How to make a cottage beautiful with your hands. How to make your cottage more comfortable inside and out: ideas for home and garden (50 photos). Boats and bicycles

Nowadays, a modern summer cottage is not only a place of spiritual unity with surrounding nature, but also an environment for maximum physical and emotional comfort. Your complete rest depends on the harmonious combination of objects located at the dacha.

Long gone are the days when country house was a place for growing vegetables and fruits. Back then, people didn’t even think about the special exterior of the site, its improvement and decoration.

Look here how to decorate your yard with your own hands with photo and video instructions from a pro!

Remember, just 10-15 years ago, the most vivid impression from visiting a dacha was several flower beds or weaving branches of grapes along the fence. But today this place is becoming truly a piece of paradise, where designers and builders are attracted to work.

In our article we will tell you some of the best and amazing ideas registration landscape plot with your own hands from available materials, without spending fabulous amounts of money.

Advice from experts on designing summer cottages

Firstly, you should immediately understand your taste preferences in style. Secondly, you need to take into account your time and financial capabilities.

And most importantly, it is important to create the most comfortable nest for complete relaxation of soul and body, without resorting to too elaborate and complex designs.

In the works creative design For your dacha, you may need the following simple and practically free things:

  • used car tires;
  • plastic bottles different sizes and colors, bowls, buckets;
  • ropes or ropes, wire, mesh;
  • ownerless polypropylene pipes;
  • old unnecessary shoes;
  • all kinds of wooden boxes;
  • different-sized containers, tanks;
  • dishes: mugs, teapots, beautiful plates;
  • non-working old bicycles;
  • unused building materials.

Ideas for site design

You will be surprised, but many hand-made figures or figurines are not only unique and one of a kind, but also extremely attractive. One example is frogs made from foam or swans made from plaster.

You may have noticed the abundance of figures made from old car tires. They made a lot of things out of them: from ordinary fences to exquisite firebirds!

The main brightness is added to the transformation of tires by the use of special paints, which turn strange black rubber statues into real masterpieces.

Today on the Internet there are an abundance of photos of beautiful design of the site: these are rubber parrots or pigs, palm trees from bottles, etc.

DIY artificial pond

At your dacha you can build a fountain yourself or artificial pond, and this will be an excellent solution for the attractive exterior of the site. The container itself for the fountain can easily be made from an unnecessary boat or a large tank, and the bottom of the pond is lined with gravel and sand, on top of which a tarpaulin is placed in several layers.

At the end you simply fill it with water, and all that remains is to decorate it according to your wishes and tastes. Along the perimeter of the reservoir, flowerpots or simply planted flower beds will look harmonious.

Country paths

Let's think about whether we need paths or paths at our dacha? Definitely needed! When it rains, you are unlikely to enjoy running in dirty puddles with dirt into the house. To do this, we recommend making aesthetic passages that are installed near the objects you need (toilet, garage, veranda).

To implement this idea, you don’t need much: large sea stones, unnecessary bricks, small pebbles, mild bottle glass.

Imagine how wonderful such a country path will look, along which small flower beds of all kinds of flowers are planted.

We strongly recommend that you place a simple bird feeder at your summer cottage, which will not only be beneficial for the singing birds, but also a joy for children. A “refectory” place for birds can be made from the simplest plastic bottles or wooden boxes.

Pay attention!

Modern landscape design- this is not only an opportunity to decorate our summer cottages, but also allows us to develop our imagination in order to achieve the goal of getting a comfortable rest for body and soul. Many ideas can help you create such paradise, to which you will want to return again and again.

Photo of the process of decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

Pay attention!

Pay attention!

The areas allocated for planting vegetables are becoming smaller and smaller. More and more, owners are beginning to pay attention to the beauty of appearance and a comfortable stay. fresh air. How to arrange a summer cottage with your own hands?

Classic options

Decoration with flowers - a classic of the genre

Decoration with flowers - not invented by us

The easiest way to start landscaping a summer cottage with your own hands is with flowers. When creating flower beds, it is important to pay attention to the used color scheme. Flowers can be planted both in the form of flower beds and in the form of a border. At the discretion of the owner, perennial or annual plants, as well as decorative herbaceous plants and flowers varying in height. We described what flower beds are and how to arrange them correctly in separate thematic articles. Today we are talking specifically about ideas for garden styling.

