Fertilizing tomatoes: practical recommendations, features and application rates. Mullein in a summer cottage: instructions and application rates Fertilizer for tomatoes from cow dung

Mullein is considered one of the most common fertilizers. It is used in growing fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetables, including tomatoes. The additive increases the level of humus in the soil, due to which the fertility of the soil increases.

After watering with mullein, tomatoes grow more intensively, ovaries form quickly, and fruiting occurs several days earlier.

Mullein is a waste product of livestock. It has been known and used as a fertilizer for a very long time. It includes:

Nitrogen compounds

They are responsible for the formation and development of new shoots and healthy leaves;


The substance affects the amount of the future harvest, improves the taste characteristics of the fruit, and is also responsible for their color and shape;


The element is necessary for the normal development of the root system, makes the stem powerful and the tomatoes healthy;


It is considered a necessary substance for the process of photosynthesis and contributes to the formation of juicy pulp.

This nutritional composition of microelements instantly affects the crop. Even after the first feeding, a positive effect is observed on tomatoes. Fertilizer can be bought in villages or summer cottages where there are livestock. Even though bad smell, the demand for mullein never subsides. Gardeners love fertilizing for a number of advantages:

  • Natural origin:

Unlike many effective fertilizers obtained by chemical reactions, cow dung is obtained naturally and with correct use does not harm plants.

  • Good absorption in soil:

The additive is well absorbed and quickly decomposes into many useful components, which immediately begin to act.

  • Improved immunity:

In addition to nutrition, mullein helps to enhance the protective function of tomatoes.

  • Inexpensive cost.

Types of mullein and uses

As you know, fertilizer can be liquid, solid, concentrated or diluted. Each fertilizer has its own characteristics, so you need to carefully study them before using them.

Litter mullein

The substance contains solid cow excrement and particles of peat, straw, hay. The main element is nitrogen. It is represented by ammonium ions, which are better absorbed by tomatoes. Litter manure is used to prepare soil in autumn period, as well as in the spring before planting tomatoes. On square meter soil take 4-5 kilograms of fertilizer and distribute it evenly in the soil. Then the ground is dug up.

Litter mullein can be used to mulch the ground after watering. It helps retain moisture in the soil, and during spring frosts it will prevent the tomato roots from freezing. Dry mullein can be mixed with other additives. Add ash, crushed chalk or eggshells.

Liquid fertilizer

Liquid substances are absorbed in the soil better and faster than solid substances. However, due to its high reactivity, the additive should be handled more carefully and carefully. So, too concentrated a solution can cause burns to the crop.


Liquid fertilizing with cow dung must be diluted with water before use.

The main time for use is late spring and early summer. At this time, tomatoes especially need mineral and organic elements. Usually mullein is watered under the stem of the plant. The dilution scheme is simple: for 1 kilogram of fresh manure, take 4-5 liters of water. Stir the mixture and keep in a warm place for 5-6 days. Gas bubbles appear on the surface - uric acid is released. The acid serves main reason burn the roots, as it is chemically aggressive. Every day the color of the mixture will become lighter and lighter, and in the end it will take on a greenish-white tint.

When about a week has passed, the liquid fertilizer is diluted another 5 times with water, poured into a watering can or bucket, and then the bushes are watered with the infusion. One planting meter requires up to 10 liters of water. The average watering rate per bush is 1 liter. Feeding is carried out once every 10-14 days. Over the entire summer, the number of feedings can reach 4-5.

To reduce the unpleasant odor, you can add a teaspoon of copper sulfate per 10 liters to the additive. It will make the smell less pronounced and also strengthen the immune qualities of the seedlings. Copper sulfate prevents the development harmful bacteria and fungal microorganisms.

Concentrated supplement

In garden stores you can sometimes find it packaged in plastic bottles cow dung. It is produced in a special factory and goes through a purification stage, so the additive does not smell as strong as domestic manure. During production, the concentration of minerals and organics is significantly increased, which enhances the effect of the additive. If we compare the produced product with a regular diluted mixture, the concentrate is five times more powerful than liquid mullein.

The concentrated supplement should be diluted and used according to the instructions on the package. Fertilizing is convenient because it does not take up much space and also does not require time to infuse the solution. Ease of use and effectiveness of application have made the concentrate a favorite fertilizer for most gardeners.

