Do-it-yourself bubafonya long-burning stove. When and why does the bubafonya stove smoke? Burning time of the bubafonya

You can upgrade the device as follows:

  1. For the water jacket you will need two metal sheets 3 mm thick. They must be bent and connected into a closed metal casing by welding.
  2. The Bubafoni fuel tank is placed inside the body.
  3. Pipes are connected through which air and water will be supplied.
  4. The last step is to install the appropriate size lid.

The heating stove, combined with a water heating system, is ready for use.

Fuel types

Bake long burning“Bubafonya” can work with equal efficiency on any flammable substance. But there are still some differences: the battery life and efficiency of the boiler depend on the type of raw material.

The following materials are suitable as fuel:

  1. Coal. It provides battery life for 50-60 hours. The disadvantage of this type of fuel is that during operation a significant amount of soot is formed, which requires constant cleaning of the firebox and chimney.
  2. Sawdust. A fairly common type of raw material, but it will be necessary to add 30% wood and ensure good traction.
  3. The most suitable look raw materials remain firewood. They almost do not form soot, and during smoldering they release a lot of gases. The only condition– dry wood must be used.


As a conclusion to the article, I would like to summarize:

  1. To create the design, any cylindrical container is suitable. The main thing is that the walls are strong and steel.
  2. The construction of a water jacket allows you to connect a water heating system.
  3. The oven must be made outdoors.
  4. When designing a chimney, provision should be made for its dismantling and replacement, since this part of the structure often becomes clogged.
  5. It is forbidden to cover metal parts varnish and enamel. It is preferable to use heat-resistant paint.
  6. It is recommended to use firewood suitable for the size of the firebox.
  7. When working with the stove and while adding fuel, you should wear gloves that protect against burns.
  8. It is prohibited to place flammable objects near the stove: paper, rags, furniture.
  9. It is not allowed to burn plastic and other household waste in the stove.
  10. It is necessary to exclude the use of flammable substances for ignition.
  11. It is recommended to start using the heating device for cooking no earlier than 15 minutes after lighting.

Bubafonya is a long-burning stove. It is used for heating non-residential utility premises: greenhouses, garages, hangars, livestock pens. You can easily make a stove with your own hands, it is unpretentious and economical.

Description of Bubafoni

The prototype of the structure was the Lithuanian heat generator “Stropuva”. Operating principle and main external features they have in common:

  • The boiler has an elongated cylindrical shape.
  • Large combustion chamber.
  • Air distribution device (disc-shaped with metal deflectors).
  • Air duct pipe.
  • An outlet pipe connecting to the chimney.
Materials for all these elements can easily be found in any household.

Operating principle

The structure consists of two chambers:

  • Primary combustion of fuel occurs at the bottom.
  • Pyrolysis gases burn in the top, which are released by smoldering firewood.

Divides the firebox into two chambers disc piston. It lowers under its own weight and rests against the fuel layer, thereby ensuring long combustion and maximum heat transfer. Welded to the piston pipe, through which oxygen gradually enters the lower chamber. The amount of air can be adjusted using valves on the pipe. The wider it is open, the more oxygen, the higher the combustion intensity and heating temperature.


In addition to the qualities borrowed from the prototype, bubafonya has its own unique features:

  1. The loading door is located at the top of the case, and not at the bottom, as usual. Thanks to this, heated air flows from top to bottom, and the loading process is much faster.
  2. The firebox is made in such a way that the wood burns in layers, and the combustion efficiency increases to a maximum (more than 70%).
  3. The fire can be extinguished instantly: just close the damper on the air duct. This is very convenient, because at the end of the work the owners do not have to wait until the fuel burns out completely.

Read also: The most efficient stove

Advantages and Disadvantages

The main ones are listed below pros of this heating unit:

  • Ease of manufacture. Subject to availability necessary materials and a welding machine, you can assemble the heater in a matter of hours.
  • Compactness. The Lithuanian analogue of bubafoni is almost twice the size of the Russian invention.
  • In theory, one load of fuel can heat a room for 12 hours.
  • The possibility of reverse combustion is completely excluded.
  • The highest efficiency among similar devices.

But you shouldn’t think that such a stove is a masterpiece of engineering that has no drawbacks. Like any device, it has its own cons and restrictions:

  1. Do not add firewood until the previous combustion cycle has completed. Otherwise, fresh fuel will ignite from below and burn out instantly.
  2. Cleaning such a unit is a rather labor-intensive process. It is especially difficult to get to the bottom of the body, although this is where ash and unburnt residues accumulate.
  3. An attempt to improve the design using a water jacket leads to a sharp decrease in its efficiency.
  4. Adjustment of combustion power has to be done manually.
  5. Bubafonya is not installed in residential premises, since its design leaves much to be desired.
  6. Such a system takes a long time to ignite, so it is not recommended to install it where the owners spend little time.