Plants and flowers planted along the lawn and forming a flowering border will look appropriate. The center of a lush, bright lawn can be decorated with a flower bed with colorful plants different heights. There are a lot of options for designing flower beds! You can frame them with a wooden fence or picturesque stones, make a fence from plastic bottles, sow the edges with ornamental plants or decorate with wooden cuts. Even unnecessary household items and a wide variety of improvised devices are suitable for decorating a site with your own hands.

Alpine slide: without snow, but with flowers

The Alpine slide always attracts attention

Landscaping a summer cottage is possible by installing an alpine slide with your own hands. Alpine slides are now very popular even among novice garden designers. It is important to remember that their creation will require a change in the topography of the earth, as well as the selection of the necessary stones. Folded alpine slide on flat surface and decorating it with cobblestones and flowers, you are unlikely to see your dream in the end. Such a slide will not add any aesthetics, but, on the contrary, will only add foreignness to it.

When the entire plot is already occupied and it is difficult to find a free corner, pay attention to the space next to the house. This place would be an excellent option for creating a blooming front garden.

Mobile solutions - for decoration

When there is no time and opportunity to fully improve the garden, you can use tubs, flowerpots or flowerpots. By planting unpretentious plant species in them, you can easily distribute all the beauty throughout the territory, and, if necessary, rearrange them, thanks to the portability of such a solution.

Flowerpots made from decorated buckets are a great option

By showing your imagination, you can elevate even an ordinary wooden box. By painting it in an unusual manner or hanging it from ropes that look like hands, you will add some humor and fun to the design.

Flower pots are great for creating sculptures. Having selected pots of different sizes, they are fastened with wire, refreshed with paints, flowers are added and woo-a-la - you have very cute and unique figures in front of you!

Ponds visible from afar

What else do they like to decorate summer cottages with, besides flowers? Of course, bodies of water. Ponds and little ponds in combination with green plants will become a piece of paradise in your garden. On hot days summer days It will be a real pleasure to sit here. Ponds can be decorated in different ways; here an immense horizon of possibilities opens up for your imagination. Along the shore of the pond you can build a deck from wooden planks, which, in order not to have to worry about their impregnation and painting, can be replaced with composite ones. The advantage of this material is that it does not rot, does not change color and is very reminiscent of wood. Correct name This coating has decking. It is also perfect for building a veranda or terrace, or for the side areas of a swimming pool.

Even a small pond will add the charm of water

Stone slabs will also do an excellent job as banks. The time spent will be justified, because as a result you will get a stunning and reliable pond. To better fix the stones, you should prepare the soil. Part of the soil is removed, crushed stone is poured in, thoroughly compacted and covered with a layer of sand on top. Stone slabs are already laid on top of the sand layer. For greater reliability, sand and cement should be poured into the gaps between the slabs in the form of a mixture. You need to remove the excess and wait for the rain, which, by wetting the blind area, will allow the cement to fasten the slabs to each other.

The owners, whose house is located not far from a quiet river, can collect suitable boulders on the shore and decorate the pond with them. However, it is quite possible to buy such stones at a garden center.

It would be appropriate to move garden paths made of paving stones to the shore of the pond. Then all the garden decoration will be decorated in the same style. The technique is similar to what we already mentioned above.

Lawn - beautiful music

Arranging a summer cottage with your own hands will be half finished if you create a well-groomed lawn on a small area. Maintaining green beauty is not easy. Consider the following tips for lawn care:

  • seeds for planting must be of high quality and suitable for the local climate;
  • the edges of the lawn should be neat (you can use border tape);
  • regular mowing of grown grass is necessary;
  • Don’t forget about weeding, watering, fertilizing and repairing lawn imperfections.

How to use a lawn to make your property unique and inimitable? Land it in the form unusual shape. This landscaping technique will add zest to your garden.