Universal fertilizer It is better to use before fruiting begins. The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after transplanting the seedlings to permanent place. Fertilize the soil a second time before flowering begins. A teaspoon of potassium sulfate is added to liquid cow droppings. Repeat feeding after flowering. Then, when the tomatoes begin to ripen, you can apply the fertilizer one more time to ensure an abundant harvest.

If mullein is already used as a fertilizer, then the application of other fertilizers of this kind (horse manure and chicken) is unacceptable. There is no need to use complex additives, the composition of which is also based on minerals and organics. An excess of fertilizers has a bad effect on plants, tomato bushes wither, and tomatoes do not set and ripen well.

Sometimes inexperienced gardeners complain: they fertilized, but there was no effect. This can be caused for several reasons:

  • low quality mullein. Perhaps the fertilizer has already become unusable because it has been stored for too long;
  • insufficient concentration of fertilizer. When watering with a weak solution, there will definitely be an effect, but you will have to wait a long time for it;
  • using the supplement too early. If you water cow dung immediately after planting tomatoes, their development will slow down for several days. Replanting is stressful for plants, and fertilizing increases it.

If you follow all the recommendations for preparing the additive, and also adhere to the advice, then cow dung will become a good assistant in growing tomatoes. Its use is not difficult, but the result will exceed all expectations. Mullein, even today, is a serious competitor to many modern additives with powerful chemical composition. Demand for it all year round is not decreasing, and cow dung is difficult to buy during the season.

Tomatoes respond especially well to feeding with mullein; this is a universal organic fertilizer contains all macro and microelements necessary for culture. It is sometimes used fresh, but more often it is put into compost and made into nutritious infusions. Let’s take the advice of experienced gardeners and talk about what exactly mullein is useful for and how to use it correctly.

What types of mullein are there, benefits for tomatoes

Mullein significantly increases the content of humus and nutrients in the soil; it is called a complex or even complete fertilizer. If we compare pig droppings with cow droppings, the latter brings 2 or even 3 times more benefits; it decomposes for a long time, due to which it feeds the plants for a long time and evenly. The list of elements contained in such a fertilizer is quite long. Main substances: magnesium, boron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and nitrogen.


Mullein is often confused with slurry; these are different concepts. Slurry is pure, liquid cow dung, and mullein is a fermented aqueous solution of cow dung.

Mullein promotes the development and reproduction of microorganisms in the soil, it improves the properties of the soil, converts poorly soluble substances into an easily digestible form. Fertilizer structures the soil, binding it into small lumps; in such conditions, plants are most comfortable. Lumps of earth are washed away by water, but remain strong, in simple words such soil is called greasy.

After introducing cow dung into the heavy, clay soil, it becomes loose, easier to process, water does not stagnate in it and heat accumulates faster. At the same time, tomatoes grow strong, their immunity to various negative factors improves, and the yield and quality of the fruit increases.

Varieties of mullein

There are 2 types of natural milk, they differ in additional ingredients, which depend on the way the cows are kept.

IN specialized stores you can find another type of mullein - factory. Industrial, concentrated liquid fertilizer made from manure. There is also dry and granulated mullein on sale, which is diluted in ordinary water.

Let's remember about rotted cow manure; its peculiarity is that during storage it loses liquid, and aggressive, harmful nitrogen also evaporates. Decomposition and rotting occur during the composting process, after which the humus is used for digging (up to 11 kilograms per square meter of land) or nutritious infusions are prepared - a kilogram per 5 liters of water. If you mix such compost with soil at a ratio of 1:2, you can grow tomato seedlings in the resulting mixture.

How to fertilize tomatoes with mullein, feeding recipes

predominantly non-litter mullein, but it is not used when planting in pure form, there are 2 reasons for this. Fresh cow manure produces a high temperature when decomposed, and it also contains too much ammonia nitrogen, both factors lead to burning of tomato roots.

Only planted seedlings are not fertilized with mullein at all; the first fertilizing can be done only after the bushes have taken root in the garden bed, got used to the new conditions, taken root and become stronger. This period takes about 10–20 days. Liquid fertilizer is used after good watering, but it is not recommended to pour it directly under the root; it is better to make special holes around the bush and fill them with mullein.


Fresh manure can be applied during autumn digging, evenly scattering it over the beds for tomatoes. Soil enrichment is carried out no more than once every 3 years, using no more than 5 kilograms per square meter.