Photo of the stove

Schemes and drawings

To make bubafoni with your own hands, you can take finished drawing or calculate the dimensions yourself.

  1. The ratio of the diameter and height of the boiler should range from 1:3 to 1:5. In a chamber that is too wide, the fuel burns poorly at the edges, and in a chamber that is too narrow, all the heat literally flies away into the chimney.
  2. The optimal wall thickness is considered to be from 4 to 6 millimeters. Metal that is not thick enough cools down faster, reduces the efficiency of the heater, and under high loads it can even burn out.
  3. The size of the air distributor pancake is no less important. The most effective are devices where the gap is 5% of the diameter.
  4. The thickness of the distributor should be inversely proportional to the internal dimensions of the boiler: the wider the boiler, the thinner the disk. A heavy knot will crush the fire, and a light one will not be able to create the necessary pressure. Approximate calculations are as follows: for a furnace with an internal diameter of 300 mm, a disk with a thickness of about 10 mm is required. If the diameter is 100 mm larger, then the disk should be 2 mm thinner. At the same time, minimum thickness is 2.5 mm.
  5. To determine the sizes of channels, it is better to use a ready-made table:

Read also: Tips for making a chimney for a potbelly stove

For furnaces with a different internal diameter, you can independently derive the proportion.

The height of the chimney should be at least 4.2-4.5 m. A short pipe will cause poor draft and the fire will, as they say, “suffocate”.

Step-by-step manufacturing technology

There are different types designs: from a barrel, from a metal sheet. But the easiest way is to do it from an empty gas cylinder. Its standardized dimensions will help simplify calculations. Therefore, below is presented step by step instructions for making homemade bubafoni from a gas cylinder.

  1. Before work, you need to remove the remaining gas from the cylinder so that it does not explode during cutting. To do this, you need to drain the condensate, fill the container to the brim with water and drain it again. Some inventors suggest burning the balloon on a fire in open field, but this method is much more dangerous.
  2. Cut off the upper part of the body with a grinder saw.
  3. Drill a hole in the resulting cover for the air duct pipe.
  4. Find a disc of suitable dimensions (it is important to consider both diameter and thickness). Drill a hole for the pipe in the center, and then attach the air duct itself using welding.
  5. Attach a damper to the top edge of the pipe. It should fit tightly to the cut, but at the same time move freely so that the intensity of combustion can be adjusted.
  6. Metal strips or corners can be used as channels. For a standard size oven, six strips are enough.
  7. If you need to heat a large room, you can install a water circuit. It is an additional metal casing with water, which is connected to the pipe system and heating batteries. Water exchange is carried out using a circulation pump.
  8. The finishing touch is the chimney. The pipe should be located on the side wall of the cylinder in the upper part of the body. It is better to make as few bends as possible. In addition, preference should be given to collapsible structures: the chimney will be much easier to clean.

It's no secret that many successful technical solutions is born by home craftsmen when realizing their plans. One example is heating devices. As a result of do-it-yourself alterations to suit your needs, they become more and more efficient in terms of price-quality ratio, even when heating a home. This is especially true pyrolysis ovens“bubafonya”, burning stove gas from low-grade fuel.

What is the long burning process?

To understand how to properly make a metal stove, you need to consider what the combustion process is. This needs to be done using the example of the most common type of fuel - wood.

Ignition is carried out with flammable objects from wood chips and birch bark to flammable liquids. Until the surface temperature of the firewood reaches 100 degrees, a whitish smoke rises from it, which is the vapor of escaping moisture. It is always contained in them, regardless of storage conditions.

When the temperature reaches 250 degrees, the surface of the wood begins to char, decomposing into simpler chemical components. Under the influence of oxygen in the air, the reaction becomes more and more intense. When the temperature reaches 300 degrees, the wood substance begins to decompose into gaseous components that actively enter into an oxidation reaction. They are flammable and give high temperature flame. Unfortunately, the fuel supply quickly burns out and the stove “requires feeding.”

Long-burning stoves “Bubafonya”

There are many designs of long-burning stoves. The difference between their device is the dosed supply of air into the firebox. Reducing its supply leads to slower oxidation and more complete use of fuel. The intake is adjusted through the firebox and ash pan using special dampers, that is, from below.

