. It uses the elements of the heating system to the maximum, forces them to give off all the heat, with the possibility of adjustment at any time.

Design and operating principle

The mechanism is that the valve device changes the internal flow area. Turning the handle activates the nut and spindle. When unscrewed, the final element rises into top position from the bottom. If it is located in the lower part, the parts reliably block the flow, preventing the coolant from passing through the pipes. In other words, when the valve is unscrewed, the spool allows a certain amount of heat to pass through, increasing permeability. When closed, the hole narrows, making the flow negligible.

The radiator structure, necessary for the mechanical adjustment of the heating branches, is created on the basis of the following elements:

  • brass frame with threaded pipes for connecting pipes. The inner part has a cast round saddle in a vertical format;
  • locking and adjusting spindle with work area in the form of a frame that fits into the saddle when twisted. It determines the exact amount of water flow;
  • sealing ring made of rubber;
  • a cap made of metal or plastic that acts as a protector.

Main valve models differ from radiator valves in dimensions, inclined spindle arrangement and fittings. They perform the following role:

  • coolant drain;
  • connection of measuring devices;
  • installation of a capillary tube from a pressure corrector.

The number of revolutions from closed to maximum open state is from 3 to 5, for each manufacturer this indicator different. To change the position of the rod, an ordinary or specialized hex key is required.

What is the pressure difference between two points

When the master adjusts the flow rate using a balancing valve, the pressure loss on the pipes and on the valve becomes different, which changes the pressure drop on the balancing valves.

The calculation of this difference is worth considering using an example. Thus, pressure gauges are installed on the supply and return pipelines, which show the pressure level at these points. The difference will be considered a value that is equal to the difference between two pressure gauges. In other words, if one device produces a value of 1.5 Bar, and another - 1.6 Bar, then the difference is 0.1 Bar. If the valve is automatic, it independently corrects the difference between the points. This element always comes in pairs, since feeling the deviation is very important.

Mechanical balancer

The manual valve works great with stable pressure. Ideal for apartments and houses with a small number of heating radiators. Makes it easier to carry out repair work, since it does not need to turn off the entire heating system. Effective action is carried out in those rooms where the number of radiators does not exceed 5 units.

With a significant number of batteries, mechanical devices become the cause of failure. proper operation valves At the moment when the thermostat on the first radiator is closed, the fluid flow on the second increases. Then the temperature of the coolant in some batteries rises to a boil, but in others it heats up too little. Only automatic valve models can cope with this problem.

Automatic balancer

Installation of devices is carried out on branches or risers with large number radiators. They differ from the first type in the principle of operation. The valve is moved to the position of maximum liquid consumption. When the coolant flow rate decreases by the thermostat of one of the radiators, the pressure increases. Then the capillary tube mechanism begins work, which immediately begins to analyze the pressure drop. In general, the advantages of automatic balancers are as follows:

  • the presence of a capillary tube, which facilitates instantaneous adjustment;
  • the mechanism does not change the pressure level, preventing fluctuations from disturbing it;
  • If desired, masters can create “independent areas”.

The flow adjustment is carried out so instantly that the next thermostats do not yet have time to completely close. This ensures that the system operates in a constantly balanced manner.

Application options

In private homes they often use mechanical models. They are quite enough to heat a building with an area of ​​up to 500 m². Installation of manual main valves is carried out in the following situations:

  • in buildings with an extensive heating system with many risers;
  • V apartment buildings equipped with an individual boiler room;
  • during strapping solid fuel boiler with an existing heat accumulator.

Radiator models are installed at the outlet of the heater, while main valves are installed exclusively in the pipeline that returns the cooled liquid to the boiler room. If the structure is mounted in conjunction with an automatic valve, then it can be located in both the return and supply pipelines.

Steel and aluminum radiators with a bottom connection, they are often initially equipped with taps using specialized fittings that serve as attachment of connections to such parts. The need to install valves also disappears in the following cases:

  • in dead-end mechanisms of insignificant length, with hydraulically identical “shoulders”;
  • when all batteries have preset thermostatic valves;
  • on the final radiator (dead-end);
  • in collector plan mechanisms.