How to prepare liquid fertilizer for tomatoes based on cow dung:

  1. Manure is mixed with water (1:5), covered tightly with a lid and left to infuse for 2 weeks. It is advisable to use enamel or plastic containers. One part of the infused mixture is diluted with two parts of water, the fertilizer is ready for use. Consumption – 500 grams per bush.
  2. Take 5 buckets of water per bucket of mullein and let it sit for 2 weeks. It is advisable to remove the lid only for periodic stirring of the mixture (every 2 or 3 days). When the mass has completely fermented, take half a liter of clear, settled liquid from the top of the container, dilute it in a bucket of water and add 3 grams of potassium permanganate. 3–5 faceted cups of fertilizer are poured under each bush.
  3. A kilogram of fresh manure is poured with 6 liters of water, 40 grams of wood ash and 20 grams of superphosphate are added, covered and left for a week. Take half a liter of infusion for one bush.

Liquid fertilizers prepared according to the first and second recipes should be used when symptoms of nitrogen deficiency are observed. Fertilizing is also useful during slow growth and in the first stages of bush development, when they are increasing their green mass. During the period of flowering, fruit set and formation, the third fertilizer option is used. Mullein can be applied at all stages of tomato growth with an interval of 2 weeks.

Usually cow manure is infused for 2 weeks, but if the container is placed in a sunny, well-warmed place on the site, then the mullein can be ready a little earlier. The beginning of fermentation will be indicated by bubbles appearing on the surface of the solution. Later, the color of the liquid will begin to change, becoming much lighter, due to the fact that all the solid particles will sink to the bottom. This indicates the end of the fermentation process, which means that after 3 or 4 days the fertilizer can be used. The finished mullein is stored in a closed container.


The frequency of fertilizing tomatoes with cow manure depends on the condition of the soil. You should not use it when the land is already fertile and rich. Particular care is taken if mullein was brought in for digging in the fall.

Even tomato seedlings are fertilized with a solution of cow dung. To feed, take 500 grams of mullein per 10 liters of water, add a teaspoon boric acid, mix. No more than 50 grams of nutrient liquid is poured under each bush.

Do not forget that everything should always be done on time and in moderation. Excessive and improper use of mullein can lead to the most unexpected results. Do not exceed the norms for applying fertilizer and monitor the condition of the tomato bushes; if they are externally strong and beautiful, the fruits are plump and ripen well, then it is better to avoid using mullein. Insufficiently rotted or unfermented manure can cause irreparable harm; pathogens of various diseases often develop in such fertilizer.

Cow dung is an environmentally friendly, incredibly valuable fertilizer that can replace absolutely all complex mixtures sold in stores. Its benefits are difficult to overestimate; the main advantage is that all the necessary elements and substances are quickly absorbed by plants. Another plus is the availability of cow manure, even if there are no farms nearby, factory-made mullein would be a good replacement; it will definitely be found in any specialized store.

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Every person who has a vegetable garden or garden wants it to be rich in vegetables and fruits, but to achieve desired result you need to try very hard, including fertilizing the soil. Fertilizer is food for plants, which they really need, and mullein is just one of these fertilizers. But in this matter it is important not to overdo it, as this has a negative effect on vegetables and fruits.

Mullein liquid organic fertilizer

What is mullein?

Before manipulating with fertilizer, let’s consider what mullein is. Mullein is a fertilizer made from cow manure that is suitable for many types of plants and is used by both experienced farmers and novice gardeners. This fertilizer is created from natural ingredients, enriching the soil nutrients and improving the quality of vegetation growth.

Due to the organic origin of the substance and the abundance of raw materials, fertilizer began to be used everywhere by farmers many generations ago. It is used both in industrial farming and in vegetable gardens on “6 acres”.

Not everyone knows that this fertilizer, after penetrating into the soil, has a prolonged effect, that is, it decomposes over several years and releases useful substances throughout the entire period of mineralization.

In gardening, mullein (pure manure) is sometimes used, this allows straw impurities to be eliminated and the fertilizer is supplied to the soil in purified form. Manure slurry has a higher concentration of nutritional components and mineral elements, which leads to better nutrition soil. Such a fertilizer may also have a drawback, since when the raw material is left outside the soil for a long time, bacteria can multiply in the liquid, causing disease.