In the bubafonya oven, air is supplied from above through a hollow rod. In this way, the effect of gradual combustion of fuel is achieved without heating the underlying layers. When such a thermal unit warms up to a temperature of 300 degrees or more, the process of wood pyrolysis begins. Combustible furnace gases enter the upper part of the furnace and burn there, releasing a large amount of heat. That is, wood fiber burns at the bottom, releasing flammable gases that ignite above the piston.

Scope of application

Depending on the capacity of the stove, combustion of one load of fuel can last from 12 to 24 hours. This is convenient when used in heating systems country house, greenhouses, garages and industrial premises.

Advantages and disadvantages of a thermal unit

The advantages of such a stove include the following factors:

However, there are a number of significant disadvantages of this design:

  • Bubafonya has a low efficiency. This can be associated with uneven heating of the furnace body, which results in a decrease in the degree of heat transfer of the unit. For pyrolysis furnaces of improved designs, the efficiency can reach 90%.
  • The classical design of the bubafon is inconvenient for cleaning from fuel combustion residues. They have to be removed through the top. But this drawback is easily eliminated by installing a door at the bottom of the fuel tank. The door should close tightly enough to minimize the flow of air through it.
  • Unattractiveness appearance. The stove looks rough and does not decorate the interior when installed in a residential building.

Design and operating principle

The design of the stove is quite simple. It consists of four main nodes:

Operating principle

To consider how the bubafonya pyrolysis furnace works, you need to describe in detail full cycle fuel combustion:

  1. Loading the firebox. It is produced with small firewood mixed with shavings and sawdust. The denser it is laid, the longer the filling will burn. The fuel level should be 15–20 centimeters below the chimney. Loading occurs when removed cover and the removed rod.
  2. Ignition of the stove. On top of the fuel you need to lay a piece of rags soaked in a flammable liquid. You can use diesel fuel, kerosene or special lighter fluid.
  3. Installation of the rod. It is applied directly to the fuel layer, after which the lid is put on it.
  4. When the damper is fully open, an ignited lump of rags is lowered into the rod tube at the top of the rod. If you just throw a match there, it will go out along the way.
  5. The fuel ignites from the flammable liquid, a draft is created in the rod pipe and the furnace begins to heat up. Complete entry into the pyrolysis mode occurs within 15–25 minutes, after which the combustion of furnace gases begins in the upper chamber. At this time, you need to close the damper on the rod pipe, reducing the air supply to the firebox.
  6. As the wood burns, the rod lowers under its own weight. The ribs welded onto the piston do not allow the rod to completely cover the fuel layer, ensuring uniform combustion.
  7. The furnace operates until the rod is completely lowered, which indicates the end of the cycle. In this case, the thermal unit fades out. Next, you need to clean the firebox from ash and repeat the loading.

Something to remember! Do not load fuel vertically. If a piece of wood hits the stem, it may impede its progress. The combustion mode will be disrupted.

Do-it-yourself Bubafonya oven

Definition of basic parameters

The main proportion involved in calculating the dimensions of the furnace is the ratio of the internal diameter to the height of the body. Optimally it should be 3–5:1. Recommended inner size is 30–80 centimeters. A smaller housing is inefficient because air will move too quickly through the combustion chamber. Contact with fuel will be inadequate, reducing the efficiency of the device. If the size is more than 80 centimeters, the outer layers of fuel will burn slower than the inner ones, the rod will fall inside the fill and combustion in the firebox will become impossible.

Optimal housing wall thickness

Optimal heat transfer occurs with a wall thickness of 4–5 millimeters. If the thickness is smaller, the casing may quickly burn out.

Pressure piston diameter

The gap between the walls of the housing and this part should optimally be about 5% of the internal diameter of the firebox. That is, the piston diameter is determined from the relationship:

D = Dpcs * 0.9

D bog internal diameter

D pcs – rod diameter.

For example, with an internal diameter of the body of 40 centimeters, the size of the rod will be: 400 * 0.9 = 360 millimeters.

Pressure plate thickness

This parameter also depends on the size of the combustion chamber, but in inverse proportion. Functionally, this part is needed to create pressure on the fuel. If the exposure is insufficient, the principle of operation of the furnace may be disrupted - the reverse action. As a result, the firebox ignites with the formation reverse thrust. In this case, combustion products will go into the suction pipe. If the pressure is too high, the rod will simply fall into the fuel layer and the burning of the bubafon will stop.

Here are sample data on the dependence of the thickness of the pancake on the diameter of the firebox in centimeters:

  • 30 – 6–10.
  • 40 – 6–8.
  • 60 – 4–6.
  • 80 – 2,5–5.