Lawn as the basis for the wealth of green spaces

Arches and pergolas so that the flowers are not bare

When thinking about how to improve a summer cottage, one cannot help but think of pergolas, arches, and trellises. You can decorate the path to your home by installing a pergola or decorative arch. A durable, but at the same time elegant structure, entwined with a variety of bindweed, will be the ideal conductor to the recreation area. By installing the arches at a short distance from each other, you will eventually, after some time, get a shady corner where it will be so pleasant to sit and read on hot summer days.

The arch at the entrance lifts the mood

Selecting plants for landscaping decorative arches very wide: it can be ivy, grapes, honeysuckle, or climbing rose, which have very beautiful buds when flowering. If you choose virgin grapes as a plant, you won’t go wrong either. The color of the leaves will change from time to time: early spring You will be pleased with the soft green fresh leaves; in the summer the foliage will acquire a rich green, A autumn time You will enjoy the sight of bright red leaves.

Decorating the toilet as if it doesn't exist

The first building in a dacha is usually not even a change house, but a toilet. A necessary thing, I must say. How can a toilet become a decoration, you ask, since our conversation today is about transforming the site? We'll tell you how to turn a very prosaic thing into a source of pride for the owner.

Of course, putting the toilet in a visible place is not the best best idea, but it can be perfectly decorated. For example, make it from logs in the form of a birdhouse. Such a cute hut in itself evokes sympathy, and if you do some landscaping and plant flowers or low shrubs around, and even decorate a stone path, then the building will sparkle in a new way. See the photo below for an example.

A royal toilet for a royal owner

When we are arranging a site, it is important to pay attention to style, where the priority is appearance Houses. That is, when choosing a toilet design, you need to coordinate it with existing buildings.

If you want to make a toilet out of stone, show your imagination and depict it in the form of a knight’s castle. My home is my fortress, but don’t overdo it, otherwise neighbors and passers-by will consider it a rarity and want to visit it.

Original options

Dacha is a small country for creativity and limitless design. For beautification own plot the owner can use the most different means and materials. We'll tell you how to transform and landscape a boring garden patio and help it become cute, cozy and unforgettable. Sometimes you don’t even need to buy anything, just look around and you will find a lot of useful, but, alas, unnecessary things. We offer ideas for the design of a summer house, garden and vegetable garden that are easy to implement with your own hands.

Flower bed but can't sleep

An old unnecessary bed will be an excellent base for a flower bed. Fill the base with soil and sow with perennials. This design solution will certainly fit perfectly into garden landscape. In the photo below is one of interesting options.

If only all dreams were like this

Fairytale straw goby

Your house is so reminiscent of your native village, where your grandmother kept a cow, pigs and other animals. How to bring back nostalgia into modern landscape design? A hay bull will be very appropriate, and most importantly, not much labor will be required. A frame is tied from wire and covered with hay on top. Be curious how great it turns out.

The touching charm of something made by hand

The stump feeder is not a rattle at all

It is not necessary to uproot the old stump that remains on the site. Make a bird feeder out of it. In cold weather, your yard will become a haven for titmice, sparrows and other birds looking to refresh themselves. Everyone: both children and adults, will enjoy watching the birds' meal. The inside of the stump should be hollowed out, leaving intact side surfaces. Place some grains inside, and your feeder is ready to receive its first guests. Having made it from a tree stump, you can hang the product on a branch near the house.

Birds on a homemade feeder always sing beautifully

The grass figures are right in their own way

Something similar happens if the figure is topped with a sheet of artificial grass. The coating is reliable, weather-resistant and does not require watering. The frame can be made from almost any material, taking into account, of course, exposure to moisture and sun. Wonderful example garden sculpture- rhinoceros in the photo below.

A donkey from the grass drags a mass of beauty

Mesh figures are just sweets

Mesh garden figures are becoming increasingly popular. It could be a jug, a bird, a donkey, etc. Of course, you need to tinker a little to tie it with wire beautiful figure made of mesh with green PVC coating. Such products are complemented by weaving and climbing plants. Internal cavities can be lined with fine plastic mesh also green, and then filled with soil. Then you can plant any plants that do not require moisture.