Mullein, as a fertilizer, is often used in the form of a solution; it is first fermented. During infusion, most harmful bacteria die in the substance, since decomposition releases methane, which kills pathogenic microorganisms. Mullein infusion is safer, and its benefits do not decrease in comparison with liquid.

Mullein fertilizer and features of its use

Composition and beneficial properties of cow manure

The composition of cow manure fertilizer directly depends on what the animal was fed, its age and gender. Mullein infusion is rich in nitrogen and potassium; phosphorus is also present, but it is much less. Due to the peculiarities of the composition of manure, it is significantly superior to the excrement of other animals, and the components of the fertilizer are quickly absorbed by plants.

Mullein is a fertilizer; it has a number of useful macro- and microelements that help to grow intensively:

  • nitrogen (0.5%) actively nourishes the plant, its small concentration has a good effect on the development of most crops;
  • potassium (0.59%) helps during fruit formation;
  • calcium (0.4%) promotes timely maturation, acquisition correct form and sufficient fruit density;
  • magnesium (up to 0.2%) – has a beneficial effect on increasing plant productivity;
  • phosphorus (0.23%) – helps the appearance of young ovaries and shoots.

Among the components, the following predominate in smaller quantities: copper, boron, iron, sulfur, cobalt, zinc, calcium, etc. If you use middle-aged meat, you can get 15% more important components than from a calf.

It is worth considering that manure contains worm eggs; you need to protect yourself from them using special clothing. When fermentation or composting is carried out, the problem will be a thing of the past. The quality largely depends on the type of litter.

Liquid organic fertilizer Mullein 5l

If we compare mullein, as a fertilizer, and horse manure, the second will be heavier and the effect will be slower. Cow dung decomposes more evenly and has a longer process of influence.

Mullein can significantly improve plant structure, thermal properties, and also makes the soil breathable, all of which are a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. The substance has a positive effect on the growth and development of crops and supports high level humidity. After adding mullein, rhizome growth is stimulated. Gradually, the manure mineralizes and nourishes the plants not only in this season, but also in subsequent ones.

The substance is often used to enrich and restore sandy loam and sandy soil. For clayey, podzolic and heavy soils, less rotted manure is suitable. Due to the low nutritional value, the risk of nitrates penetrating into the soil and fruits is reduced.

Types of cow dung

Expert opinion about mullein:

Livestock waste in the form of cow manure is one of the highly effective ways to feed crops. It is optimal to apply rotted manure or humus to the plots. Do not overuse liquid, fresh slurry. This provokes root burns, abundant growth weeds, the seeds of which have not yet lost their germination. It is worth remembering that after applying manure, be sure to plow or dig.

Anatoly Baykov

It is worth knowing that this fertilizer is conventionally divided into 4 categories.

Fresh manure

A positive effect on soil and vegetation also comes from using fresh fertilizer, but there are certain risks. If used incorrectly, pests may multiply and burns may occur.

To make fertilizing extremely useful, you should use a few simple rules.:

Litter mullein

Dry cow manure is most often collected and sold mixed with hay, sawdust, straw or bedding alternatives. This variety is recommended for use in the fall as part of complex fertilizer. Mullein becomes no less effective feeding after.

When using peat in the composition, the amount of nitrogen in ammonium form will be increased; the substance is better absorbed by vegetation, since it is in an easily accessible form. If hay or straw is used, phosphorus and potassium will predominate in the composition - these are the most important components for normal growth. They increase the natural immunity of plants, which improves stress tolerance.

Litterless mullein

This cow manure fertilizer is fast and strong effect. Appearance– a solution with medium density, in which there are no particles of any litter. The composition of bedding-free mullein contains a large amount of nitrogen in ammonia form. Almost always it acts as a raw material for preparing mullein solution.

Manure slurry

Mullein is an excellent fertilizer

To get the slurry, you need to learn how to prepare mullein for feeding in this form.

There are simple instructions for this:

  1. Prepare a wooden or plastic barrel.
  2. A third of the total volume is filled with manure, and the rest is filled with water.
  3. The mixture is stirred and left to ferment for 1 to 2 weeks.

Even after preparation, the fertilizer is not applied in its pure form; mullein must be diluted before use. It is recommended to mix it with water in a ratio of 1 to 2-3 parts.

Mullein infusion is often used as a fertilizer for trees and gardens. Gravy must be applied to the roots; it is prohibited to apply to greens. To improve the quality of the fertilizer, add 50 g of superphosphate to 10 liters of the mixture.