Chimney outlet size

This indicator is the most important, since the gas flow regime in the thermal unit depends on it. Thermal calculation very complex and is produced taking into account a large number of parameters. In practice, an empirical relationship has been established:

S = 1.75E where

S - cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney:

E is the energy power of the furnace, kW/hour.

Indicator E can be determined from the ratio:

E = e * M where

e is a tabular value representing the specific thermal output of a particular fuel:

M is the mass of a disposable fuel load, determined as the product of the mass of the specific load and the volume of the fuel space, kg/dm 3 .

Here are some reference data on specific heat capacity solid fuel, kW/hour:

Most commonly used size chimney is a diameter of 150 mm if the fuel part of the stove is at least 2/3 of the total height of the body.

Air supply pipe cross-section

This size is 0.5–0.57 of the diameter of the chimney pipe. In our case, we can recommend a size of 76–83 mm.

Materials and tools

To make a bubafonya stove you will need:

The listed materials can be replaced with other suitable ones from stock.

List of tools:

  1. Angle grinder (grinder) – for cutting metal parts.
  2. Household welding machine.
  3. Electrodes corresponding to the material of the parts.
  4. Apparatus for flame cutting of metal.
  5. Electric drill.
  6. Steel brush for electric drill.
  7. The file is semicircular.
  8. Personal protective equipment - shields, mittens, etc.

Photo gallery: tools for making a stove

Bulgarian Household inverter Drill Gas cutter

In addition to those listed, you may need other general purpose tools.

Preparatory work for installing a stove from a gas cylinder

The use of welding during installation will require a room with good exhaust ventilation. If this is not available, work may be performed outdoors.

Further actions may look like this:


The unit is assembled in the following order:

  1. Carefully cut off the top of the cylinder.

    Cutting a cylinder with a grinder

  2. Make a hole in the resulting cap along its axis. Its size should be 2–2.5 mm larger than the corresponding outer size inlet pipe (rod).

    Cap from the cylinder head

  3. Weld the handles to the cap.
  4. Weld metal profile legs 25–30 cm high to the bottom of the cylinder, which is the furnace body.
  5. Make a side hole for the chimney and weld the outlet pipe.

    Chimney at right angles

  6. Weld additional fins of the heat exchangers along the body generatrix.
  7. Make a rod:
  8. At the installation site of the stove, place an asbestos sheet on the floor, lay galvanized sheeting on top of it and secure the resulting protective layer to the floor. Install the stove.
  9. Install the chimney. To do this:

Important! The height of the chimney should be less than 5 meters from the level of the stove exit.

Bubafonya with a water jacket

To organize water heating country house, such a heating unit can be used as a boiler. To do this, a container in the form of a water jacket is welded onto it. You can use a metal barrel by cutting a hole in the bottom for the cylinder. The height of the casing should reach the outlet pipe of the chimney. The top of the jacket is welded with a ring part between the body and the barrel.

The outlet for the water supply is installed in the upper part of the jacket, the return - in the lower part. An indispensable accessory of the heating system is an expansion tank with a membrane. Depending on the design of the thermal circuit, it can be gravity flow with natural circulation or forced using a circulation pump.

Using the same principle, you can arrange a jacket on the stove body.

Design options

Another basis for the bubafonya stove can be:

  • Metal barrels different sizes, for example, 100 and 200 liters. The smaller one serves as the furnace body, the larger one plays the role of a hot water boiler.
  • Steel pipes large diameter. For the furnace, you can purchase such products on the secondary market. The metal of the pipes is perfectly weldable and is highly durable. Additional costs are associated only with the need to weld the sheet metal bottom.

Features of operation

The thermal unit needs increased attention only in the first period after the start of operation. This is necessary to understand all the features of a particular oven. To do this:

  • After starting, you need to burn several fuel deposits different humidity to determine the time of complete combustion. But you can also get information about the required quantity when various modes combustion.
  • It is better to make the chimney dismountable to make it easier to clean.
  • There should be a fire extinguisher and a box of sand in the room with the stove.
  • It is necessary to regularly inspect the stove to identify burnouts and leaks of combustion products.

Oven cleaning and repair

Measures for caring for the same thermal unit are as follows:

  • During periods of intensive use, condensate must be drained from the collection tank weekly.
  • Before the start of the heating season, the chimney should be cleared of soot.
  • Do not use waste plywood, chipboard and other materials using synthetic binders as fuel.

There is no doubt that even now many home craftsmen are working to improve designs metal furnaces. The day is not far off when we will learn new solutions in such not an easy task, like home heating.