The weight of responsibility from flowers will not allow the peacock to fly away

Decorative well - landscape miracle worker

Flower wells look beautiful, from which various flowers seem to spill out. Availability of a well or a well at the dacha concrete rings, will allow you to create decor on an existing base. Choose brick or stone to clad the walls. Such materials are most suitable, because they tolerate dampness well, and, therefore, will be a reliable “shelter” from rain, sun and frost. When you need to disguise frameless installations, choose any material for decoration - lining or boards, siding, plastic panels or tiles. The photo shows one of the options.

Decorative well goes well with the decoration of the house

Cart for decoration - support for vision

Such an unusual design solution solves two problems at once: it serves as a flower bed on which you can place the volumes of two flower beds at once, and it will also be very original item decor. Today you can choose the most different options carts Both sizes and styles will vary. Classic version– cart in rustic style, but some prefer to choose a cart in the style of the Wild West or from Provencal streets for their garden. Carts can be made of wood or metal, or have combined parts.

The old cart scatters beauty

Small confusions and ways to solve them

Let's look at the most common site problems that worry owners the most. We improve uncomfortable and inconvenient areas:

  1. Lack of space for flower bed. Great solution There will be a selection of beautiful stylized pots, flowerpots and flowerpots in which any plants can be planted. Such point decorations are very mobile and can be easily moved from one point in the garden to another.
  2. A simple chain-link fence does not have decorative feature and does not protect from prying eyes. The problem is solved by planting climbing plants next to the fence, which, entwined around the mesh, will not only create protection from prying eyes, but also give aesthetic pleasure. Choose as plants climbing rose, maiden grapes or ivy.
  3. Lack of space for arches and pergolas. As an alternative, choose any vertical object available in the garden: an old tree, a fence, walls of house buildings. This way you will receive blooming garden with climbing plants and decorate unsightly objects.
  4. An unsightly pillar on the place of execution, spoiling the view. Decorate it with flowers that can be planted in tin cans. You can also plant bindweed at the bottom of the post and let it brighten up the ugly object.

If you tickle your heels, you'll laugh
  1. You can beat up a boring garden with shrubs and plants that can be trimmed, such as boxwood. Thanks to this find you will decorate garden plot original greenery figures.
  2. Places that require camouflage, such as a crack in the foundation, can be decorated with cushion-shaped plants with a pleasant shade and three-dimensional shape. Such plants are usually shade-tolerant and can be planted in both shade and sun.
  3. The compost heap has unpleasant smell and does not add aesthetics to the landscape. By creating a green barrier around the perimeter of berries or ornamental but fragrant shrubs, you can solve both of these problems at once.
  4. The untidy appearance of the area is created by fallen autumn leaves. Due to the abundance of work, you don’t have time to remove them, and they spoil the whole look. Plant it in the garden ground cover plants, which perfectly decorate fallen leaves.
  5. The existing path from concrete slabs can also be played. It is worth removing the slabs in a checkerboard pattern and planting low ones in their place. ornamental plants. So, the appearance of the path will become more attractive.
  6. Children running on the lawn shortcut, and new paths appear that do not look very aesthetically pleasing. Fill them with gravel and it will look like it was intended.
  7. You can refresh the faded and dull colors of buildings and fences by painting. Wall painting will give the garden a bright, unusual and attractive look.

Psychologists say that a person’s well-being, his psyche and mood are strongly influenced by the smell and color that he perceives through the appropriate analyzers. In this regard, to solve the problem color design dacha plot, you can be guided by your individual psycho-emotional sphere. But we should not forget that there is also artistic and design taste. Beautiful design summer cottage plot 45 photo ideas.

Almost all colors are characterized by saturation, hue and lightness. The exceptions are gray, black and white colors. They are devoid of color tone and are characterized exclusively by lightness. The most difficult task when choosing color scheme plot is to maintain harmony when choosing options for combining different colors.

There is a scientifically based system for combining colors. It was developed by the French physiologist E. Delacroix. The main supporting colors are blue, yellow and red. Additional (secondary) colors here are purple, green and orange. There are three types color combinations: characteristic, contrasting and disharmonious, landscape design of a summer cottage photo:

Beautiful design of a summer cottage

Let's consider the color wheel formed by the primary colors of the optical spectrum. In such a circle, contrasting colors are opposite each other in diametrically opposed positions. Based on this combination, the effect of maximum color saturation is achieved. Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands - for combinations characteristic type included colors found in color wheel through one zone.