Use of fresh mullein

In order not to burn the roots of the seedlings, you need to use manure correctly, because during its decomposition a high temperature is generated. To do this, you need to spread the product in the fall at a ratio of 30–40 kg per 10 m2. After processing, the soil should be cultivated, this will allow it to be mixed with manure and stimulate the speedy processing of raw materials.

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There is a way to preserve the maximum amount of useful components; to do this, you should scatter and seal the mullein in a short time after application. If it is stored for a long time, the substrate will lose some of its components. It is nitrogen that is most susceptible to weathering, and it is one of the most important components of growth. Repeated treatment is carried out after 2–3 years or more.

Application of fresh mullein on a large area

For cucumbers, the situation is somewhat different; temperatures that are harmful for other seedlings have a positive effect here.

The design of a cucumber bed is relatively simple, but it will require a lot of manure:

  1. Boards are prepared from which the frame for fencing the bed is assembled (standard design).
  2. Manure is brought down, the layer is 0.7–1 m.
  3. Small holes about 35 cm deep and 0.5 m in diameter are dug at a distance of 1.5 m.
  4. Ordinary soil is added inside the holes, possibly with fertilizer.
  5. From 5 to 7 seeds are planted in each hole.
  6. When the cucumbers sprout, select weak plants and remove them, leaving only 3 roots.

Mullein will warm the hole from all sides and create conditions for rapid growth. The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of fertilizer, but it can be used alternative way with greater efficiency.

Here mullein will act as biofuel:

  1. The entire layer of the pile is covered with about 30 cm of earth.
  2. Chopped weeds and fallen leaves are added on top. Top layer compacted, you need to create a dense surface.
  3. After several days of waiting, a layer of manure is laid down.

The last way to use fertilizer is to prepare a mullein solution. The product is a good top dressing, which is applied during the growing season and shortly before harvesting.

How to cook mullein yourself

To prepare you should:

  1. Take 1 bucket and fill it with manure.
  2. Prepare 4 buckets of water and mix with mullein in a suitable container.
  3. The mixture is left in a place with relative warmth for 2-3 days. This is done to ferment the manure, then harmful urea will be released from the composition, which is what can cause burns to the roots.
  4. Mix 10 liters of solution with 3-4 buckets of plain water.
  5. Watering is carried out at a ratio of 10 liters per 1 m2.

Use of rotted mullein

The rotted substance can be used at any stage of plant growth, but best effect noted when added in spring. A pile of dry raw materials must be scattered around the site immediately before plowing, this will prevent the loss of important microelements. If there is a lot of fertilizer, you can simply sprinkle it over the entire surface and plow it with a tractor. Dry manure is a concentrate; it requires less than fresh fertilizer; it is enough to use only 4–5 kg per 10 m2.

Alternative option use - as mulch, which will actively nourish the soil. The raw material is used to cover the tree trunk soil or row spacing.

Another way is to use foliar feeding. It is especially useful to do this. To prepare a suitable concentration, you need to mix 1 part mullein and 10 parts water. The substance is infused at this concentration for 1 day, and at the end ash is added in an amount of 10% of the total volume. The procedure should be carried out in the evening, treating only the foliage and stems. After the manipulation, you need to ensure high-quality watering of the rose.

Feeding plants with rotted mullein

Almost all crops respond well to rotted mullein. Due to its prolonged action, the substance is one of the best fertilizers organic origin. According to research by agronomists, after using cow manure, an increase in yield by 30–50% is achieved.

Factory (concentrated) mullein

The fertilizer is of the organic type, but is produced industrially. The high popularity of this type of fertilizer is due to the absence of the need to spend a lot of effort, look for a supplier of raw materials (if there is no one) and worry about the safety of the substance.

Additives are often added to medications to increase the concentration of beneficial components. Products from some manufacturers are in the proportion of 5 liters ready solution to 500 kg of fresh raw materials. Low cost also played an important role; today you can buy fertilizer from 50 rubles per 1 liter.

Mullein is less commonly found on sale in dry form; it is packaged in bags of 50 g. The price for 1 serving starts from 60 rubles. The solution is especially convenient when fertilizing small area land.

Restrictions on the use of mullein

Cow dung, uncooked or in slurry form, does more harm than good. Its use can only be carried out according to special recipes, described earlier.