Long-burning stoves are becoming increasingly popular. Well, who doesn’t want to spend less fuel (read: money) and time on heating? Everyone wants it. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive boilers. There are very interesting long-burning stoves that can be easily made with my own hands. For example, very interesting and original design such a stove is Bubafonya. This fuel boiler was invented by a craftsman from Kolyma and posted on one of the forums. Since the author’s nickname was bubafonja, it so happened that the stove is called Bubafonya (sometimes Bubafoniya or Bubofonya). The first reports of this design date back to 2008. In such a very short period of time (6 years) she became very popular.

How Bubafonya works, its advantages and disadvantages

The design of this miracle stove is such that the movable piston rests on the firewood stacked at the bottom of the firebox. It divides the combustion chamber into two parts: firewood burns below it, and pyrolysis gases burn out from above. It turns out that the firewood does not burn from bottom to top, as usual, but from top to bottom. The process is much slower, and the fuel burns with virtually no residue. Oxygen for burning wood is supplied through a pipe, which serves as a rod for the piston. In the upper part of the furnace, where the pyrolysis gases burn, oxygen enters through the holes in the lid (where the pipe from the piston is inserted, and where the lid is combined with the body), so there is no need to worry about tightness. This is even harmful - the stove “suffocates” if there is a lack of oxygen. Due to this separation of the chambers, the fuel burns out completely. The combustion intensity is regulated through a pipe to which the piston ring is welded. For convenience, people weld a small pin to the pipe, to which a metal disk is movably attached, the diameter of which is slightly larger than this pipe. Some simply block or restrict the flow of air to any object, adjusting this gap.

The burning time of one bookmark depends to a large extent on the volume of the firebox: the larger the firebox, the more firewood, the longer the fuel burns. On average, one load of firewood in Bubafonya from a gas cylinder burns for 4-6 hours (depending on the firewood and other “additional” fuel). Those who made Bubafonya from a 200 liter barrel say that one filling heats them for up to 20-24 hours. It’s not for nothing that they say that Bubafonya is. Indeed, it burns for a long time.

Despite the obvious advantages, this stove also has disadvantages: the first is a small “radius of action” with high heat transfer. It’s warm, even hot, near the stove. If you move a little further, it’s cold. But this problem can be solved. To improve the situation, they do it in two ways: they arrange forced convection (air change) using a fan or make a water jacket, and run the heated water through pipes to heat the room.

If everything is simple with the fan, then the water jacket can be made in two ways: around the body or removing heat from the chimney pipe. A shirt on the chimney is easier to implement. This option has one more advantage: the heat from the stove body is then used for heating, as well as the heat that previously went outside through the chimney. Now it also heats your room. In addition, when installing a water jacket on the pipe, the smoke at the outlet will no longer be so hot and you won’t have to worry so much about insulating the wall around the pipe. How .

The Bubafonya stove can be used to organize water heating by making a water jacket on the body or pipe

Another important drawback is that it is not the most attractive appearance. If Bubafonya is used in technical room- in a garage, greenhouse, or at the dacha, then there is nothing particularly to worry about. It is what it is. Well, if you want to heat your house with it, you will have to hide it somewhere in the boiler room, basement, or outbuilding. You can still refine it. For example, cover it with brick. By this, by the way, you will greatly increase the comfort of being near the stove: the brick will extinguish most of the hard radiation, soften it, and become a kind of heat accumulator: the brick will heat up, and then, when the stove goes out, it will gradually cool down and release the accumulated heat.

It is not recommended to paint Bubafonya: there is no point - the paint will burn, and even if it burns it can poison it. The paint will only withstand one case, if it is heat-resistant, but it must be applied according to all the rules, and this is not at all easy and expensive.

The disadvantage of “Bubafonya” is that it looks unsightly, but it heats very well and burns for a really long time.

Do not forget that Bubafonya is an iron stove. Just put it on wooden floor If it doesn’t work, a fire may occur. And very quickly: the pyrolysis temperature is very high (350 o C and above), therefore, the furnace body has a high temperature. So it can seriously burn, and it will also burn the wood of an unprotected floor or nearby walls. So we pay close attention to fire safety and prepare a place for the stove: we use asbestos-cement slabs, metal sheets, brick, heat-insulating materials ( mineral wool or cardboard and other heat-resistant materials).

The operation of the stove is also somewhat problematic, but this is the opposite of the simplicity of the design. Selecting ash and loading fuel is inconvenient. Actually, there are two options here: accept this as a fact or make changes to the design. But how they (the changes) will affect the efficiency of the furnace is difficult to say. It must be said that very little ash remains from firewood and sawdust, so it does not need to be cleaned often.