A disharmonious type is formed by combining colors of an adjacent type. It must be remembered that if you place colors that are tonally similar next to each other, their saturation is lost.
By choosing a color you can adjust the degree of perspective visualization. The space visually appears closer and wider if light colors are used. And on the contrary, dark colors narrow and lengthen space. Beautiful design of a summer cottage from scrap materials photo:

If we are forming a flower garden, then the choice of shape and color is crucial. Of the entire variety of plants, the basis should be formed by plants of black, gray and white shades (for example, basil, wormwood, edelweiss). The use of a dark background improves the color perception of light and warm tones - it is easy to choose a beautiful design for a summer cottage. A light background emphasizes dark and cool colors. It should be noted that from the point of view of color psychology, an excessive number of plants colored in bright colors, cause irritation. If the flower garden has small area, it should be planted with brightly colored plants.

Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

When there is a small area in the yard that is not used at all, you want to find a use for it and, at a minimum, make it “pleasant to the eye,” but at the same time you don’t want to spend a lot of effort and time - you can make a front garden. Either these are flower beds with paths between them, or install a gazebo, decorating it with fresh flowers or climbing plants; decorating a summer cottage with your own hands is within the power of everyone.

Planting and caring for flowers takes a lot of time, but not always and not for all flowers. In this case, the most labor-intensive task will be to prepare the soil by removing weeds and loosening the soil. Next, you can choose perennial flowers: lilies, dahlias. Roses are very beautiful, but also whimsical. If they are not handled properly, they will begin to fade, produce little joy with flowers, and eventually either die completely or transform into rose hips, which is not very good. Whereas lilies and dahlias, reproducing by tubers, will gradually grow and are not picky about growing conditions. Decoration of a summer cottage photo:

The only thing that is mandatory for them, as for all plants, is watering. Under normal circumstances, they need to be dug up after they have flowered and withered, but for those who cannot afford to devote so much free time this is not a problem. This procedure can be done once every few years, despite the fact that they grow so much that there is practically no room left for weeds, and this issue does not arise throughout the entire warm season. Decorating a summer cottage from scrap materials photo:

Watch the video: Decorating a summer cottage from scrap materials

You can also plant other perennial or annual self-sown plants. Among the perennials, the most suitable are aquilegia, aster, periwinkle, speedwell, rosemary, lily of the valley, mountain cornflower, daylily, dicentra, hosta, goldenrod, monarda, sedum, meadowsweet, polypetalled, lupine, etc. For landscape design of a summer cottage, see photos below. Among the annuals: marigolds, calendula, eschscholzia, snapdragon Iberis, anhuza, cosmea, poppy, verbena, etc. They are extremely beautiful and easy to care for. In the fall, you need to remove the wilted remains, but this can be done over many days and even done in the winter, which does not oblige you to allocate time for urgent cleaning.

Much best option, if possible, install a gazebo and plant within its boundaries climbing plants. They will provide shelter from the sun during the hot season and will delight you with flowers. The only thing you should do when growing them is to set the direction of their growth. Among these plants: clematis, hydrangea, nasturtium, sweet pea, wood pliers, honeysuckle, ivy, actinidia, wisteria, etc. These plants will decorate the yard throughout the season and will be happy with a small amount of fertilizer, thanking for this with greater splendor. Beautiful design of a summer cottage photo:

When you have a house and a barn on your property, and everything else is wasteland. I want to do everything beautifully, but I don’t have a lot of money in my pocket. How to proceed?

1. One of the main conditions is to take your time. Remember the wise saying: if you hurry, you will make people laugh. This is where she comes in handy. Dozens of times I have witnessed how people spent their last money on seedlings that were not at all suitable for their plots, or worse, intended only for the southern climate. Plants disappeared, people were despondent. And it’s clear that beauty never appeared. They again bought something they just liked, planted it, then uprooted it, mourning another failure. And as a result, it often happens that a very large amount is wasted in vain. AND YOU COULD SAVE! Do not follow this example under any circumstances!