Mullein fertilizer watering young plants

For certain crops its use is not at all acceptable.:

  • for all root crops, with the exception of beets, otherwise the plants acquire irregular shape and become too rigid;
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans) do not respond very well to the use of fresh manure; they become prone to the active development of green mass and minimal discoloration;
  • For some varieties of cabbage (Peking cabbage, kohlrabi), fertilizer is undesirable, as the crop becomes hard, but hollow from the inside. For other varieties, fertilizing is useful, but it is better to treat it in the form of a liquid;
  • the harvest of daikon and radishes acquires a deteriorated taste, becomes hard and twisted;
  • negative reactions are observed in onions and garlic, as they develop slowly and are susceptible to disease. If it is necessary to use mullein, prepare an infusion mixed with herbs. Can be applied only after the middle of the growing season.

Which plants are most responsive to fertilizing with cow manure?

Rotted fertilizer is applicable for almost all crops, especially those that are resistant to cold. After adding potatoes, cereals and berries, an improvement in fertile qualities by 30–50% is achieved. A good reaction from vegetables is observed in pumpkin, eggplant, tomato, zucchini, cucumber, pepper, beets and lettuce.

Some root vegetables do not need nitrogen, they either do not respond to fertilizer, or they begin to actively develop greenery, and the fruits become knotty and too hard. Among them: onions, garlic, carrots, turnips and radishes.

What is better to fertilize with cow manure?

How to store cow manure

Based on the degree of readiness, 3 main types of mullein can be identified:

  • fresh. Stored wet in containers. After a few days of infusion, it can be used as a liquid fertilizer;
  • partially rotted - about 3-4 months in storage;
  • ready - stored for six months to a year. The anaerobic method is optimal. It is placed on an area from which the grass was previously removed and covered with soil, film, peat, etc.

Heap storage is not the preferred method as most of the nitrogen will be lost within 4-5 months. It is recommended to lay manure in a loose state in layers, and when the temperature reaches 60 °C, the pile should be compacted and covered with peat or other organic matter. When drying out, add water.

Litter allows you to reduce the amount of nitrogen lost; during transfer you should also add superphosphate (1–3%).

Benefits of using cow manure in your garden

The greatest advantage is easy availability, low price and universal application. The fertilizer is highly effective and allows you to create a layer fertile soil, preventing soil depletion for several more years. The composition contains many microelements that are important for the growth of vegetation. The presence of magnesium and potassium lowers the pH level.

Microbiological activity after fertilization increases many times over, and processes for replenishing stocks of important components are launched. During the decomposition of raw materials, carbonic acid is released, which is necessary for photosynthesis and additionally heats the soil. During the first year of decomposition, only 25% of the nitrogen reserves are consumed, and the rest will be gradually released into the soil in the future.

Mullein is a very common organic fertilizer, a source of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus for plants. However, sometimes a wanderer arises, which should be called mullein. According to the book by O. Petrosyan “Fertilizers and fertilizing”, mullein is an aqueous solution of cow feces. But in colloquial speech Mullein is often called cow dung. The same goes for slurry. Slurry is not diluted manure at all, but a fertilizer that consists mainly of animal urine and, to a small extent, decomposed manure.

How to prepare mullein for plant nutrition

Cow pats are a very concentrated substance. And if you apply it to plants in its pure form, you can simply burn them. Therefore, cow dung is diluted with water to prepare an aqueous solution - mullein. Recipes, how to prepare mullein for plant nutrition, there are a lot. They add… to mullein. Aqueous solution Mullein is used to feed strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants.

The above manual gives the following recipe for preparing mullein:

  1. The first step is to prepare a concentrated infusion of mullein from fresh cow dung and manure.

The container is filled 1/3 with cow feces, the remaining volume of the container is topped up with water. In this form, the solution is left to ferment for 1-2 weeks (another source says that 5-7 days is enough), tightly covered with a lid. But if the feces are rich enough in nitrogen (which greatly depends on the animal’s food), then leaving the solution for fermentation is not necessary. It is difficult for us, ordinary summer residents, to know whether cow patties are rich in nitrogen or not :)))) Therefore, just in case, it is better to let the infusion ferment for at least 5 days.