There is one simple option for modifying the Bubafonya stove, which allows you to easily remove ash: weld a special ash pan. It consists of the same pancake as the piston, but without a hole and with edges curved upward. We weld a thick metal rod to the middle of the ash pan. Then, when assembling the stove, we put an ash pan on the bottom, put fuel on it, and light it. Then we put a piston on the ash pan rod, and finally a lid. With this design, the ash is collected in a tray, which is easily pulled out of the cooled and disassembled boiler using a rod.

This is what “Bubafonya” looks like from the inside when the fuel in it is smoldering

What is needed for production and how to make it

This stove has two big advantages: it is easy to make yourself and it burns for a very long time. There is no point in indicating sizes: everyone uses what is at hand without reference to any standards. Structurally, the furnace consists of:

  • Cases.
  • Lids.
  • Piston.
  • Chimney pipes.

For manufacturing of body and cover Bubafoni may be suitable:

  • Empty gas cylinder;
  • Thick-walled metal barrel(with or without top);
  • A piece of pipe of medium or large diameter (the wall must be thick);
  • Sheet metal (you will need to bend it and weld a pipe from it).

The original stove was round, but today there are also square ones. Craftsmen use the operating principle and change the design to suit their needs.

The easiest way to make a Bubafonya stove is from a gas (propane, oxygen or any other) cylinder. You just need to cut off the top of the cylinder and weld stops or clamps to the top (lid) that will hold the lid on the body.

Cut off the top from the old cylinder and the body for the Bubafoni is ready, all that remains is to modify the lid a little: weld the stops

It is easy to make a body for the Bubafonya stove from a barrel. Especially if the barrel has a riveted/rolled/welded lid. You need to cut off the top part (it’s more convenient with a grinder) with a small part of the body (10-15 cm, but more or less can be done - depends on the size of the barrel). The body itself is ready. But to make it more convenient to attach the lid to it, and the edge is not sharp, use a hammer or sledgehammer to bend the edge inward. On the sawn-off part, which will be the lid, fold the edge too, but outward. Now the lid fits tightly onto the body.

Bubafonya oven! can be made from a barrel

If the barrel is without a lid, it will need to be welded from a metal pancake cut to the diameter of the barrel and a strip of metal. There is no need to worry about the lid fitting too tightly to the body. The slots are necessary to supply oxygen to the upper combustion chamber. But you can weld the handles - it will be more convenient to remove/put it on.

If you make the body from a piece of pipe with thick walls, you will need to weld the bottom well. Build the lid in the same way as described above. If there is only sheet metal, it will need to be bent. It’s easier to do this on a sheet bending machine, but if there is no such device, you will have to use improvised means. For example, wrap it around a pipe of a suitable diameter, wood, etc. Having achieved the desired shape, weld a cylinder from a sheet, then weld the bottom and make a lid.

  • a metal pancake, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the diameter of the body (precision is not needed here, the piston should move easily, and pyrolysis gases will escape through the gap between the pancake and the wall into the upper chamber);
  • a pipe through which air is supplied to the lower chamber;
  • several pieces of corner or metal strips that are welded from below to the pancake.

Cut a hole in the middle of the pancake equal to the diameter of the pipe. On one side of the pancake we weld several strips of metal or corner, which will prevent the piston from resting tightly on the wood and will ensure the delivery of air for burning the wood. Metal strips should be placed from the edge of the inner hole to the outer one. You can do it directly, you can bend it with a screw. They serve as guides for air supply. Sometimes, in order for the air to better disperse to the sides and not remain in the middle of the firebox, another pancake of a smaller diameter with a small hole in the middle is welded onto these guides.

Piston for "bubafoni"

The length of the air supply pipe is 6-10 cm greater than the height of the body. We insert this pipe into the previously cut hole and weld it. You can make additional stiffeners, since without them, after a while the pancake will “lead” from high temperatures.

The Bubafonia oven is almost ready. Not much left. In the center of the cover you need to cut a hole through which the piston pipe will pass (slightly larger than the diameter of this pipe). There is also no need to worry about tightness: air will flow through the gaps for combustion of pyrolysis gases.

We weld the chimney pipe. In the housing below the mark where the lid ends, we cut a hole for the smoke exhaust pipe. To ensure normal traction, it is recommended to use a diameter of at least 100 mm - this is if the body is made of gas cylinders; for structures with a larger diameter, it is recommended to use 150 mm. The length of the horizontal section of the chimney is about 40 cm, then the chimney rises upward. Its total height is at least 2-3 meters. More is better. Most stove owners make 4-5 meter chimneys.