Temperature regulators with presetting, mounted on the liquid supply, also cope with the operation of the balance valve, which is why a shut-off ball valve can be attached to the outlet of the heating mechanism. Likewise the fittings are installed on the connections to the last battery in the chain, and since there is no need for adjustment, it should be completely open.

Installation and operation

Professionals leave a small gap in front of the valve and straight pipe. This prevents kinks from occurring that impede water movement. In order to protect against dirt and dust getting on the adjustment elements, a special filter is installed directly in front of the valve. Before installation, the pipe itself must be washed and checked for damage. Next, installation is carried out as follows:

  1. The master determines the area where the valve will be installed in the future. The dimensions of the straight pipe zones before and after the element must comply with the following parameters: 5 diameters in front of the part, 2 or more after it, as this eliminates turbulence.
  2. The valve is screwed into a pipe pre-equipped with tow. Thread cutting can be done with a die or other similar tool. The main thing is that it is at least 7 turns.

Installation of the valve is easy according to the installation principle ball valve. How exactly the valve itself is placed in space is not particularly important. The main thing is that the arrow on the body matches the direction of the water flow. Otherwise, the part will contribute to fluid resistance.

How to balance a radiator network

Often, craftsmen find out the coolant flow this way: the number of revolutions of the balancing valve is divided by the number of heating elements. In this way they calculate the adjustment step. Further, moving from the last battery to the first, the valves are tightened based on the degree of difference in speed.

The calculation is approximate and takes into account the different capacities of the batteries, which is why the method is resorted to only before pre-setting during operation. Only specialists can set up the device correctly, since the process requires additional skills and knowledge. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. All valves open and are brought to the operating format, where the supply temperature is equal to 80 °C.
  2. The temperature of all heating elements is measured.
  3. The identified difference is eliminated: the taps of the first and middle batteries are opened slightly. The closest one opens by 1-1.5 turns, the second ones by 2-2.5.

After 20 minutes, the technician takes measurements again, since during this time complete adaptation to the new settings occurs. An ideally tuned system has a minimal temperature difference between the nearest and farthest radiator.


Today, the most famous manufacturers of balancing valves are the brands Danfoss, Herz, Caleffi, Oventrop and others. They produce products in two formats - angular and straight. The principle of their operation is identical, so only the shape changes. The pressure and temperature indicators are also different for all manufacturers. It is advisable to choose exactly the faucet that fully matches the characteristics of the heating system.

The balancing valve promotes uniform distribution of heating in multi-circuit systems. It does not matter at what distance from the boiler the radiator is located, since a properly configured valve allows you to heat all rooms at the same temperature.

All calculations when designing a heating system were carried out correctly, the installation of heating systems was carried out in strict accordance with the plan, and the room is still cool. Most likely, the problem is uneven heat distribution throughout the building.

In some rooms there is a lot of it, but in others there is not enough. Only a balancing valve for the heating system can solve this problem.

Correct adjustment of the system using balancing valves allows you to redistribute the heated water among the radiators so that each of them receives a sufficient amount of heat. This happens due to precise adjustment and control of the coolant flow, its pressure and temperature.

Five reasons for balancing

  1. Errors in calculations during design.
  2. Deviations from the project during installation.
  3. Replacement of batteries with ones not taken into account in the project.
  4. Pipeline configuration changes.
  5. Failure to comply with operating rules (failure to wash and clean).

Even one of these factors can cause constant heating failures. As a result, pipes form air jams from oxygen and hydrogen, the design laid down is violated temperature regime, there is an excessive consumption of energy for heating the coolant.

For owners this translates into:

  • lack of comfortable temperatures in the rooms even with completely open shut-off valves on the radiators and maximum load on the boiler;
  • significant fluctuations in room temperature with an initially equal load in the heating system itself;
  • difficulties during startup (cannot reach rated power).

Types and features of work

Balancing valve for the heating system: operating principle and types. In Soviet times, to regulate water supply and heating systems in apartment buildings throttle washers were used. And to get required level water flow, it was necessary to shut off the pipelines and dismantle them.