2. Dilute mullein with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

Before use, fermented mullein is mixed well and diluted with water (proportions are not given in the source, but most often diluted 1:10). This means we take 1 part mullein and dilute it in 10 parts water (usually a 10-liter bucket).

It is best to use the infusion immediately after preparation, so that the substances beneficial to plants are preserved as much as possible.

Feeding with mullein: recipes

Some recipes what can you feed with mullein? :

  • Mullein infusion, diluted in a ratio of 1: 10, is used for cabbage, beets.
  • The first feeding of tomatoes (2 weeks after planting the seedlings) is carried out with mullein infusion with a sprinkle of ash. The second feeding of tomatoes occurs at the time when ovaries with a diameter of 1.5 cm have formed on the second bunch of tomatoes. Add 1 tablespoon of complete mineral fertilizer, 3 g of copper sulfate and potassium permanganate to a 10-liter solution of mullein. Consumption: 1 liter per plant. The third feeding is carried out like the second (when fruit picking begins).
  • Beets are fed with mullein diluted in water 1 to 10. If there is no organic matter, it is replaced with a mineral complex fertilizer.
  • At the beginning of flowering, it is useful to give cucumbers the following fertilizing: for 10 liters of water, 500 ml of mullein and 1 tbsp. nitrophoska. Consumption: 3 liters of solution per 1 m2. Subsequent fertilizing can be carried out in the same amount, increasing the fertilizer consumption to 5 and then to 7 liters.
  • But for onions, a different proportion of dilution of mullein with water is used: 1 to 12, with 30 g of ammonium nitrate added to the solution. Fertilizing will be especially effective if onions are not growing well.
  • Chrysanthemums are fed with mullein during the growth of leaves, shoots, and roots. For feeding, a liquid infusion of mullein is prepared and 500 ml is used to feed 1 plant. Combine organic matter with complex mineral fertilizers.
  • During the period of active flowering, it is useful to feed strawberries with mullein, diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 8, with the addition of 0.5 cups of ash per bucket.
  • Gooseberries respond well to feeding with mullein, diluted 1 to 10 with water. Consumption: 1 bucket per 1 m2.
  • During the growing season of cherries, use an infusion of mullein (immediately after flowering and again after 2 weeks). Take 1 bucket of mullein for 5-6 buckets of water, add 1 - 1.5 kg of ash, infuse for 3-6 days. Consumption: half a bucket of infusion is poured under 1 tree, and then the cherries are immediately watered at the rate of 2-3 buckets per 1 tree.

The advantages of fertilizing with mullein, in addition to its high content of useful substances, is also that fertilizers in liquid form are better absorbed by plants. Feeding with mullein is especially effective in case of nitrogen starvation, which is expressed in poor development and pale green color of leaves. Excess nitrogen, on the contrary, is expressed in the lush growth of greenery. And then feeding with mullein will be unnecessary.

Cattle manure is used as an organic fertilizer for garden and vegetable crops. It is widely used in personal and farm households as a natural remedy that improves the composition of the soil and enriches it with nutrients. Mullein fertilizer made from cow dung is a popular and easy-to-use product.

In reference books, the word “mullein” is understood as a solution of cow feces, and in common parlance mullein is cow dung.

Chemical elements in mullein

The effectiveness of mullein is explained by its chemical composition, which contains many elements necessary in different periods plant growth.

Microelements and their action

The composition of manure varies depending on the diet, sex and age of the animal. For example, the content of the elements given in the table is greater in an adult than in a young animal.

Benefits of using mullein

Mullein has been used for thousands of years, and the need for its use has been proven by time. In addition, there are undeniable advantages over other types of fertilizers:

  • accessible, cheap, universal remedy;
  • participates in the creation of a fertile layer (unlike mineral fertilizers), improves soil structure and aeration;
  • the chemical elements in the composition are necessary for the growth and development of the plant, the formation of fruits, and are absorbed in full;
  • magnesium and potassium reduce soil acidity;
  • promotes the conversion of insoluble mineral compounds into soluble ones;
  • during decay, carbon dioxide is released, which is necessary for the process of photosynthesis;
  • has a prolonged, uniform effect (3-4 years in sandy and sandy loam soils, 7 years in clayey soils).

Types of mullein and uses

There are several types of mullein and each must be used correctly so as not to harm the plant.


Litter manure is livestock excrement, straw and hay used for feed and bedding. Sometimes leaves and sawdust rich in phosphorus and potassium are used for bedding.