It is recommended to make the chimney itself prefabricated. And start the assembly not from the stove, as usual, but from the roof - this will make it easier to disassemble it for cleaning. You can make a glass with an inspection so that you can remove the soot without dismantling the chimney.

How and with what to drown Bubafonya

The beauty of this design is that it is easy to adapt to any fuel. In this “pristine” form, it is more suitable for. But firewood can also be sprinkled with some kind of waste: wood chips, sawdust, sunflower or buckwheat husks, etc. The more fuel is compacted in the boiler, the longer the stove will burn, but at the same time, the level of combustible materials must be lower than the exit of the chimney opening.

If you are going to heat Bubafonya exclusively with sawdust, the thickness of the walls of the stove should be larger (at least 10 mm), as well as the size of the boiler - the density of sawdust is low, just like a rammer. Others design features there is no need to enter. Unless you come up with a device for supplying fuel inside the firebox. Sawdust is not firewood, it can crumble.

To ensure that sawdust burns normally, before filling it into Bubafonya, insert a pipe or a shovel holder, pour sawdust around the pipe, and compact it. When all the fuel is in, remove the pipe. Now you can fire up and install the piston.

You can make the Bubafonya furnace work during mining. In order not to redo the structure, place several broken pieces on the bottom. fire bricks and several whole ones standing (the piston rests on them), a “fuel line” is passed through the air supply pipe. You can use a pipe of smaller diameter for this purpose. Between broken bricks light the fire, place the piston and lid on top.

There are many options for the Bubafonya stove with various modifications and improvements. Some of them work better, others worse. Everyone fits great idea according to his needs and the type of fuel that is more accessible/convenient for him. About one of the options. The only thing Bubafonya is not very friendly with is coal. It has a high ash content, and some brands are sintered. The slag has nowhere to go and often “smothers” the flame. The situation is better if you mix the same coal with firewood, sawdust, etc., but the problem of ash content or caking does not go away. A good option is to heat with briquettes. In this case, you can use coal briquettes and any others: their ash content is much lower, and the stove burns for an unrealistically long time. Briquettes themselves burn for a long time, and long-burning stoves in general take a very long time. Read more about and about. So we can say that the Bubafonya stove works with any type of fuel.

But really, everything ingenious is simple: a rim with spokes and an axle in the middle - that’s the wheel, stretched fabric- a canopy from the rain, and a metal cylinder and several sections of corners and pipes complete the appearance of the bubafonya stove from a gas cylinder.

The design drawing will be presented in the article below.

What is bubafonya

Transition to new technologies, use modern species energy, scientific and technological progress, all this, as practice shows, is gradually becoming part of daily life, but as the same practice shows, not always to solve the problem of heating a garage or warehouse rationally establish electric convector or carry out gas heating.

It’s easier, more reliable and cheaper to use an old, proven resource - firewood, coal or even industrial waste, such as sawdust or shavings, in order to ensure uniform maintenance of heat in the room for at least 6-12 hours.

You can make a long-burning stove with fairly good heat transfer rates and at the same time not as voracious as traditional potbelly stoves and bulky like Burelyans, omnivorous and cheap in terms of manufacturing costs, using the bubafoni project from a gas cylinder as a basis.

The areas of application of such a heating stove are simply enormous, from garages and workshops to cabins and shift shelters, especially since the size of a 50-liter household gas cylinder can guarantee fuel combustion for at least 8 hours at full load and the air supply damper is open as much as possible.

Bubafonya, as one of the options for long-burning stoves, allows you to make one fuel fill for 16-24 hours, it does not require much attention, since combustion takes place in a hermetically sealed space, and does not have a traditional ash pan, so the risk of a fire from a spark running out in this case is minimal .

On the other hand, a bottle from a gas cylinder is extremely inconvenient for removing combustion residues; this will have to be done through the top cover. Another not entirely pleasant point for this type of stove is the relatively low heat transfer compared to other stoves, so it will not be possible to heat the room quickly.

Design and principle of operation

The basis of the bubafoni design is a gas cylinder, inside of which the combustion process of wood fuel takes place. A special feature of this process is the principle of prirolysis - the decomposition of wood under the influence of temperature into flammable gases, which subsequently burn to form heat.

Wood combustion occurs in several stages, at the first stage, the fire heats the fuel, burning out flammable substances, and after overcoming the limit of 300 degrees, the wood begins to decompose into simple substances and combustion of pyrolysis gases occurs. The second stage of combustion is the most efficient, since the combustion temperature of the gases is about 700 degrees.