2. One of the main tips is to draw up a design project for the site or just a plan. It may not be perfect without special knowledge - but it’s better than nothing! If you want to take this seriously, pay attention to the video course “Creating a design project for a site yourself.” Think carefully about the plants you want. Read their characteristics, fortunately there is plenty of information now.

3. First of all, we plant the so-called green skeleton of the site: trees, shrubs. Of course, we’ll get to work on the garden right away. If possible, we allocate a separate piece of land for it, depending on the needs. An important hint: if you are not going to sell fruits, then the following set is quite sufficient for a family of 4-5 people:
3 apple trees (early, middle, winter), 2 pears (summer, winter), 2 plums, 2 cherries, 3 black currants, 1 red currant, 2 gooseberries, optional Japanese quince, sea buckthorn. In the southern regions you need to add two peaches, two apricots, and grapes.
At first, this seems insufficient to some, and they buy much more seedlings, and then they often don’t know where to put the products, and there is more and more shade on the site. Then the saw comes into play. Here's another savings article for you. Estimate the number of plants not offhand, but with your mind. And one more thing: buy seedlings only from trusted nurseries, and look for them at an affordable price: the choice today is huge in almost all regions.
4. Let's continue working with trees and shrubs. This time with decorative ones. If the area is small, there is clearly no room for big trees. But, fortunately, there are also short forms. One or two would play the role of dominant and vertical very well. If possible, you can make a forest edge, say, from mountain ash, maple, birch, spruce. If you constantly trim them, you can reshape them and stop their growth.

THIS IS A VERY ECONOMICAL OPTION: inexpensive seedlings can be bought in forestry departments or taken from neighbors. If the forest is nearby, then obviously the wind will carry a seed to someone’s plot and a seedling will appear there. As this, for example, happened in our area. One day we noticed two tiny pines, two birches and one maple. We were incredibly surprised and delighted: we wanted to make a forest corner right in this place, but we couldn’t get around to it. And now the trees are growing, and we cherish them and admire them. These are the real miracles.

Regarding ornamental shrubs, then they are simply irreplaceable even in the smallest area. And first of all, think about which ones to use for hedges. In my opinion, it should be on any site. It is beautiful, comfortable and the microclimate improves.
There is no money for thuja - and don’t! Moreover, those who are fenced with thujas on all sides for reasons of being expensive, which means great, really lose: this is too much both from an aesthetic point of view (a huge monochromatic range of green, which is already in abundance on the site) and from a psychological point of view (a large the number of conifers is oppressive, especially for children).

So if you still want to use thujas, then let them act for you, say, only as guards at the entrance to the site or as a sparse living hedge on the front side of the house. But even in this case, there is an opportunity not to waste too much. You can buy a small seedling or even plant it from seeds or take cuttings from a neighbor. Yes, it takes time for it to grow. But this will be your real brainchild.
Most deciduous shrubs much cheaper. Again, many of them take good cuttings and grow quickly. Weigels, cotoneaster, hydrangeas, privet, forsythia, white dogwood, euonymus, Ginnala maple (perfectly cut to any height) are suitable.

Or, if you wish, you can cover the fence with unpretentious perennials girl's grapes, climbing beans or plant sunflowers, mallow.
One beautiful flowering shrub or group will look great, say, on a lawn, in a recreation area, near a gazebo. You can always get lilacs for a purely symbolic fee (many types of them produce shoots that people are happy to get rid of), rose hips or jasmine.

NOW ATTENTION! - THE MOST VALUABLE LIFE ADVICE IS ALWAYS BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS! And it’s better not to beg for plants from them, but exchange them or treat them to pies, barbecue, invite them to tea (it definitely won’t require significant expenses), and so on. Then your fellow gardeners and flower growers will be happy to bring you seedlings and cuttings.
5. Let's move on. It would be good to pay attention to the paths. When they are in order, the area is immediately transformed. If you have broken or chipped tiles, it is better to say goodbye to them without regret, at least in the front area. Various material There is now a lot for laying paths.
But we are talking about a cheap option. Then it could be normal gray tiles made of concrete with my own hands, interspersed with colored pebbles. Or even colored tiles if you add dyes to the cement.
And a path made from ordinary gray stones collected in the fields will cost you almost free. This material is beautiful, durable and fashionable at all times. Moreover, even any woman can make such a path. And, say, in a recreation area you can make from larger and flatter stones step by step path. A grass path is also good, but it needs to be kept within the intended width and mowed on time.