Peat with a large amount of nitrogen in its composition is also found in manure. Peat manure decomposes more quickly and is quickly absorbed by the roots, but it is low in magnesium, so it is mainly used in compost mixtures.

Apply to the soil fresh (before the nitrogen evaporates) after harvesting when digging up the site, adding 30-40 kg per 10 m².

It is impossible to use fresh manure before planting, since as it decomposes, it increases the temperature of the soil, which can damage the root system.

Without bedding

This type of manure contains only feces, no impurities. Based on its condition, it can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Fresh manure that has not begun to decompose. Apply diluted 1:20, watering the rows or soil around the plant, but not at the root. You cannot add it fresh to the holes - it will burn the roots, since the concentration of substances is very high. Possible cooking warm beds for cucumbers based on it.
  2. Not completely rotted manure (semi-rotted) has brown and fluid consistency, contains up to 70% nitrogen. It is used for fertilizing fruit trees and shrubs, preparing infusions for watering (liquid mullein).
  3. Rotted manure (humus) can be ground into an odorless black powder. Used in any season - when digging, apply 40 kg per 1 sq.m., directly under the plant - 1 handful. The infusion is prepared from 1 kg of humus and 5 liters of water.


To plant tomato seedlings, use a mixture of garden soil and humus (2:1).


Slurry is animal urine with a small amount of decomposed manure. Application is possible only after the fermentation process.

Mullein and fertilizers for tomatoes

Like everyone else garden crops, tomatoes need feeding. Good results gives an infusion of mullein from fresh manure or slurry. The process lasts several days and, as a result, ammonia nitrogen is converted into a form that is safe for plants, stimulating their growth.

Bubbles are observed on the surface of the infusion, and their number indicates the activity of the fermentation process. The end of the process is indicated by the absence of bubbles.

How to cook:

  • mix manure or slurry (1 part) and water (5 parts), stir;
  • leave for 2 weeks, stirring the contents.

Options for using the infusion

A nitrogen-rich infusion based on mullein is used in initial period growing season of tomatoes and during the formation of ovaries.

The first feeding is done 2 weeks after planting the seedlings, the next feeding is after 20-25 days. The infusion is diluted (1:3) by adding 1 tbsp. superphosphate for every 10 liters of liquid and spend 0.5 liters per medium-sized bush. For tall (indeterminate) varieties, the norm is increased to 1.5 liters.


To prevent infections, you can add 3 g of potassium permanganate to the solution.

During the formation of the ovaries, they are fed with the following composition: mullein (1 l), superphosphate (2 tbsp.), copper sulfate(1/3 tsp), water (10 l).

Watering is carried out in grooves made around the trunk at a distance of 15-20 cm. You cannot water at the root - you can damage the root system.

Along with beneficial properties mullein can significantly harm tomatoes if it is used uncontrolled and without taking into account the needs of the crop.

What not to do:

  • failure to comply with the norms for adding organic matter - this leads to its excess in the soil and gives impetus to the development of diseases, disturbances in the development and formation of fruits;
  • putting fresh manure in the holes - you can burn the roots;
  • feed with mullein more than 3 times per season;
  • feed only mullein - organic matter should be combined with mineral supplements;
  • water with mullein without additional watering.

Mullein infusions are applied only to well-watered soil or, which is also acceptable, first fertilize it, and then, after 15-20 minutes, water it well.

Effective infusion for tomatoes

There are many recipes for using mullein in infusions and, for sure, everyone is trying to find the most effective remedy. Experienced gardeners successfully use mullein infusion with enhanced action:

  • not completely rotted manure (not fresh) – 1 bucket;
  • dry bird droppings – 1 kg;
  • yeast – 100g;
  • old jam (molasses, honey) – 3l;
  • water - 5-6 buckets.

The infusion is prepared, with stirring, for a week. Tomatoes need to be watered with it when flowering and the formation of ovaries - add 0.5 liters to a bucket of water. The application of mullein must be combined with watering.

After completely using the infusion, add manure (half a bucket) to the mixture again, infuse and use. You can add chopped nettles 1 bucket at a time. To prevent the smell from disturbing, the barrel is covered with film and tied with an elastic band. The infusion is suitable for watering all vegetable and berry crops.

Tomatoes will be grateful for mullein-based fertilizers and will delight you with a decent harvest.