A modern balancing valve in a heating system is a conventional valve, but supplemented with a flow meter and fittings for connecting measuring instruments.

In addition to heating systems, they are also installed on air conditioning pipelines with water supply and on “warm floors”. They are also used in apartment buildings to balance risers and in private cottages to regulate heat transfer in each room.

The principle of operation is to change the size of the flow area using a spool, which shuts off the flow when the handle on the valve body is rotated. That is, as the cross-section decreases, the hydraulic resistance in a specific area increases, which equalizes the flows in different pipes.

Fundamentally, it is not much different from a conventional crane, but the change in cross-section occurs more smoothly.

All balancing valves are divided into:

  • manual (static);
  • automatic.

The first ones are quite cheap and cope with the assigned tasks. Allowing you to customize individual sections and the entire system as a whole by changing the pressure and coolant flow. And they make it possible to monitor the parameters of the working environment at control points. And if necessary, disconnect from common system a separate area and carry out repair work on it.

But there is a significant drawback. The adjustment is made for average parameters, which are calculated based on the constancy of the coolant flow. And if there are significant changes and fluctuations, the entire balancing becomes unusable.

Balancing autovalves are mounted in pairs on the inlet and return circuits. The pair is connected to each other by a thin tube, through which the shut-off valve is controlled when a pressure difference occurs between the control points.

After correct initial setup, further automatic crane will not require attention.

Installation of balancing valve

Installing a balancing valve in the heating system should only be done if there really are problems with heat distribution across individual radiators. Or in the case of the construction of a new building, where balancing fittings are provided for by the project.

Inserting valves into an already operating system will most likely be a pointless waste of money. There are plenty of other ways. For example, select pipes of a different diameter or adjust the parameters on the heating unit and automate it.

The valve is installed in accordance with general rules work with pipeline systems. But it is necessary to observe several nuances:

  • the flow direction is indicated on each balancing valve body; it must be observed when inserting fittings into pipes;
  • It is unacceptable for any foreign objects or dirt to get inside;
  • when using an automatic model, it is necessary to provide an additional fitting nearby for the initial filling of the circuit when the valve is completely closed;
  • in front of the balancing valve there should be a straight section of pipe of five diameters, and behind it two – this will prevent the appearance of turbulence in the pipeline.

In practice, installing balancing valves in a heating system and professionally balancing it can save up to a third of heat. At the same time, the price of all work is minimal. But all adjustments should be trusted only to experienced heating engineers.

Of course, you can find the optimal balance yourself experimentally. But it is better to trust professionals armed with instruments and formulas for the necessary calculations.

Whatever it is heating system, it involves the need for configuration, this can be done by the most in different ways. These manipulations are required to ensure that the parameters in individual sections of the network are as close as possible to the calculated ones. This way you can achieve good work efficiency. You can regulate the functioning of the system by several means, but the most modern and effective of them is a balancing valve for the heating system.

Need for use

No heating system can operate without hydraulic adjustment, which is a balancing act. The purpose of these manipulations is to bring the water flow in each branch to a standard value. In this case, the required amount of heat will be delivered to the batteries. Whereas if we are talking about the most simple circuits, then the flow rate is ensured by correctly selected pipe diameters. If you have it in stock complex system, then adjustment can be made with washers, but the size of their passage must guarantee the flow of water in the required quantity.

New methods

The listed methods are not currently used, as they are outdated; today it is more acceptable to use a balancing valve. By design, this device is a manual type valve, with the help of which the volume of water is regulated. In addition to the fact that the system has a flow shut-off mechanism, fittings are built into the body that serve to connect to the capillary tube. They are necessary to provide interaction with other controls.

Operating principle

Before installing, you need to understand the principle on which it works. To do this, you should take as a basis a dead-end branch with several batteries that act as consumers. A certain amount of coolant is supplied to them through the pipes, which should be sufficient for the heated rooms. Once you know how the balancing valve works in the heating system, you can begin installing it, which will be discussed below.

If there are no radiators and the coolant flow for each is constant, then the hydraulic adjustment is made using a manual balancing valve. This element must be installed on the return pipeline in the place where it is inserted into the common pipeline. At the next stage, measurements must be made, the valve is set to the required number of revolutions. This will ensure a certain coolant flow in the regulated branch. However, the conditions may be different: the flow rate is constantly changing, which happens when the radiators have thermostatic regulators, the latter can create an obstacle in the way of water, and the flow will be reduced. The coolant flow will change all the time. This is where a balancing valve for a heating system helps, which guarantees the amount of coolant in a certain volume. This approach is especially relevant when the number of batteries does not exceed 5 pieces.

Additional information about the operating principle

If you limit the control limits of thermostatic devices, the circuit can be customized. In the case where there are more radiators than the number mentioned above, they should go to waste. Shutting off the water to the first radiator will cause a significant increase in flow to the second. The valve will close, after which the flow will go to the next one, and so on. Ultimately, such work will cause overheating of some radiators and underheating of others. The system will be unbalanced.

When installing a balancing valve for a heating system that has risers or branches with a huge number heating devices, you must install the described elements without fail. The operating principle in this case is as follows. It is important to adjust the balancing device to the maximum calculated coolant flow. During operation of the system, when the consumer's thermostat reduces water consumption, the pressure will begin to increase. Using a capillary tube, information is sent to an automatic regulator, which is responsible for the pressure drop. This component of the system will react quite quickly, then the thermostats will not have time to work, they will not block the flow of water, and the system will maintain hydraulic balance.

Carrying out installation work

The balancing valve for the heating system, the principle of operation of which was described above, can be installed by you yourself. It is very important to ensure the required position of the element. The arrow on the body should be in the direction of water movement. This will ensure the required design resistance and will also guarantee the required flow. Some manufacturers allow the possibility of installing the valve both in the direction and against the flow. The stem of most models can take different positions.

A balancing valve for a heating system, the principle of operation of which should be clear to you before purchasing the device, provides for the need to protect the working parts of the valve: they should not be exposed to mechanical contamination. To do this, a special filter or sump is installed in front of the valve. In order to eliminate turbulent water movement, straight sections of sufficient length should be provided before and after the valve. In confirmation, it can be noted that this requirement is indicated by the manufacturer in the documentation for the valve.

Installation and operating instructions

Installing balancing valves in a heating system requires compliance with certain rules. Thus, filling a system that has the described element must be done using a special technology. To do this, the presence of filling fittings should be provided, which is true for systems that have dynamic valves. The fittings are located close to the valve on the return line. As for the main element, which is located on the supply pipeline, it is important to close it.

The automatic balancing valve for the heating system is set using a table of differential pressure and flow, as well as a flow meter. But it is important to perform the initial calculation at the design stage of the heating system.

As for the straight sections of the pipe discussed above, their length should be 5 diameters, after the described element it is necessary to leave two pipe diameters. If you have an automatic valve in front of you, then there must be a fitting in the circuit, which is necessary for filling the circuit with the inlet valve closed.


The balancing valve for the heating system, the installation instructions for which were presented above, can be with manual adjustment, automatic adjustment or adjustment of the temperature level of the working environment. The latter are used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems, as well as in the installation of heated floors.

For proper operation, the heating system must be configured, which is done in different ways. Such manipulations are necessary so that the parameters in each individual section at a certain moment are close to the calculated ones. This allows you to achieve high heating efficiency. You can regulate the system in one of many ways, but the most common is to use a device such as a balancing valve for the heating system.

Why use it

Hydraulic adjustment, as mentioned above, is necessary for any heating scheme. The task of such an operation is to adjust the flow rate to the calculated value so that the required amount of heat is supplied to each battery. But setting up the system involves water consumption for separate area, which was previously calculated.

Simple schemes involve ensuring the correct flow rate with certain pipe diameters. When the heating system is more complex, adjustment is made using washers. They are characterized by a certain passage size, which ensures the flow of the required volume of water. The methods described above are not modern; today it is common to use a balancing valve for the heating system. Such a device has the form of a valve, with the help of which quantitative regulation of water is carried out.

In addition to this mechanism, two fittings are built in, which measure the pressure in different zones in relation to the control mechanism. The fittings are also used to install the capillary tube; we cannot fail to mention the interaction with the control elements.

Operating principle

In order to understand how a balancing valve for a heating system works, you should become more familiar with the principle of balancing. To do this, it is necessary to imagine a dead-end branch with several batteries that act as energy consumers. A certain volume of heated coolant is supplied to them through a pipe, the calculated temperature of which will be sufficient for the heated rooms. The consumption will be known after calculations.

If radiators do not have thermostatic valves and the flow rate is constant, then the hydraulic adjustments will be provided by a manual balancing valve. It is usually located on the return pipeline. At the next stage, measurements are carried out, the valve is set to required quantity rpm Constant flow in the regulated branch this will be guaranteed.

However, many owners of private houses are wondering what to do when consumption changes. This can happen when radiators are supplemented with thermostatic regulators, which are responsible for the intensity of heating the room, creating an obstacle in the way of water. It will be responsible for reducing the flow. In this case, the flow rate in the return common pipeline will change. Installing balancing valves in the heating system allows you to get the effect when the number of radiators is not so large and does not exceed 5 pieces. If you limit the thermostat control limits, the circuit can be adjusted.

There can be more than 5 radiators, but they will go to pieces. By blocking the coolant flow with the thermostat of the first radiator, you will encounter an increase in flow on the second battery. The valve on it will close, the flow will go to next battery, this principle will be maintained for all heat consumers. This approach will lead to the fact that some radiators will overheat, while others will not receive the required volume of coolant.

Operating principle of the valve for circuits with a large number of batteries

An automatic balancing valve for the heating system will be needed for risers and branches, which are distinguished by a large number of heating devices, only then will it be possible to achieve smooth operation. In this case, the operating principle will be slightly different. The balancing valve can be adjusted by setting it to the maximum possible design water flow.

When the thermostat of any battery reduces the consumption of hot coolant, the pressure in the area will begin to increase. The capillary tube, having received a signal about this, will create a pressure difference automatically. The regulator will be forced to adjust the water flow, and the remaining thermostats will not shut off, but the system will be balanced.

Carrying out the installation

An automatic balancing valve for a heating system is complemented by balancing devices and devices responsible for measuring pressure and temperature. If you purchased a coupling device, then its insertion should be carried out using a pipe with an internal thread. Flange models are installed using bolts.

The control valves can be located vertically or horizontally if no restrictions can be found in the passport. Before starting work, the pipeline system is flushed. It is important to ensure that there are straight sections after and before the valve, this will prevent the creation of obstacles in the form of bends that can change the movement of water. The balancing valve for the heating system, the operating principle of which was mentioned above, must be inserted taking into account the location of the valve arrow. It should be directed along the fluid flow in the pipeline.

Preparing elements for installing a balancing valve

If you decide to install a valve with external thread, then for installation you should prepare:

  • pipes;
  • 2 barrels;
  • pipe branch;
  • fitting;
  • valve;
  • seal.

Work technology

The balancing valve for the heating system, the operating principle of which was described above, should be installed only after you have been able to check the pipeline. It must be in satisfactory condition. As soon as it is possible to inspect the fittings for integrity, you can find the markings and technical indicators on the case and in the passport.

At the next stage, plugs, if any, are removed from the device. Next, the technician will have to mark the location of the valve installation. Straight sections of the pipeline before the device must be 5 pipe diameters, after it the straight section is 2 diameters or more. Thread cutting is performed with a die or other equipment. To connect to the valve, the thread length must be 7 turns; with a barrel, this value can be increased to 20. The valve is screwed into the pipe; the thread must first be supplemented with tow.

Carrying out the adjustment

The balancing valve of the heating system is adjusted based on calculated indicators that are used when drawing up design documentation. To make adjustments, you need to use a diagram of the valve and the measurements taken. When the handle rotates, this is accompanied by the movement of the spindle, which puts the adjustment process into action. If measurements have not been carried out, then the adjustment will be a conditional manipulation, and there can be no talk of efficiency and accuracy.


The balancing valve is a necessary and useful device. It must be implemented wisely into the system. There is no point in installing a valve on existing branches that are adjusted with washers.