6. Never agree to a temporary greenhouse made of assorted materials, crooked sticks, broken window frames etc. This is a cross to all the beauty of the site. Everyone knows: there is nothing more permanent than temporary. It’s better not to start a greenhouse at all than to ruin everything with it. If you really need it, save money for it and buy parts for it or finished design. After all, this will last for many years.
7. Set aside a space in the front area for a lawn, even a small one. He is a real decoration for the site. Sow your lawn yourself by reading about the technology or watching our video course “Doing beautiful lawn" And always keep it in good shape.
8. Regarding flower beds. Again, do not buy plants for them that you know nothing about. You will save significantly if you make flower beds from perennials and plant only annuals from which you can easily collect seeds in sufficient quantities. Of course, study prices and buy seeds and seedlings at lower prices.
9. Be sure to set aside a place for a rockery or piece Japanese kindergarten. Costs may be minimal. They mainly need stones, pebbles, moss, a few conifers and a lot of cover plants. Another advantage of such compositions is that they feel great even on north side and in the shade. And how beautiful it is!

10. Do you want to stand out and surprise your neighbors? Then make some small architectural forms and crafts with your own hands. After all, they often use all sorts of available materials, which are enough in any farmstead. Not everyone can do it? A controversial issue, because according to my observations, out of 10 people who were unsure of their abilities, 9 did not even try to create something with their own hands. How many times have I seen dull old wooden poles- that someone doesn’t have enough abilities to simply blossom them? Or, let's say, it takes some special talent to paint a gray concrete wall? Of course not. You just need a desire! And it still doesn't work? Then it is appropriate to ask your loved ones and friends about this. Or do something together. Let's say interesting bench(in any case, it is needed on the site) or a table for tea parties in the fresh air. Look at the photo, perhaps you will want and be able to repeat something.

11. And finally. SAVE ON FERTILIZERS AND CHEMICALS! Instead, use compost, earthworms and herbal infusions.
And may everything work out for you! repair school

If you want to do it, use it important tips professionals. They will help you create a cozy and beautiful country nest.

Make your garden exciting modern look. Divide your lawn into small sections and create colorful flower beds in them. This will make your site more interesting.

When creating a beautiful design for a summer cottage, use a variety of winding paths. This will add a sense of fantasy and discovery to your landscape as it is fun to discover new places by following different paths.

Place a variety of DIY surprise crafts around your yard, like this colorful bird made from tires. Thanks to them, your garden plot will become more beautiful and interesting.

It’s hard to imagine a beautiful summer cottage without ornamental grasses, which bring lightness and airiness to the garden, decorating it almost all year round.

Use plants with a variety of leaf colors. Plant varieties with yellow, brown, dove-blue and even burgundy leaves. Or all kinds of variegated variations - green leaves with white, yellow, pinkish, burgundy, cream strokes and stripes, longitudinal or transverse.

It is not always necessary to treat garden design summer cottage is too serious. Don't be afraid to break the rules if you enjoy it. For example, sometimes you can afford to plant tall plants ahead of the low ones.

Make your summer cottage unique by using improvised objects for its design. These could be stones or the remains of an old tree.

If you want to create beautiful design summer cottage, when planting plants, be sure to take into account how they will combine with each other and the garden background in color. For example, yellow and red flowers look great against the background of a white bench under a canopy.

The main decoration of a summer cottage can be a beautifully designed pond, no matter what shape and size it has. Picturesque flower arrangements planted around a pond look much more interesting than ordinary flower beds.

To make it easier to place accents in the garden, use containers. They can be moved, harmoniously combined in color and shape with plants, and even use lighting for them.

Be sure to create a place on your property where you can rest, relax and enjoy the beauty of your garden.

It is not easy to beautifully and professionally arrange the landscape design of a summer cottage, but the combination of creative potential with design rules does wonders.