Possibility of obtaining gas products combustion and their efficient combustion in the furnace is obtained by dividing the internal chamber into two parts. The lower part, filled with firewood, produces the initial ignition and heating, but the upper part, separated from the lower part by a press with a guide air duct, is gradually filled with wood decomposition products and which begin to burn. A massive press gradually pushes the fuel down, thus facilitating the efficient process of firewood decomposition.

The smoke is finally discharged outside through a chimney, the opening of which is located in the upper part of the furnace, and the air supply to the combustion chamber is carried out through an air duct, which forms a single structure with the press. The air supply to the firebox is regulated by setting the damper gap in the upper part of the air duct.

History of the creation of a pyrolysis furnace

The history of the creation of this invention can be interpreted in different ways, on the one hand, it is a successful reworking of the idea of ​​an industrial design of a pyrolysis boiler, on the other hand, it is a wonderful use of scrap materials to create a new type wood stoves.

And although many argue that this is still the idea of ​​​​the industrial Lithuanian boiler Stropuva, ​​the fact remains that Bubafon still comes from Srednekolymsk.

We do it ourselves (step-by-step description of the process)

Like all ingenious things, the bubafonya stove made from a gas cylinder is a fairly simple design, the manufacture of which will require the ability to work welding machine and some free time.

The main design is a gas cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters, this is the smallest cylinder in volume from which a normal stove can come out; cylinders of a smaller volume simply should not be taken into account, since the efficiency of their use is extremely low.

Please note: You can use a gas cylinder as a stove body only after the remaining gas has been removed from it, otherwise, when you try to cut the cylinder, the remaining gas may ignite and an explosion may occur.

Preparation of the cylinder and all parts consists of selecting the required size of metal blanks and cleaning them from rust, oil stains and paint residues.

For ease of use, the cylinder is cut along the circumference at the top. The cut should be as smooth as possible and not have any distortions. It is best to make the cut along the weld line of the top of the cylinder. In the cut off cover, the valve is removed and the guide hole is reinforced with a larger diameter pipe.

The legs are welded to the cylinder in such a way that bottom part The balloon was raised above the floor level by 20-25 cm. The legs are made from a thick corner of 30*30 or 40*40 mm.

A hole is made on the side at a distance of 50 mm from the upper edge of the body and a pipe 400-450 mm long with a diameter of 120-150 mm is welded at an angle of 90 degrees. It is advisable to make the chimney from a thick-walled pipe.

Considering that the diameter of the cylinder is 300 mm, a disk with a diameter of 270-280 mm with a hole in the middle of 80-100 mm is cut out of metal 8-10 mm thick. A pipe with a diameter of 80-100 mm and a length of 1200-1400 mm is welded to this hole exactly at an angle of 90 degrees. This is an air supply pipe; a plate valve is welded at the top of the pipe to adjust the air supply hole.

To distribute air evenly throughout the volume of the combustion chamber, strips of metal, corners or a “U”-shaped profile are welded from the bottom of the press, so that the rays go from the center to the edges. To ensure that the air spreads evenly and only the central part of the fuel load does not burn out, a plate 8-10 mm thick with a diameter of 200-250 mm is welded to the center over the corners.

The stove is installed on a hard solid foundation, if the furnace is planned to be used as stationary equipment, then it is recommended to weld the handles only to the furnace lid. If you plan to move the stove from time to time, it is advisable to install handles on the body.

Despite the fact that the stove does not make any special demands on the quality of the fuel, it is still necessary to dry it before adding firewood; dry firewood, even of a smaller volume, produces heat longer than wet wood.

It is important to know that while the boiler is operating, the fuel supply can be periodically replenished. But it is impossible to stop its operation or turn it off until all the firewood is completely burned.

Despite all the positive qualities, the stove has a significant drawback: it heats the required room temperature too slowly. It is very difficult to achieve a large flame in the shortest possible time.

Based on this, the most correct way to increase efficiency is to use additional technical solutions that help increase the process of heating the volume of air in the room.

The only one effective method To increase the heating rate, it is necessary to install an additional casing made of corrugated or flat metal on the body 2-3 cm from it to create the effect when cold air, heating up between the body and the casing, it rises, creating a significant air shelf.

Today, among all the popular models of wood-burning stoves, the Bubofonya stove is the only one effective remedy real cost savings and effective use resources. Moreover, such a stove can be assembled using minimal investments.

How to make a long-burning stove, see the instructions in the following video: